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4 THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1912. TlIE OMAHA DAILY BEL VOUNDED BT EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. BEE BUILDING. FARNAM AND 17TH. Entered at Omaha Postotttce as second class matter. TERMS OF SULJSC-MPTION. Sunday Bee, one year -j Saturday Bea, one year J-j Daily Bee (without Sunday) one year.M w Dally Bee. and Sunday, one year....w DELIVERED BY CARRIfc-R-Ually Bee (Including Sunday) per mo.-wc Dailv Bee (without Sunday), per mo.o Address all complaints or In delivery to City Circulation Dept. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to The Bee Publishing company. Only 2-cent stamps received In payment of small accounts. Personal checits. ex cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not accepted. OFFICES. Omaha-The Bee building. South Omaha-218 N St. Council Bluffs-H No. Main St Uncoln-26 Little buildin. Chicago MM1 Marquette building. Kansas City-Reliance bulldog- New York-34 West Twenty-third. St. LoulsM8 Pierce building. Washington-: Fourteenth St. N. w- Communications relating to news ana editorial matter should be addressed Omaha Bee, editorial Department. AUGUST CIRCULATION. 50,229 State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, ss. Dwight Williams, circulation manager of The Bee Publishing company, being duly sworn, says that the average dally circulation for the month of August, uu. was 60.229. DWIGHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 2d dav of September, 191! ROBERT HUNTER, Seal.) Notary Public Subscribers tearing tke cltr lenporarily should T Bee mailed la them. Address will be changed as often m t-qarated- Mr. Bryan may stop off la Es meralda to see Majorminnemaecot. Adam Bede says trailing a bull moose Is easier than shooting billy owls. In spite of the simplified-spelling be, Pittsburgh Insists on that final "h." . Next chance to register 1 Tuesday, October 1. Make an engagement with yourself. Lying in his case Is not a habit, but a gift. J. Adam Bede on the trail of the bull moose. Now that the federal government washes money there Is a new excuse for a shrinking bank roll. ' Mothers who' want their sons to follow a safe occupation should urge them to become policemen. '' He has stopped trying to explain why he renounced his promise never to accept another nomination. Tt 1. 1 A I V.1J - t .V 1 , runs dm iaaea uuiu ui vug uai- tin problem in earnest. Some other cities seem afraid of getting stuck. If the republican party is so bad aa all that, why don't the Roosevelt bunch get' off the republican -ticket? "Money Is not all there is In life," says George W. Perkins. No, and some folks knew it before he spoke. President Tart will root for Bos ton in the world's series with the Giants. A winner likes another win-ner. A Mlssourlan named Fowler has been arrested for stealing chickens. Yet they say there is nothing in a name. Arizona and New Mexico, which were admitted to statehood under President Taft, are now on the po litical map. What the Colonel Wanted, The colonel was beaten fairly and squarely for the nomination at Chi cago, as every one admits who knows anything about it. The colonel undertook to get the nomination for himself by setting up 200 fraudulent conteste for fake delegations, which, had he controlled the party machin ery, he would have seated, and through whom he would have pre vented the nomination of President Taft, even though he might not have been able to nominate himself. The colonel has no more ardent and devoted follower than Prof. Al bert Bushnell Hart of Harvard uni versity, who was one of his dele-gates-at-large from Massachusetts, who in Chicago followed his instruc tions in every particular, and who Is now supporting him earnestly. In an article in the Boston Transcript, Prof. Hart incidentally explains what the colonel wanted to do: The main trouble In the Chicago con vention was that a lot of delegates had been chosen by methods, which, although not prohibited by the rule book, were not afflrmatli-ely statinl there, and t'ie other side, which was In possession 0f the referee, the umpire and the linesmen, declined to make any ruling which would Involve a change of traditions. In other words, had the colonel been "in possession of the referee, the umpire and the linesmen" he would have thrown tradition, law and honest dealing to the winds, and have counted himself in. Being blocked in this effort, he is trying now to divert attention from the facts by hurling vicious epithets at every one who refused to do his bidding. ANGER OF GREAT MEN Allowance Should Be Made for the Ball Moose Temper. Portland Oregonian. Really, Commissioner Ryder only needs to go through the ordeal of the recall to cinch his already accumu lated national reputation, A Lincoln newspaper comes out with a real boost for, the Ak-Sar-Ben .festivities at Omaha. The era of good feeling Is surely approaching. The colonel's common expletive, "By George," might be mistaken In the heat of a speech for "My George" without getting wide of the