Newspaper Page Text
rrfTV Tivz. rtir TtrT'ncn v tmr c inn i Ifsv . Zla. BRIEF CITY NEWS Iftve Boot Prta tv Kleetris ra A. Balsa, 7rtatec. Trr kin. mill P"! nl Bale Coet sa4 Tp -r. JJB; sirle. M. trtmmlnaa, fabric sad ir ma; forcte. Price Ic tha wln- Binff factor. Stevens Co.. TaJlora, Sis & UK ML I-ovre Ar. SrotUeraao ChnIi Cosoere, Ia deference tj the evtrfont lhiM ( Old Pol. tli Brovherhooa of Uu Low .Aveaue Treebyte.taa criurett. Fortieth sa4 Mchotae strests, bM dsede4 to poetrxme indrflntte'.v n f ntrtMlnmnt tt had (janned tor Thursday night. If Colleetloaa Hade The i!ene In sector's report, now bring prepared by lUmerd fcchneUler. iaepetor. will show that the tlrat ala months af tha rr wara tha banner ones for the amonnt of money eolleeted from all aoiirera. The recetpta amount te Il0.0nl.i0, which Schneider saru will run mora than C)S hlaher than any prevtotie six montha. Taasf WUai&n aflaslBs; Mrs. Eva Wicklund, who Uvea at tit south Tweaty feruith street, ha askea the Juveaile aurhoritiea to locate her S-yaar-old eon. r'rank. who disappeared from ate homo I' Blent. Mrs. Wlcklund aaya ho was lured asvay from home by other boys, much oidar. Ha iu aeon In ralrmont. Neb., last Monday, according to his mother. The lad disappeared from home uno. kmtnm Kit MlimiMf tX. imi Saw Parole ataa Oeto Two Tears William v.. ntriuu pieaaea guilty to a enarze u forgery before Judg-e Bstetle In district court Wednesday morning and was sen tenced to two years In the penitentiary. McPhalt had passed a bad chock oa the Merchant hotel. Ho was out oa a parole from the penitentiary tn Colorado. Judge tstello explained that ho did not give blm a heavier sentence only because of Mc Fhail's physical condition, which la very bad. To Zalaraw IVarai Xotol The enlarge ment and Improvement of the Loyai hotel. which was contemplated from the first, in now said to bo aeaurred, so that two more stories are to be erected within twelve months, and aa addition covering the lot on tho east. The plana sad specifications are all drawnaud arrangement are ander way to get tho work started about January L Tho hotel belongs to tha aetata of tha lata Hermaa Conn, and tho now construe tlun will bo financed through tha aetata. Zaebaago Wants Bathes? Bloottoa A resolution Importuning tho Water board to call another epeuial election la which, tho proposition of voting a bond taeuo to taka over tho water plant waald bo placed be fore tho People, was paasei at a mooting of Real Batata exchange yesterday. Tho resolution waa presented by a oommittee appolated by tho exchange a weak ago to investigate a meaoa of solving tho water works problem, Tho oommittee waa com posed of F. D. Wead. W. T. Graham and J. W. Bobbin. Aa effort will bo saada to Interest tho Conunoroial club to take up tho question along similar tinea. Seldle XVooea aOa Papers Harry Wana makar. a veteran of tha Cuban and Philip pine wars, waa given an unpairiotia deal July 4, whan somebody more cold bloooded than himself stole bis coat containing two honorable discharges from tho army, while Wanamakar waa taking a aap in Jefferson tXn ttsi aa tab I1ba JAau f aw. wsa which haa grieved tho ex-eoldler particu larly la tho fact that two photographs of his "best" girls were in tho pocket of tha coat which held hla army discharges. Tho aid of the police has boon requested to locate tho photos and tho discharge papers. Wanamakar told tho police to "never mind tha oaf aa ho oould get along without it In thia