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Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1909, EDITORIAL, Image 12

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Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
City of Council Bluffi Apparently
Living Beyond Iti Income.
Xearly Twentr Thonaand Dollar El
tended Dnrlnsr i Flrat Two Month
of Tear Total neyelpts Eatl
mated at f.f.OOO.
In making the appropriations for the
maintenance of the several department!
for the fiscal rear ther city council found
that It wouM have fur the "emergency
fund." according to the revenue estimated,
$l,o. The financial report of City Auditor
McAneney for May, the second month of
the fiscal year, show that the appropri
atlon Tor the "emergency fund" has al
ready been overdrawn $507.90. despite the
fact that the statute expressly prohibits
the lKqln; of warrants against any fund
In excess of the appropriation. It la said
that the expense of the preliminary work
for the new central fire station over In
dlan creek at the foot of Bryant street '.
paid out of this fund Instead of out of the
bridge fund and this accounts for the over
draft at this early date.
Anticipating a revenue of $47,000, the city
council made appropriations to this amount
, for the maintenance of .the several depart
ments for the fiscal year. The report of
City Auditor McAneney shows that In the
flrat two months of the year fl9.S8S.S8 has
been expended.
lit the first two months of the fiscal
year there has been expended out of the
appropriation of $10,000 for streets and
alleys no lesa than $4,901.01. - leaving but
$6,098.33 for the remaining ten months.
For the fire and police telegraph fund
the sum of $2,000 was appropriated for Its
maintenance for the year. In the first two
months of this period, according to the
report of the city auditor. $677.74 has been
expended, leaving but ll.322.2d for the re
maining ten months.
Cksrt of Reekleaaneaa.
Said a city official yesteday, "the city
council appears to be entirely reckless In
Its expenditures this year, regardless of the
fact that It la extremely doubtful If the
the revenue upon nhlrh the appropriations
were based, will be realised. In the first
two months of the fiscal year already
some of the funds are In a badly depleted
condition, while on at least Is overdrawn.
This Is not as It should be, considering
that that It Is prolable that the revenue
will fall short from the amount antici
pated owing to the agitation against the
saloons. If th councllmen will look over
the books of the city clerk they will find
that about ten saloons owing to this agita
tion have already gone out of business and
It Is easy to figure out the loss of revenue
to the city from this source. Then again
the councllmen would do well to look over
the report of fines and forfeitures covered
Into th city treasury from the police court
ts compared with recent years and with
what they figured on when estimating the
revenue for the fiscal year. The condition
cf the finances at the end of the first two
months of the fiscal Is such as to warrant
the municipal authorities to 'sit, up and
take notice.' "
I loir Arroants Stand.
The following shows the amounts appro
priated for the several departments, what
has been expended during the first two
months of the fiscal year and what la left
to carry on the departments for th re
maining ten months:
Purpose. Appropriated. Unused.
Salaries, executive dept. $11. iw. 00 $ .63.30
Police marshal's dept 23,260.00 15
streets and alleys 10.0u0.00 . S.OMi.ba'
Fir department 26.CO0.00 ' 21.664.74
Fire and police telegraph 2,000.00 1,322.26
Engineer's department .. 1,300.00 4.213.63
Printing and supplies ..... 1,200.00 l,Uh8.15
City pound tWl.OO 208.90
Elections 2.3i.O0 2.300.00
Emergencies l.fcfO.0 r,S7.80
Cltv hall 1.600.00 1,279.41
City health 1,900.00 1,619.10
Totals $87,000.00 67,708. SO
Total $C7,1U.12
Wedding Gifts.
Picture make Ideal wedding gifts. We
have them In, all styles and prices. Try
$2$ Broadway.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night. F-1702,
Both Phones. 24. 600-602 BROADWAY.
I New Potatoes, per peck 30
Choice Beef Roast, per pound g
Fresh Tomatoes,
per basket
S for
20c cans Choice Red
Salmon, per can . . .