mark. Our republican candidates who are trying to perform also in the progres sive ring must appreciate better now the difficulties that all these years have been besetting the democratic acrobats walking a populist slack wire. And here is the mayor of Kansas City declaring to a gathering of its business men: "It is time you got some ginger into the business spirit of the town,- as you had It fifteen years ago." That puts a different aspect on the reputation we thought Kansas City bore for putting ginger in its spirits. " " The Budget System. Aside from any political consid eration, President Talt's advocacy of a budget system, instead of the promiscuous appropriation method, Is entitled to tb6 soberest attention. It ought to carry weight. with those who believe in applying the prin ciple of economy and efficiency to governmental business. As the president says, this is the only great nation that , operates without a budget. It pays other nations and would pay this one. It would cut off loose ways of wasting the public money, now fostered by the pork barrel system. , The president urged upon the late congress that it co-operate with the economy and efficiency commission, but without avail, for the democratic majority in the house was not willing to sink party politics in the common good. Sooner or later Mr, Taft's pro posal will carry and then we shall wonder that we ever attempted to transact business on the loose, hap hazard basis as now. In urging the budget plan, the president points out also, that under the old system congress has usurped functions of the executive to the de basement of the service. It is neces sary for the president to know the needs and progress of every depart ment of the government, and it Is a vicious system that enables anybody to withhold from him such informa tion, as the house has done. The president has cut down many recom mended appropriations, saving mil lions to the government, but under a definite budget plan much more good could be accomplished. Our Greatest Output. And , now comes the American farmer and again challenges the won der of the world with his crops. We boast of our manufactures and of our mineral resources, and tell with pride of our commerce that mounts into the billions, but when we come to face the facts of the American farm words are feeble. The figures in the totals are beyond the power of man's mind. For example, the government's es timate on the corn crop now almost matured is .2,995,000,-000 bushels; on the wheat crop, 690,000,000 bush els; for the oats, 1,290,000,000 bush els, and for other leading crops the tale is told in similar figures. If the crops named are sold at prevail ing market prices they will bring al most $4,000,000,000. The other crops will Increase this until Secre tary Wilson's estimate of 19,000,- 000,000 as the value of the 1911 crop will be passed just as the yield of last season has been passed in totals. Nebraska's share in this wonderful total is such as will bring the state right into the front rank when the final figures are published. The American farm Is still the underly ing factor in the nation's prosperity, and nowhere is the farmer more lib erally rewarded tor his toil than in Nebraska. It Is but one of the many signs of Mr. Roosevelt's greatness that he has a bad temper. Heroes of all ages have been notable for this Infirmity. Napoleon would fly into a rage for less than the loss of a book and lay about him right and left. Seldom was there an article of furniture left whole after one of his rage was over. Sometimes he ended a fit of passion by foaming at the mouth and falling into ' epilepsy. The colonel certainly made things lively for the hotel people when he saw his book was lost, but compared with the conduct of other heroes, more or less mythical, In similar predicaments, he was moderate, There was Martin Luther, for instance, who quarreled with every other theologian under heaven and finally capped the cli max by getting into a row with the devil. As the affair grew heated Luther threw his Ink bottle at the adversary and hit him, too. It does not appear that Colonel Roosevelt threw anything harder than words at the hotelkeeper. They may have hurt the poor fellow's feelings a little, but what is that to spatter a person all over with Ink? Caesar was another hero, whose temper got away from him many a time when it would have been far wiser to have reined it In. Alexander the Great would fly into a passion when the least thing went wrong and Frederick the Great's father, when he was crossed, became a perfect fury. Time and again he ran through the streets of Berlin striking right and left with his cane and driving his bewildered subjects Into whatever shelter they could find. The colonel lashes only with his tongue thus far, but infirmity of temper always grows upon these great historic characters with advancing age and In creasing power. Hence we may know; what to expect as his reign . progresses. A man who possesses the sense of omnip otence cannot bear to hear either his au thority or his wisdom