HftTy Sport of Tneidiy Putt Damper
on the Speculator.
Waeat Ope-as I'asteady, hat Fleas aa
Better Caah Dra awd Cloo
ls Velars Are trag
' Raag of Prices.
OMAHA, May r. I!,
The sper-uletive market VII some quieter
today after the heavy spurt yesterday and
values wlill tt-y were well sustained be
came some easier on a lark of support.
Opinions diifer widely on th amount of
rral crop dims?, while expert advices ara
very favorable for the coming harveat.
V hat opened unsteady, hut firmed on
a better cash demand and closing Taluet
were strong.
Cehie were disappointing, but the ahort
interest covered readily on all bulrea and
offnet any reaction. May wheat opened at
i,c and close-d P6c.
Corn waa extremely dnll, with no featur
or support after the rally at yesterday
rin.e. The caah market waa not active and
values were the, aareo aa yesterday. Price
rallied strongly near tha close, with th
market nervous May corn opened at 66c
and clos-d at Sc.
Primary wheat receipt were 412,000 bush
ela and shipments IT?.") bushels, against
teeipta last year of . buahela and
shipments of X'.ia buahela.
Corn reoe'ptr were swt.ooo buahela and
shipments 96.1. 000 bushels, aaralnat receipts
last year of 7o,0t buahela and ahlpmenta of
641 'Xi buahela.
Clearanoee were lJ,") buahela of corn,
12 buahela of ewts. and wheat and flour
ejusl to 4.'i buahela
Liverpool closed 1'5'Nd higher on wheat
and unchanged on corn.
Peahoerd reported no buslneaa.
Local range of options:
Art lcles. Open, t High. I Low. ! Close.! Tes'y.
Wheat- I I I t
Mav... SSi,1 asi fcsi, r.J (
Julv... MV Mi Mal M--4
Sept... Wi, fcol Krtil gtiv.
Corn I
May... f 7" J CT fifi
July... S W H S
Sept.. 61 T. 63 (St I f
Oat a I i
Mty... 4, 19 4M, 4M
Omaha Caah Prlees.
' WHEAT No. 1 hard. KV5"71V: No. S
bard. irt4$9rc; No. 4 hard. iSfriic; No. a
spring. HO'aWc.
CORN No. 2. 64r: No. 8. 85l8ifi,c: No.
4. tJ4tfi564c; No. 2 yellow. ewc; No. t yel
low, Ofrfc:; No. 2 white, 68Hc; No. X
OATS No. I mlifd. BHfieic; No. 1 white,
GlVfcc. No. 4 white, oOjMc
, KE No. J, 74.76c; No. I. 71S73c.
Carlot Aocctpta.
Wheat. Corn. Oati.
Cl.lc.ago- - 26 , m y
Minneapolis 121
omalia 21 71 17
Lrluth -. 6J
Keatarea of tha Traalaa; aa4 Cloalaa;
Prlera cn Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. May V. The grain markets on
tha local exchange were Irregular today, the
May deliventa being atrong and the mora
u.a.ar.t opllona wean. A new high record
mark for the preaent May option In corn
waa made at 81c. At ttie cloae May corn
waa 1c higher with July unchanged.
Wheat for July delivery waa off He. Oats
were Vc higher. Provialona were 2Vc
Tha wheat market opened weak because
of the failure ' of European markets to
respond to yeatrrday a advance here.
Shorta In the May delivery took advantage
of tha amall decline and began to eover
freely, which caused the price of that
option to advance from $1.04 to S1.06 within
the first fifteen minutea. Tie later market
became strong because of the bulge In May
corn. At the cloae the May option waa
strong snd other deliveriea about steady.
July opened V o He lower at t'ic. to fc.
sold at it-c and then declined to SilVc The
cloae waa at H-'c. May aold fcetween 11.04
and Jl. (' and closed at tha high point.
Cirarancea of wheat and flour ware equal
, to fr4.ii0 bu. Primary receipt were 4li.
. bu.. .against SM.Ouu bu.. on tha aa.ru a last
year. Minneapoila. Duluth and Chicago re
ported receipts of liii cars against 14 cars
last week and 2M cars a year ago.
Com waa weak early In the day on sell
ing by longs, but later rallied aharply on
active covering by ahorta. The market In
the latter haif of the day waa governed
mainly by the congestion In the May de
livery which resulted In an advance of that
option to lc a new high price flr the
year. The market cloixd strong. July
opened St"4c to Vt5Nc lower at "c to
6''c eold off to t"c and then advanced to
6Sc. The cloae was at l'tj'Sc. May
opened Vc higher at 7-. aold up to Sic
and cloned at hCc. Ical receipts were
2&1 cars with U9 cars of contract gTade.
oata were weak at the opening in aym
pathy with other grain but rallied on
green bug" reporta In Illinois and Indl
ai.a. Jclv opened e lower at 47c sold at
'Te and then a'v.j.nced to e. cloalng
at 4S- May solo between 6bc and h&c
and cloeed. at iCSc Local recelpta were
DO cars.
Proviatona were easy early In the day but
rallied later along with grain. At the cloae
Julv pork waa up 2Vc at I1X7TH Lard
arvd ribs were each up ihc st te.STH and
17 46 respectively.
Estimated recelpta for tomorrow are:
Wheat. U cars; -corn. 2tfl cara; oats. ISO
tin; hoge. S6. bead.
The leading futures tanged aa follows:
ArtJclee.f Open.) High. Law. Cloee.l Tea y.
' Jviy
k Bept.
May July
July frpt
1 04 1 oV
iravl "e!S
1 OW!
1 044
91 Hi
II 7
14 Oo
12 7TM,
12 H
li K
12 77HI 12 7S
14 06 14 00
14 0
I I7H! 65
I 7a
S 70
76 72H
7 41 I T 40
7 46
7 vsi T UhJ
No. t aOldL " bNrw.
Cth qnotatiena were aa follows:
FIXH'K Market aieady: winter patenta.
24 &-u 4 8.". straights. 14 2lfl4 6"; spring pat
ents. 2&K4)4).v, atraigbta. K(ujg45; bakera.
63tV3 4 1K.
WHEAJ-No. 2, Bc$1.07; No. 2 red. 21.04
COKN-No. 2. 79V; No. 2 rellow. 7Sc
OATS No. 2. (nc; No. 2 while, 6ate;
Jto. 2 white, 613&4C
SEETS-Flax, No. 1 northwestern, H.26H
PROVISION Short ribs, aldea Oooee)
S i.J.j-7.SC. Meaa pork, per btvL U TJii
12.:i, Lard, per lot' ibe.. tt-47. Short clear
s.dea (boxeCK. J.-I.i.e
rollowirg ware uie receipts and ahlp
njnia of flour and grain:
Articles. Recelpta. Shipments
Fluur. bhls 26 0 liSiO
Wheat, bu..... .KB 4.y
Corn, bu 6m.4i 1M0
Oata. b..... iei Oi i36
Rye. bu Ki.000 I.UO
Barley, bu B. S.Oiu
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady; creamertea. ISavac;
dairies. 14j Ale Egga, easy; at mark caaes
lixSjded. ljlV; firaia. lc; prime firsts,
1V. Cheese, ateady; K-VtlllV
" Philadelphia Prodoeo Market.
S.eady; extia wvsterm creamery. 24c; near-
Ir i-nnts. 26c.
