Newspaper Page Text
rm: i,kk. omaha, Saturday, fubiuwry 22, mis. 15 UKAIj ESTATE LOANS City Loans LOnit?EriJyKnAtl OPTIONS- . service. Loan on Business Blocks and Choice "mn.'VL.1 roperues a Bpcclalty, FIRST TRUST COMPANY OP OM OMAHA. WANTEn-ntv .Tr:; rr W ' nun xnniDllt . Famam Smltli & Co.. 1820 Farnatn St .JABRISON & MORTON. 916 Om. NaL l made promptly. F. IX Wead. Wead Bldg.. ISth and Farnam. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. LOANS on fam-. and improved city property. 5. 5tt and C per cent: no delay. J. H. Dumont it Co.. 1C03 Farnam 8t gAEVIN BROS. Qg; &a MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties, $1,030 to $500,000. 6 iTY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Co.. J 810-12 Brandels Theater Bid. OiiAHAJ10me"- EMt Nebraska rarma O-KEEFE HEAL ESTATE CO.. lOlGOmaha National. Douglas 2716. JKCSE lari our specialty. 8tuirn"rOi loans on Neb. farms and Omaha city E?P.ety,.,n nny amount. H. W. BINDER, HJ6-810 City National Bank Bldg. sale on exchange n. e. Everybody's Doing It Doing what 7 Trading with the Palmer Land Co.. 1106 W. O. W. BIO. TO TRADE Stock of clothing valued at $00 for automobile. Address 101 City National Bank Bids.. Omaha, Neb. GOOD residence In Omaha for acreage or small farm near city. Will pay cash difference. Owner, P. O. Box 293. 640-ACRK farm, four miles from town, In Bowman county. North Dakota, price $18,000; will trado $12,000 equity for hard ware or furniture business or hotel. Leonard Marklund, Scranton. N. D. SAIiE on EXCHANGE R. E. WANT Improved farm; I will exchange Rood Income town property and pay dif ference, no agents. Address 2011 Btnney street, Omaha. Nebraska? FOB TRADE We have some choice Colorado farming lands to trade for gen eral merchandise or hardware stocks. For further Information address The Lleber Land Co., Huso, Colo. WANTED TO KENT GOOD B or 6-room strictly modern cot tage; must be In good locality and have furnace. Address O 789, Bee. 3 OR 4-ROOM furnished apartment In J1IBL UIUBB BUtLTlIlltKU UUIIUIIIS, AUUIOS9 P. O. Box 434. Omaha. HE AIi ESTATE CITY ritOPBRTV FOll SALE. Price Goes Up March 1 EIGHTY ACRES UPLAND, well Im proved, Sarpy county farm; gently rolling, best of soli, choice location, extra good goods for the money. Price $125 per acre for Immediate sale; extra terms, $3,000 cash, balanco 5 years at only B per cent. Owner says PRICE GOES UP TO $140 PER ACRE IF NOT SOLD BY MARCH 1, when renter gets on, although extra i.fma ntirl nn.Rnv.lyin I f mnA now. This will make you money. Remember, possession given It desired. ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY. 1213-1214 City .National Bank Bldg. MAP OF OMAHA STREETS, Indexed, free at office, 2 stamps by mall. CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON CO., Real Estate, In surance, Core of Property, Omaha. Also Omaha Reki Book, vest pocket size. BUILT FOR HOME. Now 7-room house with sleeping porch at SOU WcDster: hardwood finish through out except kltcheu; full basement and attic; first floor finished In mahogany; second floor In white enamel. D. R-l BUCK & SON, 912 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. 6226. EXCELLENT lot, 60x122, ,at Twenty third and Lake, for .small apartment, flat or house. Low price. Owner, Web ster 2612. FINE building lots for sale.; $1 down and 50c per week. 1014 City , .National Bank Bldg. , . E35 SOUTH 27TH ST. Nice home, also fine for renting; new, well-built, square two-story house, all modern. Sold all other property and wish to leave. Look it over and make offer.' JIM DOWN, UAL. $25 MO. Buys new bungalow of 5 rim.: finished In oak; nicely located near Miller park; all modern. Price reduced to $2,800. v SHOPEN & CO. D. 4246. DOUBLE brick house In the Hanscom Park district, one block from car line; strictly modern; gas and electricity; flrjt class property; want a 6-room modern house aa- part payment. Address D 683, caro Omaha Bee. TO BUY, SELL OR RENT, FIRST SEE JOHN W. ROBBIN8, 1W2 FARNAM ST. SOUTH PART OF ClTYu B-room house. ITAT a 11 V, at irnr tmtA hv nwnsr. i HALF block from side track, olther way, G6xl32, in block 93, original city, also corner lot with both street and alley trackage in block 192. Both of these extra cholco places o wholesale or warehouse property for sale at a bar gain by owner. D. 4342. MUST sell modern 8-room house 1 block n. of high school. Price $3,600. D. 3607. U-ROOM house, Kountre Place, Omaha, 17,000, clear, also other clear Omaha property. Want California. 