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THK BKK: OMAHA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 1), 1912. THE OMAHA DAILY B13EJ KOfXOMD BY KDWARD nOSKWATKK VICTOR ROSttWATltn, nolTOft. HKB ni'lt.DlNU. KAJIXAM A.V U 17TH. Bntered Ht Omaha poatofflce an seeoml iiatx matter. TBI WIS OP St-HSCIUPTIOS' Sunday Hee, one year ? Saturday nee, one year Ually lire, without Sunday, one ear. .u Itallj Hee, and Sunday, one year- D13MVBRHD V CAUIUKK KverJnp and Sunday, per month . nvenlwr. without Sunday, per month. c Jially nee, Including Vnnday. per mo. t. Hasly Ilee, without Sunday, per mp.. Vhi Addreaa all complaints or Irrepilarltlo In delivery to City Circulation Dept. RBMITTANCBtf. Hemlt by draft, txpies or poMal order, paable to The llee Publish Ink Company. Onlv S-ecnt stomps received In payment of email accounts. Personal check, ex cept on Omaha and eastern exohante, not accepted. OFPICR8. Omaha The Bee building. South Omaha 1318 N street. Council Hluffs-H North Main street. Uncoln-2 Utile hulldlnp. Chlcaso 1MI Marquette bulldlntf. Kansas City Reliance bulMInC New York -34 West Thirty-third St touls-403 l"rico hulldliiK. WanhlnKton-TK Fourteenth Ht.. N. V : CORIUiSl-ONDBNCtt. 'ommunlcutlont relating' to news ana editorial mutter should be addressed Omaha Bee. EtlltoTlal Department. " NOVKMiinn cfncuiJATioN- 49,805 State of Nebraska, County of UouKlas, ss nwlcht Williams, circulation manager if Tho Hee l'nbllihlni company, beiijir 1uty sworn, nays that the average dally circulation for tho month of 'vembor, 1912 was 49,805. D WIGHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager Subscribed In my preitenco and sworn to before mo this Mh day of Oiember. 1 ,r ROIJBRT W'NTHR. (Seal.) Notary Public. Siiltscrlliers Irnvlnir Ihe city Pinpornrll' should linvi'. The lire mulled in Oiein. Address will lie fliiuised n often n ro liieated. Do It today. City Plnnninr, j Mayor Dnhlman, at the Instance of J tho Heal ldit ate Mohan, Is muring! towards the formation of a volnntoer i in- coinmittw that will work to tho ond! HARRIMAN MERGER DECISION It It of Itrnsoti. Chlrngo Record-Herald, another unanimous decision-Justice lUi.Hlaf lw, H...llnlnt.... I 1. the Omaha. Tho purpose In r ' TJhu "e cour .. In., f.,-' I" view is to hrlng about, ns far as pos siblo, a readjustment of the general linos on Clilch the city is laid out, to;0" m followed, in spite of many the ond Ihnl the comfort and con-. """" '""eu VAiilntui- r.f tint olltvntin rr fl XT tin! cilit:ut! wi liiu iiidvim inn; iw vj scoured. Detalla nt thin time cannot bo discussed, befnuno n Roneral study must bo made, and dlfforont plans formulated, before tho mntter tan bo Blvcn full consideration. However, If Omaha la to bo tflvon the benefit of modem Ideas In city plannlnc. now le tho time to commonce. Editorial Comment on the Supreme Court's Deliverance. which was owned by the Southern Pa cific, may pass to tho Union Pacific, so ns to ev It a through line to the Pa cific coast. Such a plan would require tho consent of tho court and would no doubt receive It, a that was a part of tho Koveriimont'a suggestion In bringing tho suit for the restoration of competi tion between tho transcontinental lines, tho acquiring of the Central Paclflo ex tension being the chief excuse of tho Union Pacific for getting control ot tho corporation which owned It. This de vision Is especially significant for Its possible application to other rallrond combinations. hss fuither strengthened Hnd elucidated the Hherman tniBt act. The rule of rca- ! explicable notion that to give tho 8h- 'man act u "reasonable" Interpretation Is somehow to emasoulate and destroy It. good msdo .