Newspaper Page Text
The Omaha Daily Bee r iEWS SECTION WEATIIEa FORECAST. For Nebraska Snow and colder. For Ion Snow or rain. For weather report see? page 3. PAGI5 1 J 10. 1 SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. VOL. XXXIX NO. 129. OMAHA, SATUr MOHN1NG, DECEMBEtt 4, lf)0!)-TWENTY PAGES. A , niMEYEU AGAINST TKAINMEN WILL KETURNT0 WORK Members of the Order Who Struck with Switchmen Have Decided to Resume Duties. Court of Appeals Finds Western Men to Be Guilty United States Court of Appeals at St. Paul Affirms Decision in Famous Spade Ranch Case. MRS.DOXW .v ..v SELLING SITES Becretary Sayi Government Should Hold Yards in South Until After Canal it Finished. MAY NEED THEM BADLY thro; Columbus Woman Shted for Murder at St. Louis Taken from Train in Officer's Arms. CREATES SCENE AT UNIOH DEPOT Prisoner Appears Completely Broken Down by Serious Charge. HAWLEY DISCUSSES OUTLOOK 1 Then it Might Have to Buy Them Back at Big Price. y r03 TWO BIO BATTLESHIPS Fijhtinj Machines of the All-Gun Class Recommended. SENIOR OFFICERS ARE TOO OLD Clan Parorrd to Have Men Rrarh W IllKher Rank Early. In Life Estimates Rfdarrd Tfn Millions. WASHINGTON. Pec. t Warning the government that It might be compelled to buy thera back at an Increased cowt, Sec retory Meyer of the Navy department, In hla annual rrport to the president today, recommended the retention for the present of all the navy yards owned by the gov , ernment. He would have the government V valt until the completion of the Panama canal before closing any of the yards on the southern coast. Two big battleships of the all-blg-gun class are recommended by the secretary, - us well as a repair ship. He makes It 1 plain In hi report that he Is opposed, ex oept occasionally as a check on cost, to the construction of battleships at govern ment yards and to the limitation of the construction of only one battleship by any one shipbuilding concern Estimates for the coming fiscal year were Included In the report. They are more than $10,900,000 less than the total amount appropriated for the present fiscal year. The secretary says that the senior offi cers of the navy are too old. He wants some new legislation on the. subject. He says that he Is preparing recommendations on the matter and will submit It to the president shortly. Recommendations for the legal establish ment of 'a1 naval reserve of officers and men will also be submitted to President Taft soon. Recommendations In regard to the development of a naval militia are also promised. . j Secretary Meyer reviews and explains In detail his proposed plan for the reorganisa tion of the Na-y department and navy yards, and asks for such legislation as may be needed to carry It into effect. Naval Yarda in Sooth. Secretary Meyer says that he la not en tirely convinced that the government can advantageously give up navy yard sites. In wbloh large expenditures have been made, until after the opening of the Panama canal, when It definitely Can be demon strated which are likely to be of the great est value. "' "'It s not unknown In the history of the government," says the secretary, "that na tional reservations have ben given up and later were bought back at increased cost." Again In discussing the same sub ject he says that the "completion of the I'anama canai. tn. ave,Upm. ui l,aaa of William G. Rockefeller. In the Quit of Mexico and the whole Canb- MlM Q,ga ,s i8 year old wilttams bean region, and the probable increase ofha( wltn the fa,niy for several t the naval establishment to meet ouriyears and recentiy was made Mr. Ev- .national responsibilities In that area w.lll private secretary. probably call for supply stations. In part for the heavy fleet, but principally for the torpedo craft and submarines and the mailer vessels needed there." JSaval Station In Cuba, II urges the "extreme desirability" of developing the naval station partly es.ab llshed at Guanlunanio, Cuba. "With tne opening of the Panama canal, the Carib bean aea will become the scene of tha greatest eotnmerciui activity, and our re epMlblliiy as to ti.e police and main tenance call for an adequate naval te palr base In that locality." The secretary reviews in deta.l his pro posed plan for the re-ornlzailon of tne navy, and In addition makes maay rtco.n inviiUulhui for tl.e conduct of affairs in his department. k To more battleships of the all-b g-gun type are recommended to be construe. ed, but on account of the desire to keep down the expenditures, he asks only for a repair ship ' in addition to these two proposed