113$ W. 424 EL. Los Angeles, Cat AIlbTUACTS OV TITLB. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract ot flee In Nebraska, 203 Brandels Theater. HEAL ESTATE FAIlBt fc KAXCH LAND KOlt SAI.H California. California land excursions 1st and $d Tues. W. T. Smith Co.. 815 City Nat Bk. Canada. EASTER Saskatchewan grain and stock farms, improved or raw, right prices and easy terms. If interested write D. T. Desetm. 2318 Sprague. Omaha. Ions. ORCHABDHEIGHTS 606 acres subdivided, excellent for fruit, dairy, chickens, stock and truck garden ing. Located S. miles north of Council Bluffs postofflce and 7 miles northeast of Omaha postofflce. Let us show you some bargains. DAY & HESS CO., Council Bluffs, la. Kansas. KANSAS FARMS and ranches for sale; (0 to 23.000 acres; write for free list V, K. MQUETTB. Sallna. Kan. Missouri. 10 ACRES, Cass county, Missouri, one mile county seat; small Improvements; 40 miles of Kansas City; a bargain; $65; .erm. Howard & Son, HarrlEonville, Mo. jlnnfuiiu. SIXTY THOUSAND ACRES CAREY LAND, open to entry at Valler. Mont. Fif teen annual payments. Section famous foi gialn. grasses, vegetables; well adapted dlverslled farming. For P. -icu-lau write. Valler Farm Sales Co.. Box Valier. Mont. Nebraska. A BARGAIN. 'Veil Improved SO; 3V4 miles out; easy lirim, possession given. Price, 33,600- J. I. '-ampbell. Litchfield. Neb. SMALL FARM BARGAIN. Vet of Florence, X acres, good Im provements. 12 acres grapes. 3 acres Mer ries, or-iuro, garden, etc ; the best p we t.t lh. Linrt nn ihff market fun tnlf in ' tl"rt) residence Price 29.600; on terms. I . T. O IIA IIA M, 004 Bee Bldg. J HP ATM AMH DPnTiIlf!l? MADlflTlS" i inte it cars. ..v uiimu twu l auiuuu mmuvui Wet Weather Makes Market Heavy with Wheat. CORN MARKET WELL SUPPORTED Cloxlnsr Prices We're Quarter of n Cent llljrhrr Than Dor Before and the Demand Contin ues Modrrnlelr OMAHA, Feb. JL 191S. There was a display of heaviness In wheat during the morning yesterday, chiefly because all the western reports told of cloudy, threatening weather condi tions ami a few sections reportyd light rain and snow. The market did not weaken as much as the bears expected, the May price stopping at 02c and July at 91'c. From that point there was a strong recovery In the early month to Mo near the dose and July was up to 91Hc. The market closed a fraction under the top. Several things combined to bring about the good recovery In wheat futures the last hour. Messages told of predictions of a change to much colder weather over the western states. This was expected to put an end to the precip itation, which was very light. Minneap olis reported choice wheat rather scarce In the current receipts and possibly 'a lit tle Improvement In the flour sales. Northwest and southwesi markets re sponded promptly to the upturn in Chi cago prices. Strong leaders were credited with helping the advance along, but the selling of May wheat at 93c was signi ficant. The cash demand in Chicago was lim ited, the sales reported up to the close being only 30,000 bushels. The Northwest ern Miller, in itn weekly report, con firms an unusually slow flour situation, resulting In cutting of prices by millers. A leading house In the cash trade nt Chicago claimed the purchase of hard wheat at Omaha for shipment there at rfea under the May option. The fact le malns that the market recovers quickly from all depressions and some traders advise to keep on the buying side of the market as the season of crop scares ap proaches. Cash wheat, U44o higher. During the morning yesterday it looked Kb a Dear marxet in corn, with the May price at Bio and tho July at E3o. As before, this market met good support Ht theae figures, and with tho help of the strong turn In wheat prices were firmed to BVlo for May and 53io for July. Clos ing prices were about 'ic over Wednes day. The shipping demand continues 'e.rLmoJerate' sa'os only amounting to 140.000 bushels In Chicago. Kansas City claimed somo reselling of corn there by Texan houses. Brokers reported weight of May corn on tho market all day, with some fairly good support in the July from the leading bull Interest. Oath corn unchanged tn : hifh?