JjE lo, 1912. q .
A bargain event meriting your
most serious consideration
Windows 5, 6. 7. S, 9 filled with
$1S to $25 Suits for $14
Windows 10. 11, 12. 13. 14. 15. fiiled
with $12 and $15 Suits for $9
pressure is so low that water has to be
carried to the top tier of cells in the cell
house with buckets.
Editor of O'Neill Frontier Seeks to
Recover Printing Bill.
A Urges Prepared to Publish Same
Wken County Board Ordered Job
Given to Another Paper
Crest on Dispute.
CFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., June 14 (Special.)
Pennis H. Cronin, editor of the O'Neill
Frontier, has appealed from the decision
of the district court of Holt county in a
case where he sued the county treasurer
and his bondsmen for $4,020 due, as he al
leges, on a printing bill, wherein th
County Board of Supervisors had ordered
the treasurer to have printed in the
Frontier the scavenger tax list, but in
stead gave the job to another paper.
Cronin alleges that he got already to
print the list and that he should be paid
for it. The editor of the Frontier has
twice received a verdict for J1.0H.66, but
oppeals to the supreme court claiming
insufficiency of the sum.
Saloon Owe ppealed.
A transcript has been filed in the office
of the clerk of the supreme court in a
case wherein the village trustees of the
town of Creston, in Platte county, had
granted a saloon license over the re
monstrance of several citizens who set
forth that the petition for the saloon did
not contain a sufficient number of free
holders. The case was trle3in the dis
trict court of Platte county and the
board upheld. The remonstrators now
appeal to the supreme court.
Contract for Boilers.
The Board of Publlo Lands and Build
ings met this morning and let a con
tract to Ed I Simon of Lincoln for two
boilers for the industrial school at Kear
ney. The price will be K67S.
Bishop Visits Nebraska.
E. O. Bishop, formerly state superin
tendent of Nebraska, but now in charge
of the extension work of the Ames, la.,
agricultural aohool, was calling at the
statehouse tola morning. Mr. Bishop is
well pleased with hlB new location, but
admits an occasional 'hankering" for Ne
Fruit Prospects Good.
Secretary Marshall of the horticultural
society reports this morning that the
fruit prospects In Nebraska are good.
eH says that In southeastern Nebraska,
' which is the great apple district, there
wHl be an immense crop of apples. In
the North Platte country the apple crop
will not be so large. This is due mostly
to the fact that that section had a big
crop last year and that two large crops
seldom follow. The cherry and plum
crop will be very good and the straw
berry crop fairly good. The dry weather
of a couple of weeks ago has affected
the strawberries more than any other
I.exlngrton Controversy TTp.
Argument before the railway commis
sion was had today in & controversy
from Lexington over the matter of the
Union Pacific Railway company com
pelling passengers to alight and get on
to trains and having to pass across the
mail line track. The track at Lexington
la a double affair and the petitioners
claim that it is dangerous for passengers
to cross one track to go to and from
.trains. J. L. Cleary of Grand Island,
V". A. Stewart and Mr. Cook of Lexing
ton aptared for the petitioners and Edson
Rich of Omaha for the railway company.
Boosts Legislative League.
Henry Richmond of Omaha, secretary
of the Legislative league, was in town
yesterday in the interest of the league,
and sending out correspondence tending
to create a big meeting during the ses
sion of the next legislature. Mr. Rich
mond says that the response to invita
tions to get into the fold are coming in
fast and that the membership at the
present time is nearly 600. He expects
by the time of the meeting that the
league will have over 1,000 members. A
banquet was held some time ago in
Lincoln, which was the starter of the
plan which it is hoped will result in a
permanent organization which will hold
Its meetngs at every sesson of the legis
lature. Banks Doing Well.
' Secretary of the State Banking Board.
Ed Royce, has Just received a copy of
resolutions passed by Group No. 1, which
held Its meeting in Lincoln recently.
