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TIIE 1?EE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, APTCITj 29, 1911. If Tun Omaha Daily Bee OL'NDKD BY EDWARD IlOSEV?ATER. VICTOR li iSEVVATtH, EDITOR. Entered at Omaha posltjlflc a second ers mutter. TER.M3 OF BL'HHC RIFT ION: Sunday term, una year 12.3" buturaay bie, one year If lslly Wee (without Sunday), one year.. ) Daily lire and ijunuay, one year kf DKU ViiKKLl lit CAKKIKK. Evening Uee (without Sunday), piT mo..2."ic fc.vwnii' Ute twlth Isund.iyi. per month. .4jo Daly r.e iincludinK holiday), per mo..txc Dally 1 e (Without sunuay), per month. .luc Audresa ail uiiipluinin ol u regularities in delivery to City Circulation Department OiFlCES. Omaha The lire jiu.idlng. boutri Omaha k4 i. I Wf nty-fourtb 8t Council iiluils Jj hi oil HL Clin oin-j Little Building. Chicago lHa Marqueu uulldlng. Kansas l it Heiuince Building. New Vork 6A West Thirty-third St. aahington i Ji fourteenth tot., s. W. CO R It k. B I'U N UKN C K. Communications relating to new and ed itorial matter anould be audreescd Omaha lie. Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable tu 'ine ! r'uolisiuiig company, only cent stamps received in payment of mail accounts. I'ersonal checaa except on Omaha and eastern exciianae nut accepted. MARCH CIRCULATION. 48,017 btaie of ;veliiuu, s. of Doutjias. an. Dwlgiit Wllnauia, circulation manager ol Tue 1'uuiibiiiiig v.oiipuny, ueinx auiy sworn, aaya tnat me avenge daily circu lation, less spoiled, unused and returned tuples, tor tha mouth ol Miica, lull, wan .vlV. 1W'lUlrir WiLLJAMri, Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before ma this ilst uay ot March, M tbal.! WUiN'i D.K, Notary tuDllc. bacrlbera leaving the) city tea porarlly abvuld hva The Ilea walled to them. Adelreaa will ba changes! aa often aa requested. What ails the lame ducks Is that they got no rain checks. Even as a giant nreciacker Senator Jeffries Davis has fizzled out. I The aviators are coming. Things hereabouts should look up now. - For a man who always loved peace Mr. Taft occupies a very stormy pin naclo. Think of the price Senor Madero could, command on the vaudeville stage, though. A busy man like the president ought not to waste time to explain or defend his religious faith. "Further Clearing of the Mexican Sky." Headline. It will resemble an 'aurora borealls pretty soon. ' A spelling bee in Missouri recently lasted seventeen hours. Well, what else have they to do down there? Observe that Mexico is controlling Ita stray bullets much better than it did before that Agua Prieta-Douglaa episode. . .. - ; At any rate, the poor, downtrodden lawyer will get a chance at some fat fees as a result of this dynamiter business. 11 .lit L 11 1 1 . . . , . ii win uaruiy us aeniea mat tnat dynamite found In a valise in the St. Louis depot ready for business was dynamite. "To a barber," says the Memphis Commercial-Appeal, "the forbidden fruit ought to be onions." Yes, or cigarettes. . . The Charleston News and Courier says, "One jackass stands on four feet, the other on a technicality. Now, whose ears burn? The millennium Is dawning. The St. Louis Republic says even "Hell's Half Acre" is being cleaned up. And those who know "Hell's Half Acre" know that is going some. Queer, If true, since Mr. Bryan con siders Senator Martin a tool of the trusts and all that, that he ever picked mm out as senate leader when he feared the election of Bailey, Isn't It? I The sieve-bottomed dirt wagons are till doing business here and there, although supposed to be under the ban. This Is a nuisance that can be topped if the proper city authorities will only act. The County Board of Equalization will grapple again this year with the Question, What is an automobile wor,th that has been la use for some time? It all depends whether the person Is buying or selling. Having shoved the constitution to one side as "antiquated and obsolete," Congressman Victor Berger has pro ceeded to abolish the senate. Proba bly he thinks this the most direct way Of unseating the Honorable Lorimer. It la worth noting In passing that O. Pratt, who acquired a certain ("notoriety In Omaha, seems to be still on the job, manipulating the prelimi naries of the Philadelphia street car strike, which he and confederates hope to bring about soon. If the paving contractors had their way pedestrians and other traffic in Streets undergoing reconstruction would have no rights whatever they ars bound to respect. And the pav ing contractors