THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; THURSDAY, MAY 28. 1909. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA . asaw' ay w atw - -s- w " - w si COUNCIL Office 15 Scott Street. MINOR MEMTIO. Ed Re;rs. Tony Faust beer. Lewlg Cutler, funeral director. 'Fhona 97. Woodrln Undertaking company. Tel. 39. Bluff City Masnnlr. lodge will meet to night for work in th First degree. HKRMAN BROS.. FLORISTS. 10 PEARL ET. Phones: Ind.. ti'J4 Black; Bell, 523. Hl'NTER aella 12V,c percales at 1"C. 15c ginghams at l.'Hc; c outings at 47fco. The largest etork of wall paper In south western low, li. Borwick. U B. Main. We know We have the Vt flour. Eaco la the name, kartell ft Miller. 'Phone 36. IT PATB TO PEE HOSPE BEFORE 33UVINO A PIANO. 2 PEARL. STREET. CLEARING SALE OF OFFICE FURNI-Tl-RK AT PETERSEN ft 8CHOENINQ CO BTART-tA SAVINGS BANK OF YOl'R OWN. HVNTFR HA? THEM. (1 BAJ-'ES AT S C ENTS. A. J Stjart of Walnut, brought In the relts of two-wolf cuha to County Auditor Cheyne yesterday and received a warrant lor the $4 bounty. No tank for ua to figure your bill for your house. All we ask for In return la your business If we are low bidder. C. Wafer Lumber Csmpany. Rev. W. L- Holly, pastor of the Epworth Methodist church, will go to Lacona, Ia., today to preach tha baccalaurate sermon lo the high achaal graduating class of that town. Rev. and Mr J. 8. . Jelllson, singing evangelists, are conducting a serlea of meetings at the Union City mission and will remain In the city! until next Moni day night. ( Kev. Henry DeLong performed the mar rlge ceremony yesterday for Levi Bon f ,f HI and Arlivla Dunning, both of Omaha, and Frank Baxter of Lincoln and Mabel J-eyton of Omaha. , Mrs. George M. Gould of North Second s:icet is in Rochester, Minn., where she accompanied her mother, Mrs. Sarah C. ward of Norfolk, Neb., who underwent an mi.., utli.n Vtnnrfov t rtf .erinii. frnuhla itf ... w ...... " " ....... WWWWIU v. . Iuiik Btandlr. I 'Announcement Is made by Superintendent H. Vv Ruthert that tl commencement ex- icUea of the Iowa fckjhool for the Deaf win be ne.u at the n, ...iinl'in on Friday afternoon, June S. The program has not ct been made public. The funeral of the late Reuben W. Carl J be held Thursday afternoon at i oiiocK iroin tne lainiiy residence, io mull aliift, and burial will be 'In Walnut Hill Rev. F. A. Case, paator of the ust laptiat church, will conduct the services. The Woman's Relief Corps will meet Thursday afternoon in the Dodge Light Uuuiil armory t omake wreathe tor decor uiing the graves on Memorial day; All Women wishing to anslsl in the work are Loicilally Invited to meet with the members of the corps. All donations of flowers will be giHdly received' or called for by notify ing any of the members of tha corps. 'Ihe C. B. Nash company and Guy C. Barton filed a petition in district court venter day asking for the vacation of ail tilat portion of Charlton addition west of '1 weniy-flrst street and north of Avenue L. 'i ho lots, it Is stated, have been used l;ir agricultural purposes only and the illy has not opened the streets and alleys to tiaval except North . Twenty-tourih street. Between twenty-five and thirty members of the Council Bluffs Retail Grocers' and Butchera' association left at 10 o'clock yesterday morning In a apeclal car over the Burlington for Ottumwa to attend the an nual convention of the state association and to boost for John T. Mulqueen of thiH city for president, of- the slate organization. '1 he party will occupy the special car, while In Ottumwa. Contractor Wlckham began work' of pav ing the roadway over the new concrete bridge at Frank street yesterday. At present only the pavement for vehicle traffic will be laid. Paving block on con crete base ia belr-g used. Cement will be used for the sidewalks, but they will not be laid until the railing has been replaced by the N. M. Stark company, contractors for the bridge. A meeting of the committee in charge of the proposed National Horticultural con gress to be neld In Council mints in U.ecember . bus been called for Thursday evening In the rooms of the Commercial club. The meeting is for the purpose of discussing and planning the financing of the proposed congress. President J. P. Hess of the organization haa so far aecured $112 by, means of 1 contributions. James Jacoby, an expressman. Ole Chrls- tonsen, a porter, and Pete Olson, a bar-1 tender In a ooutn Main street saloon, ar rested last Saturday on the charge of being drunk and disturbing the peace by fight ing, were fined $3 and costs each in police court yesterday. Jacoby, who claimed to be the aggrieved party and alleged he had been' short changed