Newspaper Page Text
2 TUB I3KK: OMAIIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1913. Order Your Easter Gown Made to Your Special Measure Thp now dress goods and silks are hero. Every woman who wishes every dollar of her money to reach its utmost in 6tyle, value and exelusivejiess should visil our Indies' Tailoring Dept. "Whatever yjour 'individual taste in color, in fahric, we will see that you get it. SpeciahSale: of Gingham House Dresse$ Just received, a large shipment of house drosses, made from a good quality of gingham, in neat stripes, checks, plaids and plains, in all desirable colors; on QO special sale Friday in hasement iOC i Special Sale of Gen uine Navajo Indian Rugs Now in basement An opportunity to secure the genuine articlo at a re markably low price. UU AND SDGARMAN BILL DISCUSSED Home Spends Morning Considering it in Committee of Whole. PURPOSE OF THE MEASURE Author 9rju It Im Intended .tp Pre' . Tent Collnalnn of Justice of the Fence, Loum Aharki unci Installment Houses. (From a Staff Correspondent.)- LTNCOIjN. Neb., Feb. 20.(Speclal Tele gram.) Th committee of the whole Douse spent moat of th morning; discus-sfiig- the Surarman bill to limit the Juris- diction of Justices .of tha, peace to the dia L trlct In whlcTi' they,aVe,'crecfed."-nepr'e. sentatlve Bimwman ..aaya be seeks .to remedy a rotten condition In 9ouh. Omaha, where Held; loan sharks; 1n atallment houses and justices work hand In hand. Henate Kills Women's Mil."""" The senato this forenoon Indtflnltely postponed the bill establishing- the hours which girls and women should work !n stores, etc. , " ' " Definite action on the Chappell "III lo peallng the law which forblds draining of natural lakes In 'Nebraska was post poned In the stats House Thursday, after the measure had been discussed In tho committee of the wholo. It was laid over for one day In order that members .night have a chance to inform themselves on the bill. A motion td Indefinitely post pone th measure was defeated, and It was then held up for a day without losing Its place on ths.iienerni idle. .n MADERO HOT LIKELY TO ESCAPE WITHOUT v TRIALOF SOMMIND (Continued from rage One.) msnt was considering the advlsablUy. of bringing him: before a lunacy commission. Humors that all was not going Well between General Huerta ana Felix iJlas were discounted today by the fact that tha two held frequent conferences re garding the conduct of affairs and often addressed each other by their first name. - jnlted Statea'AinbassaJlor "Vllson, who has Uken such-a-lteen.. Interest In the establishment of.tjie .riep, administration. ' was'ln council with both' Oe'ner'al lluetta and Dlas and was made the recipient of frank confidences by both. One Change In Cabinet. The cablncet at first agreed upon by Huerta and Dlas was confirmed In al respects except In connection with the) ministry of finance. In whth .Escfulval Obregoii was substituted 'J0r Carlos O. Ds Coslo. The names'f,fAe.tortfoUa were suggested partly pMtW Anil PhfJf by Huerta. - Apparently none of thosa closeyti;n nected with the new administration 'feaf. any untoward occurrence. The. ' senate appears to be In thorough accordfyyltb' the new government, but there' is . jv such hearty co-operation from the, dep uties. Many of tho deputies belong to the modern radical school and, are In clined to look on General Huerta and his government with considerable susVlclnn. The wording of the Jolnt'reslgnatlqn of Franclaco Madero and Jose Pino Suarex was made public today. It Is In marked contrast to Uie usual verbose documents written In such cases. It says: "In view of the events which hava oc curred from first to last In th nation and for the greater peace of our country We make this formal resignation of, our posts of president and vice president.' Tha new administration Is utilising ' practically alt the old machinery of gov ernment, although numerous officers wcr removed temporarily from their jfosUj mong these were' the chiefs nt departments, whom the secretary of wur placed finder nominal arrest, but released after brief detention. Dta Denies nesponslblllty. Felix Diss today denied responsibility for the execution of Gustavo Madero ahd Adolfo Basso, superintendent of the na tional palace. Tha official report on the death of Gustavo Madura says: "He was' "being