Newspaper Page Text
WANT ADS U'fint trieurO ml any time but to Insure proper classification must l presented before 12 o'clock m. to I lie etcnlng edition and before 7:80 for morning and Sunday editions. Wont ad received after auch hourg Mill have tliclr llrst Insertion under tlia Leading, "loo Jte to Clataify-" CASH HATE WANT ADS. ltK(.LI,Alt CLASSIFICATION On Insertion 1 ceuta per word and 1 cnt cr irord for each uftaeo,uent In tel lion. Edili iuaertion made on oild ' cents per word. $1.00 P" per montU. Joifs a'pl to either Th4 llly or h.flar I We. Altraj count word lu a lib. Want ad for Tbe e ma ,eft any of the Inllowliig drox tore nt is your "corner druMit" tliey are all brand- office for lle He aud jour ad will be Inserted Just a promptly anu on tba saiuo rate the mailt oOlce In Tbe lice building, evmlcvntu and r amain street. Albach W. C. 40th and Farnam. eaum Drug Co., l N. 16th St Bertsnek, H. A.. 1402 8. Bt lienson Pharmacy, Benaon. Nb. ,. Beml Pork Pharmacy. JBd and Cuming Hiaks-B-ablsh. tMl rktrman At. Chiton rilil Pharmacy, 2213 Military at Caughlln. C. H.. 47 Leavenworth Crlsaey Pharmacy. Uth and i.ase St t eoney Pharmacy, tl South Jth Bt Cermak, Einll, lAU- tkiuth Uth t?C k.hler Co., Leaven werth 8C r osier AnicluY 213 N-rth Ath at, I reytag. i. i , 14 N. 24tli Bt. r regger Drug Co.. 10! North lth Bt. tloitiic Lit utc Co.. Florence. Neb. creel, Pharmacy. Park Ave. and Paclfla Oiernough a, Co.. 1026 South Mb tit. oici-tiuU(,h Co., lUth and Hlctorr Ste juidman Pharmacy. 4th and Leavsa wuitli Sts. Juhnson Pharmacy, Fsroam fit Hanscom Park pharmacy. 15ol 8. 2Jth Ae Hluterlong Drug Co. lt Av. aud Far bam ei. Hoist. Jonn, 6?4 North lth Be Huff. A. J,.. 924 Leavenworth St. Johanson Drug Co., ?4th and Spalding. Kins, H. t.. U38 Far nam St. Kountte Plane Pharmacy, 2302 N. 14th 8k Lathrop Pharmacy. 24th and Hamilton. Maris. Fred L.. a)l9 Central Mlvd Monmouth Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Patrick Drug lo, imU N. 24th St. fcaialuaa Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ava echaeic-r s Cut Price Drug Htor. lit ami Chicago St. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming. IJI3.4TH AND riABIIAL NOTICE BRANCH George, aged 48 years. Funeral Tuesday at 2 p. m. from family residence, 6812 Uavenworth St. Interment. West Lawn cemetery. HAKT-Mrs. Joseph, aged 46, Sunday, June 4. Punarii from residence. 190S North Twen tv-fnurth xtieet. Wednesday morning, 8:30 m m in Sni-red Heart church II o'clock. Interment. Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends invited. I Th body of John A. Smiley, who died In Denver. Colo., will arrive In Omaha Xtonriav ninrnlnn at 7 o'clock. The funeral will be held from Croshy'a chapel. Twenty- fourth and Seward at 2 o'clock Monday. Interment in Prospect Hill. DIHTIIS AD DEATHS. Births John and Mary Broffy. 20M North Twentieth, girl; James and Iva Brown, 602 Pouth Thirty-fifth avenue, girl; R. B and Minnie Klrod. 2331 south Twelfth, girl fcam and Annie Gaorcc. 1112 South Thir teenth, bov; Lewis and L. Hatcher, 2432 Blondo. boy; Louis and Ida Mollne, 231$ F.mmet, boy; George and Louise Brown, M Bancroft, clrl. Death Mrs. Liza A. Bridges. 27. Swed ish Mti-slon honpital; Mrs. Lena Deyries. M, Methodist hospital: Rose Houska. 33, Flor ence, Neb.: John A. Smiley, 76, Denver, Colo. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, smbalmer. 1614 Chicago 8t. D. UNDER TAKER. 1659, U-16&. PHOTO SUPPLIES Kodaks and cameras. The best develop ing and finishing in the city. MEGKATH STATION FRY CO.. Photo Dept., loth and Farnaxn 8ta Fence Iron and, Wire. Champion Fence Co., Uth and Jackson Sts. Tel. Douglas 1590. MONEY TO LOAN LOW HATE, in sums to suit. 310 Bee Bldg. Phone Douif. 204. UNION LOAN CO. Vacuum Cleaners Fur rent. Picon Webster 3400. MISSOURI F1LTER8 & FILTER RE PAIRS. 816 8. :tth. Doug. 4714; lnd. A-2hil. TWENTY per cent less than Omaha price. HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L Sts., iuth Omaha. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. 8. H. Cole Sign Co. D. 2768. 1316 Farnam, DRUGS at cut prtcea; freight paid on all 110 orders. Catalogue free. Sherman 4 McConnell Prug Co., Omaha, Neb. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. K1'4 Faiuam. Ind. A SS21 ; Dnug. 47S0. Wholesale and retail ah'enta for Sherwln Wllllaina paints, varnlahes, Carter lead and lvealona. Open Sututday evenings. KODAKS8UPPL,IES AND w x 1V " AMATEUR FINISHING DEMPSTER'S 308 B. 15th St., Uli Farnam Bt. SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS. dynamos, motors and repairs. Le Bron, 111 a. uui im. uouuias ill 6. WALL Howard. paper cleaned. Tel. Doug. 2;4l, room. A-2167, M. Ind. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 641. 1 ICE CRE M "Jlntr Hygl lea brand druggist. Harding Ice CrsaiACo. K. HOWE. WELL BORING. Benson 24a. BEE HIVE CLEANING DYE WORKS, 1'Ml Vinton St Waxoii call and ilxllver. Phone Doug. 4367. J. H. Boonstra, Sr. Prop. Cement Blocks ,ald r,ut- OMAHA CONCRETE STONE CO.. tsth Ave, and Sahler. Web. &S6; B 3018. 1.000 letterheads, good bond paper; 1.000 billheads. l.i bustner-s cards; II 60 per 1.000. Eatimatrs and samples fi ee. other printing. Tlzard Printing Co.. Omaha Commercial College Bldg., 19th & Farnam. Red 66u8. MONEY saved on painting, paper hang ing, decorating paper; wholesale: oulck work. Call A. C. McGuluan Co.. Crounse Block, Opp. r. O. Douglas 3.42; A 1H63. LYNCH BROS. PLUMBING AND HEATING. REPAIR WORK. '70S Jackson St. D. 14 OFFICE STATIONERY Kotera & Leary Co., imk Jackson. I). neo. OUR letter duplicating work la unex called. A trial will convince you. Both phonea Wattern Dipllcatlng Co., 406 Bee Bldg. 1 PICTURE framing, one-third cheaper than department stores; most select stock of frsinrd pictures at reduced prices. Omaha Art and Frame Co., 707 6. 