Newspaper Page Text
TITE BKR: OMAIIA, SATTTilUY, FKBIt(AHV L'J, 101U. Bringing Up Hl tVrW MOSQAND, ( . , N OIOT-ET MSLAW.KNOW V - C--A..COLUMO ( 1 SOME WATER - , V HEVOUUO DEARLY LOVE J OH 5 I'M 00-LA-FAH- , r v f JlY C N.T IT , CANiT VOO iEE I L TOHETOW, J DBLWHTEO! DE MORO - CHILI- ( THAT MOW THINK " KACHOO- A I TO CZ B HCCINi inTTlUfln,nr L J L-T J CON- CORH1- VJ BEV;oP FATHER IS 1 KAW K - KAWK.V 5S?-? Sc.BTT KAWl " JiS ? prof I TALK! J S&tSF r 1ME?EofB V KAVfK I wbcco shokeJ ,lu 0W J r WAFFL $N J 1 1 M',NNES, f V KACHOO'. J THE TIME' r- &? ' WANT ADS Want ads received nt any time, but to insure proper classification muHtf'be presented beforo laiOO o'clock Boon for tho evening edition and before 7:00 p. in. for morning and Sunday editions. AVant nds re ceived after auch Hours will bave tbJr first iniertlon under tbe bead lug, "Too Lnte to Classify." DEATH AND POWlSIlAli NOTICES. COLLIGAN-MIss Ethel, aired 18 years, at Teltsmah, Nob., February SO. Funeral Ifrom residence of her aunt, Mis Kate Hardy, 811 South Twenty third, Saturday at 8:30 a. m., to St. rotor's church at 9 a. m. Interment In Holy Sepulcher cemetery. DUFFY A JOHNSTON, undertakers; new location. 717 8. 16th Bt. Tyler 1676. IIIHTII9 AND DRATIIH. Births R. M. and Lavlnn Cottier, 2017 tLooust, girl; J. J. and Mnry Flynn. 2004 Ra mines irlrl: P nnd Hither (lorflnkle. 1110 North Seventeenth. Klrl; W. and Ella tlord. 4023 North Thirtieth, Klrl; R. and L. King. 2616 Wirt, Klrl; H. 1 and M. J. Myers, hospital, boy; A. W. and B. Nel son. 1330 South Twenty-seventh, Klrl ; L. and B. Nelson, 2019 North Twenty-first, boy, J. and Emma Pavelka, 2429 South Twenty-fifth, boy; George and Margaret Sheehan. 831,4 South Thirty-second, boy: V and Anna Vanwnrb, Thlrty-enghth ami Grand avenue, boy; Daniel and Vanelta Wilson, 910 North Twenty-fifth avenue. 5Dcaths-Klng C. Barton, 46 years, 3622 Farnam; Ellen Cuff. 61 years, hosp to Bridget JennlnKi. !0 y'Rr,flBK.t.n1' Margery Kindt. 72 years, 2214 v,Jf 1 ?if,n Rtcd, 61 years, 4911 Farnam; J. F. Scott, 86 years, zn Mercaiui "makriaok licbnsks. Tho following marriage licenses have been Issued; Name and Residence. Ago. Mead W. Itogers. Council Bluffs, la.... 61 Margaret Kern, Council Bluffs, la M Iouls navlt. Omaha Sara Forman, Omaha w James Ilrlggs, Toledo. O M Susue M Drew, omaha. ' iFred Bauermelster, Bonson ... M Anna Kllnkers, Benson - M.lvln M Blocker, Walthlll. Ia 25 Catherine Nelson, Mumboldt. la DUILDINCI PEItMITS. Carlton lUalty company. Itl!8-1 Howard, brick garage, IU.W0; Joseph nocheford, IBS Ontario, frame 'dwelling. I1.M0; J. C. Doedyns, 0323 Noth Thirty. eighth, frame dwelling. $1.000. liODGIl NOTICES. WF) MAKE a specialty of lodge, cliib nnd hotel furniture In artlstto designs. Write Omaha Furniture Mfg. Co. HKU WANTED FEMALES Aasnts aad Salesn-oiacB. WANTED High-class demonstrator. A salary proposition. Good chance for ad vancement. Call or address Acnetne Co., Hit vintoq St.' Omaha. Tyler 1395. Factory HI Trades. IiADIE3" tailor wanted; steady work; Kod wages. T. H. Bruchman. Ottumwa, WANTED Competent tallorets experl. enced In working on men's clothing. Ap. ply at once, Superintendent. Brandels Stores. Heaelceeera nnd Domestics. THE SEB.VANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FR.EE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha . and .Council Bluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee oftlcs or telepnone -xyier iw- vvit.t. trlu loom and Iroard cheap to respectable Toman for comiwny even- Ings. Phone Harney 6000. G1HL for general house work. Small tamlly. Mrs. W. H. Taylor. 6011 Daven- port, iiariiey iw. ... i rir r-,mtu.tnt Klrl for general housework: small flat good home, 1 In family. Call 't BL EXPERIENCED girl for general house worfc No washing. 3110 Chicago St. GIRL or woman wantea lor general housework. One who can go home nights preXerrea. a "li1. i vn-iiEMf rv woman to assist In housework and car of child. H. S071. 4166 Burt St. . GIRL for general housework; no wash ing Apply Mrs. E. W. Oetten. S331 Hsrney MRS. II- KRA8NE. 2901 Dodge St.. wants girl for gneraf housework; white preferred. Phone Harney 6520, WANTED, good cook; no washing; 37a Jones. Tel. Harney 1436. K GOOD place for the right girl. Must i,. irnv4 rank and experienced house- kt-eDer but willing to work. Only two In family No children. No other but enmnetvnt drls need apply to Mrs. A. 1 luster, millinery. 