Newspaper Page Text
niK BBK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, WjBItt'ARY 22, 1JM3. 11 BRIEF CITY NEWS BUck-Talconer Co, Undertaktrs. Har ttoot rrlnt It Now Beacon Press lighting fixtures, anrgsss-Orandsn Co. SaUay th Dsntlst, City Nat'l. D. I8S. Paid Up Sharta In Nebraska Saving Mid Loan Ass'n. ars backed by Omaha homes. Beml-onnual dividend. 1606 Par nam street. Grant lays driveways, alleys, curbs, builds steps, coping, etc. Bee building1. Library Keeps tJanaay Honrs The Omaha publlo library will be open from 5 to G p. m. Saturday afternoon, the lialf holiday being in honor of Washington's birthday. Visiting- Parents James R. Woodard of Iloundtip, Mont, Is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James I. Woodarl. for a few days. He will proceed cast pn business next week. ' Great Western Agents to Meet 'Fifty or more of the agents of the western division of the Great Western railroad will hold a family meeting In Counclt Hluffs Saturday. The meeting will close with n banquet In the evening. Wakefield Man Bankrupt Marshall Jackson, a retail dealer of Wakefield. Neb.," has file a voluntary petition In bankruptcy In the Omaha division of federal court. Liabilities are listed At JS.3S9.S5 and assets at IS2S, besides $450, which he claims to be exempt. Graff -Still Confined at Home Super intendent of Schools E. IT. draff, who has been jit for three weeks. Is still con fined to his bed. He was able to attend a meeting of the school board Monday nlght- but since then has been unable to visit his 'office. jMcGrovern Has No Objection to His Employes Smoking City Commissioner McUovern denlrs that he has ordered cross-walk and Inter section gangs to quit smoking. "Foolish," said the commissioner. "I smoke and think aa much of a good cigar as anybody. I don't even know if tnese men smoke and don't care It they do. They are at liberty to smoke as much as they ploase." One of the city employes said a sltrn had been posted on the door of the city asphalt plant declaring It was worth a man's Job to be caught smoking while on duty. McQovern says he's more likely t ask a man for a cigar than to reprimand him for smoking. The sign was posted without his authority. 'MULLEN'S CASH BUYS SAWS;? SCHOOLS HONOR THE 4, MEMORY OF WASHINGTON Oily!'' offices will close today by order' of the mayor, tho holiday being thenlrth anniversary of Washington. Sctiools Friday celebrated the nunlvcrsaty with .programs of speeches and songs. a "Monmouth Park school tho follow-Jng-jiproKrnm was rendered by 7-B and R-A pupils In colonial costumes. A sketch of Washington's life, with tho main Incidents lcpre'scnted by tableaux, dialogues and Eomo of the famous speeches of his time wcrp . given. Among them were Patrick Henry's "Call to Arms." Adams' speech and part of the Declaration of Independence, as well as Washington's farewell address, Piano solo. t Recitation, TABLEAUX. Washington and the Cherry Tree. Washington as a Surveyor. Crossing the Delaware. .Surrender of British. Betsy Ross Making the Flag. Flag di 111 by girls In colonial costume. .Song by school, "Ship of State." The program was arranged and pre sented by Miss Ehel Eldrldge, teacher. , STARTS FIRE ON BUREAU . TO WARMUP HIS ROOM Mike Hurobich of 112 North Thirteenth strqet shivered from the Arctic tempera ture'Of his room a ho stuck onu bare foot" from under the covers. Mike's room is not supplied with a stove, so he started a hfif on the top of the bureau. Nlpk Terzokls, proprietor of the room-In-House, liad . Mike arrested .and a charge of drunk and disturbing the peace wasjprefcrred against him. He was fined jh'drid costs by Police Magistrate Foster. TUB. Persistent and Judicious Use of Nqwepapery Advertising Js.the Uoad to. Business Success. ST?, ANDREWS BROTHERHOOD l- SECRETARY VISITS HERE At Trinity cathedral the noonday Lenten services were conducted by C Frank Shelby, western secretary of the St. Andrew's Brotherhood, who Is In the city, visiting his cousin, W. -tf. Palmer of Dundee. Owing to tho storm, the v teudaneo . whs light. The speaker dd tulfcd tho growth pf the brotherhood nH. pointed out some of tho many things tor godd that It Is accomplishing. Sore Throat Sloan's Liniment is an antiseptic remedyfor inflammatory diseases of the throat and chest. For sore throat, croup, and asthma it gives quick relief. SLOANS LINIMENT is also eood for cough or cold. A. CLIHC, of WMdo, Ohio, yritef I could not swallow, as my throat had welled very mnch. 1 ued four dropi of Mnlmept on lnmps of ius;r and Ut It diMoWo on my tongue, and in eight noun I was completely cured." At.114.ilm. Prtctlte.. 