16th. Douglas 194; Ind. A Ul. SUPERFLUOUS hair permanently re moved without electric needle or injury to the skin: lady attendant. 47 UcCague Bldg. ANCHOR FENCE CO Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood last a lifetime. 307 N. Lib. Phona Red 114. The New Elk Hotel. Now open; all outside rooms: 3fto and toe by day; week. 12 up. S17 N. 16th. D. T2V IX)OK PROSPEROUS! Wear the Mexl- an White Sapphire: baa the brilliancy, luster and hardness of a genuine diamond. -i;d f.T cataloKue. Ds Long Jsaslry Co, 102 -i alcCagus Bldg., Omaha, Nsb. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) ROACHTS, A NTS, BEPBUOi. FLEAS ANI RAT8 extermlnsted from your prem ises uiid'r guarantee contract; estimates free; Bugdead Insect I.I p. 40c: larg ran poader, 26c. Call or writ Klley Chemical Works, 2d floor, Croons block, Oppo. post office. D. 8651 A-1SDL YOU'LL always be happy If your wedding ring comes from Hrodegaard's. 115 8. 16th St. At the sign of the crown. VIRGINIA DARK WINE 76c a larae bottle. Klein Liquor House. 622 N. 18th PC MAOflAnn Van Storage. Tack, move, store and ship H. H. goods. D. HOC: R 2428. -1 THE children will enjny their bresd more If It Is spread with Farrcll's syrup. If ICdlth Carroll. 770 Sprague St.. will come to The Bee office within thre days we will give her an order for a 50-cent can free. ILER GRAND HOTEL Turkish Bath Finest in 1h West. Uth and Howard Sta. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. AHKIXri, 311 S. liTH. ;PBTAIRS. 8CALKS. SCALES Independent Seals Repair Co.. 110 Ha. Uth St. Ind. A -3332. MRS. CHARLES C. HUNGATE. china firing. 870 Urandels Bldg. Tel. Web. 97i. WE LIKE LITTLE HEPAIR JOBS. FRELINO & 8TEINLF. Trunk Factory, 1803 Farnam. OREGON RESTAURANT, flrst-clas caf for iadles and gentlemen; Chinese cooking a specialty; open day and night. 1409 Harney. W. 8. HEATON. American furnaces. H. li3. PAPERHANQER8. use Snowflake paste. Omaha Paste Co., 71ft 3. 13th. Both phones. ED R0TIIERY Schllta Atlas. Full line of llduor and Cigar. Cafe In connection. Ul 8. 14th St. Canady Co., 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. RIIV AND RKLT,Mort;,s'- onds. 13 U X AiNi; DrjLiLiWrUe flr inBuranc.. TO THE MAN writing the best verse about Beu Want Tad selling furniture this weel. we will give a fancy vest, valued at $10; made to your measure by the L&n deryou Tailoring Co.. 213-14 City National Bank Bldg. , CORNER Shoe Repairing. 2623 Leaven- worth. WANTED Open-air street attractions for Fourth of July; acrobatlo acts, vaudeville, etc. Fred W. Goehner. Seward, Neb. AUT0M0BILES: "Smash up your auto, "Skid Into a post, "Tear your top." And bring It to the beet place in Omaha for all kinds of repairing. DRUMM0ND Corner 18lh and Harney Sts. U10 40-h. p., flve-paaaenger Overland.. tl.OM Seven-passenger, 70-h. p. Stearns l.o WALLACE AUTO CO.. 2203 FARNAM ST. NEW and Sdhand autos. Derlght, Omaha. SWINGING hose bracket for washing your automobile; neat garage fixture; dem onstration. 316 8. 20th. Huber A Fore man. Doug. 4714. A 28 H. P. five-passenger. Mason tour ing car. in fine condition. At a bargain If taken at once. J. D. Wolf, Clarkson, Neb. t- LEAVING city within next few days. Will sell my slightly used o passenger auto mobile; fine condition, cost tlKOO, for 1800. Good a new. L-628, car Bee. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLE REPAIRS. We have the largest western motorcycle and bicycle repair shop, using the same machinery the original builder use. Our force ia composed of experts only, and we rebuild, reflnish and repair any part. An other force put the same attention to sewing and talking machine repairs and supplies. Call or write for detail and price. NEBRASKA CTCLE CO., liith and Harney Sts., Omaha. Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business, call on OANGKKTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel D. 3367. WANTED A man to put in a small amount of capital with that of well known Omaha business men for the purpose of building -apartment houses on one of the best location in the city. These house win bring in an annual net Income of 15 per cent on money in vested. There is no better Investment any where than Omaha real estate Improved by good substantial brick buildings. There are Inducement In connection with thla Investment that can only be explained by personal interview or a letter. II. D. TWOMBLY, 1119-23 City Natl. Bank Bldg, Oitiaha. Nsb. GOOD pool hall, good location, for sals or trade, inquire ita turning. MEAT MARKET. A growing and good paying meat market for sale, uniy nop in a gouu town, county seat. No competition for forty miles around. For sale cheap and on eaay terms A fortune for a young, energetic man with iitoo to S1.0U0 capital, can double hi money every year. Address Box Us, Hyannis, Neb. EIGHT-ROOM rooming house, close In. Terms. D. 31bi. Oak ridge lnv. Co. FOR SALE Shoe shop; beat paying shop lu Neurasaa; raiiroaa town, z.uuu popu tlon. Keason, ulcknecs. Address P. o. Box 143, Sidney, Neb. BAKERY for sale In good Nebraska town; uolng good bualness; have good reasons for selling. Aaaress X 130, car Bee. PARTY with few thousands