questioned, spe cially when both have become universally admitted and admired. He gradually Identifies criticism with rebellion and. feeling the entire being of a great nation summed up in his own soul, sees little difference between one who differs with him and one who actually blasphemes his name. Indeed, it is quite natural and proper that the colonel should ascend Olympus and sit among the deities. The same cus tom prevailed among his precursors in ancient Rome. They not only became gods, but they were worshiped with for mal religious rites. People not only said, ''as for me and my house we will serve the divine Nero or Heliogabulus," but they actually did it No doubt" we shall alt be doing the same thing before long, mutatis mutandis.' We look expectantly for the appearance of some great genius who shall compose a prayer book and ritual for the service of the divine Theo dore. Those who recognize his divinity will, of course, perceive nothing incon gruous in the colonel's belief that he Is the one great man and the sum total of human wisdom. Most kings and all deities have felt the same way. "In me," exclaimed the great Julius to the pirates who had laid unholy hands upon his per son, "you carry the destinies of Rome." Louis of France expressed the same thought still more tersely when he told his courtiers, "I am the state," If the colonel thinks, therefore, that he Is the United States and all its inhabitants, why should we find fault with him? He can find plenty of precedent among the kings and emperors, who, In his opinion, are his only proper associates. EoolilpBaiisWard This Day in Omaha COMPILED FROM DEE Fllr- r SEPT. 23. TAFT'S EPITOMIZED PLATF0EM An Era of Prosperity Promoted by Wise Action. Washington Post. More effective than any plank In the republican platform, more convincing than any other argument that he could make to the voters, la the statement made by President Taft that the chief question the country must decide is whether It Is safe to make a change in the White House at a time when we are. entering upon a new era of prosperity. It would be difficult for the president to frame a better platform for his cam paign than is Implied In that part of his statement wherein he says: "Crops are bumpers, and conservative business interests throughout the country are thriving under tried conditions which permit a share in the prosperity which will continue unless there Is a change to frighten off capital or bring about Just such disturbing conditions aa the tariff bills I vetped might have brought about. I. vetoed those bills because I was con vinced they would disastrously disturb business condition's In the country." From the president's standpoint, no bet ter argument could be made for the con tinuance of the present administration In power. Neither Colonel Roosevelt nor Governor Wilson Is making any refer ences to the great wave of prosperity which is sweeping over the country. The steel mills are working full time; all other mills are working to capacity; the railroads at last are making extensions, and the crops give promise of being phe nomenal. Mr. Taft makes a strong point in his argument that the low tariff bills sub mitted to htm at the last session of congress might have halted the prosper ity that is rapidly spreading. Had he signed the tariff bills, and had many mills closed as a result, with thousands of men thrown out of work, his would have been the responsibility, and he would have been held to account by the public. The president therefore would bo well within his rights if he claimed more credit than he does. There were those who held some months ago that the president would have shown better political judgment by signing the democratic bills and letting the country take the consequences. . Such a course might have put the country in a frame of mind where It would have turned naturally to the republican party for re lief. But President Taft felt too high a sense of responsibility to play politics tn so grave a crisis. He is justified now, therefore, In claiming credit for the part he played in fringing; about the new era of prosperity. ox ran POLITICAL SNAPSHOTS. Praetiee Groands for Itlh School. OMAHA, Sept 23,-To the Editor of the Bee: I am addressing this same cornel munlcatlon to the Board of Education and I hope you will give It space. In view of the liberal attitude of the board toward school athletics la the last few years, I wish to call attention to t method of greatly Improving the present practtce grounds of the Central High school at Twenty-second and Davenport Streets. The. present practice grounds, now being cleared up for the fall foot ball practice, I presume, Is somewhat smaller than the field was before grading was started on the new west wing, but If a retaining wall were built on the north side of the field (this could be done at a comparatively small cost) extending nearly to. Davenport street, the low side of the present field could be filled In, and that would make a lot big enough for several teams to play on at once, 01 suitable for practice