Newspaper Page Text
TITE REE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JULY 1. 1911. 15 l 4 it- u li i 1 BRIEF CITY NEWS Hav ftoet lrlat It. Kleetrl rasa Bnrg .aaweraaam. store Fay for r 4er.-l taslnw n I"- rr-iie :n alrv it 1 a year -vI bc:n on Jniy i tor lour : .r.o em.lo of Hie tmerrat rn-frr rl; .utinrrt. They are Joy li.Kff'.na, Faran K. H.1, Helen t. Katon snd Kit J. Carm-n. Briar Back tha Fj& 11 T. He) den and C K. "KelWr riMu:n. 1 Wedn '-1e jr from a tour-day fishing rri; to Lake Jefferson. Minnesota. FlehlnK rn. good a ".d tiiey trooKht home in tic .ie:;l.borhoH of 1 panaris of fUih h!a-:; !, pirkrrrl, ike 4 erar pies. A Q 11 in pee of fftan" The story of flan's prog re front tr"? time the Mormon Jriisrant entered the Salt Lake valley to the pient day la narrated and beauti fully pictured In a striking publication Jut Issued by the Rio Grande railroad, called "A Olimpee of Utah." aVrasteia's Aat StoUa A 1 1.000 Lex- tngfjii aeven-aiwencer touring car ovned T Herbert Arnatein of 2 South Twenty ninth atreet waa stolen Thoirda- from outside the residence of E. Rutxl at Thirty-eighth and Farnam a'-reets. where Mr. Amstein was vteUlng. The car Is tainted a dark hltM. and lha Urmnmm Buinlwr la The aid of the police has been reoiM-eted - la discovering tba thieves and Mr. Amstein : baa offered a liberal reward for the recov- ' rjr of tba machine. Pottos la Mj Chase After a Uraiy chase by Detective teve il a loner and Police ro lnger and Schwager shortly be fore noon Friday Oeorge Evans waa caught at Sixteenth and Burt streets, charged with breaking Into tha store room of the John M- Harts paint establishment at 19 Web ster atreet. Tbe store room was broken Into and several cans of paint taken. Em ployes of the house claim to have seen Evan, carrying off a lot more which th.j ' compelled him to leave behind. Then the police station waa notified and the three off.oers went on the trail of Evans. Omaha-Denver Road Marked by Sprague President of the Omaha Automobile Club Marks Omaha's Share of the Route. Hot, dusty, tired and be painted, but with the light of an achieved purpose In their faces, E. H. Bprague and H. 'A. Bearle returned to Omaha after an eight hours , siege of work placing algna on the ahare of the Omaha-Denver auto highway that was assigned to the Omaha Automobile club. They . had placed eighty-one signs on the forty-six miles of road between Otnawa and the Louisville bridge, between the hour of I. a) la the morning and G o'clock In the afternoon. "We found the road between Omaha and Louisville In fine condition." declared President Bprague. Thursday morning. - The farmers along the route are taking great interest In keeping up the road and their dragging of It after every rain haa mada It an Ideal automoblllng highway, t, The grades are easy, and although the p dry weather has made a little dust. It la jr a moat pleasant nda. t ' "The plan of tho roadway boosters hj to have signs at every crossing of the ' highway, telling the .traveler which road is the one for the big Intercity path. Where possible tba algna are painted also on telephone poles and fence posts along 't tho rout so that tba drivers of cars may In ao manner become loot. Red algna ordering careful and alow drrvtng are put at dangerous curves and embankments, and the distance to the nearest towns are on the sign posts all along the road, ao ' that la case of any accident, the auto- mobllist may know where to proceed for aasiataaca. BOY'S BACK IS BROKEN BY KICK FROM HORSE yle Lyeai Alae Saatalaa Fraetwrw of Bknll frwaa Blaw Gives by 'l Fracttowa Aalaaal, Kicked by a horse, Hylo Lyons, It years old. Slot Hlmebaugh street, la In a danger ous condition at St. Joseph's hospital where he was taken after the accident at 4:14 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Young Lyons was attended by Polios Surgeon C. 1L Peppers, who says the boy haa