to Join me In promoting Immensely profitable manu- facurlng enterprife that has character. dabs and unlimited possibilities. Product In enormous demand, profits big and capi tal In any amount can be secured from sale of atock to build an equipped factory Advertiser an expert stock salesman; not II risked and will handle your own money Address, K 6Z7. Bee. SUCCESSFUL PROMOTOR In position to market large block of atock among known Investors In lowa. aebraaka, the 1'akoias and Minnesota is prepared to tender hla services to any legitimate en terpris requiring the help of a skilled or- capable or interesting capital ana handling men. Will Incorporate your com pany, write prospectus ana secura work- ng capital from sale of stock to start operation. Terms reasonable If you have anything worth while. Address, G 624. Bee. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalxell'a Ice cream. If C. J. Garland, ZcrfH Saratoga St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a quart brick or this fine Ice cream. FOR SALE A moving picture show in Neb. town of 7.000 population, doing fin l)Ufcines; onlv picture show In town; good reasons for aellin. A bargxln for some one. nee, M CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, I6O0 Farnam St. Douglas 6407. MONHE1T. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hslr goods. City Nat I Bk. D. ZS8. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACH. 3d floor Faxton. D. 10S& DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective ageney, inc., bonded. 428-t Paxton Blk. D. 1119; A-1319. CAPt7t7cORMACK. $17 KARBACH Blk. ZACK ELLIS. $0 year experience. Sn Neville Blk.. 16th and Harney. Tyler 116. JAMES ALLAN. 80s Neville Blk.. Six teenth and Harney: phone Tyler lilt DRAINAGE J. J. BTUBB8. R. 416, First Nat l Bank. DRAINAGE iContlnued.) W. J. McEathron. C. E.. 610 Faxton Blk. J. P. CRICK. K4 Brandels Theatar. Dl4 DRESSMAKING PLAIN sewing neatly dona at 114 North 24th street. Terry's Dressmaking College. 20th A Far. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN CHINA lessons, firing, orders; leave china for firing at comet shop. Hrandeia theater. Mrs. 8. H. Smith. Doug. 3737. CURTAINS LAUNDERED. Dewey Ave., Tel. H. 2S1J 11 us. WHEELER'S HEADACHE tablete cures or your money back. X6c. Haines Drug Co.. 1(10 Famatn. SWITCHES puffs free. Mr from combings, tl M); set i. Bek, 1760 Leavenworth St. Upholstering, furn. repairing, low price. Edwall Co.. Id 13 St. Mary's. D. B01S, A 27!. WALL PAPER cleaning. D. 6X.t. A-24.. EDUCATIONAL FIRST SUMMER TERM B0YLES' COLLEGE JUNE 5. Omaha' largest and moat successful Commercial College. Business, Bookkeep ing Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Pervlc and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is free. Address H. B. Boyle, Pre., Omaha, Nab. STAMMERING AND STUTTERINO cured. Julia E. Vaughn. Ramg Bldg. FLORISTS ' A. DONAHUE. 1007 Farnam. D. 1001; A-10O1. 1 J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney Douglas 2000. HESS & SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam 8t BRANDEIS cut flower dept. New tor. L Henderson. 151 Farnam, Douglas 1218. I- i lit; pest treat ror wire ana Daoy ia a dish of Dalzell's Ice cream. If Mrs. Fred Foster. 8438 Nebraska Ave., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give ner an order tor a quart ddck oi inia fine Ice cream free. HELP WANTED FEMALE Agveata aad gales wo mew. AT ONCE S bright, capable ladle over 21 to travel, demonstrate and sell dealer in Kan. and Mo.; 126 to ltt per week; R. R. fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co.. 1303-10 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. FIVE school teachers for traveling work during vacation. Goodrich Drug Co., 1308-10 Harney St.. Omatu.. Nb. WANTED Ladle to represent the Brock Corset Co. In Nebraska, Colorado, Wiscon sin, Minnesota and Iowa town; exclusive territory; tQ to 1100 per month. Write A. H. Blewfleld, Manager. IS23 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. WANTED Salesladies or demonstrators; work part or whole day. Salary, commis sion. Address 619, Bee. S ALES LA D Y WANTED To demonstrate and take measurements for a high-class custom corset; guaranteed; steady po jit ion; omana and other cities; sample fitting line furnished. Address H-625, care Bee. Clerical and Office. WANTED The addrease of ten lady stenographer who would be able to give a part of their time to advertising work for reasonable consideration. Address J-626, care Bee. Factory and Trade. GIRLS to learn halrdreaalng. Oppen- helm parlors. Price very reasonable. WANTED Girl to learn halrdresslng; price reasonable. Apply J. L. Brandels & Sons Halrdresslng Parlors. EXPERIENCED machine girl. Scott Tent & Awning Co.. 314-16 So. 12th St. Hotel and Restaurants. COOK, South-Dakota, 160, room; cook. Ne braska, t.'iO, room; pastry cook, $12 weekly; pastry cook, Iowa; 4 pantry girls, 125 arid 130; house girl, Sheridan, Wyo., white or colored, $30, see party here; woman, Doug las and Cody, Wyo., 126; night waitress, 18; 10 waitresses, 17. $8 and $9 weekly: 6 cooks. 17. 18 and $10 weekly; 9 cham bermaids, 116, 18 and (30; waitresses, Co lumbus and Brunswick. Neb.: 6 hotel laun dresses; 3 couples on farms, 135. 840 and 145; waitresses. Botitn Dakota, lowa and Kan sas; house girls, 15. 86 and $7 weekly: 7 colored girls. Austin it Martin. 118 N. 15th. Hoaselteepers and Domestics. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Apply XUii Farnam St. Tel. Harney 8 MIDDLE aged woman to take care of bablea, or a girl. 2310 J St., South Omaha F 1819. CHAMBERMAID, Apply manager Omaha General hospital. WANTED Girl for general housework: gooa wage. Appiy u farnam. WANTED A nurse girl at 638 80. 25th Ave. . -I WAINi WLi wn lor general nousewora; family of two; steady position; phone Har ney 1M1 I WANTED A middle aged lady to do light work and help care for little children, 1016 North 23d St., South Omaha. GIRL. to aaslst with housework, too washing If preferred. Inquire 5u8 S. 29th St. WANTED A good, reliable girl to aaslst with housework. Appiy at once. 3024 Bin ney. Webster 62. WANTED A cook. 8120 Davenport. Tel. Harney 69. GIRL for general housework. Tel. South 791 or call 86th and R. Sts., South Omaha. WANTED Good girl for general house work, 16 per week; no washing. Apply 2804 Harney bt. WANTED Woman to ta4e care of baby. Terms; board, room and 110 monthly. Call Sunday 2604 Templeton bt. TWO girl for general houaework. Phone Douglas 3. WANTED A girl for general housework; wages Vi no washing or ironing, kuo Pop- pleton Ave. GOOD girl for cook. 3611 Jackson, phone Harney I4ta. WANTED A girl for Park Ave. Harney 3366. housework. 1302 WANTED Good girl for general houae work; no laundry work. Good wagea Harney w or can soot Harney. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mr. McConnell, 1641 Georgia Ave. Phone itarney an. COOK WANTED Good wages, 38th and California, nortnwest corner. W anted to Buy WANTED A neat housemaid. 426 N. St. 3Sth WANTED An experienced girl for ren- eral houaework; employed second girl and wash woman. 137 s. Ktn St. Harney 3D13. WANTED Girl to help with cooking. Mrs Woodruff. 3006 St. Mary Ave. WANTED A good, reliable girl or woman to assist with housework. Webster 62. WANTED A cook. Phone Harney 4710. Mr. W. J. Hynea. GIRL for general housework; ing. Harney 4078. no wash- WANTED Olrl to assist with housework; no washing; plain cooking. 6u6 8. 2Vtb St. GIRL for general housework: two In fainiry. Apply at once, 846 Park Ave. WANTED Competent second girl. Mr. W. W. Marsh. 806 Fin St. WANTEI A competent house Apply to 8. 124 Ave. Uarsy tub maid. HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers anal Dnmestlrs (ot'4. WANTED Competent girl for gf-neral housewoik. 17 per week. 4M6 Dodga eU. Phone Harney 27 44. GOOD girl for genera! housework; good 110 8. i4lh St. 'Phone Harney WANTED Oood girl for general house work, small family, good wages. Apart ment 6, W inonn, 2Uh and Dey Ave. Har ney W71 f WANTED A wash womanS Apply 4306 Dodge. Phone Harney 1748. allscellaneoa. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as stranger are invited to visit the Young Women' Christian association building al St. Mary' Ave. and 17th St., where they will he directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. WANTED Experienced ford hotel. waitress. t Ban- -I T.AniE-9 M.I, anion, a, kn. material furnished; 112.60 for 100; stamped addressed envelope for particulars. West- Mile Mfg. Co., Westvllle. N. J. WANTEDExperlenced waitress. St. James Hotel. HELP WANTED MALE Aaents, Solicitor aa Salesasem, WANTED High-grade man accustomed to soliciting and to making good money. Must be able to approach men of affair and capable of presenting high-class mat ter. Not Insurance nor books. Address U 169, care Bee. AGENTS Wanted at once, first class proposition; big commission. Write today. Bartleaa Supply Co., Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. WANTED City salesman for household article. Call 2217 Douglas St., before a. m, or after 6 p. m. THREE high class saleamen capable of earning not less than 16.000 per year. Clean proposition with a big future to a producer. One man for district manager and two for road work. Don't apply unless you csn qualify aa a producer. Call mornlnga. 803 City National Bank Bldg. AGENTS "WANTED. 100 PER CENT profit to ell the Howard Handy Harness Hook, the only patent harness hook on the market; something every horseman wants. To show It 1 to ell It. We are ola agent. DAY-MORSE 738 Brandels Theater Bldg. Omaha, Neb. ADVERTISING IS A WELL-PAID PROFESSION. A few hours dally under our tutorship will qualify you for any advertising posi tion. The advertising field I not overcrowded. Big firms all over the country are eagerly looking for hlgh-clas advertising men, and are willing to pay them high prices. We are not a correspondence school, but larve university. We assist those who qualify to good positions. For terms and further Information address H 357, Bee. WANTED for road, several clean cut, Intelligent young men for Collier'. Spe cial premiums, increased commissions. demonstrations furnished, expenses ad vanced: M to ISO a week easily made. Wat son, 226 Pax ton Bldg. WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR A SALESMAN WITH A SELLING REC ORD; AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIVE MAN TO BECOME CONNECTED WITH THE LARGEST AUTOMOBILE COM PANY IN THE WORLD AND LEARN THE BUSINESS. T 271. BEE. WANTED Experienced rod man to sell full line medium priced, well Introduced utomobtles for Omaha Jobbing house. Lock Box 635. Boy. WANTED Five reliable boy with bicy cles; first-class wagea Western Union Telegraph Company. 212 S. 13th street. 