Among other Interesting resolutions the
following appears:
To the Secretary of the State Banking
Board, Mr. B. Royce, we extend felicita
tions for the able and efficient manage
ment of his office. His strict enforce
ment of all provisions of the bankng
law meets our approval. We recognize
the difficulties met aed overcome by
him in the successful enforcement of the
act which, in its inception, was distatste
ful to many if not most of our members.
We assure him of our support in the
continuation of his endeavors to furnish
the peple and the bankers a safe and
sound banking system.
During the last five years there has
not been a single failure of a bank, state
or national, either in our group or the
state at large. This speaks well of our
calling, and for those engaged in the
banking business within our state. We
congratulate the state of Nebraska for
the prosperity of its people during the
time since we last met, a prosperity un
paralleled in our history.
Colorado Seeks Petrtna.
Georgee Pttrlna, released from the pen
itentiary about two weeks ago, is wanted
wanted at Colorado Springs. Petrina is
the man who gave out an interview after
his release in which he said that things
were' Just as bad at that time as they
were at the time of th eprison outbreak
in March. Petrina served in the Ne
braska prison for forgery, which is the
same thing he is wanted for in Colorado.
The crime was committed three years
Mebraskans to Convention.
The list of Nebraekans who will hold
positions of honor at the national re
publican convention is growing. The
latest additions are L. L. Lindsey and
Thomas Benton, obth of Lincoln; Craw
ford Kennedy, E. G. Maggi, Sheriff Hyers
of Lancaster county, Harry Lindsay of
Lincoln and Harry Thomas of Harvard
are the other appointees.
Orel Jones of Oconto, Fred Holstein of
Alliance and Harry Harley of Lincoln
have been recommended by the state
board of pharmacists for appointment on
the obard. Only one of the three can
receive the appointment.
Water Pressure Poor.
Warden Melick of the penitentiary re
ported to the state board of public lands
and buildings that the water supply at
the institution was again running low.
A six-foot well which is-being dug by
the convicts Is expected to help mat
ters when completed, but at present the
Notes from Beatrice
and Gage County
BEATRICE, Neb., June 14. (Special.)
The little Delaney girl, who wag the vic
tim of a brutal assault at Wymore on
Wednesday morning, was slightly im
proved yesterday and Dr. C. C. Gafford,
the attending physician, now has hopes
for her recovery. Frank Miller, who is in
Jail here charged with assaulting tne girl,
will not be arraigned until a later date.
Ernest Kretsinger, son of Judge E. O.
Kretsinger of this city, has been admitted
to the bar. He is 33 years of age and
has the distinction of being the youngest
lawyer in Gage county.
The B-year-oJd daughter of Paul Wit
tulski had her nose almost severed by a
a saw which, her father was using on a
board in the kitchen.
Carl Block of .this city and Miss Maude
Van Home of Unadllla, Neb., were mar
ried here yesterday.
CENTRAL CITY. Neb., June 14.
(SpieciaU.) The ninth annual Rebekah
District Assembly convened in Central
City today. There were representatives
present from Clarks, Columbus, Mar
quette and Central City. Including dele
gates and visitors there were about fifty
present from out of town. An address of
welcome was delivered by Mrs. Charles
iGoldberry, with a response by" Mrs.
Rives of Clarks. The following officers
of the district association wers elected:
President, Mrs. Leah De Land of Co
lumbus; vice president, Etta Cunningham
of Marquette; warden. Miss Margaret
Anderson of Central City; secretary
Mrs. Birdie Cosner of Clarks; treasurer,
Mrs. Laura Ferrell of Marquette; con
ductor, Mrs. Emma Solt of Central City;
marshal, Miss Mary Rlddlemoser of Cen
tral City; chaplain, Carrie Stearns of
Clarks; outer guard, Mrs. Clara Dorsey
of Marquette; inner guard, Miss Dora
Holden of Central City. The officers
were installed by Mrs. Margaret Hoi
oolb, state president, from Broken Bow,
One of the interesting features of the
convention was the contest In the secret
work. Mrs. Emma Solt of this city won
first place and the banner, with a perfect
score and a representative from Clarks
won the gavel.