EGG Steady: Pennsylvania, add other
nearby firsts, free cases. l.Wc at mark:
current r--e.pis In returnable cases. lc at
mark; weetera firsta. free caaea. 17V st
mam; correoi irvupis, tree casa, ia at
CHKKSB-Steady: New Tork, full creams
choKe. UttilW;: fair to good. 1AB-Uc
- LlrerrMl Grata Market.
f'rm; Ne. S red. western winter. 7s td, No.
1 Cahfortiia, "is V Futures, quiet: July.
7s tad, ScptemUr. 7s td; December. 7s
CORN "pot, firm; new. American, fciln
4ried. as HVd; old. Amerlraii. mixed, aa.
Futurea. dull; May. norutnal.
PEAS Canadian, firm at 7s 24.
Available Soppllee of Grata.
NEW TORK. May C Special caUes and
tri-fraphic cvaiuunlc-tkns received by
llradstieria a how (tie following changes
in axaiiaMe auppllea as comHued with
f-it-viue ai-couitt:
ti. at. I nurd Slates, east of the Roiklea.
4irea.ttl I. buabcia; Canada, de
rra-d. l.tt bufhela; total T'i'td
Ptatea ard ranada. derreaad. 17'a.')
bihla: a Prat for and In Kurope In
''saed. buahela: total American and
Ktiron supply. decreased.
Corn. l'nltd P'atr-a and Canada, de
creaaed. -?( buahela.
Oata. fnitd Ptatea and Canada, de
traaed. O.or buahela.
The leading decreaaea and Increases re
ported this week follow:
Ie-res: Chicago private elevators.
Slt('( buahela.
Increase!-. Omaha. C. buahela.
Qaotatloas of the Day oa Y art ems
NEW TORK, Way r.-FLOrR-Recelpts,
Tl.VA bbla : exporta. 1?..' tibia ; matket
aieady with moderate t r: ; Minneapolis
patenta, f, w inter "ra'arita. M
ti; Mlnn-eoia lak-ra. It J-lj-i S"; w inter
extraa. t&.fnQ4 lft; winter pattnia, IIWi;
winter low gradea. t'oiv. Bye flour,
firm; fair to good, Mie-fliS', irioiee to
fancy. 4 rS li.
COKN.MEAL Firm; fine white arl yel
low. II. Hal , cvarse. I. fr'jl 06, klin dried.
HVE Firm; No. t western, lc f. o. b..
New York.
WHEAT Recelpta. 1K.0W bu.; exports,
0 104 bu. Fpot tarv; No. 2 red, Il.tH ele
vator; No. I red. ll.WS. f. o. b, afloat;
No. 1 northern Duluth, tl.l. f. o. b.,
afloat; No. 1 hard winter. $1.1J4. f. o. r..
afloat. TleldJr.g to Improved crop news
at home and abroad, wheat broke over a
cent per buahel today but finally rallied a
little with the late corn bulge and eloped
c to le net lower. May. ll.iS&l 7.
cV.aed at ll f1; July, ll.OC-a-lrVjl v.
closed at tl.'t'S; Beptember, !Vd57''-,
cloaed to.
CORN Receipts, .675 bu.; export, M.f
Fpot, market, steady; No. 2. Tfcc, cotn
Inal, elevator, and 744c, nominal, f o. b,
aOosx Option market waa weak and
lower early owing to better crop news,
but recovered on the aenaatlonal atrenglh
of May at Chicago and closed Vc to Vc
net higher. May, cloaed at 7c; July, 76ur
77c, cloaed at Vic; September closed
a t73c
OATS-Recelpta. Bl.Oi'in bu.: exporta. 121.nnn
bu. Snot, market ateady; mixel oata. is to
32 pounds. 4c. natural white. 26 to 32 pounds
iiHftti; clipped white, l to ) pounda,
H A Y Steady and easy; good to choice,
HOPS Steady, state, common to choice,
1KT crop, MiUc; crop, 4'tf6c; Pacific
coaat. JSaiT. 'pc; l!i"6. 3tiic.
HIDES Firm; Bogota. lTc; Central
America. l?Vc
LEATHER Quiet; acid. 19-527C
PROVISIONS Beef, steady: family. 116 W
4517.(10; meaa, fm.s'ti14.(Ki: beof bama. 236. (Kl
gjK.00; packet. 214. fr! 16. 00; city, extra India
meaa. t24.0i2iK.ftO. Cut meat a. ateady; pirk
led bellies. I?." 10.00; pickled hams.
Il0.no. Lard. quiet; western. &$
2 66: refined, steady; continent. ISi 0ft; South
America, 2S.60; compound, $77V&S 2&- Pork,
steady; family. $17.or& 18 (K; ahort clear,
quiet; famllv. tl7.KiB'la.(rj; short clear,
17.avEiT7.7B: mesa. 214. 7017. 5.
TALLOW Steady ; city t2 per package),
BUc: country (packagea free), MHrtc.
RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 3H
6Hc; Japan, nominal.
POCLTRY Alive, dull: western spring
chickens, Joe: fowls. 13,0; turkeys. 11c.
Pressed, easy; western spring chickens,
gfrgc: turkeys. I?i617c; fowls, laguc.
BCTTER Steady; creamery-, third to
firsts. l'ii !c; state dairy, common to fin
est. lfc:c; process, common to special,
CHEESE Steady ; full creamery, old,
specials, lac; state, full cream, old. small,
white, fancy, 14Ac; state, large and small,
colored, fancy. 14V?; state, old. fair to
prime, HVSllSc; state, old, common, M;
state, full cream, new, 9310c; akinis,
FXV5S Steady : state. Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy, mixed, 18V; firsts to extra
firsta. 17tblSc; western Iirala, luc, aeconda,
Showers aad Thea Pair for Tharsday,
Sara the Prophet. '
OMAHA. Neb.. May 27. 1908.
Moderately heavy ahowera were general
In the central valleya last night, and con
tinue In the lower Missouri and upper
Mississippi valleya this morning. The
weather continues unsettled In the moun
tain district, and, with a trough of low
Treasure extending from the southern
Rocky mountain slope northeastward across
the Missouri and upper Mississippi valleys,
the outlook la favorable for showers and
cooler in this vicinity tonight, followed by
rair Tnursaay.
Omaha record of temperature and precipi
tation compared with the corresponding day
of the past three years:
1908. 1907. 1906. 1.
Minimum temperature M 42 f3
Precipitation 23 .00 T .l
Normal temperature for today 66 degrees.
Deficiency In precipitation aince March 1,
.71 of an Inch.
Deficiency corresponding period In 19i)7,
6.47 of an Inch.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1906,
.4a of an inch.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster
Cora aad Wheat Resloa Balletla.
For the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a.
m., 75th meridian time, Wednesday, May
27, I?:
Temp. Raln-
Bi.tion. Max. Mln. fall. Sky
Aahland. Neb.... hi
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
Auburn. Neb K3 6i
Cnlumbua, Neb.. 6 67
Falrbury. Neb.... 88 65
Fairmont, Neb... 86 55
Gr. Island. Neb.. 8 54
Hartington, Neb. 74 48
Hastings, Neb.... 87 61
Oakdale, Neb.... 64 65
Omaha. Neb 83 68
Tekamah, Neb... 82 62
Alia. Ia 81 67
Carroll. Ia SI 67
ClHj-inda. la. 84 6i
sioux ntv. ia.. so
Ui.imnm tpmfwrstui fr twelve-hour
period ending at I a. m.
No. of Temp Rain.
Station. Btatli
Chicago. 111. 36
Columbus, O l
Des Moines, la. .. 13
Indianapolis, lnd.. 12
Kansas City. Mo.. 18
louisvllle. Ky... 1
Minneapolia. Minn. 24
Omaha, Neb 15
Ct linta Vln 12
Mas. Mln. Inches.