probably sustained a fracture of the skull, besides a broken back. Lyons, who la a blackamlth's helper, em ployed at O. 8. Watson's shop, oi Cuming street, waa delivering the horse to Us owner after It had been shod. The animal became fractious at Twe tleth and Isard streets and reared, causing Lyons to fall. The boy could not get out of Its way tan til ha had been struck in the faco and tho cheat. The back ot his head was badly lacerated by his fall to the pavement. Ha waa placed under the care of Dr. T. T. Harris at the hoapttal. CONDUCTOR BURDICK HURT WHEN HE STEPS BEFORE CAR Gees frwaa a A Better at Tntety ieeead u Vlaiea. A fracture of tha skull and severe head rd body bruises were sustained early last evening by Charles Burdlck. a street ear conductor, when ha ran from behind one car la front of a northbound Haaaootn park west aide car at Thirty second ave nue and Vinton treat. Police Burgeon C H. Peppers and Dr. Clark, who was la the vicinity- at the time, gave the Injured man emergency treatment and he was sent to his home. Burdi k Is in a critical condition. COUNCIL CANVASSES VOTE Verifies) Fire Bewast that All ska Bead rrMltlu rat lea ts . . v Carry. Tha question of voting tS.So.tul water works bonds fur tha purpose of acquiring the water works plant and making Improve ments la tha sum of H.,sAt. submitted to the voted oa Tuesday, loat by a count of 114. Such was tho result of tbe caavaaa of the votes, mada by the city council last night. Tha vote for the bonds was 1.421 and against LteA Ths total number of votes cast was e,S7T. of which seventy-four sjara net accounted for. The fire engine bonds decided at tba aame time, lost by a vote of eZX. tha sots for being L. ' ana against x,sa. Here la the vote by wards: W ater Works Fire Enrine .Ward. Total vole. Tea. No. No. list ...... en.'ord ... 1M ta St 4 14 ll M - Vi.urih ... Ftfh ..... Sixth rvvrnta Kixnth .... intn ..... Trotn ..... Kiv,n,b . Twe.iiB - Totals V 2U .a. in its i.ta lstt as A Break far Llawrty from stomach, liver aad kidney trouble is made when a t&e box of Dr. Klnga New IAU Pills Is bought- Far aaie by Bealoa Jjrwc Co. M 2 as xj M Vi s r w 7 tds V J-4 M it 11 a t ri e m 111 41 11 IS 411 1S d 4 HI i 1J 411 ' i H w as! 414 lid aj AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Mayor Trainor Isints Proclamation for Sane Fourth of July. C0-3CCITTEE FIXS PARADE LINE Makes (i-tnrat af Order Pi wmUw ea Tirdar Heat - lac at City II all. Mayor Trainor in a proclamation has. iCOified hi Intention of baring a safe j ), p Brennan. and aaae Fourth jf July Us South Omaha, n,, v,,- auxiliary. Ancient Order of and ha so instructed the ehlef of police, j Hibernians, gave a lawn social last night The mayor's proclamation forbids spa- HUhland park. Ideally the use of firearms, dynamit. ll'rfw our w f,a Bordered Fl!k , . . . , il-8trap Pumps, aleo the Tan and Patent loos powder and bombs of large callBer. LetacnAble Strap Pumps. ' W hljc It Is right and proper to celebrate j Eight-room house, modern, hot water the feast of Independence," said the mayor, heat, location right; must sell. Easy terms. we should none the leaa take care that D- Farreil. 2th and J St. in our Joy we turn tho day Into a Edith French gave a miscellaneous .. " ' . ; shower Necirelay evening in honor of through the recklese use of f rearms In j M; K B. Rhodes. the bands of Irreapoaa.ble pers .ns. We Dr Thomas Ensor. who haa been critic should not have to measure our Joy by j aliy Ul has recovered following an opera the number of people maimed and tnj jred . tion performed for appendlciua. on tU. Fourth Ju.y." It, foUowmg I. ia'.tuayvln.f tie the proclamation: j ailiah Brotr.erh.od hall. 241a N aura.