80s. 11.00. Dr. Earl S. Sloan - Boston. Mass. TELL OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS Workers of State Hold Session at Dundee. WORK GROWS IN IMPORT Churches Drain to rtenllcc Thla In One nC nimrest Fnctnra In the Sncocnn of the Church. Last night's session of the Douglas County Sunday School association, In convention at the Dundee Presbyterian church, was attended by several hun dred people. E J. Wlghtman, president of the State Sunday School association, read a paper on "The Modern Sunday School." Mr. Wlghtman said that more and more the attention of the various churches Is be ing attracted to tho importance of Sun day school work, with tho result that within a few years this will probably be the foremost department of every re ligious body. Already plans are Under way to systematize and adopt a course of study In tho Sabbath school. Following Mr. Wlghtman, Miss Mar garet Ellen Brown, general secretary of the state association, who leaves March 1 for a five months' trip tnrough Europe and tho orient on a missionary expedi tion, gavo an Intensely interesting and appealing talk, her subject being "What We Owe Our Boys and Girls In tho 'Teens." Miss Brown, who has had ex tended experiences with young people as a school teacher, brought to the minds of the adults present the Importance of taking Interest and thought with tho whims, desires and ambitions of chil dren at this important stage in life. Miss Brown related some of these and her method of going about such matters with each youngster. That she has made child life a study she expressed In every word she uttered. Miss Brown Is a small woman physically, but when speaking of her chosen work In helping the young her face is illumined with a spirit that is anything but small. Those present last evening by their minute at tention to her entire utterance displayed a perfect testimonial of their Interest. Invest Water Funds in Public Warrants City and County Treasurer Ure advised the Water board at a meeting last night to Invest $300,000 of the $418,000 cash bal ance now on hand In water funds In county and school board warrants at 7 per cent Interest, the former to fall due May 1 and 'the latter July 1. The Interest would amount to nearly $4,000, depending upon when tho warrants should bo cashed. The board will follow tho advice. Mr. Ure' said the Water board hod col lected $47,000 this month for water rates alone; $70,000 was collected on rates last March. HAZEL SMITH FALLS WHILE ELUDING ARREST A woman weighing nearly 230 pounds and well past her sixty-fifth year at tempted to escape from a house at 714 North Eighteenth street yesterday after noon by flldlng down a rope mhde of twisted blankets. She tied one end! of the blankets to a radiator and came feet first cut of tho window. As she neaxed the ground tha blankets became untied' and rhe fell heavily frcm a dlstancn of at least three feet, but was uninjured. At. the po'lco station she gavo the name of .Hazel Smn,1: Fifteen men were taken as vagrant and locked In Jail also. The raid was made , by Detectives Fleming, Dunn and Kenelly. Nebraaknna nt the Hotels. Mrs. Sylvester Reed of Auburn' and D. C. Harvey of Syracuse are staying at the Henshaw- C. I. Markham of North Bend, Aelbert Adams of Norfolk, A. A, Compton of Blair, Mr. and Mrs. A. C, Nelson of .Lin coln are at the Loyal. W. S. Rldgell of Alliance, Mr, and Mrs If. A. Peters of Hays Springs. Mrs. P. H. Kohl and daughter and Mrs. U. S. Conrt and daughter of Wayne are at the Tax ton. HI AmAYS ill $15 and $18 M HI Our Clothes Jfefl B HI Would Be 11 H III Great Winners (HI H n H 0ur cu"rtrners purchase Hfl B M I them for their styles and BM H I I i .service and at the same time U H save the middleman's profit jH BB of $5 to $8 because of our Wm Be9 factory-to-you plan. Elf I S bbw ass? I llaiuitin Levey CIothingNanufactures-StoresmPrmajial Cities I BB Henry Thomas, Manager. 