by Chrtatensen, gave notice of appeal. His appeal bond was fixed at tW. The receipts In the general fund of the Christian Home last week were J181.46, be ing 115.65 above the current needa of the week, and decreasing the deficiency In this fund to data to 2,lul.8S. The amount needed In the Improvement and contingent fund for 1I8 Is $17,000. The receipts In the manager's fund were $17.27, being $17.73 be low the needa of the week, and Increasing the deficiency In this fund to $935.61 to 1ule. Shrjnera Go to Dea Moines. A party of Council Bluffa member of the Masonic fraternity will go to ' Des Moines today to attend a ceremonial ses sion of Za-GaZIg temple of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Ten of the party go for the purpose of being Initiated Into the order. They are R. H. Williams. A. W. Tyler, EJ. L. Wilbur, .A. W. Quackenbosa, Joe Bone, L. H. Cutler, L. C. Squire, J. G. Wadsworth, E. E. Smith and W. E. lie Connell. Those already belonging to the Shrlnera who will be In the party are R. C. Peregoy. G. L. McAlplne, W. 8. Balrd, E. C. Stiles, A. E. Ramsdell, J. C. Mitchell ind F. J. Thompson. The party, which will make tha trip In a private car, will leave thia morning at T:25 over tha Rock Island. The party will return to Council Bluffs Thursday morn ing. Half Holiday for Barbers. It will be possible for the patrons of barber shops to get shaved on Memorial . day. An arrangement has been reached between the bosses and tha Journeymen barbers whereby that shops will be kept open Saturday until U a. m. . The agree ment between the Boca Barbers' associa tion and tha Journeymen Barbers' union provides the shops shall be closed on all holidays. The boases endeavored to have the shops kept open on Memorial day aa it falls on Saturday, tha bualest day of the week, but the journeymen would not a trie to this, so finally a ' compromise waa reached whereby the ' shops will be open until 11 a. ra; , The fame rule will apply to, the Fourth' of July, which also falls oa Saturday, Ajsk'Him No We PRIMARY JUNE 2, 1908 Jttn U . u Republican Candidate BLUFFS Both 'Phones 43. CUMMINS ON TOE WARPATH Throw Away Padded Olovei When He Goes After Opponents. D0LLIVEB ONE OF HIS TARGETS In 1'rtvate Conversation States Ha Take a Hand When Dolllver Cornea l"p for Re-Election, Four Yeara Hence. For his visit to Council Bluffs Governor Albert B. Cummins, who was greeted last night by an audience which filled th New theater, had evidently doffed his habili ment of peace and donned hia fighting clothes. Although suffering from a sever cold and plainly showing the effect of the strenuous campaign which he ha waged In hi candidacy for United States senator, the chief executive of the state irucceeded In keeping the close attention of hi large audience, which apparently was In com plete accord with him, while he meroileealy flayed, with that power and gift of epeech for which he la noted, thoae opposing hi ambition to represent the commonwealth of Iowa In the enate of the United State as successor to William 9- Allison. The manner In which h had been de nounced by Senator J. P. DolHver at Dav enport Monday had aroused Governor Cummin and when he arrived In Council Bluffs yesterday morning from Cedar Rapids, where he spoke Monday night, he determined to take advantage of the op portunity presented by the meeting at the opera house last night to pay back to his opponents something of the same kind. And the governor did ao, and. without gloves. D. C. Chase Speaks. Governor Cummins was acconjpanled . to Council Bluffs by D. C. Chase of Webster City, who waa one of the speakers. On arriving at the Grand tibtel the party was met by R. B. Wallace, president of the Taft-Cummlns Pro gressive Republican club of Pottawat tamie county, and other leading supporter of the governor. DurUig the greater part of the day Governor Curnmina waa In con ference with the leadera of the progressive wing of the republican party, the con ference being held In the office of Attorney G. H Scott, candidate for the republican nomination for state senator In opposition to Colonel C. G. Saunders. An Incident occurred while Governor Cummins was talking with a number of friends In the rotunda of the hotel . after he had eaten breakfast, that-showed the state of mind the governor was In. One of the party happened to mention Senator Doiliver's name. "I said that this was my last campaign," said tha governor, while his face, which had before been wreathed with a smile, assumed : a changed and hardened expression, "but I have changed my mind. I'm going to be In one more, and that la when Dolliver cornea up for re election In four years. I feel very good