KEARNEY, Neb.; June 14.-(Speclal.)-Vigorous
protests were made before the
County Board of Equalization now In
session by owners of school land leases
when they found that the leases of school
land had been placed on the taxable list,
but especially were they displeased at
the value of the leases, as fixed by the
The three-day session has been pro
longed somewhat owing to the unusual
number of persons appearing before the
On the average the farm land is esti
mated to average $30 per acre throughout
the county on the assessed value, a. nrir
that it is thought will be increased by
the State Board of Equalization.
Seward Notes.
SEWARD. Neb.. June 14 fKn.Hol
The David City chapter of the Daughters
of the American Revolution was the
guest of the Margaret Holmes chapter
of Seward on June 14 (Flag day). An
automobile ride over the city, a reception
at the the home of Mrs. H. T. Jones and
a luncheon and dinner at the fair grounds
park were the features of the program.
Bert Cummins bought 160 acres from
William Brown yesterday for $18,000.
Judge Corcoran held an adjourned ses
sion of court here and granted a divorce
to Mary Edith Davison from Ross Dav
ison. He gave ninety days in jail to
James Thompson, who stole a team from
Howard Dickinson and attempted to dis
pose them to a horse buyer.
The marriage of Robert Cattle, second
son of Walter Cattle, president of the
state bank of this city, to Mercedes,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown
of Kansas City, will occur at the home of
the bride's parents, June 19. The bride
Is a granddaughter of the late Clandins
Jones, founder ' of the Jones National
bank of this city.
KEARNEY, Neb., June 14. (Special.)
Miss Lulu B. Reasoner, former super
visor of music in the city schools, and
Mr. Clive R. Morey. city water comls
eloner of Hastings, were married at St.
Luke's cathedral at 4 p. m. Thursday.
IBlshop George A. Beecher read the wed
ding lines. Following the ceremony a
large reception was held at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H.
Reasoner. The young couple departed on
an evening train for a honeymoon In Den
ver and Colorado Springs, after which
they will take up their residence in Hast
ings. Madison Wins from Beatrice.
MADISON, Neb., June 14 (Special.)-
Another great game of ball was pulled
off at the Madison ball park this after
noon between Battle Creek's crack teai
and the M,adison Giants, resulting in, a
score of 2 to 1 in favor of Madison. . A
large crowd witnessed the game and the
interest was intense from the very start
until the finish.
Yonnjr People Buy Anton.
TORK, Neb., June H-(Speclal.)-Sinco
August 1, 19U, the automobile dealers
have sold 158 machines to York county
people. There has been 506 licenses Is
sued since last July. The assessed valu
ation of all machines in the county is
$215,720. The number of horses in the
county, 13.805, valued at ,2M),250; mules,
1.4CS; valued at $167,605.
Jefferson Stoc- Tops Market.
FAIRBURY, Neb., June li.-(Special.)-E.
M. Gilbert, an extensive live stock
shipper living rear Helvey. had the dis
tinction of "topping" the live stock mar
ket at South St. Joseph. Mo., this week
with a consignmnt of fat "baby"' beeves.
It consisted of forty-seven yearling steers
and heifers that sold at $7.60. The beeves;
averaged 756 pounds.
Vork Roller Mills Sold.
YORK, Neb.. June 14. (Special.) The !
York Roller mills was transferred to the 1
Schuyler Milling company yesterday. '
New machinery will be installed- and the '
plant put on a twenty-four-hour schedule
The Persistent and Judicious L'se .- i
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to j
Business Success.
Of Men's and Young Men's
Fancy Spring and Summer Suits
We've boasted of a most unusual spring stock. We've been busy as
bees. Now, at the advent of summer we find ourselves with about. i,200
Suits representing the cream of the unsold portions of our stock. In some of
these lines a few sizes are missing. Each garment has bvn selling in this
store since last March at the prices explained elsewhere in this ad. The
very special prices are the result of a threefold purpose. First to keep
the stock as free from broken lots as possible. Second to give our patrons
the benefit of price reductions now, rather than later on. Third to demon
strate that when it comes to "values"' this store is "it" both in regular sea
son and on Special occasions.