giants of. the sea. 4 The completion of the big dry dock at ( the Brooklyn navy yard la urged, and furthermore the secretary says, ''it Is clear that one dock on the Atlantic coaat, for docking our largest battleships, la not sufficient since that one mltsht be In jured." In tills connection, he points out that provisions for docking of heavy ves sels Injured or damaged In action or by stranding are almost entirely lacking, and that but few navy yards exist on either coast which -have sufficient water to dock an Injured battleship drawing four or five feet more than its ordinary draft Ship construction at the navy yarda of the United Stales is opposed as a piln clple by the secretary. Only occasionally, as a check in costs of particular types, does he believe that the United Stdtei fchould build a ship. Shipbuilding concern should be encouraged. In his opinion, so that the 'government can profit by their experience and resources, and also be cause ordinarily the work Is done more economically by ihum than at navy yards. Oppose Iteatrlrtloaa on Ilutlitera. ' ' Furthermore, Secretary, Meyer Is op posed to. congress resu-lctlng the con struction by one shipbuilding company to battlesiilp, or to lequiring one battle ship to be constructed at a navy yard, or On one ccasl or the other. Estimates for the coming fiscal year were included In the report. They are $10,01 1,1X0 ls than the total amount ap probated for the piesent fiscal ytar. The smlur officers of the navy aie too old according to the secretary. He an nounces in his report that he toon will send to the president souie ,'retommenda liou as to new legislation for remedying this ncfect. "Ths senior officers of our navy are too old for the responsibllit e and aiuUious duly required In ihe modern laUlftil," says the kecretary. 'They aiei Much older than tlintlsr oif.cerj la tha oil. !' pr.mljal navies of the world. Not cm, i till., the cas.. but flag officers ar ne at tne giuJe of rear adm ral so late .l.ul even those e-f longest puesiblo service j. not get adequate tialning u subordi nate flax officers before assuming th chief command." Recommendations for th legal estab il cf a uaval reserve of officers anJ and In regard to the development of a naval militia are also promised. ST. FAf,, Pee. 8.-(Ppeclal Telegram.) The I'm ted States court of appeals lias affirmed the decision r.f the Nebraska court in the Spade ranch land frauds of western Nebraska. The decision of the United Slates court of appeals In the famous Nebraska land frauds means that the officers and agents of the Nebraska Land and Feeding com pany. Indicted late In 1 06 on the charg of conspiracy to defraud the United .States of the title to lands by means of fraudu lent entries, will have to serve the Jail sentences and pay the fine Imposed on each of the convicted men In the court at Omaha. The case was argued In the court of appeals In May of last year and has been since pending. The decision Is considered one of the most Important affecting Nebraska handed down in some time, the case be ng the largest land case in the history of this state and requiring thirty days In whlcii to try. The Innd company was made up of Bart lett Itichards, Will O. Comatock, and C. C. Jamleson, a clerk. Along with the of ficers there were Indicted Thomss W. Huntington, a son of Prof. Huntington; former United State Commissioner Fred Hoyt, A. 13. Todd, an old soldier, and another soldier named Aqullla Triplet. Tho company held possession of several hundred thousand acres of government land which, It Is a'leged, they fenced In under the name of Spade ranch. The operations of the company, It la claimed, were extensive and enormous. By means of fraudulent entries the government was defrauded out of much of Ita land In the western portion of the state. The men were indicted under the same charge, but there were two separate trials. Richards, Comstock, Jamleson and Triplet were tried together, and Hoyt, Todd and Huntington together. Richards and Com stock were fined $1,500 each and sentenced to serve one year In the Douglas county Jail; Jamleson was given an eight months' Jail sentence and Triplet six months. Hoyt's sentence was to pay a fine of $1,000 or go to 0all If the fine was not paid, while Huntington and Todd were sentenced to three months In Jail. Chauffeur Weds Olga Everard Family of Millionaire Brewer Admits Alliance, but Denies it Was Elopement. NEW YORK, Pec. 3. "Yea, Olga was married to Williams In Newark November 23. They are away on a short trip. It was not an elopement." This was the telephone 'announcement made today by Mrs. James Everard, wife of the multi millionaire brewer, that her daughter Olga !had married William Williams, the former tchaiiftenr of the family and later private secretary. The Everards live on an estate in Urbnivlfli r'nnn.. which adioins that ROBINSON CHARGED WITH MUriDER OF WIFE Lincoln Barler Will Be Arraigned at Beatrice aa Boon aa He Recovers. BEATRICE. Neb., Dec. 3.