relnoved from one wart of the arsenal to another wheti h mad e dash forllberty. -The officers In charge tired at him and killed him.' Adolfo Basso, an old man. was killed Inside the rebel lines. , , Tha death of Gustavo Madero. Is still a chief topic of. conversation among the populace. Many people today sought for souvenirs of tho dead politician and one person paid $15 for a fragment of his eye glass. Juan Sanchez Atcona. private secretary of Francisco Madero, and Jesus ITreueta, itadtro's chief supporter In the' Chamber of Deputies, were added to the list of prisoners yesterday. They had escaped from tho cljy In an automobile during tha upheaval at the national palace, but were captured between here and the coast. A telegram waa sent today to the Parts rasldenca of'Forflrlo Diaz, the former dic tator, by Felix Dlz his nephew, and (rsseraiOiusrtJt. tb new provisional pres. I Children's Ideal Waists 3d Floor Children's cambric waists, plain or puffed front, 2 to 14 yre., 25J Children's cambric waists, em broidery trimmed, 3 to 14 years, at 50ci Boys' Ideal waist, medium or heavy weight drill, 3 to 10 years, t 25d HOWARD 3T Ident, In which tho ajred general was In formed. . "You havM been avenged against your rormcr enemy. Y. SI. C. A. Dnmnoje Forty Thnnsnnil. NEW YOIUC, Feb. 20.-The International committee of the Youngi Men's Christian association today made public the fol lowing telegram received from the Yaung Men's Christian association In Mexico City: ' 'Trouble apparently over. All sate. Association loss. 410,000." Qualification for Ideal Woman for a. Wife Are Defined HANFOaD. Cal., Feb. 20.-In reply to tho query, "What constitutes the Ideal Vvoman for a wife?" which He sent broadcast among the young men of Han ford, Rev. W. C. Ixomls, pastor of the First Methodist church of this city, re ceived more than a scorti of descriptions but he considers the following the best of all: "The Ideal woman for a ' wife should have these qualifications: The volco of Melba the tnlent of Padorewskli the flgtlre of Vcnusi the grace of a Sylph; tho vivacity of a coryphees eyes like the soft glow of r moonlight evening; an alabaater-IIko complexion! tho virtues of a nun; the charm of Cleopatra; tho meekness of Moses; the patience of Job; tho forbearance of Ijirarus; the zeal nf a rrojan; the constancy of Caesar's wire; the Capabilities of charwoman; tns purse of Hetty Oreen, and hair, of tier uwn, Presiding Officer " Stdps Preacher in y Midst of Prayer INDIAWAPOLIS. Ind.. Feb. Io.-Ltii ienant Governor O'Neill caused a atmsa tlon In th senate today when he stonoed Bev. 15. R. Henry of the Kmmanuol Bap tist church of this city, who was making mo opening prayer, and said; "fltop making a political specclu" The minlstar had prayed for the sep araiion 01 tne "rum traffic" from the sime ana ror "tno comjng of tho day wnen inaiana would refuse to sell to men tne-right to make other men drunkards; The lieutenant governor, who had been showing signs of Impntlence, vigorously banged the marble slab with his gavel and commanded the minister to stop. He' ordered the Journal to be read and Bev, Mr. Henry Immediately left the chamber Rubber Receivership JJoes JMot Apply to Foreign Companies BOSTON, Masa.TTfeb. S0.-The state TOent made 4n these dispatches Tuesday inat-tne receivership -appointed for Oeorge A'. Alden & Co., dealers In crude -.ubber (Of Bos'toq.' also applied to the subsidiary tlrms of A. H. Alden & Co or jnaon and Adalbert Alden & Co, of Para. Brazil, was erroneous. Becelrei-s were appointed for the firm of Geonrn A. Alden & Co. of Boston, but tha men. tlon of the London and Par a firms in this connection was an error. INSURANCE ADJUSTER CONVICTED OF ARSON NBW YOBK. Feb. SO. - "iszy the painter's" confessln that he had fired fcX) houses at the behest of a local "arson trust" bore first Xrult today In the con viction of Bobert J. Bubln. an Insuranco adjuster. The Jury returned a verdict of guilty or second degree arson after twenty minutes' deliberation. Bubln faces a term of Imprisonment up to twenty-five years. Half a docen other alleged members of the "arson trust" are to be tried later. Fort Madison BIni Drops Dead. FOBT MADISON, la.. Feb. Ja-Joseph Pruellage, a saloonkeeper, fell out if bed t his home here early today. His wire, under the Impression that he was look. Ing