(ormany's flat appears to bo still mailed. Happy tho man with tho price of ChriBtmaa shopping. Omaha's postofflco is beginning to looto llko tho real thing. In case wo ovor nnnex-Ilormuda Dr. Wilson probably could carry 'it. Madame Bernhardt'' must have thought wo did not hear her last au. rovolr. ltoston Is considering opon cars for wlntor. They would bo bettor than none. You must got Tho Doe In ordor to got tho news. This Is demonstrated every day. ; . '''''' Wilson gets two of California' oluctoral votes, but ho really did not lieed them. Maxluo Elliott modestly admits that marked beauty is a hlndranco to an actress. Omaha Is tho best oxamplo of a concrete mixture of business, pleas urc and vlrtuo over known. It may bo noted that, spite of tho promised relief, some of our cars aro far apart and badly Jammed. Fakirs who proy on the credulity of Buffering humanity ought to bo,, hunted out of every community. Dr. Morououd continues to ranln taln such silence as gives his cagor democratic brethren a docldetl pain. Amending the Constitution. Some IntcrcHMng fonturps are , dis closed by tho canvass of tho Vote on tho five amendments to the Ne braska stato constitution, submitted nt the rodent election. The' total vote cast at the olectlon was 259,121, and H the highest total . vato on an amendment, thiit tor the Initiative) and referendum, was 201,01,5. More than 21 per cont of the voters wore either careless or lndlfforont as to the fate of 'tho most significant of all the amendments proposed.' This va8 tho jUjos't popular gt the '.amend ments, though, for It received from 15,000 to 25,000 more affirmative, votes than either of the others. And here Is disclosed a rather paradoxi cal condition. Tho amendment to permit cities to frame' their own charters, (cortalnly a step In tho di rection of getting government closer to the peoplo, deceived 25,00'0 fower affirmative votes than did tho lultlatlve and referendum, while ovor 16,000 more, negative votos woro cast against (he proposition. Why was tho opposition to tho home rule amendment so strong. Ambassadors nnd Their Pay. .lames Dryco gives up an annual salary 'of $50,000 .in reslgning,,aa llr'ltlsh ambassador to tho United States. "Wero Whltelnw Hold to re sign tho American post at London ho would forfeit a salary of only $17,000 a year. That is a small part of what our 'ambass'ndor - spendH, however. It Is not as certain, on tho other hand, that Mr. Hryco's ex penditures nt Washington equal his salary. 'The ' tompornmonts and taatcH of these men wquld mako a k'pod ileal oX difference.. .but own so. tho jsoclol obllguUcjnB. of .tha.ofXJc.o ui niHuiii(iiuii uru uui iu uu iuiu parod with those at. tho Court of St. James, It has long been ndmlttod that a poor mnn, or one without a ruthor, elnstla purse string, would hnvo little business nt that august court in tho capacity of Amorlcan ambassndor. Hut oven If tho gov ornmont woro to lncrcaso tho stipend to equal a fair moasuro of tho obll gatlons, it would still aeom to re quire a man nccustomcd to tho nrt of spending money Instead of ono who could lot go only by dint ot shoer effort in order to hnvo the thing dono gracefully enough to sat lsfy tho amenities of tho position As things now stand, It appears that wo shall have to lot tho London Job 1)0 considered a rich man's. It's, more, social than business,, anyway; h . aMMM Sllfteil l'oliiii-t Itlon, Philadelphia Itetord. llurrlman was nn uncommonly boss, us railroad bosses go. He great Improvements In .tho roudbeds equipment and service of the compunles lie controlled. Hut he performod nome of the most extraordinary financiering In railroad history, and he denied to tho residents of the far west the advantages of competition, and III a uctlon was un lawful. Tho merger must dissolve, and other combinations of railroads should govern themselves accordingly. Properly A Iiip. UiulUlurhi il. Wall Street Journal. With the ultimate consequences of such a ruling made upon mergers consum mated slnco tho pnsslhg of tho Sherman law. It would bo premature to deal. That propurty valuca will bo disturbed It to hard for any student of modern corpora tion history to believe. A position Is, In fact, created which might call for tho legislation of sorno fair pooling system, beneficial alike to tho public and the rnllroadls, and controllod for tho general gooii iiy the I liters tn to Commerce com lived Hie IV Hex Molnos Iteglster and Leader. It la too early yet to cstlmato fairly Just what Iiuh been accomplished by tho trust prosecutions of tho Tuft administra tion. Hut It Is not too early to recognize that they havo paved tho way for a fair and final