Newspaper Page Text
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1908. Want - ads AittrtlMnriti tor a waat ad relaanas will fc tk aatll 13 m. let tae eeealagr etltlaa aad aatll a. pa. for fa noraUg liaitr 4ltlu. Cask asaat aeeosnaaay all trim fee ( ada and aa advertisement will le arcepted fop less tfcaa lO eeat for rat laaertlea. No advertisement will bo tkirftl nmitlil loaa Iku SO reata. Hate apply to tllktr Tao Iatlr or ganday Beo. Alwara ratal ats ward tm m llao. Combination at laltlala or aaraber oaat aa oaa word. CAFI RATR" FOR WATfT ADS. REGULAR n.ARfliriCATIOIT Oaa Insertion, per line, 19 rents. Two ar mora conaeeatlve Insertions, per llao, I rente. Each Insertion made odd dnya, lO eeate per lino. 1.8) lino prr monthi excepting taat ri nnmiED room ads. when accompanied by ' bo rata will hei On laaortloa, 4 roata per lino three to als roiiffillr la eerttona, .1 rent pr lla rack laser tloai arrea br mora ewnserntlve Inaor tloaa, a errata prr llao eaeb laaortloa r.O rents prr llao par month. Want ada too Tko Boo mar bo left at any of tko followlaa; drag? stores ono la "roar corner dragglst" tbor aro all branch nfllrea for Tka Boo aad ?onr ad will bo laaortcd laat aa promptly aad aa tbo same ratoa aa at tha mala offlco ia Tbo Boo Balldlaat roatooatb aad Far nam atrcota. Albach, W. C 40th and Farnam. Bersnek. 8. A.. 1402 S. lth flt. Becht Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Nob. Remls Park Pharmacy. 8Sd and Cuming. Plake'a Pharmacy, 2826 Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C. R., 6th and Pierce St. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2211 Military Ave. Conte, J. B., tlat Av. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, t4th and Lake Bt. Cermak. Kmll, 1204-4 S. 13th St Eastman Pharmacy, 280$ Leavenworth. Foster at Arnoldl. $11 N. 2Sth St. Freytsg. John J., UM N. f4th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake St. Green' Pharmacy, corner Park Av. and Pacific. Greenouith, O. A., 1055 8. 10th St. , Greenough, O. A., 1634 8. 10th St. Hayden. Wm. C, 2S20 Farnam. Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1401 8. 19th Ave. Hoist, John, $24 N. lth St. Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St. King. ,H. 8., $238 Farnam St. Kountke Place Pharmacy, Z04 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co.. 1602 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Charle E.. UM N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E.. 24th and leaven worth. Saratoga Dru; Co., 24th and Amea Av. Schaefer' Cut Price Drug Co.. ltP-li and Chicago St. Schaefer, August, 2031 N. 16th St. Schmidt. J. H.. 4th and Cuming St. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha. St. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace. . Worth, O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sta. BIRTHS AXD DEATHS. Births R. B. Millrow, 403 Bancroft street, girl; Li. P. Moaler, 403 Bancroft street, boy; M. A. Arnold!, 403 Bancroft street, boy; Kmll Romatke, 3oa South Twenty-eighth avenue, girl; John Welch, 3C12 Oak alreet, girl; Louis 8c limit I, 1U1, South Eleventh street, girl; Anton Hockey, 1930 bourn Fourteenth street, boy; Edward Hitchcock, ril4 Lafayette avenue, girl; George M. Ellis, 16 South Twenty-fifth street, boy; Barney feheldon, 141k Brown street, girl. Dealns Mrs. Samuel iMlwarda St. Joseph s hospital, bi; Valentine Sxewexojk, Twenty-filtn una Arbor streets, 43; Mrs. Mary u iimtrung. Bluff and Sheffield Streets, j,; iiariy Burl Dick, Child's having Institute, 1; Clay J. Ulmer, Fourteenth um i una iaptiot avenue, 4 montns; Esther Kooe, iiKA, Unio .street, 3 months. MARRIAGE LKENiEl. The following licenses to wed Issued: Name and Residence. Charles A. J. Epps, Omaha .... Mrs. Ella F. Hale, Omaha Koy R. Werley, Omaha barah J. Perkins, Omaha Jesse P. Wilson, South Omaha Dora McCorley, South Omaha . have been Age. ... 40 ... 42 ... 24 ... iO ... 2S ... 20 William H. H. Cranmer, Denver, , Colo . 20 Margaret Wood, Omaha ... U ... 21 ... 22 ... 23 Henry A. Redman, Bhambaugh hambaugh, augh, la.f lair i lair I la..., Ella Cormack, Bhambaugh, Ros G. Van Liw, Bl Tressa S. Mehrens, Bl ... 22 LODGE NOTICE. , Attention, Eagleai The Eagle of Omaha and vicinity ar requested to attend tha meeting of Omaha aerie mis t rnursaayj evening, important matter pertaining to stat convention will pe consiae rea! txJM M i IT EE. ANNOUNCEMENTS TRAVELERS' GOODS OF QUALITY. Trunks and suit casea repaired. FREUINO at STE1NLE, "Where trunks are made." 1MB Faruara St. Tel. Douglas 4995. tl;Maj Je26 SIGN PAINTING 8. H. COLE. 1302 Doug las. O) 4a THE CITT OARliAQE CO, offlc 4th and Leavenwortn Hi a Tel. Douglas 1387. tl) 437 RBF1N1SHINU floors. Williams, Red 6620. (11468 Jellx AUTOMOBILES SEND for our list of second-hand automo bile. DER1GHT. Ills Farnam. BUICK AUTOMOBILES, almost new at great sacruic. Aauress LrttKt, care jue lS)-M4U lx BARTER AND EXCHANGE What have