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r: The omajia Daily bee ioLNIED BY EDWARD BOS E WATER. VICTOR ROSE WATER, EDITOR. Entered at Omaha potoflc at second- class matter TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. fund)' bee, on year.;.....' U M Caturday bee, on yer 1-5 lially He (without Hunday), on year.. 4.00 I'ally Hre and Hunday, on year .00 DELIVERED UT CARRIER. Kvenlng He twlth Sunday), per month.. 2Se Dally Hee (Including Sunday), per mo.. Snc Dally Be (without Sunday). per mo.... 4; Addres all cnmplainta -of Irregularities In delivery to City C.rculatlon Department. OFFICES. Omaha Th Bee Building. South Omaha &! N. Twenty-fourth St Council Bluffs 15 Scott St. Lincoln M Little Building". Chicago Marquette Hulldlng. Kinui City Reliance Building. New York-34 West Thirty-third PL . Washington-725 fourteenth 8t.. N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to ne and editorial matter should be addressed Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or poatal order, payable lo Th R?e rMbllchlng Company. Only J-cent fUmpn rertvd In payment of mall accounts. Feroonal check except on Omana and eastern exchange not accepted. MAY CIRCULATION. 48,473 Eta,! of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss. itwlght Williams, circulation manager ot The Be Publishing Company, being duly worn, says' that the average dally circula tion less spoiled, unused and returned copies for th month of Way, 1WI. was 4x471, DWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and worn to lefore m thi 1st day of June, (Seal.) ROBERT HUNXER, Notary Public. abacrlbers lea-vla tmm etty tem porarily aaoI4 fcav tL 114 them. Adores Will b chaa; mm oftea r4. The senat lias th ball. Why doe Castro persist in being lostT Who careaT The weather , man's popularity ba rometer 1 again rising. A good rule of reason (or th trusts to act on Is to get out and star out of politics. Jack Johnson was our only titled American at the coronation and Jack earned his. "Long live the king." But be would not If he bad many coronations to go through with.- ' Evidently the coronation served to promote the popularity of American dollars in London. Presumably, a man may keep bis coat on when dining In a restaurant and still be a gentleman, too. Ice bills 25 per cent to 35 per cent bigger than they ought to be may help explain the high cost of living. The outlook Is for a long, busy and stren uous session. Bloux City Journal. We bave not noticed the Outlook advocating such. , If the water bonds should by IHy accident miscarry, be ready to hear a terrific noise like a marooned mariner. Now that the king is crowned, you may fire that democratic, gun in Par liament whenever you are ready, Johnny Bull, 1 Folks may poke fun aa they will at Dr. Osier, but in England be is now called "Sir instead of plain "Doctor." Advertising pays. Sallna, Kan., is running "fuma, Aria., a close race for the "other place," having scored 114 point in the shad Sunday. A Kansas City couple baa walked to Washington. Which, meteorologically speaking, look like Jumping out ot frying pan into th fir. Thi gam of catching auto speed ers is one that may be overplayed if all th surrounding towns and village invest In motorcycles, too. Chicago it said to be using gas meters of fifty years ago. Evidently gas meters and dogs are not alike about learning new tricks. Anselmo Braamcamp ' has been elected the first president ot Portugal. His name sounds like a summer resort in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Th Missouri mule probably recall the sinking of th Main with consid erable self-satisfaction, sine It put him in bis heyday of popularity. Th duke ot Westminster fractured hi collar bone. W trust th duke was not the gentleman who mistook our "Mlstab," Johnson for another per son. If th poltq want to make them selves solid with some mighty fin people, let them get after th young sters who put percussion 'cap on treet car track. s A contemporary, remark that Johq , Hays Hammond will take oft hi kne breeches when be reaches Broadway. He will run the risk of getting ar rested If he doe. ' Stat 8enator Grady of New York has a bill providing that every editor ial writer sign his own article. Per haps it would stilt th senator as well to writ th editorial himself. If tho legislature had not exempted the Water board from the commission form of government, does anyone Im agine w would be holding a special lection at this time to vote S,150r 000 water .boadaf Alaskan Development Although only an insignificant part In number ot the Alaskan claims al leged to be fraudulent, the thirty three Cunningham claims finally thrown out ss void constitute the pith of" the whole array of coal land case and with them out of the way