readjustment by which both business nnd tho public will profit. Ille gal combination and monopoly they havo finally driven from tho field. Trust or- guntxatloli, so popular a few years ago, has ontlrely ceased, ana voluntnry dis integration has In many Instances Het In. 13lg business has been Xorced to come to tint public. ' Leaves the Wny Open. rfew ork Journal of Commerce. The court In rendering the decision leaves tho wa) opon for tho adoption ot a plan by which the Central Pacific, The Laird of SUlbo has decided to salt down $25,000,000, which sum might afford hlnr a private library of. his own. Mrs. Hetty Green says shoharf eaton an onion ovory dayt for fttyK years. Sno is ono or the country s strong women. i, Having found a successor to old Doc Wiley, the Department of Agrl culture may now continue Its puro food campaign. The Anti-Saloon league Is out with tho assuranco that It will hold off Us tramnateu for state-wide prohibition until af tor tho woman's suf frago ! nnd "Bhoo Willi I Is the (in I ii f New York Times. However Interesting this may be to tho lawyers. It does not appear that It greatly concorns the man In the Btrect. The court does not find us matter of fact that the rates on the merger were unreasonable, and that they should bo reduced. The finding Is simply that competition was restrained by combination, and that re straint of competition in that manner Is unlawful. Tho order runs against the form of combination, not against Its acts apart from restraint of competition. Ac cordingly the form inUBt bo altered, but It does not appear that the effect upon rates will bo marked. No (ireul Chimin'. Chicago Nows, Despite a momentary flurry on the stock exchunge following the court's de rision, it Is cloar that nobody expects any great change to come with the new order. Iloth railroad systems aro fine properties. They should contlnuo to flourish. And the Interstate Commerce commission will have to watch tlicm as sharply In the future as It has hud to watch them In tho pot to seo that they charge only fair rates for service and do not dis criminate unjustly between sections or Individual shippers. Stockholder. Will Not Muffrt-; New York Sun. In other Words, a segregation ot the Southern Pacific's- onsets owned by the Hookino Backward lliisDay lnOinaha I iBIWUAD ( ROM BE.C DECEMBER 0, II Thirty Years Arc - wew officers of St. Johns' lodge for the ensuing year are James H. Brunner, master; 1L U. Hathaway, senior warden; Jcronio Coulter, junior warden; J. Ji Points, secretary. Major Jacob Itawle, Lieutenant K. V. Thomas nnd Mr. Chambers, constituting a board for purchase of horses for the Department of tho Platte, returned from Missouri where thoy have been engaged for two weeks selecting horses for the army. A number of gentlemen havo organized the Omaha gymnasium, Colonel K. V. Rniythe being chairman and C K. Craw ley secretary, with a membership of 10). Tho object !s to pull off athletic event. Tho wife of James II. Smith, residing at 2718 Durt streot, died. Douglas county gardeners have lnuug urateU a horticultural society with thou officers: President, M. Av Donaghuo: vice president, James Craig; treasurer, John Simmons; secretary, Will n. Shot- bolt; executive committee, E. C. Earth ling, John Parry and Mr. Mldgeley. A lawn tennis club composed of players, who have found the summer season, too brief, meeets every Saturday for prac tice in Contrail hall. The members are, Lloutenants Howard, tolden and Treat, Messrs. It. W. Patrick, Will McMllllon, E, Itaff, It. S. Berlin and the Mlraes Ber lin, nustin and lehmcr. Twenty Years Ago Hon, E. J. Halncr, congressman-elect from the Fourth district, was at the Murray. Hon, (Jeorge D. Melklejohn, congress man-elect from the Fifth district, was at tho Millard. Superintendent Tilly of the building de partment issued an order permitting Ed Uaumloy to repair the born at Seven teenth street and Bt. Mary's avenue that was crushed In by the snow during the recent storm. The barn will bo allowed HOW EDITORS SEE THINGS. Pittsburgh Distpatch Let us give Texas Unqualified credit for permitting that negro, to be hung by the law after seven trials for