82 60 .0
84 62 .06
80 & .36
84 C2 .18
88 66 .(
8 64 .06
68 M .2
4 6 a
85 fit .00
The weather la cooler In North Dakota
and alightly warmer in other portions of
the corn and wheat region.. Ralna have
fallen within the last twenty-four hours
hi all except the St. Louis district.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
St. Loata Geaeral Market.
ST. LOUIS, May 17. WHEAT Lower;
track. No. 2 red, caah, 2l01fcl02; No. 2
hard. JeclLuWi; July. RV-ec; September.
OoRN Higher; track, No. 2 cash, 72V
72c; No. 2 white, 7VsU75c; July. Tlc; Sep
tember. V"-
OATS Firm; track. No. I caah, 63V; No.
2 white. 66c; July, 5c; September, TV.
FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, h S
4.90; extra fancy and straight, M14i4.;
clear, I3.6ti.3.
SEED Timothy, steady. t317S.
CViHNMKAL Steady at $130.
ltkAN-U Mk; sacked, east track. 21.17.
HAY Steady : timothy, fji.0rj3li.u9;
prairie, Ili-wglS 00.
BAOJIMl- 7c.
PROVISIONS Pork. steady; Jobbing.
112 76. laid higher; prime sieam. (8 i&
8 Ha. Trr aall meat a ateady; boxed extra
short, r.76: clear ribs. t7.UP; ahort cleara,
t .uO. Bacon steady: boxed extra snort,
6 70; clear ribs. tvlTH: short cleara. $ 12.
POULTRY Firm; rhsckena, h.v. apnnga.
263"-c: turkeya. 11 lit-; ducks, 7c; geese, oc.
BL'TTER Steady; creamery, 20(aJc.
EGOS ttteady, 14c case count.
Receipts Shipments.
Flour, bbls ijO 14.(
What, bu I9.0O 69.0i0
Corn, bu 161. 0t fct.Ou
Oats, bu 38.U.O 8J.0O
MlaaeapolU Crala Market.
I bard. l.l:S; No. 1 northern. !.10e; No. 2
northern, fl 10S; No. I northern, 2l.08v;
Ks. 2 Rcrthers. f! stl.fc.; ilif.
Julv, f 1 .Mtv jrl (C : September. flc
BRAN In bulk. 621 2xeri bu.
FLOl'R Unchanged, flrat patenU. 25 46
46i; second patenta. tStt ; first clears.
64 3t.j4.S5. avcond cleara. Ii 5tt6. '
Mllwaakeo Grata Market.
Higher; No, 1 northern. 21 lltfl-US. h;o. 2
noiihern. tl l'l July. Vic.
B A RLE T Lower; No. 2. fx, sample. 62
CviRN Firm; No. 2 caah. TIgTtc; July
Dalath Grata Market.
DULUTH. May r7 WHEAT No. 1
norU.ern. 6i ; May, I107, Jaly, al.OTV;
Septtmbvr. 4c.
Toledo Sed Market.
TtLEDO. May 7 "Eta-Clovtr. Octo
ber and Dvccu.ber, f.-ii.
Farther Speculative Liquidation it
Feature of Market.
Oafslde Deanaad Proves lasofllrleat to
Absorb OsTerlaa-a aad Bear Party
Is Eaeoaragred to Make
Aaothrr Raid.
NEW TORK. Vsy ST. Further specj
lstiTe lkiuldstlon was obvious in today s
stotk market, during the progress of wl.Uh
prices were carried to a lower level than
has been touched sinoe the movement b
gan In the latter part of last week. The
downward course of prices finds as little
in the actual news to account for It as
did the previous advance, a fact which
strengthens the view that the operations
sre centered In few hands. While the s-ll-irg
now in progress need not represent
fears of coming unfavorable events. It
must be accepted as a reflection of a cer
tain disappointment over the effect of such
favorable developments as have occurred
and which have failed to incite a sufficient
demand for stocks to absorb realising sales,
eaeept at the price concessions which are
being mad. When the stationary level
was ohce fairly established, there came
Into notice also revived activity on the part
of the encnuraK-ed bear party in the circu
lation of reports calculated to prompt sell
Ins of stocks and so help on the effort to
depress prices, feme such reports bday
were of conridersble effect. This effect
was clearly een in the case of some of
the railroads of lower credit under sus
picion, earlier in the year, of financial em
batrassment. bjt since credited with being
safely extricated from their troublee. On
account of these rescues, the reKjnd In
the stocks from extn-nie depression was
particularly violent, leaving them the more
vulnerable to the revival of rumors im
pugning their solvency. The violent breaks
tn this class In today's market aided ma
terially In the bear campaign for lower
The character of some of the crop dam
age reports also awakenod suspicion of
bearish origin by reason of the mysterious
allusions to thf- hidden sources of In
formation on which they were based. The
viultiit fluctuations In grain prices yester
day gave force to these rumors, although
largely due to technical speculative con
ditions In those markets. This was better
perceived today when detailed news of
weather conditions was known. Another
field of bearish Industry was in the al
leged intention of the federal government
in the matter of further prosecutions of
cerporatlons. The filing of the suit of the
government against the New Haven has
left speculative sentiment on this subject
sensitive. However, the Influence of
numerous rumors In this class was some
what dashed by the assertion of the at
torney general, as reported In Washington
dispatches, that "they seem to be stock
lobbing affairs." With these various evi
dences of professional bear operations on
an active scale, the disposition to sell stocks
became less urgent and the shorts found
themselves less able to cover their commit
ments when they sought to buy for that
purpose. The later resiliency of the mar
ket waa the natural consequence.
The easy tone developed in the bond
market waa of more Influence on financial
sentiment even than the break in stocks.
The feeling over the Investment situation
was affected by the reception given to new
notea issues opened for subscription and
for which the demand 1s less keen than for
the high grade bond issues previously of
fered, in spite 3f the attractive return of
thia class of lssufs. The engagement of
more gold for loth France and (rermar.y
added to the sum which must come out
of the total of the banks' cash holdings
in making up the coming bank statement
and which has reached a sufficient figure
to make a considerable proportional in
road even on the wide margin cf the pres
ent surplus. The effect of the week's finan
cing on the loan item, also, must be reck
oned with. The tone of the money market
was not affected.
bonds were easy. Total sales, par value,
22,706.000. United States bonds were un
chartered on call.
Following were the sales and range of
prices on the Stock exchange today:
Bales. H x Low. Close,
Adams Esprssa 1M
Amaigaaiated Copper
American Car Sr Fouad....
do preferred ...
Amerlrai) Cnttoa Oil
da preferred
American Express
Aotertcaa Hide A L pfd..
American Ice
American Llnaaed Oil ....
do preferred
American Locomotlra pfd
do preferred
American Smelt A Refcs-.
do preferred
American Sugar Refng ....
Amer. Tobacco, pfd. cert..
Anaconda Mining Co
do preferred
Atlantic c oast 1-lna
Baltlmor A Ohio
do preferred
Brotlyn Rapid Transit
Canadian Pacific
Central of New J"rajr
Chasapoake A Ohio
C&lcaso Great W'ealern
Chttaao A Konhweaiern ..
Chlrtfo. Mil. A St. Paul..
Cbicaso Terminal A Trail.
do preferred
C. C. C. A St. Louia
Colorado fuel A iron ....
Colorado A Southern ......
do lat preferred )..
do 2d pr-terred
Consolidated taa
Cora Products
do preferred ...