-t. in the pSMlng of the year there Is pos- i ?at n,t mjre fW""11" . ,rM" lrii oi Amerrcaaura. ine nwii It lng to the soul oi our cliiwnn:p " pairtotiam than the day on whicn we! of J uly. lnaBV"""mQm or ln" i - r . . . . ; in this country wo have developed the I habit of celebrating the Fouito of July ' In a way which recalls the manner In ! which our Independence came. As a na- I lion we bave largely passed beyond the village stage, so that in some of the large cities civic celebration Is becoming a very great problem, and there a nearly univer sal condemnation against the Indiscrimi nate use of explosives, such as dynamite, pistols, revolvers and ammunition usually plai-ed on the street car tracks, causing very treat annoyance to travelers and pe- :'. . 1 of the city ot South Omaha dj hereby instruct and command the chief of police to see to it that there be no use of such j explosives as are aforementioned In this j proclamation. I And further in commemoration of this, our nations Innate das, 1 do urge and wp aiiu rv-ry pairioiic cmsen to loin In the celebration of the occasion- Formal ceremonies will be held in the vi cinity ot Twenty-fourth and O streets at 1 and 7 o'clock p. m. D. J. TRAINOR. Mayor. Order af Parade AaaaaaeeA. That the Fourth will be a gala day for South Omaha may be gathered from the plan of tha committee on attractions which made Its report Thursday afternoon and announced the chief features of the parade. Including the line of march. In the parade will be representatives of every noteworthy organisation In tbe city. The marshala will be John McKaJe. John Oillln and John Brlgga. There will be decorated floats, automobiles, rough riders. uniform drill teams of different organiza tions and several bands. Two . fire de partments. Including the city's firemen and the packing house department- The fol lowing la the line of march and the order of formation for the several divisions, the parade forming with its right resting on Twenty-fifth and L, promptly at 10 o'clock a. m.. ORDER Or MARCH. Maroh north on Twenty-fifth street to I street, east on I atreet to Twenty-fourth atreet. aouta oa 1 wenty-lourtn street to w street, west on Q street to Thirtieth street; countermarch on Thirtieth and Q streets to Twenty-sixth and Q streets; north on Twenty -sixth to N street, east on N street to Twenty-fourth street, south on xwenty- fourth street to tbe city ball and reviewing stand. where- the parade will be dismissed. FIRST DIVISION. Squadron of mounted police, Franek'a band. City of fids Is to earrfaifaa" -Fraternal Order ot Eagles. Lithuanian societies. Woodmen of the World. SECOND DIVISION. Ancient Order of Hibernians' band. Ancient Order of Hibernians, Lt vision No. 1 Omaha Guards, N. N. a. Ancient Order of United Workmen lodges and drill teams- Modern Woodmen or America. THIRD DIVISION. Kubat's band. Bohemian Turners, three divisions. All other Bohemian societies. Decorated automobtlea. Troupes of buriesquers. Union Stock Tarda Rough Riders. All floats. Packing company fire departments. City fire department. Mayer CalU Bwawtera. That the Boosters' club was not an Itn- j pulsive expression of what ought to bo was proven Thursday afternoon when Mayor Trainor announced a meeting of all ths business men of the city for Friday morn ing at 10 o'clock at the city haJL During tha last few days tba committeemen of the Fourth of July celebration have been bearing of tbe necessity for such an or ganization from tbe merchants and pro gressive men of the city. The autoject baa been pretty thoroughly discussed and the mayor took an Initiative Thursday even ing and called a meeting for Friday mora lnr. It la expected that the preliminaries for a settled organization will be consid ered at tbe meeting. Tha Boosters club. It Is understood. Will tabs np any work for tbe betterment and Improvement In tbe city. A great deal ot attention will be given to advertisement. AU tbe business men of tho city are strongly urged to attend the meeting today. Baard Fixes eaael Baacet According to the eatimatea decided upon at tha meeting of ths school