games, and all forms of athletics : The reasonable cost and ease of carry Ing this idea out would seem to justify Its consideration. GEORGE F. DARLOW. California papers make much of their state's salubrious climate, which is salubrious in spots. And that is well, but it would be better if the ex ploiting was not, done at the expense of the climate of other sections of the country. It 111 becomes a San Francisco paper, for instance, to say too much on the subject of meteoro logical conditions to the exaltation of that great city and the disparage ment of others further east. If the rest of the world is willing to keep still on a few things, San Francisco , ought to be. The international peace movement never had anyone In the White House to score for it as vigorously as President Taft. The re-election of the president would mean more for world peace than anything its advo cates have accomplished in fifty years. : How clever In our hydraulic water boarders exempting themselves from the recall when they patched up the commission plan law to' perpetuate their own salaries. The paradox Is unsupportaele of a person seriously. embracing the prin ciple of world peace, and at the same time working for the glorification of a war lord 1 So Fllpflopptns; for Him. SILVEH CREEK, Neb., Sept. S1.-TO the Editor of The Bee: Permit me to heartily commend the action taken by A. 8. Moon, chairman of the Loup county republican central committee. It Is the stand that all honest republicans should take. When Governor Aldiich was run ning two year ago, I could not believe the charges brought against him of double dealing,, but since he has keen governor Ms actions have been such that those charges do not look so unreasonable now. I am now 60 years old and have always been a consistent republican, ' and if I have a chance to vote the republican ticket this fall, shall do so but as be tween a bull mooser and a democrat, I feel that I am free to make my own choice. I see that my old friend. Dr. W. O. Henry, has departed from the ways of his youth and is following after strange gods. The doctor and I were school boys together and both studied medicine In the office of his father. As a boy Dr. Henry had . strong convictions and was always consistent In following them. But It is Inexplicable to me now to see how he can follow a man who has made so many Inconsistent statements- and been so Inconsistent in his public actions. W. C. ROBINSON. , Softer flla of Criminals. Baltimore American. A striking psychological fact In the case of the now famous New Tork gun men and of the Virginia feudists, who made a trade, so to speak, of murder. Is that they have devoted wives who. one and all, declare them excellent and lov ing husbands. The Jekyll-Hyde type must be abnormally developed when crime of the worst kind can point with pride to Its possession of the softer do mestic virtues . , i New Tork World: George W .Perkins enjoys using the profits of the harvester trust, but, like a true friend of Industrial justice, wants none of the discredit of the mistreatment of its 'worklngmen and women. Louisville Courier-Journal: William Jennings Bryan must have put feeling into that speech advocating one term for presidents. How's the presidency ever to get around to all aspirants It each man who gets the job is to have a couple of whacks at It? Chicago Record-Herald: Testimony which has just been presented in court Indicates that officials of the Standard Oil company continue to be In control Of the subsidiary oil companies, but the pub lto will not be likely to liken this to a thunderclap out of a clear sky. Chicago Inter Ocean: As a further proof that the primary law will inevitably retire all the regular republican leaders who oppose Mr. Roosevelt, we take the liberty of calling attention to the renom Ination of the Hon. Sereno Payne for con gress by a sufficiently large majority. Boston Transcript: Woodrow Wilson Is to be credited with a very neat reply to ex-Senator Beveridge's fear that If he (Wilson) were elected he would be con trolled by the bosses. Governor Wilson's definition of a boss is "a political agent of certain special Interests, who see to It, through htm, that' people they can con trol are put in office, and that lawa they do not want are kept off the statute books." This seems very like a reference to one George W. Perkins, and therefore all the more worthy of the earnest at tention of Hon. Albert J. Beverldge. . A Panama "Roorback." . New Tork Sun. The army engineers make short work of the discovery of a correspondent of the London Times that the forts on the Naoa group of island at the Pacific entrance to the Panama canal could be "pounded to pieces" by an enemy's heavy guns mounted on the Islands of Taboga and Tabogullla, which are outside the Zone. The engineers draw attention to Article II, of the treaty, which provides that the United States may occupy and fortify these islands for the defense of the canal. But after ait that Is only one of the answers to this English tactician; he should be reminded that a coaling base