seem to have their way in Omaha unmolested. The Richmond Tim-Dispatch complains that th World "doa not aoaro to know. on occasions, that tha war la over and that slavery baa baen abolished." Of course, wo knew tha war la over. Hasn't tha Richmond Times-Dispatch become ona of tho organs of a republican president? New York World. Go It, Deacon, we'll hold your coat. i Reapportionment The house has passed the Houston reapportionment bill, which, . In the main. Is identical with the Crum packer bill passed by the last houBe and blocked in the senate. It in creases the membership from 891 to 433, exclusive of Arizona and New Mexico, which, when admitted, with one representative each, will bring the total to 435. On the basis of the last census, this will save every state from loss In Its congressional membership, If the sen ate should pass the bill and the presi dent sign it, making It a law. Many states, however, will not gain addi tional members under the rearrange ment. Twelve, or more than one fourth of the new members, will come from three states, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The New England states will gain three, the Pacific coast states six and the south ern states seven. These twenty-one states will make no gain nor loss: Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, In diana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Mary land, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia. Wis consin and Wyoming. Of course, one of the chief effects of reapportionment will be Its re sultant enlargement of the electoral college. Those Btates making gains naturally are looking to that and the democrats are not Indifferent to the advantages! they will reap from this, particularly in the soutla though some of the newspapers down there con tended when the Crumpacker bill was pending last winter that owing to negro emigration some southern states had made but nominal popula tion Increases and that, therefore, the south could not be charged with sel fish motives in the matter of reappor tionment. One of the arguments against a larger house Is that it will make it unwieldy and less efficient, tending toward a centralizing of power in committees and the speaker. But that has not outweighed the fact that if left at Its present number it would mean losses to some states and conse quent extinction of present members from public life. A Socialistic Sample. The lone socialist member ot con gress, Victor Berger, who represents Milwaukee in the house. Is andioi; bis new role a gay life. No man, not even Uncle Joe sprinkling tacks In front of Champ Clark'a automobile, is getting more real amusement out of It. He is a free lance, and as such may, like the court jetter, do as he pleases with perfect impunity know ing the more radical he becomes the bigger hit be will make at home. ... But Congressman Berger is not go ing after small game. He aims only at the big birds. One day he knocks out the federal constitution because it 1b "antiquated and obsolete," and the next day he abolishes the senate be cause it is a useless functionary, strikes from the hand of the president the veto power and takes from the courts the right to Invalidate legisla tion enacted by the house of repre sentatives.. The house and the pres ident, shorn of authority, thus far es cape with their lives. But the Hon orable Berger's term Is young; give him time and perhaps he ' will get around to them. Thls evidently Is socialism in Its highest form and expression, for Mr. Berger Is the arch-apostle of the creed, the reputed boss ot Milwaukee, sharing with another exciting Influ ence, credit for making that city famous. Now Is the wisdom of the Milwaukee voters apparent It affords the country a harmless taste of novel political nostrums. Having sampled them it is not likely to put In an or der for a consignment of the goods. Berger, himself, must admit one thing, however, namely, that with all Its drawbacks and delinquencies the con stitution is a very tolerant document and congress Is a very patient body and the nation a very powerful Insti tution when one and all will Indulge him and his vagaries so complacently. President and Senate. Evidently President Taft is none too certain of the senate's attitude to ward his reciprocity measure, tor he has taken the stump la the hope of 'moulding sentiment" for the bill This must be more with the idea of influencing the senate than the people at large at this time, for after the bill U enacted Into law by