Newspaper Page Text
HE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 21. 1911. f r OFFERED FOR RENT Horn mmm tvlMiw ntlait4. t4 N. $1st 8t-. I roomi allmodefn. nlMCtrlo liKtit and ga; now owing put in pet feci repair; a da,is,o,e 1.1 dence. MO. 00 J a. zil St.. 10-rooni molei n house, close in. New being papered through out a.i'1 put lu um-ciaa. c..c... .... 145.00 111 m. .ttih Ave., c-roum residence, all modern and in tine condition; lo cution very choice. $ 00 Hlii l ark Wild Ave., S room, all modern. practically new cottage; combination fixture; hardwood fin ten; located Just east of Btownell Hail. Fine summer home. $3e0 We hare four houses, Norn. (10 and kli .V lUrt Ht.. ana .JU ami 351H Bun M. Theee are of 8 rooma each, arc modern with hot water heat and steel ran are in each. Thin property ha recently changed hand and wl.l he put In perfect condition for ten ante. Tliee nouyes are large am. convenient and are verv deslrnoie hoth in location and price. $27.50 I'; Jackson pit., house of X rooma. all modem end recently put in pitii.e condiilon. Mee tills. 120.00 xcr, Vinton fct. This Ig a large 8 room house with bath. Just ben re papered and painted lnlde and oik. 1 Xyirnhle. $18.00 24.1 Kmmet St.. 7-room house, with gas. city water and toilet; large yard, i his in u .(.al,on .., ...,1,11 the money. $16.00-1)14 S. wth St., f,-room cottage with gas and lolltt. Handy to both de pots and car barn. $13.00 Four rooina ami bsth, 2d floor, 221 N. l'.ith Ht.' Neat and pleasnnt. PKTER8 THT8T CO., Omaha Nat'l Hank Bldg. HOI'S EM. 133. HO -R., md. ex. heat, 4!"1 Cuming St. $;.00 -R.. mod. ex. heat. V(M St. Mary's Ave. $60.00 19-R.. modern, hot water heat, 802 WorthlnKton Place. eVAOO 10-K., modern. In good repair, 2S Douglas St. $37.60 6-R.. all modem bungalow. 2325 8. Central Boulevard. $36.00 -H.. mod.. 4M1 Cans St., Dundee. Al'ARTMK.NTS AND FLATS. $10.00J-R. flat. 2ai Douglas St. I:.( 8-R. apartment, 17 Hurt St. $J7.60 3-It, apartment. Lafayette, 17th Ave. and Jackson St. $50.00 4-K. ap.irtmrnt, Lafayette, 17th Ave. and Jackson St. OEOHGK ft COMPANY, Ninth floor City Nafl Hank Bldg. SHE THESE FIRST. $10.00 6-room, on ground floor. large lot; nicely furnished; 220? N. 21t St. $12.003 large rooma on main floor; large front nnd back porrhes; only two left; fcMK-10 N. Slat St. $1.00 -room flat In brtck building; nice ... "n1 briBht: In; 1054 8. 20th St. $18.00 -room corner brick flat; 1056 8. 20th Ht. $32.60 6-room apartment, ALBION. 10th ) and Pierce Sta. ROBINSON A WOLF. J Phone Douglas 2418. 435 Paxton Block. 412 N. 23d St.. 10 rooma. modern; house - and location very desirable; fine . location for renting rooms $50. 09 130$ 8. aint Bt.. 10 rma., mod., barn.... SO. 00 1804 H. 8(Hb Ave., 8 rooms, modern 80 CK ltmg Grace St., 10 rooms, modem 27. BO 22 N. ISth St., 6 rms., mod., (2d floor) 17.50 m N. 18th St, 10 rooms, modern 26.00 Cm Hamilton, rooms, partly mod.. 16.00 414 Pacific St., S rooms...., 7.00 418 Pacific St., 10 rooms 15.00 1908 Farnam St., 5-room Tat. modern except heat 28 00 W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., ' 1320 Farnam St. Tela.: Douglas 1064; Ind. A 1084. 1 ROOMS. 3034 8. 18th St., $8. "7 8 rooms, 3042 8. ISth St., $15. 7 rooms, 3620 N. 28th St., 112.50. $ rooms, modern, 1819 N. 17th St., $18.50. 7 rooma. modern, 2754 Davenport St., $25. 7 rooms, modern, 13U R. 28th St., 827 SO. rooms, modern, 3016 Chicago St., 830, 7-room flat, 1118 Pacific St.. $21.50. W. B. ME1KLE. 205 Ramge Bock. Houses In all part - of Crelgh Sons A Co.. the city. Be Bid. AN $-room house In Hansoom park dis trict; strictly modern; on special terms to responsible party. Call at 1141 8. 83d ht , 2261 N. 19TH ST., $ rooms, reception hall And bath; all modern bouse; nearly new; $iear two car lines and wltbla walking 41a , lance. Phono Webster 27it2- FOR RENT Ten-room brick dwelling, .recently remodeled; oak floors; newly papered; two bath rooms; large lawn; new FOR RENT-Larea famllv . hntol boarding house; splendid location; walking distance, b 816, Bee. r WEST FARNAM. 10$ a Mth St., an 8-room, strictly modem brtck dwelling, In the choicest residence district In the city. Price $42.60. Key at 102 8. 8tith. PAYNE A SLATER CO., Bole Agents, 6th .floor Om. Nat Bk. Bldg 8-ROOM modem house, 4228 Dewey Ave.; shade, fruit, large lot. $20. Harney 1299. Doug. 2282. FOR RENT Very desirable dwelling, strictly modem, six room and bath 8l Maple St. " MODERN 6-room brtck. U0 N. 23d. 8-ROOM modern house; fine location; close to car line; $10 month; rear of $002 t-aiuorma, il tea vt. 5-ROOM cottage, modem except heat 820 fi-r niunui. i;au Ma.pi 6t" FOR RENT Good home, ofaeap, 31st aad Jackson, aeven rooms, all modern, three bed rooms. In complete repair; only $26, Tel. Red 5264. $35112 8. 36th Ave., 8 rooms all modern; good yard; key next door north. $27.502723 Jackson, 8 room all modem. AittliSTKONCMVALSII CO., Tyler 1638. 210 8. 17th St 7-KOOM house, all modem,, at northwest corner Aih and Webstar bt.. newly pa pered and painted, oak floors, cement ba menu pavea street ana one block to . line, $2i.60 per month. W. J. DKRMODK INVEST. CO., 1614 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 78. Two $-rooms, brick bldg., modern. 47 i in eo rooms, km bo. iJin Bt. our rooms, newly papered. Large storeroom, loth and Vinton. C. M. Bachman, 436 1 'ax ton Blk. TeL Red Jtioif. jicsmeuue, Aoug. sua. 2610 AMES AVE., brick flat $ rooma and , ev- i vuaior 8-ROOM modem house, newlv miunj and painted throughout oak floors, 327 60 per month. 2su8 Webster Ht. W. J. Ler- niouy niveau v.u., iiui Mat 1 Bank COOI SHADT, NEAR BOL'LHYiRn -R(XM COTTAGE, MODalRN, QUOU tier Ai . niuwiui sat. 1 8-ROOM house, bath, 2110 Miami. $25 Der mnlh' Wftltf lll JL' w . . . , , Twvvr out . 