the gov ernment should have little difficulty In- proceeding, as, Indeed, It announces Its Intention to do, to a simple dispo sition of the other claims numbering up In the hundreds. When all these claims are deter mined as to their validity or Invalidity, then it Is to be hoped the government may get down to solid rock In the matter of shaping some kind of satis factory plan of development for this rich peninsula. That, of course, will Involve the formation of a new method for governing the territory. But no matter what method Is adopted progress can be made easier now that so much has been done to get the alleged Guggenheim influence into the . background at least for the present. , Congress has arranged tor a Joint house and senate committee to visit Alaska and report on Its physical and political needs. It Is very unfortunate that the personnel of this committee is such a to invite the criticism of it pro-Guggenheim proclivities. It would bave been far better, for all In terests concerned, could a committee have been appointed against which such a charge would not have been made. Surely the country has frlN tered away enough time listening to criminations and recrimination about Alaska. It ought to demand action now, and we believe It does.' This Joint committee was named by the retiring Sixty-first congress, and, as showing its dissatisfaction with it, the Sixty second congress has named another one and on top of this Secretary Fisher of th Interior department proposes to follow both committee to Alaska and get first-hand information him self. We are promised some more fire works by Delegate Wickersham in the house relating to te failure to clean up this Alaskan situation. Enough has already been disclosed to convince the president and the people that the time for reform and progress has come and th next session of congress should be til one to put Into shape some definite Clans looking to this end. l-Yinsh. Cabinets and Problems. On the day that M. Briand left the premiership of France bis rugged old war minister. General Brun, died and a very, short time before M. Monls, Brland's successor, resigns, Minister Berteaux of his cabinet is killed by an aeroplane, wliich also injures the pre mier. Neither death, however, bad any bearing on the failure of the re spective cabinets. The Monls cabinet ia aald to have failed, as it was ex pected to, of its own . lack of akiU and wisdom. The premier, himself. was never regarded a equal to th responsibilities that have accumulated a a result of the succession of fail ures, including those of the brilliant Delcasse and Clemenceau and Briand, covering a period of less than two years. Clemenceau, in whom France and other countries have ample confi dence, has been mentioned for the premiership again, but M. Calleaux, who was requested by President Fai lures to form the new cabinet, will probably be the man. Whoever it may be will be confronted with problems grave enough to call for larger powers than have been exercised for many years. None of th vexatious ques tions, it may be noted, that have fig ured In th downfall of these various ministries baa actually been brought to a successful solution, so that they all rise up now In soma form to add their weight to the burden of the posi tion. N Th public will be inclined to await result before passing Judgment finally on th new premier. It ex pected so much of Briand, th social ist, and received so little, that it will go sl5w in venturing predictions again. Briand was nnahle to control even bis own party, let alone adjust any of th national differences confronting Franc. 8inc then these differences, with th Morocco situation and the trouble in the champagne district ag gravated, have grown rather than diminished. 8uch crises as these are enough to' tempt President Falllerea to think of resigning, "for a rest," as was rumored some months ago. Canada Busy with Tariffs. Evidently this Is Canada' busy tariff season. It develop that the reciprocity compact it is negotiating with the United State is but one of many trad agreement It has on hand or has lately consu mated. It nego tiated a commercial treaty with France In th fall of 107, which be came effective early in 1110. Inter mediate rates and special tariff were under thi treaty applied to certain French products. Similar preferential rates of duty were applied to many other countries, under the most-favored-natlon arrangement The countries thus Included were Argen tine, Austria-Hungary, Bolivia, Co lumbia, Denmark, Japan, ' Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Venesuela. Belgium, Italy and th Netherlands were admitted to the advantage of the Intermediate rates on a limited number of article only within th last few week. This spring Canada