congress, If It should be. the public- will pass ita judgment upon the results achieved The president makes one point In his New York speech regarding action on the reciprocity measure which seems to us eminently fair and that that reciprocity should stand alone and "ought not to be affected in any regard by other amendments to the tariff law." It ought to stand or fall on Its own merits, and that Is why, It has seemed to us the democrats were wrong in seeking to embarrass Its passage, If not, indeed, to compass Its actual defeat, by. submitting their "farmers' free list" at this time Their action in this regard smacks of partisan politics, of an attempt to pre tend to do something they really do not want to do. Irrespective of the merits or demerits, if tha democratic majority in the house really believes Canadian reciprocity to be desirable at this time. It seems passing strange that they should have gone so far with a scheme obviously calculated to endanger Its success. The last senate let reciprocity die for want of action. This senate may scarcely be able to do that, but It Is not a foregone conclusion that it will pass the bill unamended even under the pressure of the president's per sonal influence and declaration that It is reciprocity now or never. Three New Days. . Although the people have not yet become fully aware of it, our late Ne braska legislature has written labels for three new days on our calendar. By statute duly enacted October 12 is henceforth to be known as "Colum bus day," in honor of the discoverer of America, and to be a legal holiday. By the same warrant of law the first Friday in November of each year Is to be Bet apart as "Fire day," on which fire drills are required In all public, private and parochial schools. According to the same authority, too, the birthday of John Howard, which occurs on September 2, Is to be a legal holiday In all penal and re formatory institutions of the state and so observed. We have here, therefore, two holi- ays of fixed date and one of movable date, one of which, the birthday of John Howard, may occasionally fall coincident!? with Labor day, which is the first Monday In September. It devolves upon all of us residing In to Nebraska to revise our calendars conform with these legislative decreep. Human Slaughter. The country is indignant, and lghtly so, at such appalling and wan ton destruction of life as that which occurred In the blowing up of the Los Angeles newspaper plant last autumn, and every man who loves justice craves the capture and conviction of the outlaws who commit such depre dations. But, though there have been many dynamite explosions in the last year, the Los Angeles affair Is excep tional In the scope of Its fatalities. We hear of few such outrages in a lifetime. On the other hand, accidental explosions or Ores 1n mines and other Industrial plants occur with frightful frequency, sniffing out human lives by the scores, and yet reports of these catastrophies occasion scarcely a passing protest from the average person, who has be come callous to such things. No law-abiding citizen can afford to condone or palliate wanton murder, but neither should we longer wink at the wholesale taking of human life by criminal negligence. Of course, those responsible for safe operation or mines ana otner industries ot a hazardous character Intend . to safe guard the Uvea of their employes, but the ghastly records of a hundred ex plosions and more show they too often negligently fall to do so. Perhaps we have been too squeamish In deal ing with horrors such as have - oc curred within the last' few weeks in mines and factories. Maybe if the publlo's attitude were changed the prohibition and mandates of the law would have more effect. As it Is, when a mine explosion or a factory fire happens, with Its terrible toll of lives, a formal and perfunctory Inves tigation is held and nothing comes of It, except, possibly, a meaningless ver dict to the effect that the blame can not be fixed. Loss or Gain I State Treasurer George has . com' pleted the sale of several blocks of state bonds held for the permanent school fund, the proceeds to be re- Invested In bonds Issued by Nebraska counties, cities or school districts. The treasurer offered tor sale all the holdings of the school fund consisting of bonds Issued by other states, and received bids equal to or more than par and accrued Interest for only comparatively small part of them. It will be Interesting to know, and we hope soon to have a