Newspaper Page Text
ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) MONEY TO LOAN WANT ADS Wont ana mowed at any time t to luaure proper classification must be preaentcil before VI o'clock rn. tor the evening edition suit before ?:3U for luorniiitf auil ttumJay editions. Waut aU ieHtel after aurti hour will have tlielr first Insertion under the beading, "loo Late to Classify." CASH IUTEsToll WANT Al9. KLGLIAK CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 1 H ceota per word and 1 tent per word lor each inbaequent In sertion. Each insertion made on odd days, l )s centa per word. $1.60 Per line per fnontih Hates apply to either The Dally or Sunday llee. Always count aU word to a lice. Want ad for The flee may be left at any of the following drug stores one la your "comer urugglat" thej are aU brancb ofBceg for The ee and your nd will be Inserted Just a promptly auu on the aaine ralea ae at the maiu oUUe In The Ueo building, bevrnteentli and tarnam streets. Albach, W. C. Jth and Farnatu. Bauin Drug Co.. tea N. 16th Bt beranek, &. A.. 1K B. 10th Kt Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Nab. Bamla Park Pharmacy, 23d and Cumin v fciake-B-adlsb, ZMt Sherman Are. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ar lautthlln. C. R.. 4725 Leavenworth St. Crissey Pharmacy, tith and !- Sts. Cooney Pharmacy, 324 South loth St. Cernjak. Emll, ISA- South Uth St. Khlet Co., txn Leaves worth St. Fostar Amoldl. HI North ttth St Fray tag, i. J., mi N. Uth St gregger Drug Co., 1802 North 16th St. Fioreno Drug Co., Fioreno. Nab. Gree a Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Paelfla. Graenough Co., 1036 Bouih 10th St Ureenough & Co., 16th and Hickory eta. Goldman Pharmacy, 34th and Leavaa 1 Worth Bta. Johnson Pharniicy, 2920 Farnam St Hanacom Park Pharmacy, 1501 S. 28th At H Inter long Drug Co.. 8lst Ava, and Far Ham St Hoist John, 04 North 16th St Huff, A. L.. 2934 Leavenworth St. Johanaon Drug Co., 84 th and Spalding. Xing. H. 8.. 238 Farnam Bt. Kountaa Plae Pharmacy, 2S02 N. 4tb 8k Lathrop Pharmacy. 4th and Hamilton. Mar, Frad L., ll Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., laOl N. 24th St , Saratoga Drug Co., Mtb and Ainea Ava skbsefar s Cut Prtca Drug Store, lots ' and Chicago Bta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. DISATH AND FINEHAL NOTICE Funeral service of Bertha Rartlett niece of U. A. Wleae will be held Sunday morn ing, May 2uh at 10 o'clock at Dodder's Chapel, Twenty-third and Cuming streets. Service will be private. Solid Gold Wedding - tDMOtrra c j ixieerm at IKmnr, ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, dkr- mbalmer. 1614 Chicago Bt D. 1(169; B-1669. DUFFY & iiuLANI), undortakera, T. 1676. PHOTO SUPPLIES . Kodaks and cameras. The best develop ing and finishing In the city. MEQEATH STATIONERY CO.. Photo Dept., 15th and Farnam Bta. DON'T BE HELD UP, TO ' , RIDICULE Summer Sickness is a Crime. PROTECT YOURSELF AND HEALTH Special Rates at the Y. M. C A. -FREE TRIAL . T" Iron and Wire, Champion reilCft Fenoe Co. , uu ana jacsson Douglas 1590. fits. Tel MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, in sums to suit. 810 Bee Bldg. vi.,.n. ri ,HUL. UNION LOAN CO. " Vacuum Cleaners For rent. Phone Webster 3409. OFFICE STATIONERY gju.iv. Xotera ALeary Co., 1506 Jacksou. "d'EHo. WB like; LITTLK REPAIR JOBS. FRELING ST all N LB, Trunk Factory, 13 Farnam. " OREGON RESTAURANT, first-class cafe tor ladle and gentlemen; Chlneae cooking a pcUUty; open day and night. 14u Hurney. LOOK PROSPEROUS! Wear the Mexi can White Kauphlre; haa the brilliancy, luater and hardneaa of a genuine diamond Bend for catalogue. Da Long Jewelry Co 1UJ-J-4 MoCague Bldg.. OmamT. Neb. ' WANTED July 4th. Merry-Go-Round, Forrla wheel or ocean wave. Come In a week before If you like. Also airshln troupe performing dogs or hogs. Comic acr bats, knock-about olowna. Others write. Asauclxa keep u.ui)t. Fred Sajidiian, Rock well City, la. HOUBK and sign painting; also interior Jork; estimates free. Win. Bailey, Web. MONEY saved on painting, paper hang ing, decorating paper; wholeaale; Quick work. Call A. C. McGulgan Co., Crounaa Blook, Opp. P. O. Douglas 3S&2; A U63. VIRGINIA DARK WINE 75o a large bottle. Klein Liquor Houae, b'ii N. 16th St. S. H. Cole Sign Co, D. 2708. 