board held last night at tba high school tha expanse of running the public schools next year will total SIM, Out). Tba county oommla atoners wtU be asked to levy tha 'full amount of tba IS-mill tax. Of tba levy only one-third comes to tba school fund, the rest being derived from licenses and Ones. The budget la divided as follows: For teachers' salaries, S12.000; for Janitor serv loa. 114.0. A; for furniture and supplies, S12.0S0; for building and repairs. SIT.OuS; for misoeUaaattua, SUSOO: for Interest on bonds. saoua . Tha board will meat again Satuilay to up all outstanding claims A area Waataa'a Lit taw. Mrs. Anna Zadlna. aged It years; tha mother of Louis Zadlna, flortet at Thirty sixth and T streets, awakened early Sun day morning In time to save herself from death by exhaustion from lass of blood due to a broken blood vessel. Mra. Zadlna. who weighs la tha neigh bor- hood of Vt pounds, awoke early Sunday mornlnat to find blood flowing from a broken vein above bar right ankle. Though weak from lose of blood, tha woman stag gered to the room at aar soa. some Su feet away, where she fell In a faint. Medi cal aaaitaaoe was hurriedly summoned and restorative admlniatered. Tha phyaidaa. upon hla arrival, found Mrs. Zadlna' s heart action very weak. After bandaging tha leg and applying stimulants, the Calient was removed to her bed. Sha Is making a quick recovery. Sew Wat Warba. Work on the new water works system of tba Union Stock Tarda company Is be ing pushed with all possible dispatch. One of the new storage basins at Thirty-third and Li streets will be completed within two weeks. The capacity of the new reservoir will be aow.Sw gallons. Tba motive power for supplylnsT ths aaslas will he located la a power house oa ths river Muffs near O street. Thirty-five wella, which afford the water supply, will be sat tha towlaada near tho rtver bank. - kfacte City Caaalp. Mr. aad Mrs. Beraard Larkin wars rur pneed at thai( noma last evening. 2he oreaatoa was tbe celebration of the ser-ond wed'ling anniversary of the couple- The evening was devoted to music. Kef re fo ments were served. We are showing all klrnls of cool, com fort shoes and slippers. "rj-ey. The democratic n rn i at on for po'lee Judge has rcolved lts If into a f ree-fir-aiL See HOWLAMi Lurr.lw-r Cel to., NEW L4XATK 517 North iti. 1'hone 7. E. E. E. Rliiceway. after a three-mrattis via t at Wichita, hus returned to the city. (reorce Van Pant, who went to New O.-- kss on a business trip, will rvturn in a few da) a. Mrs: Roy Beaver entertained the Willing Workers of the Christian church Wednes day afternoon. "2"?" Y'l Fhune Hell South W5v-Ind. tjen.lent K-1n tot of JUer tfola i'romyt de- uvery tu any part of city, . ' . ... .. . William jetter. ..e on arrangements for the i.-u,tk. ..i n .n m.,t " J . u.v . the city hall Fr day alteruoon at a o clock. . r -n mnu -r orowu. w.r arr.atid W tdnsvd evenlr.g on a cra.-ge of I.ghUng ana the peace. Dtpuiy City Clerk John Fennel U who haa been viaiting his sister lor a couple ot wteks at Ash Ireea, S. IX. will return t&.s wee. We are expecting quite a shipment of White Canvas Button Shoes, also the two strap pumps. Ceressey, The booeman, J3 .North 24th SC. West Side. fi Henry Kothola spent ednesday at Frer iron:, where they witnessed the races, jthn Tobln, who sold his interest in the jj, Cher Dru company last week to E. u.i..