murder. According to lynching ethics, he might have naturally expected to be hung by the mob after the third, or fourth conviction., Cloveland Plain Dealer: British suf fragettes hod better oonflne themselves to the comparatively safe sport of smashing windows and cablnot members. If they keep on with their new pastime of pouring acid Into letter boxes a few of them may bo caught and lynched by a mob' unable to appreciate the force or delicacy of such arguments. Boston Transcript: Nobody ought to bo surprised at tho necessity for a spe cial deficiency appropriation of $20,000,000 to enable the government to cany out the provisions jot the act passed last sum mer. Pensioning grows with what it feeds on, and If the pension chargefor the next fiscal year does not exceed WX,000, the nation will be fortunate. TRIFLES LIGHT AS AIR. Qriggs Talk about aviation; look at tho price of coal. Brlggs Yes, and you'll notice that tho coal man. llko the aviator, is trying to avoid a drop. Boston Transcript, "Say, what are we going to do with all these old books? Nobody wants them." . . .. That's eaHy. liavo cm nasiuiy re hmind nrint nn the flv-lcaf 'limited cdi linn.' 'nut the nrice un to $50 per and sell 'em like hot cakes." Cleveland Plain Caalar. riir,tiiv tier hones of marrying the Count de Monnat wore dashed to pieces on the rocks. , ... Heggtc On what rocas, unouie; Chollle On the rocks her father sunk In Wall street. Judge. "niil h trin of the voung heiress to Europe to secure a title In tho matrimo nial market succeed?" 'Tes: though, strange to say. it was a baron result." Baltimore American. no von ri.llv believe, doctor. that your old medicines really keep anybody Oliver asked the skeptic. "Surely," returned the doctor. "My pre- ilieBee'sLel etBox II Itev. AVeilne (.'lea red. FULWCUTON, Neb., Dec. 5. To The Editor of Tho Beo: Thuradiiyr December t, tfio Niuico county court exonerated und Justified Hev. F. II. Wedge with the beat ing he gave Lawyer Itose of Genoa. Tills Is tho case thot (has. caused widespread attention over the country lhee January 17, the day on which llev. Mr. Wedge met tho lawyor at tho Genoa depot and demanded of hi in un explanation oh to why ho came to his homo -when, 'his wife wan 111 and ho (tho preacher) was awny from homo. I.awyor ltoso replied, ac cording to court testimony, that he had no time to talk to tho preacher. The preacher said, according to the court testimony, "You havo got tlmo to try to murder my wlfo; you have got to listen to me." Tlvo result was, when tho law yer put up his hand to push the mllilster away, tho prracher struckhlin, knocking him own. Itose, when on tho ground, said. "Olvo me a show." So th preacher let him up, gave him a show- and the re- sUlt wus the lawyer was knocked down flvo different times. The lawyer claimed as his part of de fenso that he was Injured permanently, thut two ribs wero broken and a kidney .'jarred -four' Inches out of Its place. The f X-ray proofs were thrown out of court. Mrs. Wedge, with Tier lu-montns-oui boy. was ut the trial.'' testified that Rose did conlo to the homo and stood by her husband through the. legal battlCi This completely clears llev. Mr. Wedgo before the public and t) court and gives him cloar title to go on In his work: In fact, tin) church had toveral months before exonerated tho preacher,, but the lawyer was pofsrsterit In hW effort to ruin the young pastor's future and had madettho case so serious that If convicted of tho orlmo Itose charged Wedge with, It would havo meant from one to five onr in thn nenltmvtlary. When the ver- Unlon Padflo will bo enforced such as to remain until spring, when its destruc was enforced In the cases of tho Stand- Hon will be ordered, nrd Oil company and the American Miss Dundy could not have planned a Tobacco company. Tho original Stand- more charming affair fir her guest, Miss ard Oil and American Tobacco stock- Illchards of Douglas, Wyo., than the holders did not suffer much by that fancy dress party she gave In tho even segregation; nor do wo.bollove that tho ing. It was an Ideal night for the com ITnlon Pacific stockholders will bo hurt mingling of gay spirits and