yet, and I believe there is ' at "least one more good fight In me after this one and I think I will enjoy It, too." - Governor la Warm. Opening, Governor Cummins proceeded at once to refer to the list of question which- had been prepared by George - S. Wright of this city' for him1 to answer. "I ought , to appear before a . Council Bluffa audience with fear and trembling." aid the governor, "but I da not find my knees shaking and my pulse 1 beating regularly." After referring to the absence from the audience of Mr. Wright, the governor said he had no Intention of answering all the questions. He said he would answer the first question which he read and which was "When you aald Senator Dolliver. waa not telling the truth about the Torbett letter and offered $1,000 if he could pro duce such a letter, had you forgotten writing It or did you think It had. been lost?" "I will answer, thia question," said the governor, as he raised hia voice so that every word ahould be heard dis tinctly throughout the entire auditorium. "I did not forget the letter I had written to Mr. Torbett, but I had forgotten that there was a person bo vile and ao ma licious In the whole world as to put the construction placed upon It by the sup porter of Senator Allison. There was not a vestige of a pledge or promise ia respect to the campaign we are now en gaged in." The governor then proceeded to pay hia respects to the local newspaper and Its publisher In no uncertain words. He paid an eloquent tribute to Prealdent Rooae velt. Saying that' he believed In the majority rule, Governor Cummin declared: "If my opponent receives one more vote than I receive in the primary next Tuesday, he shall thereafter have all the support and strength 'that I can give htm In aecurlng the unanimous vote of the next general assembly. If, on the other hand and I tell you with all confidence it will be on the other hand I receive a majority of the vote I Bhall ask th pledge of every member and prospective member of the assembly that he will carry out the w lanes of th majority aa expressed by the peo ple of this great commonwealth at th primary." Marrlaao Ltcenae. Llcenaea to wed were laaued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. Levi Broonfield, Omaha 3 J Arlivla Dunning, Omaha 25 Frank Baxter, Lincoln, Neb S2 Mabel Peyton, Omaha .....22 Hubert E. Chambers. Malvern, Ia 25 Corrlnne C. Bartel, Silver City, la 23 Weiteadert Commend Schoedsack. " The West Council Bluffs Improvement club has adopted tho following resolution extolling the work of School Director G. A. Schoedsack in beautifying th grounds of the public schools In Council Bluffs: Resolved. That we take pride In calling public attention to the admirable work of Lips vhlt? Cheeks pale? Blood thin? Consult your doctor. Bid skin ? Weak nerves ? Losing flesh ? Consult your doctor. appetite? Poor digestion? Discouraged? have BO Hmta I We nub list J.O. Aver Co., Lowslf, MaM. tho formula of ail rue pwditiofit. for County Auditor the Went End member of the ' School Board, O. A. Bchoedsark, In beautifying the grounds of our publir schools, a n tom now becoming universal In our own and other counties and of which Mr. Schoedsack has the distinguished honor of being the originator. LITERARY SOCIETIES BA.XftCET Number of Alomnl of Hlara School Gneata of the Oecaaloa. The Delta Tau and Phllomathian Lit erary societies of th high school will hold their third annual banquet Friday even ing In the gymnasium of the high school building. Several member of th,e Alumni association of the high achooj will be guest of the societies and an evening of rare enjoyment 1 anticipated. Miss Ada Pagenstecher will preside as toaatmaster and the toast list will be as follow: , "Our Friends." Charle McConnell. "Our Past Critics," Lydla Lacey. "The Importance of Literary Work," James Fonda. "There Are No Alps," Margurlte Graham. "The Past Year,'' Louis Cook. "Almost," Lucy Spooner. "Do or Die," Floyd Hendricks. "Whafa Defeat? We Fight to Win," Kathryn Morehouse. "Boost," Theodore Rice. "Those Who Leave," Rachel Maynard. "The Winner," Arch Hutchinson. "The Delta Taus." Edna Orcutt. "Tbe Phllos," Irwin Snyder. "The Prophecy," Edith Dlller. At the annual meeting of the Council Bluffa High School Athletic association Plato Redfern, the champion distance run ner, was elected track captain. The other officer elected were: President, Theodore Rice; vice president. Mat Scanlan; secre tary, Ada Pagenstecher; busineas manager, Clay Thomas; aergeant-at-arma, Joe Gra on. The Phllomathian society elected th fol lowing officers: President, Will Snyder; vice president, Louis Cook; secretary, Arch Hutchinson: treasurer, George Mayne; ser-sergeant-at-arms, Floyd Hendricks. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night. LCM. Son Mar Beat Father. MARSHALLTOWN, Ia., May 27. (Spe cial.) Herbert H. Hlnes, aged 18 years, a member of the local high school, and in experienced In public speaking has "made good" In his first attempt from the pul pit to such an extent that he haa been chosen supply pastor for the McCallsbury Presbyterian church. Rev. Carl Mordanus Is the .regular pastor of the church. Recently he , left for Europe to be gone three months, and young Hlnes' father, Rev. P. H. Hlnes, of this city, was chosen to supply the pulpit. When the first Sun day came he was sick and he sent hi son In his place. The young boy so pleased the audience that the church contracted with him to remain during the rest of Rev. Mordanua' vacation. In the mean time he is going to school, and perparlng hi sermon at odd moments. Navigation Con areas Connell. SIOUX CITY, Ia.. May 27.-(Speclal.)-Becretary George C. Call of the Missouri River Navigation congress ha called a peclal meeting of the executive council of that body to be held In Sioux' City, June 10. Representative from the seven state bordering on the Missouri river will be present. The principal business will be the selection of a date for the annual waterway contention, which will be held at Yankton, S. D. It la probable that several members of the river and harbor committee of the national congress headed by Chairman Theodore Burton will make a personal Inspection ot the Missouri river during the summer. . Cranarr Near Lamoille, Ia. MARSHALLTOWN, la., May 27.-(Spe-cial Telegram.) The barn, with all Its con tentsand the outbuildings on the farm of Eli Wilson, near Lamoille, was struck by lightning and totally destroyed by fire last night. The barn contained a quantity of grain. Loss, $3,000; partly Insured. Mate Killed by Train. MARSHALLTOWN, Ia., May 27. (Special Telegram.) Aleck Tow, 67 yeara of age, waa struck and Instantly killed by a Mil waukee passenger train near Dunbar last night. Tow was a mute. Iowa News Notes. SHENANDOAH The farmer of this vicinity are behind with their work owing to the heavy ralna that have fallen the last week and all the streams are bank full. The low lands are flooded and the ground Is thoroughly soaked. NEWTON Repeated arrest have been made here over the effort to enforce the Sunday closing lawa. The matter will be taken to the aupreme court as a test case for a law that has been on the statute books for forty-eight years, but has never been enforsced. MARSHALLTOWN A deed, filed today transfers from T. J. Fletche, trustee of the Marshalltown Pottery Company to the Plymouth Stone Ware Company, the plant of the former concern, twenty-four lots which form the factory alte and clay de posit of twelve acres In Hardin county. The purchase price waa $irx,oiiu. HAMPTON J. R. Collins, aged SO, who eloped with Sarah Huntbatch, aged 15, has been brought here from Ottumwa, where he was arrested. The couple were married at Lancaater, Mo., and for thia reason It waa thought there would be no prosecu tion. The girl's father, however, says he will prosecute the case. Collins haa been held under $1,000 bonds. MARSHALLTOWN C. H. Hicks, a young farmer living i car this city, has broken all previous reccrd for corn plant- irg, aa tar as ia known here. He planted thirty-three acre with corn In fourteen hour, one duy' work. He accomplished the task i-nalded, except that freh horeea were brought to the field by his hired man. H worked two teams, changing them every three hour. SHENANDOAH Memorial day will be observed In a most fitting way. rounds have been raised to cover all expenses. The exercises of the day will be held in Forest Park with Judge Scott of Council Bluffs aa chief orator of the day. After the speaking, a parade will be formed at the park headed bv the band and Co. E, 651 h Regiment, I. N. G. aa escort. CRESTON Two Afton young men. Ross Henderson and Earl Coltrane, are charged with the crime of drugging Minnie Peter sen, a lS-year-old girl of that town, and outraging her. The crime came to light yesterday, when the young girl In question regained consciousness and told her story charging them with giving her drugged candy. Warrants have been Issued for the arrest of the boys, but they have left for parts unknown. The town of Afton la at white heat over the affir. MARSHALLTOWN Within an hour af ter being released from Jail after serving a short sentence, Arthur T. Wegle, of St. Louis, was rearrested on a charge of ob taining money bv false pretense. Wegle gave to Mrs. Martha Castle, who filed the complaint, a customer'a draft on tho St. I.OU1 I'plon