public statement showing exactly what these financial transactions stand the state. Those securities were bought mostly from brokers on a basis computed to yield a certain stipulated raU of in terest, which rate was presumably the current rate. The sales of these bonds have been to brokers bidding with a view of disposing ot them again at current rates, and how much the state Is loser or gainer should be easily figured out. It does not follow of course, that, although the school fund may be at a sacrifice In the con version of ita holdings from the bonds of other states to those of its own subdivisions, it will in the long run suffer, for tha rate ot Interest on the new investments should be materially higher than what was received on the old ones. The costliness of the straight-jacket which has hampered and prevented the businesslike management of the school fund heretofore should em phaslze the Importance of now getting these trust funds so placed that they wm yield the best returns for the schools commensurate with absolutely safe and sound Investments. Now It la Intimated that the Water board will not formulate Its bond proposition until after It hears from Its appeal from the order entered In the speclflo performance case which Is set for May 11. But the Water board knew all the time that this ap peal was pending, and that It could not be heard before the middle of May. The hurry-up bond talk two months ago was plainly Indulged at that particular time for effect on the legislature only. Our junior United Btates senator from Nebraska has been assigned to a position ot overshadowing liupor tance on the committee on forelga relations, where it goes without saying 1 he will have an unusual opportunity to make himself especially serviceable to his Nebraska constituents. Won- er if he would have gotten a better place if he lined up with the ma jority of his party behind Senator Martin for democratic leader Instead of with the minority behind "Gum Shoe Bill" Stone. The letters which The Bee has printed giving Information as to rates charged by auditoriums In other cities Indicate that they are governed by no nvarlable rule, but that consideration Is given the public or private use for which the building is desired. These big auditoriums have been erected as rule largely as public enterprises and for gatherings of a purely public character calculated to bring atten- ance of crowds from outside without exacting an admission, concessions are often made. The management of the Omaha Auditorium, which was erected by subscription in response to general solicitation, is also expected to dis criminate between public and private use of the structure. The new commission to codify the laws of Nebraska Is made up of three members entitled to compensation each at the rate of $3,000 a year. The commission has an appropriation of 20,000 at Its disposal. Puzzle Figure out how long It will take to complete the work. I If the city council can usually find money In the general fund to pay for grading of streets where sufficient pressure Is brought to bear it ought to be able to find the money to pay for city jail expenses, and by thus reliev ing the police fund permit the pro posed Increase of the police force. Pointing Hta Way. Washington Star. Wlth so many eminent democrats avail able. It doubtless occurs to Mr. Bryan that he may yet be called on as a compromise candidate for the nomination. Let the Row llesrla. Chicago Record-Herald. Two Americans have been arrested by Japanese officials for photographing a naval station while they were passing on steamship. Congressman Hobaon will positively refuse, when he hears about It, to put off the war any longer. Paaslna Compliment. Minneapolis Journal. Benbr Limantour brings the accusation against Don Madero that he is a vege tarian, a dreamer and a spiritualist Don Madero rejoins that Senor Limantour is a lickspittle, a mossback, a timeserver and horsethlef. Let the armistice go on. Friction In Coal Combine. Springfield Republican. The stability of monopolistic conditions continues to prevail In the anthracite coal Industry, but not so with the soft coal In dufkjy. That Is more or less demoralised with many operators cutting prices to get business not a very . familiar situation of late years In coal mining. It would seem to Indicate that supplies are in no Imme diate danger of giving out. POLITICAL SNAPSHOTS. Cleveland leader: Miss Democracy to Unole Jud" Harmon: . "This is so sudden!" St Louis Republic: We would