you In Omaha to trade for a Deauiuui summer noma on Lane Michigan, near Traverso City? O'KEEFE REAL. ESTATE COMPANY 1001 N. . Life. Phones Doug and A2162 t3 46o 2 SOME CHOICE TOWN LOTS Tn Tgan ixi a at t rt ia n frtt nnl laaa U a 'v t yr louring car in good condition. Addres ssv. tvoou xiver, nen, y&) 4m X .We have a client who owns a section of land In Kimball county, Nebraska for : which ha will take a good automobile as xarl payment. What have you to offer' O vU-EFK REAL ESTATE COMPANY, jool N. V. Life. Phones Doug and AUiti 13 461 2 WHAT HAVE YOU? We have a fine I room modern residence In city. Price 63.260. Will take In a good lot or an automobile aa part payment Also a fine home in 8piingUe(d. Neb. Well rented, price 61,6u0- To trade tor good lots. n All liWWMMT COMPANY, 401 Bee Jiidg., Oiuha, Neb. . ' (3-M4S7 29 VARMS. cltv oroDerlv. mdae.. ,wrvh.n Stringer' lnv. Co., U Bee Bldg., Omaha. (31-M531 Je7 BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In; or out of business call o UAAUUiAJA tvntm a j isidg. i. (,4-'f4 WANT party to Join m In slnklna shaft on a 40-acra lease In Missouri-Kansas lead and sine district. Ore has been devel oped Dy arm;' nnari almost to the or. Aauress J. cu, vi ssinera Mm, Jop- un. mo. w-Mia u FOR BALE OR RENT First class meat market, T. bourn Main, council Bluff a la. Address C. W. Letchford. Council Bluffs, la. . (4) Mtts Do You Wish to Make a Change IF TOU have a farm, hone, business or property that you wlan to sell or ex chaiiae. writs ua GLOBE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO.. UHA11A, MB, j ' ' ' (41-M462 JeU FOR RENT OR HALS. Brick store, suitable for dry goods, cloth frig or gencrst merchandise; elgsnt room, fine front; best location imtuwn.. OeorgH x. Lunaourg, Lyons, xmso,- y tt l BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FOtNPRY and stove renalr shop; lot 54132 ft., centrally located; moulding room Jfix44ft.; bulldln 4xift., 1 stories; fair machinery; made lo.nno In 44 years, clear; t" worth of work to do; good town; good opening. Snap at 2,ono. Re tiring on account of poor health. No foundry within 40 miles. Addrens Bnt 2T.0, Sahetha, Kan. 4 M2S2 2x GROCERIRS and notlona, "X on dollar and throw In fixtures. 2227 Broadway, Cnunrll Bluff. (4) M086 WANTED P rty with $6.00 to lnret In good paying business A good opportunity now. Cy Smith, 1812 Farnam. (4)-407 27 MINNESOTA and Wisconsin ice for ssl In car lots. A. G. Gilbert, Council Bluffs, la. 14J-M340 ICE! 1CEM Good natural Ice lii car lots. A. Katakee Ice and Coal Co., 11H Davenport. Tele phone Doug. 5543; Ind. A-&332. (41-447 WANTED Doctor to locate at Hasard, Neb., good territory. Write O. A. Hoch reiter. the druggist. (4 M468 FOR SALE Dental practice In Omaha; cash receipt over $1,000 per monNi; map If taken at once. Addres B 6SS, care Bee. (41-M477 Je2x MURRAY, la., want a hotel building. Oood bonus offered by cltlsens. W. H. Rlggle. Sec. Com. Club. (4)-M4S2 29 DOCTOR A 13,400 practice In tow of 4.000 In Nebraska given to the purchaser of my office furniture and appliances. A snap. Address, Y-3. care Bee. (4 M514 Six WANTED Advertising manager by largest Implement corporation of Its kind; must be competent to take entire charge of general sales and mall order business; first-class man desired; good salary and a good commission on results. Applicant should be able to Invest and take mem bership In corporation. Manager, )1 Su perior St., Minneapolis, Minn. (4) M516 2SX DRUG STORES for sal everywhere. Knlest. N. Y. L. Bldg. (4)-M63S FOR SALE Drug store, western Nebraska; good town: paying business. Stock and fixtures, 13,000. Address Y-4M, cars Omaha Bee. t4) M:36 Jel3x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Architect. F. WM. KRELLE, 909 N. Y. -Life Bldg. (E)-112 Je21x Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 2. 1505 Farnam St. Doug. 647. (6 440 Creameries. i DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (S) 441 Dressmaking;. IN FAMILIES-MIs Sturdy. Tel. Harney 1351. ' t5)-442 M DOWELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Far nam St. t6 443 Dentists, BAILEY ft MACH. Sd fir. Paxton. D. 10S5. (6)-444 Flaaaclal. Money TO LOA N-t, O W RATE In sums to suit. 310 Bee Bids. 'Phone Douclas 2904 UNION LOAN COMPANY. (&) 445 Far Cleaning; and Storage. G. E. SHUKERT. V'th and Harney St. Fin furs cleaned, stored and repaired. l6 MiSO June 4 Florist. - , HESS 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. (W-446 L. HENDERSON. 151 Farnam. Tl. D. 126X IL. Lit H. BATH. 162S Harney. TeL Duug. tooo. : (6 44S Hotel. TUB SCHLITZ. European. 