Trust Company .for $100, which proved to be worthless, wegle wa looked up a few day sko for being drunk. When arraigned thia afternoon, he waived examination and wa held to th grand Jury. SIOITC ClTY-Whlle grateful for the friendship actuating the member of hi party throughout the Eleventh district In pressing his candidacy for the democratic congressional nomination, Mayor W. G. Sear haa announced that he cannot In Justice to himself accept a place on the tiik,.t. lt . ria fttfiu. uwifis lt a prefca of private business as well as that of the city he would not be able to make the fight for election which he thinks would be encumbent on the man who ahould be named for the place. CRESTON Last night marked the close of the Blederwolf meetings held the last month. A magnificent audience was In attendance to listen to the farewell words of the evangelist. The weather ha been most unfavorable for a tent meeting the entire month, yet despite the fact Dr. Blederwolf asaerted It had been one of the most successful campalgna he had ever hem. rive hundred converta are reported. A free will offering ot nearly Sl.ft'O was given the evangelist. Tha current expenses of the meeting, aside from the free will offering amounted to a little $l.a. The evangelist and hia party left on No. LI last night for their home ia th saa RAILROADERS IN EVIDENCE Four Thousand Old Timers Attend Reunion at Des Moines. FIRST ACT TO AID A BROTHER Effort to ernre Release ot David Randleman, who la Now in Mex ican Jail on Chine ot Cane Ins a Wreck. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. May 27.-(Speclal More than 6.000 old time railroad men who were In the service twenty year ago In Iowa are in Des Molnea today for a re union. One of the first things they arranged to do waa to take some action to assist in getting David Randleman out of a Mexi can Jail, where he la held without chance for trial on a charge of causing a wreck. Randleman was an old time railroad man In Iowa and Is remembered here by many. More than 6.000 badges were taken out by the Iowa Railroad club, which la host for the gathering of railroad men. Efforts were made to keep the employe of the various roads assigned to different hotel. Burlington, Illinois Central and Dei Moines, Iowa Falls, & Northern employe are all quartered at the Klrkwood; Great Western and Northwestern employe at the 8a very; Milwaukee and Des Moines Union men are at the Chamberlain; Rock Island, Minneapolis & St. Louis and Iowa Central are at the Elliott. At these hotels the re unions of the employe of these varlou line were held this forenoon. Tomorrow there will be a dinner and program. Including a parade of the Second United States cavalry at the fair ground In honor of the guests. Old People on Lone Journey. Abner Hammond, aged 78, and hi wife, Mary, aged 67, walked 200 miles from Sher man, Tex., to Leavenworth, Kan. There, with their feet lacerated and sore from walking the railroad ties, they gave out and charitable people provided them tickets to Des Moines. They reached Des Moines today. They are on their way to Pewaukee, Wis., where they claim relative will assist them. Precaution Against Rain. Reson Jones, secretary of the state col legiate games committee, today secured a large tent which has been placed over that part of the Drake stadium that will be used for the broad Jump, pole vault, high Jump and the like at the state col lege field meet Friday. This Is for the purpose of keeping the ground dry for the meet. In Fear of More Rain. The weekly crop bulletin of the weather department Issued today, says, under the most favorable conditions corn planting In the low lands can not be completed until June 1. Where corn has been planted It has made good progress, and the high tem perature has caused it to grow, well, but haa also caused weeda to grow Veil, and further rains are likely to keep farmers from cultivating. Farther Rains Only Danger. On further heavy ralna depends the only serious danger of floods from the Dea Moines river in this city. Several families In the low bottom lands near the Agar packing plant moved out today. The land on which their honies standi I lower than the banka of tha river and the danger Is thus Increased. " The . weather 4jartment atated today that a considerable, amount of damage to crops had resulted from the heavy rains over the state, but the full amount Is not yet known. Mlsa Walker Get Contract. Miss Nellie V. Walker of Moulton, Ia., will get the contract to make the Harlan ataue, which will be placed In Btatuary hall In Washington. The legislature appro 1 prlated $5,000 for the work, and the execu tive council asked Miss Walker and Sherry