again call attention to the portentous silence which hangs over Oyster Bay like a funeral pall. wasmngton Post: The president has been aaked to name a bunch of Kentucky triplets. How would Initiative, Referen dum and Recall do, papaT ' leveiana Plain Dealer: Mr. Bryan la booming Champ Clark for the presidency. No wonder tha democrats are sorry thev oian t tie a bigger can to him. Kansas City Times: Lorimer has been made chairman of the senate committee on mines and mining, possibly in recognition of the able underground work by which his election was accomplished. Baltimore Bun: Just because BDeakar i-WK naa a new gavel of blackthorn, em- blasoned with harp and shamrock, fear neeu not rollow that ha will be called to keep order In a Donnybrook fair In con gress. Bacramento Union: If Abe Ruef la hon estly trying to do some good by teaching a Elble class at San Quentln his effort should not be scoffed at. He Is not to be denied the right of repentence any more than Is any other Inmate of th nrimn Certainly his attempt to interest the pris oners In the Great Book should not be the suDject ror Jest and sarcasm. People Talked About R.ri. . HAAN R. M. Haan is one of New York's notable hotel men. He holds the St. Regis meta phorically in his hand, and what he does not know about the hotel business Isn't worth telling. Representative F. H. Knight of Clarloji co inly, Pennsylvania, Is drafting a bill re quiring every man and woman who desires to drink wine, beer or whisky In Pennsyl vania to take out aa annual lloense at a cost of 15. Mrs. John A. C. Menton has just been elected on the school board in Flint Mloh. Her husband was elected mayor on the same ticket. Mrs. 8. M. Cantrovlts was elected on the same date for a long term on the school board of Milwaukee on the non partisan ticket. Though a Jewess, Mrs. Cantrovlts was actively supported by the Cathollo and Protestant women voters. The family of the late former Mayor Tom L. Johnson, It Is expected, will aoon leave Cleveland. O., and locate permanently In the old Johnson homestead on the Khore road In Brooklyn. Mr. Johnson, about twenty-five years ago. bought IVt lots In the neighborhood of the shore road and put up a handsome residence. Ills estate still Includes let lot of the original pur- CluUM. In Other Lands td Lights on What la Trans piring Among the Wear and Far ITations of the Barta The Imposing "road roller" of American politics has not yet appeared In the politi cal literature ot Great Kritaln. oth.r Amerlcan campaign nuveltlee have been welcomed over there. Doubtless the road roller will be introduced when Its utflty la fully understood. For the present the country has "something Just as rood." Judging by the series of testa going on In the House of Commons. It is known as the "Kangaroo Closure" and Is applied to minority tactics of talking a measure to death. Over 1.000 amendments have been offered to the pending bill limiting the veto power of the House of Lords. Each of these amendment. If taken up In turn and discussed without restriction, would carry the bill over into next year. The debate has been going on for over a month, the the opposition doing most ot the talking, chiefly for delay and to give the country an Impression of fierce oratorical fighting. As soon aa the amendments reached the balloting stage the Kangaroo closure be gan business and worked as smoothly as Thomas Brackett Read's system of "count ing a quorum." Each amendment voted down carries Into the waste basket every other amendment seeking to accomplish the same end. Thus the defeated amend ment excluding Irish home rule snuffs the life out of every other amendment relating to home rule and excludes of repetition. The deptness and agility shown In leaping from one amendment to another without the weariness of additional votes renders the Kangaroo system the most ef fective and plcturesqde of Australia's con tributions to the politics of the world. The ministry is determined to send the veto bill to the Lords early In May and the majority has the Kangaroo and th votes to do It ee "A savage, unsmiling twrant, who has chopped off seven heads in a day without a twinge of remorse, who lives in the shadow of death, but Is unafraid" are the broad outlines of a sketch of M. Stolypln, Russian prime minister, drawn by Francis McCullough, London correspondent of the New York Post. A tall, powerfully built man of great physical strength, he Is a fitting representative of a ruthless autoc racy and a masterly outer