IeLawara A Hudaoa
tielaaare. Lack. A Via..
DrnTer A Ria Grande ....
do preferred
Distillers' Becnrtties
do 1st preferred
do 2d preferred
General Electric
Illinois Central
Icteraallonai 'Paper
do preferred
International Puma
do preferred
Iowa Central
Kansas Cttr Southern
do f referred
Loalsvtli A KashTlUe ....
Moaicaa Central
Minneapolis A St. Louis .
M . Bt P. A Bault Sta. M
do preferred
Missouri Pacific
Missouri, kanaaa A eaaa ..
no preferred
Kational Lead
Kal. R. R. of Mealos. pfd
Sow York Central
Stw Turk. Ontario A West.
Norfolk A Woatera
do prof erred ..............
Nana American
Pacific Mall
people's Oas
Pluaburg. C. C. 1 (C L..
Preaexl fuaal Car
do preferred .
4S.SOA nt :h v
1.P.4 6 3iS S
is,ioo a if
:.5 4SS 474, 4
41.4'W 74H 7: 7?t,
sr t rrs ktw
1.70J ;!a irw W's
llKl W 1" W
. r.,n ;k4 so
8.7- 8.-S k
ltw fe-1, "S X
4 k
t."J a7 MS f'H
lte US M'i US
42 f"rt 4!" 4C. 4"S
8 IT-TS " l-'-S
i is :w i
14.0.W 4?.a tt 43S
1 T-w IMS If'S 151
41IV l- 1S let
'.'.7.'. 28
t r it i,-.s
6.f." Ms ' J-S
7U 114. tot, XI
J....O 123S 1J1S W
ies ) y-
n ses s i
uu ji 14 r
Me !s :is !4a
e 44 u ts
l.tno 14 ti tV
9. Ml ttS tl 21 S
J0 4U 3 tin
4f r it: -tu.
4I1 JSS !S4 1&4S
r- ia 134 i4
w 11 1S l-'S
"0 ! M VS
4.K cn & r?
1 1's iS K-W
sua S3 tJ :n,
. : m ,4
l ll HH l'S
-j is ;t it-
111 111 lis
4C.4O0 87 ., H
i ij tt-s a s Ms
uo (ilS 8s e
l.e r
im H io aits
ll' lc?s !' , l-C's
i.M 34 it S
7l !S W t.V
14.J 118. l.fct, lis
SO 91 S 91 Sf
6 27 27 n
Puilmaa Palace Car
.... its
lov us
.... M .
.lad. To ill
do itft prefsrrea
do 2d preferred .........
Republic Steel
do prof erred .1.1
Rock laland Co .v
do pitfoiiad
f. LA i Fran td pfd
Sc Louis Soethveatera
do preferred
govraera Pacific
do preferred
Southern Railway
do preferred
Traaa A Pacific
Toledo. St Loaia A West.
l.sao J7s
toe 7s
IM 94
llxl U
luv ii n- i:
2 e 14. is I4v
44 41
do preferred
t'nioa Pacific ex. di .
Intoa Panrtc pfd ....
t'niled States Express
t olled Stales Reaitr
I'nilod siatte Rabber
da preferred
failed Steel
So preferred
Vtrfinia-Caroiina Cnenx.
do preferred
do preferred
Welle-rarao Expreas ..
Weattngkouae Kiectnc .
Western I aim
V keehKf A Lake Erie .
Wisconsin Conlral
do preferred
Northern Pacific
Continental Leather ...
do preferred
M0 s
...1I7 14"
law m
'! S
91 If.
91 S
.70l t, Imi
. !
ti y wis
Sou M
2 1) W
U.li 19
Great Sort a a pfd
lot Met
ds preferred ....
Clah Copper
t n It".
91 k
Tenneaeea CoxipiV . . . .
Total eak-a for the day, C.5(aj shares.
Ferris a riaaaelal.
LONTiON. May 27 -Money was plentiful
and In moderats den and on tne market
today and discounts were easy. On tt,e
stock exchange cneap money continued Ij
be a strengthening influence on the mar
kets generally. Oi It -edged securities were
supported io anticipation of a reduction
toniorrow In the Bank of England a rate
of discount and run a. la advanced sharply
on thla belief. K at. 'Irs were buoyant on
good local, as well as Paris buying, while
tae more settled labor conditions held home
raila Ttie local buaineaa in American
aec unties waa small and heavy, tne un
loading of Wall street csusitg an unaettled
feeiing tare, iVricta eAhcd below larity
after the-.r early steadlneea. The settle
ment revealed the bear position and tf.s
carryover ratea are from 2 to 2 per cent
The aftern-i'n session was nuiet Advices
from New York were colorless and after a
slight reaction the market closed heavy.
ew Tork Moaey Market.
CANTILE FATF-H .H&4 pr rent.
actual business in bankers' bills at 24 871 r
4 STati for dmand snd at 24 8'tM 4 8.A0 for
sixty -day bills, commercial Mils. 94 84
s:i. .K liar. tJr; Mexican dollars. 47c
PON PS Government, steady; railroad,
MONEY On call easy at 1V31S per
cent: ruling rate, I, per cent: closing bid.
1't fr cent, oi'tfred at 1 per cent.
TIME LOANS Quiet and steady: sixty
dnys. iw, per cent; ninety dsys. iVtfS per
cent: months. ,iTri') per cent.
The following are the (.losing quotations
on ronds:
I f rf la. re Hvj IH M
! do eotipoa 1 ! d 4Ss. td series . S7,
I f. Xa. reg 1"L A S. snlfled 4a . Ms
do rouros 11-a. Manhattan c m fell
I'. S 4, re. M,i cent 4a S1
do eeupea . ia 1st lar
Amer. Tr-baoco ts ... 71 a St. L, aa.. S
do do jo m K A T. 4a
At-hlsr.n res. ex aSr j, ax
dT adjust 4a .. .. sN R R. of M e 4s. 7
do r. 4a :v,e. Y. Cent ( ls . 'H
do c. fa . ... I"!S N t Cent, f is. l4t
Atlantic c. L, 4a H Nor Par. 4a l"'.4e
Baltlniore A Ohio 4s . f ea00 j. ji u,
do ia :s 'S A W. c 4a .... fHi
Kro,lTn R T. r 4a 7tS Oa g. U rfd 4a . 91 V
Certral of O t. . 1"4S Penn. r. Ia, ljl. axi
Mo lat lna do eon 4a not
do U Inc ..41 - Re.4tg ( 4s
Jo d Inc , ,i Krp of tons 6s lMh,
Ch k Ohio se l'st. L. A I M e. H n
i hi. at Alton -a . T ft. L. A 8 f. f( 41 Tl
C. Bag new 4. s s. L I w. c. a ...
C. R I A P. . St eo, A,r L ex .... u
do ml 5. 71 rttb Pae. 4a M
do refrirer. 4a - V , to let 4a .
"C C C A t L. f 4i Southern Rr. ia ....1K
Celurado Indus Sa . 1 Tei. A Pae. lots .110
Colorado Mid' 4s.,.. iV,e-r pt W 4s . 71
Cclo. A gouth 4 ... 8SVil'nloB Par 4a J01
Ieia A Hod. ct. 4a. oo cr 4a o4
ie-nrer A Rio O. 4a. S! r . Steel Id as .... t
E'le, prior Ilea 4s . M Waharh lots l'
do fen. 4a 7 Vnn Md 4a TlVJj
Hocking Vol. 4Ss....lCi, a-a-. 4, L. g aa .... a
Inter Met. 4s .... f1 wia lent. 4s v
J! 4s ;, S T . K H SacU. .lJi.S
Bid. Offered. -
Bostoa stocks aad Roada.