1316 Farnam. B. ROWE, WELL BOIUNU. Benson 246. BEEHIVE CLEANING DYE WORKS, 1W1 Y Inton Bt. NS agons call and dellvar. Phone Douglaa 43A7. Cement Blocks "re right mid right. UJUA21A CONCRETE BTuNE CO., Kith Ave. and bahlur. Web. aki; B 3018. FIRST clasa practical nurae can be en gaged at once. Harney i'Jdi. MISSOURI FILTERS & KILTER RE FAIRS; now location. 314 ti. loth St. EAT KOSHER HOME tXX)KING. ARKINS. 316 8. laTH. UPSTAIRS. YOU'LL alwaya be happy If your wedding ring cornea from Brodegaard s. 116 S. loth bt. At the sign ot the crown. VLYNCII BROS. EATING" REPAIR YVOKK. 1708 Jackaon St. D. 1477. OUR letter duplicating work Is unex celled. A trial will convince you. Both phones. Western Duplicating Co., 406 Bee Bldg. BCHI.ITZ famoua ATLAS beer on draught at Ed RotberyU. Ill a lih St. PATTON'S SUN PROOF paint card frea. LOANS Salary or furniture; 110 up. J. H. Waaaerburger, 1D3 FARNAM ST. Room 21 S. liuuglaa Ind. A-10:i. ANCHOR FENCE CO Iron and wire fonoea cheaper than wood: laat a lifetime. Jv3 N. lTth. Phone Red 814. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 641. W. S. H EATON. American furnaces. II. 3(66. CE C1LEAM Hyglea brand liJ ViVXAl xa leadm, druggleta. KardiDg Ic Cream Co. 1'AVIU COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. ' THERE, is nothlna: better than good ! syrup feir the family. If Mrs. It. Dlxnn, . South liith St., will come to The Pee I offlre within threo dnya w will irlve hr i an ordtr for a 60-cent can of Farrell's I ayrup free. ROACHKB. ANTP, BEDBUGS. FLEAS AND HATS exterminated from your prem lfp under suarantp contract; cotlmatea free; Hiindead Innectldo, 40c; larice can powder, U6o. Call or write Riley Chemical Works, 2d floor, Crounae block, Oppo. poat offlce. D. 3t52. A-1863. MRS. niARLKS C. HUNQATE, china firing. 870 BrandHg Bldg. Tel. Web. 675. CATJT, TART, Ickamlth. Lawn mowers i 1709 Leavenworth. Tel. Dotig. 4377 or A-43M. : PAPERHANOERS use Snowflake raate Omaha Paste Co., 718 8. 13th. Both 'phones. 7?OTTf KRY fnt Atlas. Fun cigars. Cafe In connection. Ill 8. 14th St. Caaily Co., 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas, BUY AND SELLMo,;n",8 nos. 1U X Vl U OLiL.iJWrJt nsurBnce. ILMl GRAND HOTEL Tlirk-Ull Wat h Finest In the West. riCTT'RE framing, one-third chenpr than department stores; most select stock of framed pictures at reduced prices. Omaha Art and Frame Co., 707 8. 16th. Douglas 1014; Ind. A 256L ' SUPERFLUOUS hair permanently re moved without electric needle or Injury to the skin; lady attendant. 407 McCague Bldg. The New Elk Hotel. Now open; all outside rooms; 3fo and EOo by day; week, 13 up. 817 N. 16th. D. 7287. Just Opened ROYAL THEATER. 1211 DOUGLAS. Flrst-olasg moving pictures, change pro grnm dally. Cut out and bring this coupon with you, It will admit one. Monday. Wednenday and Friday this week. AD MIT one free, Royal Theater, 1211 Douglas. HORNBY BLUT3 PRINT Co., 61S Bee Bldg MAOGARD Van A Storage. Pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods. D. 1406; B 2428. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. 160!"4 Farnam. Ind. A SS21; Doug. 47S0. V holesale and retail ngents for Sherwin Wllllanis paints, varnishes, Carter lead and Keystona. Open Saturday evenings. Lawn Mowers Sharpened 75c by the latest patented machine. WESTERN LOCK A GUN REPA1RI O CO. 242oH Cuming St. Open Evenings. Phones: Douglas 87R1 or Ind. B 2302. TWENTY per cent less than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L Sts., South Omaha. DRUGS at Cut Drlcea: frwisrht nnlit nn all $10 orders. Catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, NeD. AUTOMOBILES "Smush up your auto, "SKID Into a post, "Tear your toD." And bring It to the best place In Omaha ror an Kinds of repairing. DRUMMOND Corner 16th and Harney Bta. 110 40-h. p., five-passenger Overland.. tLMt Beven-paaaenger, 70-h. p. Btearns WALLACE AUTO CO. S208 FARNAM SX. FOR BALE New Hudson tourlnir car: full equipment; a bargain If taken at onoe. Apply. M. Handler, FlasUngs, Neb. AUTOMOBILE TIRES. Fine. new. Independent make tirea and tubes at most reasonablo prices: 28x2',k t 8.20 31x4 S21.E0 2x.1 11.30 32 x4 22.70 80x3 12.35 33x4 23.50 3V4. 