-r h.. hnumt khmefer's Cut Rate a.,.g store at the corner of Twenty-fourth anj atreets. July clearing sale of millinery, beginning tomorrow morning. Trimmed haia and up. Untnmmed bat shapes TSc and up. Miss Jennie Noveay, 441 No. 24th SC. So. Omaha; The Ancient Order of Hibernians U hold a meeting Saturdsy evening at 7 o'clock for the purpose of making arrange ments to take part la the Four h of Jul pjrade. The meeting w.U be held at the Danish Brotherhood halL All members are requested to be present at the meeting. Arthur Parks Slashes Wife; Would Kill Self South Omaha Negro, in Fit of Jeal ousy, Uses E&zor and May Die. Awaken! n his wife at o'clock last night to accuse her of Infidelity, Arthur Parka, a negro. Twenty-eighth and R i streets. South Omaha, proceeded to pun la h j her by a severe raaor slashing. Then thinking he had mortally wounded her. he I turned the weapon to hla own throat. The police found the woman In a rear ) room of their home, bleeding profusely and Parks, lying In a blood-saturated bed, a email child lying asleep beside him. Both were taken to the South Omaha hospital where Drs. DeJLanney and A. H Koenlg attended them. Tha woman, the physicians say, is ser iously though probably net fatally hurt, while Parks may die of hla self-inflicted wound. . Mrs. Parks waa cut about tho right aide of ths face and her throat. Her right ear was almost cut In two. Parks has one deep slash across hla throat. BARBERS UNITE IN EFFORT TO STOP WORK ON SUNDAY etli ar Held at Danlwuta Clab Get Mem Back, af tha Meveaaeat. to r.i.n nnnunlon barbers last n'ght were "trongty In favor of the proposed ordinance compelling the barber ihopo of Omaha to dose on Sunday. SenatJr John E Reagan, who has been retained ss at- torner for the barbers in the fight for the paaags of the ordinance, declared that it la legal and cannot ne iougni irom we standpoint of Illegality. The meeting was held In Dahlman hall, with 100 barbers pretext. "Anything that tendi to promote tne health aad happiness of the people la not unconstitutional," said Mr. Reagan. "The opposition to this ordinance comes only from a certain party of Irresponsible people." said C. M. Folder, general organ- j iser for tha barbers' union. 'The average barber in Omaha is earning just SU a wtsk. That statement has been ridiculed, but I can aubatantiats It. This is a trade where a man must meet pauper and millionaire, poet and philosopher, artisan and artist. He must know bow to talk other things than Jack Johnson and base balL He must be able to talk Intelligently on aU subjects ct fftneral Interest. But where does h gat ths time to Improve his mind? It certainly la not in working seven days a week for iu aad then retiring to his hall bedroom to worry about paying the land lady S50 for a week's rant" The Mlntaiertal neaoc at-on has Interested Itself in the fight ef tha Larbera for the paaaaga of tha ordinance. Pasters of sev eral churches will speak of the campaign from their pulpits next Sunday morning. They will help in the circulation of peti tions Importuning the council to pasa ihe ordinance, which Is expected to b : brought out of the Judiciary committee some time in July. JAILER SAYS MUNSON WAS TO HAVE ROOM NEXT TO JAIL rvwsaaat Offtea Cited Caateaapt Caaxse Gives bplamatln af Laeae Gaaurd Kept. rKXBCONT. Nan.. June SO. ( Special. -Deputy Sheriff and Jailer W. C Coadlt, who. with Sheriff Baoman. have been c led to to appear before Judge Munger at Lincoln for contempt of court in allowing Levl Munaon, a federal prisoner from Lin jln, too many liberties, says that It waa hia understanding that Munaoa. waa not to be locked up In ths jail, but In a room ad joining tha Jail apartments and waa to be allowed to sit In ths yard oa hot days Hs says that Munaoa left ths yard without bis penniaalaa. It Is said that the causa of ths contempt proceedings grows out of Munson's visit ta a local saloon, when he Informed per sons there that hs bad a key to the jail and could so sad coma as hs wanted to. The citation Is returnable July a which is tba data Munson's confjusnent Is sup posed ta end. Munaoa has been seem oa tha (treat aad la saloon very frequently since hs waa sect here Jon 1 It Is the custom of the Jailer to allow prisoner to alt m tha yard oa hot days and has beea so for y BailSlaa rralt. O. Mortoa. TTO Crown Point avenue, frame dwelling. Sum. M. J. Marlon. 1&1S tv.uia Tweoty-fifta street, frame dwelling. IZ hut N. Slobodinaky. 