16th and Harney. Jewelers aad Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry re- .i..c, 9.3 Pavtnn Rlir-k rl'l .917 (6-4 Movlnar aad Storing:. Expressmen" Delivery Co.; office, 214 N. 14th St.; warenouse, iMi-v isard St. ) 451 I Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS.. 413 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664. T (6 te2 rool aad Billiard Tables. FOR SALE Anti-Trust pool and billiard tables, supplies ana oar nxiurea; sold on easy payments; catalogues free. Charle Passow dt Sons, 2i6 So. lth St., Omaha, Nab. 6 M690 July 3 Prlatlaa;. BEFORE placing your 1901 calendar order don t (all to see our imported line. Lyng lad at Jorvo. prir.ter. 16th and Capitol Av. (6) 4M Pnblle fteaograpber. PUBLIC stenographer. R-647 Brandels Bldg. .oi uuf jeifix gates, hatters, Bto. t OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS, makes and safe. G. Andreeo, Prop., 102 S. loth St. r ' (6J tWi Photography. TRU8SELL Studio. 116 S. 16th 8L . (5) 146 Shorthand Reporter. F. J. SUTCLIFFE. court reporter. Tel. D. 1906. (15-151 J 22 Shoo Repairing. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-Flrat class work. 161HV Capitol Ave. , 'Phon Red m. . I . . (5) 464 BHOE8 repaired right; called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., Is04 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 7667. (6J-4M Wall Paper Cleaaed. ABSORENEuSaSiSl Th patent kind, 15c, l-ct at wall papar, palut. hardwtra and drug atorea. 1 s-Ci -KMT A A II. nil mm fiA HELP WANTED FEMALE A goat aad Balesladlea. 8EVERAL neat appearing women for rea'lv excellent partial soliciting positions; od salary; experience not iiecessary. Ad- areas u dsi, car uee. t') Mtiiy Cix WANTED Three good lady canvassers good money for right psrtles. J. A. Hail, 1110 it si., do. uiiiana. til Sibil Hoasokoepere aa Doasestlea. WANTED Experienced girl for general nousewora; no waamng. good wages. Ap ply oi uoage bu lei. narney iu (7)-M8 WOMEN 3 DOMESTIC GUILD, 1904 Farnam St. Girl for general housework, no laundry, $7. II... . . c JUUUKUWIU, e Took and housemsld. out of town, IS."' Downstairs maid, KM. (7) M532 SO WANTED Good girl for general work; references required: good fi.r rlrht iwrmn fl fkih Ut house place for riaht uerson. 112k 8. ISth Ht 7)- COMPETENT general housework girl, fHmlly of three, by Msy 27. 'Phone Har ney 3043. (7 M322 30 COMPETENT girl for general housework. li4 Glenwood Ave. tlicmis Park) Tel. Harney 18T. l? 4 WANTED Cook. Mra George Barker. 61; d. sitn cu . , t. y. Perpetual company HELP WANTEDFEMALE Honsekrepers nnd Domestics Cont'd. WANTED Olrl for general housework; smsll family. 1018 North 33d St. 'rhnne Harney 22CO. (7) 393 27 WANTED A girl for house work; two In family; good wages. 1142 8. Stat. St. " (7)-601 30x HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. QUICK SELLERS 214 S. 12th St. )-M153 WANTED salesmen to handle "Dust-absorbent" Sweeping Compound as side line. Liberal commission. The Van Tllburg Company, Minneapolis, Minn. ) M45 2 AGENTS wanted everywhere; the famous Zarema diamonds; experts puzzieu to detect from genuine; Immense prcnlt for agents either sex young or old. Sample offer (rlngSor stud) and catalogue free. Zarema Jewelry Co.. Dcp't. 78 B. Star Bldg., Chicago. t9) M517 2sx Boys. WANTED Bright, active boy. Call 411 8. Clerical aad Rookkeener. must sneak German. Drug Clerk, registered or not registered, $75. Salesmen, tin and $75. Stenographer, sales experience, good chance for advancement. W ESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N.. INC., 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-503 27 BOYLES SUMMER SCHOOL OPENS MONDAY. JUNE 8. Bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy and rngllfcfi; uilicihi limning t-niMi Pacific R. R. Telegraph department. A postal gets full Information. Address II. B. Boyles, Boyles Building. Omaha. (9) M424 WANTED Men wtth commercial ability. Co-operative Keierence Co., ti Hranaeis Bldg. ' (9) M992 Je2l DRUG CLERKS' poeltlon. JCniest, N. Y. L. Bldg. W oiM Factory and Trades. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Position guaran- leea; ouunjei &re. rtvyiKm vucsc, iinana, Neb. Official training school U. P. R. R. (9) -960 WANTED Sand stone block layer. All summers work and payday every two weeks. Highest wages paid. For further particulars, address The Denver & Pueblo Construction Co., 303 Railroad Bldg., Den ver. Colo. (9 M1&0 Je-U WANTED Men to learn barber trade, few weeks completes; practical experience, careful Instructions, demonstrations and examinations; positions waiting; top wages paid graduates. Call or write for free catalogue, Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. (9 M126 28x EXPERIENCED waiters wanted at once. Address Don Cameron, Lincoln, Neb. (9) M429 28 WANTED at once; a first class barber. Guarantee $14 per week. A. P. Brown Alliance, Neb. (9) M461 28x Mlacellaneona. UNITED STATF.8 NAVY wants young men ot gooa cnaracier, oeiween ages 17 and 26; men with special trades accepted up to 35 yea.'a; must be American oill sens; good opportunities for promotion for efficient men; pay $16 to $7o per month, f. radically clear of living expense. Free llustrated booklet on application. "The Making of a Man-o'-Warsman." Visit or address Navy Recruiting Station, poatof flee buildings Omaha,- Lincoln and Hast ings, Neb.; Sioux City and Council Biuffa, la., and Sioux Falls. 