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Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1912, Image 8

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Chanukkah Begins This Evening '
and Latts Eight Days.
Saturday Afternoon Itnrr Will Il
an Entrrtnlnmrnf. tilth n fprrlHl
Program for ( hltdrni, nl j
Temple lirtrlt
The must interesting holiday iuon of
the Jewish catena-. bvclnr th'a
evening and leet for eleht I)
Is known a (Thnnukkar. the Feast
of Dedication, or the Featt af MEhti
and. though not ubttrYed lv pptcla
fervice In the synacoRNe. It l
aerl.v looked forward to by the children
of the ,tewh hwaehold. for It has in a
large measure come to be a children's Irs
Hervlces will trt at Temple Israel KM-
day evenin. at S trelecfc and the sub'ect i
of the ernon by Rabbi Culm will be. J
'Herod na Jw." On. Saturday morning
at 10:30 0'ilorV Hie nubject of an address t
will be -'lory of the Marcaliees." Hat- '
urday afternoon at I. IS o'clock the rn- ;
riual ch'ld'en'e entertainment will be held.
The follow Int program will be observed- (
Ftann rlo, h Meff slstvr.
noeltatinn. Hernle? Kulakofsky.
Violin qyartt ttwo uumbtra). under di
rection of Helen Wmnwr.
Muilcal play, "A l.'niqu Ohanukkah
Party The follonlnK children will take,
leading parts Norman Nathatison. Solo
mon Ilosrnblett. More Kahn. Jacob Opti
Und, Francis Kopalrt and KMber New
man. Iltith Oppenhelm and Stella oil
ton, soloist. nsilHed hy a choru of
twelve children.
Violin quartet
Tenuilr la Dedicated.
The historical background of the cele
bration In found In the fact that In the
irear 1 B. C Judas Maccabeus, one of
the few martial heroes In Jewish history,
rtdedlcated lo the service of the one God,
the temple at Jerusalem after It pollu
tion by Antlocbus Eplphanr. who had
t up In plac of Jehovah' altar a shrlnt
to hi heathen god. Just three ytara
after this pollution, on the twonly-firth
day of the month of Klslav. the temple
reclaimed and rededlcated to the
ervlc of God.
Around the festival clutter many beau
tiful legends, which have helped to shape
the character of the celebration. One auch
legend In to the effect that when the
tempi wan rededlcated only a elnKle
rruse of oil wia lound unpolluted, but
through the miraculous. Intervention of
Ood, thla oil proved tn be sufficient for
tiurnlnr for elcht successive nlchts, and
until other oil fitted for the eervlce might
he prepared. Tor thla reason, to thla
Vliy Jew light candle In their home
In celebration of Chanukkah for elg-.i
successive nlshta, one on the flrat ntght.
two on the second, and an on.
There It a theory that even before the
historical event which Chanukkah cele
brates, the feast had been observed y
Java at the beginning of the winter
solstice, and that Ha origin l common
ith that of thf Christian ChrUtmaa and
the Roman Saturnalia, which ccur at
a boil t the same season, and which ar
llkewlte celebrated by the lighting of
lla-hta ami lh Inlerphnnea nf nlfta.
Among the Jew, Chnnukkah U a tlm
ior rvioicing) not oniy on tne pari
Omaha Leaders of Suffragist Movement
2rs. Draper Smith lm- flHiH
. aKi IbHII i tg$?:XPJ 9CTa8B55- '
jl! ' "a
, LWProved. manufactur-
' 1 i mem methods it is not
QCIBTFM m&m I "nusuilL to sel1 pian?s
mmmm' iovv as aio .u.
- '
the children, but ua well on the part of
the poor, who are alwayi liberally re-
While Bugene Denton, colored, auperln
tendent of the Interdenominational Sab
bath aohnol at 1201 Capitol avenue. Was
fitting In a atrango house B turd ay night
on lower Dodge street alnglng '.'Holy,
Holy, Holy," a woman Jumped at him
with k razor nnd made a xlanh at him.