removed a surtax from all German products in return for the German conventional rate on a list of Canadian articles' and sine then German goods entering Canada have paid merely th general customs tariff. Th Dominion lowered th general tariff rates on thirteen American Items In consideration for the United States' application of the minimum 'customs tariffs to Canadian goods. Canada'a Importations under these thirteen Items In nine months has amounted to $5,000,000, 64 per cent of which the United States supplied. Canada Is building for the future and her tariff plans seem to be meet ing with general satisfaction abroad. She Is not confronted with the imme diate necessity of expanding her mar kets to get rid of ber own products, for, as a-matter of fact, according to Consul General John G. Foster at Ot tawa in an exhaustive report, the rate of Increase In Canadian domestic consumption Is far greater than that of production, and he thinks this ratio will be maintained for some years to come. Largely because of this eco nomic situation at home Canadian ex ports In 1910 Increased only 2 per cent. So this general activity In the rearrangement of International trade relations must certainly look more to future than present necessities, so far as building up markets for the dispo sition ot Canadian goods Is con cerned. The Test for the Bench. Our old friend, Edgar Howard, must be dreadfully excited to devote nearly two columns of his valuable space to warding off a new menace threatening the palladium of our liberties. "Is it true," he asks, "that in choosing a man to occupy the almost sacred office of supreme Judge of Nebraska his fit ness for the place must be determined by his attitude regarding th white slave traffic?" And explaining the cause of his alarm, he declares that on a recent visit to Omaha in company with Judge Albert, who ia suspected of having a design to stand as a candi date for the democratic nomination, he was informed by some nameless statesman that no man could be elected to the supreme bench who was In sympathy with the Albert law. Which moves Edgar In hi indignation to declare that if Judge Albert would only signify his willingness to run, "all Hell and all Omaha could not pre vent his nomination and election." In a nutshell, our old friend, Edgar Howard, protests, and protests rightly, against making opposition to the Al bert law a test of fitness for the su preme bench, and then, reversing himself, In the same breath insists that "it Is high time that the demo cratic party in Nebraska should cast about for candidates who bold Judge Albert's views on thla Important question." , Now a void on the supreme bench may be yawning for the author of the Albert law, and he may have qualifica tions to fill it, but we submit that if he were elected a supreme Judge,' and the question of upholding or annulling the law which bears his name should come before the court, all the rules of professional etiquette Would .'require the author of the law to step aside and let the other Judges render a de cision without his participation. We submit, further, that a man may be heart and soul In sympathy with the spirit and purpose ot the Albert law and still be mighty poor timber for the supreme bench. We submit that the real object is, or should be, to elect Judges to dispense Impartial Jus tice and to construe the law as It Is without fear or favor Judges who are competent and conscientious -and will perform their duties as their official oath require and that If republicans and democrats both present Judicial tickets made up of worthy candidates neither the Albert law nor any other untried law will be prejudged or mis Judged. Paste This in Your Hat. With all their previous promises and prophecies gone to pot, It would naturally be supposed that our Water boarders would be chary about mak ing new predictions, but such is not the case. Here are the pledges made by the mouthpiece for the Water board to be- effective as soon as the bonds are voted: L Take possession of the water plant AT ONCE. 2. Make necessary Improvements and ex tend service IMMEDIATELY. 