Fry of Creston, two young sculptora of thia state to compete. Because of a scholarship that took him to Rome, Mr. Fry had to withdraw. Mis Walker was In Dea Molne yesterday and today arranging further de tails of the work. She haa already com menced the work and member of the executive council aaw the work In Chicago and have approved of It thua far. She ex pects to have It completed by the first of next year. Andrewa Speaks at Marahalltown. MARSHALLTOWN, Ia., May 27. (Spe cial.) The largest class In the history of the Marshalltown High school will be graduated on June 12. Its membership totals forty-eight. Dr. E. Benjamin An drews, chancellor of the University of Ne braska, will deliver the address at the commencement. The baccalaureate sermon will be delivered on the evening of June 7, by Rev. M. N. Smith. The annual class play and the Junior reception will be given during graduation week. Vpholsterlngr. George W. Klein, 19 South Main rtreet. Both 'phone. Have it done right. CLINTON'S B0DYT0 KINGSTON Flrat Governor of New York to Rest Permanently Near Scene ot Hia Activities. WASHINGTON. May r. After resting fori four years less than a century in the congressional cemetery In this city, the body of George Clinton, once major general In the revolutionary army, first governor of New York, and a former vice president of the United States, waa today removed to New York City on Ita way to Kingston, N. Y., for final interment. Not alnce the death of President Mc Klnley haa a funeral been marked with such elaborate military honors. The casket was escorted from the cemetery to the Union station by military, patriotic, civic and commercial organizations, representa tives of the state of New 'York, and de scendants of Governor Clinton. For the first time In military funerals, at the request of the War department, women participated In the ceremonies Incident to the disinterment. General J. Franklin Bell, chief of atatf, U. S. A., waa chief marshal of the procession and the esaort lncludid a representative of the president of the United State and the commissioner of the District of Columbia. The reinterment will take place In Kings ton on May 30 near the spot where Clinton took the oath of office as governor of New York In 1777. Rev. Roswell R. Hoes, chap lain. U. S. N., a former resident of Kings ton, originated the Idea of removing the body of Governor Clinton to Kingston, be lie tin lliat It khuultl liul permanently rest away from the scene of th patriot' ac tivities. SEVENTEEN SAILORS DROWNED Boston Flan Ins Schooner Fame Sank by Dominion Llae Steamer Boston. YARMOl'TH. N. 8., May J7.-The Boston fishing schooner Fame., commanded by Cap tain Thomaa Fay, waa run down and sunk on Chaspes bank laat night by th Domin ion Atlantlo lln steamer Boston, and seventeen of the schooner's etw cat nine teen men were lost. aaa a a 1 V T very ,u) m i . a - i ' - - "w. ar t .. . x -a"- . . -. . r - t- w ' rr n a M3 IT CLEANSES THE SYSTEM GENTLY YET PROMPTLY" ACTS "NATURALLY AND BENEFICIALLY OK THE KIDNEYS. LIVER AND BOWELS I ASSISTS IN OVERCOMING CONSTIPATION. PERMANENTLY : DISPELS COLDS AND HEADACHES! A REMEDY APPROVED RY PHYSICIANS RFCATISF! j OF KNOWN COMPONENT PARTS AND KNOWN BENEFICIAL I EFFECTS. j FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS i ONESIZE ON LY, R EG U L AR PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE DRAFT NEW CURRENCY BILL Conference Committee Affrees Upon Tentative Emergency Measure. WILL BE REPORTED TODAY Proapeet that Home Will Pass It at Once, bnt Senate May Delay It for Day or Tvro It Provisions. WASHINGTON, May 27. The senate and house conferees on the currency bills held three meetinga yesterday and at the third, which did not adjourn until 6:30 o'clock, reached a tentative agreement on which will be baaed the compromise agreement which the republican members of the con ference hope to reach at an adjourned meeting tomorrow forenoon. At the ' con clusion of the final meeting this afternoon the probability of the reporting of a com promise bill to the two houses of con gress waa much stronger than at any pre vious time this session. Indeed, it was con sidered a certainty. The following are the main points of the understanding that haa been reached: The reserve provisions in the VreeJand bill, calling for a retention of 26 per cent In central reserve cities, and 15 per cent in other reserve cities, is raduced to a straight 10 per cent reserve whhout refer ence to classification of cities. A higher rating is given to state and municipal bonda than to other securities upon which an emergency currency may be taken out by banks. That is to say, county, atate and municipal bonds