Omaha's by tho execution of a similar process, society set was out in the burst of bloom Tho Btoclc of tho Southern Pacific Is far with dresses representative of consplc- moro vaiuaDie now than it was at the uous events and sentiments, men and. time tne union Pacific bought it. women. ------ The .Bock Island officers announced they progress. At all events while the e,r , S . h a writer does not advocate a panacea for 7TU '"Sm ' "hourt opera all Ills It is still tnm fh.t immm. tors seemed to be quitting faster than ro- ,nnf m i. ,.i . ' . Burning work. ' V.VS vt uv IUUMC il( II 11 9 iV.Tl'UVt. OKOHQE WEINDENFELD. Itiielnl Intcffrltr. OMAHA, Dec 7. To tho Editor of The llee: "Defending tho Lynch Law" Is tho Railway and Qther'RYgtit&tipn... , The Railroad Trnltunan, a Joiirrtal published In'-the Interest of railway oij'iplbyos;, .recently rnstjd tho question,- "itt-rallway regulation Is' Hitch' uu u.x,cu:iuii(.-ujiiif; ior, uui (iiiuiiy ijn- enuso It protects the public from tho arbltraryiMmposltlonHi of . the -rall- roadsi .why ijs lt not just as -gdod t thing to bo applied to other corpor ations?" ' ' And thuro is a good duul of ground for tho, question, too.. The railroads aro nblo to cjre for their own cnBO, dict of "not guilty" was read the Judge but It Is strange that the consumor had great difficulty In controlling the ap- does not seo more keenly that the'i'la ' 'e alienee "urt? ' -, - ,- . v und tho many friends ot nov. Mr. edge law opposes no Incrousod cost to-hfal o";j,:,Khout ,,l0 tate are. rejoicing today as vigorously as. that of rallvrt(vj t0CaU80 nu bus won both battics-ln the Ten Years A go The tax committee of the Real Estate 1 exchange asked the Board of Review to place an assessment of J3t,K)0,000 on the title of a letter 'which vnu In Property of the Union Paclflo taxable In your issue- of December ir, i.y Omaha. That represented an advance of Med." . ' morn man j.,ow,w. The complaint waa To "Ned" the n,hi..n f e W George T. Morton and. filed tlmo and of the future M "the lust of the wlth tho bollrd by J' "' Mcintosh, (ittor black man.1'' Td tlin noirrn the irre.t nrnh. ne,y for tn exchange. lem Is raclul Integrity. Arid with numer- ',Soc,al Evolution" was the subject of ous "Nods'1 In tile- land: the problem be- ,no ,ecluro 'r- a. w. Howerin at comes almost insurmountable. For while 41,0 I,rst Congregational church in the ftNed" is.oulto eacer hav, a Tietrro evening. He said there wore two ncliool lyncneu, pevause' or; wnatlio- calls his - --e-j ..w..i,b an "lust," lie .does not attempt Ut argue for uur soclal "'"'cuiues win De rcmeuisa iy racial integrity, oxceiit Insofar ua It re- lne Kraaua" ana inevitable advancement lilies to the question of black men and ot society due to evolution, tho other .urg white women, regardless of their unmor- InS tl10 necessity of hastening the solu. allty or Immorality; No effort is made tloM of our "oclal Problems by Intelligent, to explain the. existence of1 several mil- concerted action. lions of mulattoes In our country. In-1 George Thompson, district foreman ot deed, the late moralists do-not attempt tM0 Omaha shops of the Union Pacific, to discuss this ugly fact. I became master mechanlo of tho Nebraska But thcro Is some hope for the f uturo division, succeeding M. K. Barnum. who of tho Integrity of the races, If all tho I resigned to accept a similar position with "Neds" and" Blcases will uso their talents tho Southern railway. to prevent the wlilto ,mcn, whoso convlc- Th retail grocors were having a merry .. . ....... I 11.11. . 