ts necessary to operations on a large scale by a hostile fleet and that no European or Asiatic nation has such a base, or will be allowed to have such a base anywhere on the Pacific coast of continental America. Thirty Years Ad The quarter-centennial celebration of the Masonic grand lodge was a big event For the parade, John C. Cowin was marshal of the day, assisted by Alex Atkinson. Hon. E. F. Warren, grand roaster, delivered the anniversary ad dress, and other speakers were Hon. Charles F. Manderson, Hon. N. K. Griggs, A. O. Hastings. G. B. Van Saun, grand master of Iowa; T. S. Farvin, grand secretary of Iowa; J. H. Brown, grand secretary of Kansas The evening was given over to a bXi- with about 200 In attendance. The B. & M.'s played a foot race with the nine In the Western Union office, running around the diamond fifty-five times In seven Innings, with a goose egg for the telegraph boys. The mass meeting of worklngmen at the city hall was presided over by Will iam White as chairman, and W. H Mulcahy as secretary. , Ed Walsh pre sented a pretentious platform, and dele gates were selected to a convention at Hastings, as follows: C. V. Leyton, Will iam Sexsauer, John Peterson, John Hiol lenbeck, Allen Roov. C. J. Brennan, Charles Davie s, E. Rosewater, John Sim mons, William CKeefe, P. O. Boise. A burglar entered the residence of Will iam Segeteke on South Eleventh street, but got away with Uttle booty. Mrs. Helen Gouger of Indiana, held forth at Boyd's opera house, talking woman suffrage. PASSING PLEASANTRIES. "It's a free and equal country, of course." "Well?' , "But we all swell up when we get a brief nod from a millionaire." Louisville Courier-Journal. "Why have you tied a bandage around your hand?" asked the medicine man. "You remember my favorite weapon, don't you?" "Yes." "Well. I accidentlr grabbed it by the wrong end." Chicago News. Teacher What can you say of the Medea and Persians? Young America I never kept track of those minor league teams. Harper's Weekly. McStab Jllss Jerolomon. do you-er-think your father would care if I called you Minnie? Lovely Girl Certainly not; he calls me that himself. Chicago Tribune. "Did you get any stock with your farm?" ' . - "Yes. quite a lot of it." "Cows, pigs and hens, I suppose." "No, just a lot of worthless mining stock I found in the attic." Boston Transcript. "That man is not a very rood logician, but he Is a most impressive talker." "Yes,'' replied Senator iSorghum; "he Is what the musicians refer to as a oer former with more temperament than technique." Washington Star. men I have ever been engaged to was so persistent about it." Baltimore Ameri can. Rose You had to give Clarence a hint before he'd propose, eh?" Lily Y-yes: he didn't seem to be equipped with a self-starter." Chicago Tribune. TROUBLE ENOUGH. Twenty Years Ago The weather cut a strange caper 1n Omaha when the thermometer went to ninety-six and the wind seemed bent on soaring to an equally high plane of action. Charlea C. Rosewater left for Ithica, N.4T., to resume his college studies at Cornell. George H. Thumraell, G. B. Bell and F. C. Dodge of Grand Island were in the city. Manager Burgess of the Farnam Street theater and Mrs. Burgess left for Topeka on a ' brief errand. The Board of Public Works was in session long enough to let a contract to grade Martha street from Twentieth to Twenty-fourth to Ed Phalen at 13 cents per square yard. E. J. MeVann of the Pennsylvania lines with headquarters in Sioux City was in Omaha on a pleasant mission, which was to culminate in a few days In his mar riage to Miss Laura Longpre, daughtei of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Longpre. Ten Years Ago A telegram is received from George B. Cortelyou, secretary to the president, dated at Indianapolis, stating that Presi dent Roosevelt had abandoned his western trip and therefore would not bo In Omaha as the guest of Ak-Sar-Ben as planned. His changed plans were explained away as due to an abscess on his leg. J. H. Mickey of Osceola, republican nominee for governor, arrived in town or. his way to Norfolk, campaigning. The Indianapolis American association ball team arrived in the city for a five days post-season series with the Rourkes. Two old vets in the line-up were Billy Fox at second and George Hogrlever in right field. Mrs. Tettle Cavlch, Mrs. Guesie Meyer and Abbie Cavlch, the 2-year old child of the former woman named, were badly burned by the explosion of a gasoline stove at the home of Mrs. Meyer, 1108 South Thirteenth street. Frank Murphy and W. V. Morse, presi dent and secretary of the Omaha Street railway, were in the east negotiating the sale of the railway to the Seligman syndi cate, whose offer, it was said, holders of BQ per cent of the stock were willing to accept. People, Talked About "Am I the only man you ever loved?" "Of course you are. But why do you? keep asking me that? None of the other W. D. Nesblt In Chicago Post. We do not need to borrow Our trouble from tomorrow; We'll find enough to worry us before we'ra through today; We wast our time in fretting