-(Special Teel gram.) County Attorney McGlrr filed In formation today against Fred Robinson, slayer of his wife, charging him with mur der In the first degree. The man, who la suffering from a gunshot wound, self In flicted, will be atralgned as Boon as he Is able to appear in court. JURY PASSES ON LONG CASE Finds Boy Came to Death by Shots Supposedly Fired by Wesley McBrlde. That Harry Long, 13-year-old spn of Alexander S. Long of Eighteenth street and Missouri avenue. South Omahu, came to hla death Saturday afternoon last from the effects of gunshotx wounds supposed to have been fired by the hand of Wesley McBrlde was the verdict returned by the coroner'a Jury at Itr sitting yesterday after noon. The shooting occurred near the Burlington tracks, on the river bank. Mo Bride, who was at once taken In charge by the Juvenile authorities, ts held at the county Jail and will be tried on a minor felony charge, the county attorney states. McBrlde did not attend the Inquest. EDWARD WILL BE ARBITER Kli of Kaglaud Accepts lavltatlon tit Settle the Alsop Claims. LONDON, Dec. S. King Edward, through the foreign office today formally accepted the Invitation to act as arbitrator of the Alsop claim dispute between the United States and Chile. Red Cross Stamps Good, but Red Cross stamps don't "go" with the postal officials. People mailing Santa Claua gifts to friends In distant lands roust remember this, for the Christmas stamps aie not acc-'pted by Uncle Sam as postage Already the 'new "wrlnklo" In stamps has caused some vuble In the handling of the mails and It Is : Vlned to cause con siderable more before k Jiollday season ts over. ' -. Tho Red Cross stamps "vx designed simply aa 'stickers' like the nHtoe aud holly wreath stamps that are sol.V to seal Christmas packages," said t lie sufr rtn tendxnl of malls at the local post.Vflre. "They don't count at all with theylls patchlng clerk and Christmas packfties bearing these stamps will either be re turned to the senoVr of may wind up la the dead letter office." I 'l REFUSES TO DISCUSS INCIDENT Passengers Claim Illness and Nervous ness is Feigned by Woman. OFFICER GUARDS HER CAREFULLY Arrested at Home I'pon Requisition of MlHosrl Governor Charged with nigamon Marriage and Murder of Sponse. In the aims of Detective Sergeant Wado Matt.hcwa of St. Louis, Mrs. Dora Full : Doxey of Columbus was taken from it Union Pacific train at Union station at 5 o'clock last night and an hour and a half later was In a sleeping car on the Wabash railroad bound for the Missouri city to answer for the death of William 3. Erder, whom she was accused of marrying bigamously and later poisoning by means of arsenic. The woman presented a pltable sight, sobbing and moaning In the officer's arms and closely followed by her husband. Dr. Loren B. Doxey and her aged father. She was also aceompanlrd by a trained nurse and her counsel, J. O. Albert. To all ap pearances the fair prisoner had completely collapsed from the shock of her arrest on the charge of murder and seemed In a helpless condition. "My wife Is completely wrecked as far as her nerves are concerned, and cannot be Interviewed by anyone," said -her hus band. "We have nothing to say about the death of Eider. Mrs. Doxey says she will be prepared to face the charge of murder and Is sure of acquittal." Officer Carefully Guards Woman. Detective Matthews watched his prisoner and her husband carefully at the station While waiting for the St. Louis train. He carried her to an in-, alld's chair In which she was taken to the womens 'retiring room, where she was plnced on a couch. While being removed from the train and to the waiting room Mrs. Doxey kept her face veiled from the public's curious gaze, but the knowledge of her Identity soon attracted a crowd about the waiting room. Her husband, alleged to have been her accomplice. Is .not under arrest, although he was at first named In the requisition papers sent to Nebraska by Governor Had ley of Missouri. Mrs. Doxey was arrested fit her Colum bus home shortly beforn noon. , It was first Intimated that she was to be taken to answer the charge of