5. Take steps to Improve th quality of the water WITHOUT DELAY, 4. Avoid typhoid and -other epidemics, i. Secure lower water rate IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE. 6. Take care of the Interest on the bonds and gradually par off the principal WITH OUT HAVLNO ONB CENT IN TAXES IMPOSED. Thi is certainly taking th people up into th mountain. It you think It worth while and expect to live long enough, cut this list out, past it In your hat and check each item off a the good are delivered. N. B. Not that we have purposely refrained from directing attention to thee new promises until now in order not to prejudice anyone against th water bonds. It looks as if the democrats wer going to try to keep up th fusion masquerade again this year In Ne braska by filing their candidates a sec ond time disguised as populists. Every time a rock-ribbed democrat takes oath that he affiliates with the popu list party he not only seeks to get votes by false representation, but he commits downright perjury. The Albert law ha apparently emptied th proscribed district la Omaha, but Its former occupants bav not all moved out of town. Far be It from us to suggest that any of our law-respecting real estate tuen ar careleas about the character of th tenant whose money they take. Jc is delivered in Beatrice for IS cent as compared with B0 cent ex acted In Omaha. But, of course, th weather was much more favorable for Ice-cutting last winter In Beatrice than It was in Omaha. That gas controversy threatens to make life uncomfortable for a lot of our city councllmen. It calls for un usual exertion to keep dodging all the time, especially In warm weather. A nioomtnar Wonder. Pittsburg IXapateh. Well, the world does move. Great Rrltaln got through the coronation fuse without an ode from Alfred Austin. Whetting the Cattery. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. ?Mr. Bryan makes- it known again that he would not support Harmon. With such notes In tuning up what Is the opening overture likely to be? Going Some. Boston Transcript. The Mexican revolution has not ceased to revolve yet. If we may credit the state ment that the slate of Guanajuato has bad fourteen governors In seven days. Jnatlce with the Bark On. Chicago Record-Herald. A New York judge has exonerated a man who whipped another for rocking a boat. The aotlon of the judge was all right as far aa he went, but he should have recommended for a hero medal the man who did the whipping. Jotted on the Jankit, Cleveland Leader. It Is real mean of Postmaster General Hitchcock to announce that he believes tt possible to save $9,000,000 of the annual ex pense of transporting mall by the railroads Just when so many ot the railroad mag nates are attending the coronation. Fundamentals of Domestic Harmony. Baltimore American. A western divorce court judge has been giving some good advice to husbands and wives In the way of avoiding his court. As be recommends husbands to make presents of flowers and candy to thejr wives, take them to the theater or other amusement every, week and kiss them every day, the women will recognize him as a Daniel come to judgment, and If his advice Is taken great will be his fame throughout the land. MR. BRYAN LOSE HIS TEMPER. Pertinent Remark on tho Conduct of - ' tbo Peerless. Houston, (Tex.) Post, edited by R. M. jonnston, member of democratic na tional committee. The criticism to which Mr. Bryan sub jected himself when he wenUto Washing ton and attempted to bulldoze Chairman Underwood and the democrats of the house is not relished greatly by our Itinerant statesman. He turns upon all his critics and intimates they were men who were treacherous to his Cause during his three campaigns for the presidency. He es pecially charges that some of his commit teemen did not labor sealously for the success of the ticket, and goes so far as to assert that some of them were In active co-operation wun the opposition. If this Is the character of quarrel that Mr. Bryan desires to raise he ought to be manly enough to call names. It there were men, trusted by the party to conduct the battle, who proved faithless it ought to he known. To make a general charge- la to besmirch the whole committee and slander men who made ' every personal sacrifice of which they were capable to land In the presidency. ' U,,H ' UnUl Mr. Brykftl designates the treach eroua men and 'produces some proof, we shall tajce it for granted that there Is not a word of truth In the statement and that it was prompted by Intolerance and anger, due to the discovery that democrats are becoming weary of his attempts at dic tation and his Implied threats to visit dis aster upon those who challenge his right to go to Washington and demand ot eon' gressmen that they subordinate their sens of duty and obligation to his will. Mr. Underwood's reply to Mr. Bryan's strictures upon the action of the ways and means committee voiced the sentiment of nine-tenths of the democratic members of the house, and, we believe, of three-fourths of the membership of the democratio party- With but one or two exceptions, the lead ing democratio newspapers of the coun try have expressed the most positive ob jection 'to Mr. Bryan's course. The indl vlduals and newspapers whioh have raised the issue of bis attempted dictation may Include some that were not friendly to bis political fortunes, but they certainly in clude nearly all that during