43 Suits that have sold all season for $12. and
440 Suits that have sold all season for $15, now offered for
71 suits that have sold all season for $18.
448 Suits that have sold all season for $20, and
210 Suits that have sold all season for $25, now offered for
Things to remember about this sale
These garments are of our own high class line and each bears the Klng-Swanson
Quality label. Not a single "specially purchased" suit, not a "job lot," not a "rejected"
garment offered. We don't deal in such kinds of clothing. Not a misstatement in this
"ad." The original prices are correctly stated and each garment has the original price
undisturbed on the original ticket in the coat and the special price is marked on a string
ticket attached to a button. We invite any friend you may have, who may have bought
one of our quality suits this Spring to accompany you in order to verify our claims of
honest reductions. On only a few of these suits do you save as little as $3.00 on the
big majority you save $6 and on many you save $11 as compared to the regular prices
that have triumphed over competition throughout the season. You get "values" not
promises at this or any other King-Swaneon Sale. No reservations of choice patterns
allowed to our friends you've an equal chance with every other fellow here.
Receptions Are
Planned for Good
Roads Promoters
Additions are being made to the num
ber of boosters who will blaze the good
roads way from Omaha to Cheyenne and
tt.lt Lake City. H. E. Fredrickson, who
will be captain of the ship, together with
Mayor Dahlman, are hearing from those
who want to go. There are few, how
ever, who are certain they can take the
trip. Fredrickson is anxious to get word
from everyone who can go all or even
part of the way.
The boosters will leave Omaha Monday
morning at 7:15 o'clock. The first stop
will be made at Fremont, where a big
reception has been planned. Letters of
welcome from towns along the route are
now being received by the Omahans.
Nearly every town will have out a band
of greeters to meet the good roads en
thusiasts. The first night of the trip will be spent
in Central City. From there the band
will go to Kearney, where they will take
luncheon Tuesday. Tuesday night they
will arrive in Gothenburg, and the next
noon at North Platte. From there on
stops will be made at Ogallala, Jules
burg, Kimball and Cheyenne. The party
' ' ' i
ft 8
' ' 1 "f '
... r' i
will arrive in Cheyenne Friday noon.
The Omaha Commercial club is gener
ating a great deal of enthusiasm about
the country through the good roads
trips. Announcements has been made
by A. H. Pelton. president of the state
bank at Du Bols, of the organization of
the Omaha-Topeka Short Line associa
tion. A member of the Omaha Commer
cial club will be chosen as vice president.
The association will plan a blr booster
trip from Omana to the Kansas city.
Johnny Wanner is
Sold by Pa Rourke
Johnny Wanner, utility lnfielder for the
Rourkes, was sold Thursday to the Hur'
ford club of the Connecticut league. He
was In Omaha Friday and left for Con
necticut, where he will play second base.
The reappearance of Skipper Schipke In
a Rourke uniform was the cause of Wan
ner's going. Although the little fellow lr
a wonderful player there was no room
for him. Rourke Is now carrying all tlo
men he Is allowed and Ktill keep under
the rules of the National commlssl'in
which limits the number of players
rled by a Class A league to eighteen.
Schipke will now be used as a pineh
player and will be able to fill any posi
tion on the team but catch and pitch.
Graduates in Penmanship at the High
Jk ft, St
v ft' in
William T. Stead Once Wrote He
nuirkable Story of a White
Star Tragedy.
Intimate friends in this country of Wil
liam T. Stead of London, one of the vic
tims of the Titanic disaster, recalled a
story which he himself wrote In the
Christmas extra Issue of the Review of
Reviews, London, published in December,
1S92, entitled. "From the Old World to the
New," a chapter of which tallies in al
most every detail with the wreck of the
Mr. Stead In this chapter, which is
called "Coincident and Clalrvoyage," de
scribes an encounter with Icebergs at sea.