1 . . i . lions aro less pronounced, man tneirs, !. wru mr over- me perxonuei 01 from making more remote the day when their legislative committee. Some wero we may refer to racial integrity without objecting to' Harry Fischer as head of guilt or shame. , that -committee, while some Insisted on In the few, years we hve had slnco having no other but FJscher. slavery In which to re-establish family life, we liavo dono retnarltably well. And we aro doing all wo can? to save the women of our race and our racial integ rity from, those who would lynch a black man for crossing- the "line,"' while boast ing of the ruin of they have wreaked on somo helpless colored girl. But as bad us that picture is. we will succeed In our struggle for racial integrity.. - II. J. PINKBTT. People Talked About AS THEY SEE OMAHA. operation. Tho fuel, food, clothing rourt and out ot the court. plants adVanco their prices! -wsy. t. campaign Is over. This Is wlsdam for the prohibitionists, but Is it nolng to help the suffragists? Republican leaders, discussing tho future of tho party, ngreo that It has u glorious mission, and that It will bo the dominating factor in the history of tho American poopleFJust as It has been for thofast half cort-1 iury. It has woathered fiercer nlbyoB, norms than that of 1912, and has'-j always come back stronger aa a re--j milt of the experience. President Taft's efforts In behalf of better credits for tho furmor will jear fruit If the conference of gov ernors has any weight in shaping legislation. And this ono thing has n it mora of real benefit for the producers than all tho promises nado by the rampant opponents of he president during the late campaign. on tho 'f llhislest 'Of1 prdtdxttf. " For lif Blanco, tho tcxttlo Industry, which, after d florco struggle ' with miser ably paid mon, women nnd children, was forced to-ndvnnco wages, paid a little, Increases Its costs to the con sumer on'tho theory, (ot nij Increnscd c,ost i production, when, thoMruth Is, its cost of production dqes 'not yot allow' fair '.wages to ull df.'lts em- Tho cdal " barons, times without number, have wuployod similar tnctlcs. Tho shoo Industry announcos an lucroasu lu tho price ot shoos, giving ns .un excuse that leather has become so scarce as a result of the enormous demand of automobile makers, it Is a question of getting shoes at any price. Yot no ono with the price has to go bare footed any more than does a man who Is -nblo' to buy coal havo to do without It. The railroads, most of which ure making good returns on their Invest I'.leetlOH Intvr OhmiK;. OMAHA. Dec. i.-To tho Editor ot The Beo; You havo rrcnucnuy b for a more businesslike manner 01 111.,.. h,. refrlatratlon of VOttlH, OHO llllll'lll llf. ... that would savo the taxpayers time ana , m0ney, after all. York Times: Omaha Is going to confine the number of Its saloons to 160. It looks ns though It might be difficult for an outsider to get waited on at' all. York Times: Omaha has tho same mayor under the commission plan that It had under tho old Bystem. In either case we believe the' people are likely to get about what the majority want. '.Beartlco Express: Dr. Loreni:, the Berlin surgeon, got JtfO.OOO for tho Lollta Armour congenital hip Joint operation. Pr. Lord of Omaha got nothing for the bringing Joy to the life of Mabel Wlttkowskl, Lorenx gol tho reputation. Reputations are often measured by scrlptions have kept threo druggists and their families alive in this town for twenty years." Harper's Weekly. 'Thnt mnn talks a CTent deal, but J"Ol must admit that he's wide awake." "Well," replied Farmer forniossoi, re flectively, "you couldn't expect a man to fall asleep "during one of his own speeches." Washington Star. fVuiM vnn aimnnrt m v tliuichtpr In the style to which she has been nccustomed? "I havo never tried BUch rigid economy, sir." Puck. . ITI II I ...... I II. ml... nlni.nlnrf tin jLiiu, iuquiri-u ..ii. juicj, rutins. ii,, - over the door of the postofilce, "what Is the meanln' of thlm letters, jilk;luai.- VIII7' " "They mean eighteen hundred an nine ty-eight." "Tim. don't It Mthrlko you thot tney rn carryln' this spellln reform entolrely too far?" Youth's CTomnanlon. I EASING A GROUCH. Chicago Journal. A yard or two of stuff that's called H skirt, A waist that's made of somo expon slvo lace, A pair of shots that aro so tight thcr hurt, Some padding out In Just the proper ' place, A hat that costs nine times what it ia worth; A peck or two of someone elso's haln A complexion bought moBt anywhere on earth, A corset that Is too tight everywhero, A bundle of artistic temperament. A flow of conversation that is light, A passing whiff of some delicious soent, A show of vanity from morn till nlght- And that's a woman. A bag ot wind Inflated without causo! A blowhard