- There was very little notion In oata miures yesterday, and the close was a small fraction better than Wednesday. Receipts were 201 cars In Chicago, arid the oash business there was reported at 210,000 bushels. Brokers reported somo scattered outside buying orders In the market. Cash oats unchanged to c higher. Liverpool close: Wheat, Hd to Ud higher; corn, Vid higher. Primary wheat receipts were 794,000 bushels and shlpmonts 456.000 bushels, against receipts of 879.000 bushels and shipments of 773,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 1,413,000 bushels and shipments 700.000 bushels, against receipts of 2,000,000 bushels and shipments of 912,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 844.000 bush els and shipments fi2G,000 bushels, against receipts of 1,000,000 bushels and shipments of B22.000 bushels last, year. The following cash sales were reported today: WHEAT No. 2 hard winter. 1 car. 84Uc; 6 cars, 84c. No. 3 hard winter. 3 cars, 83c: G cars, S3V4c: 2 cars, SSUc. No. 4 hard winter. 1 cars, 82?ic. No. 2 mixed, 1 car. 83Hc No. 2 durum, 1 car, 86c. RYE No. 2, 1 car, 66c. CORN No. 2 white: 2 cars. 43cj No. 3 white- 3 cars, 45c; 1 car. 44Uo: 5 cars, 44Hc; 1 car, 44Uc. No. 3 color: 1 cat, 43Wc. No. 2 yellow: 1 car, 43V4e. No. S yellow: 7 cars, 43Hc; 5 cars, 43Uc No. yellow: 1 car. 42c. No. 2 mixed: 1 car 44c. No. 3 mixed: 2 cars, 434c; 1 car, 43ic; HH cars, 43c. No. 4 mixed: , of a car. 4114c No grade: 1 car. 33,ic, 1 car, 37c. OATS Standard: 1 car, 3Hic. No. 1 white: 1 car (local), 3l4c; 18 cars, 3lo. RKAIi J5STATK KAltal RANCH LANDS KOlt SAI,H Nebraska. IMPROVED FARM-320 acres. 15 an acre; 12 miles from town; rich black noil; 60 acres broke; all fenced: house 22x24; near school and In sight of twenty-five other farm houses. Must have your fil ing right J. A. Tracy. Kimball. Neb. Texas. 5 Cents Acre Cash Texas school land for sale by the state. You can buy good land at 32 per acre; pay Be per acre cash and no more for 40 years, but 3 per cent Interest; send 6c postage for further Information. Investor Pub. Co., Desk 33, San Antonio, Tex. Ulacellaneons. $10 DOWN, $5 monthly buys 40 acres oak farming land. Other farms for sale and for rent. W. M. Durham, Monteer. Mo. Wisconsin. WISCONSIN 'still has cheap lands. Several new tracts open. Sure crops no failures. Yields lead average of the United States. For United States census figures write Wisconsin Adv. Amun -i Caswell Bldg., Milwaukee. Wis. FROST PROOF 200-acre tract of fruit or dairy lands; 60 acres Improved; good buildings, springs, creeks; at about cost of improvements; 32,000 cash will handle It; balance easy. Ed C. Carver. Bay field, Wis. ' y LIVE STOCK MARKIST OK WEST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. ' i Lire Stock Commission Merchants. BYERH BROS, ic CO. Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co.. 222 Exchange Bldg. MARTIN BROS. St Co., Exchange Bldg. LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The Bee Publishing company will be held at The Bee office, Omaha, at 4 o'clock p. m. on Monday, March 3, ID13. for the election of a board of directors for (he ensuing year and for the tranj. action of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. By order of the president. F9-M2 N. P. FEIL, Secretary. SB MX BIB BK VTB XiOAir WE BEZZ, ft BUY SCOVXT BOVDB, oxr PABM f fc 3X0BT OAOBS, uaxb nr. AITS CITT F30PBB.TT AT LOWEST P08SZ8XX! KATES VESTMENTS. ACT AS TBT7BTBB, QUABBZAir, ETC. UNITED STATES TRUST CO. 813 So. 17th Street, Omaha, Beta, FARMERS, ATTENTION! Ship your own QUADX to a decldud 'or imSSS rytnlng "U ' ryining. ii aavaniage. ryriie toaay ror circular Wf, handle your gral regardless of location. We hai Hun annnl f aai) avbi aiiAmtlkl years experience. ...t t.& . - . . . . ADsoiutely reliable THE AK-BAB-BBtf QBAZH OOMPAITY. 9-44l Brandalj Bldjr., Omaha, lteb. I m mixed- 1 car, .Wc Omnbn Cneli Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. S3UM!o: Nn I hard. SS4c; No. 4 hard, 70iflsVc: No. 3 CORN No. 2 white, 4ic. No. 3 white 44HO-WC. No. 4 white. 4S4J; No. 3 color. 4J,e; No. 2 yellow. 43H43o; No. 3 yellow. 4,VT4SHo; No. 4 yellow, 41ttCM; No. 2, 43V4UM; No. 3, 4$ti4iic; No. 4, 111! 