BOSTON. May 27 Monev. call los
ns. y$
i per cent; time loana. 34" per cen
t. The
lonowiiiK were tne nosing prii.es on
and bvinds:
Atrhiaon ad. 4a
4o 4a
do ptd
Boston A Albany...
Elotton A Maine .
riKhburg ptd
Mexican Oetttral ..
N. Y. N. H A H.
I'nlon Tarlflc
Amer. Arge. Chen)..
do pfd
Amer. Pnen. Tub..
Amer. Sugar
do pfd
Amer. Tel A Tel...
Amer. Woolea
do pfd
In. Iron A Rteel..
dleon Else. Ilium
(en. Electric
Nana. Electric .....
do pfd
Masa. Gaa
t'niled Fruit ..,
lotted Shoe Marh..
do pfd
C. 8. Steel
do pfd
. tf-s Adventure is
. WS Allouex 94
9u Amalgamated S3
. s Atlantic '. It
'4 Binaham 71
Its Calomtt A Heels. .. .asi
JlifSCenteunlal '0
. lt-S tVtpper Rang Te
.1J4 Italy Wert 9S
.Jk Franklla Is
. i Oranbr 91
. K3 lale Koralo It's
. 7S Max. Mining IS
.121S Michigan 9s
.LiS Nonas k tt
117SDM I'omlnloa 3S
. !! Oaeeo la 97
. t' s Parrot
. 1 Kuinry at
.I1S Khannoa lt
134 S Tamarack 97
. S Trinity 1114
. 44 I'nlted Copper 4s
. of I . g. Mining 17
It V. 9. Oil 91
. US Vtah 4"Vi
. fTs Victoria as
. fs W'inona : 4
.1K-4, Wolrorio
Loadea Stock Market. ,
IX)NDON, May 27. American secuHtles
opened dull and to lower today.
Luring the early trading the market was
heavy and at noon prices were unchanged
from the opening.
London closing stock quotatlonar
Consols, money . .ST2-14Vo . Kan A Tessa.. ST
do account 97 New York Central. . .Vv.
Anaconda S Norfolk A Western.. 71
Atchison tit ao pfd si
do ptd MS Ontario A Westers . 40
nut I mora A Ohio... so Pennsylvania (IS
Canadian Pacific 1C1 Kand Mines 4
Chesapeake A Ohio.. 4414 Reading es
ttw. ureal nmera.. 1 southern Kallway .. 17
Chi.. Mil. A Bt- P.. Ill do pfd 44
It Bears K'Ta Souihoro Pacific Itv,
Deneer A Rio Grande 9f tnloa Pacific 14!. V,
do pfd H do pfd 4
Erie 9.Vjl"nitod Sute gtael.. r
do :st pfd 40 do pfd IPJ'a
do td pfd..... 9s Tt'abaae 11
Grand Trunk 11 do pfd M
Illinois Central 1 J"S Spnlh 4a :S
LiouiaTlli v Kash..l97 Amalgamated Copper. (4
SILVER Bar, sjuiet at 24 7-16d per oun.-a.
MONEY IrfiH, per gx-nt.
The rate of disciuint In the open market
for short bills is ft, till per cent; for
three months' bills. 1 per cent.
Xtsj York Mlalaa; Storks.
NEW YORK. May 27.-Mlning stocks
closed as lollowa: ,
Alice LeaJrille Co. 6
Breoe . 1' Little Chief I
Brunawlck Con. t Mextcaa 94
Comateck Tus. Stotk. 94 Ontario
Comaiork Tun. Bonds 14 Ophir 240
Cob. Cal. snd Va . Ht Small Hope it
bora Fllver Standard IS
iron Sllrax liX Tallow Jacket U
Treaaary Btatenaeat.
WASHINGTON, May 27. Today s state
ment of the treasury balances in the gen
eral fund exclusive of the 215O.000.0u gold
reserve, shows: Available cash balance,
2:io.0.013; gold coin and bullion, tl6,4c,7ol;
gold certificates. $46,016,270.
Bank Clearlags.
OMAHA, May 27. Bank cieaingi for
today were 6i,n.K7.o2 and for the corre
sponding date last year 21,612,622.12.
Kaaaaa City Orala aad Prevlsloas.
changed: May. 9Dc; July. lbc; September,
tvic; cash, Np. i tard, eoV'fatlol; No. I
hard. Wc; No. 2 red, 96fe,Vc. No. I red,
CORN Hlc higher; May, 70c; Julv,
f3V; September. tc: cash. No. 2 mixed.
Hfc; No. 2 mixed, 1tl,1Tc; No. 2 white,
'ivtg'lc: Nu. 2 while, 7(s5j7vHc
OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 63c; No.
2 white. 51c.
HI E 74ra The.
HAY Steady: choice timothy, tlL6jj
ll.tki; choice prairie, 29.004jS.ao,
LL'TTER Finn; creamery, 21c; packing
stock. 1V-
EtjtjS Fresh extras steady at 16c; cur
rtnt receipu weak at l.lVsc.
Recelpta. Shipments.
Wheat, bu ? taS.fiOfJ ..ooO
Corn, bu ,(jo Jt,txj
Oats, bu 6.0U9 2,000
Options at Ksnsas City:
Articles. I Open, Hlgh. Low. 1 Close.
July ..
Sept ..
July ..
Sept- .
4 6614A
82 83VA
l I to
....I 631,; 64 I
Peoria tirala Market.
FEORIA. 111 . May 27. CORN Steads ;
No. 2 yellow. 74tg76c; No. 2 yellow, 72c; No.
I. 7t"c: No 4. 3c; no grade, Sic.
OATS Unchanged; No. I white, KfiSZitxc;
No. 4 white. 4lc.
Metal Market.
was quite a snarp decline In the London
tin market, with spot clueing at 126 6a and
futures at A. 1-7 2 td. The local market
was weak and lower in conseuuence wltn
quotationa ranging from $:"S uu to t'S 5ti.
Spot copper closs-d at 56 17a 6d In Lon
don and futures at, 67 l"s Locally the
market was weak, with lake quoted at
21.! TVn 12 74; electrolulc at f.2 -fa 12.75;
casimii. ll-.i7Hi:.50. Lead was unchanged
at All 15a in London and at 94 25o4 (IT in
the local market. Spelter waa also un
changed In both markets, being quoted at
19 il In London and at 64 55o4 locally.
Iron waa unchanged, with Cleveland war
rants quoted at urn in London. The local
market was steady, with No. 1 foundry
northern quoted at S16.76vlT.6i; No. 2. 214(a)
ft!-75; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern
auft at 2i.2:.ai7.j.
ST. LOUIS. May 27 METALS Lead un
settled, held. 64HTJ4:j. speller, dull at
64-46 asked.
Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralta.
AriVLEJS are quiet, with fancy liifeltAic'
choice. e4&!Sc; prime, 767V, snd common
to fair. iVj-ee.
L'RIElJ ri;iTT3 Tiunea are said to be
In moderate demand on spot, with quo
tations ranging Iron 245ri4c for Cali
fornia and 6'ul0e for Oregon. Aprirota
unchanged, who choice quoted at 13124c;
extra. 14i14V. snd fancy, litalat. Peaclt-s
quiet, with choice. 43wc; extra. 6sc;
fajtcy, '4c; extra fancy. llnV- Raisins
quiet, with 1 1 oae inusrstel at 4s34; choice
to fancy, aeeded. 4Vs$T4a: aeellesa ralair,
6uc, and London layers. 21 ZVl 25.