bigamy, but the officer quietly broke the news to her that she was wanted for murder. The entire town of Columbus had heard of the requi sition Issued by the Missouri' governor for her arrest and every person In town was arouBed. Learns of Murder Charge. ''My prisoner evinced no great surprise when I told her the enormity of her al leged crime," said Detective Matthews. "She submitted quietly to arrest and said she was prepared to go to St. Louis to answer trial. I had no warrant for her hus band. "It was my first Intention to hurry her out of the state 'and over the Missouri line aa quickly as possible and Intended first taking her by way of Lincoln, but as her lawyer gave the assurance that the requisition would not be contested I agreed to take her by way of Omaha." Passengers on the Union Paclfio train state that the entire population was at the desot to see her leave for St. Louis. She created a scene when the time came for leaving her home and cried and moaned plteously. Sha was In the constant care of her physician and a trained nurse. Hint Mode at Feigned Illness. "On the train Mrs. Doxey seemed to re cover her composure and showed no signs of a breakdown," said a passenger on the train who stopped off at Omaha. "She rang for the porter and called for a table and stationery and calmly wrote a letter. When the train drew Into the L'nlon sta tion she appeared to break down again. "What we have to say will be said in court, said J. 3. Albert, her lawyer. "Mrs. Doxey will not commit herself and In fact Is In no condition to be Interviewed. She has been put to a great test and la bearing up the best she fan." "She Is In a highly nervous condition," said her nurse, when questioned. In the retiring room the fair prisoner removed her veil. A beautiful face was shown, somewhat pale and tired looking, but nevertheless pretty. Her hair Is black and fluffy and Is parted In the middle. She Is a small woman, neat and trim, and is generally known as beautiful. Woman Leaves Colambns. COLUMBUS, Neb., Dec. 3-Mrs. L. B. Doxey left at 2:20 this afternoon for St. Louis to face the charge of murdering W. j Erder. She was accompanied by her husband. Dr. Doxey, Dr. W. S. Evans, J. I , ' (Continued on Second I'age.) Not for Postage Department officials at Washington have Issued bulletins to postmasters all over the country calling the attention of the public to the use of the Red Cross stamps as postage. Several foreign countries. In cluding Great Britain, have refused to ac cept packages bearing these stamps as sea s because of the confusion that they cause. , Officials of the Red Cross ajiaociatlon placed the Christmas "stickers" on sale to raise funds to fight the white plaue. The POstofflce department makes no effort to defeat the ends of the society, but It has called the attention of the public that the stamps are no good as postage. "The ruling need cause no great loss to the lied Cross society nor to the govern ment." said the postal official, "but It means trouble In the postoffice and de layed malls tn case people do not use common aeua In mailing package. From the New York World. PARR TELLS OF FIXED SCALES Man Who Discovered Sugar Weight Frauds Testifies for Government. TWO OFFERS OF A BRIBE He Says He Waa Told to Make Ilia Own Price for Keeping Still About Ills Dis coveries. NEW YORK, Dec, 1 The storm-center of the sugar trial today focused upon Rich ard Parr, the special agent of the Treas ury department, who Waa forenicst In. d covering and exposing short weight frauds on the Wllllarosburg docks of the Ameri can Sugar Refining company. Parr re hearsed once more his story of how he caught Kehoe, a tally clerk, manipulating the crooked scales; how Oliver Spltxer, one of the six compan yeunployes now charged with conspiracy, offered to let him name his own price for hushing the thing up, and how Brlzlnskl, Spltzer's partner, hooked him by the elbow and asked anx iously: "Dick, this fellow says you're all right. Does that go?" "Nothing goes with me," Parr testified he said. Attempt to Discredit Witness.. Told with heat and great circumstance, the naratlve made a visible effect and counsel for the defense waa quick to retort with an attack on Parr's credibility. "You started to Investigate without or ders from any superior officer?" he was asked. "If you call President Roqsevelt and his secretary" (now Collector Loeb) "superior officers, I was working under orders," re plied Parr, "but If you me in the secretary of the treasury, then I was working with out orders." Further Inquiry