221 N. 16th St.; even ings, 4198 Farnam. mm! fnr s-eneral housework; small family. 3123 Cass. H. 4690, " WANTED airl for general housework In family with baby; $6 per week: refer ences. Apt. 7. Normandle. Pacific and Park Ave Phone H. 1748. " WANTED Competent cook and house maid, Apply S08 So. 32d Ave. Telephone Harney S06- COMPETENT maid for second work; 3 In family; city references required. 601 Ho asth t Harney COMPETENT girl for general house work, no was rung, am jjuri ai. nmi7 o7" general housework: " must know how to cook. Web. 814. tCKflWIrt laubdry work. Tel. J I 1463. Miscellaneous. GOVERNMENT jobs open to womn. Excellent salaries. Influence unneces sary Write for list of positions open. , Frjurttlta .UudUute. Dept. 732U, Ilochester. N. X Father HELP WANTED MALE Mlaerllnnrons, YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers nr Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's avenue and 17th St., whsre they will be directed to suitable boarding n'nees or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at thr Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Attentat siilesiiH'ii nml Holtvltnrs, Live Agents will write Jarcr Manutncturlns Co., COT Drandels Theater Hide. Omaha. MAKE YOim MONEY WORK-os hard as vnu do. 1100 that can't earn over SHOO a year oiiKht to inlt tho Job. From 100 to 6C0 per cent Is being made yearly In thq real estate of the comlnK cities of Western Canada. Growing real estnto Is li safest and nulckest route to wealth. Close In city lots on easy payments. MKA-WUMEN Get uovurnment pnrc- Invest your savings. Live airenta wanted. I post Jons, 120 week; write for list of po For detailed Information apply to VorcI unions open. Franklin Institute. Dept. lUalty Agency, 1007 W., O. W. UldB., 214H, Ilochester, N. V. omana. AGENTS $5 a day. Work all winter for Rood men demonstration to louye- k..ri.ra Writ, fnr fm Knmnld nml caia' kceners. loKUe. Andrews A- Urown Co., .... " . i jg iinar i. Place, hlcngo'. 111. ' AUKNTfl-'Earn "$rto 110 "daily. Writo for our new bprlnB catalogue. Wo Klve valuable premiums nnd sumple free. Home Mall Order Co., 2700 S. Hamlin Ave., Chicago, III. TOLENUiD Hopenhig for a thoroughly oxpcrienqeu uiiijci uhu "f . one of nent appearunco and efficiency ami who could qualify to Decome assitpmn. iu tho buyer of tho department. Also an openlnV' for a capable shade and drapery workman. vpunKcr uros., u SPECIALTY KALEBMEN WANTED Kxperlenced, energetic salesmen wanted Immediately to act an manufacturer.; representative for high c1hsh toilet and specialty Una selling on sight tb drug gist, department stores, barber supply houses and Jobbers. Article Is well known. Is patented, trade marked, price restricted and Is being consistently ad vertised In this lerrltory. Men well ac quainted with tho abovo trade or others having had similar talcs experience, are especially urged to write. With such, liberal commission arrangements ani unlimited opportunities for large profit on new and repeat liu)nebs will be made. Quick action necessary. Write today. Give full experrence and refer ences in first letter to save time Ad. dress S. B. Co., 2S31 So. Wabash Ave. Chicago. on. salesman wanted, who has had experience selling to farmers. Apply at iiayaen ttroi. uu imit. WANTED Ambitious yohg men to become traveling salesmen ami ram while they learn. Write for particulars. llradstreet Bystem, Uochester, N. Y. WANTED Two solicitors for city work. Apply suite No. 9. Wead building. WU. and- Farnam. . Hoys. WANTED Office boy In large whole salt house; must Iwxve been through Eighth grade and have had one years office experience; not over 17 yeara old; good handwriting required. Apply In long hand with references. Address. F 6JCT, care nee. ,, . vrrrTrrn Tiallvjirv hnVN! must bo 16 years or over. Apply nt once to superin tendent, Brandels Stores. CltirU'Ml nml Offlar. hull office work see B. F. Mnrtl. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1016-16 City National Hani: Bide WANTED First class penman for rec ord and policy writing: reply in own handwriting, stating age anu saiary r pected. Address P 790. Omaha Bee. Fnctory nnd Trndes. WANTED A cooper at once. N. Stein oerg. 1019 Harney. WANTED 10 harnessmakvrs at Sturges Bros.. Sioux City, la SPRING rush Is commencing In the automobile business; learn now by prac tical experience In completely equipped shops; $100 to $200 earned monthly by Rood men. Write National Automobile Train ing Ass'n. 811 North 20th St., Omaba. Neb. LEARN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING. Get Into the automobile business; learn It complete In the largest and best equipped training school In this territory. Repairmen, demonstrators and salesreo.t sre In demand. Write or call for our lataat catslogue. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 1416-17 Dodge St.. Omaha. Neb. New Home, 16 & lie meals. 16H Capitol Drug store tsnaps) Jobs. Knlest. Uee Bldg. WANTED Car repair carpenters; re port ready for work with tools: steady work, good waxes. The United Car com pany, Chicago Heights. HI. WANTED First class coat niakera at J once; steady work ror good men. Jict-is City Nat Bank Bldg. I Miscellaneous, I 600 MEN. SO to 40 years old. wanted at i once for electrlo railway motormen and perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately (or appllca- tlon blank. Address Y-46, care Bee. WANTED A young man to keep books and astlst waiting on. trade In hardware store In Black Hills town: give refer ences, experience and wages want'i In answer. No boozer or cigarette smoket need a p pi y, A -785. 13 ee. WANTED An experienced clerk for general store; one who can speak Ger man, with good r"mmendatlons. Burns A Klbler. Persia. la. WANTED FOR IT. H. ARM Y Able bodied, unmarried men between ages of 13 and 36: cltlxens of United States, of j good character and lempetate habits, wf .cn. Pk' J"d. V?wrJ?. " ma.W, and Dodge Sts., Omaha. Neb.; 045 Fourth Bt.. OIOUX Lit), 18 i 1JU ISO 1VID Dl.. lin- coin. Neb. GET prepared f"r railway mall and other government "exams" by former U S. civil serv te examiner. Write now tor tree booklet ti Patterson Civil Service School, Rochester, N Y. f Copyright, 1MJ National . JJEIil' WANTED SlAIiK .Mlacrllii nrottn. UAIljVAY MA II, axamlnatlon ever) whore May 3d. Clerk-carrier booh. Hum dreils needed account parcel post, Wor for Uncle Ham. Salaries raHrd. , "Writ American Instltut'-, Dept. 19, Knnsa. City. Mo. WANTED Itollglous .young manic man to work on the farm. For furthc. Information write to A. Ontlcrman. flouto 3. Lewis, Kan KOENIO'H LA 110 H AGENCY, hrancho. In all Important cities, huh omiun 1320 DodKe, phune DoiirIbr 3232. Mali help of all kinds furnished frr e.ofcharK HEIil VAN"KI." MALI! AND PnMAIiH. WE FURNISH competent slenoKr.ipi. ers' services fri to employer anil' in, ployen. L. C. Smith X, Dios Tvp - ti f. 'IPS ifarnnm St. 'Phono Doue. 2213. W A XTED -S IT U AT IONS J -vANT.:Dj.0Mtlon as" substitute tor .. .. . . . t niirmr i Avt n w.fKH. J in R n cxiiei leiicuu banker, stenographer, clerk, secretary. . . A i. B.npflian' O. L. Brrmers, Fremont, Neb ""MAN wants tovork morning and even ing for room. Address A 797, Bee. a" MIDDLE-AGED-American widow wishes a situation ns housekeeper for a widower, bachelor or man with writ -ft-. lin3"aPprcclatlon for faithful sorvlce moro desired than high wages. Address A 4, South Omaha office. Omaha Bee.' "WANTED By expolencrd titan, place on farm. Single man; ucrmnn i:nmouc farmer. Address Joseph Kloss, General Delivery, Omaha, Neb LAUNDRESS wants Phone Harney 6603. work by day, AN A LI-AROUND good farm iWK'l wnntrl n ntenilv lob: linve references; have good health, Address A 799. Bee. Key to the Situation nee advertising. REFINED mlddle-nged widow desires position ns housekeeper In refined home; no Inundry work, no Incumbrance, or as managing housekeeper. Webster 6711. WORK by day or small bundles home; laec curtains a specialty; reasonable. Webster 7063. . YOUNG MAN, 21, with two years' ex- Sprlcnce as cash clerk,, wants position, est references. Adress F 787. care Bee. WANTED Position as cook In private family: does not wlah to do any other work; references. Address G 6S, care nee.' ATTRACTIONS. OMAHA film exch., 16th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. ANNOUNCEMENTS The Harney 2? New 77-room hotel, corner Hth vand Harney Sts. European plan Buffet and Darber shop In connectlon-44 rooms with bath; close to the retail d strict and theaters: strictly modern; plenty light nnd ventilation: first-class service and courteous treatment. T 1 i ( l.adlet and gentlemen; H 7 lRr?lTT tood eating; popular X C1101C4.1J. ,)rceB; ai0 So. 16th 8t.. Inn HnfM Hoard of Trade Uldg. Ladles' xuu Vjuiu ontrance inrnam St. PARALYZED TWELVE YEARS. 