7-ROOM, new house; all' modern. Caaa. Inqulr next door ast $128 FOR RENT Thoroughly modern (-room house; newly painted and papered, xjj uiuittoi r x au. rr vv. $C4t MAFLB St, five rooms, modern ex cept furnaoe, $21.60, Hall Distributor Co. i-buum nouae, svrntiy modern; 4303 Krskine. Nice lawn, shade and fruit; $jj per month. Also strictly modern 8-room tcoiLac, swi Hasm, riiou owner, Bn- 8-ROOM oottag; bath, gaa $60$ Caaa. Om. Van Storage Cav pacas.mavaa.stors ouueenoia gooaa. sreproor storage; 804 a lota. Braaua. M a 17 tk TeL D. 4ls$. A-Uat, 1 ALL mod arm 7-room. $ blocks from oai uuaw vtu uoa xu. EJUHT-ROOM modern bous, 14U Evan aw- uwas t mvwKtar B0$ LOCUST St, $ rooms, modem, with para; good yard. P. W. Blerbower, b-Uus. ?TNLlHrr'ra heuM 830$ Ohio at Fbon 1 vw we. avsA4 TTmJMMXmUim " j . Uavuv; Mil, MIOT p. m FOR KENT EIGHT-ROOM UOI.krm EiiiiM uo r ml r i.riajk.m ijuniiaa lm - i.i d AiV, ait lt. J . . . f,. " V1V4 ahs B4M gftWJ 4tJWA. 7 ROOM house. 8&17 Hodge St.; West Farnaut hill; very desirable iirlnhburh..1 Inuu iul t. 4iU St, or Tel. Harney lit. OFFERED FOR RENT Iteaee mm Cet taste "Hawed. lfilf, Clark. 6-r.. partly mod., newly deco rated throughout, $15. 833. Webster, 1-r., partly mod., a bargain at lis. 3110 Charles. $-r., partly mod., $12. UJ3 Franklin, 8-r.. all mod., ex. heat, $21 Hi;. N. 40th, 5-r . all mod. ex. heat, SI8. 2210 Ohio, -r., all mod. except heat, $22.50. 1M25 S. ISth, 6-r., all mod. except heat, $17. 2021 Locust. 8-r., all mod. except heat, J0. 2412 Seward, -r., strictly mod. A bar gain at 120. 1M 8. 87th, 7-r., all mod. choice location, $22.50. 1726 Spragun, a brand new, strictly mod ern. 5-r. cottage, $27.60. Will decorate to suit tenant. 112 s. 36th Ave., 8-r., all mod.. In a very choice location, $:. 2723 Jackson. -r.. strictly mod., within walking distance, $30. 1M! I-alrd. 8-r., strictly mod.. $10. 42."i Farnam, H-r., strictly mod., $40. 1613 N. 20th, 8-r.. all mod., newly deco rated throughout, $33. 1410 Parkwlld, a 6-r., strictly mod. house, close to B. ft M. depot. A bargain at $;U 4004 Seward, an 8-r., strictly mod. huue. In a choice residence district, $37.50. ZxM Farnam, 8-r., all mod., in a choice location; price, $40. Will repair and deco rate to suit tenant. 4.''lt Cass, a !-r., strictly modem Dundee home, tine big yard and barn, $40. PAYNE ft SLATER CO., Sole Agents. 6th Floor Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg NEW COTTAGE New 6-room cottage, neat vestibule en trance, good sized front porch, east front' age. coxy living room, nice dining room on south, wide cased mission opening to din ing room; very convenient kitchen and pkntry, inside entrance to basement, two splendid bed rooms with large clotets for each; large bath connecting with both bed rooms, low down tank flush water closet, city water; large one-piece sink in kitchen, electric lights throughout with beautiful three-light shower fixtures In living room. All floors double and machine scraped, smoothed and polished. A -ery attractive little home, bungalow style, but not exag gerated. Well built In every particular, best grade lumber and good workmanship. Has nice ea-st front lot and lays up well, good location.; lot 60xl2X. Tfou are tired of paying rent, but you have been unable to buy the high-priced cottages offered. Here la a good little 6-room cottage that your rent will buy. Trice $1,9X5; $S5 caah and $21 per month. Including intereat. Remem ber this Is a new plaoe (will be ready in short time) and is well built. Sen me to day, for this will sell very quickly; both cottages advertised last Sunday sold by 6:30; everything advertised has been sold; so come today, Sunday. At home Sunday and evenings only. F. 8 Trulllnger, 115 S. Halcyon Ave., Benson. Phone Benson 122. FLAT 611 B. Ave., 6 rooms, modern, $32. 1047 8. 20th, 4 rooms, city water, $12.50. 2oo Lake St., 6 rooms, mod. ex. fur., $12. 3016 Ames Ave., 8 rooms, city water, $6. DOUBLE HOUSES. 2715 Jackson St., 8 rooms, modern, $31. 1611 8. 2th St., 8 rooms, modem, $25. 1133 N. '17th St., rooms, city water, bath. $18. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. 2217 N. 19th St., 7 rooms, modern, new, $30. 1113 S. 2Sth St. 7 rooms, modem, $28.60. 1135 8. 2!Hh St., 7 rooms, modem, $20. 1119 Locust St., 6 rooms, mod. ex. fur, $20. 4ri2H 1 ol Ave., 6 rooms, city water, $16. 601 8. 34th St., r. rooms, city water, $14. GARVIN BROS., 854 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. $60 CASH-$10 .60 PER MO. PRIOH $9D0. FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE, city water, water closet; lots lay good and Is only one blook from oar line Not a new house, but is in good condition, newly painted inside and out, new paper all through. Four good rooms and a small room wltn toilet In a good location, no undesirable surrounding and a good class of people; near achoola. House would rent for as much as the monthly payments. Stop paying rent to a landlord and own your home; your rent will easily pay for this. Price, only $960, $60 cash and $10.50 per month. Thia will likely sell to about the flrBt party who sees It and wants a home. See me today; can be seen Sunday and evenings only. F. 8. Trulllnger, 115 8. Halcyon Ave., Benson. 'Fhone" Benson 122. $414 Cass street, S rooma, $10. 1516 North 20th St., 8 rooms. $3X iis B. aiai., nioQoni, aw roin, w. JOHN N. FRilNZKR. BOTH PHONE3. iron. HRNT-Rooming house at 2$d and Farnam St., steam beat, screens, and In good condition; reasonable terms to light party. Tel. uougia . victor iinis, uw Farnam. tis ciOTTTH xad Ave.. 8 rooma (three bed rooms), modern, choloe location, city and cistern water. .; win muae conmuun w ria-ht nartv. Must arrange this week; leaving city . Telephone Harney 1597. FOR RENT $?0 2819 Decatur, 6 rooma all modem. $223028 Charles, 6 rooms, mod. x. heat. $50114 N. 18th, 8-room ap't, very swell. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Entire 8d Floor Ware Block. Douglas 1781; ArU88- TWO five-room houses; bath, gas;, un usually fine. 2731 and 281& Seward, $17. Open. t-room house, modern except furnace, first-class condition, rent right to perma nent tenant 2619 Calwell. weoster not. a T.v dnaen nhotorranha of your self from tha Heyn studio. 16th and How ard, will be given tne iaay wnunx me best verse about Bee Want Tad runtlng house this week. 7-room modern house, 123 N. 40th St., $35. 6- room modern flat In Davldge Bldg., $40. 7- room modern house, 641 8. 27th St., $20. l rooms in Davldge Bldg.. 18th and Far nam, suitable for office, studio, dressmak ing, or living rooms, hnim MM N. 28th Ave.. $16. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. FOUR rooms, modern, second floor. 24U Lake St., $8.60 . Phone Harney 124$. FOR RENT-room cottage, modern. $037 California, $22.50 per month. LDrviM MODERN HOUSE. GOOD CON DITION. FACING PARK: TWO BLOCKS TO SClloOL; CONVENIENT TO OMAHA AND SOUTH OMAHA. TEL. RED 8318. mm Oftlaaa. TWO offlees. $4 floor Crelghton block; alto store at U N. 16th St Alfred Thomas. Agent $08 First Nafl Bank Bldg. FOR best grocery aad meat market la ctty, wlUi fixture; a snap. 220 N. 23d. STORES. Stor room, $2x66 feet, near 18th and Doug la St.; good basement; $260 per month; Small store room near 16th and Farnam Sta ; rental on application. 624 8. 16th st, fine store room and base ment. modern front; will lease on favor able terma . , , , ai 8. Wlh St.; will be remodeled with new front, ha good basement; rental $100 per month. . , $17 8. 18th St., good store room and base ment; $6 per month. 1215 Farnam St., 22x110 feet three stories, $126 per month. : OFFICES AND ROOMS FOR SAMPLE LINES. Verv desirable spaces In the Webster-Sun. dorland lilda.. 16th and Howard St.. rental $16 per month up. Rooms as large as 22xM feet. GEORGH & COMPANY, Ninth Fluor City Nat'l Bank Bldg FURNISHED office) and telephone. New York Life Bldg. 668 Stor room, steam heat; suitable for store or small manufacturing plant 817 S. Uta St., $17 60. FEI.L 4 PINKERTON CO.. 21$ Board of Trad Bldg. WAREHOUSES. Space 86x18$ with lnaldo track aire, 12th and Jones Sin. Rental $1,260 per year. 8 floors and basement 1308 Howard St. $2x132 feet. Rental $2,100 per year; will sub divide if desired. $ warahouaM, $ and 4 stories, near 16th and Harney Sta. Rental on application. UEORGK & COMPANY. $th Floor. City Natloual Dank Bldg FOR RENT Good 8-story and basement store building at W 'arnam Bt; strong floors, eemeoted basement. Inaulre Room $14. First Nat'l bank Bldg. Tetapikea Douglas 1SU. grOREM FOR RENT. Northwest oorner 16 lb. and Harasy St $?xhs ft Two stores (new), 2HH-4 Cuming St Kxt North 84th Ht. O. C. RfcDICK. 1Q7 Farnam Pt 1408-08 Howard, hot water heat. ' JuUN N FUKNZEAk BOTH FliOHEB. OFFERED FOR RENT trn aaa Oftte tr em flaw. STORE ROOM AND WAREHOUSES 1414 HAIiNKT STREET. 4 stories and basement SJxlA feet. Will suh-dlvlde: elect net elevator, steam heat, modern show windows, and steel celling Rental $3M for entire building. See us tor rste on single floors. OEORUE r COM PA NT, $th Floor, City National Bank Bldg DE8IRABL8 offices In the Continental Block; either In suite or single. Alfred Kennedy, SJ First Nat'l Bank Bldg. OFFERED FOR SALE era I tar. FOR SALE At a bargain, mahogany office furniture, nearly new' sufficient for two 100ms; also rugs snd Oliver type wilier and stand. Aduress box ii7, Omana. HRAS8 enameled Bedstead, steel spring, good mattress, like new; complete, 110. Red S26T. REFRIGERATOR, gas range, sewing ma chine, lawn mower, carpets, garden hosa, tallies, chairs, and other furniture. Wft North Mth St. Musical Instrnaaeata. PIANOS "FOR RENT. $3 per month. Player Pianos $10. A. Hoape Co., 1513 Douglas St. T r P vrte re, BUT an L. C. Bmltn Broa typewriter. B. K. Swanaoa Co., Distributers. 1316 Far nam 8L RENT an Oliver typewriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas 28U. TYPEWRITERS ALu MAKES Tou can own a typewriter by paying us 10c a day, payable $2.60 to 13.00 a month. All the standard machines; visible writers and eibera sold and rented anywhere at Vi to H manufacturer's prices, allowing rental to apply on price. Call or writ tor bargain list B. P. SWANSON CO., 1314 Farnam 8t Omaha. MlMMxllsua) aa. 6AFE9 Overstocked with second-hand ales, all las and makes; bargains, Amer ican Supply Co., 1U0 Farnam bi SECONDHAND dresses, good condition; t7th and Farnam. Mandell Drelbalbla, Mechanics' Tool. Slightly used. 41$ N. 11 FOR BALE $50 rang, will take $20. B $318. BARGAIN IN USED SAFE, good aa new. Orpbeum Jewelers, 1607 Harney. CHEAP, on medlum-sised Cole's hot blast stove, used 4 years; one small laun dry stove, used 1 year. Call Harney &77. KITCHEN RANGE, dining table, chairs, wanning machine, other articles, fine con dition, reasonable. Ind. A 2073. FINE National cash register; total adder, Cheap. 808 N. 16th. FOR SALE One 30-ft. paneled counter. Suitable for lunch counter or Blmllar pur pose; also several small serving tables. Phone 80. 806, Hotel, Union Stock 1 bids Co. New and second-band safes. 1818 Farnam. 126-LB. BOHN "Sytem" Ice box, cost $36, will sell for $16, in good condition. ma umo. pnon web. 21W. With Judge Crawford on the box, . A-gatherlng In the rock. I'm filled 'with apprehension and alarm, oo Derore i get in Daa I'll see that Bee Want Tad. And have him trade my auto tor a farm. J. W. DUNBAR, Stth and Pierce St. This verse is very good, but does not conform to our style. SECOND-HAND fans. $1$ So. 12th St. BARN for sale, 18x30.' $61$ Kmmet Fnon Web. $214. 