along this line was dropped. ' Questions designed to show that Parr had once written sheets for pool and policy room keepers were barred by the court, but Parr insisted on an angry denial. The wire with which, it waa shown at a former trial, the scales were manipulated, was produced In court again today and identified. A working model of the scales was exhibited for the benefit of the Jury. Parr told how he first came upon Kehoo crouching behind the scales. Special Federal Attorney Stlmson said to day that the government's side of the case could not be completed before Tuesday next unless the court should decide to sit to morrow. Parr Describes Raid. Parr took the stand to tell how, aa special customs employe, he hsd raided the Wil liamsburg docks on November 11, l'JOT, and found there the evidence whlh was so largely Instrumental In bringing about the Indictments of the men on trial and in lead ing the American Sugar Refining company to pay the government more than $2,0X1,009 In back duties. Parr's story of his discovery of the trick scales, familiar as It now is, lost nothing (Continued on Second Page.) Christmas shop, ping trials will be made easier by re fer r i n g t o the Christmas Hints on the first want ad. page. Christmas shopping ia a trial at best, but if you know in ad vance you are looking for and where you can get it, the task is lightened. A large number of enterprising mer chants are helping you by tell ing you what they have, in our Christmas Hint column. Have you read tb want ads, yet, today! rS5jJ';-; T' LANDED. Missing Banker Gives Up After Two Years Siege Hyman Epstein, Defaulter for Sixty Thousand Dollars, Comes Back to Take Medicine. NEW YORK, Dec. 3. Hyman Epstein walked into court today and surrendered himself to the authorities, saying; "My conscience would not let me be happy. I'm ready to take my medicine." Two years ago Epstein, who conducted ra private bank In HVilMamBburg, Brooklyn, disappeared after the bank had closed. He waa said to have made away with more than 60.000. "I have not a penny left," Epstein said. "I have spent all that I gained from the bank and I am tired of hiding. I will plead guilty and If I am given a chance I hope I will be able to pay former depositors back to the last cent." Taft's Message is in Print Sixteen Thousand Copies Are Ready for Distribution to the Newspapers. WASHINGTON, Dec. 3.-Sixteen hundred copies of President Taft's annual message were delivered at the White House at 9 o'clock this morning and were Immedi ately turned over to press associations for distribution to the daily newspapers In the country. All night long the government printing office rushed work to get the mes sage printed. It was not until mldnlgnt that the White House turned over to the printing office the last corrected pages of the proof sheets that had been received from that office and the public printer put a large force to work making the correc tions In the message and then having the copies printed. It was stated today the message con tained from 15,000 to 1(1,000 words. Buttermilk Saves Town from Fire Supply from Creamery Takes Place of Water in Fighting Blaze. FENNIMORE, Wis., Dec. S.-A plentiful supply of buttermilk saved the little town of Patch Grove from destruction by fire when the plant of A. F. Habberman cream ery company was destroyed. When the 500 people of tho town realized that the creamery could not be, saved, they tried to save the house of Wesley Garlich ad joining. A bucket brigade waa formed and t with luO buckets of buttermilk secured from the creamery the tiarllch home was saved. Had the fire communicated to the Gar lich lesidence, It Is probable that the rest of the town would have gone. Heavy tiale in Kngland. LONDON, Dec. 3. A severe gale pre vailed throughout Great liritaln early to day. Considerable damagt was wrought, particularly In the coast towns. Small bhlpping also suffered, but no lobs of life has been reported. Dense Fog Over Chicago Cause of Two Bad Wrecks CHICAGO, Dec S Dense fog which hung over Chicago today Interfered seriously with traffic on the steam, street and ele vated railroads and was the cause of two wrecks In the early part of the day In which a number of persona were seriously Injured. One of th collisions waa at 103d street and Vlncennes avenue, where two tnterburban cars crashed together, Injuring eight person, two at whua nay die. The n - (budget campaign begins Lloyd-George Fires First Shot at Luncheon of Liberal Club. KING REFERS TO BUDGET FIGHT i Speech of Prorogation Edward Thanks