Eggs, strictly fresh,
per dozen ...;....
per sack ........ .
per sack
. lc
Breakfast Bacon,
per pound
Choice Boil Beef,
per pound
Summer Sausage,
2 lbs. for
Choice Corn Beef,
per pound
Machine Sliced Dried
Beef, per pound . . .
Davis, drug.
CORRIQAN8, Undertaker. "Phones 14$.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phon $7.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. $.
When you want reliable want ad adver
tising, use The Bee.
Dr. W. W. Magarcll. optometrist moved
to 206-208 City National bank building.
Undertakers. 'Phone 122, 14 N. Main 61
Try a picture for that next wedding pree-
ent. Alexander's Art Store, $3$ Broadway.
$.10 Daniel Beatty organ. In perfect con
dition, at S10. A HoD company. 28 South
Main and 29 Pearl street. Council Bluffs.
A building permit was Issued yesterday to
. M. Yoiinakln for a one-story frame cot
tage at Thirty-fifth street and Broadway,
to cost $1,800.
A marriaife license was Issued yesterday
to Edson W. Poast and Vera Houta, both
f Omaha. They were married by Justice
E. B. Gardiner.
Lewis Moor and Frank Davis, charged
with breaking and entering a boarding car
on the Rock Island tracks, were discharged
n police court yesterday.
A. F. Mochon arrived yesterday from
Chicago, called here by the Illness of his
mother, who Is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
W. M. Lyon, of 360 Oakland avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy DeVol arrived home
ast evening from their wedding trip to
Minneapolis and the lake region. They have
taken apartments In th urand hotel annex
until their home on Olen avenue is ready
for occupancy.
The taking of evidence befor J. J. Fergu
son, special master, In the suit brought by
the C. B. Nash company In th federal
court to enjoin the city from issuing tha
proposed $600,000 water works bonds, will b
resumed this morning.
An Indolent blase from a defective flue
gave the fire department a run at 2:30
yesterday afternoon to a small frame cot
age at South Thirteenth street, owtiM
by P. Wid. A bucket of water effectively
xtlngulxhed the flames before th arrival
or tne firemen.
County Recorder w. H. Barghausen. as
captain of the Pottawattamie County In
diana, otherwise the ball flayers of the
court house, yesterday Issued a Challenge
to the Cliff Dwellers of Douglas county,
Nebraska, for a game, to be played at
Ideal-Hustlers' park. In this city,, any time
oerore July .
toes, oer basket, 25 cents; new potatoes.
per peck, 85 cents; large sweet peas, per
pecK, M cents; cnerries ana gooseoernes
k. A ..........
cots, per dozen,' 10 cents; last chance on
pineapples, su cents S1.Z& ana xi.w per
dosen. We handle all kinds of cooked
meats, such as boiled ham, dried beef,
corned beef, sliced any thickness. L. Oreen,
i,n Broadway.
Myron Thompson and Byron Young,
young lads from Missouri Valley, who were
charged with breaking into cars In the
railroad yards at Missouri Valley, were
ordered committed to the Stat Industrial
school at Eldora yesterday by Judge
Wheeler of the district court. The mother
of young Thompson, who vu In court
created quite a scene when the Judge or
dered her boy sent to Eldora. She wept
and shrieked and had to be led from the
court room by friends. ,
VUUam McKnlght. a transient horse
trader, was arrested yesterday morning on
an Information filed in th court of Jus
tice Cooper, charging him with the sale of
a gianuered horse which, it was alleged
had been brought from outside tha state
The complaint was filed by Harry Gregory
of this city, who purchased the animal.
Later Gregory and McKnlght effected an
adjustment of the difficulty, following
which the special constable deputised by
Constable Baker to hold the defendant per-
nuura aicivniKni 10 go. justice uooDer re
fused, however, to dismissed the case, but
when a search was made for McKnlght he
was not to be found, and It is supposed he
seised the first opportunity to leave the
Wholesale and Retail
601 Mala Council Bluffs. Ii..' 'Pbont 211
Fancy Fresh Tomatoes,
per basket
Fancy New Potatoes,
per peck
Fancy Florida Plne,
Canned Peaches In Syrup,
per can .'. .