O'er what's to come, forgetting Tli e goodness and the gladness that are rich along the way. We do not need to ponder On what we left back vondar Back yonder on the bloted page thav tells of yesterday: We should recall the gladness. And not bring up the sadness, But let the gloom go to the dark and let the sunshine stay. This castfrg uo of trouble Will only make it double Will only wilt the flowers that are sweet along the road. This thing of being tearful Instead of waxing cheerful Because of what has gone, will only add unto our load. So. what's the use to borrow Our trouble 'from tomorrow, Or clutch the sorrows that we thought were ours on yesterday? Today will have Its fretting, But lot us go. foraetting. And joy will overtake us while we walk along the way. ANDEIS ST Will Place on Special Sale Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday THE ENTIRE STOCK OF A. landelberg 1S22 Farnam St, Omaha Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches and Silverware At One-Half or Less Than Half the Former Prices This 1 to certify tht r. L. Brwleis sons bought, through me, the entire etock eryl fixtures of a Uarvlelberg, 1522 tarnna Street, Omaha, in oqr possession, August 31st, I 912, eomprlelng diaoon&s,. jewelry, watches, silverware, leather goods, ete (Signed) Trustee How Di4 II Do Itf Brooklyn Eagle. Edison, at work on a new phonographic invention, slept' only twenty-two hours out of the 144 In the six working days of last week. The world wants to get hold of some of that nerve cure that Edison Invented to make this sort of thing pos sible. Or If it is something handed down to him by his ancestry it must run in his blood, and be right there for htm to Isolate, define and tag for the benefit of the human race. Let us have moving picture films showing the phagocytes, the mlcrophags and the maerophags chasing about In the Edison arterial fluid that we may see In magnified form exactly how the candle may be burned at both ends Under the reform police system of St. Paul mashers get the club before the Jug. Philadelphia points with local pride to a woman resident who talked for twelve hours without a break for luncheon. What happened to the audience Is not stated. W. E. Brink of Topeka, Kan., a social- 1st street speaker, made some slighting remarks about the flag In Wichita and was chased down an alley and into Jail to save his hide. A supposed madman gave away- $500 In bills and small change on Broadway, New York, the other day. and only one person Is reported as mad enough to de cline his bounty. Having successfully unloaded a bumper crop on a delighted country, the Depart ment of Agriculture decides that a peanut is not a nut. Thus is cracked one of the annoying problems of high living. The Department of Publio Charities of New Tork City wants H5ffi.6T8.66 - to carry on its business during 1913. Of this sum the department will take $l,M6,5M.7i for salaries, just to show that the maxim, "charity begins at home," Is not a dead one. f - William Henry Harbaugh of Danville. 111., celebrated his 107th birthday by smoking hs first cigar, which he en Joyed immensely. Mr. Harbaugh, who located in Danville in 1883, conducted the first blacksmith shop in the town. At the age of 75 he retired, but after round ing out a century, be again took up the work at his son's blacksmith shop. Rather than pay U. to a constable for serving twenty-five witnesses to ap pear in her behalf. Mrs. Anna Goldberg of Lansdowne, Mo., induced Justice Bell of East St. Louis to permit her to be het own process server. Her request was granted by the court after she had ex plained that $11.25 would purchase a new dress, a fall hat or four pairs of shoes. In a message reported to have been re ceived by a bughouse candidate in Wash ington from a defunct friend in Old Harry's bungalow, the sender describes his abode as a pleasant one, with fine weather and cultured company and the host a prince of entertainers. This Idyllic situation in the scriptural flrepot la accounted for by the absence of presi dential campaigns. Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin, originator and head of the department of public safety of Portland, Ore., was a pioneer in mu nicipal protective work for young women. Eight years ago she convinced the people of Portland that such a department was needed. She was put at the head of the work, which soon proved so valuable that It was incorporated under the city char ter and civil service rules . This is an Extraordinary Opportunity to Buy the Most Beautiful and Valuable Christmas Gifts at One-half the Regular Holiday Prices. SEE THE GREAT WINDOW DISPLAYS Sale Begins Tuesday at BRANDEIS STORES ESS Low One-Way Fares September 25 to October 10 $30 $25 TO CALIFORNIA AND PACIFIC NORTH WEST. TO UTAH, IDAHO AND MONTANA. TRAVEL VIA i The Southern or low altitude route, via El Paso and New Mexico, or through the Colorado Rock ies and Salt Lake. Ask for a free folder, "Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeping Car." J. S. McNALLY, Div. Pass. Agent, 1322 Farnam Street. Omaha, Neb.