53 1 YEARS, office work. Address T care Bee. EVERY person know who D. J. O'Brien la, because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If W. H. Chambers, Slo9 Ohio St.. will come to The Bee bfflce within three days we will give him an order for a 60-cent box free. Clerical aad Office. WANTED Office man with few hundred aa partner, active or silent, in Immensely profitable mall order Jobbing buslnees. Am about to start Investment, absolutely se cure, and will guarantee each net profit of at least 86,000 yearly. A lifetime chance, but useless to bother unless, can make temporary Investment. Address, F 633, Bee. THE great U. P. R. R guarantee you a telegraph poaltlon after training; practice on railroad wires. Address for particulars. H. B. Boyle. Pres U. P. Telegraphy school. Omaha. Neb. Factory aad Trade. Drug Stores(snaps).Joba. Kntest, Bee Bldg. MEN Learn automobile trade at school or home lessons. Earn 125 to 850 per week. Positions Auto cnooi 01 pi. uoui, (Inc.), 1106 Pine St.. St. Louis. Mo Mlacellaneoaa. WANTED Railway mall clerks: average 11.100; preparation free for coming Omaha examinations. Franklin Institute, Dept. 218 G, Rochester, N. X. BOUND MEN 21 to 40 year' eld, wanted at once for electric railway motormen and conductor; ft) to $100 a month; fin opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank. Address Y-149, Bee. WANTED Competent fraternal organ isers to establish nests of Owla liberal commissions for services. Write for par ticular to Look Bos 116, South Bend, Ind. A $10 FANCY VEST made to your mea sure la the prise for the man who write the best verse shout Bee Want Tad sell ing furniture this week. Vest to be made by the Landeryou Tailoring Co., 213-14 City National Bank Bldg. u. s. $100 MONTHLY AUTOINO. AUTO SCHOOL. Omaha, Neb. LARGEST fc BEST. WRITE. 8.000 GOVERNMENT PO8ITION8 OPEN. Write for list Franklin Institute. Dept tl6-G. Rochester. N. Y. National Auto Training Assn. Omaha, Neb. Actual experience in shop and road work; competent instructor. $76 Branch office position for steady young man; western Iowa; small Invest ment for flxturea. State age and experience. Address. Capital Collection company, De Moines, Ia. $100 MONTHLY and expenaes to travel and distribute samples for big manufac turer; steady work. S. Scheffer, Treasurer, U 2U9, Chicago. -1 JANITOR, Institution; 8 farm couples, $36, $40 and $46; 6 houae painters; 25 laborer, east, free fare; 10 men for material yards; farm handa, $30; 6 milkers, $36; harness cleaners; canvas man, packing houae; hotel deiartment, roan and wife, cook, etc., toO, $60, $75 and $130; chicken butcher, help hall man; assistant storeroom man. Austin Martin, 118 N. 15th. HELP WANTED MALE OH K1SMALE. WANTED Man and wife to menace Farmer' Mutual Telephone company and. operate central board during night time, Man must be competent lineman and un derstand the telephone business. Woman muat be able to keep book and attend to collections. Addreas John Mullen, Secre tary. Vllllsca. Ia.. Route I. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse aad Vehicle. HAY. $9 per ton. WIN. 16th St PROF. A. B. ELROD breaks and trains all kinds of horses; sat isfaction guaranteed. 1929 S. 34th. Har. FOR BALE Ten head working and driv Ing horses. Blue Barn, 13th and Douglas, near Millard hotel. CALL at our barn when looking tor both worker and drlvur offered at bargain. Haraay fit Stable. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE II arses aad Vehicles ontlnaed. NINE head of good work horses, also wagons snd harness; cash or payments. 917 N. 25th St. ' SEVEN head of horses and pontes for ale and two set of harness, lfil.l Webster. LOST AND FOUND TERSONS having lost somo article would do well to call up the office of the Omahu Jt Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the conipsuy is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 48. OMAHA tk COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. I FOUND me xenay Bear expert clean era and dyers. A-2M5. D. 84i5. FIFTEEN dollars reward for the return of an old-fashioned twisted gold bracelet, valued as an heirloom. Lost from an auto mobile either on the streets of Omahu or on the Dodge street rosd to Fremont. Mrs. L. Moulton, 605 Karbach block. LOST A large lady's stickpin set, with six diamonds. Liberal reward. Return to Bee office. OMAHA has the best of everything on the market, but Farrell make the best syrup. If Mrs Irene Brown, 2Si:ti4 So. Central Blvd., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a BO-cent can free. MEDICAL 1 HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Best rem edy for itching, bleeding or protruding PILES, 6dc postpaid; samples free. Sher man A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTEL Think It Over Loans are negotiated by this company on furniture, plajioe. warehojse receipts, horses, vehicles of'all kinds, or any other personal proper'; salaried people on their own names without security at these rates: Borrow 10.00 return f 11.00. Borrow I 26 00 return $ 27.50. Borrow I 50.00 return f 55.00. Borrow $100.00 return $110 00. Repay In small easy payments that soon get you out of debt. We help people to help themselves. If you have a loan else where bring In your receipts and we will show you how much you can save by ob taining a loan through us. Having loans elsewhere no bar to getting ready can here. To save money come here. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor. 308 Paxton Block. 217 8. 