His characters are a group of English
tourists on their way to the Chicago
World s fair. They are crossing the At
lantic on board the Majestic, of the White
Star line. The steamship suddenly comes
upon a great Iceberg.
The great English writer, long known
for his ideas on spirluallsm. clairvoyance
and mental telepathy, brings all Into play
In his thrilling story of the high sea, but
when he describes the icebergs, fog and
conditions of sky and sea on board the
Majestic it would seem that he had been
able to send an account of what took
place that tragic Sunday evening it
could not have been more identical.
"Jack" Coropton. a passenger, has the
M : 3
8v&y- '
''rmiftm irn-i t iiii.mi
jm I in, isrjj AIw ay s
111 3 (he best
M at each
We urge you to come early
More suits are Included than can possibly
be sold in one day we admit It freely and do
not urge you to come early on the pretense of
them being sold out. But the choicer patterns
will surely be sold first and the earlier you come
the better for you. Also Saturday afternoon is
a busy time, naturally. Buying in the morning
reduces the afternoon rush to the minimum.
That's better for us.
power of automatic writing. Compton re
ceives a telepathic message from John
Thomas, a Scotchman, who is an old
friend, that he (Thomas) has been saved
In the wreck of the Montrosev which was
In collision with an Iceberg. Th message
continued to come. Meanwhile Mr. Comp
ton had asked the captain of the Majestic
to stop at the Iceberg on arrival. The old
captain scoffs at the idea. But then his
own vessel comes within a hair's breadth
of being wrecked by an iceberg. He stops,
Compton and the "professor" put out
in a lifeboat and eventually reach John
Thomas, finding him almost dead. They
bring him safely to the Majestic Just as it
seemed that the steamship would go un
der. The setting of the story and the de
scription of the icebergs and the wreck
tally with the tragedy of Sunday night.
The time and place also agree with those
of Sunday's catastrophe. It also was on
a vessel of the White Star line, and the
captain had under his care just 2.000 souls
snd a cargo worth at least $2,000,000. Per
haps the only difference was that Mr.
Stead's mental telepathy has been re
placed with wireless telegraphy.
Striking sentences here and there from
other writings of Mr. Stead are also re
called In which It might seem that he had
some premonition of his own fate. Es
pecially Is this so of a comparison in
his book. "How I Know the Dead Re
turn" which has a paragraph beginning.
3 :,' 'f
2U. Ml I
"Let us consider the Atlantlo ocean as
the grave.".. Then the author compare
one shore with earth and the other with
the eternal shore. New York Herald.
Signs of tie Times.
Card In a Roxbury window: "Cannery
bird for sale."
Notice on Tufts college grounds. "May
parties not aloud."
In a moving picture theater: "The Col
lege Bawn Great Irish Drama."
In Los Angeles: "Divorce Sale Must
dispose of Entire Stock to get Money
for - Alimony."
Sign In a. saloon: "Don't buy booze If
your children need shoes. We don't want
that kind of money."
From rate card of a Prague hotel:
"Dissatisfied guests are pleaded to bring
their afflictions to my own person."
A western paper notifies Its readers
that it will not publish eulogies, gratis,
but adds: "We will publish the simple
announcement of the death of any of our
friends with pleasure." Boston Tran
script. A GREAT
"If You area Nervous Wreck
From Dyspepsia Drink
Pineapple Juice."
No people in the world ' suffer as
greatly from stomach troubles as do
the American people.
From America's new possession, Ha
waii, has come a drink that should be
on the table of every American home.
Dole 's Pineapple Juice, the greatest
beverage yet offered to the American
people, is not only a delightful drink
but it possesses properties . of excep
tional tonic value. . It is a decided aid
to digestion a boon to- the- dyspeptic
and of untold help to those suffering
from throat difficulties. ?
Pineapple juice is the pure juice 'of
the fruit. Sold by grocers and drug
gists everywhere. Order some to-day.
' ' Cooling Drinks and Desserts, " , a
useful book of appetizing recipes,' free.
Hawaiian Pineapple Products Co., Ltd.
112 Market St., San Francisco