CoaTeo Market.
NEW VfiRK. May 27 COFFEE Market
for coffee futures opened quiet at un
changed prices. The'e was a little ecat
tered demand and with offerings light, the
market advanced alightly la ttie late trad
ing witn the close quiet, net unchanged
to 6 points higher. Sales were reported of
6. 5"i bags, iuciudlrg August st 4 l.r; Sep
tember st iloc; Iierimber at Attic. Si..l
coffee, quiet; No. T Rio. c; No. 4 Santos.
r,'uec jU.ltl tuffee. quisl, Cwidjv. 0
Beit Beevei Five to Ten Higher,
Other Slow, bat Steady.
beep aad Lambs la Moderate Receipt,
While the Trade Is More Lively,
hat at Prices steady
with Taeaday.
SOUTH OMAHA. Msy 27. 19n
Receipts were: Cattle. Hois Sheep
Official Monday 2.562 7.2 Ml
Official Tuesday 2.141 12.W 2 714
Estimate Wednesday 1.560 10.
Three davs this week.. 7T4 9.Vt 7.
Same dava last week ... 1 946 25.0.2 U.r
Same davs 2 weeks ago.. 12.717 B4 2".M2
Same days 2 weeks ago.. 10.642 11. oil 11 142
Same days 4 weeks ago. .10 v 26.779 29 2 10
Same day last year.... 1774 27.92 Ki.OM
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the ear to date, compered with last year:
lf". 1SP7. Inc Pec.
Cattle 259.910 4 916 11)4.008
Hoga 1.214 1 L024 979 189.124
Sheep 699.8B9 759,972 ll.0al
The following table 9how the average
price of hoga at South Omaha for the last
several daye. with romparlaona:
Date. I IP. 1907.19t.49(.lo4.;isl.19n2.
May is..
May 17..
May 18..
May 19..
May 20..
May 21..
May 22..
Mav 23..
Msy 24..
May io..
May ...
May r...
( 19
( a;
6 29' I
i tV 6
t t I
to, t
M 4 451)
21 4 62,
2A 4 251
0 4 47
241 4 46,
( 25
7 07
T 12
J 11
6 2"S
6 24 S
6 27 1
I W.
' 1 4 41,
7 m
7 02
4 r
I 7 08
7 06
Ml 9
771 97
4 25
4 24
4 29
6 144 6
6 145 I I
I so
4 47,
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r'a.
C M. St. P. Ry.... 2 I
Missouri Pacific 2 I 1
Union Pacific 22 46 t 1
C. A N. W. (east) 6 1
C. A N. W. (west) ... 20 60 1 1
C St. P., M. A O.... 11 4 1
C. B. A Q. (east).... 4 2
C, B. g. (west).... 26 4
C. R. 1. A P. teasti.. 1 1
C R. L t P. (west).. .. 1
Illinois Central 1 2
Chicago GU Western .. 2 .. 1
Total receipts .... 72 146 19 I
The disposition of the day's receipts was
ss follows, each buyer purchasing tha num
ber of bead, indicated:
Cattle. Hoga. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 220 1.936 iil
Swift and Company ..... 426 J.4S8 WO
Cudahy Packing Co Sa 2.140 440
Armour dr Co 256 1.62 400
Swift, from Kansas City
Cudahy, from Kanaaa Cy ... ... 251
Sehwartachild A Sulsbr 50
Hill A Son 21
F. P. Lewis 1
Huston 4 Co 2
J. B. Root A Co 14
J. H. Bulla 22
L F. Hubs 2J4
Cudahy Bros. Co 1,171
Sullivan Bros 21
New York Butchers 61 '.
United Dressed Beef Co.. 20
Hoffman Bt
Omaha Fk g. from K. C 4!i
Other Buyers 76 ... 462
Totals 1.681 10.2S1 1.4(a)
CATTLE Receipts of csttle were ex
tremely light for a Wednesday, only sixty
eight cars being reported In. Thla waa not
enough to make very much of a market,
still it waa a great plenty.- considering the
unfavorable condition of the trade. In fact
light recelpta were welcome so as to give
the market a little breathing spell and a
chance to recuperate. There seemed to be
orders for a few good caule and buyers
were out in the yards esrly In the morning
and picked out here and there such stuff as
would suit their purposes, paying generally
A little- atronger pricea. In fact quits a
number of salesmen who hsd the right
kind thought they sold out &tjT0c higher
than yesterday. On the other hand, cattle
that did not find special favor tn buyers'
eyes were no more than ste'sdy and all low
price cattle were very slow and hard to
move at weak prices.
Cows and heUera of good" quality were
lh light supply and sold qutte readily at
firm prices as compared with yesterday.
The common to medium kinds were no bet
ter than steady. Good bulla ara selling con
siderably lower than they were a short
time ago. but it ia A noticeable fact that
the commoner grades such as are known on
the market as Bologna bulls were in good
demand and were selling closer than usual
to the best grades.
There were no stackers or feeders In the
yards this morning, but the feeling; waa
about steady.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn
fed steeers, 2 2567 00; fair to good corn
fed steers. 2i V-jt.26, common to fair corn
fed steera, 24.756 66; good to choice cows
and heifers, H65flf5.no; fair to good cows
and heifers, So.7534 66; common to fair cows
ana neiiera. S2.zmii.7I; good to choice stock
era and feeders. 94.&4 65; fair to good atock
ers and feeders, t4.Ot04&6; common to fair
stockers and feeders, IIOOAOO; stock
heifers. I2.76SS.60.
Representative sales:
., sail
.. 9T4
.. e
.. 9M
.. su,
.. S74
.. T7
.It 30
4 99
9 04
I 00
6 Ad
6 15
I 41
I 6
I 79
9 90
I 90
9 V
4 uu
4 06
19 ...
14 ...
It ...
II ...
4 ...
It ...
t it
t 15
4 14
t 90
t 9
4 u
4 40
4 4S
4 44
4 90
t 94
t so
I li
t 40
I 4
4 40
t 74
t 79
4 14
4 a r
.1764 I It)
COW 8.
. 74(1 1 at
.... sal
.... 9S0
.... 942
.... 989
.... 9
.... IM
.... 9tt
4 0
4 Ml
4 IS
4 94
4 90
4 it'
4 40
4 si
9 44
6 90
4 49
4 90
I li
.10 I II
. M I tl
4 .
tt .
. 170 9 B
. 414
. til
I xt
9 6)
ijs i
i 1
I 90 I
9 it 19
94 t
I 79 I
Ill 24
4 ev
I 94
.ita j
. 1SXI
4 44
4 40
4 40
4 9
4 94
4 9u
9 ti
4 tt
4 i
9 tt
4 l
4 li
4 99
... xaO
.. 14:
... 90"
... I7
... 14
... 144
... 174
... ft
... 16
... ISO
9 4
9 SO
4 0
4 OS
4 9
4 U
I ts
4 M
. 194
. !.(
4 0
4 00
4 44
4 29
4 a
4 19
2 40 I a 1 441 t 99
1! 40 4 f' 9 774 4 94
4 411 4 99 14 Ml 4 74
HOGS The hog market waa In very sat
isfactory condition again this morning.