114S North Twentieth' treet. frame ebon. Slv; Harna A Mortoa, lit North Thirty-fifth atreet tra-ro AaeU iaa. Rsu. Your July 4th Outing Will be Wore En joyable If You're Wearing One oi Our Suits mm ) sea. aaiaa- ' If he's a small boy then he should have one of our sanitary Wash Suits. They're stylishly made from fast color cashable materials, in both Russian and Sailor Blouse styles, for boys of 3 to 10 year. They are cool, comfortable and very lasting. Boys stylish new wash suits 95c and up Footwear for men and women Here is the moat stylish and comfortable footwear ever priced at these fix u res. Men Tan, Patent and Gun Metal Shoes and Oxfords $2.50 Women's White Canvas Button Boots In $3.50 and $4.00 grades, at $3.00 Women's Tan or Velvet Oxfords, and Patent. Velvet or White Canvas Pumps, at ....$2.50 Women's Gun Metal Oxfords and Pumps, or Patent Colt Pumps, at $1.98 Misses' and Children's-. White Canvas Shoes $1.75 'The House of ; high Merit? GEORGE B. LONGAN IS DEAD Assiataat laserlateaicat ef City Pa bile Fraoola Pa. era Away. KANSAS CITT. June JO. George B. Lon ean, assistant superintendent of schools In this dty and originator of the Longan sys tem of primary numbers, widely used In j the teaching of mathematics throughout the country, died st his home here today. I aged . Mr. Longan was born on a farm j In Benton county. Missouri. He had been prominently connected with the schools of this city ainoe lid. becoming assistant su perintendent In 1889. He Is survived by a widow and three sons. George B. Longan, Jr.. city editor of the Kansas City Star; Dr. 8. W. Longan of Paris, Ky, and Roy L Longan. a farmer In South Dakota. The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. sUtLE a"Vf al o tcr-o zzso OJUUU1J iruouiM Contagious Blood Poison manifests itself in the most loathsome symptoms, such as ulcerated mouth and throat, copper-colored spots, and even sores and ulcers on different portions of the body. The poison causes the hair to fall out, and sometimes the glandular system ts attacked. No medicine can cure Contagious Blood Poison which does not rid the circulation of every particle of the insidious virus. S.S.S. is the real and certain cure for Contagious Blood Poison; it goes into the circulation, and by removing every particle of the poison, and adding rich, healthy qualities to the blood, forever cures this Kwerf ul disorder. All who suffer with this disease may cure themselves using S.S.S. and following instructions contained in our Home Treatment Book, which we will send, together with any medical advice desired, free of charge, 5. S. & is for sale at drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, CA. mm leave. puts an end to kitchen drudgery, because it carries its own fuel and creates no ashes.. It saves only when you use it. Gas Is the Best and Cheapest Kitchen Fuel Convenient Terms if Desired. a Prices, connected: Cabinet Oas Eanges from $25.00 up Single Oven Gas Eanges from $20.00 up Double Oven Eanges from $11.00 up Send 'for our representative and let him explain. OMAHA GAS CO. Of eoum, if the weather was under YOUR control, the matter of summer comfort would be very pimple indeed. But since it's not, you'll have to depend ou us for a cool, breezy suit that will make you comfortable in spite of the weather. Our summer suits are cool because they are made of loosely woven fabrics that allow the air to circulate freely; because they are designed to fit perfectly, yet comfortably, and be cause they're so skillfully tailored that tliey will never lose their stylish looks and exact fit. We've every fabric or shade you could desire, at prices that will prove a pleasant sur prise to you. Cool blue serge and fancy two-piece suits $10 to $25 Should you desire a suit you can wear all summer and most of this fall, then we've a splendid variety of the most stylish garments you