Now nenton deemailt wlae to carry a
raaor himself, even1 If he lit a Sunday
school profeMor. He eayn bt protected
hlmsflf with thn result that hla aa'allaJU
was cut about the throat. The atmllam,
Uertlia JnhnKon, filed complaint against
Hctiton. but as he wne a Sunday school I
professor he was discharged In court. I
i' Celestials Wedded
in American Style
'JrtijUs county first Chlneae luar-.-$e
ceremon; was iiwformed by Countv
8 lirjce Crawford in his chamber
l it$i'a Ti o cotitructlns imrtlo. wc.
,T topn Thomas Jue. a waiter at tlu ,
Mandarin cafe, and Mtoa Laura Gow o!
Ka l-'runi'lrco, n?d respctlvey 7i nnd ,
.3 ear"
' c eremonv wan no different from
f perfirme'd by the H)unty Judge
,H Jie r.ante'J the service lead In
ice but Judre '"rawford said hi
C. i eie nitd been, permitted to get piet'y '
I s bi' i e he left the University and lie
t 'nt .ant to start anything he might
3 be Able- to finish.
Mr Juc and his bride were," horn 111!
sn F'an.ltco. He -anie here six months
u Mts. Jue with her parents comu '
s 'veek. Jlr. Juc said the parents ,
t a e thj matches n China and brides
rt ' on' reldoni fee eauh other before
ii" rlufi, bJt he courted Mrs. Jue lit
K ?n'.lsco In the resular American '
'rs 1011
Kresis of the carcmony 'were Mr
nr.d Mr CMhr KonK of MlnnHPylH and
t'o'r ror-ilJ duughlr. Mary thins;
! M'lit Wondrrftil llealinir.
After suffeilng min.x yetrs with a
pore. Amos Klnfr. Port Hymn, X. Y., was
erred h. Bnck'en's Atnlca Salve Kc
V'j'- sal? b. Uebton Drug o- Kdvorthe
' in-r.t.
(hi M
m BEE-mm
'By MBLLIFIOIA. Tuesday, Dec. 3, 1912.
Utters of a Slim-Made Woman
ti Hw Fat Sister
UOSOS'IbNT' society womon of tho Omaha Soclpty of Fine Arts not J frnge convention at luncneon at the Loj ai
only. made arrangements for tho Interesting lecture and entertain- hotel Thursday at l o'clock.
menl given Inst evening by Mr. Kdwln H. Dlashfleld of New York,!
'it', i' . . ...... .... . . . . . .. i
win eminent uiurai nainter. nut tnev also acted as hostesses at tbo
of , lecture.
Aire. Z. T. Lindsay had charge of the tickets at the door and the guests
and patrons attending tho lecture wero ushered to their soats, by Mrs.
Charles T. Kountze, Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Bmltfi Mrs. Charles Oftutf
: am) Mrs. Howard H. llaldrlge, all of whom wero beautifully gowned in
attinnlne fivnnlticr rnktlimn Thli hnlnoH tn mo bo h Hler-riiii-ao nn art oko
faaaht up WUh the rro6i"ort. i more tho form of a social evening. Mian the usual conventional stilted lee
Dear Kiss-Your letter of congratula-' ture, and added much to the pleasure and enjoyment of those attending.
l.eapnv wit" Tihn!"butCyou muJYrfi re" Mrs. Arthur Crlttendpn 8mlth entertained at a delightful tpa Monday
BeVr win pout"Ftt,V " n"y ",0r r ,0"r, aftcrn00l 'n "nor of Mr. Hlashfle'ld, and many of those attending tho ec
iu hs "nuiht the proecMioa" in ma work ture had the hbnor of a personal acquaintance with the celebrated artist.
Ve.iV-oor "iich." oh. ,lu rtQuw m. id" Mr. nisshflolil loft Inst evening for Kansas City for' a brief, stay, before
"VtVtnuoS.,TdT'Ma"C" returning to his home ln New Yprk. While In Omaha, Mr. Dlashfleld was
mjrenr. n u aivm.. No.mnre tn toft, Hir- me guc.it of Mr. and Mrs. Titomas U. KllUliail.
Polr Mbr-BUB tt t: And P tbo wtn4r
Mrs coat Itru' In f mnnthi llnfljr by
t.m".! ,V,.h,.i,.' ',rmPl ,tK'" In Honor of Debntinte.