Commons for Provisions and Regrets it Has Proved Unavailing. LONDON, Dec. 8. The king's speech prorogating Parliament was read today. The proceedings were brief and the at tendance small. The speech was read by Lord Hifch Chanoellor Ioreburn, who was supported by Viscount Althorp, the lorl chamberlain; Lord MacDonnell. Lord Pent land, secretary for Scotland, and Lord Haversham. As soon as the speech had been read, the king's consent to the bills passed during the session was announced and the mem bers dispersed. Freed of legislative duties members of the House of Commons and many peers began their own po litical predictions In their constituencies today. Comparatively few remained In London for the formalities connected with the ceremony of proroguing Parliament. David Lloyd-George, chancellor of the exchequer, whose budget was the Initial cause of the crisis, waa given the op portunity of firing the first shot in the struggle as the guest at luncheon of the Nyonal Liberal club. The function was one of the most elaborate of the kind ever held In this city and being timed with the prorougatlon of Parliament . afforded an occasion of which the chancellor took advantage to deliver a speech which will be the cue of the radicals throughout the country. Winston Spencer Churchill started the campaign while on the other side Lord Lansdowne, leader of the opposition In the House of Lards and J. Austen Cham berlain, who was chancellor of the ex chequer In the Balfour ministry, have gone to Plymouth to speak the first words for the unionists. ' King Refers to Budget. The reference to the political crisis In the speech of prorogation was contained In the clause, addressed to the House of Commons, In which the king thanked the members for the adoption of tho provision for the national expenditures. This con cluded: "I regret that the privilege has proved unavailing." On foreign relations the speech said: " Difficulties which unfortunately arose In southeastern Europe In the autumn a year ago have resulted, happily, In a practi cal solution for the maintenance of peace. At a luncheon of tho National-Liberal club Mr. Lloyd-George delivered a vigorous speech in which he expressed confidence that, although the budget had been buried, it was insured (he certain hope of an early resurrection. It was time for the lords to be handled firmly, the chancellor said, and for one he would not remain a member" of the Liberal cabinet for an hour unless he knew that the cabinet had power to carry Its bills. He added that the greatest members of the upper house had been opposed to the rejection of the budget bill. Even Lord Lansdowne, he believed, would rather have passed the budget, but he had been forced Into the position taken against his better Judgment. The chancellor concluded: "With all the lords' cunning, their greed has overborne their craft, and we have got them at last." other arcudent was on ths Incline leading to the Indiana street bridge over the Chi cago river, where two surface street cars collided. Injuring three passengers. In the downtown district street the dark ness was so Intense that vehicles were vis ible only a few feet away. Train achedulea were Ignored while the fog lasted and engineers and motormen kept their- cars at alow speed with emergency brakes ready. Says Few Trainmen Went Out and that Situation is Unchanged. RUMOR OF SETTLEMENT SOON Statement that Negotiations Are On Denied by Both Sides. 'FLENTY OF MEN," SAYS HILL President of Great Northern 111 Wnlt Iny or Two Before Bring Ing In More Snltrhmen from the Kaat. ST. FAt'L, Minn., 'Dec. 3. Officials of the Switchmen's union said they were not alarmed at the reports received from the west today ilf vicnibers of the Hrotherhood of llailway Trainmen going back to work. Union officers received t word that every thing waS still tied up in Seattle, despite the report that the trainmen hud decided to go back to work. The switchmen say whatever action wan taken by the Seuttle trainmen will make no material difference as there are only a few of them In the Seattle yards, and that, In fact, 97 per cent of the switchmen in the northwest are members of the Switchmen's union. President Hawley npent the day in Min neapolis, where he had a conference with Governor Eberhart. In this conference were Secretary Martin of the executive committee of the switchmen and E. W. Decker, president of tho Minneapolis Clear imfHouse association. Movement Toward Settlement. Governor Eberhart announced later that a well defined movement had been started