8. D. (9)-M6U 31x FREE employment dept.. Business Men's Ass'n; no fees. Call 62a N. Y. Life Bldg. () M6IJ WANTED Everyone to understand that we have solved the problem of a Good Meal for the Money." Our prices are right, our service is good. Home Dairy Restaurant, 1514 Capitol Ave. (9)-M421 WANTED A man for work at my resi dence. C. T. Kountxe, 3926 Dewey Ave. Apply First National bank. (9) 500 27 WANTED Man and wife to take care of offices and halls and live In business building. Must be sober and reliable. Address C 356, care of Bee. (9) M534 29x HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE MAN and wife for gardner, cook and laundress. Refesences required. 2236 St. Mary's Ave. (10) 396 27 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. FINE family horse, city broke, trap, har- Phone Harney 700. " (11) M774 Poultry, Eggs and squabs. SILKO CHICK FOOD Is the best. If your dealer does not handle, call Doug. 111!, Ind. B-8456. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. ICth. (ll)-loi LOST AND FOUND. LOST A ladies' gold watch Saturday night. Reward if returned to cashier Candy Dept., Boston Store. (12) 3US 27x LOST Watch chain and button, near post- oltice. Keward return shoe shine par lors, 16th and Capitol Ave. (12) M526 2Sx MEDICAL ANY pour girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3S24 N. 24tii St., Omaha, Neb. (13) M106 BES'r'nerve brace for men. 'Gray'a Nerva Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 159 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sis.; special attention paid to con finement cases; ail treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167, Calls answered day or night. I13)-129 F MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential, liol Douglas. (14) 4t3 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security: easy pay ments. Offices in 62 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, Nw York Lit Bldg. (14J-I62, CHATTEL, (alary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1504 Furnam St. (It) ttit P. O. NIELSEN as CO., LOANS. T03 N. Y. Llf Bldg. 'Phon Doug. 2204. (1 ! 466 2 OFFERED FOR RENT Hoard las aad Heoaae. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooirs; cafe, (15) W7 BOARD and room; large room, suitable for two; also alngla room. 114 8. 19th SL (15)-9 SUITE of rooms, on first floor, modern 4n vrv way; home cooking. 116 N. 25th St. u:iai Jci2 results cannot ac occasional OFFERED FOR RENT Ros d Rooms for WE DO expert piano moving at lowest S rices. Tel. Douglas 16."5. Schmoller & lueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (161 4t DEWEY European Hctel. 13th and Farnam. (15)-4t9 Furnished flooms. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for gentle menday. week or month. The Chatham, opposite Millard, 110 8. 13th St (16) 470 FURNISHED rooms. 640 8. 24th St.; ref erences. (15) M139 Je6 FURNISHED room. 1960 S. 10th St. (13) M9t Jubx ONE Isrg-e furnished room, suitable for man and wife or two young men; house new and strictly modern. 316 N. 19th St. (15) 147 29x RO( )M Modern ; suitable for one or two gentlemen; 201 South Central boulevard. Tel. Harney 1712. ; (15) 142 29 FURNISHED room, In all jnodern home. 2405 Capitol Ave. 115) M314 30x -t- NICELY furnished room; walking dis tance; close to new 24th street car line; home for right man; no other roomers. Telephone Douglas 6670. (15) M356 30x NEATLY furnished room; private fam ily; gentlemen only. 131 N. 31st Ave. , (16) M345 30 FOR RENT Excellent modern rooms; rates for transients. Flat 4, Davldge BIk. (15) M422 1X DESIRABLE room In Dundee for one or two men. No other roomers. References required. Telephone Harney 2591. 4922 Chi cago street. (15)M415 1 FOK RHNT Furnished room, very' rea sonable, east front, pleasant location, private family. 522 N. 17th St.. South Omaha. (15) I3S 27 NEWLY furnished rooms, house new and strictly modern. 316 N. 19th St. (15) 433 lx MODERN room newly furnished, private family. Gentlemen $2.60. 2404 Capitol Ave. (15)-M46 2x Unfurnished Rooms. FOT7R unfurnished rooms, modern. 3155 Farnam. 'Phone Harney 2773. (15) 108 Apartments and Flat. 6-ROOM Modern flat. 112 S. 11th St. (15) M891 APARTMENTS, 7 room. In QUIVET, 1807-9-11 Farnam St.; steam heat, hot water and telephone. APARTMENTS, 3 and 6 rooms. In SCARGO, South Omaha; steam heat and hot water. HALL, 317 First ' Nat l Bk. Bldg. Red 7406-A44O6. v (151-471 TWO elegant apartments for rent; four and five rooms. William K. Potter, 301 Brown block. (15) M355 6-6-7-rooms. Qulvet. 1809 Farnam. 3-6-room. Scargo, 516H N. 24th St., South Omaha. (15)-399 FOR RENT 6-room modern flat: Dunsany, loth and Pierce, $25. Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 1571. (15) M 473 CENTRAL, 4-room Inner flat. 220 N. 23d. lo) M491 3-ROOM front flat, partly modern, $8.50. Apply at rear, 1917 Clark SU . ; (15)-620 Housekeeping; Room. THREEholce furnished rooms; 220 N. 23d St. - (15)-M550 TWO large, beautiful, cool rooms, 218 N. 23d 8t. (15) 975 27 THREE or four unfurnished ' rooms, all modern, light, heat, telephone, hot and cold water. 1041 Park Ave.; Tel. Harmey 3992. (15) M242 30 FOR RENT Fhur nicely furnished rooms; all modern; complete for housekeeping; to September or October 1. Address, S-498, Bee. (15) M352 30 218 N. 19th; light housekeeping room. (15)-M351 SOx TWO light basement rooms, furnished for housekeeping, partly modern; vacant June 1. 909 S. 27th St. ' (15) M331 30x TWO xcc41ent modern furnished rooms for housekeeping. 'Phone in house. 2574 Harney St. (15) M307 3 ROOMS completely furnished for light , housekeeping; modern and well located. Will rent only to man and wife;. $25.00. References. Address A 517, Bee. (15)-M432 r TWO OR THREE elegantly furnished front rooms, complete for light housekeeping. 2018 Davenport St. , (15) M490 2x UNFURNISHED Two front rooms for man and wife; housekeeping. 2tV3 Dodge t. (15) M638 30x Fnrnlahed House. 10-ROOM furnished house for the summer. . Reed Bros., 1710 Farnam. (16) M72S FOR RENT Modern six-room house, fur nished complete. Call between 5 and 8 p. m. 2830 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Harney 3hS9. ' (15) M425 28x House aner Cottage. HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. 15) 479 FOR RENT 8 rooms, bath, bam, 2151 IB. $4th. W. 8. Stlllman. 419 1st Nat. Bk. Bid. I (15) 480 SIX-ROOM, second floor. 1902 N. 26th St., $11: 8-room house, partly modern. 409 Wll- , llam Bt., $23; storeroom, 1306 N. 24th St., IIS. cnris ooyer, --u aim turning ts. (16) M 455 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Brecn Company. 914 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) 483 2522 REESE St., 3-room house, $0. 3110 N. 24th St., 3-room flat, $8. 6-room flat, all modern, within walking distance. BEMIS, SOU PAXTON BLOCK. Phones, Douglas vkii. Independent A-1685. (15.1-184 NEW 6-Yoom house; everything modern; beautiful lawn and shade. Apply at 2124 Miami St. (15) M9-6 HOUSE for rent. 2503 Franklin St. (15)-64 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; muvtng and storlnx. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 394. (15) 477 OMAHA Vn and Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th, office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1S59. , (15) 476 HOUSE9, flats, Garvin Bros.. 1604 Farnam. (15) 474 I1UUOLO Crelgh Sons 4k Co.. Bee Blrtg. (ia 179 2S67 PACIFIC ST. I rooms; thoroughly modern nsk finish; $40. A. O. EHIck, M Bee Bldg. 115) 484 1330 N. 40TH. T rooms, all modern. C. B. Herring, 411 New York Life Bldg. i (15)-88 HOUSES-Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. L Bldg. Oi 4.SI Haggard Van & Storage Go. D. 1496. We guarantee moving planu. H. II gooda (15) 4S2 FOUR rooms with hall, closet, ground floor, city water and aewer; half block to car line. 915 N. 25th Ave. (16) 648 HOUSE FOR RENT. All modern house, walking distance J; I fer month. Telephone Doug. 61' W. J ermody lnv. Co., U N. Y. Life, Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (15) -446 27 advertising OFFERED FOR RENT House and Cottages Continued. $10 and $11 per month for desirable 4-room flats, with bath, southeast corner of 29th and Douglas Sts. $J2 per rnonth. 1332 S. 25th Ave, 6 rooms modern. v $J8 per month for 1133 N. 17th St., 9 rooms. city water, sewer snd gas. $.10 per month, second floor, 2129 Farnam St., desirable 6-room flat. $35 per month, 2043 N. 20th St., 8 rooms, new, strictly modern. $40 per month, 2965 Taclflc 8t., rooms, modern. $45 per month, heated apartment, 418 S. 25th Ave., S rooms, oak finish. FURNISH HOUSES. $50 per month. 610 N. 2lRt St., 8 rooms, new, modern house, best of furnishings, lease until September 1, 1908. $o per month for -room house, nicely furnished, near high school, six months lease to private family. $75 per month, 4108 Dnvenport St., beautiful summer home of 9 rooms, all nicely furnished, lease to September 15, 19H8. GEORGE & CO., 1001 Farnam St. (15)-M479 28 FOR RENT All modern, 8-room house. 704 N. 23d St., large yard, fine shade trees, $40 per month. Parties still In the house and will be glad to show It. (15)-69 FOR RENT Six-room cottage, 2788 Capitol Ave.; modern, except heat; nicely re paired; very desirable; $25. Also, two story, 7-room. 211 N. 28th Ave.; new plumbing; convenient; room large; low rent to good party. Apply at 607 N. l?th St. (15) M565 COTTAGE FOR RENT. Five-room cottage, modern except furnace $17 per month. Telephone Doug. 61"8. W. J. Dcrmody lnv. Co., 836 N. Y. L'f e Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (15) 443 27 506-ftOS North 25th, 6-room, 7-room, modern new brick, each $40. 720 North 23d, corner Burt, 9-room all modern. $35. 