for his shoes, waited for ilm to staod up and when he did not, investigated. She found him dead. Heart trouble was the cause. The National Capital Tuaradart February UO, 1013. The Senate. Began debate on river and harbor ap propriation bill. Finance committee endorsed Lodge bill ior inrui wmiinision or live members. Senator Lodge's bill for a tariff com mission of five members was endorsed By the senate fnanee committee today wltn. oui uncussion ana witnout opposition, The llonse. Besumed debate on Sundey civil apnro nriatlon bill. Chairman Hav of military affairs com. mlttee introduced bill to reduce number ui ouictra bjiowcu eaca army rcglmsnt. Mm IKK IS KKN, Km KK WAattMAl A t-J VIJ1I1 V 1IUU1 VIIUV ' American May Now Send Money Through Mexico Banks. COUNTRY IS GENERALLY QUIET Itenl Test l.ln (nmr When Ttme Arrlte for Military IteRlme. to Tnrn Over Affairs ' to Civil Officers. WASHINGTON. Feb. 20,-Order Is oe- Itlg restored In Mexico City. Ambassador Henry lanp Wilson so notified the State department today Belatlves of Ameri cans In the Mexican capital may send money direct to banks, although It may be sent through the embassy If desired. Although quiet prevails by day the -am bassAdor reports many looifcrs abroad by night. The American embassy reliefcom- mlttce Is actively "relieving sufferers Among the sick, wounded and destitute. Consuls report anti-American feel I tin subsiding In tho states where the circu lation of falne statements concerning plans of the United Htates has aroused enmity, The populace In Cludad rof- flrlo Diaz appears Indifferent over the results in Mnxlco City. Bnltlllo Is quiet. News of the change was recelvol with great Joy lr Uurango, where the gover nor and federal commander tasured Con sul Hamm they would accept the Huerta government. Federal and local officials In Vcr Cruz promised Consul Canada that order will be maintained. Conmil Edwards says Ciudad Juarez Is quiet and that the news from the national capi tal was received with little jurprlae. He said nothing had been heard from tho rebels In the outlying' districts wlinsn, ac tions might make the future proble matical. Washington again Is In telegraphic communication with Acapulco, long a center of antl-Amerlcnn demonstration. Heat Test Is to Come. The-' real test la looked for In the pro vision for the holding of popular flec tions and the willingness of the -ilefacto government to .surrender .control to tho officers chosen by tha people. Ho long as Mexicans alone are Involved In the summary executions and deporta tions there can be no Interference on tho part of this government, although It has been chanred that possibly Ambassador Wilson and members of diplomatic corps of Mexico might unofficially useMhelr in fluence for mercy. There Is nothing for tho United States to do at this Juncture, .but to permit the situation tor develop normally In the, ex PfCtauon that the Mexican people will bo ablo to erect ft permanent government representing their wishes on the wreck of the Madero establishment without out side aid. war department officials today were at a loss to understand the complaint from Governor Colquitt of Texas against the policy pursued by the administration n the conservation of peace along the border. Brigadier General Stover has es tablished what 'the soldiers regard, as a most efficient military patrol along tho entire northern boundary of Mexico, and although lie Is In position to know pre else conditions in the neighborhood of this lino, up far he has failed to report any causes of complaint which Governor Colquitt has mentioned. The general staff feels It unnecessary to ,add to th uorucr patrol. Marines Off for OiiHiitaiinnio, PHIIAPBLPHIA. Feb. S0.-The goV- ernmcnt transport Meado with 1,200 mi rlncs on board sailed from the Philadel phia navy yard at 8;I0 a. m. today. The marines will bo held In reserve at GUan- tannmo, Cuba, to await developments .n Mexico. SMALL UNITS MUST REORGANIZE PARTY (Continued from Page One.) January 11. 