16th St Phones Doug. 1411; A-141L NOTICE TO ALL If you were positive that our rates and terms were the best In the city, wouldn't it pay you to see us when you need money? A comparison of our rates with those of other companies will convince you that thla is the place to borrow. $1.20 Is the weekly payment on a $50 loan for 60 weeks. Other payments In the same propor tion. If yon need money write or phone State Mortgage Loan Co., R-12 Arlington Block. 1SUH Dodge St Phones: Douglas 2466; ind. A-24ri5. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 220 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1356. A-135S. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping bouse and others, wt.hout security; easy payments. Office in C7 principal cltlsa Tolman. 603 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., for merly N. Y. L. Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT Vtfo on large loans; smaller loana at 1V and 6 V C FIjATAII Telephone Red 56H V . s. C UA1AII, m Hodge til.-! MOVING STORAGE, CLEANING uMAHA VAN STORAGE CO. cleans four carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaner. 104 8. 16th; 0 8. 171. Doug. 41(1 EXPRESSMAN 8 DELIVERY CO. Mov ing; furniture packing; fireproof storage. City office, 216 8. 17th. Doug. 3U4; lnd. B-134C OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Booma. EXCELLENT BOARD And nicely furnished, clean room; hot water all the time. 2472-4 Harney bt THE BACHELORS. 20th and Farnam. Rate: Single, $36 to $40; double, $68 to $6a i NICE, clean,' airy south front room; also board if deslrede. Plenty of hot water. 2610 Harney. Phone H-2947. ONE or two beautifully located room, with board; walking distance; large yard, had trees, veranda, etc. An ideal place for summer. 206 8. 26th Ave. LARGE, comfortable, newly furnished room. Cool and strictly modern. First clas home cooking. Finest location; 2561 Dodge. DESIRABLE board and room for gentle men. 60S N. 19th St O. M. E. haul trunk. D. 61 L A-2611. NICELY furnished room. Meals served if desired. Everything new and modern. Fin location; 618 N. 23d. ALL modern well furnished rooms and board In gooa locality. Close in; 2117 Douglas. Red 7368. DES1RABLE summer house, furnished rooms with board. 123 S. 26th Ave, LARGE east front roootn. newly papered and furnished, with board in private fam ily of two; modern home In Kountze Place on 24th St. car line. Pleasant surround ings; use of piano and 'phone. Married couple preferred. Term very reasonable. Reference required. 2806. N 24th. 'Phone Webster 9L BEAUTIFUL rooms, with board; shade. 2226 Howard. or without LARGE s&st and south front room, newly papered and fumlxhed, with board In pri vate family of two; modern home In Kountse Place on 24th St car line; pleas ant surroundings; use of piano and phone. Married couple preferred. Terms very rea sonable; reference required. 3MJ6 N. 24th. Phone .Webater 89L raralskcd Boons. TWO furnished noma TeL Webater W7x $61$ N. th St LOOK A large parlor with large sitting room ensult or can b rented separate; alao amalier furnished room; reasonable rent; beautiful aelghborhood, on car line; everything modern. 1427 N. 17th St. Prions Webster 214. TWO elegant strictly modern south rooms in private family. No sign. Walking als tance, gentlemen only. 2L-'5 Douglas. Tyler ms. ONE furnished room; walking distance. 810 8 an modern home; 21st St. COOL, nicely furnished rooms, some suitable for two persons. All modern con veniences. Fin neighborhood. 2427 Dodge. aa n. 6t. cool. beautifully furnished y ooma reasonable. WE all like the best of everything; 'this I also true of syrup. If Charles Bohl meyer, 2823 Sprague St., wl'l come to The Bee office within three day we will give him an order for a 60-cent can of Far rail' syrup free. WELL-FURNISHED rooms; one suit able for light housekeeping. 2310 lougla. 'Phone Tyler 1458. NICELY furnished front room., with bed. room adjoining. tM N. mh. HOUSEKEEPING and neatly furnished sleeping rooms. All modern; In good neigh borhood. Walking distance. 1622 Burt jp37 Harney St. one double and on single room- Clean and cool. THREE housekeeping suite and three single rooms, well furulsasd; do In. Uti ChiAa OFFERED FOR RENT Fsrslihrd It 00m I.AHOK front room, suits Ms for two or three, large hack loom, close In, modern. 1M4 Dodge St. NICELY furnished rooms la private family, all cuieide exposure, la'ge porch, close In. 2631 Harney. 'Phone Harney iml. NICELY furnished room, half block from poatofflce; hImo housekeeping room. I- tW up. 212 North Seventeenth. ELEGANT furnished room for rent, finest location, strict iy modern; private family; walking uistanca. Tel. Harney uuii. NICELY furnished roor., Hanscom park and Field club district, 011 car luie. Phone Harney 716. NICELY furnished large front room. suitable for two. 201 8. ;th Avo. NEW furnished rooms. 170S Jsckson. STRICTLY modern and neatly furnished rooms, plenty of hot water; one room suit able for two gentlemen. 316 N. 19th St BEAUTIFUL room. especially desir able for summer. 3 windows, modern, clone In. Best of references. Mi N. i. Red 4N54. WELL furnished front room suitable for two. One smaller room. First cla-- home cooking. 2416 Capitol Ave. Doug. tC67. NICELY furnished out-Ids rooms at 2411 Capitol Ave. Douglas 6832. LARGE neatly furnished sleeping rooms. Suitable for two gentlemen. On car line. 1122 N. 20th, upwtairs A NICE, cool, comfortable room, In a family home; modern conveniences; walk ing distance. 'Phone Harney 5OS0. A'ldrexa yw, 8. 27th street, opposite Winona fiats. BEAUTIFUL, large room also smaller one modern; close in. 616 N. 23d. Bed 523. ONE well furnished front parlor. Every thing strictly modern. 