1015 Farnuin St. Bl Gallahue Says Nolen's Lawyer Un knowingly Financed Conspiracy. WARNED NOT TO DO WRONG J, AVIIIInnm llnnnil Over by Federal Commissioner, Chnrwetl with Can lilrncr, nnil Iteiiinliix in Jnll Unnhle to Oct llon.l. With money furnished by Arthur Mul len, attorney for Dlggs Nolen, A. D. Uallahue bought the saws with which Nolen planned to escape from tho Douglas county Jail, according to testi mony of Oallahue yesterday at the hear ing of J. Williams, charged with con spiracy to release Nolen. The hearing was before United States Commissioner Daniel. Williams was held to tho grand Jury In $1,000 ball, which ho could not furnish. The hearing developed (resh Informa tion regarding the plot to liberate Nolen when he was In the county Jail, awaiting trial In the federal court on a charge of using the malls to defraud. Gnllahiie wan In custody In the county Jail when Nolen was there awaiting trial, but gained his freedom before Nolen's hearing. Oallahuo testified he bought the saws nt Nolen's request. He did not tell Mul len that he expected to buy saws with the money. "Mullen gave me warning that It I was going to uso the money for any wrong purpose ho would wash his hahdi of the affair," sold Oallahue. Oallahue testified he frequently heard Nolen and Williams talking In tho Jail about getting the saws up to the cells and they talked about pulling them up with a string. Williams appeared as his own nttorney and freely cross-questioned the witnesses. He asked Oallahue If ho had over heard him promise to deliver the saw.t to Nolen. Gallahue said ho had not. Frank Moyer, also serving time In tho county Jail, testified Williams pulled the saws up Into tho Jail with a string J. n. Klnknld, serving time for vagrancy, testified he heard Moyer say to Williams, "They havp nothing against you, Wil liams. They are not going to do any thing to you. You needn't bo afraid. Moyer denied this, Ben. If. Bikes, also In Jail at tho time, was called to the stand by Williams. He testified he saw a tall, slender, thin faced, gray-haired man pass the card board box to Nolen. This was supposed to be tho box containing the saws. The next day Nblen told him ho had got tho sawB the evening before. "I've got a Colt's automatic and a bot tle of 'soup,' was Nolen's remark, ab cording to Bikes' testimony. Asked why he never told nnybody about Nolen's having theso things, Slkes sold: Wonlil Shoot lt- lljenrt. "Nolen said If anybody 'squealed' on him he would croak him. Ho said he would cut his heart out, or shoot It out, one or the other." Slkes was placed under a $500 bond signed by himself, to appear as a wit ness before, the federal grand jury March 10. Gallahuo is held to the grand Jury as the result of a former hearing, charged with being a party to the plan to liberate Nolen. Firemen Thrown From Hose Wagon and Four Hurt Just as a heavy hose cart dashed out of No. 6 flro station at Twenty-fourth and Cuming streets last nlgbt In. response to an alarm from Fifteenth and California streets a northbound Pork avenuo car struck tho wagon squarely In tho mlddlo, turning It over, plhnlng Captain Pat Mc EUlgott underneath nnd knocking three other firemen from their places. Tho wagon was demolished, hut tho street car remained on the track and pro ceeded on Its way Immediately. It was manned by Motorman Wright and Con ductor Adams. The injured firemen, William Dlneen. H. C. Hansen. Captain McElllgott and Charles Bearman, were brought to tho pollco station and treated by Drs. Lee, Harris and Folts and later takon to their homes. Fireman Dlneen woa the worst hurt of any. He received a deep gash nearly six Inches In length In his thigh and also In juries to his left arm. Hansen's right hand, right knee and left hip were cut and bruised and Captain KcElligott sus tained painful cuts also. Bearman was the least hurt of any, he being only badly shaken up and receiving a slight bruise on one of his hands. Soveral days ago a fire wagon coming out of tho Tenth Btreet barn was hit In exactly the same way, tho wagon being demolished and Beveral firemen hurt. The fire at Fifteenth and California streets was a small ono and the damage did not amount to over $3. City Commissioner Wlthnell of the de partment of fire protection and water supply, will ask tho street railway com pany to pay for the damage to the hose carta. There Is a ruling that street cars must slow up passing engines houses, says Commissioner Wlthnell, and, ha says, the accident last night was due to a violation of this rule. Church Men's Sons Dine with Fathers The Lowe Avenuo rreBbytcrlan church held Its first "fathers and sons" ban quet last night In tho crypt of the church, Tin purpose of tho affair was to cstab llih a closer relationship between fathers and sons. About 