Canned Pears In Syrup,
per can
Canned Apricots In heavy
Syrup, per can
Pet Cream,
6 cana for
Beet Ginger Snaps,
S lbs. for
Finest Beef Boil,
per pound
Finest Steaks,
1 per pound
Guaranteed Flour,
per sack ,
Up-to-date Flour,
per sack
25c Package .Oatmeal,
per package .......
10c Package Oatmeal,
per package
. . 15c
20 25 30 35
Hotel, Houae and Office Furnlahers
rchard & Wilhelm
41416-18 S. 16th
300 Rattan Rocker
$1.75 each
This is a large full
size, full roll Rattan
Rocker. Natural fin
ish made of best grade
German Reeds. Go on
special sale Saturday
only, at, each Sl7
We show the largest X
line of summer furni
ture in'the west.
Special In Basement 7 Piece Kitchen Set
This Is one of the greatest bargains we have ever offered In
our Housefurnlshlng department. The set contains only such
articles that are the most used In the kitchen.
The Full Set Contains
1 Large Kitchen Fork.
-1 Cnk Turner.
1 Paring Knife.
1 Kitchen Clearer.
1 Can Opener.
1 Perforated Mixing Spoon,
t 14-in. Bracket for holding full
Kitcheu Set.
This set cannot b duplicated for less than 0c We will place
them on sale Saturday, and Saturday only, at 85c per set.
Minor Mention
rfe OtuoU Blaff OfflM f tke
OnUt a, is at IS i m.
aVrta nrbone .
Weddinn Rlnna.
Pure cold, seamless, all sixes, thus no
delay or altering, S3 to. 112. Engraving
free. Lerlert.
Refrigerators that sav ie. That's the
kind w self. Economic and Yukon. Prices
irora u 10 k, wnue enameled or plain.
We show a fin line. P. C. D Vol Hard
ware Co.
General G. M. Dodge Head Coaaell
Blaffa Delegation.
Mayor Maloney yesterday. In MimniianM
with the request of Governor Carroll
named ten delegates to represent th city
of Council Bluffs at th Transmlsstsslppl
Commercial congress, to be held In Denver
in week of August 16. Th delegates
named are: General O. M. Dnd. a
D. Tobey, V. B. Bender, Dr. D. Macrae,
E. H. Doollttl. Colonel W. V. R.k.r w
H. Van Brunt. M. F. Rohrer. John P
Organ and George F. Hughes.
The mayor also named n. w mi-v..
aid, H. A. Qdlnn and H. W. Binder as
three delegates, to represent th city at
th Missouri River Navigation congress,
to be held In Yankton. 8. I.. on Jniv
and 9. Ernest E. Hart. V. ID. Render an
Mayor Maloney wer recently appointed
by Governor Carroll as state delegates to
the congress.
price on cane" granulated sugar In 100-
pouna sacks, isew peas, per half peck, 1
cents; beets, five bunches for in font.
new turnips, .peck. 16 cents; also new po
tatoes, cauliflower, tomatnea runmik.
' etc In frult3, pineapples, up from 8 cents
tancy lemons, doxen. 20 cant. .
apricots, cherries, berries, bananas, etc!
uinger snaps, pound, cents; fig Newtons
pound. VPik cents: tea dimL nL. i
cents; sauer kraut, 10 cents; scsp, tan bar.
a cents, in our meat department: Bon
less rib roast, pound, lis rnnt
cents; pot roasts. 7 cents to I cents; home
made bologna., three nounda. Sft mi,i. v,
oon, by th strip, pound, U cants; pig livers.
eacn, jo cents; calf hearts, two for i cents
also spring chickens, etc. - In our hard
ware aepartment: I'herry otoners; s
ladders, up from 29 cents: ham
cents to M.00: lawn swlnaa: adluatahi
window screens, 19 conts to 35 cent; screen
doors, 79 cents; ovtl, C 25 to $4 00;
One Minute wash machine, (10.00 (let
send you one on trial). J. Zoller Merca
ttle Company, 10iM02-104-103 Broad w
'Phones 34).