and an ardent egotist Who knows more than the ones wha made tho laws; A set of teeth, a mustacho and a fistt Somo shoulders that are padded out ot shape; A smell ot burned tobacco that la stale; I A blossom on tho nose from festlvo grape; Borne stories that mako modest folic turn pale; A punk cigar that sizzles nil day long; A thing whose chlefest aim Is Just to eat; A party who Is right all, others wrong, Who's always S9 per cent concelt ' And that's a man. ESHSESBSHSSSHSgJaBSESasgsaSgf temper. Why not devise somo measure bo as io muko It possible for a citizen who baa not oluuiged his residence to remain registered and uuftlltted to vote? Why not havo a central reglstratlpn phice, open the year around for any who nltor their- place of abode'.' Why not huve a less cumbersome 'method of leglstratlon-one that will eliminate the five books now used and the attetiuant Fremont Herald; Omuha ought cer tainly to feel proud of the Brandels in terests, which hayo Just offered to give real estate to the -value of 50,000, condl- tlonod only on the erection of .a tTCftGOO hotel thereon. It Is such, men as make ottfes, and the Brandels peoplo have cer. talnly done their share In tho upbuilding of the city in which they have made tholr fortune. It only needs a Fremont . t.A wlilrli 1 reneweil xpyn iu i . ' i.i. ' Urandels ttf Insure a fin hotel for thl tuen venrr uy nvi nv svstem such as any modern business Tho unfortunate disclosures made n connection with the reglstra ion of members of the State Teachers' association Indicate tho jccesslty for action to put tho con rol of that organization Into tho lands of Its real members. 8ome hlng 1b radically wrong when It Is icsslblo to pull off such stunts as Uat which resulted In $1,321 being etwrned to the Lincoln Commercial lub. house would have or something equally as good TO safeguard against tamper ing we have tho officials' oath of office and If need bo wo can apply a penalty that shall bo an effective deterrent to crookedness and easily applicable. Why not also modify within reason our election laws so us to make them more serviceable andustT Why ehould elec tion JudgiMn and clerks In South Omaha receive $6 and In Omaha only 5fi Why town. Sholton Clipper: The Nebraska Stato Teachers' association, which closed tn Omaha November S, was the largest ever. Five thousand eight hundred teach ers were In attendance and on every side were comments of praise for Omaha be cause of the excellent way the convention was handled. From all parts of the state letters have been pouring into, the pub lldty bureau from teachers expressing their appreciation and good wishes for mnnts nevnrtholnss aro navintr more are Ucl1 n-loes so far underpaid whentOmaaa and Its hospitality, ments, neertlioieas are pajlng-, ruoroj wng,dcni th ,onB 0Ur8 re(JU,rea ln Beatrice Sun: A numbei for everything they buy, labor In cluded. Why not, Indeed, look after tho clothing, food, fuel and other In dustries with as much diligence us wo give to the railroads? An Illinois paper speaks of tho "luxuriant" styles of slippors this winter. ' But thoy probably will feel Juet the same to the naughty little boy, who takes a premature dip Into his ma s Christmas rake number of uplift so- service? Why, in Justice, Is it neces- clelles in Omaha banded together Tor sary to count the ballots Immediately the purpose of pushing through the city after thev are east. Inasmuch as the' council an ordinance creating a social They came to tne com- meeting armed with reams nuvr liwy nit, vm, ,iiniivi, wo mr hvi . ... successful candidate never assume of-1 service board, flee till 'months afterwards? Thus we ! mlsclouers' nu could reasonably pay all the clerks and fudges of election by the day and only require them lo count eight hours each day. lu such manner better service would ' be attained because the men would be In good physical condition to give their best service ft III another method would he to have counters whoso of speeches and bushels of oratory. They had their breath taken away when the commission adopted tho ordinance with out a dissenting vote and shut off all reason for setting loose the speeches that