1400 34x4 26.!) iM. 16 00 36x4 7.00 32x3H 17 20 34x44 80.20 toxSH 17.75 36x4V 8L60 30x4 20.66 36x6 86.10 Tubes about 30 par cent lower than standard list prices. Terms C. O. D. If 20 per cent of amount accompanies order; 10 per cent discount allowed If cash ac companies order. Money refunded If goods are not satisfactory. The Geyer Salea Co., tilmm uidg., Dayton, u. My outo must go, Everybody must know, Bo the best and cheapest I'll find. To Bee Want Tad I'll send my Ad, For sure results will bo mine. . JUNE GAEFORD, 1024 N. 32d St., Omaha. This versa geta the prise of 15 worth of soda water tickets from Sherman A Mo Connell's new Sodoasls, lath and Dodge Sts. If June Gafford will come to Tba Bee office she will be given the tickets. Afnrrnv doea auto and carriage painting; in. una j guaranteed. U24 Sherman Ave. NEW and 8d-hand autoa, Derlght, Omaha. FOR BALE Cheap, "Chalmers 80"; good condition; fully equipped. N. 24th St., South Omaha. AUTOS For storsge, 6 mo. 810 N. 16th. ONE mouth old Brush runabout: liberal discount. 'Phone Harney 2364. LEAVING city, fine auto for sale: only run about 2.0U0 miles; 6-pasuenger, 80-horae power; fine condition; 81,100; no trades. Addreas A 860, Be. BUSINESS CHANCES i J JU 1 111 V vut. VUVtllQna, toil un GANGESTAD, 404 Be Bldg. Tel D. 8367. - n'T la na Ail4 as kiialHAa. a. 11 GOOD BUSINESS for sale: must leave city at once; have good reasons for selling. call 4us uroana national oana. FOR SALE Good general merchandise stock and building In a good bualness town In eastern Nebraska. For further Information write to Box B, Uehllng, Neb. lOft GUARANTEED DIVIDENDS " " . - . - m , . lb. miu 80 per cent .' alx years. By Increaamg facilities an. widening the buslneaa can eaally make . per cent. Limited amount 10 per cent preferred stock offered for short time. Act quick. Address R 262, Bee. SCALES, SCALES Independent Real. Repair Co., 110 S. Uth St. Ind. A-3&2. FOR SALE Clean atock of hardwa.ra. Implements and plumbing good a la county seat town, near southern central Ne braska; further paxtloulara. Addreas Y 27 care iiee. MONUMENT works, good trade , only shop In county. A bargain. Address Y 188, car of Bee. FIRST-CLASS grocery for sale; fin lo cation. Phone Douglas 6327. 11 -ROOM hotel, 1 block from depot; good Mrs L. Chapman, lbs) Lincoln Ave., York, A FINE pair of 810 made to measure trousers, of your own chosing, from the Laiideryou Tailoring Co.. City Nat'l Bank Bldg.. will be given the gentleman writing the beat verse about Boa Want Tad rant ing houaaa thla weak. r DENTAL PRACTICE FOR 8ALE--Good town, good country, good buslneaa; going to larger place, reason for selling. Com municate with P. T. Barber Dental Supuly Co.. 216 Paxton Block. w ' WANTED To take charge of a small set of booka by an accountant R 848, Bee. Heomlag Uaaaaa ft' Sal. FURNITURE of rooms, strictly mod ern X-tib. BARGAIN Look this up; everything new snd modern; 8-roora rooming house at 117 N. 20th St. Party muet sell on account of other bualnesa. WUI sell cheap for caah or easy payments. CHIROPODISTS UK. ROY, 1506 Farnam St. Douglaa 8407. MONHEIT, chiropodist, manicuring, hair drcsaing, balr gooda. City Nat 1 Ba, L. 2j. Look for Vrite About Hundreds of people find a Vou can win a prize if you try renting houses. Rules For Want Tad Contest Everybody in Omaha, South Omaha, Dundee, Council Bluffs, Ben son and Fiorenco are eligible, except employees of The lice and mem bers of their families. You must follow the style not over six lines and it must relate ' to the subject published each week. Contest closes Friday night of each week. Write plainly on one side of the paper only, and sign your name and address. Address Bee Want Tad Editor, Omaha Bee. The Bee Want Tad Editor will be the judge. All verses sent in become the property of The Bee. r u i wwvwv.Y" CHIROPODISTS (Continued.) IP YOU want to make good fudge use Farrell's syrup. If Mrs. H. V. Cooper, 2s Ames Ave., will come to The Bee of fice within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent can free. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACH, 3d floor Paxton. D. 10S5. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agency. Inc., bonded. 2-9 Paxton Blk. D. 1319; A -1319. CAJT. T. COAMACK. 617 KAJUJACH Blk. JAS. ALLAN, KARBACH Blk. Doug. 2832. DRAINAGE J. J. STUBBS, R. 415, First Nat'l Bank. W. J. McEathron, C. B., 601 War Blk. J. P. CRICK, 834 Brandels Theater. D. 4210, DRESSMAKERS TERRY'S Dreesm'kg College, 20thdfcFarnam EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omatia's largest and most successful commercial school Dsy and night sessions. Btudents admitted any time. Business, Bookkeeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and .Soleumanahlp. The cata logue Is free. Address H. B. Boyles, Presi dent. Omaha, Neb. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN CHINA lestions, filing, orders; leave china for firing at corset shop. Urandri theater. Mrs. 8. H. Smith. 3.37. CUSTOM MADE corset. 5 .00; front and back laced; residence fitting If desired. Brock Corset shop, 623 Bee Bldg. D. rTTRTATNS laundered. 2ti UUlVXilllXO I www Ave.. Tel. H lluU. SWITCHES from combings, 11.60; set puffs free. Mrs. Eck. 1760 Leavenworth St. FINE early aster plants, mixed colors, 10c per dozen; Margaret carnations, mixed, 2Uc per dosen. Phone Benson 331, Ferguson Bros., St a. D, Omaha. lst-class embroidery of all kinds. D. 4W. WHEELER S HEADACHE tablets cures or your money back, 2&o. Haines Drug Co., 1610 r arnam. FLORISTS A DONAHUE, 1607 Farnam. D. 1001; A-IOOL Bennett's Flower Dept. Eaat entrance. L. Henderson, lfil Farnam, Douglas 1218. J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. Douglas 2000. ' HESS & B WO BOD A, 1416 Farnam Bt. BRANDEIS cut flower dept. New store. Narserles. YELLOW Jersey eweet potato plants, 35c per 100. J2.60 per 1,000. Tel. Benson SSL Ferguson Bros.. Station D, Omaha. WE all Uk the best of everything; this Is also true of syrup. If F. J. Scholl man, 4114 North 24th St., will come to The Bee office within three days w will glv him an order for a 60-cent can of Farrell's syrup free. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents sal lalesnemea. AT ONCE I bright, capable ladle over 21 to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers In Kan. and Mo.; 26 to $60 per week; R. R. far paid. Goodrich Drug Co., 1308-10 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. FIVE school teachers for traveling work during vacation. Goodrich Drug Co., 1308-10 Harney St.. Omahk. Neb. LADIES WANTED Several ladlea of good appeaxance to demonatrate the Brock coraets. Salary and commission. Call 623 He Bldg. WANTED S experienced salesladies for the mlaaea' and children's department. The Bennett Co. Factory sa Traa. GIRLS to learn hairdresslng. Oppen helra parlors. City Nat. Bank Bldg. D. A GOOD reliable girl wanted for general housework. l"l.' No. 23d St., South Omaha, Phone South 1&24. WANTED EXPERIENCED ALTERA TION HELP: BEST WAOKS. APPLY ORKIN BR08., 218 8. MTH ST. WANTED Girls to learn hairdresslng; price reasonable. Apply J. L. Brandais ft Bona Hairdresslng Parlors. W ANTE; 1 Hand lronurs and machine gliia. Nonpareil Laundry Co., 1708 Vinton. Douglas 112. , Hoasekeepcra aa4 Donaaatlea. WANTED Competent and permanent help for general houaework. Apply at one, lira. fc. A. Benson, 4u61 Dodg. '. the Wianer's Names Amon the Want Ads. More Big Prizes This Week Bee Want Tad Renting Houses This Week few minutes of pleasure and amusement each day writing a verse about this clever little lad. write a verse on the style of the one accompanying 13ee Want Tad today, only write about him HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Domestics Cont'd. WANTED A cook at 2013 Douglaa. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Apply 3i35 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 8Sf9. NEAT girl to asBlat In housework and car of children; good home and good wages Phone Erhardt, Harney 6672. WANTED A dishwasher. Red 6472. COMPETENT girl for general house work; must know how to cook. Apply Mrs. Dr. Hoetetler. 208 S. 20th St. Tel. D. 77S. I- WANTED A good girl for general house work,; 3617 Farnam; phone H. 4046. WANTED Olrl for general housework; good wages; on car line. Tel. Harney 4H12. COMPETENT house maid. 101 8. 2d Av. Mra. J. J. Brown. . WANTED A girl for general housework. Steady work. Tel. Tyler 1646. GIRL for general housework: two In family. References required. Telephone Douglaa or call at 416 North 20th St. WANTED Olrl for general housework; good wages; small family. Telephone Har ney m. 108 S. 38th St. COMPETENT girl for general house work; small family; good wagea. 118 N. toth Av. Tel. Harney 2733. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing. 8110 Chicago St. Telephone Harney 2756. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family, no children, best wages. 1333 S. 3uth Ave. Harney 2804. WANTED An experienced houaa maid. 130 per month. 426 No. 3th St. GOOD girl for general housework. 1128 Georgia avenue. Harney 3371. WANTED White girl for general house work; family of two. Phone Harney 1781. Call before 8 o'clock or after o'clock. WANTED A good, reliable girl or woman for general housework. Apply at once. Webster 62. A GIRL for general housework; small family; good wages. 