120 LINEAL feet of ornamental eastlron fence, with gates, posts, eta HALL DISTRIBUTOR CO, Phone Douglas 7408; Independent, A -4408. BOOK BARGAIN. RelM.tMl fiction llhrar-v 3rK vnlnmM -J - - - - . -. . - I mu .w.v.a.W. MWW condition, thirteen new Ounn sectional oak caaes; need money, must sell. 1208 8. 10th. FTN1S ornn with mlrmr. iiv n.arlv nothing. $0i N. 16th. FOR SALE Go-eart with tirwwt Kit Woolworth Av. Harney 1297. PAR 1 1 1 V BavamI " n l..T l bond whisky, pints and half-pints; well kiiuvvii uiaoiu; aeii cneap to oiose inem out. Drawer 1064. Kansas City, Mo. FOR BALE Grading outfit, ten wheel scrapers, ten dump wagons and a lot ot slip scrapers. Call at 410 Bee Bldg. or 4422 Howard St. 'Phone Douglas 2904 or Harney 2638. Ed Shaw, attorney for mortgagee. -" - w.. vji,, fiv. unn-iaM gas stove, $2. Tel. Harney 2201. CHEAP. SMITH PREMIER: excellent condition. Thomas Kllpatrlck Co., drapery department BOOST Omaha-mad candy Insist on having O'Brien' fin candy. YV will give a 60-cent box of thla fin candy to Mrs. A. Pollrels, 2418 B. loth St., If she will come to Tne lie office within three days. FOR SALE Cheap: No. 7 Rotary Neo style virtually new. Tyler 10M. FOR SALE Motor boat, cheap; owner leaving town: call at $604 N. 42d St wh 126$. $36. Will sell for $16; In good condition. $366 Ohio. Phone Wah. Z1C1. SOD for sale. Inquire Monday forenoon of J. T. Maxwell, physical director, J. M. C. A. park. Phone Webster 23.SL OSTEOPATHY Alloe Johnson, $08-$ Brandels Theater Bldg KaUieryn Nikolas, 834-8 Brandels TheaUr PATENTS HIRAM A. BTUTtOES, rg. attorney. $48 Brandsla Theater Bldg. Douglas $468. D. O. BARN ELL, Pax to a Blk. TeL Bad 7111 WILLARD EDDY, U. & Pat Office offi cial solicitor, loot) City Nat Bank. Tyler 163a PERSONAL' MECHANO THttBAFY Massage treatment for nervous debility. Dr. Margaret Halloran, N"U1 Blk. D. 77 til. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING cured. Julia E. Vaughn. Ramge Bldg. DRESS pleatlngs, buttons eovered, all l lea and styles). The Ideal Pleating Co.. 7M Douglas block. Both phone. BAT11S P'J 'ow "Bd massage, 1606 Dodge, $d floor, opposite poat- " uuie. aim ot vaicago, uoug. itioa. MAQNETTO R"eni Rrott iu cunuag ut Ind. u tim. DSL BURKE, disease of women. Omaha. SPECIAL lady's prise of one-half dosen photographs of herself from the Heyn studio, Itfth and Howard street, for the best verse written by a lady thla week about Bee Want Tad renting houses. Try and sea how good a verse you eaa write. WIGS "d touP o man. Griffith, "luo k go. fein tt. upatnlra BEST nerve bracer for men. Gray' Nrv Food ptila, $1 box, poetpaJd. Bhsr bian 4 McConnaU Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. HINDOO TABLETS will build, braoa strengthen, loo. BELL DHUG CO. ..H,V.E'al:,u, Prlvat oonflneraeat home. 1618 Martha St, ft"" ha Tel. Douglas 82as. A HOME for women during confinement babies adopted and boarded; builttlng mod ern. For term address Matron Tinier Horn, 4 Banoroft St Tel Doug. UZL JAMES CORK ELECTRIC COMPANY Be! to $08 & 181 h bt Pouglaa ua STRICTLY privaU horn for eonflM ment; axoelleni carl babies far adwpUea. R48 Davenport 0-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Qlsdilistl AVliSf lnailt iiu. an4 Al llga. PERSONAL (Continued.) The Bee Want Tad Is a huMIIng lad. A salesman tried and trua. When he says. "I will," He hustles till That auto he sells for yon. MHf. C. A. STEINBAfOII. .t' IJncoln l'lvd. This verse wins the Isdy's teclal prise of a beautiful pattern hat from Pen- neii .Millinery. 1S11 imuglas Ht. if Mrs. C. A. Stelnbaugh will come to The Hee olfice we will give her an order tor the hat. VOUN'l WOMEN coming to Omaha ai strangers are invited to visit tlie Young Women s Christian association building s; Seventeerth strert and ht. Mary' Av where tuey will be directed to suitabl boarding places ur otherwise asai'teil l.uvk for uur traveler's aid at the i.iuvi fetation. YOUR dinner tastes belter finished off witn Dalfcclfs ire cream. We will give Mrs. Ryan. 2M0 California M., a brick of this fine ice cream if she will come to The Bee office within three days. ADELIOHT hslr food grows hair; see Minn Kravnr. Xleareath Htat'v Uo.. liith and Farnam. i MANICURING, facial massage, sham poing and halrd resting done In your home. Mrs. F. Bayer Smith. Tel. Harney 4U72. MASSAGE Swedish movement; nothing better for iheuii atlm. Ladles. $1; gentle men, $1.60. Apartment 1, l08 Farnam. liours. V to (. Massage. Mrs. Rlttenhouse. $08 O Boston Bg MRS. 8NYDER. Swedish manage, baths. radiator and vibrator treatment. The Dunsany, Flat 8, loth and Pierce. Doug. 430. WE RENT and repair all kinds of sewing machine. Ind. A-KtB; Iougla 1663. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. , 16th and Harney tits. Good Samaritanr"1. JM'ii Ave., Council Bluffs, la. PRIVATE maternity home. Mra Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th. Web. 3u; Ind. D-1VM. ASvSAflTTREATMKNT. Mrs. Steele. MORAN & NELSON MANICURIST, halrwork and miuiiuure- 2d floor, 1406 Farnam. 