2M8 Leavenworth, 6-room except heat, $25. O'KEEFE REAL FSTATB COMPANY, 1001 N. Y. Life. Phones Doug and A2152 (15) 454 2b 312S CHICAGO ST., 8 rooms, modern, large yard and large barn ;rent reduced to $40; 3011 Webster St.; 8 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, $:3. Rlngwalt Bros., 306 S. 16th St. (15) M470 FOR RENT 7-room modern house, 22d and California Sts; cement walks, lawn and shade trees. Apply 105 McCague Bldg. Tel. Doug. 595. (16) M471 FOR RENT. 2632 Patrick Ave., 6-room cottage, nearly new; hath and gas; $22.50. 1710 North 34th, 8 or 9-room house; part could be re-rented; one block to Harney car line; $L'2.5. J. H. SHERWOOD, 616-617 Brandels Bldg. (15)-M476 28 FOR RENT OR SALE. 6-room housj modern except furnace, furnished or unfurnished. 1911 Soutn 29th St. Inquire premises on anl after Juno 1. (15)-M403 Je2 206 N. 23rd St.. 7 modern brick. (15) M4S8 FINE modern 8-room brick house, corner 35th and Dewey Ave., vacant June 1. Ap ply to owner, A. C. Busk, 3412 Haw thorne Ave. 'Phone Harney 980. (15) 499 3825 N. 18th St., 6-room, modern, $22.50. 3:'10 N. 21st St., 6-room, modern, $26.50. 3936 N. 21st St., 7-room, modern, except heat. $23.50. 2fi11 Grant St., 7-rOom, modern, hot water heat, $J5.0t). 3110 Corby St., 7-room, modem, $22.50. 3021 Davenport St., 7-room, modern, $45. 1603 S. 28th St., 9-room, city water, $18. 250S Sherman Ave., 6-room, modern, $32.60. 6ii91JNr. 21st St., 6-room, modern, except heat. $25.50. 2-'12 N. 21st St., 7-room, modern, $22.50. 514 N. 20th St., 9-room. modern, $50. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam St. Ask for rental department. (15)-510 27 2232 S. Uth St., 7-r., all modern, $30. 572 8. 2!th, 8-r.. $35.00, .. 1064 8. 20th, 6-r., modern except heat, $18.00. Near Field club, 8-r., modern except heat, $25 per month. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, 212 S. 14th St. (15)-521 29 NEW 6-room modern, with furnace, only $20 per month. If a Christian see owner In person at 3831 N. 22d St. (16)-M633 30x EIGHT-ROOM all modern, Including water, $35 per , month..608 N. 23d St.. Call L. Harris, real estate, 676 Brandels Buldg. (15) M524 31 X NEW brick house, entirely modern, oak finish, seven rooms. 601 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1510. (15) M525 30 Buildings. FOR RENT Space In building located In heart of the business district; trackage facilities and electric elevator; suitable for warehouse or light manufacturing purposes. Address W-225, care Bee. (2o) M55 Offices. OFFICES In The Bee Building for rent Apply R. W. Baker, Superintendent, Room 105. (15) M 160 FOR RENT. Outside room In N. Y. L. Bldg., eighth floor $10 per month. Telephone Duug. 6H. W. J. Dermody lnv. Co., 836 N. Y. Lite Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (15) 445 27 OFFICE FOR RENT. Pleasant office in new Brandels build ing to let; use of stenographer and 'phones If deBlred. Inquire at room 617. (15) M474 29 FOR RENT on June 1, large office room, 12x22 ft., in Crounse blk., opposite post office. Conrad Young, agent, 1618 Dodge St. (lS)- ROOMS 5 and 6 on second floor of Con servative bu lillng, 1814 Harney St.; oalt finish, gas and electric light, heat and janitor service furnished; theBe offices can I rented singly or ensulte. HASTINGS & HARDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (15) M536 26 T" XT torea. $35 per month, 2210 Farnam St., store room and basement, 20x60 ft. $i5 per month, 2127 Farnsrh St., store room and basement, with brick work, room In rear. $5o per month each for 1403-05 Jackson St. Building is being thoroughly overhauled, and these rooms will be decorated to suit tenant. $100 per mor-th. 1615 Howard St., good tore room and basement Just south of Thomp-son-Belden store. GEORGE & CO.. 1601 Farnam St. (15) M4M 20 FOR RENT Large store room, northeast corner 16th and Vinton Sts., $16. C. M. Bachman. 43 Paxton Block. (16) M50t STORE room, 40x60 feet, for rent. 1509-11 Capitol Ave. (15)-U1 28 111 8. 15th, steam heat. 19 N. 24th. new brick, $25. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. Room. 6. Frenaer Blk. (15)-M242 Scargo Blk., South Omaha, new; 5M N. 24. (16) 400 1307-9 HOWARD St., 4-story and basement, double brick building, only half block from Auditorium. Convenient to whole sale and retail district, In thorough re pair, electric elevator, outside stairs to upper floors. You can sublet every floor to good tenant. Very Reasonable rent. N. P. lHdge ac Co., 1714 Fornam Bt. " , - (16)-M476 JeJ WHEN you write to advertisers, kindly mention The Bee. CORNER store, 1301 Farnam St. (16-M535 Six WHEN writing to advertisers, remember It takea but an extra atrok or two of the pen to mention the tact that ou aw the ad la The Be. OFFERED FOR SALE Its FOR SALE Household goods and mod ern rooms for rent. 2670 Fsrnam St. (lti) 408 Zl OAK circular counter, cashier's rsge, of tice partitions, almost new; choice; cheap. Sunderland Bros. Co., WOS Harney St. (161 1 1 FURNITURE for room for sale, only usd three months. 