1913 Hubert Li. Uucklnzhnm. at Plalnvlew; reappointment; commission oxpirea January jo. w, B. Alexander, at Orchard; reappoint ment: commission expired January 11M William A. drum, at Coleridge; reap point men t; commission expired Janu ary I.t UucV C. Partridge, at Kenesaw, reap. pouumeni,, commission expired Janu nrv 11. John F, iJlener, at Syracuse, reappoint ment; commission expired February . Albert W. Sear), at El wood; commission expired February 10. January IT Bay Hicks, vice Slmllen L. l'enu. commission exnlres March 31. January 23 Wilfred I.. Doreey, at l.ouls. vino, reappointment; commission expired January za. February t Andrew B. Anderson, at Florence; of flea became presidential on January. 1. Benjamin V. Colburn, at Palmer, vice Orrln 'Peck, deceased. Abraham J -Gray, at Blverton; office became presidential on January 1. Jacob 11. Jlmerson, at liberty; office became presidential on January L Albert M'. Knight, .at Belgrade; office became presidential on January 1. Harry, P. Flncher, at Odell; offico be- camu Tiesiqenuai on January i. Fay Whitfield, at Peru, reappointment; Commission expired December 1L New Postal Station. The Postdtflro department has Issued an order establishing station No. 4 At Railroad avenue and Madison street, South Omaha, effective March 16, 1913 Additional Appropriations, The sum of 50.000 for Nebraska build ings was added to the public bulldlntc bill to bo reported tomorrow by amend ments adopted by tho committee today In the senate. Of this sum, $135,000 Is for Alliance, 1100.000 for Wahoo and 165.000 for -Falls City. They were added at the request of Senator Brown, who appeared before the committee In the matter. Money for Beatrice. An amendment to the public building bill to set aside 13,030 for seeding, sodding and the construction of walks around tho Beatrice postofflce was offered by Sen alor Brown today. eorge Marshall of Fremont, Is In Wash- Ington and called on his friend an'1 neighbor. Bepresentatlve Stephens. Mr. Marshall has some business at the pat ent office. KCIKMA CtlltBU IX SO TO ilO D1YS. The Paris Medicine Co., M34 Pins street. fit. Louis. Mo., manufactures of Laxa tlve Bromo Quinine, have a new and won derful dtscovcry. GBOVE'S SA-NABB CUTIB, which they guarantee to curs any case of ECZEMA, no matter of how long standing, In 10 to 30 days, and will refund money If It falls. GBOVE'S SA NARB CUTIS Is perfectly clean and doss not stain. If your durugglst hasn't It. send us Wc In postage stamps and It will be stnt by mall. Advertisement. Illinois Hlur Laws Are Valid. 8PBINOFIEL.D, 111., Feb. W.-Municipol "blue laws" forbidding butcher shop and moving picture shows to be open on Sun. day were sustained today by the state suprrme court T4)e decisions were on appeal from the enforcement of city or' dlnanoM of Sfirtngflsld. K NhA S K AK MM W WM ft A V & t W II Willi AT MAMV mnnVTCTC ni mn"1 wuuiiau), BUT NOTHING MORE (Continued from Page One.) were demanding a new constitution and that the senate had killed the measure. That was enough. No one olse said any thing, but fifty-five voted to show the senate it Is - not everything connected with this legislature. HKVKAl. VOTINtJ MACIIIM-. LAW Senate Passe fllll l.ooklnir to This Outcome. , (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. (Special.) Tho otlng machines of Omaha will be com pelled to repoee In quiet If the house fol lows tho action of the senate this morn ing and endorses S. F. ISA, by Dodge, which repeals the voting machine lav. The vote was unanimous In favor of thp repeal. Another bill which passed provides Jhat 11 public places, including stores, shall ditch the drinking cup and it will 'now pe up to tne thirsty traveler who. wlslu' to slake his thirst either1 to buy a cup of his own or to seek some place where lie can placo his foot upon a foot rail, ''all for it "cold one" nnd look In the mirror across the bar and see how ho looks. The vote on the bill waa as follows: For: Bartllna. Brookley. Bushee. Dodce. Iaarmann, llcaety, Hoagland of Ixm- caster, Hoagland of Lincoln, Hummel, Klechel. Macfarland. Marshall. Reynolds. Saunders, Bhumway, Talcott, West, Wlls. 18, AffAlnst: Cox. Grace. Grossman. Hale. Kemp, Klein, KrumbACh, Ollls, Robert son. Smith. 10." Absent nnd not votlne: Cordeal. Kohl. Placek, Splrk, Vlqk.