weather. Safe and Sane Fourth in Omaha REY. EUGENE GEARY VICTIM OF PARALYSIS Catfsollo Priest Dive A fie LaetaT (U aeoa i Pi ear la Hafcsmalsa Chorea. ' Rev. Eugene deary, aged Tl yeiurs, died at St. Joeeph's hoap.tai Tuesdar evening at T o'clock., lie bad been oava for in that institution during the lajit four end nna. yars, bong a victim of paralysis. Hey. Geary waa. formerly assistant pastor of Holy Family parish. Rev. Geary had shown some Improvement at tha hospital until last winter, when ho waa again stricken with paralysis. Ever sluco that tune he had beta In a critical condition. c ather Geary waa burn In Caven county, Ireland, anil came to this country when a young man. He began studying for the pitkSLhood lata In ike, and was aidained at Niagaia university, oa June 11. 1ML lie was the Cm pastor at. Central City, Nob., and had held various other charges In tha Nebraska diocese. Tha deceased la survived by one sister, U.fcS Mary Ueary, who Is a residual erf this city. The funeral will be htfld Thursday BUAtaing at :M from at. Joseph enapel and interment will be In Holy sepulabr cemetery. Kev. J. Vf. stenson will bo master of ceremonies and will bs assisted by Uev. John Jiu; of Holy Family church and fathers Ahercs and ilorarty. llev. M. BrooKeet wUl lead in Uta chanting. CGNALCSOU SAID TO Be DYING Alaa kiuiteel i. iitt Lyoas Has suuili Clua t Keever ivoaa Hi. w 1 Sen DonaUlaoo, was stabbed last evening at S:le o'clock by Irene Lyons, a woman whu.u he tried to evict from his ruum In a loil.-ing house at M NoiUt auilaenth su-eet, is dying at St Joseph's hospital. Donaldson, who Is a driver for Ui Allea Brua, Transfer company, was taken to the hospital shortly after the affray, and he was not expected to live throughout the night. Tho knife entered Donaldson's left breast and penetrated the lung. Ha ran trout tho room to the etreet below, where ho fell. The police were called and Donald son waa taken to tho station, where he was given emergency treatmeat by Police aurgeuo C. H. Peppers and tent to St. Jo seph's hospital. Irene Lyus and Jamas WUsoa. who operates the lodging house, were arrested. WUsou for trying to protect the woman from M-reat. Tha Lyons women was charged with assault. Donaldson tulJ tha police that he was sitting oa the bed la his room talking to Jack Lyons, hasband of the woman, who lives aerosa ttu hall from him at the lodging house, when Mrs. Lyons cams in uud assaulted hi in. THE BOi'S ' ' . THAT MAkr . THE rjClSE - KJ L .j,!- - 4-. ""ft " i t ...... 4 r - J : v' - t y ft I - ..., ii. ..'j.i -Vv' ' : i J .. T- t t I : '. aiJC- '--J 1 ' ' ! l . I ; , .reai ' r ' ; i w i 'J : - I , . t T ' , . , - -w A mi' bw wM'e t'-eav.- 1 3farrla Li'tsMa, Tho following soarriago licensee iHauea today: mi and Rssidenea rank Vim.i. Anuie iieyekal, Llnwood !!!!!!!!!! William Brown. Cn.aba Llasie KuU. Omata Everett IS. Davis, japtrior Mary A. Cross, Luicu.u William Mossborger. Tekamah Maiue Chne. Tekamah . Ralph W. Kesllng. Omaha sern Humar, Omaha Howard a. Batten. Edgar v. -ese) d enop, tJwar TIluaiAS W .1 K i . UI V .... ... V iJeiuia Usenliy. Us Urove. .. rloward C Ruweil. gloua City... laaiAo U. Boaiaouav Kaosvuis. ....... Age. ... i ... tt ... la .... W ... e ... et ... n ... u .... ... u ... a ... 