Buyers were oil Out early Snd tha trade
was leasonably active, so that evervihlng
In sight changed hands by 19 o'clock In the
morning. The prices paid were generally
6c higher than yesterday; that Is. th most
of the hogs sold at and right around 6) -0.
the bulk being at 6ii;4'0J ii4. with A top
as high as $5 20. All in a I the market
was .n a good, healthy condition and tn
kind that sellers like to sec
Representative salesr
9 9
I 90
9 99
9 90
I 9
I a
4 9
4 '
I 90
9 9o
4 99
9 9.
I 9
4 90 ,
9 Kl
i f
I Cs
6 r s
9 ts
4 t. s
4 91
9 K
4 ti
9 99
4 U
9 97,
1 9o
SHEEr'-There was fair
murium, but it tl. total
Ma. Atr. 9a. Pr. Ke A 9k
94 id 9 14 94 f4 1J0
91 174 10 9 US 7a ti .
4! 192 40 4 li 4.. 14 ...
t! 1K4 90 9 IS si IS. li
7! 174 . Ill tl ,
25 ir 4 17S U pa- o
74 14J 14 I Its 44 Jl5 . .
71 l J'O 9 17S 90 tl7 11
7! 9-1 e 9 ITS 79 4
91 11 i 17S 71 f.i ...
a rtO 190 I I7S 4 9l 90
-9 9'7 4 i ITS 71 tli 0
79 9 44 4 PS U t i 10
u 1.0 .. i rs 4 ta ..
74 9 1 . . 9 17s '4 fl 4
Tl ti4 s I US 94 fx9 ...
44 n ... 9 l'S 99 1
II Ill 4 19 T4 1,1 h)
if 2a 9 I 9 S4 tc a
9u 91 . 9 44 prt
14 9 4 SO lf 71 Is ...
94 I"! ! IV' Ul tat ...
T7 M M i9i S 1 . .
II 14 . . 9 IJ II ...
tn. lei 4 9;- It J7 .
! ki 41 1 1 c. ri
77 tit it 9 ti sn
ii tn s y 47 .... trt
41 ! SO l a sot .
9 Is . . 4 9' ia j;i .
4 it! 41 9 14
rua her thla
isoorud five
The propTPSfive woman of today rt?ali2ts -what ft
bt?nefit it is to her to have an account with the First
National Bank of Omaha and iny her bills by check.
We cordially invite the accounts of women, subject to
check, and furnish pocket size check books free of
csrs were direct to packers, and there
were also four or five, cars of feeders. This
tnesns that the offerings of desirable
killers were really quite limited. At the
same tlm there seemed to be s fslr de
mand and the few good klllera here
changed hands in good season. The pnees
paid were not materially different, the
market generally being Just about steady
with yesterday.
There were several feeder buyers In th
yard, so that stuff not suitable for killers
aold to fairly good advantage for feeding
Quotations on lambs: Good to choice light
wooled Iambs, SAOO060; fslr to good light
wooled lambs, 94 6 to. 00; good to chute
heavy wooled lam ha. t6.764J4x.26. shorn
lambs 76c under wooled stock.
Quotations on sheep: Good to choice
yearlinga, shorn, 65 (, 26. fsir to good
yearlings, shorn, $4 76i 00 ; good to choice
wethers, shorn, $4.7fc4iin0; fair to good
wethers, shorn. 94 26&S 76 ; good to choice
ewes, shorn, 94 2634 66; fair to good ewes,
shorn, 94.004 6; culls and bucks, shorn,
22 34.00; wooled sheet) 25S40C above shorn
Representative sales:
No. Ar. Pt.
2i western Iambs T2 6 50
2 western wetheri TS 4 90
234 Western lambs, shorn i (25
Western ewes, shorn Ill 4 26
Cattle Steady Hogs Steady ta Stroag
hrep Weak.
CHICAGO. May 27. CATTLE Receipts,
ll.Ouu head; market stesdv; steers, 26 00
fr"7.2C; cows. 23.7566.76; heifers. 23.60tjfl.16:
bulls. 24xfji.7V calves. 22.506 6 50; stockers
and feeders. 2 25&5.40.
HOGS Receipts, 22, 'TO head; market
steady to strong; choice heavy shipping.
66. !. 46; butchers. 5 4W(;6 5ft; light mixed,
25"65S5; choice light. 6a.3Mi5.45; packing,
94.9-X9 25: pigs, 24-16.90. bulk of sales.
25 4n.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 16.000
hesd; msrket weak: sheep, 24 00$6.0v;
lambs, 2&.r.J.i; yearlings. 64.6vtl5.26.
Kaaaaa City Lie Stock Market.
ceipts. 6.000 head. Including 20 southerns;
market steady to 10c higher; choice export
and dressed Deef steers, 1640(67.26; fair to
good. t6.2&.26; western steers, 64.75-tj6.75;
stockers and feeders, t2.6of&&J6, southern
steers, U256 3; southern cows, t2.50-34.25;
natlv cows, ti.ootit.10; native heifers. eJ.lMj
6.10; bulls, t3.4Otae.O0; csivea. t4.Ou0.2.
HOOS Receipta, lt.Otm head; msrket
strong to 6c higher; top. 1660; bulk of
salea, ti. 2666. 46, heavy, t5.4ofa6.60; packers
and bulchera, 26.2006.46; light, 16.106. 40;
pigs, t4.0O34J6.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, t.000
head; market, lambs, stesdy; Texas, l(y
2vc higher: lambs, 95.2M?.. ewea and
yearlings. U-mn.ZO; Texas yearlings. 64 75cj
6.50; Texaa sheep, t2.76t.T426; stockers and
teedera. ta.0C4j3.76.
St. Loala Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. May 27. CATTLE Receipts.
2.000 bead. Including 700 Texana; market
for natives, 'strong; for Texana. 10c to 16c
higher; native shipping and export steers,
h Vtj7.15; dressed beef and butcher steern.
t5.264j4x.76; steers under 1.000 pounds. t4.6txd
66; stockers and feedera, ti(l04.75, cows
and heifers, 63.6007.60; Texas and Indian
steers, t3.M9.5o; cows and heifers, tl-76
HOGS Receipts, 9.500 bead: market
steady; pigs and lights, tS 506.40; packers, I
t6.OiKeo.40; butchers and best heavy, 25.3647
head; market strong; native muttons. te.2s
$14.75: lambs. t4.6o'f7 26; culls and bucks,
W.4j3.&v, Blockers, Rii59-4.00.
St. Joseph Live Stork Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Msy 27. CA TTLE
Receipts. 1.627 hesd; market steady; na
tives. to.50u7.00, cows and heifers, t2.(MS
6.76; stenkers and feedera, t3.i"i6.0ii.
HOOti Recelpta, t,6ie) bead; market 64jl0c
higher; top, 96 40; bulk of aales. t5.2744jA.40.
eSHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 91
head: market 10c higher; lambs, 6.gajj6.6o;
yearlings and wethers, tt.Ovtge.; wes, f..7i
lows City Lira Stock Market.
SIOCX C1TT, Ia., May 27. tSpecisl Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 700 head; mar
ket steady; beeves, t;i7S; cows and
heifers, t4.604je.7t); feeder, t2.7a)l.76; calves
and yearlings, tl 50,"4 60.
TTrwi a tx-eirta 9 &a hesd: market
steady; range, t6.103&.26; bulk of sales.
96.16 90-
Stock la Slaht.
Receipts of live stock st the sis princi
pal western market yesterday: '
South Omaha 1.5tl
Sioux City i'
Kansas City t .
St. Ioula 2 tJO
gu Joseph 1.5Z7
Chicago 12.000
Hogs. Sheep.