2045 Dodge. $18 VERY large, well-furnished, newly papered southeast parlor, with bay win dow; with or without piano; nice bath, plenty of hot water; both telephones; car ona block. 2663 Bt Mary' Ave. NICELY furnished room; private home: all modern; would prefer a nurse. Call Harney 4180. FOUR modern rooms for rent, with or without board. 2116 Grant St.. TWO nicely furnished rooms, cool place, with nice lawn. 1220 So. Sixth street. 1816 CHICAGO, desirable. furnished rooms, by day, week or month; hot and cold water: close In. ONE or two rooms with housekeeping privileges; a new flat; use of telephone and piano; also one single room, with porch. Harney 4914. 212 8. 2th St 2677 HARNEY, south room, splendid for summer; all modern; electric light; walk ing distance; $2.50. $14 Large, cool, well furnished southeast room with bay window, with or without piano, gas, nice bath, hot and ice water; both telephones; walking distance. Leav enworth car, one block. 2563 St. Mary' Ave. NICE, modern room, good place for young men or man and wife. Also other Bleeping room, 218 N. lth St. DESIRABLE room.; first class location; 118 S. 26th St DEWEY European Hotel. 13th Farnam. v- LARGE southeast room with alcove; suitable for two; board If desired; private family. 114 S. 19th St TWO large rooms facing north and south in strictly modern flat; walking distance; cool place for summer. 1617 Chicago St, Telephone Douglas 6739. r- INVESTIGATE exceptional opportunity to secure large south room, private family, strictly modern home; walking distance; 2959 Farnam. Phone Harney 6450. TWO elegantly furnished rooms, large and airy; new brick flat; easy walking distance; reasonable. Call 2961 Farnam St. THREE nicely furnished room with strictly private bath. 2608 Harney. Phone Harney 8173. ONE nicely furnished front room. 631 Bo. 19th St. WALKING distance, well furnished rooms ingle or ensulte on Farnam St.; nice, cool place, shady yard; everything modern. 2226 Farnam St COOL, nicely furnished rooms, some suit able for two person. All modern con venience. Fine neighborhood. 2427 Dodga NEATLY furnished room for gentleman In private family. Fine location and walk ing distance. Cool and strictly modern. Reference required. 181S Cass. t- CLOSB-IN. nloelv furnished, cool rooms for summer: all conveniences, 1707 Dodge. TWO east front rooms; nicely furnished here; every thing modern; gentleman pre ferred. 602 S. 24th St. LARGE and cool furnished room; close in; also light housekeeping; walking dis tance. 2211 Douglas. ELEGANT furnished room; private fam ily; no other roomers: walking distance. 124 N. 30th St NICE. large room. In apartment wtth two girls; hot water, electrlo light, close in, $15. To lady employed permanently. References. L-610, care Bee. TWO finely furnished second-floor front room; gaa, bath, use of phone, and Ice box; also nice hall bedroom. 2707 Dodge St. H. 66K6. IF YOU want to make good fudge, use Farrell' syrup. If F. R. Flanagan, 2S5S Taylor St., will come to The Bee office within three day we will give him an order for a 60-cent can free. NICE clean all modern rooms, 313 South Twenty-sixth street LARGE, cool south front room, 2418 Cass e ROOMS for rent, 606 N. 26th St.; fully modern, cool rooms. In new brick flat; eaft front; reference required. Call even ing or phone Douglas 6151. Boteja aad Apartnseata. Ogd ar TTnTAl Council Bluffs. Room, NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. Uth St DODGE HOTEL, 13th and Dodge; all coo: outside rooms; special week rate. Paralaked Hone. HOUSE to rent; 9 rooms; will rent fur nished till December 1. 928 N. itd St., South Omaha. FOR the summer, nice cottage, 6 rooms, modern; waLklng distance; nice lawn; cool and shady. D. 621, Bee. 8-ROOM furnished house on West Far nam car line. For partleulars telephone Harney 9004 or call at 619 N. 4oth. Apartments aad Flat. SUPERB nothing Use It 4 or $ room flat all modem. 320 N. Z3d Bt ' FOR KENT Six-room modern flat, $40; 419 N. Uth St FOR RENT Five-room apartment In The Uintah. Apply 418 Omsha National Baaa Bldg.. or vail Douglas laot. SIX-ROOM apartment in the Barnard. Apply 418 Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg. D. 1&S4. Doth AVE. and Pacific, modern eight room flat $6. Possession J una 1. Wright ft Laisbury. 606 So. 16th Bl Pbon D. Li ' STRICTLY modern $ or 6-room apart ment, besides hall and bath room; newly decorated and large rooms, In Davldgo block, lftth and Farnam; low rent for the summer. JOHN W. ROBBI.V8. 1803 FARNAM ST. THREE and six-room flat. Mania Block, 16th and W ebster. -ROOM apartments, completely modern. Scaigo Bldg., 80. Omaha; above 62 1 N. Uth. $ rooms. 1S0K Farnam. modern: suitable location for offices, studios, denial or dieskmaklng rooms, etc., for tenant wish ing homes adjoining. THOS. F. HALL, 433 Ramga D. 7406, A-4406. SMALL, fin. 1-story flat in brick, lawn and Use. $744 8. tb St OFFERED FOR RENT Apartmrata and Flat Continued. NEW modern 6-ro-im apartment; walk. Ing diMtance on car line; 4W Noith Twenty fourth street. VERY modern, f. room apartment in West Farnam street, beautifully located JOHN W. BOBBINS. IsOJ FARNAM ST. Tarnished lloasekee ulna Hooiaa. 560 SOUTH Wth Ava Two front parlor, piano. THREE rooms. :xi s 121 11 m. modern except heat. THREE elegant rooms furnished 01 un furnished, all modern, close In, no n.n on house. 3M No. 20iil St. THREE partly furnished light house keeping rooms, good neihhoi hood, ;as and lath; all mouern. 