116 N. 25th. Tel. Douglas 4912. (16) M530 3x Plaaos, Orgaaa, Musical Instruments. FOR SALE Chesp, Knabe square piano. Party ha no use for It. 60S s. 22d St. (16) M136 29x Typewriter and Itwlsg Machlaee. FOX TYPEWRITER. No. 127420; only used short time and In A No. 1 condition; for sale at very reaaonable price. Call for Wright at Bee Office. 17th and Fsrnam. (1$)-8M Mleeclla FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar , fixtures: easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 8. loth 8t. 16) 490 LIST your property with Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sts. (19)-506 A LOT of stone for coping, window and door sills; also fancy pressed brick, for sale. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt. Bee Bldg. OU-961 ICE! ICE. MINNESOTA ICE In car lota A. O. Gilbert, Council Biuffa, I a. (16)-M$7t GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES I. arrest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prices In the city; select now, delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO., Ill 8. 15th St. Tel. Doug. 681. (16) 4X9 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. . 06)-491 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. (16) 491 1-8 RUCKER and Weston new case and stands for sal cheap. Call at Ree of fice, Omaha. (16) 891 DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on all $19 orders; catalogue free. Sherman Mc Connell Drug Co. Omaha, Neb. (16) 48 FOR SALE Store building. located In vil lage of Alvo, Neb., 30x60 feet In slse, with hall overhead, and good basement. Will be sold at a bargain. "For particulars ad dress E. M. Stone, Alvo, Neb. O6)-M20l BEND us your mall order for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 491 PURE Vermont maple sugar and syrup. D. E. Glddlngs, East Fairfield, Vt. (16) M455 Jellx SOME first-class laundry machinery for sain cheap, u. F. lillle, Tekaman, iveo. (16) M811 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Doage Sts.. Omaha. Neb. (16) 494 OAK clrculsr counter, cashier's cage, of flee partitions, almost new; choice; cheap. Sunderland Bros. Co., 1608 Harney Ht. (16) 435 1 FOR SALE The crop of cherries of 400 trees on a .rarm one mile soutn or Ne braska City, Neb. Will be ripe In about two weeks. For particular address Bradley-Catron Co., Nebraska City, Neb, (16) MS12 30 FOR SALE A large Richardson Boyn ton Furnace In first class condition with pipes. Also two small coal stoves. Call forenoon, 2037 Dodge St. (16) M4S9 z NEW Shelton electro-vibrator at your own price, If sold this week. 875 Brandels Bldg. (16) M5Z9 rx PATENTS PATENTS Sues & Co., Washington, D. O, We make free examination to find out If Invention are) patentable. Advic Irs. Patent, obtained or fee returned. ' (17) M541 Jel3x D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk, Tel. Red 7UI (17) 495 LARSON & CO. Book free. 622 Bee Bldg. 117) 4M PATENTS THAT PROTECT books for Inventors mailed on receipt of 6c postage. R. S. & A. B. Lacey, room 29-39 Pacltlo Bldg., Washington, D. C. established 186. ; (17) 497 PERSONAL KC A nWiTTTn treatment and bath. Mm. MAUJNrji.lU smith, U N. 16tb, 2d floor. 08)-627 A HOME for women during confinement; we find home for babies where mother cannot care for them. Mother Lee, 402 Bancroft St. 'Phon Douglas 1921. (18) M365 THE SALVATION ARMY ollclt castoff clothing: In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N 11th St., tor cost of collecting to th worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. - (18-785 PASSAGE and baths. Room 1, 1304 Farnam St., 2d Floor. (18) M131 Js. ( I WILL retain and grow hair or pay $100. Write Dr. Oliver K. Chance, scalp spe cialist, 896 Syndicate Arcaae, jviinneapoua Mention umana xe wnen wnuns. ntlon rONI TO TONE down, rermo, Deauniy ine race, use oatin sain puwuci , . n.... vi.i PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr King. 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Webster 3669. " (18) m YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit tha Young Women' Christian association rooma, 1514 Farnam St., where they will b directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. (18)- DR. TARRY tlll'VlLEs" are "cured1! Examination or booklet free. Dr Tarry. 224 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (18)-Hil4 Jel5 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut rlcea. Send for free catalogue. Myers illlon Drug Co., Omaha. 1S 499 MME. ZEREFA. Armenian massage, 620 8 16th. Flat 6. 'Phone Douglaa 684o. ' . i . . . . ...1 T O (18) M892 Jel8x OMAHA Stammerer' Instltuts. Ramgs Bl'g. (18) 600 SCHOOL for dressmaking, cutting and fit ting; will cut patterns to measure. By Kneeter; th best ladies' tsllor. 