'Douglas 423$. Tt4R H IT V ITTHW A XJ V .nllnl,. . clothing, In fact, anything you do not. Uth St, for coat of collection, to the wor. thy poor. Call 'pbon Douglas 4136 and wagons will call. WANTED OM lprtv mnit hnnu r'a.r Grove Farm. Anselmo, Neb. V ( ) I " H .nwln? maphln. will crnA rnl If repaired by E. L. Lovejoy. All work nariailieu. iei. W e.O. 60o, OSt N. 21St St.' SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and molea permanently removed by electricity; con sultation . free and confidential: all work guaranteed. Miss Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. WHEN you buy Fan-ell' syrup you get real value for vonr mnnev If w n Jones,' 1817 Locust St.. will come to" The Bee office within three days he will be given a 60-cent can of Farrell's syrup free. WANTED To locate C H Ramlrln Nothing to fear. Everything settled. Writ or come at once. Mable Remington. POULTRY AND PET STOCK SILKO CHICK FOOD Is tb best In the market for young chick, ens. Made from pure gram. For sale by all dealer. A. W, WAGNER. AGENT. $01 N. lota St Tela Doug. 1142. Ind. A-$4L ROSE COMB REDS Eggs $3.00 per 100. Mr. Louis Borland, Velvet Lawn Farm, Diagonal, Iowa. SAVE THE CHICKS ?er,on of whit diarrhoea. NOW Is hY'lmet lava them; give thanv - BOB WHITE'S Whit Diarrhoea remedy and avoid losses h.nH Ron ftfwlaw tni m la... V. . . . Bob White Co. .4704 Ames av SC w ew. mm . , - VfIR Qlf.T! kAU 1 , 1 . dress M 3)1. Bee. . ICE CREAM makes an excellent dessert. if C,VJ- unlln. N. $5th St.. will oome to The Bee office within three day we will give him a quart brick of Dalsell's fine Ice cream. i PRINTING VUnVU fun . AhMIA . . . . . - iur iuqq printing. Lyngstad Printing Co.. 16th and Capitol Ave. RIES HALL Ptg Co.. 10 8. 14th. Ind. A-$U4. Lew W. Raber, Printer fk BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WE exchange properties of merit H. H. Culver. 812-13. O. N. B. Blflgw D. 7885, (17) Fin 320 acres, well Improved, levef iriu; e mue irom ugaiiaia, f ine soil; only $36 per acre. Will take part In good trade, say merchandise to $8,000. J. A. ABBOTT, REAL ESTATE, 808 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. WANTBD To trade three strictly mod ern and up-to-date dwellings with big lota, trees, fruit, etc., In the very best residence district of South Omaha, two blocks from car lino and on paved streets for farm land. This is strictly high-class property, readily renting at the highest rates and Is very desirable. Prefer land In Nebraska or Iowa, but will consider a good farm anywhere. Answer at once. A. B. LU Stock Yard Station. South Omaha. (30) $5,600, half cash, buys a dandy 8-acre chicken ranch In Harlan county, Neb.; fully equipped with latest Improvements; nice new bouse. J. A. ABBOTT, REAL ESTATE, tot Brandels Bldg., Omaha. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE W have at Saratoga. Wyo., 1 mil from town, 1,60$ acre In a body, with three ta of build ings, horses, cattle And farm tools; l.ouO acres oi it ungatea witn an aDUndant sup ply of water; very rich, productive soil, which can b bad now at $76 per acre In exchange for merobandla or clear lnoame property or oaan. Address Box R, H red ertck. fat. D. FOR reliable sales ar d exchange, see D. U. LEAMING. 68 Brandels Bldg. (7) A half section of land: ntcely Im proved and well leased, near Ewlng; price 1 10 per acre, mortgage $6,ouO; to exchange for city property. J. A. ABBOTT, REAL ESTATE, 80$ Brandels Bldg., Omaha. 800 ACRES clear Kansas land for good stock of general merchandise; will trade all or part; price $16.00 par acre. J. j. Barbour, owner. Chester, 8. D. WILL take horse and buggy, real estate or motorcycle aa part payment on Mall S0-H.-P. auto. Address owner, O 31$, Bee. (22) Section of land In Randall county, Texas: not far from Canon City; deep, rich, black soil, clay sub-soil, lays level, at $26 per acre; for mercnandlae stock. J. A. ABBOTT, REAL ESTATE, W4 Brandels Bldg., Omaha 120 ACRES of well Improved land In Polk county; will trad for olty property. Tel.. phone U. W. Harry H. Putnam. 6140 Burt I HAVE 494 acres In the center of fruit belt miles north of South Haven, Mich. There Is 7-room dwelling, milk housn, horse and cow barn, hog house, gralnary, good wen, winaiiuii; make a rirst-claas chicken ana iruit farm. For sale or trade for umana property. Add W, W. Keen. Omaha Union Station. (36) If you own a half section In Chey.' enne or Deuel county, you can gel a quarter In Ottawa county. Kansas, nicely Improved; quarter in G rove county, Kan., and a quarter In Rock county. Neb. Price on request J. A. ABBOTT, REAL ESTATE, &J Brandels Bldg., Omaha. FOR SALE To settle estate, fresh, clean $5,000 stock genersl merchandise; good town, two railroads, prosperous farmer, good trade, modern bullduig. rent low. A. H. Stover, administrator. Strang, Neb. FOR 8 ALB or exchange, 40 acre of land $ mt!es from Clearwater, Antelope county Nebraska, pries $0 per acre. Also have well Improved quarter of land 4 mile from Kwing. Holt eounty. Nebraska., all level, prlc $VV0 per acre; has mortgage of $4 000, runs $ years, want to sell or exchaog ttjw Pro wtv-ea-tariff in, 4.'lro &W FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE (Continued.) (2S) $13.0ii0 wortn of property for merchan dise, furniture or hardware; fine half sec tion In Yuma county, Colo.; first-class M In Box Ituite county, Nsb.; also Income property and valuable pity lot In Hsvelock. J. A. ABHD'IT. REAL ESTATE, fOi Brandels Bldg.. Omaha TRADE your farm for a good bearing orchard In the Grand Valley; bearing or ch:inls het from 16 to $0 per cent on the investment: yield from 800 to 2.000 boxes of peaches to the acre; never had a failure In the 1'allsade district; more clear money made off small orchards than large farms; healthful climate, fine hunting, fishing and beautiful scenery; good class of peo ple; growers own associations: reason for making change, some wsnt to retire and tn rent tarrns and some wouid like change of climate. List your property and Rive full description. Consider good in come J. O. Beauchamp, Palisade, Colo. (St!) FOR a short time only. $25 per acre buys ,120 acres, level black soli; clay sub. Two miles from Goodland, Kan. J. A. ABBOTT, REAL ESTATE. 