41Wc; no grade, !17r40c. OATS No. 2 white. M3iUc; standard, Xl4c; No. 3 white, 31c; No. 4 white, SOVtif 30. c BARLEY Malting, 6M60o; No. 1 foed, 40943c RYK-No. 2, SSfJCtyio; No. 3, B5H864. Carlot Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago ...i 79 tfGO 206 Minneapolis .....3n ... ... Duluth co Omaha (0 Kansas City 27 SI Louis 143 Winnipeg 223 03 i 122 ClUCAtSO ORA1N A Nil PROVISIONS Features of the Trading: and Clonlna Vrlcen on Hoard nf Trade. CHICAGO, Feb. 21. Adequate snow and rnln In Ihn drv SMtlons (Mt and south west today mo're than offset the effect of export itemana tor wneai. ina raarei closed steady, but Vlo to Ho net lower. Corn finished Uo to Ufic ud. oats with a gain of a shade to Ho and pro visions varying from last night's level to 7',ic to too dccUua. Although It developed that exporters bo tli hero and at Omaha were still buy ing, the upturn that resulted Droved brief. In addition, heavier receipts were In sight at wuum and tnere was good autnonty tor a larger estimate of the surplus In Argentina. Primary receipts of wheat for tho day wrre 794.C0O bu.. niralnst 879.000 bu. two days a year ago, Clearances of wheat and flour eminled G5.000 bu. Corn prices Hardened because the weather delayed (rural soles. Big pur- unasc maae nere oy uaiumore exporters cut a figure too. In helping prices. Oats, though dull, rellected the corn strength. Renewal curtailment of the hog supply at leading centers brought about a bulge In provisions. Demand, however, fell off ana me mai'Kei ciosea weax. Closing quotations ringed as follows ArUcleJOpon. High.l Low Close Yos'y. Wheat! j May. 92H 93W92HS 91 ttj, July. 91iPW 91H4M4 HWUH 91 Wfc Sept 90 WW 6 83HMMW Corn ' i May. 52if; 52 t2t MJiEwy July. ia4 B3Vi fisur 5i5 Sept. 544J 6i 54 i 54H MX Oats May. 344S 34USI StW WW 34H July. 34J4eH S44frH 34Uti 34H 3114 Sept S4U 34H 34 34A 34 Pork May. 19 S 19 i"7H- 19 82H 19 85 19 70 19 70 19 SC July. 19 70 I 19 70 19 2tt 19 61Vi i od I-ard I May. 10 W, 10 65 10 57H 10 S7V4 10 0 July. 10 67ii- 10 70 10 70 1 10 GO 10 60 10 70 Ribs llll May. 10 H 10 B2H 10 10 45 10 47H July. 10 60 10 63H 10 47H 10 47H 10 u Chicago Cash Prlcos Wheat: No. 2 red, I1.031.08; No. 3 red, 95otl.00; No. 2 hard, 91J93c; No. 8 hard, 898OTo; No. 1 northern, 92092o; No. 3 horthcrn, 8991o: No 3 northern, 86H4f88Mc; No. 2 spring, 8if90c; No. 3 spring. S687c; No. 4 spring, SOHc: velvet chaff, S691c; durum. S7 9:c. Com: No. 2. 50c; No. 2 yellow, 50 60Ho; No. 3, 47Uif48Hc; Np. 3 white. 48tttt 49Vic; No. 3 yellow. 47H??io; No. 4. 46 47ttc; No. 4 white. 46tt4SHo; No. 4 yel low, 45i04nic Oats: No. 2, 32c; No. 3 white. S4?K15o; No. 3, 31Ho; No. 3 white, 32Vi33c; No. 4, SHic; No. 4 white. 310 32Uc; standard, 3SVi3c. Rj-e; No. 2, 6U362c Barley: 47(S71c Timothy: 33.700 3.7G. Clover: $12.001S.BO. Pork: ,119.60. Lard: JI0.47WC. Ribs: W.gTWO'lO.OSHc. BUTTER Easy; creameries, 2RiUiSc. EGOS Firm: receipts, 6.K22 oases, at mark, cases Included, 17HSc: refr.ger ator firsts, 1314o; firsts, 19ffl9H';. POTATOES Steady; rcceipti. 7o cars; Michigan. 464So; Minnesota, 4VSvi; Wis consin; 43ff4Sc. POULT.RY Firm; .turkeys, drjased, 21c: chickens, nllvp. 14c: snrlnirs. ullv. 14Uc Nott York General IMnrket. N.EW YORK. Feb. 21.-POULTRi Dressed, quiet but steady; fresh killed western chickens, 1415c; fowls, 1557 j7c; turkeys, ltQc. BUTTER Weak: receipts, 6.2.V) tubs; creamery extras, 3&335HC, procpss extras, 26I26Wc: Imitation creamery, firsts. 24 ,25c; factory, held, 22&2Ze; factory, cur ing stocK. neia, zowuc; pacxing stock, current make, No. 2. 20QC0Hc; No. 3, 170 19c. CHEESE Steady; exports, S00 boxes; state whole mill;, colored specials, 17 18c; stato whole milk, white specials, 17Vic; skims, 514c EGQS Steady; exports, 14,995 cases; fresh gathered, extras, 21 22c; fresh gath ered, firsts, 20c; refrigerator, firsts, 18V4 iJ16o; nearby hennery, whites, good to large sizes, new laid, 26c; nearby hennery, selected whites, defective In size or qual. tty, 2124c; nearby hennery, brown, 22c; western gathered, whites, 2Sf24c. Kansas City Grain nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Feb. '21. WHEAT Cash: No. 2 hard. 85S8',lc; No. 3, 8487c; No. 2 red, 9uc$1.02; No. 3, 89c11.00. CORN No. 2 mixed, 47c; No. 3, 46c; No. 2 white. 47Ho; No. 3. 47c. OATS-No. 2 white,, 3S4i34V4o; No. 2 mixed. 