all the cam paigns he led gave him earnest and ag gressive support. , Mr. Bryan's custom of denouncing those who do not agree with him as creatures of monopoly or special Interests is one of the most offensive phases of his dema gogy. If be thinks he can palm off on the public his fads and remnants of populism and tongue-lash th party leaders and the party newspapera Into acquiescence, It la time he wer learning better. He is Just one Individual In the party, entitled to his views and to express them, just aa any other Individual la, and no more. There is not a single democrat In the United States under any sort of obligation to ac cept Mr. Bryan aa the repository ot party wisdom and raith, and when he commands men charged with official responsibility to accept his dictum as the summum bonura of the party faith, he Is exoeeding bis rights, and he Is going to evoke their criti cism and resentment whenever he attempts to do it. People Talked About The coronation was not a success because no American advertising was there to give It the scientific attention he would give a show, in this country. Kings will learn the value of advertising or pass out and give place to a president who does. " Judge Allen of the court of common pleas, sitting in Muskogee, Ok!., has Issued an order to the effect that before a man If accepted as a juror In that court be shall certify that he has taken a bath - within the twenty-four hours Immediately pre ceding. . A string of fourteen towns In Kansas last Saturday pushed up a beat record ranging from 101 to' lit degrees, Ellsworth being at the top of the Hat, decorated with the- prise feathers hitherto worn by Yuma, Arts. The natives shed their eelluloid col lars to avoid explosion. ....-.' Miss I. M. Carpenter has been appointed soUclting agent of th freight department of the Pere Marquette-Lehigh Valley rail road, with headquarters at Davenport Mlas Daisy Odin has .been made division agent on the Burlington at Rock Island. Both women are experts In the kind of work they do. Napoleon Bonaparte was once a book agent; Jay Gould was a canvasser; George Washington In his youth sold more than s) coplie of a subscription book; General Grant for a time earned a living aa a subscription agent; Webster and Bismarck and ex-Governor Frank B. Black of New York, paid part of their college expenses through a book agency Forty Years Xtxprcsslone of Commendation and Oood Will on th Anni versary STnmksr of The Be. 1)14 Itself Brown. Atkinson Graphic. The Sunday Bee certainly did Itself brown In presenting to Its readers a writeup ot Its own history. m On of the Beat In the West, Philadelphia Record. The Omaha Dee, which celebrated the fortieth anniversary of its birth last Sun day, Is one of the beet of the great news. papers of the great west. Victor Rosewater, the son of th founder, I an able and pro gresslve publisher, and the Record con gratulatea him upon th excellence of his newspaper. Foundation Deen and Broad. ' , Kearney Hub. The Omaha Bee prints a very fine edition to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the growth of that newspaper. Naturally the sons of Edward Rosewater are proud of the growth of the great paper founded by their father forty years ago. The founda tions of The Bee were laid deep and broad and Its policy has been uniform throughout. Preserve for Pntore Reference. Alma Record. Last Sunday's Omaha Bee was gotten put as a special edition to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the birth of that great paper which was established In 1871 by Edward Itosewater. The publication was full of valuable historical Information re garding the state and should be preserved for future reference. Presidential Conarrntnlntlone. Omaha Examiner. In Its fortieth anniversary number The Bee prints a congratulatory letter from President Taft In recognition of Its attain ment of Its two score years of usefulness. It appears at top of column, riext to read ing matter or In stage terms, L. U. E. May we conolude that this means that we have all about concluded to let bygones be by gones T Henrtr Cona-ratnlatlona. Washington Post. W extend our hearty congratulations to The Omaha Be upon Its completion of forty years of honorable service in the Journalistic field. It has won for Itself under the able and conscientious manage ment of the Rosewaters, father and son, a conspicuous position among the really great Journals of the country. The great west is also to be congratulated in having as Its champion the vigilant and progres sive Omaha Bee. Hold m High Rank. Hartlngton Herald. The Omaha Daily Bee celebrated Its for tieth anniversary Sunday by issuing a me dal number containing an Interesting his torical sketch of the growth and develop ment of the paper