-6. Newspaper Advertising. A bill by Dodge of Douglas, which ro- vldes that politicians running for office shall not be compelled to pay any more fdr advertising than the regular display rates charged common people, was passed by a ovtt pf 1 for the bill to 10 against. The volet For; --Bushee. Dodse. Grace. Hale. Heasty. - IjQagland of Lincoln. Hummel, Kemp, Kelchcl, Klein, Macfarland, Mar shall, Oills, Reynoldson, Robertson, Saunders, Sbumway, Smith, Wolx. 19 Against: Battling! Brookley, Cox, Grossman, Haarmann, Hoagland of Lan caster,' Kohl',' Krumbach, Talcott, West. -10. Absent and not voting: Cordeal. Placck. Splrk, Wink. 1. Stute Prison Deficiency. H. B. 353 came over from tho house this morning and on request of Dodge, of Douglas was-placed at 4ho head ,l the general file. This Is a bill for nn appropriatlowtrf-iso.owrid- cover the d? flclehcyv.atr :ihcrBMirtCrtl(iry.-' Wenator Dodge" saM Thnt thcr' (efficiency of the Institution waa being crippled because of the lack of funds nnd ho hoped that tho senate would be courteous and lend i helping hand 1 nthe hour of distress. The senato la republican and the penl tentlary. democratic, hdt the senator thought that, the senate should do some thing' a'nyhow to relieve the distress. The warden .of the penitentiary Is a very able young man, but unfortunately a democrat," said the senator, "but wo ought to get busy Just tho same and meet tha situation." The senate said that the deficiency was caused In part by the failure of tho Institution to get sufficient nay. for furnishing electric current to the state liouse and 'other ' places. "'Why. right here In the state house." said the senator, with a wave of his hand, "the lights are burning iit midday, while the groat shining orb of day is sending his glorious light all around and they are simply to lasy to press a Mlt ton nnd turn off tho lights." Some Bills Killed. Six! senate flics met an untimely death on reports, of" standing comrnlttees. They wero 10s, by Hoagland of Lancaster, regulating fees of notary public; 28, by the same author, relating to destruction of prairie dogs; 330, by Grossman of Douglas, the female labor bill; 410, by Beynolds of Dawes, establishing park board's; 3S7, by Macfarland of Pouglasv affecting salary of register of deeds, nnd 190, by HoaglanuT of. Lancaster, regard ing taxIngTa'Cireis r Wierfft." " Hoagland s prairie dog and gopher bill was kHJed-pT? j-efluegtqt' hlrae,f because he said he had another which he liked better. On motion of Talcott of Wayne the printing committee was-Instructed to In vestigate" the' delay Irs the printing of bjlls. " Bills Passed. The filtowlug bills tyere passed on third reading reading: ' 8. F. 200, by Harrmann of Dduglas Pure linseed' and flaxseed nil bill. 8. F. 333, by Bartllng tr Otoe-Provldes for admission to state soldiers' homes of all persons who served, In territorial mi litia for at least ninety days. S. F. 319, by Dodge of Douglas Prohib its consulting physicians from dividing tees with other physicians. S, F. 60. by Wink of Buffalo-Changes numehr of directors concerned In the In corporation of railroads. 8. F. 91. by Hoagland of Lincoln Re lates to dower nnd courtesy under will statutes. a V .no? irtnil nf NnmnllR Ahol. Ishes drinking cup In stores and all public places, S. F. 350, by Hammell of Webster Pro vides for recovery of taxes upon personal property omitted from assessment at any time within Itve years. S. F. 6, by Hoagland of Lincoln Pro vides for causeway crossings under rail roads when land Is owned on both sides of the track by same persons. S. F, 101, by Reynolds of Dawes Fixes ) nlnrtr nf Hlatrict clerks In all coun ties having less than 17,000 population at $f0 per year in addition to tees. 8. F. led, by Dodge of Douglas Repeals tha i-otltiB machine law. S. F. 1H, by Dodge of Douglas Regu lates charges for political aaverusipg. b. i.'. its. bv Placek of Baunders PrO' vldes that party bringing complaints In saloon remonstrance cases shall pay rnnls. 8, F. 328, by Hoaglond of Lincoln Pro vides for establishment or lire aeparv ments In cities of second class. The afternoon session ot the senate be gan by orderin gfor thlnl reading house roll No. 353, the penitentiary deficiency bill. WelKhtst and Measures. Reynolds' Inspection of weights and measures bill No. 1ST, which occupied much time one day last week and was finally passed over to enable some pf the members to fix up amendments, waa on again In commutes of the whole this aft. ernoon. The discussion led Into a general show. Ing up of the way the consumer Is up sgalnst It when he buys a quart box ot strawberries and finds the bottom shoved up about half way to the top of the box so that the "quart" In reality comes nearer being a '"pint." An attempt was made to strike out the clause relating to the above, but it was voted down by a strong majority. The bill was then ordered engrossed for third reading. Bill Ordered Enif rossed. The following bills were ordered eq grosked for third reading: U. R. ttZ, by lWajaa of HsUs-Dstl. elency bill at state penitentiary s. F. 1S7. by Remolds of Dawes Pro vides for Inspection qf scales and meas ures under the supervision of the pure food commissioner. 