1S86 subscriptions to the L. 11. Journal $1.60: S. E. Post. $1.60, and Country Gun tleman, $1.60. will earn $3,000 for the In valids' Ponsion Ass'n, which will iitNuro myself and fifteen other suffero.-s 10 a month each. Must have SO In Feb. Your rmiewal worth W cents. DON'T WITHHOLD IT. Phone Douglas 7160. GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. Omaha. NeU Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptf. Co. THE TIE THA'r ENDURES Is a lucKy wedding rliutf from Fred Brodegauvd .lewelry Co., 16th and Douglas Sts. At the 'Ign of the Crown up the Oulden fltalrs. Gibson's Buffet 322 South 16th St Masquerade and theatrlcar costumes to rent at Lleben's. 1511 Howard. Open ev'ngs MONEY TO I JOAN-LOW rate, tlO Ilee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1904. Union loan Co. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles: 60o postpaid; samples free. Sher man A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. RENOVATE. FEATHERS, to clear, mattresses. Call Omaha Pillow Co., Doug, 2467. We also carry a fine line of mattrMies and pillows. 1721 Cuming. If. S. Griffith, wig mfr., 12 Frenier Uiu. AUTOMOlHLUa DRUMMOND'S Big new garage at 25th and Farnam. KOBES And radiator covers at $3.50 end up. BEST AUTO PAINT1NO- Fore doors, slip covers; new tops and bodies built lo order. WM PFE1FFKR CARRIAGE Works. 26th Ave. A Leavenworth. D. 22. - i t- i r "ilEPAiniNaT Murphy Did It SKS 3-TON Kelly truck. U dual block, rear tires, used 4 months. Apply 1S02 City National Bankjllilg. f6RSaLE A a bargain, one brand new 40-horse power, 6-passtnger Michi gan car, 191$ model, with latest equip ments. Classiest car on the market. J. C. Acton. Fremont. Neb. SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES SalO'J p ror..m5cnI't? Y" can't -epalr. J vu nnm u,im.i,ri, iv WILL sacrifice my 40-horsepower run about; never Lewn used. Addiess A 427, care Bee "pr rslstent Advert'rlnB la ihe Rjiad-to JJig lUturna News Association A. B. C. of Omaha A AUON'8, corner 16th und Farnair. - Prize winners: 1st, No. 2697: 2d, No. x 1736; 3d, No. 2221; 4th, No. 1570 ; 6th, o. 1048 ; 6th. No. 2002. DRUG CO.. 1216 Farnam. Crutch lubbers, crutches, clastic trusses. all kinds of rubber goods-anythlng u want from a drug store. "VC1. LEY bltUd.. J21 N..16th. Homo I . made grape wine. $1 gallon. Two quart bottles hefcr. 2oc. ' DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. 15th and, Harney Sts. JI5 suits and overcoats made to order, guaranteed to tit. ECONOMY Electric Signs bring bust ness; save cost In lighting. E. M. Clark. 16th and Douglas, Omaha. CO., 500 BrandsU Uldg. Doul. 29. General tnsuranca rallied In tellable compunlos. GROSS Lumber Wrecking Co. AH kinds Laundry, Dally second-hand mach inery; pipes, shafting and belting. F YOU liavo Hcrap mi-wits, rubbers and I rags, write for prices to Omalm Metal aits, write tor prices to umc lid Rubber Co.. 101 S. 8th St. J. a J." A. RCilROliUEU will tell you any thing you wish to know ubout the Mookejodge. Tel.D. w.'6. 41U a. iith. ,ytitk . fc.UK Abititt Co., .it, 3. lltu At. r Better be safe than toiry. tiav r uo soio tnan si do your title work. ivtir LAMCTHEE fc.iectricul Co., JOi ti. Din St. Tyler 1011. All kinds of elec trlcal contracting. Got our prices. Mu.NritiiT sttltche nelt's b (5. Mir. ut wiku. louueuA. Itches trout coniblngs, $1. Mun- eauiy pat iois, OJ a. 10. uuu. ,v , uuitAaivA wicufc. vju., 16th una llurney. Douglas 1662. We rent, re 1 pair, sll needles, parts of all sewing OMAHA STOVE UfcJPAIR WORKS, 1206-8 Douglas. Tel. Tyler 20. Water fionts. grateti tor furnaces, steuni af.d Hoc water heaters In stock. "Tietrolcum Coke, Jlu.ou per ton. tireatest I neat-giving iuci on the maraei. .