80S Brandels Bldg., Omaha. Our old auto now must go. Rut must bring us lots of "dough." Kor two years we now have had It, But want an Apperson Jack Rabbit x A Heo Want Tad, then, will pay. And sell our auto the next day. MRS. PAUL G. LUCK, 4M2 Franklin St. This verse Is very good, but doe not conform to our style. (IT)) For a good farm we offer a beauti ful, absolutely modern residence and full block of ground In northwestern county eat town; beautiful home; only $!i.00l. J. A. ABHU'lT, REAL ESTATE, 806 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha. QUICK and reliable exchanges. Itnd and city property, fall on Omaha Rental and Real Estate Exchange Co., 821 Neville Bldg. Douglas 3S68. (38) Stock of hardware, harness and fur niture; invoice $4,000; also store building and fine residence, all for $ti,n00. Want small farm or income; needs some cash. This Is an A-l proposition. J. A. AHHUTT. HEAL ESTATE, 808 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha. FOR PALE A clean stock of general merchandise, consisting of dry goods, clothing, shoes, hats and enps, carpets and rugs, crockery and groceries; also brick Store building: well located In innil town of 1.600 people In northeast Nebraska; stock win invoice about $10,000; would discount stock some for cash or would exchange stock and bulldlna for rood farm In smith. ern Minnesota. Iowa, southeast South Da. Kota, eastern Nebraska, northeast Kansas or northwest Missouri; land must be good and at about real value;- would assume small Incumbrance. Giv full particulars about land in first letter; Improvements, soil, lay of land, distance from what town, most price If land Is rented, what rent. Address Y 29, care of Bee. (2) Excellent 820 acrea 8 mllea from Benkelman, county seat of Dundy county, ana oniy iz.ou per acre. Would take half In Omaha house and lot. J. A. ABBOTT, REAL ESTATE, 806 Brandel Bldg.. Omaha. 6 ACRES. IMPROVED. Do you want a snap In a 6-acr Im proved tract clos in? For short Urn only. -Easy terms, or will trade for good AI Omaha or South Omaha property. ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY, ' Rooms 1213-1214 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. (31) If you have a $20,000 mdse stock you had better look Into this ad. A 640-acr farm In Pumpkin Seed vallev. hest of anil and Improved. Forty acres alfalfa. J. A. AUUOTT, REAL ESTATE, $08 Brandel Bldg., Omaha. FOR real estate exchanges writ Acme Exchange Co., Cherokee. Ia REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska landa. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATB CO.7 1018 New Omaha National Bank Building. GARVIN BROS., $d floor N. T. Ufa $608 to $180,000 on Impioved property. No delay. & cZ 5Vo0B c'tjr mni tmrm property. W. U 06 ajygC MBIK.LE. $01 rtainge Bldg. WANTED, FARM XAlTNSridokslnv. Co., Omaha. WANTED City loana Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loan and warranta W. Farnam b truth AY Co.. 1320 Farnam Bt LOANS to horn owner and horn build ers, with privilege of making partita! pay ments Semi-annually, w. H. THOMAS. W First National Bank building. LOANS MADE ON IMPROVED CITY REAL ESTATE. BUTTON REALTY CO.. 5t4 BRANDE1S BLDG. ' Good 6 Farm Mortgages Always on hand and for lale la amounts from $300 to $3,000. BENSON & MYERS, 412 New York Life Bldg. CHEAP MONEY. ' Representing the Penn Mutual Ufa Ina Co.. with assets of over IllT.OuO.COO, I am prepared to accept all the good leans of fered on Improved Omaha real estate. Business and resides o loans made wlt2 out delay. 1 THOMAS BRENNAN. City National Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 mad promptly. F. D. Wad. Wsad Bldg., l$th and Farnam, MONEY TO LOAN fay oe UveetmadTc! 7 Net to the Investor on our care fully (elected farm mortgages on Improved Nebraska farms. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. WH HAVE money to loan on Improved real estate In Omaha and suburb NEBRASKA SAVINGS 4V LOAN ASS'K. lis Farnam Bt Board f Trad Bldg. CITY and Farm. JOHN N. FRENZSH. LOW RATES, BEMIS-CA RLBERG Oo.. 110-812 Brandna Tt. eater Bldg ' WE have ILOOO to Invest In 8 per cent mortgage W. J. Der mod y Investment lQ'. lol4 City Nat Bank Bldg. TeL D. 78a. 5 money on choloe business and residence property. Loans closed promptly. PETERS TRUST CO., 17th and Farnam. per cent to 6 per cent PRIVATE MONEY-NO DELAY. UAHVIN BROS., $64 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Phono Douglas kdl REAL ESTATE WANTED HAVE customer for $ or $-room modem residence, well located; must be baraaiA. H. C. WESTERUAARD, 601 City Nat Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb, WHAT AN IOWA FARMER WANTS. Have you anything to offer the farms f low ay Any cheap land for higher prtoed; a general merohandlse store fur Und a aa kind f aa exchange I Or have veil seme land you want to sell tor caaa f la n paper that reaches lb lewa farmer la the Dee Atolaea Capital; el.tuO elromauoa dally I ret single Insertion, 1 seal a word; six InsarUuna, a cent a word. ia Moiae bail capital. Dee Moiae. la. WANTED Unimproved land or vacant lota or other real astate In exchange for my share of stock In a reliable Industrial corporation; glv full parlloular and price of jour land. Address W, K. Breck enrldge, Kankakee, 111. SMAL residence In good location. Desire to exchange Chicago residence for It If you are going to Chicago and own Omaha property Uil Is your chance. Address G X4. Bee. WE will buy well located Omaha city property, both Improved and unimproved, will buy direct fium owueis only, property of thla kind If prbtd right. Now I the time to act before our wants re filled. Call and sou us at one. MODt.RN HuMtU CONSTRUCTION CO.. S'40 Paxton Block. Omaha. WANTED eastern Nebraska alfalfa or prairie hay to put up on shares or cash; state full particular la lust latter. U-iui mm jiee) REAL ESTATE WANTED (Continued.) RESIDENCE lot In Dundee, giv full description and loweet cash price. Address :ii. STEAMSHIPS ALLAN