guard for la weak autocrat. This explains why Em peror Nicholas induoed the premier to re call his resignation and remain at his post "M. Stolypln never smiles," the corre spondent continues. "Watching him as he addressed the Douma I found myself re minded of the hard, bearded stone faces of Inscrutable Babylonian kings. This lm. pre salon became very strong when Stoly pln, who rarely indulges In gestures, made with a brawny right arm a single, swift decisive sweep. One could almost hear the whlzs and see tho gleam of an imaginary sabre. This may seem an ex aggeration. It Is not For . at that very period Stolypln's arm smote off Its seven heads a day, and never once signed a re prieve. Ghengls Khan may have commit ted greater slaughter In his fits of passion, but I do not know of any dim Oriental potentate whose rage was so cold and so systematically deadly as that of the czar's president ot council. The voice was deep, reasonant and powerful. In momenta of passion It roughened like that of a growling lion, and there waa an angry inflection in it at all times. Menace, contempt, de fiance; these were the only chords that orator cared to touch." By the new treaty of commerce and navigation .between Great Britain and Japan, which was signed In London April t, the former secured marked tariff con cessions for British goods. No tariff con cessions were mentioned in tha eld treaty, because1 Japan did not then tax Imports. But since the war with Russia statutory duties are levied to meet tha enormous war debt On British goods, which are Imported up to a value of 120,000,000 a year, a reduction of from one-fifth to one-third has been secured. Great Britain supplies 80 per cent of Japan's imports; hence tha reduction gives a decided advantage to the British exporter and clinches Britain's mo nopoly of Japan's trade. In return Great Britain agrees that Japanese goods "will oontlnue to be admitted free of duty" Into the United Kingdom a favor open to all nations, trade concession waa exacted from Japan ' In the American treaty re cently ratified. ess Premier Von BDsnerth of Austria' Is traveling on a rocky road. In spite of his efforts to conciliate the Slavs in forming his ministry a few weeks ago, be had to secure a royal decree dissolving the Reich rath to prevent the Slav combination from driving him out of office. Of course, th device Is only temporary. The prorogation Is definite, but the Relchsratb must be con vened again In a few months, and It Is hardly to be doubted that the opposition to the premier will be more bitter than ever. It Is said that the emperor and his Immediate advisers will try to bring the Slav leaders to' reason by private confer ence and argument Should this tall, as it probably will, there will be a dissolution and a new election. In th end Baron Von Blenerth will probably have to go. That th Irish, In spit of th mor fa vorable outjook for home rule, are emi grating to this country In as large num bers as ever is shown by th faot that during laat year 84,000 emigrant left Ire land. In 1909 th number was about 10,000. It would b a mistake to oonoluda, how ever, that the Irish are dissatisfied with the prospect at home. Of the 34, Out who left In 110 nearly halt were under th ag of 30. Th young of every land are ven turesome and America Is still th land of opportunity. The completed census of the Inhabitants of Brltian's great eaatem empire shows a grand total of U5,000,0u0, an Increase of 1 per cent over th census ot IDOL To th total British territory In India contributes 241.172,381, an lnoreasa of t. per cent and the native state and agenda 70,828,728, aa Increase of 11-9' per cent. The relatively greater Increase In the native states Is due partly to the fast that th decade was on of recovery from the famines of UW and moo. when many of th native states suf fered far mor than British territory, and partly to the fact that they are still com paratively sparaely Inhabited and have more room for expansion. American Consul General Ounsaulus, stationed at Johanneaberg, South Africa, reports that In twenty-five years th mine of the Transvaal have yielded mor than tl.400,000,000 worth of gold. This Is about tlSO.OuO.000 lea than th gold output of the United States In the sam time. At pres ent however, th Transvaal yield exceeds that of this country by about 70 per cent The output of the South African mines last year wss valued at ll6,73s,000. B.raetaia of a t'ompllBBeat. St Louis Glob-Democrat Even in the highest literary