-mo ashes or suiuke. Give us a trial or utr. Union fc'uel Co. Douglas 26$. Q L'AUTl' printing; prices right, jfuone uuus. sum una let us quote prices oa printing. Barton Ptg Co., HA B. llta. Hotel, now open for business. Modern every respect. Special fam ily rato by wk. or mo. lttt Cuming. i 1STEK tuilorea suits. Gowns, rcmoa ellng and repairing; reasonable cojI. w 2ul City National. Douglas aW9. TAKE your trleuds to the Mandarin cafe. 1409 Douglas, upstairs. Omaha's exclusive Chinese cafe. Music eVn lis U N1TED Clothes oiiop, 1612 Farnam St. Butts, overcoats, raincoats Hiady- to-Wear JlOund 16. Why pay morai w, ettern Millinery School, .413 Paxton Lllk. SnrliiK Ai Mummer classes start ing now; prepare for early positions. XJ CELLO GKaTK. TON $8.60. The nearest to anthracite: absolutely mnokeless. Coal Hill Coal Co. D. YOUR doors and windows made cold, dust and rattle proof by consulting F. H. TUHNEY A CO.. 603 Ware till.. Douglas 4696. ZEIGLER Coal. Ail sixes, per ton. fl.u D., L. A W., Scrsnton. Chestnut and other sixes, por ton. $12.00. Peoples woal v;o. Phone Doug. V30 or xyier SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES MY new 40-h. p. roadster; cost $1,500; will take Omaha property of same valuo or make big reduction for cash, W. S. FRANK, 1025 City Nat. Bank Bldg. BUSINESS CHANGES. TO get In or out of business, call on GANOESTAD. 401 Bee Bldg. Tel. P. 34Tf. "TlALF Interest In a mrg. business In Omaha for sale cheap It taken at once. After 6 p. m- call at 3315 Ohio St., city, or address G '94. Bee. FOR SALE Grocery business In a live eaitern Nebraska city. Reason for selling on application. Address Y 60. Uee. ANY kind retail store furnished or sold. Kennebeck Co.. 505 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. YOUNG man with some money to In vest can buy Interest In established firm, and work up with tho business. Address K 659, Bee. "FORTY-FIVE-ROOM hotel, fine busi ness, a bargain; no trade. 11. Llndeman, Crawford, Neb. TWO Brunsbalk bowling alleys for sals cheap. Addres Y 28, Bee REAL ESTATE partner wanted: largest list, best location In Lincoln. J 544. Bee. GENERAL merchandise store; good lo cation: doing good business. Jlll take part cash and small piece of clear pro perty In exchange. MYRTLE DEUEL. 2702 Brown St.. Omaha. Tel. Web. 1052 BUSINESS PERSONALS Architects. J. F. COTTRELU 4102 N. 19th. W. SSI. Attorneys. JUDGE MACOMBER, law office, IU State Bank Bldg; Hen lit ' I'nrlors. TTnSvrlfnQoino- Manicuring Masaags, liairaieSSlUg V4ectt Treatment Chil dren's bobbing. Welndlander Smlth.317 S IS C'hlruiiiictora. J. C. Lawrence, D. C, 2323 Howard. D. 84C1 I'hlroiioitlsta. Carrie J. Buford. 632 Pax. Blk. Red 46S7. Creameries,, Dairies nnd Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Detectives. OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agcy., bonded. Suite 428-9 Paxton Blk. D. 1319. L7w. LONGNECKER. 617 Karbach BlkT JAMES ALLEN. 312 Neville Blk. .'vi- dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136, Terry's Dressmaktni; college. 20th A Far. Drt'ssiuuktuir. Miss D. Malloy. altering of ladles' suits, refitting, relln'ng. 206 Boston Store. D.3478. Dressmaking by day or at home. W. 7C01 AI dressmaking at reasonable prices. Mrs. E. Yeager. 1915 Chicago. D. 4058. Dressmaking at home, or will go out by thr day Phone Web. 6315. 8003 Burdette. Dressmaking bf the day. Webster 7103. Drawn for BUSINESS PERSONALS Drairs. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Everything Electrical. Electrical Utilities Exchange. 352 lie- VUg. Florists. A. Donaghue. 1607 Far., D. 1001, A1001. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam dt. BATH'S, florist. Boyd Theater Uldg. "L. HENDER8QN. 1619 Farnam. D. ixa. BRANDEIS cut flower dept., new stores aiurlntit StoriiKn untl ClennlnR. McLaud & Son. Van A 3., 3-horse van. Z men. $1.23 nr.. 2 lira., II per hr. D.4339. W.513 Furn. moving; 2 men. $1 per hr. W. 2748. ''otinilrlf-M. McDonald Urass and Bronze foundry. Aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1497 Jackson. Music unit I.itiiKnnKcs. Experienced violin teacher. Web. 7213. Numeric mill Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. tlatPUiiiitliH. Alice Johnson. 308-9 Brandels The. Bld. l'nliita und Ulnss. BARKER Brothers Paint Co., carry a big stock of Keytsona tho washable and durable wall paint. Full line Sherwin Williams paints and varnishes. Carter lead, Woodman oil and Pratt & Lam bert's varnishes. Get our prices. 1609& Farnam. Doug 4760.