32&g33c. BUTTER Creamery, 35c; firsts, 33o; seconds, 31c; packing, 19c POULTRY Hens, 124o; roosters. 8Ho; ducks, 15c. " EGGS Firsts. SOc: seconds, 13c , Closing prices of futures: WHEAT May, 86H86o; July. ffiHc CORN May, SlWffSlHo; July. B2He63V4c OATS May, 35',ic .St. Louis General Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Feb. 21. WHEAT Lower ; May, 91o; July, SOVic CORN-Hlgher; May. SlH851V4c; July, OATS Steady; May. 34o; July, S4Hc. 'POULTRY Irregtilar: ehleWonn. 1?? springs, imoj turkeys. 17c; duika, 17c; BCCBP, gu butter-Firm: croamerv, 2S33c EGGS Lower at 19Vic; no murket tB- morrow. . T.tTerpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 21. WIIBAT-Spot, steady; No. 2 Manitoba, 7s 7d; No. 3 Manitoba. 7s 5d. Futures, steadv: Mnrnh 7s6Kd: May, 7s 4d; July, 7s d. corn hpot American mixed, new, quiet. 4s 10(1: spot American, old. Es lOVid; spot American, new, via Galves ton, easy, is oai jutures, steady; March LaPlata, no stock: March, American mixed, is 9Hd. Tnriientlnc una Ilosln. 8AVANNAH. Ga.. Feb. 21. TTinpnv. TINE Firm, at 42ic: sales. 107 hM,. r. celpts. 94 bbls.; shipments, 233 bbls.: stock. lotova uuiii, ROBIN Firm: sales. 865 bbls.? rorolnt. 3S3 bbls,; shipments. 370 bbls.r stork. 904 hbls. Quote: A. B, IG.27H; C, D, $3,30; W,r8.60: I, J6.70; K. J6.90; M, 17.00; N 17.05; WG, 87.10; WAV. 7.157.K). Metal srarket. NEW YORK. Feb. 21.-MBTALS-.Cop. per firm; spot and February, $14.25 bid: March, April and May. 814.2fyffl4.75. Elec. trolytlc, 115.00; lake. 115.25: castings. $14.75. Tin Steady; spot. H8.EOtMS.67Vi; February. 14S.2&5N8.67; March. $47.75f48.25: April S47.50S48.00. Lead Steady; $4,2534.85. Spelter-Julet; $S.254S5. Antimony Quiet; Cookson's, $9,308.40. Iron-Steady and unchanged. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Feb, 21. Wool Stead v. medium grades, combing and clothing, iikiii mio, ifi.ic, neavy line, UOlle; tub washed2703.. Basnr Slarket. BUQAIt Itaw, firm: muscovado, 59 test, 2 9Sc; centrifugal. M test, 2.4Sc; molauses, 80 test, 2.73c, Iteflned steady. Slonx City I.lve; Stuck Sfarket. SIOUX CITY, Feb. 21 CATTLE lie. rflrits. 600 head. Market steady: nativ. steers. 7i2Mi8,T6; cows and heifers, 15.2G 7 canners. 50i34.50; stockers and '"jHiOS-Recelpts. 4.M0 head. Market Bo i.ii.on hun. t7.TKna. a 111 tr1i1- hfiOV't' T7 irjTi Q flC . 1 ' ," ,n. '2i""f 7,60: bulk of sales, 18.0ftff8.05. 8HBEI' ANP IAMBS-No receipts, ,Wn,', JIH, f).IiVV PW YORK STOCK MARKET! Few Weak Spots Appear, but Gen eral Movement is Narrow. BEAR OPERATORS MORE WARY Southern Pacific Ilreaks llelnir Par for First Time Since Nlnetecn 11 Kht Smaller Karnlims Shown In lienor!. NEW YOIUv. Feb. 21.-Thero were a few weak spots In tho stock market, but the general movement whs narrow and trading dull. Speculative sentiment re mained bearish, but tho bears were more wary and finding- that the- market offered effootlve resistance made little effort. Thrro was no Inducement for operating on tho long side, nnd tho result was that trading fell to 'normal proportions at times and price movements were hardly worth recording. ' , Southern Pnclflo broke below par for the first time since 190S. I-argo amounts of the stock change! hands around par, but eventually the price yielded and sold as low as 99. Publication of the annual report, showing smaller earnings, fur nished reason for selling. Liquidation of Inactive stocks continued although tho effect on the general list wjwi negligible. Weakness of low-priced jallroad stocks wns a feature of Uio dealings. Krlo sold at 2SVi. the bottom prlco since 1911. South ern. Wabash. Wheeling & Lake- Brio nnd Lako Erie & Western also wore heavy. Tho petroleum stocks declined abruptly. The week's liquidation of stocks was re flected In the way .of a loan contraction In tho bank statement which appeared today. Loans were scaled down over 29 000,000, and although there was nn actual oash loss of $4,300,000 tho surplus reservo was Increased by $4,226,000. Tho downward tendency In tho bond market continued. Total sales, par value, $2,005,000. United 8tatcs 2s declined . and 4a coupon Vi on call. Number of saleu and leading quotations on stocks today wore as follows: BUM. tilth. Lw. ClOM. Amalxvmited Onpfior . Amerlna AxrlcnUaral Amrlrn nm piijcmr. , Amerlna Can Amrrlctn Can rM II.7W