will ever see at their prices. Light weight, three-piece suits at $10 to $30 Help your boy keep cool If he is comfortably dressed, your boy will enjoy his holiday a great deal more. "We'll show you the way if you'll let us fit him in one of our cool and stylish Boys blue serges, $3.95 and $4.95 New washable neckwear for your holiday outing This morning's x p t e s s brought us a big 'lot of Men's Washable Four-ln-Hands, In every conceivable shade. They are made of good quality lawns, dimities, cheviots, etc.. In stripes, checked, cross-striped and plain effects. They should sell for 25c, Saturday, they go at. Home of bletn-liloch Clothes, Hegal fehoca, bit? Leon AT FOUNTAIN. MOrrLS, OR CLSCwHSSK Get the Original, sm1 Genuine I30E1LIGI'S MALTED MILK The Food Drink forAHAges uca bulk, gull ciAffl cctiact. n rowsu Not in any Fililk Trust Insist oa "HORLICICS Taks paekag fcoaaa CURES The Gas Range When the Gas Range arrives in the kitchen most of the housewife's troubles The Gas Range expense, too, because it burns gas Splendid values Saturday in men's nightshirts For Saturday we bare spe cially priced a big lot of Men s fine Night Shirts. These are made ot good strong muslins. In white, with fancy trimmings, on front and cuffs. They are cut full and long and can be had with or without collar. They're such unusual values that It will pay you to buy a big supply, at, each 48c Hats, Manhattan bhlrta. Do Your Cooking in the Coo! A hot kitchen is Ettle better than a prison in summer. But die range is there, so all the cooking arid the washing mutt be done there, too. What a relief it would be to move the range where you pleased. You can do this with a New Perfection Oil Cook tove cook your dinner out on the porch, if you like. It is the only range that is reaDy portable that works eoually well in any place. There are no ramections to be made, aa in a gas range; no wiring, as with an electric stove; no sooty flues and ash-filled grates, as with coal or wood. The long, enameled chimney carry the heat directly up to aaucepans, oven or boiler; you get full value from your fuel, without waste. Standard Oil Company LOU BflTI Round Trip. Daily inE0O.od2C.oa Detroit ft QSO, 32.00 aad 34.00 -u Toronto i-nftOO tad 34.00 u& Niagara Fills tQA 00 art 34.00 Ot Buffalo hU Be.tca " Fait trains at anvtnunt iturt with all Bnet atU Liberal faxjtrahU liepavtr privileges. Yoa travel ia luxury asa. enjoy "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING" TICKET OFFICES 1401-1403 Farnam Strmt, OTrriM We've a good deal (J to say about our "Hand Made" Straw Hats And all that we can aaj, won't be more than they oe only Western Hat Store that handles "Hand Made" straws. You will not realise what an Important point this is until you see the hats themselves. . They are more stylish, they fit better and they wear much longer than the average machine mada atraw hat What do you sayT Will yours be a "Hand Made" straw? Prices range, $1 to $3.50 "Hand Made" Panamas too In Telescope, Optimo and Al pine styles. Large, small and medium shapes to suit every taste. These are $5.00 to $10.00 values, at, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 Such cool Under wear as ours is rarely priced so low First . there's Men's Union Suits of "Porosknlt" and rib bed Lisle fabrics. In the popular midsummer styles. They are correctly proportioned and per fect in fit. The value la mucft more than the price. 49c Then, we're Men's Union 8ults of Lisle thread and Sea Island cotton fabrics that are exceptional in quality and per fect In fit. They are splendidly proportioned, cool and comfort serve. We believe this la tha able. The beat ever priced at 81.35 Until September 30 '36 35M 3.g) tod 33.10 Saratoga Spgs llenfreal iod4500 S! 9 00 1045,00 ac lien York City S!S0ud44J0 Atlantic City Sfn3Sac44S.3S Portland male dtrtct anntttnnt in Ciicajt rttum Umiti and Omaha, Ntk EAST "w Ifl