- Patents. HIRAM A. STUROES, patent lawye, 646 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 3409. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tol. Red U7. Prescription Chemist. "NT TT SF,Tr,TnR Graduate prcscrlp il. ri. iMiLUX tlon cnera8t, ai No. 25th. Free deliver'. Douglas 1072. Printing;. WATHRS-BAnNHAHT Ptg. Co., trial, ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 B. 13th. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. bl. Low W. Ruber, Printer, r&',-plBK BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Store nnd Office fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc We buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-J8 S. .12th. D. iHi. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy. 2519 N. South Omutia. Trees, Plant nnd Seeds. ALFALFA seed and sweet clover seed, finest oualltv. Write for samnles. Sevier Valley Mercantile Co.. Sallna. Utah. Trunk nnd Suitcases. FUELING & STEINLE. 1803 Farnam dt. Wines nnd Liquors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, Cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 602-3 8. 13th St. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 65c a large hot tit. Klein Liquor House, 622 N. 16th St. EDUCATIONAL HOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE Winter term now open. Unsurpasajd classes. Finest quarters. Graduates n.e guaranteed good position. Work for board. For free catalogue and full in formation, address Mosher-Lampman C.-.-lege. 1816 Farnam St.. Omaha. Nsb. THE MID-WINTER TERM OF BOY LBS COLLEGE Is now open, yet It Is not too late to er. tr. Rtudxnts are being enrolled dally. Complete courses In Business, Bookkeep ing. Stenography. Telegraphy. Civil Serv ice and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is free for the asking. Call, write or 'phone for it at once. Aoaress uoyiea toutko, 1807 Harney SL, Omaha. Neb. Dnnelnar. For the best dance muslo call Web. 50J, Hnrlal nrlces In Feb.: learn to dance wnere all tne oiners ao. iii nunicr m. Mackle's. 3 times per week, Doug, it W, LOST AND FOUND PRDKONR hRvlrnr lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left ir in inn mrf-At ear. Many articles, each day are turned in and the compafiy Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug- OMAHA A COUNCIL BLITFF8 STREET RAILWAY CO Ml' A IN X. TiOST nM bar sin. small diamond: re ward. Return to Mrs. F. P. Doolllttie, 4907 California. H. 271$. LOST Bt -ndle pet bull dog pup, whU cnest, cruiiKy ouua. iiaurcu ii 39th St Phone Harney 36. Reward. LOST Dark red cow. Harney 26. 6016 California St MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Plies. Fistula and other jcctal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases wiin testimonials. DR. E. R. TAKKY. uee mug., umano. " li Stones. Home Remedy trio oil). I tZ 1 1 Medical Book Free. G. R. Co. VJClia DeI)t 0 ,l9 s Dearoorn. Chicago DISPENSARY Examination and treat ment of all diseases, conducted for the economical sick. The fee is 60 cents paid, cash; medicines Included. Hours 9 to k; Sundays. I to 3. Doctor Matheny, Suite 3SS Bee Bldg.. Omaha. MONEV TO LOAN autary unit urnitln. CHATTEL LOANS $5 to $100. SALARY LOANS. You can get It today of BTAR LOAN CO., 601 Paxton Block. The Bee by George McMamis MONEY TO LOAN Snlnry nml Chattels. STOP I Here If yoif need money. LOOK!! City over and Vou do no belter LISTEN III V Tt'llt npntlnti. n InAn t Tvcrm Rates, Eas'.ets Payments, quickly and Privately on Salary or Chattel Security RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 3d floor. Suite 303, Paxton. Phone D. 1411. TV T on furniture, illanos and IVIOnPV eaI estate at a very law. .vKJixsy rate of lnteregt. Nebraskn Loan Co., Douglas 1356. 220 Bee Uldg DIAMOND LOANS nt 2H aild 6 per cent. FLATAU. 1514 Dodge St. ,Tel.. Red 6819. MONEY IXDANED SALARY PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. H. Tolman, 603 New Om. Na. Bank Bldg. FURNITURE SALARY LOANS. Let us advance you enough money to pay every one you owe and with only one place to pay; you'll bo more satis fied and surprised how cheaply wo can do It. NO PUBLICITY. EASIEST PAYMENTS. Lowest Rates. Confidential. Private. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAM CO., Established Twenty-oh6 years. 