160 men and coming mpn broke bread together, Tho Ladles' Aid society served a sumptuous repast. C. L. Vance was toustmaster. Three minute talks were made by members of the Brotherhood. Among them ware: "Welcome All." Dr. McOltfln: "Fathers and Sons," Dr. Barber: "Sons and Fa thers," James McAUstcr; "Us Boys," Lester Hutchinson; "The Brotherhood." J. B. Wootun; "The Man In the Church," Dr. Patton; "rno uoy in tno unurcn." Merrill Ady; "The Boys and Their Moth ers," Dr. McClanahan. When Burton Hojmes recently gave his celebrated travelogue on "Panama" at Orchestra hall, Chicago, he was seri ously Interrupted by continual coughing of the audience. Many a good sermon, lecture or concert Is spoiled In the aamtt way. No one annoys willingly and If people with coughs, colds, hoarseness and tickling In throat would use Foley's Honey & Tar Compound, they could quickly cure their coughs and colds anil latold this annoyance. It Is a splendid hoisehold mpdlcina and contains n' I dates. Ho- sale by all dealers every w licit: AUitrtlJtnieut, See the New American Flag in Our Windows JTVERY patriotic American will want to ace tha new American flag now m display in ur windoxos. IC& f1 the first received in Omaha. "JVexo Constellation" has been approved by President Taft and will be ratified by Congress. The banner is of silk contains the familiar 13 red and white stripes; on the blue background the "new constellation" h arranged as follows: IS small stars arranged in the shape of a large 6 pointed star, representing the IS original states; encircling this are $!5 stars symb0lio of the states admitted Up to 1876; around this circle are ten more stars embhmatio f the states taken into the Unien since 1876. Bring The Children-Let Them See The New "Old Glory" Cook Etooks 19c Oood Housekeeping Cook Books contain some of tho most valuable receipts and information l n the art of proper 1 cooking; special ly priced In this sale at 19o 9c $1 Bibles at 45c THE BEST STORE FOR YOU ALL THE TIME. Bibles, good strong and serviceable, with good bind ing, that formerly sold for ii.uu, re duced In this clear ance sale, to... rly sold 45 A Stupendous and Unparalleled Sale of BOOKS Saturday WE must clear our stock of books for a large shipment that is now on tho road. Our assortment of books is al ways tho very best. Thoro are 300,000 volumes in current print in tho United States and to soleot tho soiling titles out of tliis enormous production and enrry them in stock means wo must move cvory book wo now have. Therefore, we arc going to sell them regardless of cost in tho most sensational book salo over hold in Omaha. Tho val ues arc so great, tho selection so choicy that you simply cannot afford to let this ohanco slip by. Hero's a few for an idoa: Interesting, Instructive Books for Boys The Motor Boy Series "The "The "The "Tho "The "Tho "Tho "The "Tho "The "Tho "Tho Motor Boys in tho Clouds" Motor Boys in the Eockios" Motor Boys After a Fortune" Motor Boys Over the Ocean" Motor Boys Across the Plain" Motor Boys Afloat" Motor Boys on tho Atlantic" Motor Boys in Strange Waters" Motor Boys on the Pacific" Motor Boys" Motor Boys Overland" Motor Boys in Mexico" Regular 50c Values; 'take Your Choice at The Rover Boy Series "Tho Rover Boys Out West" "The Iivor Boys on tho Groat Lakos" "Tho Rovor Boys in tho Mountains" "-Tho Rover Boys on Land and Sea" "Tho Rovor Boys in Oarap" M "The Rover Boy a on tho River" "The Rover Boys on tho Plains" "Tho Rovor Boys in Southern Waters" 'fPlirt Tiiwmf TJTra v 1 . 77V. ' f J.MU J-MVj a UlL HIU X 111111 "Tho Rovor Boys on Trcnsuro IbIo" in., ., Ideal, Absorbing Books for Girls and Misses OSOXOI 1 All $1,50 Values The Famous Peppar Books Cloth 12 mo., Illustrated, "The Storios Polly Pepper Told." "The Adventures of Joel Popper." "Five Little Peppers Abroad." "Five Little Peppers and Their Friends." "Ben Pepper." "Five Little Poppors In tho Llttlo Drown Houbo." The Little Colonel Series "Tho Llttlo Colonel's Hero." "Tho Llttlo Colonel at Boardinc; School." "Tho Llttlo Colonel In Arizona." "Tho Llttlo Colonel's Christmas Vacation." "Tho Llttlo Colonel: Maid ot Honor." "Tho Llttlo Colonel's Knight Comos Riding." "Mary Ware, The Llttlo Colonol'a Chum." "Mary Ware In Texas." "Mary Ware's Promised Land." OXOIOB 90 c All $1.50 Values BOOKS on AR T, 45c ExctUtnt treaide 1 various mafer, including 2-Van)! Hals, liurnc-Jones, Van Eyck. Boudier, Mllais, Ingres, Varot, liaeburn, Fillippi, Lipnl, Delacroix, Walt$, Manttgna, Sul