8. F. S5. bv O lis of Valley Provides for examination of nurse for diplomas. Employment of Convicts. S. F. 151. bv Dndee of Douxlas Provides that convicts of state prison shall make clothing and furniture for use of other state Institutions. Trusties to be let it to counties for work. H F, 111. by Beynolds of Dawes-rro- vldes for consolidating and transcribing delinquent tax lists. 8. F. ltz, byjBaunders of Douglas ito- vldes for punishment for frauds perpe trated by peddlers. S. F. 174. by Grace of Harlan-Provldcj thnt round-trip free transportation sh,U be given with- stock shipments of one car. load. 8. F. 107. bv Klechel of Nemana-neg- utato contracts of suretyshln between common carriers and employes. H. K. 415. bv Hushee of Kimball rim- powers any elector to swear In one elec tion board member. Senate file 151. by Dodge of Douglas met with some opposition In committee of the whole this afternoon. The bill provides that the convicts at the state penitentiary can be put to manufacturing clothing, shoes and other nrtlcles needed In thfc Institutions of'the state and can be used to manufacture such articles as will not come In competition with other labor of the state. The bill also provided that the men could be used In road work, utreet woik, etc But Hoagland of Lancaster ol Jected to the use of the convicts In cities and towns on street and alley work. He offered an amendment to that effect and It was adopted. Another amendment provided that the Board of Control should have full control of the employ ment of these convicts Instead ot the warden of the prison. Tills leaves tho bill so that convicts can be used to work on country roads and In the work around state Institutions and for the erection of new buildlngB where It would be prac tical .to use them. STORM LAKE COMMERCIAL CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS STORM LAKE, la., Feb. 30.-(8pecial.)-A large representation of the business men of the city attended the aunnal meet Ing of the Commercial club held at the Bradford hotel last night. Following arc, the directors elected for the ensuing year: H. E. Bwope, Dr. it. 8. Parish, S. C. Bradford, George J. Schaller, E. W. Dates, Charles H. J. Mitchell. T. A, Marton, George M. Pcdersen, James De- land and P. C. Toy. The burden of the discussion was on the good roada question and active steps are to be taken at once looking to the draining. Rinding and graveling of the Hawkoye highway through the county, as well as other roads. The co-operation of the other towns and adjacent farmers will be. ssked. IOWA wesleyaTseniors . iHOWg RED WITH FLOUR MOUNT PLEASANT, la., Feb. 20. (Special.) 'Iowa Wesleyan trustees In midyear session here witnessed a cloud of flour descend upon the heads of un suspecting upper' classmen at the chapel assembly, the result of the overturning of a largo quantity of the stuff by means of an alarm clock mechanism, th? flour dropping through an air shaft in tho auditorium celling. Despite -this the trustees approved the petition of the Btudent body that the semester tka bo raised, .the Increase of 12 per student to be used In strengthening' the department of athletics. A new coach will bo elected by the trustees In June. FORGED CHECKS DRAWN ON IOWA NATIONAL BANK BT. PAUL, Minn., Feb. 20St. Paul police today warned merchants and police of towns and cities of the northwest to be on their guard against two clever forgers, who, It Is said, last week se cured a considerable sum of money from two large department stores here and who are thought by local police to have left the city. The paper which was passed here, was drawn- on the Franklin Trust and Saving bank of Pittsburgh, Pa., and the Iowa National" bank of Des Moines, la. jH There Is more nutrition In a 10c picktte ol FAUST i&fS&ZWvIm r