since it origin; cuts of Its present large staff of workers and of the elty and county officials and other an niversary matter. The Bee ia a great news paper and maintains a verv hlrti ittar&rv and journalistic standard. Congratulations were received from President Taft and Governor Aldrlch. A Rosewater Gnlde. Sioux City Tribune. In commemoration of the fortieth annl. versary of Its first publication The Omaha Bee on Sunday Issued a roost Interesting and well prepared historical edition. Muoh of It is devoted to a reminiscent review of the career of Its founder, the lata Edward Rosewater, and a' recital of his long war far for better things, socially, commer cially and politically in Nebraska. The memory of Mr. Rosewatefs struggle against entrenched corruDtlorv and cor. porate privilege Is a priceless heritage to The Bee and should Intiplre It to unceasing seal in the cause ot right. His name is stamped Indelibly on the history of this middle west He was a pioneer In the cause ot political progress, which now has the support of right thinking and unselfish men everywhere. He built up a great newspaper property and left It to his sons that they might continue In the battle which be waged in behalf of the common good. Whenever they are In doubt of a policy to pursue they should turn to the files of The Bee and see what thai futh.- did under similar circumstances. Recall Personal Associations. Pierce Call. The Omaha Bee Issued a most Interesting and painstaking historical edition last Sun day in commemoration of the fortieth anni versary of its publication. The edition was a credit to It editor, Victor Rosewater, and the manager, Charles Rosewater, and contained a compendium of facts and data that Is highly valuable and interesting. It was of special Interest to th editor of the Call in that we found the names and photos of two former co-laborers in the old printing offloe back In Tipton, la.. among the employes who had been In the service of The Bee for the last fifteen years or more. T. F. Doyle was foreman of the old Tipton Advertiser when we were Inducted Into the mysteries ot the craft and In the role of "devil" saw that th office type lice were ted and groomed each morning and also that the office towel was kept well braced to the wall so it could not fall over and break In two or more parts. Tom Joined The Bee in 1S91. "Sherm" Ripley is the other old friend and fellow compositor In the Adver tiser office twenty-two years ago. How time files) Blar Industrial Institution. Western Laborer (Omaha). Monday. June 19, The Omaha Bee cele brated Its fortieth birthday, by Issuing a very elaborate edition the day before cov ering every conceivable phase of the his tory of the paper and Its founder, Edward Rosewater. In on section It printed a list of names of Its employes and we were sur prised and no doubt the publlo was sur prised to learn that It had tt Individuals on Its payroll U6 men and women la a mighty good alied Industrial Institution. Th various page cover Illustrations of all those who had a part In the paper's history and It hi a valuable Issue to preserve for the Immense amount of Information It eon- tains of on of Nebraska's most Important institutions and of her moat famous eitlsens. Edward Rosewater was a little giant whose influence Is still felt In this state and there never will come a time when be will be forgotten. The Laborer congratulates Charles and Victor Rose- water for keeping The Bee straight In the course laid out by their illustrious, tireless, gifted father. One' of the real pleasant memories of our connection with the West ern Laborer was that It gave us the oppor tunity to be on friendly personal and In dustrial terms with Edward Rosewater. There is no guess about his attitude and relations with the labor unions and th labor question. We know numerous In stances when be "came across" for labor every time the Issue was put up to him, and no matter bow those two boys see fit to run The Bee th Laborer will always save a little corner of Its heart for the memory of Edward Rosewater. KEBRASKA POLITICAL PO UTTERS. Blue Springs Sentinel: A little hoomlet has been started by the populists for George W. Borge of Lincoln for governor. The trouble with Merge I the democrats will not vote for him on account of te numerous compliment he has paid them. Stotkvllle Republlran-Kaber: The IJn coin Stale Journal la Bonding out cards to Nebraska editors askirg questions In re gard to Taft and the otimlng presidential election. We hope the Journal will be as successful In getting the exact sentiment of the people aa It was In the recent muni cipal election In Its home city. O'Neill Frontier: Senator Brown has an nounced that whoever the republicans of Nebraska desire for presidential