'Phone H. 3141. 3140 Mason. WANTED A good girl for general house work; small family. 411 N. 21st St. WANTED A girl for general housework; good wages; 3 in family. 210 S. 37th St. WANTED A Cook; good wages. SOU Farnam St. OMAHA has the beat of everything on the market, but Farrell makes the best syrup. If Luck Hansen, SW3 South ioth Ave., will come to The Bee office within three days we will glv him aa order for a oO-cent can free. WANTED Girl, one that can oook. Mrs Woodruf, 2u06 St. Mary s Ave. GIRL for general housework; best wages apply at once, 3tti4 Pacific St GIRL For general housework. No chil dren. 812 No. 3&th St. GIRL or woman for general housework good home and good pay. Call at 4a6 Far nam or phone Harney 434L GOOD girl as cook, also one for second work. 86U Jackson. Phone Harney 14t. Miscellaneous, LADT of executive ability to take charge of an establlahed cub lorn corset buslneaa Exceptional opportunity. Investment, 1&0 fully secured. Address M-264 Bee Vnt'Vll nnnr,n . U- ......... wu.m. win i m mm jtrangers are Invited to visit the Young .. . ....... i .... i . . ... ,, . . ... .,., m v-n lb i tan aBaucia.Lloa DUUUltig ut St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they Will t A AlrentnH t .lllt.KIa KnaHtn . 1 . " W UU. (IIULO, or otherwise ssalsted. Look for our trav- ,u m mm juxn aiauon. YOUNG women, not over 1 year i old, wanted In every town In Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota and Wyoming to take up a money-making proposition In your own town. Pleasant elevating work. Address, giving age and town. U 268. Be. WANTED Experienced wait reus. San ford hotel. HELP WANTED MALE A genu. Solicitors and Salesmen. WANTED Saleamen for Nebraska, Kan sas and Colorado; complete up-to-date cal endars, leather goods and novelty line; commission prompt: muxt be a huatlar with good references. Addreas Y 31, car Be. AGENTS Wanted at onoe, first class tropoaitlon; big commission. Writ today, Kaitleaa Supply Co., Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Thre high grade energetle salesmen and solicit ora; not Insurance or booka, but a big proposition requiring a man of ambition, ability and brains: clean work, with a very liberal commlaslon. Per manent poaition to thoea who make good. 1k not apply unless you have the highest references. Address E 257. Be. WANTED A collector for city collection; good future for right party; eall at ouc. 44 Iftuah National Bank Bldg. For the best verse written by a lady this week, we will give an order for y2 dozen photo graphs, from Heyn Studio, 16th and Howard Sts. These photos are valued at $15 per dozen. For the best verse written by a gentleman, we will give an order for a pair of made-to-your-measure trousers, valued at $10, from Lander you Tailoring Co., City National Bank Bldg. FOLLOW TH1I STYLE The Bee Want Tad Has gone Auto oiod; But with method os they say, When he haa these spells He often sells A dozen cars a day. MRS. CHAS. W. 8IMON, 221 Rmmett St. This verse receives honorable mention HELP WANTED MALE Asjrents and Solicitor Continued. )YB,.HAVB AN OPENING FOR A SALESMAN WITH A SELLING REC ORD; AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIVE MAN TO BECOME CONNECTED WITH THE LARGEST AUTOMOBILE COM PANY IN THE WORLD AND LEARN THE T 271, BEE. SALESMAN Clean out Intelligent young man (.over 21) to represent Collier's, "The National Weekly," in Omaha and vicinity. Exceptional opportunity for a hustler. Call before 10 or after 8. Kelly, 226 Paxton block. ATTENTION You first class salesman. We have a new proposition which IS SELLING FINHL Territory un worked; open to the man who Is ctLpabl and a bustler. Oood money easily made. Salary and commission. Rferenoes required. Avail yourself of this opportunity to con nect with a llv project. We can us two more good men. Call Immediately, aa ter ritory Is being rapidly distributed. 803 City National bank building. Any morn ing. WANTED High-grade man accustomed to soliciting and to making good money. Must be able to approach men of affairs and capable of presenting high-class mat ter. Not Insurance nor books. Address U 159, care Be. THREE good life Insurance men wanted by an old line eastern company for Ne braska. Commission and salary. Give age, experience and present occupation. Address A 832, Be. AGGRESSIVE machinery salesmen wanted to handle irrigation machinery In Colorado and middle west. Residence agencies considered. Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. Call 1208 Jackson St WANTED Specialty salesman on com mission. Address C. 3C2, Be. FIRST-CLASS salesman. 606 Omaha Na tional Bank Bldg. Boys. WANTED Five reliable boys with bicy cles; first-class wagea Western Union Telegraph Company. 212 S. Uth street. WANTED Bright young man, not over l years old, who is anxious to make good money during the summer. One well ac quainted In th city preferred. Address H 200. Bee. Clerical and Office. THE great U. P. R. R guarantee you a telegraph position after training; practice on railroad wires. Address for particulars, H. B. Boyles, Pres U. P. Telegraphy school, Omaha, Neb. THE children will enjoy their bread more If It Is spread with Farrell's syrup. If Mary MoAullffe, 2018 Central Boulevard, will come to The Bee office within thre days we win give her an order for a 60 cent can free. Factory and Trades. Drug Stores(snaps).Joba. Knlest Be Bldg. WANTED An experienced presaer; one capable of doing machine work. Must be absolutely sober. Advise wagea expected Box 826, Sioux City, la. MEN Learn automobile trade at sohool or home lessons. Earn 126 to IbO per week. Positions Auto Sohool of St. Louis (Inc.), 1106 Pin St., St. Louis, Mo AN all around man to do general black smlthlng wanted at one. Lewis Maples, Graf. Neb. WANTED First-class barber at once; good pay. J. A. Louda, Crete, Neb.f WANTED carpet cutter and layer. State experience, age and salary expected, and when can accept W. H. Cooper 4k Son. Ottumwa, la. M IseellaneaMS. SOUND MEN-21 to 40 years old, wanted at once for electrlo railway motormen and conductors; 8u0 to 8lu0 a month; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank. Address Y-149. Bee. MEN W have good positions waiting for you If you will learn the barber trad now. Hundreds of graduates running shop calling ua us for heap. Only few weeks re quired by our new method. Complete out fit of tools given; diplomas granted; wages baturdays; great scarcity vf barbers this season; personal Interview or card mailed will explain how to better your circum stances. Moler Barber College, 110 a Uth St. WANTED Railway mall clerks; average 11,100; preparation free for coming Omaha examinations. Franklin Institute, Dept 218 G, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED For U. 8. army. abl-bodld, unmarried men between the ages of 18 and 35; citizens of the United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For Information apply to recruit ing officer, Ulh and louglas Sts., Omaha, Neb.; Maaaachuaetu Bldg.. Sioux City, la.; 130 N. loth St., Lincoln, Neb. 110 E. Id St, Grand Island, Neb. i UO $100 MONTHLY AUTOINO. JV AL IO SCHuOL. Omaha. Nab. ' LARGEST at BEST. WRITE. WE want I bright, wideawake pharma cist who wish to advance themselves by efficiently asalatlng ua. First class salary. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Ulh and Lodge. The Bee reserves the right to publish any or all verses submitted. Special prizes for ladies and gentlemen each week. If you don't win this week .try again. Write your verse now and mail it to Bee Want Tad, Editor, Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Mlscellnnenns Continued. MR. MAN-Ut Landeryou Tailoring Co. .IaJr of trousers for you, or if you write the beat vera about Bee Want Tad renting houses this week we will give you a 810 pair of trousers, made to your meas ure, aa a prls. WANTED Competent fraternal organ isers to establish neats of Owls. Liberal ...uuuHiuu, ior services, write for par- oca eox ua, south Bend, Ind i WANTlCp Keen young man In each town "- iuwn, njuining ana soutn Dakota: nn. nrhn knn&. - .. pie In the town he lives In; big money for th right man. Young man not over 19 or " .'mu. Auurwa, giving name, town and ae.v. J1 868, b. ' ' ' .8.000 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN. Writ for liat. Franklin Institute, Dpt 21o-G. Rochester, N. Y. National Auto Traininir Assn. Omaha, Neb. Actual experience in shop wiuyaiwui mavruoiors. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse and Vehicle. HORSES and MULES for sal. 1711 Burt ALFALFA HAY. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. 810. HORSES CLIPPED. 