hm ns 7H too t: m H MO 14H ilUj Hi 4.K 4 OS tJ', lt'4 m im; tun American C. A F 1,004 (IV 41 H American uouon oil no 41 4IV4 4 Am. Ice Bnmmlra... American Unroot ... Atntrloan LoeomotWo American 8. & R... Am. 8, & 11. pfd Am. Hour I'.trintns, . Amtrlran T. & T American Tot coo ... Anaconda Mining Co., Atchlaon Atchison Bfd 600 too CM UK M Mai MU UVt MM loo losu m is zoo 115M lit nn 104 !V 303 idSi 247 147 I0O I5U IS U 1,504 101S 101 101 iw in ivi loi Atlantlo Coast Una in 104 3U naltlmor A Ohio 1.40O 100 IM nathlchtm steel 1,) IT It nrooklrn lUslit Tr TOO UK MK Canadian rarlflo ,(00 t2 tUU 124 Central leather S7 Oiraapeakn t Ohio 1,000 71 ;i TJ Chlcaao O. V C04 It 14H IS Cblraso, M. ft Bt. P Chicago L tf. W Colorado V. & I ConjolldatKl Gas Corn I'rodncUi Datawara & Hudwn Dnver, & Klo tlrande. ... Donrer & 11. Q. pfd niirtlllrra' Eacurltle Ilrlo Brie lit pfd Rrla M rM General Klectrlo Oroat Northern pfd Oreal Northern Or etfa. Illinois Central intarbonruoh Met. ....... Inter. Mat. pfd International Hal-renter,. lntar-Marloe pfd , international Taper International Pump Kaniae CUr Southern. ,.. iAdade Uaa ............. Iiehllh Valler luliTllla A. NathTllla.. ii.. st. r. & n. a. m... Mlaaouri, K. & T Mlnaourl I'aclflo TMtlonal nlacult National laead N. 11. It. of M. M pfd.. New York Central........ N. Y.. O. & W Norfolk & Wetern !,rlli American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall 1'ennaylTanla I'eople'a Uaa .......i,,,.. P., C, (!. & St. h IMttahunh Coal Preaaed steel Car.. Pullman Palace Car.... v. Reading Republic I, S Republic I. I fl. pfd Itock liland Co Keck laland Co. pfd..,.., St. L & 8. F. Id pfd..., Seaboard Air Line E,ahoard A. ,1,. . pfd Slon. Sheffield 8. I.,.. Southern I'aclflo ., Southern "Ilallwajr So. Rallvay pfd Tenneaaee Copser ' MOO 104 10T t01 104 131 ii lUVt llt4 104 M 14 UU ) mv, i3iii ins. 0 UH 1t4 im 1114. 20 vi IS 17 41V4 14 104 "ioo 17 17 l.too 100 4114 4J 400 IS K too ur!4 r.i WW M 111 116 l :0O 31 UK MH ioo i:: m i 200 17 lfi 17 1,109 t MVi HVt 303 107K WU. 107H "Vi 11 II 404 :H !4H J4V4 144 101 V. 101'i 100U 304 WSVa 1S5V4 404 133 1J1 lllVi 104 H4U mvi lit :oo k :su ii 1,100 31Vi 17V4 I7H MO 112H 111 113 , 41 , nn 100 10SV4 1(1014 103 1,000 34 29T 1T4 100 107Vi loss loavi , 71 s.rno iia iiiu 11RU ivj; ,z7 iiu i.eoo iisvi nsvi nsvj. 110 Va 1,000 MV4 14 20 104 1 Wt 2IVi lSIVi 31,304 IMS 15'H 1S7H hi 21 (00 13 100 3i 104 W 38H W, is HH 45 38 mi 7IVi 3SH 404 46V4 44; .24,100 100S 09 . 1,704 it 2BH 104 7,4 71' 100 34 S5 10) 1l4 UVa Texaa & Pacific Union Pacific Union Pacific pfd United Stataa Realty... United Statea- Rubber. . United Statea Steel..... U. 8. Steel ptd Utah Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical Wabash , Wabash pfd Wettern Maryland .... Weatern Union Wettlnghouea Klectrlo . .1" . 24,104 1ttH lMVi 1SSK 40O 7U 17 MVi IOO 7414 70ti 70 . 3,100 (IU 60-H (1 . 44.840 61H 60U UU . . 1.SC0 10SH 109 10 , 1,304 tl SOU SOU 31 400 S00 :oo 3 9 (00 100 vt Wheeling & l,. SH Total aalea for tt day, CSO.WX) aharat, Nevr Vur.k Blnney Market. NEW YOIllci Feb, 21. MONRY On call, easier; 2V4B3V4 per cent; ruling rate, i'A pi-r cent closing bid, 2V4 iter cent; offered at 2i per cent. Time loans, easier; sixty and ninety days and six months, 4V4474U per cent. PUIM& MKRCANTILR lAIBR- Pr cent. STEnLINO KXqHANai5-Bteady. with actual business in bankers' bill ot I.V!1B for sixty-day bills and at 11.87M for de mand. Commercial bills, t4.82i. . BIIjVBIV-Bar, 61Hc; Mexican ollars, 4EV4C IJONDS Government, steady; railroad, heavy. Closing quotations on bonds today were is follows; Tl 3 rtf. 2a, reg. .HWtlv. C Bo. ret. Sa... II u'. . lentil, o i.k ftiii at U BU. reg IW1U A X. unl, 4i....4H do coupon 1M. K. & T. Ht 4... MK II H. n. reg U34 to gen. 4V4 SSU "..ion . .. .,113T4Mo. PaelflS im .1l, la coupon. .IMVi do conr. It MM A.-C. lit 41 It. It, of M. 4Ht Araer Ag. m N. Y, C g. ),... aj A T & T cv 41,. WH do db. 41 WVi Am. Tobao U M'N. Y. N. II. & II. Armour & Oo. 4Ha.. 0V4 cv. IVia It Atchlion gen. 4i7.... mN. t V lat o 4.. 7H do ctV 4a 1110 tJJJ do ov. 4a. lOtVi Mn cr. I:. i r' I., lat tl... .. HVi 4a la 7aJ ,. JJ O. B. I rfdg. 4i.. 90H .. HV do con. 4 I01i ..lOIKIleadlng gen, 4i .. II fl, L, a S r. tr a. 7u Bal. A Ohio 4a.. do SVVe .