1603 FARNAM ST. Phone DoUg. 2235. Room 215 Board of Tradfi Building. DIAMOND LOANS at 2 and 5 per cent. GROSS LOAN CO., 410 No. 16th. WA NTK1) - TO ItliVT Apartments nnil Flnts. Gordon Van Co. ggg tl N. 11th St.. or 216 S. 17th St. .Tel. D. 394. 18U. FARNAM SI. Second floor of Qulvet Uldg., 3-room apartment, with large room adjoining suitable for artists or professionals who wish their homes con tlguous. Hall Plat. Co.. 433 Ramge. D. 740J. "FIVE-ROOM steam-heated apartment on West Farnam street, with Janitor i service. Very Choice".- JOHN W. ROUBINM. KIK VUIM AM DT. FIVE-ROOM, steam-heated apartment In the Dunsanry apartment. 10th and Pierce. uonrao xoung. uranueis Theater Bldg. Phone DougIA 1571. 6-room aDartment. completely modern. Scargo Bldg., South Omaha, above 516 N. 24th. Hall, 483 Ramge. V. 7406. AT 29th and Dcwev Ave. we have 4- room flats, all modern except -heat; rent free to March 1. Seo us about this. N. P. Dodge A Co., 15th and Harney Sts. THE CARLYLE APARTMENTS, . HIGH-CLASS. CLOSE IN, 625 SOUTH 18TH ST. 4-r.. with steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range, curtain rods and jan itor service furnished; $35 .summer, $45 winter. PAYNE A SLATER COMPANl", Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Hoard nnil Kotimsf Merrlam hotel. 25th and Dodee. under new management; single and ensulte. D.85 Elegant fur. front room for gentlemen. Close In. private family. 2618 Harney. -Mil. JP Y.t..rtu'r,.fli, hI.a I. .111., rtlnn.a walk distance; mod, excel'nt board. 11. 3SS9 1636 ti. 21st Nicely furnished transient rooms, modern; also light hkpg. W. 7063. Furutslied Uooma. 181 N. 31ST AVE., south room: modern. FOUR rooms, one south, nicely fur nished; good furnace heat. .2037-9 Harney FURNISHED rooms. In iSUlte of four. single or for light housekeeping; choice. rcasunaoie. uougiaK i-oif. NORTH 25TH, 109; Reedhurst; small, newly furnished room, for gentleman. NEWLY furnished rooms, steam heat 1708 Jackson St Tyler 1521. ONE large south room, wilt accommo date 3 or 4 persons; ono small room, will accommodate two. 617 South ISth St. Doug. 6271 WARM, modern rooms, suitable for one or two. 2104 Douglas Hotels ana Apartments. DODGE HOTEL Moaetn, reasonable. CALIFORNIA HOTEL Steam heated rooms. $2 per week and upl free bath. llousra and Cottujic. M'LATJD A Stm move, trunks. 2io 60c Douglas 4SSS. FOR RENT t-story frame dwelling i-n Cass St.. between 2fith and 27th Bts., all modern Improvements. The Crelinton University. Tet Doug. 2320. , IGO hauls trunks, light moving. D. 49f S ROOMS, modern. 112 N 26th. D. 2717. Dybbro A Fletcher, mover of household goods, pianos, work guaranteed. D. 3069. Moving, packing and storage ot house hold goods and pianos Is our business Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof etorage. SOG S. ICth, by the vladust Branch office. 209 8. 17th St Tel. D. 41-U. WEST FARNAM New Stucco. 31 N tSth Ave. ' fine. location and only $45. 6-ROOM house. 624 So. 18th 3 large room flat, patt mod., first floor. good neigiiDoriioou. naw. Harney 435. in all arts of the city. UUUU9 Crlh. in .t- Cn.. Bee Bids MAG GAR D VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and nlanos. Douglas 1496. RENTAL BARGAINS. 8-r. house, nil modern. 4223 Douglas, $20, 2-r.. 2423 Cuming St.. $7.60. ; ' 17m VLh sT 'li"" C-f. flat, modern except- heat. 4602 N. 24th St.. $0. 5-r. flat, modern except heat, li N 24th St. $16. Cottage at 14th and Oh Id. only $18. N. 1'. UUUUK l)V 16th and llamay, Sts- . . FOR RKN3V WEST FAHN.VM, Strictly modem 0-roum 10H So. 3fth St. Doug. 481. ' farney 31. S-ROOll bilck hoiifes, $XMl It-ROOM modern lU'inDni park, J3. Woodman. 41R MeCqgno Ulil ! S ROOM modern house at IM So 4 it 1 ISt. I3U Ttl Haruey Z3tL ' OFFERED FOR RENT Houses nnd Cottniien. GLOBE VAN A STORAGE CO. Stor age. $2 per month. We contract your packing, storing and hauling. D. 4238 vnd D. S7K5. Offices 117 S. 14th Bt. 20 N. 16th. ELEGANT 9 and 11-room house, all modern, walking distance. 321 N. 23d street, and 2305 Cass. Stores nni! Offices. S-STORY brick bldg.. 16th and Cumin 6ts. Tel Douglas 2474. . STORAGE TO RENT. One-story brick building, cement floor. windows nnd doors all barred; space, 130 feet long. 66 feet wide: trackage both ends of building; located "In center of whole sale district. Will lease all or any part of this space at reasonable figure. Call Douglas 2907. FOP. RENT I-or wholesale, light man ufacturing or retail purposes Farnam St. after December 31 th6 three-story and basement building. 