1711 BURT. D. 1657. SIX-YEAR-OLD driving mar, good con dition, Lloo lbs., buggy and harness, all for $1,5. Wsbster 13bS. HAY, 89 per ton. 801 N. 16th St. The Be Want Tad Is a hustling lad. For he's always on th got He'll trade your wheel Or automobile, And in sales he's never slow. FRANCIS M. RODGBR& This verse receives honorable nwntlon. I WAJs'T severe bit. guaranteed to hold hors. What have you 7 Address, P 36L Be. JfE make a spsclalty of TEAMING GEARS and sell them at Wholesale. CEN TRAL IMPLEMENT CO., 1117 Farnam. PROF. A. B. ELROD breaks and trains all kinds of horses; sat- Isfactlon guarant d. la 8. 84th. liar. ton. TWENTY freeh cows and ten springers. J. Jensen, 48d and Valley. Harney 16ft. JUST go out to Rourke park and see vsiiulum iom yiay Das Dan. ii TV u son Mills. 4244 Grant St, will come to Th Bee offlc within three days w will glv him a Uokat to th ball gam. A GOOD, genU bora and rig. 823 N. 87th Kt LOST AND FOUND LOST Lady's gold watch and fob, with nam inside. Reward. Finder leav at Bee office. ' $10 Reward an,y one "ndui v . ter place to have oar pets, rugs, mattresses, upholstering, eta, cleaned ty vacuum system, MYERS, WsDster 612. PKRilrtVK hivlnff In.. . ... - im 7T . . . . si vivid iruuiii do well to oall up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street oars. Many article each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 48 OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. FOUND Th8 Teddy Bear expert clean j era and dyers. A-3SZ6. D. 8436. LOiST Xfeah nnru Mnt.lnln . and handkerchief; Brandeis Pompelan Dressing Room. Reward. Harney Sum. LOST Roan Shorthorn cow, weight about 850 pounds, picked up at th Union Stock Yards May 17. Address Union Stook lards company. South Omaha. BROKE loose last night, chestnut bay horse, 1,400 lbs., long legged, newly shod: mwimj a(u., LiwvriK wrccaing vo. TAKE ma nut tn Ik. kali - w u C. Caaslday, 4734 North 8th St.. will come to The Be office within three days we will give him a ticket to th bail gam at Rourke park. LOST Small enamel pin set with 8 pearls, somewhere between 16th and Dodxe and 27th and Dewey Ave. Finder please return to Haydett Bros.' piano dept and receive reward. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE rONRS-Bst rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding w uiliuu uinJie$i tree. ener man A McConnell Imjf Co., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ALAJsV AND CUATTKLa. CIIATTEL LOANS Uwat rataa and strictly piivais MSBHASKA LOAN CO ) b Bldg. XHtug. A-Lm, , . Salary sad Chattels ontlaed NOTIIINOHUT MONEY That is All We Loan. Could you ii a t?l or $ to a good ad vatitnKO? If ao. rome to ua; don't to to a friend. V loan money on furnitur. plan.. a or teams without removal, small and aaay payments; tc la the weekly pay ment cn a $-f loan and II. to la the weekly payment on a tM loan for Ml weeks. Other aninunta In the ame proportion. Write or phone us and we will call on you at one. All hiiKlncaa confidential. STATE MOltTOAUE LOAN OO Room 12. Arlington Illk.. 1611 Vk Dodg t Phones: Louglas 4i6. Independent A-. IKiMiT loaned salaried people, womesi keeping houaa and others, wl.hout sourlty asy ) merit, office In 67 principal olties. lulmun. IrtU uinaha Nat. liank Uiug, lor many X. V. L. lildg. DIAMOND LOANS AT lVafr en Urge loans; smaller loans at 1 and 6 W i) KLATAl) Ts'el'hon Red Kit MONEY; TO LOAN. Com la and let ua explain our low rates. Re liable Credit I'rt . 508 Paxton block. Tel. Douglas 1411. A-14li! . MOVING, STORAGE. CLEANING ' OMAliA VAN & r-lOHAGK CO. oleans our carpet on your flonra; electrlo vacuum cleaner. m4 8. lta; 8U a 17th. Doug 411 EXPRESSMAN 8 DELIVERY CO-Mov-Uig; luimtui uackina; fireproof storasa, C.ty QffW, 118 n;th. lug. &4; lad. B-lfilt PIANO moving. Cola's storag and a press. Uia Capitol Av. D. 870, A.-mf. LOANS IW00 UP QUICKLT On household goods, pianos, hlSrs, wagons, etc. Low rates; easy weekly or monthly payments and NO ADVANCE) CM AUU Ess. You get the full amount In cash. OM"A MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 1603 FARNAM ST. ROOl lit. (Board of Trade Bldg.) I'honea Ioug. 22.; Ind. A-1071. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Hooana. ONE nicely furnished, newly papered, south frunt room; modern in every wayj fuliatle for two gentlameni beat hooa cooking. 2114 Harney St THB BACHEIjORS. 