- Tlrnok. Tr. CT. rvn. ot da. (-. Cen. leather Sa, Cliea. & Ohio 4V41..1M do gen. 6. iH do eonT. 4H1. ... WSt. U 8, w. e. 4l. 71 Cblcagq & A, l'.i, fl A. U adj. it 72 C D. tt Q. 1. 4s.... I4K3o. Pac. col. .... ssa; 'do gen. 4a.... H d or. 4a W C M ft B V cr 4MJ-1MH oo 1st rf. 4a :; C 11. 1. I . o. . tbu, jvajiway joe An rtw 4m 87 do Ken. 4a 774 C. & 8. r 44i. 4 Union Paelflo 4s.. ii av II. ft. 4a Iivk do cr. 4a. IH W a. n n rat. Si. tHi, do lat A ref l. ai Dlatlllara V- 8. Robber la..,.103U Erie p. 1. 4a. MViU. 8. Steel 24 ta.. 100V4 do. gen. aa ... .-ir. unem. la. f7 do cr. 4a, ier. B. 74 Wabaah lit St ai, e S7U 111. Cn. lat ref. 4i. MViWeitern Ud. it 11 u Mil tLm. ... 74Weat. Klao. . r. 113 luter. M. It. 44i.. "HWla. Central 4a....;; (04 Did. Offered. Boston Mlnlnir Stocks. nOSTON. Feb. 21-r-Closlng quotations on mining stocks were: Allouei S3 Mohawk Araal. Copper 74Nerada Con, ... A Z. I B 21 Itlplaalng Mines lvl,An. fiin lUMfirlh Rnll 47 im u t C. C. A B. M. SUNorth Ika Cal ac Ariiona SU0ld Dominion .. 1 'Cal- 'Iseis 4it Oaceola , ta 17 i ;z ii -11 A n Hi cir.-, !SST.iBS .?.'. wgSiSSS HSHnperlor Superior &. n M... 28 20 3.4 S IS Franklin Olroug con JttTamarack Orinby 47on: IIUV. 8. 8. R, & Jt.. OreetB- Cananem. . 71 1-lt do pfd Ill Hoy la Copper. 244Utah Con Kerr I-eke IVttJteh Copper Co....( Lake Copper .. . .14 Winona- Im. Ball Cppr ".Wolverine ...,.,,., Miami Copper . ,. 2IV1 Bx-dlTldesd. Couilltlnn of Trrnaury. WASHINGTON, Feb. 21.-The condition of the United States treasury at tho be glnnln gof business today was: Working balance. 7G.4S6,3; In banks and Philip. Pine treasury. M4.49S,617: total of general fund. J14G.7to,to5. re'elpts yesterday. 2.4il.W, disbursements, 13,282,321 The surplus this fiscal year la 17.149,005, as against h. deficit of 3i.3l77J7 last year, The figures for receipts, disbursements, etc.. exclude Panama canal and public debt transactions, Clrnrlnir lliinar llnnk .1 tat rnirnt. NKW yoitK. Feb. a. The statement of the actual condition of dinning house banks nnd trust companies for tho week ttlvo days), sliows that they hold llS,173,0 reservo In excess of legal re qutreiiients. This Is nn Increnso ot $i,220, 7W from last week. The statement fol lows. Actual condition; Amount. Decrease. l.oan i.nvi,Pia,(H) i2.2S5,ooo Specie aS9.51S.CHX) 4,178,000 legal tender S2,1.V,0i. 190,000 Net deposits l.HI.WJ.OOu 3I.SM.000 Circulation 4S.S93.0tX) 113.000 Kxoess lawful re serve 13.173,(vO 4J2a7tA Banks' cash reserve In vault... .3&2,lfX000 Trust conuwiiles' cash reserve In vault f9.47O,00i Aggregate cash reserve 421,64,000 Trust companies reserve with clearing house members carry ing Zb per cent cash reserve,... M,MO,000 Increasn. Summary of state batiks and trust com panles In greater New York, not In cluded In tho clearing house statement: ' Amount. Increase Uwis 1177.100,100 ll.ltt2.10n Stleclo 01.909,(1X1 1.742,000 Legal tender 7.90S.4) 4.M0 TotiU deposits ,.!636,100,a) 1 617,70t) I I.ondnri Stock 91nrke4. IONIXJN, Feb. 21. American securities were dull and featureless during the early trading today. At noon prices ranged from unchanged to Ho higher than yciiterday'B New York closing. Ilnnk Clcnrlngs. OMAU1A. Feb. 21.--Hank clearings for today are 12.945.319.64 and 23,619,217.33 for (the corresponding day last year. HlirUltT OK CM3A1UNO HOURIS Trnnsnnllnns of Aavoolntril Dnnks for the Week. NWW YOU1C Feb. 31. Uradstroota bank clearings report for the week end ing February 20, shows an aggregate of 13,732,720,000, as against !3,02,637.0CO Inst wek and 12,704,839,000 In the corresponding week last year. Following Is a list of the cities: CITIES, Amount. Ino. Deo. Now York 12.1W,S9I.O0O 41.4 Chicago 317,973,000 39.2 Boston 193,773,000 S0.2 Philadelphia 177,692,000 S7.S Rt. Ixiuls 86,517,000 17.4 Pittsburgh M.s$l,000 40, ICansas City 65,001.000 11.4 San Francisco 6S.331.000 31.3 Bnltlmorn 4O,49,O0O 26.8 Cincinnati I7,734,0 2B.0 Minneapolis 2S,oor,ox 66 J Los Angeles 23.662,000 33.4 Cleveland 22,736,000 64.7 Detroit 23,433,000 65.4 New Orleans 18,346,000 14.6 OMAHA 17.979,000 B.O Loutsvllln 10,671,000 4.1 Milwaukee 17.OW.000 11.0 Seattle 13,687100 64.6 Portland. Ore 12.616,000 34.4 Bt. Paul 10,165,000 16.3 Denver I 9,eM8,000 9.4 IudlnliapollB 10.127,000 41.7 ...... Salt Lake City ' 6,461,000 67.8 Columbus 6,203,000 25.0 Tolodo , 6,687,000 