circles of Boston It Is admitted that tha men who translated the English Bible 100 years ago were greater masters of language than any of the preaoawday scholars. , tssartmrnap Thai Peculiar Lightness and Flavor Found in the finest biscuit, rolls, cake etc., is dus to the absolute purity fitness, and accurate combination of the ingredients Koyal Baking Powder. The best things in cook cry are always made with the Royal Baking Powder. Hence its use is universal In the most celebrated restaurants, in the homes of the people, whereveifde- licious,wholesome food is appreciated. . Royal Baking Powder is sold in every civilized country, the world over. It U the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. Royal Cook Boolt-800 Rectlptt-Fret. Said Nam and Addrtu. ROYAU BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. The Bee's Letter Box Contributions on Tlm!y Subjects Hot BzoaUnar Two KoadxA Words At Xnrit4 from Ous Bdrs. Advertising In Esperanto. OMAHA, April XI. To the Editor of The Bee: Indeed, Los Angeles will get a lot of advertising out of the trip to be made by her enthusiastic Esperarltist and let me explain why he will have no trouble In reaching those 1,000,000 users ot the in ternational "lingo. At Genoa, Switzerland, the headquarters of the Universal Esperanto association is located, and "Esperanto," the organ ot the association, is published bi-monthly, each Issue contains many names and ad dresses ot Esperantlsts all over the world and there la also published and sent to very member a "Jar libro" (year book), which contains the names of delegates In very corner of the "monda," even far away New Zealand, Australia, Siberia, Africa, eto. These correspondent and the 1.000 or more delegates will gladly render him all the assistance In their power. When he lands in their country the one to whom he has written, telling of his Intention to visit the "La mldlanoj," will meet him at boat or train, . direct him to a good hotel and Introduce him to those whom he wishes to meet and show him the s'ghts he wishes to see and so on from one point to another. The writer Is "delogate" for Omaha and has received requests for Omaha views, general Information and when an expo sition was to be held, a "small art ob ject" has been requested. Th "small art object" usually sent Is the reproduction of th prise ear of corn exhibited at the land show, the "Omaha folder" is also sent and The Sunday Bee, when English can be read and to people in Germany th Baengerfest program. Oregon ha recently been extensively ad vertised in foreign Esperanto periodicals, of which there are 100 or more, and the secretary of the I'brtland Commercial olub has received many letters of Inquiry In Esperanto oonoernlng th state. These people, It Is unnecessary to say, are peo ple of means and education, far different from the hordes ot Immigrants landing on our shores In such large numbers. At Antwerp In August of this summer th Los Angelas gentleman will have an excellent opportunity for meeting Es perantlsts, for the seventh International congress will be held ther and there will be gathered together hundreds of them from th orient and th Occident There is no question but that Los An geles will "hav her faith sufficiently re warded" by a large amount of advertising. AN OMAHA ESPBRANTI8T. An Oatrag. on the Community. OMAHA, April 17. To th Editor of The Bee: I am glad to sue you call attention to the way the paving contractors have torn up and taken possession of Sixteenth street without providing any temporary accommodation for traffic. It is an out rage on the community. I wish I had control of our public works for a little while. J. W. J. On Vote for Lortmor, KEARNEY, April 2S. To th Editor of The Bee: I notice that you continue to use The Bee to belittle or beemlroh Sena tor Lorimer. I don't believe any un prejudiced mind can read the senator's speech made In the United States senate and believe he Is a corrupt or bad man. Even his enemies concede that he Is ons of the roost exemplary men in congress. Many of th prominent politicians who ac cuse Lorimer of being corrupt have been mixed up for year with huge campaign funds, which are believed by many to be more or leas corruption funds. Are these men trying to lose sight ot their own infirmities by criticising othersT Tou know so, for the evidence Is In the sen ator' favor. Why should you not as a republican editor and a member of the national committee stand by our friends until they are proved guilty T I