livan llolman Hunt, WatUau, Leiyhton and many others. r All Standard Works at and V Off Dictionaries Published to sell for $2.00, sale price 69c Wohster's Dictionary, full leather hound with thumb index, red edge, the very best kind of a dic tionary published to sell at $2.00, and is worth every cent of this price, but to make un extra big spe cial dunucr our clearance sale, Saturday, wo of fer them, at each . ii: 1171 WW The Prodigal Judge T.HI j most important bsok announcement wo luivo mado in u long time This remark able story, which for a whole year was tho best selling book in tho United Stntes, and is now within tno reach or every ono. A million poople have wept nnu laughed over Vaughan Koster'fl lov ahlo old rascal and his boon companions, and Miss n6tty, with hor howlldorlng lovo affairs. Mil lions moro will do so, It's worth your while to Join thorn, espe cially as it costs only rzzzn mm I ray I 1 50 Sexual Books "Concerning Marriage". ,aOc "Talks With a Doy Concerning Him self" 8O0 "Talks With a Girl Concerning Hor- aelf" 1 aoc "Making tho Best of Our Children," 70c "Tho Mother's Advlco Book". aoo 'What a Boy Ought to Know" "What a Girl Ought to Know" "What a Young Man Ought to Know" "What a Young Woman ' Ought to Know" Choice 80c :Orkin Brothers Your Home Store- Connell Asks that Sentence of Public Awaits His Trial "AH I auk Is what the meanest Araerl enn criminal la freely granted-a ins pension of sentence until thero Is som Bfmblance of a trial." esld Health Com missioner n. W. Connell, speaklnK of 11 meetlns of the Southeast Improvement club last nlsht, at which President R. Holovotchlner and Member n. P. Will iams of the Hoard of Education, attacked the health commissioner's efficiency. "I'm ready for a hearing Monday be fore the city commission. I will be there and will answer any accusations that have been made. In the meantime, how ever, I want tho publlo to suspend sen tence and not pass Judgment until the evidence Is In." Connell Is being criticised for state ments made before the Schoolmasters' club In which he Is aliened to havo made remarks reflecting1 on the moral condi tions at the Omaha High school. An at tempt Is being; mado by the Hoard of Kducatlon to have him removed from of fice. At the meeting of the Southeast Im provement club Dr, Holovotchlner at tacked Connell on tho ground of' his com petency, alleging he was not capable of handling the work of city health com missioner. City Commissioner Kugcl followed Holo votchlner and Williams, but he refused to become Involved In the Connell dis cussion, although an attempt was mado to secure an expression of opinion from him. Hunny AllirrlR nnil Sasknclin"i. Theso sections are the granary of the world. Reached via the Boo Line from Bt Paul and Minneapolis Kiee Informa tlon. address V. It. Harlf . D. P A . S10 ilfth St. Des Moines. Io. FDR THE LOVEOFMIKE JEFF - HAVE I GOT EMORISTHATANAUTO CLIMBING THE CAPITOL YES MUTT.THATS MY FRICTION DRIVEN CARTER CAR GOING UP THE CAPtTOL TO 5EE mm- I I BSBBiMBaBt JiUMtt.SJSSSK I & d. .-OM. I I jtBgBBK&tSKBiaSSasL. sfJPWL.BBk I f AUI 1 1 II 111 V.UI- I 1 Bfx.'nMBIw -IsspMbsssV 1 V' wi. iw vub 1 FORMER 0MAHANS ARE MAKING GOOD IN WYOMING Former Omaha men are making thlr marks In Wyoming, according to W C. Kraser, attorney, who hai Just returned from Sidney. Neb., where he went to try a luusult. Defile returnlrK he wont to Uneytuue to wtch th. Wyoming logistn- lurt) for two days. "K J Sullivan, former'y un Omaha f.t Is a big man In Wyoming,'' said Mr. iTastr "People rthl r nvmb.r li wus tho manager of the tlorbanh estate here for a long time. Hi Is now th? re publican floor leader of tlu Wvom'n house. He conducted the fight for tho re-election of I'nlted Statuu So la v War ren, who was re-elected by 11 mul'iclty of 4, 33 to 38 In the liouve and 15 to )1 m the senate. Charlas liromo, n son of II. (5 Urome, Is making qood In Wyoming. Ho Is a clerk In the house unrt Is Inttr e I Hi In extensive Irrlgatloi litigation. "J It. Sullivan, who was graduated from the Crelghton Law college In 1WH, Is a democratic member of the houee and wields a strong Influence amoi.g both je publlcans and democrats.'' GIRL DIES OF POISONING AND CORONER INVESTIGATES Loulso Dresco, agod 17. 801 Pierce street, died yesterday wltii poisoning- Coronor Crosby Is Investigating the oasc Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Hlg Ileturns