will be valued at not to exceed 90 per cent of their market, value, and all other bonds at not to exceed 70 per cent of their market value, both without regard to whether they are offered as security for additional circu lation under the national clearing house plan or under the Individual bank, bond security plan. The amount of circulation Issuable on a commercial paper basis is limited to 40 per cent of the capital of the applicant bank Instead of 100 per cent as provided in the Vreeland bill. , . - The redemption fund requirement of 6 ner cent under the preaeni ia is increased to 10 per cent for all emergency currency taken out. The total amount of emergency currency issuable is confined within a maximum of JduO.uuO.OOO aa provided by the Aldrich bill. A time limit of three yeara ia placed upon the life of the bill. Bill Will Be Reported. In, thia preliminary and purely tentative welding of the Aldrich and Vreeland bills Into a modified measure, comprising the principal feature of each and making It possible to obtain an emergency currency under two distinct and radically different form of application and security, several of the minor details of flrjanclal machinery are not yet fully settled. They will be taken up for consideration and disposition when it has become a settled fact that a bill Is to be reported by the conference. Meantime, the working draft of the com promise bill, as outlined in the foregoing paragraphs, will be printed tonight at the government printing office, so that the re publican conferences may have the text before them when they meet at 9:30 tomor row morning to decide upon the attitude they will take and maintain in the full conference, to be held immediately after ward, and in which the democratic membera of the conference will, for the first time, participate. If a bill is reported out of the conference tomorrow It will be passed by the house tomorrow. Notices were sent out tonight by order of Speaker Cannon, for every re publican member to be In hie seat at 11 o'clock, when It la expected the compromise bill will be reported. Intimates of Speaker Cannon asserted to day that In the event that a bill along the lines of the proposed compromise 1 brought In, It could be passed by the house after an hours' debate. This remark Is Interpreted to mean that the republican majority of the house la prepared to accept whatever the conference may recommend, but It Is not believed that the democrats of the house will be denied the privilege of some ex pression of their views. Senate May Delay Measure. The conditions are so different in the senate that another situation may be en countered there. Still, today's develop ments have been such as to Justify the statement that these bills will not be held up In the senate for ao long a time as seemed probable when the compromUa first began to receive attention Then the fear was that the measure might be talked to death. Strenuous representation aa to the possi ble effect on business of a failure by con gress to enact financial legislation before adjournment haa had th effect of caus ing several democratic senators to agree not to discuss the bill st length In case It la reported. Republican senators have ben scllv In spreading thl propaganda ALWMS BUY THE GENUINE, and they have not been without Influence. Those who have been won over will con lent themselves with casting their votes against the measure. Other would, how ever, insist on discussing the bill and ex plaining their objections at length. There are probably half a dozen of this class, and It Is Impossible to estimate how much time they would consume. They asert, however, that, seriously opposed to the provision of the Vreeland bill as they are, they would still not enter upon any proceeding that might be characterized as a filibuster and Say that, after express ing their views and forcing an explanation from the supporter of the bill, they would let It go to a vote. The time neceasary for this proceeding none will undertake to say, and estimates range all the way from one day to ' one month. It seems probable now that from a week to two weeks would be required in the senate. The democratic senators who opposed the comprise realize that they would be seriously handicapped In any effort at such tactics as would postpone for any great length of time the vote on the bill by the absence of a large per centage of their members. So many dem ocratic senators have recently left for their homes that they realize they would not be able to make an effectual fili buster if inclined to engage in one. There were, Indeed only fourteen democratic senators in the city today, and it waa stated