22o7 Fsr. nam St. I (18) 863 Junel7 IF Nell Stacey or friend will end either her addres or their own to Geo. F. Meyer, Argentine, Kan., they will find out something of greatest Importance to her. (18) M421 Jellx REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Ufa (19)-601 BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandela Bldg. U-ul GEORGE A CO.. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 756. (19-o01 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE NICE COTTAGE New 6-room cottage; nice location, near $4th and Meredith Ave., one block from car; full lot, fine view; $1,600; $26o cash, bal ance $18 per rronth. FETKKSON BROS.. 4T5 Brandel Bldg.. 'Phones: D. 7323; A-J157. (19I-M537 28 BARGAIN CHOICE LOCATION Near 32d Ave. and Dodge. Modern houae, $ kooms. barn, oak finished, hsrd wood floor worth $7,600. Needs painting. Owner say tsk $.(). Telephone Douglaa 1533. W. T. GRAHAM, CM Bee Bldg. .419 44$ 2t REAL ESTATE CITY PROPRRTT FOR HALS (Continued.) FAIRACRES Furnishes just the place in which to build a home, a high sightly tract of land, artistically laid out, with reasonable build ing restrictions. Fairaeres lies along Dodge St., west of Dun-, dee, and already has several of Omaha's most beautiful homes: Land, roadways and parks have been graded, and trees and shrubbery set out. One to five acre tracts $000 per acre, and upwards. One fourth cash, bal ance easy payments. Let us show you FAIR ACRES, also other Dodge St. acre tracts, and lots in Dundee this weel. George & Co., , 1601 FARNAM ST. . " 0)-M481 $1 McCague Investment Co. 2403 N. 20TH BT. Large residence9 rooms, for nace and bath room, modern plumbing, gas. Large COR NER LOT. This house was built for a home and Is In first class con dition from garret to cellar. Cemented basement and walks. ' All sewer and paving special taxes psld. Nice shade tree and lawn. Vestibule and large hallway. ' Oak stairs and hsrd pine fin ish downstairs, plenty of linen closet. Large floored garret. Owner la holding vacant, so If you buy you can move In, right away. Says sell at $4,000. Essy terms, at 6 per cent. House rents for $40 per month and the water. You should see this right away. You can go through the house while the workmen are there; then come and see ua McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO. 1506 Dodge St. (19) 459 $1 K0UNTZE PLACE A Business Man's Addition You will find more business men Owning heir homes In Kountae Place, than In any other addition in the cltv. ISN'T THAT A GOOD REASON Why should you buy a lot and build yout home In this beautiful addition? THERE ARE , 20 NEW HOUSES Now being built In Kountse Place, which. 1 more than are being built in any other addition in the city. WE HAVE SOME GOOD LOTS LEFT FROM $650 TO $950 Between Sherman avenue and 24th street on Locust, Spencer, Lothrop and Pinkney treat. Easy term. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, Sole Agent. 1704 Farnam St. Bee Bldg. (19)-502 27 BARGAINS. Four-room cottage on lot 70x150, south front on California, near 31st. Permsnent walk and paving all paid. Price, $1,750. REED BROS.. 1710 Farnam Bt. (19) M528 EEAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CCk CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. Pres. (l)-7 WALKING DISTANCE wahm Y. i i a .t.lnllif mAil.rn tiei n r 1 1 l villi nvum , a . . . i.; .......... . . , ' reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, three bed room and bath up stairs, with nickel plumbing and beautiful fixtures throughout. .... iA, n 1i i s, anil fsnltAl Awe has paved street and nice terrace; price, $600. This is a snap. C. P. TRAVER, 'Phones Red 4721: Ind., A-1721. I 425-6 N. Y. Life Bldg. 1 U9V-&04 XT FOR SALE OWNER LEAVING CITY Offers elegant 11-room residence, new and modern, In West Farnam district; will sell at a sacrifice. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 219 Board of Trade. (19) 434 1 MUST SELL t-room bouse; large new barn, new chicken nouse ana coai noun, an painieai large lot covered with fruit; in the north part of city, two diocks iroin cur; price, $1,700; easy payment. Doug. 585. BEMIS, Paxton Blk. Ind. A1IW. ABSTRACTS JESSFN AV M DANIEL, 214 Board of Trade. Phone Douglas Tot. (19)-tt OF TITLE TWO new 4-room cottages, full lots, on 28th St., Just south of Blnney; nlc bath and rinaets. water and aewer connection. cement walks four feet wide along entire block. Price, $1,700. Can make easy Far- ments If desired, jteea tiros., i7to (19)-971 TRUCK PATCH 4 acres K of a mile west of Bnon $560. Just the place for that garden or truck patch. Terma, one-third cash, balance on very easy terms. Let us show this tract today tomorrow It may be sold. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781- 1781-"A" 118 (19)-607 28 Fft quick sals list your property with Walter Wills. 414 Bee Bldg.. Rental aa Insurance. tl Ml Jl f I WANT an offer on th property, 1131 and 1130 8. list St.; two modern house and good barn; wall rented. Thla property t ewned by sn eastern party who must sell. THOMAS BRENNAN, Roan. 1- latfc Lifa Bldg.