21 ... M ... a .... ... ar CHARACTER! IN THE HARNET HTREKT PARADE O.V T1B FOf'KTH riREORACKER KIDS, RtTDYARD NORTON, JOJS ROGERS AND IRVliQ MJLDDLAR. Intense Heat Causes Death of Dr. Arnold Physician Wio Had Fracticed Medi cias in Omaha Thirty Tears Ex pires 'at His Home. Dr. Loon B. Arnold succumbed to the In tense heat Tuesday afternoon at 139 o'clock at his noma, 3 North Seventeenth etreet. Ho was years old and one of the best known practitioners In Omaha. Funeral services will bo conducted this evening at the Cole-McKay chapel and in terment will bo made Thursday morning at aa early hour In Mount Hope cemetery, services will bo conducted by Rev. Father Williams of St. Barnabas church. Dr. Loon B. Arnold was a son of Dr. WUIlam Arnold, who Is still living. Ha was formerly an army surgeon and haa prac ticed Ui Omaha for tha last thirty years. Bsaldas tho father, tho deceased Is mourned by a brother, Don i. Arnold of Auburn, Neb., aad two sisters, Mrs. H. B. Coryell nd Miss Fanny Arnold, tha latter director at muslo In the Omaha public schools. -s . - " -a "-' :- .-.r-r , -. V' :4.5. ' ' . f v ' . 1 ,'. s , v- Lr f 0v ,v err- v - i . . , r. .owe- t,t ..IX-'" 1 TODM CONTRACTS ARE LET GiicagQ Concern Will lo Terra Cotta Work on Sayscraper. C0XST2UCTI0 TO BLGEJ S005 Movw Thaw S,MM Test ef level Will o feed la the traotaro aad It Will Coot la Welcabwraoo of aiTS.Ow). Contracts have been awarded for tha stoat und terra cotta work on tha bow Woodman of tho World building to bo erected at Fourteenth and Farnant streets. Mora than 1MB) tons of steel will bo used tn tho build ing end it will cost In tha neighborhood of riTB.OWl Tho contract for tha terra eotta waa awarded to tho Northwestern Terra Cotta company of Chicago, which la rep resented In Omaha by F. R. McCtmnelL Tho shading of tha walls will ba a com bination of white and green, with modified tint a Machinery and other equipment for tho erection of tho skyscraper will bo as sembled within tea days by the Qelden Breek company of St. Louis, the general ixmtrart ors. Plans for the new five-story office build ing to bo erected by tho Thomas Realty company at Seventeenth and Harney streets have been nearly completed by the architect. John la tenser. Bids for tho con struction of the building will ba ecotved within tho next two weeks and work oa tho atryeturo will bo started a short time after thsL Tho building will covsr a sits Brxl3S foot Tho street level floor wilt bo arranged for sturo rooms. Tho upper floors will bo de signed for office eultee. Tho steel and re inforced concrete construction of tho build. tng will make It praotlcally fireproof.' The wails will ba made of red face brick. W. H. Thomas Is president of tha company which la back of tha project. MICE EAT DUNDEE FIRE HOSE Recent Fir at Dnade Brian's Oat tho Bad Coadltloa of tho Fire Departaaaat. An amusing echo comes from tha recent Dundee fire. Wijen tha discovery of tha flames sent a couple of volunteers after tha village hoeecart. which reposed In Its place covered with cobwebs, and this Ions piece of fire apparatus maintained by tha village was finally put Into action and tha hose unt-ollea. It seemed to disgorge mice by the hundred In every direction. A coup ling was Anally affected and tha water turned on, but It went through tha hose Ilka a sieve, tha mica apparently having found tha rubber a tempting morsel and eaten through It on nearly every equare inch. SZ-nsZgl?1 CJW JR- IN carriage; Catherine OERANI RICE. ALLAN JEN KINS, LITTLE MISS MIRIAM JENKINS. whllo member of tho Baltimore school hoard. It will also bo remembered that Dr. Rooanaa waa married here to Miss Mabel Hellman. daughter of one of