FELD CO.. 619 80. MAIN. 'PHONE JJt
Saloon Keeper Arrested.
A- Loftman, proprietor of a saloon at
WW Went Broadway, waa taken Into cus
tody yesterday afternooa by th sheriff.
out later was released on his own recog
nlzanc to appear befor Judg Wheeler
In district court this morning to answer
to a charge of contempt of court In that.
as alleged, he violated an Injunction r
straining him from th Illegal sale of In
toxlcatlng liquors. D. J. Whittaker. for
mer member of th police- force and for
iner poll tax collector, 1 th complalnliv
witnexa According to th affidavit filed
yesterday by Mr. Whittaker, Loftman sold
liquor on various occasion to Walter
Whittaker, a son of th complainant and
a minor, in such quantities and to such
I couftcw. j smp
the UNITED CIGAR STORES CO. opens its first store in this
city at the old stand of the Cole-McKenna Co.,
outh 16th Street
Look for the UNITED Shield on the windows. It's the
emblem of quality. v
We come to this city because we believe there is room for. us.
In eighty -five other big cities we operate hundreds of
stores on th0 original plan which will prevail here all known
by the sign of the UNITED Shield the emblem of quality.
These stores are all operated on one plan to give better
cigars for the money, no matter what price you pay, than can
be obtained elsewhere.
JiMg,, -
Whether we do or not we will ask the smokers of this
city to decide.
Particular attention is called to these famous brands of
PALBIA DECUBA Londres, a 10c Havana Cigar for 6 cts.
CAPT. MARRY AT Invincible, a 10c Domestic Cigar for 6 cts.
an extent that th young man became intoxicated.
PINEAPPLES W hav a fin lot on
sal today at $1 10 per dosen. W arc get
ting In home-grown strawberries, 15 cents
box: peatt, IS cents one-half peck; beets,
two bunches for 6 cental tomatoes, 23
cents basket; cucumbers, two for 15 cents.
W hav the finest red salmon, known
as the Red Clover brand, 15 and 25 cents
can. Try some of our good sardines at
two for 25 cents. Egg are 20 cents dosan.
Swiss cheese. 35 cents pound. Try soma of
our ooffee, !4 cents pound. W have extra
fine bananas, 20 cents 1osen. Wi have
extra large glasses of Smith
pick lea, 25 cent each. Bartel
Telephone tA. s
4 Son'
Sentiment of Conference Against lie
alrln Paatenrtaat Ion f Milk.
"It Is Immaterial to m whether the
milk Is brought to my house In a bottle
or In a basket, so long as th cows from
which It comes are tested," declared Mayor
Maloney, who presided at th conference
last night between th city officials and th
dairymen over th proposed milk ordinance.
"All cows from which milk is sold in th
city, whether by dairymen or Individuals,
should be tested for tuberculosis and th
owners compelled to comply with the sani
tary regulations of th Stat Board of
Health. Is all that ts necessary at this
time," opined City Health . Officer Bower.
"I do not believe It would be feasible
to requlr th pasteurisation of all milk
sold In th city, but I would Insist on all
eowe, whether owned by regular dairymen
or Individuals, be thoroughly tested by a
competent person." said City Physician
The conference was attended by Mayor
Maloney. Councllmen Jensen. Morgan and
Skodrholm. City Solicitor Klmhalt, I"r.
Tubbs, Sanitary Officer Peter smith.
Quarantine Officer Macrae, Deputy Stat
Dairy Inspector Lenox, President Taylor
and several members of the recently or
ganised Palrymens' association.
The dlRcussion which, followed the read
ing by City Solicitor Kimball of the draft
of an ordinance, which he is preparing took
a wldo range and dealt with practically
every phase of the milk business and the
best means to ensure pure milk.
The discussion was more or less Informal
and while nothing definite was determined,
many good points for the proposed ordi
nance were obtained. Another meeting will
probably be held a soon a Mr. Kimball
has his ordinance completed and before It
Is presented to the city council.
As the matter now Is, the ordlnanc will
provide for the tenting of all cows owned
by dairymen and individuals who sell milk
and will requlr all persons selling milk
to be licensed.