...... .... ... - . , r, t. . . o . 1 1 .. ,.. 1, ..,.., H.
an enjoyable , bridge g.'tcrnaon at her
homo today In cnlnpllinent to Miss Mar
gnict Ureer fium. who ! on of the
debutante. 'i')m ropms ,'wie decorated
with chryisamheniumi.aiiil eva Ubl , Surpiiic Birthday J?afty.
of plasefs vyere piesenC Mrs. I C. Maupln entertained at' a sur-
m - - I Pr aaturdnj hfnin.ii.ti !n fe.tebra-
Mtrmota rretctiption .Ttbifii r m tunvtmeot, , 17-1, rtt,. nri.i. ' tU'n of the eighth birthday nnntveisary of
M to arrr Uk. he will vtleom ihtm .-1-01 WOlIlfi ', . Master ll-WItt lr. Miuuln Thi
"h l"r. Last idsht the Voting Vumn' riirlil- , M Ma,l'r ",u ,ni
- . -i " i j.rttiaekriii thf fnn nn. tnw thm t ft Vi T .
Golden Sooioty Ball.
The Ladle of the Golden society will
plvo .their first ball of the season Sun
day evening, December I?, at the Doug
las auditorium at,,. o'clock j
, ,'"'",""Si y. .
Woman's Auxiliary Meets. . .-.
Mrs. J. P. Trimble entertained the All
Saints' branch of tho Woman's, auxiliary
at her apartmentR In the Aiatlan, Tues
day afternoon.
For Foot Ball Flayers.
Mr. Julius Rncliman will entertain thu
members uf the foot ball team of the
University of Omaha at dinner Thurs
day evening at hla home, 1G21' Lothrnd
But it IS unusual to .sue nianos of rlu OUALIT.V
are offering nt so low a )rice. It means a sacrifice. of j).a,r.t-
of our profit, of course, but it means, too, that we have
gone to the utmost pains in selpcting these exceptionally
well made instruments. They are guaranteed for'l5
years nnd sold on one year's trial.
Descriptions do not count for as much as uctually seeing thso
fine pianos. Call tomorrow, see, hear and play on them. You will
bo astonished at the value.
Terms, $5 Cash; $1.25 Per Week
You owe It to yourself to seq these Pianos before purchas
ing elsewhere.
You sift tat tnrful rt.lo I told ion nt
'the one Ut rlljr rut ro ot mr etrert llrh.
Wej, tiit ura r.un'M omklni!on mi'' tir
lb Msrnola Co., trfnr nidi , Dttrelt, Mich ,
li nov Mi l; (lit time pttlt mi tqll In
l,htt form tr tit itrucglnts lara rit, for Ttr.
Ynu ubt ( ttll ,nr nob about thrin. I' InM
blra toot th, precrrlption. but b said b prob
ably voultl rrtrl tbs bottle .ta4 tmear up frr.
tblrtg b h't Slip bt dldn l Ilk the 144
eJ tailnj ntllta In nubllt anihari. Hut tin
women, will have charge of the candy
I lub'e. Mr. Julius Kcssler and Mrs. T,
U ttwlx will have tho fancy work nnd
I Mrs. Fnimie) Hums nnd Mien Ella Mao
Uronn tl.e dellcatcuen table.
Wostern tpranUtlTaa lor
tha Mason as Hamlin, xraaloh
I: Baob, JCraktir, XitabaU,
Bnsh fc I.n, Cable-Nllson
and other leading makss.
Crtsrmis Is Asr A Muau
Kstabllalictl 1874.
1513-1515 Douglas St.
and Cost
And it doca better
work. Simply follow
your customary method
of preparation add a
little less of Calumet
than when using ordi
nary baking powder.
Then watch the result.
Light', fluffy, and even
ly raised the baking
comes from the oven
more tempting, tastier,
more wholesome.
Calumet insures the baking of an
expert. Ask your grocer to-day.
Pure Food
Chicago, HI. I
Paris, Ex
Builds Up
Tab is the work oiAyer's Sarsaparilla.
Strength. Power. Reserve. '
Sold for 60 years.
Axlt Yatsr IWlw Anj.CW.