that while the absentees had been requested by telegraph to return it was doubtful whether they would obey the summons, as most of them had gone away intending to remain. A number of re publican senators are also out of the city, and it 1b apparent that there there will be great difficulty in maintaining a quorum in the senate if the final disposi tion of the bill be long postponed. It ia estimated that congress could ad journ 'four hours after the adoption by the senate and the house of a compro This is the Way tor Keep Well without Cascarets Live outdoors, and let your work bo exercise. Else walk ten miles a day. Eat little meat, no white bread, no rich pastries. Eat many green vege tables, plenty of fruit, and bread made of whole wheat. Do that, and you'll have little need of a laxative while you keep young. But when yo grow old, and the bowels, become less active, you will need this help anyway. . Cascarets are (or those who live Indoors, who eat rich foods, who eat and drink too much. This vegetable laxative does for them exactly what proper living would do. it causes no irritation, as pill cathartics, salts and castor oil do. Its action is 3jSjjipEii j MADE FOR TH(T7,ii til1" Tbouaanda comfort ia wearing LOOSE FITTING B. V. D. BEST RETAIL TRADE IJjCOAT CUT UNDERSHIRTS 11 KNEE LENGTH DRAWERS SOc. 75c., S1.00 ana f 1.50 A GARMENT. You, too, yrill find comfort in them. No pulling of a penpira tion soaked under garment over your head; no duagreeable double thickness at the ankle to bind or irritate, and cut oil the air from the limb; no glove fitting covering foi th knee joint to interfere with muscular activity. Look for the B. V. D. Red Woven Label. It is your guarantee of a correctly cut, well made, perfect fitting under garment. Don't take a substitute. ERLANGER BROTHERS. CHURCH ane WORTH STS. NEW YORK. Makan of B. V . D. Uoioa Suita, (Pal. B. V. D. 5aeptns uiU i II , M HM M M HI II M M rvu ! I 2kC''milll 11,111 mill 111 lllilillliii.lililnliiiuiiiniiH.iiiiii.iiu,miiii,,1,1,jiiM,i.iii", WE CURE MEN Will car you for ua kccipi um money n mny wj you who to l7 Xarvoua Dability. Blood aclson. and Bladder Disaaae. Btomaca, mailt of fa. We make no titter you cheap, and consultation. horn treatment. DR. McGREW i i mise agreement between the currency con ferees , B'NAI B'RITH ELECTS OFFICERS Norton It. Goldsmith of Cincinnati 1 Chosen President of Grand Lodge So. 2. , ST. JOSEPH, Mo., May 27.-The fifty, sixth annual meeting of district Grand lodge No. 2, B'Nal B'Rith, closed here thlr afternoon with election of officers as foI lows: Norton La Goldsmith, Cincinnati, presK dent; Kmll Mayer, St. Louis, first vlc president; Ralph Bamberger, Indianapolis, second vice president; Victor Abraham Cincinnati, secretary: Abe Block, Clncln. natt, treasurer; Sol Straus, Dayton,, set geant-at-arms. The lodge indorsed a movement to erect a memorial In Washington to John Hay, which shall stand as a perpetual witness of the love and affection- tft the' Jews for the man who stood before the world as tha champion of religious liberty and humanity. Dayton, O., was named aa the 1909 meet ing place. Caught In tbe Act and arrested by Dr. King's New Life Pills, bilious headache quits and liver and bowels act right. 26c. For sale by Beaton Druaj Co. Another big consignment of Chl-Namer Just received. We can fill your orders now complete. Chl-Namel won't mar. P. C. DeVol Hardware Co, North Carolina Goes Dry RELEIGH. N. C. May 27.-The ' ma Jorlty for prohibition In North Carolina Is placed at 40,000 and it possibly may reach ,60.000. This is on fiKures and' esti mate' furnished the News and Observer and the state prohibition headquarter. just as natural just as gentle a the action of laxative foods. So choose your pwn way. Give Nature the aid of proper food and exercise, else the help of Cascarets. One way serves as well as tlx other. But ' some way is essential. For one can not keep well unless the bowels mov freely ouce every day. i L Cascarets are candy tablets. Tbey are seM by ail drufrftt. but oevar In balk. Be sure to get tho geaiuoe. with CCC oa every tablet. i na ooz is maraea use tins: The vst-pecket bos Is 10 cents. The month-treatment box .Vicenta. 12.000,000 base sold annually. of ma a have found 4-30-07). and Ollllh , , in,.)...... MIITM mi I,. PAY OUR PES WHEN CURED I CSS MONET than tny otU apoiaUat ilkin Disaaaaa. Kldaa all pacl Otsaa a&4 All f 1 'WMtWTW'fJIafcSPIIaWT fi ? r ) a . I ill "!1"tt,,.S I IT I l'"!' I Established in Omaha 25 Years. misleading or false statement or worthless treatment, kmnilnatlon Free Writ for aymptom blaua lot CO., 215 S. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb 1 m 1 ' -1 (