were to mako an epoch in uplift progress. Some people are disappointed when re sults come without a blare ot trumpets Miles uuld lie to oount the votes as land a display of red fire. Heroro decorating the, Christmas tree with cotton whiskers, be sum the Insur anco policy carries the right figure. Uncle Andy Carnegie has, no. Intention of , pensioning newspaper men. The road to enduring fame beckons htm in vain. Hie Tennessee society of New York pulled off a "speechless banquet" last Monday night. Hamlet without the ghost walk l now a possibility. Baltimore has an anti-noise committee directing Its steam against factory whistles. Baltimore Is an old town. Age objects to rude awakenings. Democ ratio eagerness tor federal pie Is not spurred hy hunger. Not much. It Is' a humane enterprise a desire to help republicans shake off the tyranny of habit. Frank Tilford has purchased for his daughter. Miss Julia Tilford. society girl and business woman, the largest poultry farm In the world, about three miles from Lakewood, N. J. Mrs. John Cummins of Woburn, Mass., is the owner and manager of ono of the largest farms ln New England, She oul-l tlvates 400 acres, dispose of the milk from, twenty-six cows, keeps two stalls in tho Boston market and raises 2.000 hogs a year. Claude Grahanir-Whlte, aviator, fixes 1915 as the year for his flight over the Atlantic The trip requires four engines ot 2C0-horse power each and four tons of petrol. Carrjlng that weight calls for considerable experimenting. As a sinker It would be inconvenient. M. Paderewskl has virtually given up thn role of virtuoso and devotes his time to composing music, rather than to play ing lti After a youth full of pathos, some of the tragedy of which he put into his playing, he hss retired to his Swiss home, happy In the comradeship of his wife. Miss Mae Patterson, who Is 3 years old. has won the first prize for corn growing in Calhoun county, Arkansas. Her corn field meaaurea just one acre ana waa cultivated under the supervision of the Agricultural Department of the United States. This prjze winning acre Is part of the farm on which Miss Patterson Uvea with her father. Charles O. dates, who is writing the life story or the late John W. Gates, his father, says that there never was a prom inent man more misunderstood. "He was not the big plunger that people pictured him. He had none of the small acts that characterise many financial magnates. His methods were dltect. They puzzled Wall street, because he made a, habit of telling the- truth" or else saving uothlnr Wimiter T: raps Twelve Fast Trains Daily Between Omaha anil Chicago Jm0 Round Trip Excursion Tickets Are on Sale Daily via the C. C& N. W. Ry. to Florida, Cuba, New Orleans, Mobile and the Gulf Coast lThe splendid trains of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway between Omaha and Chicago connect at the latter city with all lines to the South and South east, forming a passenger service that cannot be surpassed. Through railway and ttaamihip tiehtlt arm alto on lata to th Mtdittrranean, th Holy Land and to all European citimt. Sleeping car reservations and reservations of space on steamships to points named above given prompt and careful attention. Trains Leave Omaha for Chicago 7i40 a. m. 6:00 p. m. 8:50 p. m. 12.-05 p ru Gf3S p rn. 12.45 a. m. 7:55 p.m. All Daily . Tfte Beat of Everything Ticket Qffictt Chicago and North Western Ry. ' 1401-1403 Famam Street r ir ii si ii ii ii is i ft ga5HgS5HSa5a5H5g5B5a5H5a5a5S5B New Daily Train to Dayton and Springfield, 0. Composed of Cafe and Parlor Cars and Coaches, provides additional first-class service leaving and arriv ing at convenient hours via Pennsylvania Lines Leaves Chicago 12.20 p. m. Arrives Dayton 8.00p.m. 1 Arrives Springfield 9.15 p.m. For tickets and further Information , ni Address W. H. ROWLAND, Traveling Passenger Agent 319 City National Bank Building-, OMAHA Jot oomao Reeky Mouatala Limited 10:47 p. m. Colorado -California Express 1:50 p.. m. Dauy to Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo t via Rock Islaad Liaes Tickets and reservations 1323 raraaa Street, Cor. Mtfe. null OoaiUa 428 Mttmwlis H335ST mm