LINE St. La wren c Ronta Weekly Sailings from MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. GLASOOVP MO.NTKs.AL TO LONDON, liavi. I'rtnci ortnlghUy from HILADEL1H1A aim Boalou to Ulasgow eplendlU svensry, shortest passage, le rstes. Any KH-ai agent or ALLAN CO.. Ueneral Agent 127 N. Dearborn t, Chicago. A N CH O K LI N't HT kXm SHIP NEW YORK, LONDONDERRY ANP ULAsUO W. NEW tOKK AN i. o.Arl.tvS DlItKCT. tingle or hutnd lup tic is in-tten NX York and, ainglish, Irian and an principal Continental joints at attrsctix rales. (Send lor wiik tit itiiuriuatiuii. Superior Accominooaons a,xceueut Cui sine. . Apply pioispti) tur Iteeoiiatlon t local agents til Anchor IJne or ile;.L,:R HON hKOS., Otueial At.uu. iicu. In. SUMMER RESORTS 8UMMER IN COOL COLORADO. Own a bungalow In beauiUul not Sul phur Springa park on tne lanioim .vloltat Si-enlc road. Coxts less than hotel ex penses. Flxhlng and hunting excellent. Springs famous for curative properties. We give you a lot free if you l.ulld a bunga low. rite at once lor detailed informa tion. MOUNTAIN HOMES CO., 617 Ideal Bldg. Denver, Colo. WANTED-TO BORROW WANTED-About $5,000 to build a home; will pay 81,000 and $60 per month. J 80R, Bee. WANTED TO BORROW. 83.600. First class real estate security. Will pay a good rate of Interest. Prefer to borrow from private party. Address R-S18, Omaha Bee. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for Kd hand furniture, carpets, clothing and Shoea Tel. D GOOD MONEY for your broken move ments and old gold. M. Nathan, lm d. 13th SELNER pay good price for furniture, carpets, clothes and shoes. D. 6401. HOUSES and vacant lots; hav cus tomer. WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO.. 411 Karbach Block. HIGHEST caah price paid for autograph letter of famous people. Send me list of what you have. P. F. Madigan, 601 Fifth Ave., New York. WANTEDTO RENT WANTED To rent In Dundee. 7 or 8. room house, Nov. 1. Call Douglas $473. WANTED SITUATIONS PRACTICAL NURSE. Harney 4WA. STRONG MAN wants work of any kind. Phon Douglas iuU. Fred Gay. EXPERIENCED fire Insurance man. wants office position. Dee. N iKJl. LADY wants horn work writing or ad drexslng; neat hand. H 807, Bee. Young lady desires Doaltion aa at. aographer. Can furnish AI references; two years' experience In law offloe, Phon Red SUM. .YOUNG MAN of four years' gaa engine xpeiienoe wants position as chauffeur. 'Phone Harney $334. BY thoroughly competent bookkeeper and office man; several years' experience In mercantile and automobile business. E 804, Bee. WANTED Situation aa painter. Address F-806, care Bee. MIDDLE aged man would Ilka a posi tion of some kind In an office, store or as a watchman. I am experienced, capa ble and responsible. Try m. Addraa M 286, Car of the Bv WANTED Position ss linotype operator: experienced and reliable; $.800 to l.two ems per hour; reference. Address F. A. Loomis, Fremont., Neb. GERMAN (speak English) wants posi tion of any kind; good refarcnoes. 'Pnone Web. 6528. WANTED A position a nurse In a fam ily with children, or with elder! v lady; peak English, French and German; please state wages paid and work required. Ad drees M. C, Post Box S37, Columbus, Neb. An auto will sell If you will tell The people what you offer. And the little Want Tad Will take like a fad And bring you a buyer with chauffeur. MRS. A. C. DAVIS. 6S1 8. 27th St This verse receives honorable mention. WANTBD Position as saloon porter; long experience; stranger In city; white. Phone Doug 1642. Gay. WANTED Position on the road by an experienced lumber and coal man. F. T. Wing, Lincoln. Neb. SALESMAN, long experience In city paint or building supplies; wants work. N U4, nee. LADY want position as companion with ome esaeriy iaay or invalid; best of refer ences. Address, p 814 care Bee. LADIES clothe neatly laundered. Phone TT eu. dUO. YOUNG lady, fair penman, good at fig ures, dealrea rwtMitlnn In an tfl a. cashier. Address B .'1, Bee. WAWTPn A . (ii . . . " . ,.-. n inDiuun mm wbi nurse oy perfectly, healthy young woman; baby 4 week old. Tel. Harney $770 for further IlKPllAlllara ASK your grocer for the best table yrup a A 1. ...111 1 .1 .. . n . . . . . ' . . ne jimjiu juu r arreu s. ll J. Jkl Watson, 2607 N. lth St., will eome to Th Bee office) within three day w will gtv him a 60-cent can of FarrsU syrup free. BY thoroughly competent bookkeeper and office man; several year' experience In mercantile and automobile business. E, sua. nee. RATE CLAIM and shipping clerk wants position with large wholeaale firm; eight years experience; employed at present' references. Address D, Omaha Bee, Council EXPERIENCED bookkeeper want book W,.rU J4At.irrf - f. . - - ' " j hF.uwn aiiu evMlinge. Address E. tX Senseney, 1814 Dodge St.. or REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT or TITLE, PETER JFStEN, jr., Co. Tel. Doug. $3$ THE Midland GAT. Co. 1714 Farnam. BUILDBaa INFORM ATIOM, ctandard Otone For sale by Standard Cement Stone Co, 3871 LEAVENWORTH riione IIarne7 5391. . REAL ESTATE BltLDKK' lrORM ATIOX. (Continued.) TO TKOPF.RTY OWNEIIS-Mesonrj of all kind. brick laying, plaster lug. vncr.'te and cement work. fc.Hi'l. MATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED. W. Raymond. 15.11 Capitol Arc. Doug. 7714 WM. KVERITT. carinter and cabinet maker; special or repair work; new screen$ rnnfle to order, old ones reframed; vln trellises on hand; good work at low fig ure; shop 24th and Farnam, southwest corner; Tel., Ind. A-291S. PLASTERER laborer, good on ouMdt scsffnlding.; spply Sunday, 10 to L 1U Capitol Ave. Slul'TlNO. roofing, gutters, valleys. shliiBles, metsl celllnss. furnace work, re islvin';. lrt me llgure with you. E. 8a aae, liinrr. iJ2 Farnam. liar. 8111. HEAL i:TATF. DKAI.ERS. nFFn ARSTRACT CO. oldet abstract effic In ilisjks. $0 Brandels Theater. II. C. Westergaard estate and estmenta. 