Omaha's pio neer merchants. Ho will ba on hla way to San Francisco, where ho has lecture en gagements. Ho probably will occupy tho pulpit at Temple Israel whllo la Omaha. The Key to the Situation e Want Ads. HYDRANT RENTAL SUIT BEGUN Oasaaa Water Company Waats T B40 for Water I'sed Dortaa Slx Moataa. Suit for hydrant rentals for tho first six months of tho year has been started by tha Omaha Water company agalnat tha city. Judgment is asked for tn tho sum of M7.M0, with T per cent interest. '' A Llfo Problem Solved by that grant health tonie, Eleetrto Bitters, Is the enrichment of poor, thin blood and strengthening tho weak. toe. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. RABBI ROSENAU TO VISIT HERE Forsserly la Charge of Temple Israel 1st This City Haw Fvwealaoat la Baltlaaaso. Rabbi William Rosonau, who was for several years la charge of Temple Israel In Omaha, la expected for a short visit in this eity July It. Dr. Rosneau went from hero to Baltimore, where ho is rabbi of principal Hebrew congregation of tha city and ono of tho leaders In local public af fairs, having been for years on the faculty of Johns Hopkins university and for a K03TEZ2. CLIAHA PHYSICIAN KILLED BY HEAT TUESDAY. ' . : , - .... - . .,. .-!, i ..: ........ - . . .. ... ; I tha wyyyyyyyyyyA nztiit Jiry s-ar.. . jl -xw-irsv ';t7 j i WWMi w . sfyM Wmmmwt Women. LiK ' oH -fill4 riEN you will tcar a woman W ' V 1 SAtt ay "I Just can t drink fcccx it's . VW WMI m fitter." WWH mkmm Safest Wk Mpilll BlueRibBon IB i SI ' TL Beer of Quality W0. WPA "would prove a revelation to Ker, tiflfmWy m WWA tkhsataasnrtiangfU- j, 'WW lilt vor tte tPs out not tke ffjmzWmm 'W. excessivebiftertkatia ZyJW' 'Miimfi leeerZe DR. LEON B. ARNOLD. Th hijhest point ct woman's hap piness ia reached only tlirougli xuolii erhood, ia th. clasping' I her child within her arma. Vet tha mother-to-be u often fearful cf nature 'a ordeal gad ahrinka from the gufferinj inci dent to its consummation. But for naxura'a ilia and discomforts nature provides remedies, and in Jlother ' friend is to be found a medicine of rrreat value to every expectant mother. It is aa oily emulsion for external application, composed cf ingredients T. uich act jrith beneficial and socth iajj e2cct on those portions of the eystem Involved. It is intended to prepare the system for the crisis, and thus relieve, ia great part, the suffer ing through, which the mother nsnally passes. The regular use of Slot her 'a Friend will repay any mother in the comfort it affords before, and the help ful restoration to health and strength it brings about after baby comes. iuouier a rnena is for sale at drnj stores. Write for our t t. . ers which contains much, valuable information, and many aug-gestiona of a helpful nature. S&XLXZLO AXCUaTQC COL, iff ashy Ca inCL Hospe Takes the Burden-You the Piano If a dealer told you to take a piano and keep It for a rear without any expense, you would accept hla offer, wouldn't you? This store does that very thlnj. You get a slightly used piano on which the children cn thump and Jump aa long aa yon want thorn while learning to play. Tou then send this Instrument back and Hospe will let you have a new one. The money you hav paid for the old one will be placed to your credit on the new one. The slightly used piano coats you nothing! Prices on these pianos range from 6 to JUO. "Sold" o payment lower than you oould rent one for. In some the tone la as rich as 4a a new one. May be you