22x100 at No. 1011 Farnam St Uppor floors have light on three sides. Inquire at room 314. First National Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1242. 30-ROOM brick building; bath room or each floor; new steam heating plnnt; good fnmlly hotel location. Warehouse or store. 1307-09 Howard St.; 3 stories: steam heat! freight elevator. 2423 Cuming, sttoom. 22x60: only $25. Storeroom at "05 S. 27th St.. $12.60. Two fine large office rooms at 15tl nnd Harney Sts. Sen us about these rich away. N. P. DODGE ti CO.. 15th and Harney. OFFERED FOR SALE Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. Rent an L. C. Smith A Bros.' type writer of the makers, by the month. 33.W, or three months for $7.50. L. C. Smith d Bros. Typewriter Co., 1316 Farnam St. 'Phone Doug. 2213 HAVE a new Monarch typewriter: will sell at sacrifice, as I am leaving the city; machine can be seun any time. Address D. 612 care Bee. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 8 months, 15. ENTRAL TYPEWRITER ISXUHAAUb. Cli Miscellaneous. SAFES 2d-hand. American Supply Co, MOST ANYTHING. Catalogue free Dept. A, S. S. McGhee Co.. St LquIs, Mo. KINDLING, $1 load at factory. Acm Box Co., Uth and Seward. Done. 1837. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy puyments. Tho Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co., 407-409 South' 10th St. $,; COAL: It's good: try a ton; best for J money. Web. S48. Marmon A Weeth. STORE FIXTURES, coolers, refrigera tors, grocers' display counters. Ice ma c h Ines. The United Line. 1117 Farnam- ! HALL'S safes, new A 2d-hand. Corey A McKensle 1't'g. vo.. nil tiarney. i-. .on. binding. li. cjross, lumber & wrecktag. PERSONAL E. BELLE, scientific massage; baths: drugless treatments. 703 S. 16th. Apt B. Scientific massage. Mrs, Hedlund. D. 7913. r A cs A i TTfiwedlBh movement, Apt wuiooiuii 1S02 Farnam. D-6240. Miss Fisher, mass., bath, elec. treat. D-8C3 63-DaY BLOOD REMEDx. Bcxten pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. THE SALVATION ARMY sollcfts'cast off clothing; In fact, anythltuc you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at Ul N. 11th St, for cost ol collection, to the worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 and wagon will call. Af A (WTCTTC! treatment B. Brolt. aiiltJlNJliJ.J.U' 0vtr 710 8, t6th, p. 7S95. MASSAGE, salt glow, lime, Allen ot Chicago. 109 S. 17th St. Douglas 7665. Massage Expert treatment Mrs Steele. 208 S. 13th St.. Room 80S. Close 10 p. m ANN V MARKS MaJ,aKe- 1802 Far- YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where the) will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. Massage, Mrs. Rlttenhouse. 308 Boston Str. MASSACrR Corns removed, 25c. Mrs WANTED Young buslnes lady to share my nice furnished flat and pay part of expenses. References exchanged. Address E CSS, iiee. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES EGGS For Hatching From thoroughbred It C. Rhodo lelanl Reds-, vigorous, hardy stock: great lay irs; country range: $1 for 15; $5 per 10X A. H. BAKER. Benson. Neh. R. F. D. No. 2; Tel. Benson 74-t. ARE YOUR hens layers or loafers Conkey's Laying Tonic will make layers outfit them. For Bale by Nebraska Setd Co., 1613 Howard St. ADDRESS M. M. Johnson Company. j clay Center, Nebraska, manufacturers of Old Trusty Incubators and Brooders, for Incubators und brooders; catalogue free. WANTED TO 1U-V Dolgoff 2d hand store pays highest prn- for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. !.; BEBER pays high prices for 2d-haud furniture, carpets, clothes, shoes. D. 7S : . SELNElt xvlll treat you right; .,,i 1 Ijric'-.:.l2,a- jujiiitureciotne u.o. 1 Sl.'ghtlv used high grade lia:i 'V. WOULD !!ko to buy a five or r.x room liius- ' bt- inv.d un a lot i-n ii the neighborhood of ?Uli unu 1.1 . preferred 'If'phon- Rwl 439I. 11. x.c imvi- i.ii .t t'lr-iiini- 1 DDI' Wo pay h.shetit pi Ices for "uu" and tenUem- n's W-hand i for U.l'. elofi htillkfeliuld i.iia,.H uiid . 'n.l i.. tnwili 2T.1J tt orvj.i P Inn if Webster" -", ' 1.1 -T. TT.. I . 1 1 r Juj , I'.nriuir. Ne. p r At . 1 iLlt-i. u l. iv Kuau lo