141 Cliy Nsfl Rsnk Rldg. We have customers lor omari income ana resiaencea L.ies lour property with ua for satisfactory r "REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., Fif teenth floor. City Nat Bank Bldg. ( Ill PIIUPKHTY FOR fAI.a. $85Cash,T21 Per Ma Price $1,985 New Cottage New K-rooiu cottage, neut vestibule sn- . trance, good sised front porch, east front age, coxy living room, nice dining room on, south, wide cased mission opening to oin Ing room, very convenient kitchen and pantrv, Inside entrance to basement; two splendid bed rooma with large closets for each, large bath connecting with both bed rooms, low down tank flush water closet, cltv wster; Isrge one-piece sink In kitchen: electric lights throughout with beautiful three-light shower fixtures tn Hvlng room. AH floors double and maemn ecrapeu, smoothed and polished. A very attractive little home, bungalow style, but not exag gerated. Well built In every particular, beat grade lumber and workmanahlp. Ha nice east front lot and lays up well, good location, lot 60x128. You are tired of pay ing rent, but you have been unable to buy the high-priced cottages offered. Here I a good little 5-room cottage that your rent will buy. Price $1,986!- $S6 cash and $21 per month, including Interest. Remember this is a new place (will be ready In short timer and is well built. See me today, for this will sell verv quickly; both cottages sd ve.rtlsed last Sunday sold by 6:80; very- thlng advertised has been sold, so com today, Sunday. At home Sunday and even- Ings only. F. 8. Trulllnger. 115 8. Halcyon Ave.. Benson. Phone Benson 122. T ICT .M v .ith Tnlanit Xz WlleV. 111.1 . .UU. . V 1 , - . J . . . . a v " - . . 610 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 8707. Lots! Lots! Walking Distance On Bherwood avenue, one-half block from Sherman avenue. Prettiest lot In Omaha for the money. City water, gas and ewer available, and cement walk in and paid for. Fin large maple tree on every lot make this sn Ideal nulldlng Mot. Only si lots left. Price $800 each. Term If d sired. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1636 $10 8. 17th Bt Call Us First Lot, for sale. $:.00 down and $1000 per monthl When you have paid $209.00 will build you a house according to a plan of your own Beiacuun. Remember, we have properties In all parts of Omaha and Benson which we can . . . . . -. - a not C1TT T.7Wrl Sell on eaay terms. n& aiu, bikuww PROPERTY BECAUSE WE SELL, RIGHT. Call Benson 41$ or Benson $17 In the even- KESTLEB & MEYERS, TWO VACANT BARGAINS N. W. corner $!d and Wright Hts., 10 feet frontege .only $2,200. Owner la par ticularly anxious to dispose of at least on of these lots in the next ten days. Any reasonable offer will be considered. V. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St, Tels.: Doug. 1084. Ind. A-1084. n 8 ROOMS NEAR IIANSCOM PARK ONLY $4,600 This ts a beautiful home, with oak floors throughout, oak flnigb down stair!, birch finish upstairs; has Just been completed and possession will ba given at once. The material, carpen ter work, plumbing, etc., are "A No. 1" throughout, and the house haa every modern convenience. Owner lives In the house. You should look It over today. 'Phone Red 7T7. VACANT BARGAINS Very easy terms can be had on some of these, and all are priced lower than sur rounding property. $loo Uh and Bpragu. 60x130. $160 Each, $ lots at 84th and Sahler. $03Mh and Burdett. KOxlM. H76 2Mh and Jayne, 60x128. i:i75 33d and Corby, 60xl.0. $ft00tth and Bpauldlng. 60x189, street PAYNE INVESTMENT CO- Entire Id Floor Ware Blk. D. 1781; A. lis!. $4,000 for two 5-roora modern oottag, close In, must go. $6.6-10 for four cottages, modern, on on lot; rental, 802 per month. $18,600. Modern brick apartment; rental, $3,000 per annum; near Burlington depot; swap. $17,600 for three modern double briok flats, close In; rental, $176 per month; third caah. WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO., 411 Karbach Block. VlWl HALF, GOOD ECE OP B08I S KJi OALD Nfc;Sd PROPERTY BY OWNER. 11C8 Douglag St. KOU.VTZE PLACE. 81 x rooma, bath, full basement, attlo. almost new, finish, quarter-sawed oak and Oeurgla pine; screened porch, new garage! every feature of best quality; face semi nary campus, overlooks Florence boule vard, tbe finest driveway In Nebraska. Cut price for lmmedlat aale, $4,ZuO; cash pay ment $460; monthly payment $60, including Interest. Tbe choicest part of Kounts Place. e lb 2006 Spencer St. Call Web. ster 2012. BE8T real estate Investment In Omaha brick flat apartment water and gaa In every apartment; oorner of 81st and Ames. Kent Is very low and easy renting prop erty; present Income, $78 a month. Can be made to pay $100, aa present rent Is very cheap. No trades considered. If taken within the next ten days will sell for $ti.8o0; $2,000 cash, balance easy monthly payments. Address Q-8U, car Bee. STRAIGHT FROM OWNER. Attractive 7-room house, hot water heat, all modern conveniences, built 18 months ago, first floor oak finish, screens, storm windows, awnings, beautiful lawn and fences, walking distanoe. Telephone Har ney 1141. 101 b. Kith Bt. ONE of the prettiest, most convenient and best built house In Omaha, brand new, on corner ut ksnerman Ave. and ripen cer. Satisfactory Price and term. Tele phone Webster $067. 8-ROOM, modern house. Including furni ture and nearly new piano; beautiful v4w located In Omaha s best suburb. Benson. Prbe only $3,860 If taken at onca Call Benson Ul Large IIouso Small Price Near K1h and Jackson His.. 10 rooms; east front; paved street; only $3,JM). W T, GRAHAM. BEE BL1X1. I