20th and Farnam, Rata: Slngl. Je to (40; double, 168 to , LARGE, comfortable, newly furnished' rooms. Cool and strictly modern. First class home cooking. Finest location; 2661 Dodge, ELEGANT front parlor; modern In every reapect; aultabla for two gentlemen or couple; Al table board; pleasant neighbor hood. 2222 Howard. NCE, quiet home with first class horn cooking; cool rooms; everything modern; hot and ould water all summer; referenoea. Web. 3768. 2631 Hamilton. EXCELLENT BOARD And nloely furnished, clean rooms; bog water all the time. 2478-4 Harney St NICELY furnished modern rooms, with meals. If desired. 3618 Dewey Av. CLOSE-IN, oentrally located, modem rooniH in delightful neighborhood; hot and cold wator ail the time. First-class table board. 018 S. 19th 8t NICE and cool, well furnished rooms In' good locality. First class horn cooking. All modern; 8028 Webster. . GO out to Rourke park and root for Omaha. If W. O. Tcbllcock, 4526 Decatur Bt., will coma to Th Be office within three days w will give htm a ticket ta th bas ball gam. V-arsUakad Rnmaa. TWO furnlshad rooms. Tst. Webstar pjTt. 8818 N. 80th St NICELY furnished modern rooms, with) breakfast If daalrad. I6U J ones St Phoo Douglas 3498. WANTED Two or three man for Urg front room, with bath, breakfast and sup per, 84.60 par week. 1718 Nicholas, 3621 HARNEY) furnished room with or without board. ONE large front room; new, modern flat; private family; walking; distance, mis Chicago. 'Phone B-2930. LOOK A large parlor with larg sitting room ensuit or can b rented separata; also smaller furnished room; reasonable rant; beautiful neighborhood, on car Una; everything modern. 1427 N. 17th Bt Phon Webstsr 814. BEAUTIFUL room, especially desir able for summer, 8 windows, modern, close In Beat at referenoea. 614 No, 23, NICELY furnished front room, with bad room adjoining. 220 N. 18th. FURNISHED rooms, under nw manage ment; large front room, suitable for two; also north and east room. 1908 Capitol Ave. WALKING distance, well furnished room slngl or enaulto on Farnam at.: nlc. cool place, shady yard; everything modern. 2226 Farnam Bt HOUSEKEEPING and neatly furniahed sleeping rooms. All modern; In good neigh borhood. Walking distance, 1622 Burt BRIGHT, oomfortabls north front parlor, suitable for two: modern; nloa, quiet neighborhood. 1821 Cass Bt V ,T."l 1 A VT fumlahiMt Mnm artefntlv maj. ern; private family; no other roomer. 134 N. 80th St 2037 Harney St., on doubl and on slngl room. Clean and cool. ONE furnished room; all modern. BE3 So. 85th Ava. THREE housekeeping suites and three, single rooms, well furnished; olo In. laid Chicago. LARGE front room, aultabl for two or three, large back room, clou In, modern, 1814 Dodg St. LARGE front room with alcove, prl vat family; homelike, modern, cool; large, shady lawn; with board; gentlemen. 182 Emmet Tels., Web. 828, B-1324. $16 Larg. cool corner room, well fur nished, with or without piano. No objec tion to music or practice. Nice bath, plenty of hot water; also Ice water. Both telephones. Walking dlatance, Leaven worth car on block, 2668 St Mary a. NEATLY furnished, all modern rooms. $2 and up; also housekeeping rooms, H block from postofflc. 813 N. nth St ONE or two extra fin front rooms, ele gant furniture; all modern; fine, large lawn; walking dlstanoe; no sign on bouse. m N. 30th. STRICTLY modern and neatly furnished rooms, plenty of hot water; one room suit able for two gentlemen, 216 N. 19th St. NICELY fumlahed rooms In private family, all outside exposure, larg porch, close In. 2631 Harnsy. 'Phon Harney 6987. NICELY furnished rooms In Private bom. on south room and on north room, cool tor summer, close in, on two car lluaa 1919 Dodg St. NICELY furnished, modern, clean room: hot and cold wat; ail th Urn, XSM liawey Av. 601 S. 18th St., on slngl front room, newly furnished, connecting bath, IS m week. Also four-room unfurnished Cat nicely decorated; furnitur for sal u preferred. WELL furnished rooms, soma suitable for two. Everything strictly mod era. Cloae In; 406 N. 16tb; Douglas 8903. WELL furnished rooms; on aultabl for light housekeeping; 2310 Douglas; phon Tyler 1458. THREE larg light airy rooms, single' or en suite; gas and bath on saw floor; good location; 2219 Cass. NICELY furnished, airy front room, suitable for two gentlemen. All modern. Good locality; 216 N. 17lh. Nlt'ITt.V rnrr.l.K.4 - , -------- - -. ......... ivwiiii iur sleeping ana light housekeeping. Ail modern; olos wt v eosir. ONE wall furnished front room lot Uaht hutg tU M. Ulh. 1 ( i V u V' ! I Cr