2i07 1'oilne. f FOUR completely furnished room for h, .,.,., 1 t.nip.1' ..un. in cltililrei.; references required. 3V N. 40th St. NICELY furnished light housekeeping rooms. 1719 Cuming street. TWO neatlv furnished rooms for light housekeeping." Everything modern. 2116 Chi cago St. TWO or three nicely furnished rooms; complete for light housekeeping. 2018 Da venport St. "HANDSOMELY furnished two and three iiit.,a modern: walking distance: I shady lawn. $15 and $18. 604 S. 2nh. GOOD llcht housekeeping rooms; all modern; good neighborhood ; reasonable. 3419 Davenport S r U re, IM1E.U room", wuri i' imi lly. In modern home; good location; walk ing distance. 502 B. 2Mh St. ROOMS completely furnished for light housekeeping; some suitable for two or three persons. 416 N. 16th. -1 SUITE of four furnished housekeeping rooms on ground floor. Also furnished Bleeping rooms. 1918 Capitol. Douglas 6619. FOR a (Talntv dessert use Dalroll's lr cream. If Sanford Rlntrhe, 2523 Brown St.. will come to The Bee office within three davs we will give him an order for a quart brick of thla fine Ice cream. THREE tartly furnished housekeeping; rooms. Reference exchanged. 2701 Wood worth Ave. TWO nice, cool rooms for light house keeping. 218 N. 19th St. ' LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 2406 Capitol Ave. Douglaa 4649. TJafaralahed Rooms. YOUNG couple can have with privet family two unfurnished rooms for house keeping; strictly modern, finest location, walking distance. Address D 303. Boa THREE or four housekeeping rooms; good location; very reasonable; no chil dren. H. 4266. LARGE, cool, unfurnished rooms, single or ensulte. Good location and all modern convenience. 2701 Dodga 1 T" t t t i- tt i.nfn .-n I a V. mfimi hath mom. storeroom, outside porch, nice garden and fruit; modern, except heat, no children, 2617 N. lth St. Houses aad Cottages. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwardedl cheap freight rate; movie g aad storing. Expressmen Delivery Co "Tel. Doug. 34, City office. l 8. 17th St. Po Bldg. "EIGHT-ROOM flat hardwood finUh. $60. 501 S. 22d St THE elegant ten-room modern bouse oa soutueast cotner 3id and Davenport Bta, will be for rent May 1; neghborheod most teslrabla. Price PA per month. $21 Brandel Theater Bldg. TeL Doug. UTL 8-ROOM cottage modern except heat, 1 block south of Crelghton college, 2503 Cass. $288 Charles St., room. $1$. 1616 N. 20th St., 8 room. $ JOHN N. FRENZER. BOTH PHONES. 8-roorn modern house; fin location: close to car line: $10 month; rear of 2021 California. Tel. Red 4364. 8-ROOM, all modern houae, reasonable. Call D. 8069. TTsinona a all part of th city. iJ.0U.3eB crelgh Bon At Co., Be Bldg. I I am so glad, The Bee Want Tad Ha sold my real estate, For making sale , He never falls. He'll sell a sure as fata. MRS. H. MARSH. 2960 Manderson Street Omaha. This verse receive honorable mention. Houses. Ins. Ringwalt Brandel Th. Bldg. UNEQUALLED, central. 7-room house. 0 N. 23d. 2509 MAPLE St., five room, modem ex cept furnace, $22.60. Hall Distributor Co. A-4406, D. :406. SEVEN-ROOM house, 27th and Manderson streets, $16. Charles L. Saunders, 211 South 18th street Phone Douglas 17tf. Otn. Van A Storage Co. household goods. Fireproof storage; 804 it. lth. Branch. 309 e. 17lh. Tel. D. 416X A -1310. SEVEN-ROOM modern house, 809 Park Ave. Beiiutlful lawn. J. I. Kemp, 2.11 Leavenworth St Key at office. Both phone. FURNISHED house for month or two, froomi, Hanscom Park district 1123 8 SU St. Phone H. 2419. I 228 Charle St, 6 rooms, $16.00. 2KX California, 10 rooms, modern, $4. JOHN N. FRENZER. BOTH PHONES. 8105 CUMING ST., 6 rooms, city water and gaa, $16 per month. Apply 602 w, O. W. Bldg. ELEOANT 6-room cottage, modern ex cept heat. Apply 3210 Hamilton St. FINE, new home; 6 bedroom and 1 bath rooma, $76. $15 N. 38th Ave. 6-ROOM modern house, oak finish floor, lust completed, facea boulevard, $J0 per month. 2t06 Burt St. Tel. Harney 40U0. 9-ROOM bouse. In Dundee; modern. Har ney 2914. MODERN 7-room house opposite Han scom park, $40. Phone Harney 1666. FOUR rooms, modern, desirable location, $12. Tel. Red 4122. SIX-ROOM modern house; close In. $104 Burt. YOU have the chance to win a half a doien photographs of yourself, valued at $16 a dozen, from the Hen Studio, If ou write the boot verso thlx week about Bee Want Tad selling furniture. FOR RENT Only $.'2.50. to good tenant; even rooms, all modern, one story, fine condition. 31st and Jackson. Tel. Red 6264. FOR RENT rooms, $16. V. 1. Rob a. 1902 S. 13th St i- 8 rooms, modem, at 8517 Howard St.. fur, nlfhed or unfurnished. ' W. II. GATES 644 New Omahu Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1291 t FOR RENT Modern five-room cottaae. nice lawn. 823 So. 211 h St WHEN you apend your money spend It for the best there la. If F. N. Tuttle, 2010 N. 18th St., will come to The Bee office within three day we will give him an order for a CO-cent box of O'Brien' candy free. 5-r om house, modern, nice lawn, $16 per month to small fumlly. Phone Harney 19.18. tore and Office. TWO office. $d floor Crelghton block: slso store at U N. 15th St. Alfred Tbomaa, Agent S First Natl Bank Bldg. FOR RENT Oood 8-storv and basement tor building at luu6 Farnam St.; strong floors cemented basement. Inquire Room U4. First Natl Bank Bldg. 'i'elepboaa Douglss 1241. BRICK store building, No. 1214 Harney street, three stories and basement Char las L. Saunders, tU South Uth UU Phone Douglaa 17m,