candidate that their choice will be hla. Time was when United States senators led the people in their choice of presidential candidates, but things seemed to have changed in Ne braska as well as In other states In this regard the last few years. Kearney Hub: Senator Hitchcock of Ne braska flew to the defense of Governor Harmon of Ohio in a little tilt the other day in the senate. His newsnaner i shows a distinct Harmon Mas. Governor Harmon Is conceded to be the "big busi ness" candidate for governor, and Senator Hitchcock's partiality for him naturally excites considerable question and comment In Nebraska. Aurora Sun: We slncerelr tm.t ih.i Charley Pool will not try to become a candidate for the governor's efflce; that Is. noi on the melon ticket. If he does make the trial, and if he wins, we are nn,ir of the opinion that he would defeat the party. Editors who secretly believe he Is unfitted for this office should say so In open meeting, that we may not have a repetition of the gubernatorial campaign of 1910. Tekamah Herald: The recent lnvMtln. Hon at Washington, n. c ... E. J. Burkett, our defeated senator. owned body, soul and breeches by the sugar trust. Then why should the voter. of Nebraska cast their vote for Benator Brown, who Is not half as loyal to the stat as Burkett was. Brown Is a traitor and a coward to the best Interests of the state. He should be retired at the ex piration of his present term. Falls City Journal: The State Journal and other mugwump papers seem incline to WooJrow Wilson because he favors a ot ot old popullstlo fallacies of govern ment In an academic ' way and has the ability to make a lot of nonsense appear to really have some vital force. But the republicans will puncture his tire If he Is entered In ie race against them. Nothing will please the party organisation better than to have a visionary like "Wilson put up by the opposition. Beatrice Express: The Omaha World- Herald hates a straddler. That paper has said that straddling cost Senator Burkett his re-election, and says that Senator Brown Is of the same stripe. It believes In coming out flat footed for policies or candi dates, and has Criticised Renntnr nrnwti because he has said he will not assume to dictate who shall be the candidate of Ne braska republicans for the presidency. So far there are three democratio candidates for the senate for next year, and the World-Herald, editorially, comes out flat footed for Its favorite candidate thus: "Nebraska democrats have warm places In their hearts both for Thompson and Shallenberger as a candidate for senator. Some will prefer one and some the other; still others prefer a third." Such a stand Is refreshing. It leaves not the slightest doubt as to whlcb candidate th World- Herald stands for. A HABKIMAN VTUDICATIOff. , Boston Transcript: The clrqult . court. Which has Just sustained the Harrlman merger, holds that the Union Pacitio waa not a competitor with the Southern Pa cific. But surely the court will not under take to maintain that the Union Paclfio wag "a poor relation!" St. Louis Globe-Democrat: The late Mr. Harrlman Is also vindicated in the decision upholding the Union Pacific-Southern Pa cific merger. And were he still in the flesh his exultation would be voiced Just as loudly; and no more loudly, than It is being voiced right now. Pittsburg Dispatch: Comparing this with the Northern Securities case it is seen that though there was not so dose a proxltmity In the parallel lines, virtually the same element of suppressing competition is pres ent In both. If the clroult court of appeals can reverse the supreme court on the prin ciple Involved in both cases, cannot the latter court return the oompllmentT St Louis Republic. The decision will do much to silence those Individuals who have clamorously asserted that the government had gone mad on mergers and the courts were "seeln' things" wherever combination In restraint of trade was alleged. We note with much Inward calm the absence from those portions of the decision thus far re produced In the publlo prints of our old friend the "rule of reason." Sioux City Tribune: The decision In the Union-Southern- Pacific case was inevit able. Congress made it so when. In the'60a It chartered the former to build only to Ogden and created the Central Pacific to to build from San Franclaoo to Ogden. It was done to facilitate construction, but as transcontinental commerce developed, and, especially when the Southern Pacific absorbed the Central. It became a matter of life or death for th Union Paclfio to own the line to the coast. To get It Harrlman bad to buy th whole system. y, sirl you get there ahead of, all others when you take The Oklahoma City Limited via the Katy TU scLerJula b fust to the business man's Lling leaving