Sperling ft Trlplett handle th well known
Dee ring mowers and binders. 227 Broadway.
Treat your feet to a pair of cool low
cut shoes. Our prices will make it easy.
Duncan Shoe company, 23 Main street.
Mlda.ntsaer Festival.
Th plans of tha Young People's league
of th Swedish Lutheran church for a
mldaummer festival In this city on June
24 are rapidly maturing. Rev.' J. A. Jader
of Omaha ha been secured to deliver the
festival address, and will speak on th
topic, "A Swedish Midsummer." A. Hel
gren of Omaha will sing a number of
patriotic solos, and a choir has been or
ganised for the occasion.
Tbe following committees hav arrange
ments for the festival In charge:
Refreshment Mleaea Anna Wallin and
Nnnni Olaon.
Decoration Mlaaea Helen Anderson,
Clara Nelaon, Minnie Uunnlaon, Marie
Anderson; Meaara. Willis Olson and Edwin
Reception Messrs. John' Peterson. Wil-1
Us Olson, Carl Peterson and Edwin Olson
Costumes Misses Anna Wallin and Au
gusta Malm.
Real Estate Tranafera.
Ihse transfers were reported to The
Bee June IS by th Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Ora Pearl Chambers to Cladue Cham
bers, lot 14, block 1, Wilson Terrace,
Council Rluffs, q. c. d $
Henrietta E. Casady and hUKhand to
Chicago aV Northwestern Railroad
company, lot 14, block 14, Mulf.n's
subdivision to Council Bluffs, . d..
Oscar I j. Yeomana and wife to K. B.
Davidson, lot 4 and 30 feet of lot
S, block 17, Avoca, w. d
Fred J. Bole, administrator, to Wil
liam Armstrong, els new. 20-7-3,
sdmr. d
Florence F. Everest and husband to
Chicago A Northwestern Railroad
company, lot 1 and 12, block 14.
Mullln's subdivision to Council
Bluffs, w. d
W. H. Butler and wife to J. O.
Bardxley, part of lot 4, block . 24,
Neola, w. d
James N. Casady to Henrietta E.
Casady. lot 14. block 14. Mullln's
subdivision, and lot 4. block 21.
Bryant Clark's subdivision to
Council Bluffs, it. e. d
Clara A. Hardman et al. to N. I-e-Rette,
part of nw aw, 17-76 ti.
w. d
Edward P. Hchoentgen et al. to Mary
Roblnaon, lot 15. block 13. Hyatt'a
subdivision to Council Bluffs, w. d..
7 2jC
3 000
Total, nine transfers.
Our prices sr. the lowest, quality con
sidered. In the city. I-t ua show you.
Duncan Shoe company, 23 Main street.
Sperling A Trlplett. 327 Broadway.
MM '
Sae City Child Falls Into Water Head
First and la Dead When
SAC CITY, la., June 18. (Special.) Carl,
'he 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. O. W.
"Ischer, who lives one mil east of Car
arvon, was drowned in a rain barrel this
.lornlng. The boy was leaning over th
dge of the barrel, when h.Most his bal
ance and fell In head first. He was dead
Ahen found by members of th family.
Oxfords and strap pumps In all leathers
'rum $2 to M to, at Duncan's, 23 Main SL
We are open lor Bids on Cement
We manufscture the best cement block
on th maret, the continual air-space
cement block. The walla inside never
get wet or dump Put up in cement will
last a life time.
Office, Boom 3, rirst national Bank
Building, mone lad. 040. riant 87ta
attract and rirst Avenue.
CrtstMl Cewtsrt aaswa le Wrarwt el Owl
flT FlaW Mid tie
dailUT UNI lrV.
a w raur. a anu mn
ess wtetewar
s.it .Mtrr,
Hair falling out? Troubled with dandruff? Want more balr? An elegant dressing?
IflPredientS! '"P"1. Glycerin. Qulnln. Sodiuoi Chlorid.
We believe doctors endorse this formula, or we would not put It ap.
Does not Color the Hair

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