Lowall, Jiiuat.
rlst and olHUt tod't lie eta ttnp all tnt
If he'll tale ine talilata. Thtr am tiaetlr like
tk t-rxctlpttoS that ntit ma tltni anl hralthr
ta 'mere eonrenlent form, nrlt,- snon
ln. rir!ntlr.
-Adrrfllitraiiu IIKTl'X.
Omaha Mna..ud at h lAm-ct at .rtcorilt,onf. Urn, Mau(ln w
oc.l oun; no.nuta.Chrm.ur, M'0Cl-iby Mesdamea ten. Maddlson. ttlllln
itlon In honor o. MWs Kva K. Mor.
Ml Mitrila )n territorial iijoretary of
the cohi;e nsooulon of NehrasVa,
lawn. Katiatta, .'xittb-and South Dakota.
:Aftir lea.ns Orr.l.,t sie will Visit the
uthc- i't,l:as, art! utitveiMltl In Ne-
, brM;n. Hu'io p emit last nlifht wra:
Taothaclie Gum
'Vern btr.l;.
lMn.. Eely.
Ueatili'.- BtipKhart.
l.tlt- Kathne..
Tr!ife Nilson.
Iltllitl. g-.olt.
Mil 1 1 1 Mt'tIH.
heli.i. Ai dw'Miii,'
I 1st. j i So.vnuii.
Uracd .Mtilurray.
Maiy Abe ffldwtll,
fillai nl -tir.
Mjrm ( uflmsn.
l-fflei C!eland.
viola I'lerc.
Jit rt.o ilpap.
lle.rn tlfwlt.
Atriiet .Nleljen.
n, . .Mama,
throushout tho rcom and for the table
uud Over. The irtients pere:
little M'sses
Marr.a Mr('ut)t.
Mntxret Dean,
Norman Haldtilii,
Melten Carlson,
Marlon fitMllnttr.
DoW'Itt 1-ee Maupln.
tiittltt Mlse-
Kvelytt Fairy,
IJ'.ltan Mnddlson.
Kllln Baldwin.
Leonard Stllllnser.
Kdwln Maddlson.
Brfchc Olub Meeting.
Miss Hjrtenae Kads and Mils Francs
Wlllard vtll entertain the members of llw
Junior Hrldje Hub this evening at tl)-'
75Ti? ltefUrn,0n' i''ome ot Mt" :d' Tn0, P"'"1 bc
I mill.) Underbill.
NUi.tl Keiiy.
Htielah McCmw.
U.ace Murnhy.
Used ljr Million th" U'orU Over.
All drug atom ot by mail, Da
C. S. OCNT & CO.. DtTrtOIT. MieH.
Ktrp th Comp'.won tvtstitlfuL
JSfadine Face Powder
(bt Gram 9omt Oah-
'reduces a aoft. viv
appearance to much
Klla ratersnn.
Mary Walsh.
Mrac Paterson.
Vera Klnr,
f.aura raUraon,
Allcfi McUcnald.
RenlaU Davis.
'ppe Rowliy.
Ueorsl. Davlf
Mr. Georte Schllle.
Mary Shea.
Vera DuBnls.
loulee Anderson.
Mabel Matcher.
I.outve Schlndell.
t'hrlotte Lovely.
Horlens Kids.
Francis Wlllard.
Pevsaiil qo"in.
Mr. Paniuel Katr hja r ven up her '
boue on South Thlrtj-wonth and Jon
street and will make her home with her'
son. Mr. Jay Kata and Mr. Kata,
Mr. William rtothchlld and her daua;h- '
tr. Mis rtothchlld and Mrs. Jacob
son, who have been resldlnir with Mrs.
Come ti Omaha to Wed.
Mis' calllt Mat Whllt of renterrllle.
In., nnd Mr. rtarkp l-eddltiit o( Ual-
burg. Jil.i arrived In Otpaia Sunday o
that their widdlnr m'ght b celebrated 1
at the home ot Mr. and Mr. Cljarl
Kvtrson. IT South Twenty-e'Ehth, street.
who are filMifla of th brldn and nroom.