Just want to rent a piano. We'll let you have one for $3.00 a month. We'll keep It la tune and furnish stool and scarf. Psy while you Play. A. HOSPE COlVJaPAPSJV lSlS-lS Douglas Street, Omaha, Seb. Westers Representatives for 07 Broadway, Ooancil Huffs, Iowa, Wonder-Tcrae" Haoun Jk hHh Hauaoa. Jz . ..1 . ' . ... r.w ..,,,.,., - Keep Your Boy in Ono of Our Wash Suits and He'll Be Cool on the Hottest Days Start aim eat tn the morning la one of our Wash Salts and he'll spend tke day la comfort, whether he's at play or wherever he is. These stylish little gar ments are made la both Raastaa and Sailor ' Blouse styles, from high grade, rant eolor, washable materials la every desirable coloring. Slsea 3 to It years, at 95c to $3.45 We've also a great variety of ROTS' LTD1A2I BUTTS HOTS COWBOT BTJTT3 DOTS BASS BALL 8CTTS BOTS Aim GIRLS' BOMPCRS Darine; Jaly asxl Aagwet Oanr Beare Win Cloaw at 5 P. M. Bsxepa Banrdays, 10 P. &L tota-loo Cleaaoa, aamt STtssa, tatasa Kata, me Hotne or MCltMtMT.' ICaaaartaa Salrta. r McCall 9 Magazine Is the Fashion Guide . . S J at - a a. m. T . ; Mm if f i if It t m McCALL PATTER! No. 4097 Ladies CoetonM Price 15 cents One of the "season's best liked semt-prlncesa models. - The ' new bolero effect ia attractively shown; the skirt haa the popular straight lines aad the new deep arm-bole la Included. of over 1,100,000 women, who depend tpon its month ly visits to solve their per plexing clothes problems. By reading McCall's you, too, can keep in style and save money. Especially valuable to the woman who sews for herself or others. Every Woman Needs IIcCaiTs McCall's Magazine is noted for its up-to-date Fashions, Fancy Work, Household Matters, Entertaining Stor ies, etc. Each issue contains descriptions and illustra tions of the latest McCall patterns unequaled for their style, fit, simplicity and reliability. You are sure to be more than delighted with McCall's Magazine and with the clothes made with the celebrated Mc Call pat terns. A BIG BARGAIN Bemember that, while each issue of McCall's will be lar ger and better than in pre vious years, you can still get a whole year's subscription for the old popular price of 60 cents a year, including any 15-cent McCall Pattern free. Worth double. Order now. Sold br The HcCall Co., 236 to 246 West 37 St New Yoik (itf, N. Y. YOST ' 1 1 Special s remodels furs Snecial summer d rices exnert work. ei - LL Corner 20th and Faraam. Telephone Douar. 3040. TTVERY "4th of July" u uujkii ui a.mcu ureases ana ins and cl-anlns Wash Dresses SI COcup. Men's 2-Piece Suits $1.25. of the prices. Just phone Tyler 1300 or Auto. A-II2S aad (at We pa expreee ene war oa shipments of work I'p Tow a Receiving Statlun at SraBdols Stores Picnic means wrinkled suits. Press- 53 up. White Waists Phone us for the rest pus ted. smountlnf to t.t or aver. Porapeiau Boum. DRESHER BROS., 221143 Farman Street A Vacation Trip to the Mountains would be a fln thins; to look forward to. On of tha luck? onea In our contest may make such a trip and spend tha hot August days amid coo Unf breeies and pura air. Are You Voting Daily When You Pay Your Check? Soma one will apprrtat. your aid and tha rotas you ara helping to set. Every paid check bstwaen 11 A, M. and 4 P. M. counts aa on vote, and aa two votea at all other hoars. THE BOSTON LUNCH OFEX AIX K1GHT. 140 FAK3CAM. laia FAKXAM. 1406 IMCGLAS. Pura Artesian Watar from tha City National Baak BoUdinx famaaa wall servtd daily at all our lunch rooms.