KaiWM Gty 8 p. m. reaching Oklahoma Gty 7:45 next morning--not a minute' waste of working time. It a solid through train of aolid comfort, equipped with electric lighted I an-coolcd aleeper and free reclining chair car. Two other Katy train leave Kansas Gty at 5:30 p. m. and 1:30 a, m. offering a wide choic of leaving and arriving hour, with equal comfort in alL For ticket, bertha, and fufl particular write or call on CCO. A. McNUTT, District Passenger Agoat OS WaUt SU, ICansa Qty, Mo. There Is a lot of humbug, anyway. In thla prohibition of merging 'ii-allel and competing" rallwa. LAUGHING OAS. She Kate Is a Itickv woman. Pha has married one nuin out of a thnuamM. He Well. hiw n"'i . i' on expect her to marry?-Host on Transcript. "Io you think kx-IsI condition in this ccuntry are Improving?" "Oh. yes. My wife came home from a rsrrt parly the other dav and didn't hle a single new scandal to report." fhlcgo Record -Hera Id. "Do you believe In these meetlnjss where they pretend that spirits speak?" "I don't see why not. F.very medlal col. lege can prove the fact of a skeleton's articulation." Baltimore American. "So you have a bliick eye again," aald the young msn's father. "1 hnve." "Didn't. I tell you to count twenty before you utter an angry word." "That's what I wns doing when he got in the first blow." Washington Ptar. "Pa. why does love make the world go round?" "Because every lover Is a crank, my son." Judge. She I'm afraid. Tom, dear, you will find me a mine of faults. He Inrllng. it shall ro the sweetest labor of mv life to correct them. She (flaring up) Indeed, you . shan't! Boston Transcript. "My deer," she aaked, "ar the umpires always wrong?" "Not always." he replied. "Sometimes they give the home team the beat of It" Judge. "Now that you havo a baby in your house, Mrs. lladshy, I suppose you will have to give tip traveling so much." "Oh, no. We have a nurse who hss promised to send nte a night letter about the little darling at least three time a week." Judge. Smart Aleck Here's Jimmy Jiggers' been arrested for uttering a forged note. Stupid Steve Then If he uttered It, they ought to have known It was forged. Smart Aleck How could they knowf Stupid Steve Because he Stutters. Balti more American. "Out to luncheon back in five mluntea," read the sign on the door. "Are you sure he'll get baek that soon?" asked the anxious caller. "res m," said the wise office boy. "He ain't got the price of a ten-minute lunch in his clothes." Toledo Blade. "Rut, say. those lawbreakers are cettlnir away with their plunder. Call somebody, quick." ' Iso use. Seven of the trust-busting law yers are busy making out their hills and the rest of 'em are down In the cashier's orffice with handcarts drawing their nav." Cleveland Plain Dealer. - Willis The first thousand Is the hardest. Gillls That's right After you have It, you can get enough credit on the strength of It to live comfortably . the rest of your days." Puck. "How does your lawnmower run?" In quired Nexdore, looking over the fence. "It doesn't." replied Subbubs, mopping the perspiration from his face; 't have to push the blamed thing.'.' Boston Tran script. Damocles saw the sword suspended by the hair. ' "Since It can't cut the hair, I Judge your wife has been sharpening her pencil," he remarked to the king. New York Sun. 0HLY A NEWSPAPER GUT. New York Globe. I see a man strut through a Jam In a hall. Take a seat 'mid the speakers and chat with them all. "Is this Murphy?" I ask. "that the crowd he defies?" "No," says some one, "he's one of the newspaper guys.". I see a man pushing hjs way through the line Of the cops where a fire brightly glimmers and shines. "Chief Kenlon?" I ask. but a fireman re plies "Oh, no, why, ' that's one of those news paper guy a.".., r i h .."-ill. w j.. J, I see a man start on the trail of a crook. And he scorns all assistance, but brings him to book. "Mr. Hums?" I Inquire.' Some one scorn fully cries "Burns? New. He's just one Of them newspaper guys." I see a man walk through the door of a snow, Where great throngs are blocked by the sign a. k. u. "Is this Goodwin himself, that no ticket he buys?" "Well, hardly. He's one of those news paper guys." I see a man knock on a president's door, . And the sign, "No admittance," completely Ignore. "Is tills Morgan, that privacy's rights he denies?" "Morgan? Shucks! It's just ona of those newspaper guys." And some day I'll walk by the great streets of gold. And sec a man enter, unquestioned and bold. "A saint?" I'll inquire, and old Peter'll reply "Well, I should say not, he's Just a news paper guy." exssjtiirxt STOPS . . Toothache Instantly, cavity or no cavity. Prevents) decay. Save dentists bills. Dent's Toothache Gum ' AH Drassfatslae --'""''''"ifT'f-iirifiin i ! 7 f i