The ceremopy tooV place Monday even
i a vinrv at tho t.iimfa nf Mr. and
rtOduct m Kn, Tiv Kvraon. The rooms were decorated
ipearanca o mucn so- . . k , whu chryanthemum and
nirea, ana remain tiniti .
t i . rr lOfe.
Vt.-.,nwil l i, The bride wore whlto marQUl.ette over i Kati. have taken an apartment at The
l3m. charmeuse and In her ha.r waa . band Maty.and.
I'reVtnt uaburn aal cf pearl, fihe carried pwk roe. Uttla
return ot dWoratlt-s. ! Miss Marjorl Kverson was llpwer a'rl Pprt tlmek Clul).'
inure, rttw. : and wore a dainty pink frock and car- j ' MrJ Frjerck Dai- 0 f,r. crook tn.
r-'Afc. bsvnkitk. i Hcd a larae white rose.
By telle rounttrs or mrll, 50c thnQ , i.v. Thomas McConntll of the Wt i0f the Fort Crook Monday eluti. The I
k ntt eanmj fitana miniter church read the wefidina; line, jume was spent In rtadlnx akn i
JA4TK1.VAL Tolu.T vot?ANY. M laaai . Tne rhencrin bridal choru a Played icrtckut on the Hearth. dlscusnc current .
on the violin and piano by Mr. and Mrs. (events and with needlework. Tea was )
J. F. Ulmmlok. A reception followed tha served at t o'clock. j
Curemony a'hd twenty guests were pres. j j
, . .. . i Sonth Side Curd Olub.
, Mr. and Mr lleddlnic left that even- 8 h S(4ft Profrte Car(j cub
'inw for Mo iim for a via t with . mm w,jMday atUrnooIl :!a,
tlte. Lerore Koln ato UaleburB. wh.re 1 0-c-ocH Rt (nflr Fl)Ueenth a'nd q... '
they will reside. Ur ntvti The hotrea win beMt.
i damei. M CahlM, Chas Cavanaush and
Dinner Bt AH Siinti Prih Home. uiward b. Ddehanty.
A baxaar will b held Wednedy pt t.v !
Inir AM Slt' cbtirel. In tha .vrnlna ! UO'V t If ft JJ'nner.
! dinner nill be aerved from t to 7 o'clock. The Woman alllan of Unity opurch I
Ital4 hr Sarman-atrConnell Diuc Ca... Ostlirac
C,. ti luarr. Uirrarl Purattr, otstrs-
tliinsc tbt vratcr tratoa
Nut pprvu ( :. OittBA. Lt;i
torn ,( " tft 41 .
Salllssa a it Ww t .?aiii. lia
Quakas a. Ca T't la.tKkavitikln,
As Otbtr Wftt lnla r,rti.
Wt part'cuUta tt ulilift M ratta ami
Ttie Koral Mali Ml cam I'acket Co.
it Boatlf U taMa a, C'Jktc.
T- Bock K1I Karuata ttraat. Caulta.
and It Is expected a large crowd will be
will Bl the moMhly dinner IB - the
ererent. Mrs. T. Datli hat chirr of " . t..,.
the baxaar and Mrs. William IIIU Clark ,cemhr ' l ' 'cli
wMi have churse of the ten dinner table.
Miss Kiuabcth rtcktna win have the te Suffrage Luncheon at Loval.
(able and Mls Qlads Peters, aurtsted The Omaha sutfraie societies will
by M's Hruce and several other youoj tiejtn, - ' --,f- am- ajf
ataaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaar.-.JJ--- , . ; . . ,
1 WMMtt
i ' iiiaurFiitwuiTaiaaaaw fn. io iuts sua unatT mxsitaaxnt traae names. i -
You know the value of a fur
garment after wearjng it
not before
Buyers should select furs which
bear the brand of a manufacturer
that is a guarantee of their
Lanpher Furs have been madeHEor
37 years by expert designers and
furriers, whose product combines
style, beauty and reliability.
you ere contemplating the purchase of furs be careful to see
Lanpher Furs, The Lanpher Fur Book will assist you in your
selection of pleasing styles and models. Leading merchants show
them. No furs sold under mvleading trade names.
Manufactured by
Lanpher. Skianer & Co.
Su Paul

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