srASHETTI than there I In 4 )b. ol bttl-your0rg3!afM-NJ 1 Br , 'AU,T sfeD3ETTId jf hbd"'7 rich (Sm W FAUST SPAGHETTI will reduce your meat bill SPSS V f two-thirds. Write lor Iree redce book snd lind out jf?'' MAUIX There's money in chickens.... Tho raising and selling of chickens have lirought wealth to many a man. Today there are hundreds in this state who are gathering a large mb.hthly income through the poultry business. Your profits can always be in creased if tho sales are to the best class of buyers. You will find) it to your great advan tage to riiake Tho Bee your main advertising medium. , See thnt your ad for jxmltry or eggs goes into The Bee whether it is placed in any other paper or not. Tyler REGISTER COMPANY IS SUED Cleveland Corporation is Charged I with Aiming at Monopoly. JUNCTION. 18 ASKED FOR Defendants Are Accnsed of Wrongr- fnllr and Fraudulently Oli utrnrtlnB; Business of Their Competitors. CLEVELAND, O., Feb. 20.-Scnsatlonal charges of violations of the Sherman anti-trust law nre leveled at the. Mc- Caskey Beglster company In a civil suit filed here today by order of Attorney General Wlckersham. , To acquire a monopoly of the Inter state and foreign commerce In the sale of account registers, appliances and sys tems for keeping credit accounts, the company, it is charged, wrongfully and fraudulently obstructed and suppressed the business ot competitors, bribed their employes, waged an unfair campaign nf patent suits and threatened suits and by other unlawful methods sought to stifle competition. The; federal district court hero was asked to restrain the defendants from further monopoly nnd to prohibit a scries of alleged unlawful nnd unfair practices. The following are the defendants: The McCaskey Register company, Al fred G. Ryley, Stewart S. Kurtz, Samuel G. Zimmerman, Edward A. Langenbach ahd Austin Lynch of Canton; Henry F. Pollock, Theodore C. Uran, O. C. Russell, F. W. Fomum, Milton Bejoch and Grant Klser of Alliance, O.; Joslah W. Phlpps, Boston; Charles T. Baxter, New York City; David C. Bower, Pittsburg; Harry M. Rowley, Chicago; Wllllom M. Hughes, San Francisco; John H. Jones, Kansas City. Mo.; Fred Schneider, Seattle; Georgo P. Hayes, Memphis, Tcnn.; Leslie O. Solar, Atlanta, and Edward T. Bingham, Washington, D. C. The defendant compnny is said to own exclusively the Dominion Register com pany, limited, of Toronto, Canada, which also maintains an agency In London. A campaign of "fierce and unfair com petition" has been planned or consented to by officers of the company, the govern ment alleges. A force of special men, scmetlmes called the "flying squadron" or "knockout men," was employed, it is declared, to Impart to salesmen and agents Instructions to destroy the bus! nt-ss of competitors and for the purpose of Interfering with negotiations and In duclng the cancellation by the customers of their contracts of sale with competi tors. Agents were also employed, It Is charged, to spy on the business of com petitors and t Is further alleged that em ployes of the competitors wore secretly engaged to furnish officers of the de. fendant company "with confidential In. formation concerning the business ot com. petltors. The defendants are also charged with .having maintained a display room known fts the "graveyard"' or bonfire . at its rectory nt Alliance, O., where, it Is added, were exhibited pictures repre senting large plies of devices of competi tors being burned as useless. All Chnrtres Denied. CANTON, O., Feb. 20. Counsel for tho McCaskey Register company this after noon gave out a denial of any Illegal action pn the' part of the company as oharged In the suit brought ht Cleveland. They call attention to the fact that tin company has twice been exonerated by attorneys general of Ohio on actions brought charging substantially the same things as set forth In the federal case, The latest charges, they say, are merely a reiteration of the old ones In a differ ent form. IIIUs Minister to Iorra. RAPID CITY, S. D., Feb. 20.