to effect a settlement of the strike. A statement was published quoting the gov ernor as Faying he believed that the strike would be settled in three days. Governor Eberhart, when asked as to the truth of the Interview, said he had been Incorrectly quoted. He said he had met some of the Minne apolis business men, who had talked with him regarding the possibilities of getting both sides to the controversy together, and he thought that a movement was on foot In that direction. President L. W. Hill of the Great North ern, when asked If ho knew anything about It, said there could be no truth to any talk of settlement even with Individual rail roads, as the general managers had de cided that they would all stand together. Mr. Hill said the railroads , could get so many men in the east to take the strik ers' places they could fill all the plsc.s, but that they did not want to bring them all In now, preferring to give the old men a chance to return tn their places. Hartley Reviews Outlook. President Hawley of tho Switchmen's urilon also Bald there was nothing definite accomplished at the Minneapolis confer ence und that so far as he knefv the pros pects of a settlement vera no better to night than they were before. Hegardlng the defection of the men lit Duluih, Mr. Hawley said he had a mes sage frona Duluth today stat ng that only three of the Brotherhood of Hallway Train men hud returned to work and that It was believed they would go out again tonight. Mr. Hawley again reiterated his state ment that there was no possibility of arbi tration under the Erdman act. So fur as the freight situation is con cerned here, it is being moved with diffi culty and there was congestion In the lo cal yards. It was estimated that about 1,500 men had been Imported Into the Twin Cities today and the railroad officials said they were sutlHfled that conditions would resume their normal state within a few days. Superintendent Morrison cf the Unlo:i depot terminals said today that he had been approached by five members of the swltchmen'B un.on who said that ihero was much dissatisfaction in the ranks, and that fully half of the men are desirous of re turning to work and are deterred only by fear of the rest of the strikers. Little Freight la Moved. Conditions at the local terminals were still In bad shape this morning. While there was some movement of cars, there was no volume of business being done and most passenger traffic was delayed. More strike breakers were put to work this morning and the railroad officials state that before the day la over enough new men will be working to considerably Im prove the conditions. Conditions at the large terminals are worst than at the smaller ones and way stations. "It is impossible to make an accurate estimate of the number of strikers em ployed. We put a dozen new men to work here yesterday and will put two or three dozen more to work today," said General Manager Gruber of the Great Northern. General Manager Slado of the Northern Paclfio would make no statement of the number of men employed on his road. The offleals say, however, that several hundred new men are expected to arrive today, one carload being from Winnipeg and several from Chicago. ' The strikers say that the men Imported are not railroad men and cannot do the work properly. When Governor A. O. Eberhart arrives today from Chicago State Labor Commis sioner W. R. E. McEwen will recommend that he take steps to organize an Interstate board of mediation, to be composed of the chief executives of Minnesota, North Da kota, Montana, Idaho and Washington fur the purpose of bringing about a settlement of the strike. fold Wave, Coal aort. With a cold wave hovering over Mon tana and a blizzard raging, it Is feared much suffering will result because of the depletion of the coal supply unless traffic conditions are Improved. The Northern Pacific was able to get two coal trains over Its Montana division yesterday, but both were for their own use. Superintendent F. D. Kelsey announced (hat full switching crews will be at work at all points on the Dakota division of the Great Northern today. It Is reported the officials at Grand Forks are accepting freight for all points except Duluth and the Twin Cities. No freight ts being received at Crook ston, Minn., but passenger trains are mov ing with more or less regularity. The yardmaater of the Great Northern at Fargo began thla morning to use 'horses. In moving freight cara for the business men. Horses are also being used tor the movement of the freight cars at Bralnard,