had to lecture you last fall about th way you treated "Unol. Jo." Thanks to the peo ple of hla own d 1st riot the old veteran Is still on guard, fighting ilk a tru soldier to' save his country. For more than thirty years I hav been reading The Bee. During the time your father had charge, except for about thro months, It was my political blbt. But recently about half tha tlm a republican might just aa well read th World-lierald Permit m to suggest that one of the most Important things to b accomplished In th near future I to abolish th so called campaign fund. The taxpayers fur nish sufficient means to enable every voter to properly cast hla ballot and hav It counted. This seems all that is necessary, but if more I neoded, let the people, under proper regulation, foot the bill. A It Is LIUJOUtBUUifSJI! I of the fiS now, too many friends who donate IS to this fund seem to think they have a mort gage on the successful candidate, and pro ceed to close It. This Is demoralising. Th publicity proposition will not cur this evil. If we are successful In doing away with this nuisance we will do more to make politics respectable and respectful than the result of all th Investigating committees. The opposition to be over come suggests the melancholy thought that this kind of business seems to be popular, but let us call the roll on this question and see where we are at. JOSEPH BLACK. Taxation of Mortsraste Notes. OMAHA, April 28. To th Editor of The Bee: The assessor has left his blank to be filled out, but It Includes a line for "all notes sa.ured by mortgage." Has that been changed by the law to stop double taxation, to which you referred not long ago? A lot of people are Interested. 1 TAXPAYER. Note The new law becomes effective July 7, 1911. As the levy is mad about that time, we presume It will be taken to apply to this year's assessment SMILING FANCIES. "I see where they are going to have rub ber pavements In London." "Yes, and then I suppose everybody will hav to walk with elastlo steps." Baltimore American. Naggus Why do you get out your book anonymously T In your case modesty Is a disease. Hokus Then It isn't one of my natural, normal qualities. Oh, thanks. Chicago Tribune. , "Charley, dear," said young Mrs. Tor- kins, "what did that bnse ball player say to the umpire who called him out?" "He told the umpire he considered him a perfect gentleman and waa sure that he would go to heaven." was th weary an swerWashington Post. Nell He swor I was the only girl he had ever loved. Belle For my part I don't car for ama teurs. Philadelphia Record. "You look as If you had lost your best" friend, old man. Why the grouch V "I wrote some spring poetry tor thos people last autumn on the understanding that I'd be paid for It upon publication. And now they've decided to hold It over until next year." Ht Lout Times. "What does the man do over there at the desk who seems to b. working so hard?" . . "He checks the cash." "And what does the man do who Is lean ing back In the easy chair smoking?" "Oh. he cashes th checks." Baltimore American. "They tell m your boy Josh is very versatile." "He is," replied Farmer Corntossel. pa tiently. "I never saw anybody who could do so many fool things without repeat! n' hlsself." Washington Star. THE UMPIRE. Carolyn Wells in Life. A fool there was, who began to swear (Even as you and I ) At a shirt and a sho and a shock of hair (We called him th umpire who wasn't suuare.) But the tool he called him names for fair! (Even aa you and I ) Oh, the balls we stop and file we pop And our beautiful clean base-hits That are spoiled by the umpire who knows too much (And now tie knows that he knew too much. For w had to glv him fits!) A fool there was, and a ball h fouled (Even as you and I.) The umpire ytlled, "fair!" and th audi ence howled, (But the umpire only glared and scowled). While the batter deeply and fiercely growled (Even as you and I ) Oh, the wrath unspoken, and th swears we choke. And the excellent epithet Which belong to the umplr (who knwws it all). And all of our games upsetsl The umplr with haughty prid waa tilled (Even a you and I) But that wasn't what the audience willed (They loudly demanded his blood b spilled)! So some of him lived but h mostly was killed (Even as you and I ) And It Isn't the chump and It isn't th gurnp, That makes us so awful mad; It's coming to know that h. never cas urup, (For his head Is only a sodden lump) And lit judgment's always bad! 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