-(Speclal.) Rev. Clarence fi Roycc, formerly dis trict superintendent ot the Black Hills missionary district ot the Methodist church, and for some years local pastor. has resigned his pastorate here to ac ccpt the position of superintendent of the Iowa Public Welfare league, with head quarters in Des Motncs, and will take up his new duties March 1. Mr. Royce has been well known In the Hills for his active church work. 1 MM3 Guaranteed to Sion Ifdiing at Once Sczemn, xdash, Tetter, Dandruff, Disap pear by using Remarkable ZEMO. Buy a 36o Bottlo Today and Prove It. That itchlnc that drives you nearly wild, thnt keeps you awake In agony all night long, thnt scalp Itching, will vanish Instantly by using the new remedy ZEMO. It Is guaranteed. ZEMO will surprise you as It has thousands of others by Its results on "3 a. tn. Not n TVInk or Sleep Vet- If I Only Und ZEMO for that Terrible Itching" fiery eczema, sores, . rash, tetter, hlntrliPB Inflnmed or Irritated skin. nlmnlns. rnwnnia after Rhavins. nil skill afflictions, sores, blotches, and itching scalp. It cures dandruff completely, slnco dandruff Is nothing but eczema of the scnln. kumu is wonaerruny rciresninB a the skin. It Is a clean, antiseptic so lution, not a paste, cream or ointment. The first application gives blessed ro ller. EMU nas oeen imuaica, uui positively never equalled. it is impossioie ior me 10 uo jus tice In recommending ZEMO. because words cannot exnress Its wonderful achievements." R. A. Stlerlin. Supt. Electrotype Dent, Sanders' Engraving Co., St. Louts, Mo. Your druggist will soli you a 25c Bealed bottlo of ZEMO, and will guar antee It, or It will be sent dlroct on receipt or price ny h. w. iioso weai clne Co., St. Louis, Mo. Sold snd guaranteed in Omaha by Sherman & McCdnnell Drug Co., and all other leading druggists. Does Drink Habit Make Money or Friends? Take One Good Look into the Past and See If Yon Can. Kemember a Single Dollar or Useful Friend Gained Trough Drinking. On the contrary, try to remem ber the many dollara lost and use less, harmful friends gained in bar rooms, through your drinking life. 'Stop drinking and see how dif ferent the result of a few years of sober life will be compared with tho same number of years Hpent drinking. If you cannot stop at once and never take another drink you need the Neal Treatment, which Is a harmless, vegetable remedy that will removo nil craving and neces sity for drink In tliree days, with out the use of painful, dangerous hypodermic Injections. .TJo not postpone taking treatment, for you will not live Iohr enoiiKlt to boast how badly you ''whipped the drink habit," but you will live to re alize how badly the drink has whipped you. Call nt the Omaha Neal Institute, 1502 South 10th St., and Investigate the Neal Drink nnd Drug Habit Treat ment, or wrlto or phone Douglas 75nfi, NEW NOTCH COLLARS WITH CLOSE FITTING TOPS WENTON 2( in. ADRIAN 2i in. 15 ots., 2 for 25 eta. Cluett, Poobody & Co., Makers' A Great Farm Journal THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. AMUSI2MKNTS. OMAHA'S rOK CENTEH." Sally Mat., lS-35-50o Evffl., 15-2S-50-75O Entirely Brand New This Season SSSstIkEs Cracker Jacks EXTBAVAOAHZA AHD VAUDEVILLE Itubr Lrouli Johnny Jnn ixilrUi Htrlow nj . Orett Olio ot Nuveltlei. Hetvyitt Utmiy Cfcorui. Clctn l'nn Thruuhout Ladles' Dime Matinee Every Week Day "Worth Climbing the Hill.0 100 10-aOc Douglas St. at 18th Hytone VanCevllls I N t U V U K 1.CW1B (V Kvini, Si<f StKiroan, Sln'i Oockitooti llui itll'f 1 Colonial Mlnstrtlli LlllUn sisters ' JaeW Our dettt Illcpoicops Pictures, WUEBE IT'S WOETH YOUBl HMJB From 3 to S; at 7 and 9 P. M. sally. BRANDEIS THEATER TOKTQHT AITS BATtJUDAY ITlffhtS, 8 F. U,; Mat. Sat., 3 P. M. S0THERH-MARL0WE Tonight "Macbeth." Bat. !at, "As Vou Like It." Sat. Eve. "Twelfth Night," ' Prices BOc to $2.00 Mat. Every Say 3ilS; Every Night BUS ASVAXOES VAUDEVILLE This wetk Th Top O' ths World Ducers. Msr Ion LlttlolleU's i'lortlno li:(rs, urnt:i 4 1 rswtord. Eitrsbeth Otto, Al. Hi)no i Dull Uos Arnaut nrothrs. O'Nell ft Wtlmslfjr, lith Wssklr IltTlew. PrleesMcht, JOc, ttc. Wo, n , Matins Oslltrr. 10c. Best setts. :ic axetut j Saturday tod Sunday. BOYD THEATER Tonight, Marines Wsd. and Sat, For a Limited Season) EVA LANG and Hsr Own Company In A. E. W. Mason's Oomtdj aiiEEir. sTOOKiiraa Hsxt West:, rsb. 83, The Cboraa Lady Krug Theater Matins Today, 3t30 Night, 8:30 GIRLS FROM JOYLAND With EAESy COOPEB as HAPPY HEINIE and BLANCHE Ladles' Sally Sims Matinee Country Stors Friday Nlg-bt EMPRESS FAMILY THEATRE EH CONTINUOUS eta I riarosMANcij Vv4lll llirti tl IflL IlOO.SiSO.T.S P.U.I I II photopCavs I a I