10 52 3,515
12(e i,(0
9.6 2.0
6.RV4 9-1
a.ooo 16.0U0
66.479 27.236
Wool Market.
BOSTON. Mass.. May 27. WOOL There la
a better feelitg in the local wool trade, du
to Improved foreign advices and increased
buying Sales duilng the- peat ween have
run higher than for some months, half a
million rounds of Ohio and Michigan, quar
terblood fleece going at 216 fee. The lead
ing western quotations range as follows:
Kentucky. Indisna snd Missouri, three
eighths Mood. Xa'-'4c: one-fourtii blood.
ty2ie- Secured values. Texaa fine, twelve
month. 6062c: fine, six to e.ght months,
45e-c; fine fall. 4--042. California, north
ern, 42846c; mtddl county, tTfiXnc: south
ern. 27j-6c; fsll free. 233c. Oregon, east
ern No. 1 stsple. S4iic; eastern No. 1
clothing. 4A6x; valley No. 1. tiic. Ter
ritory, fine staple. 63A65c: fine medium
staple 6vU62c; fin medium clothing. 4-i
4c; fin clothing. 456 c; half-blood. 45n
4c three-eight tiS blood. 44$ 4t ; one-fourth
blood, 41641 Pulled extra. 6"67c; fine A.
6vn2ci A supers, 44345
ST. LOV1S. Msy n WOOL Steady;
medium gradea. comblr.g and clotnlr.g. UVS'ij
17c; lirht fine. Uljl4c; heavy fine, l'tjl0V-i
tub washed, 16-040
Cottoa Market.
'NEW YORK. Mty 17. - COTTON -Future
opened firm: May. 10 ' bid; July.
0 6c: August. 1.29; September. 9 6-4i
sac; October. 2 4"; December. 9 iJc: Janu
ary. 9 23c; r tbruary, 9 lie bid; March. 6 24c
Future closed easy; May. 1016c; June.
1 16c, July. lClef; August, 10 01c. Septem
ber. 42c; October. I.S't: November. 9 IHc;
December. 9 life: January. 9 use; rforuary,
rc; March. (c
Ppot cotton closed stesdy; middling up
land. 11 50c; middling guif. 11 75c. sales, l.tiO
OALVESTO, T.. Msy I7.-COTTON-iredy,
1st' sat Melaeaea.
NEW TORK. May 27 Sl'GAR Raw.
firm: fair sefinlng. UTVatto. centri
fuge). 9 teat, t4 2b'44tt Molasses
sugar. MsfetJtO-. rtmed. steady; No 4.1
6c; No 7. 4 e; No t. 4 Kr; No 9. 4 6fe; No '
ir. 4.7sc; No. 11. 4tC! No. 12. 4 R5c; No IS. ;
4ftc; No." K 4 46c. confect lonet s A. 6 76c.,
iduld A. ITtic; cut losf. tlSc: crushed, tl-.-. i
rjtadered. A50c, granulated, i nc; cubes, I
MOLASSES Quiet . New Orleana, open!
kettle, good to cnoice, eVy42c. ,
fey Using tne idoui department of Th ,
B Wsat Ad Pages you get oulck rturt. j
t g gmtll txptnae, I
Early Seed it Oat of the Ground and
it Doing Well
First Crop of Alfalfa ta Ready fa Cat
It la ICaaterra Jarbrasava
Will Be Rather
Corn It jractlclly all planted In Ne
braska and the early planting1 Is out of th
ground and doing well. According to tht
crop and soil report of the Burlington. Or
the low ground on some parts of the Wy
more division th seed has been washed tc
the surface, but on the whole corn has
most favorable start
Report are all favorable concerning
winter wheat and on the southeastern part
n . . l,.. l.-l.lnn wfeeet la nractlc-
VI IIIC . , J llll'l c HI . . , v. . w ... . w
ally all headed and heading is more or leai
advanced on all parts of the Lincoln and
Wyroore divisions. On the McCook divis
ion wheat did fairly well during the week,
but would have done better with mort
rain. All spring grain, of which oata U
the most important, is doing well.
The first crop of alfalf Is about ready to
cut. It will be a little short In some placet
owing to the frost.
In the eastern part of Nebraaka. thert
will be considerable frtilt, much more that
seemed possible during the week of frosti
some time ago.
Farmers anticipate a full crop of wheat
on the Sterling division In Wyoming, wher
the wheat Is from four to seven tnchet
The cattle on the ranges In Wyoming
1 In good condition on account of th rood
range. Sheep suffered from th heavy
snow on account of the shearing, which
was In progress. About 200 were lost In
the shearing pens near Tongue River Sid
ing. About 76 per cent loss on herd
sheared at the Clearmont plant. The sheep
not sheared fared well. The shearing It
till xix (iiuiirM yiju iic eiiiiiiv-utw u,
wool are expected by the Burlington.
Member of Grand Jary Caaaplalaa
Wltaeeeea Me W ante Ara
Not Called.
Evidence that the closing day of th
grand Jury are not a harmonious a they
might b has appeared to casual observers.
The Jury for several days ha been lt
tlng in a Jury room opening Into the crim
inal court room. Wednesday morning
loud talk. Indicating that a discussion of
some heat was going on Inside, was heard
emanating from the grand Jury room. Sev
eral members of the Jury passed in and out
of the room with troubled look on thair
Tuesday afternoon one of th member of
the body complained to Judge Sear that
the foreman, T. W. Haxen, hsd refused to
call certain witnesses he wanted examined
and he asked what could be done. Judga
Sears refused to mix In the controversy
and advised th Juror that th body could
call -whatever witnesses It chose. Th re
newal of the loud talk In the Jury room
Wednesday morning Is believed to hart
been the result of an attempt on the part of
certain Jurors to have witnesses called over
the head of the foreman.
Most of the morning session Wednesday
waa devoted to the taking of evidence In
th case of Gerald Scofield snd George L.
Bond, charged with killing John Wred
while holding up his saloon tn South Omaha
and In the rase of Steve 'Eagan. a watch
man, charged with killing Eno J. Daley in
South Omaha. '
Attends Coaferearea la Colorado aad
Iowa aad Speak at Cha
taaoaaa. Rev. D. E. Jenkins. D. D., Ph. D pro
fessor of theology in the Presbyterian
Theological seminary of Omaha, Las a busy
"vacation" period ahead 4f him. H la
due June 10 at Cascade, Colo., to take an
ctlv part In th Student . Young Mea
Christian sssodsUon txicfertnc. wbAoa
will comprise rrpreaentatlons from elgM Pr
ten states. He will hsv charge of A course
of study of "Th Syclal Significance of
ChrUt Teaching." Front Cascade he
goea directly to Marahalltown. la., to con
duct th Bible work In th Stat Sunday
School association. H will- then entr
upon a number of Chautauqua engage
ments, which wilj keep him busy in th
mlddl west for weeks.
tajnred la a Fir
or bruised by a fall, apply Bucklen' Ar
nica Salve. Cures burns, wounds, sores,
rcsema. pile. Guaranteed. 26c For sal
by Beaton Drug Co. -, . , ,.
Th Illinois Central new lin
from Jackaon. Ter.n.. to Rirmlng.
ham. Ala . Is now xfMriB.ete and
will be opened f ,r panger srv.
be CatiuAay, May eota, Ifrtss.
If.rootu meeplng r sen ice
Chicago to Savaimah, Ga.,
Via Birmlnghani will 19 tnaug.
ratwl on the aoove date
Tickets sad, AetaUed in! orsaa
tioa at Ctty Twksa yifflve. lwJ
raraaat Street.