65.8 DulufU 1.648,000 64.0 Des Moines 6,900.000 45. S Spokann 4,223,000 7.4 Tacoma 4,223,000 7.4 Oakland 4.448,000 85.6 Peoria 4,013.000 32.9 San Diego 8.420,000 62.6 Dayton .107,000 23.8 Sacramento 1,941,000 40.3 Cedar Rapids 1,857.000 120.0 1 Watorloo 1,223,000 25.4 ...... Springfield .11 1.231,000 14.S ...... Qulncy, III SS5.030 26,8 Bloomlngton, III... 7A4.O0O 3.9 Ogden, Utah 803,000 20.7 Decatur, 111 649.000 48.8 Jacksonville, HI.... 430,000 67.2 Washington 7.54(1,000 26.9 Ht. Joseph 8.912,000 46.6 Topeka 1,812,000 36.6 Lincoln 1,861,000 37.3 Sioux City 3,185.000 17,7 Wichita 3.606,000 26,3 OMAHA GliNKIlAI, SIARKBT. . .BUTTER No. 1, l-lb. carton. 3cj No. 1, CO-lb. tubs. 36Vic; No. 2, 31c. CHEESE Imported Swiss. 32c; Amerl can Swiss, Stici blocs: Swiss, 24c; twins. 19c; daisies, 19c; triplets, 10c; young Americas, 21c; blue label brick, 20o; llin berger, 2-lb.. 21c: l-lb., 22c; New York white, 20c. POULTRY Broilers, 16.00 per do.', hens, 10a; cocks, 11c; ducks, 20c; geese. )8c; turkeys, 25c; pigeons, per dax., 11.20 Alive, broilers, 18c; hens, 12c; old roosters. 7a; ducks, full feathered, 16c; geese, full feathered, 13c; turkeys. lCc; pigeons, per doz., COa; homers, 12.60; .squabs, No. 1, 11.60; No. 2. 60c. FISH tFresh) Pickerel, e, frogent white, 10c, frozen; trout, 14c, frozen; large crapples, 12c, frozen; Spanish mack crel, 16c; eel, 16c; haddock, 12c; flounders, 11c: shad roe, per pair, 40c; salmon, 18c; halibut, 18c; frozen, 13c; buffalo, to; bull heads, 13c. Oysters, boy standards, 11.13; northern. 11,40; selects, f 1.60; counts. 11.90, FRUIT Oranges i Extra fancv Call fornla navels, 126, 160, 176, 200, 316, 260 per box, 13. DO; fancy California navels, 126, 160, 176, 200, 216, 260. per box, 13.26; extra cholco California navels, 160, 176, 00, 21C, 200, per box, 12.60: extra choice navels, 126 size, per box, $2.60; extra choice navels, 288 size, per box, 12.60; extra cholco navels, 300 and 324 size, per box, $2.26. Drape Frultr Extra fancy Florida, 36 size, per box, $3.00; 46 size, per box, $3.26; 64 size, per box, $3.25; 64 and 30 size, per box, $3.60. Cranberries; Extra fancy. Bells and Cherry, per box, $3.2i. drapes: Im ported fancy pink, heavy pack, I7.60$7.75. Lemons:; Lema brand, 300 and 340 slbes $7.76, 420 size, $7.60. Pears: Extra fancy California Winter Nellis, per box. $2.60, Hn lianas: Selected, bunches, $2.002.60; Jumbo, large fruit, bunch, $2.76&3.60. Apples: Extra fancy Washington Jonathans, lit, 125, 138, 160, 165, box. $1.85; extra fancy Washington Orlmes' Ooldcns, 113, 125, 138, 160, box, $1.75; extra fancy Washington Roman Beauties, 72, 80, (8, M, 103, 12$ bfjx, 11.75; extra fancy Washington Black Ben Davis. 72, 80, 88, 90, 104. 125 count box, $1.75; extra ifancy Washington Red Wine Heps, 104. 112, 126, 138, box, $2.00; extra fancy Pink Cheek Waxen and White Winter Parmalns, 96, 104, 113. 125, 138, 150, 143 count, box, $2.00; extra fancy Colorado, unwrapned. White Winter Pearmalns. 160, 168, 1b&. 200 count, box, $1.65; extra fancy New York Bald wins, per bbl., $2.90; extra fancy New York R. I. Qreenliiga, per bbl., $3.25; ex tra fancy New York State Russets, per bbl., $3.00; extra fancy Missouri Jona thans and Orlmes Ootdens, per bbl., 84.00 6-bbl. lots or more, assorted, 15o per bbl. off, extra fancy Missouri Ben Davis, per bbl., $2.50; extra fancy Missouri Wine Pippins, per bbl., $2.76; extra fancy Mis souri Willow Twigs, Black Twigs, York Imperials and other fine varieties, per hlil . 12.25. VEGETABLES Sweet Potatoes: Extra fine Kansas, per bbl., 12.75; extra fins Kansas, per Ti bushel basket, $1.60. Celery: Extra fanoy jumbo California, per do., 00c. Cauliflower, California, 2 dozen to crate, $2.25. Cabbage: Wisconsin Holland seed, In crates, per lb., lUc, Wis. Holland seed, per ton, In sacks, $20. Onions: Mln nesota Yellow Globe, extra large. In tacks, per lb., lUc; Minnesota Red a lobe, extra large, in sacks, per lb., lVo; Span ish, about 45 lbs,, per crate. 11.60. Carrots, Turnips and Parsnips: In sacks, per lb.. lHc. Potatoes: Minnesota White or Red stock, sacked, per ou., goo; Minnesota Uurbanks, sacked, per bu., coo; Minnesota Red River Ohio, seed, saaked, per bu., 65a NEW VEGETABLES-Tomatoes: Flor ida, 6 basket crates, per crate. $4.00. Let ture: Head, per doz., $1.0031.60; leaf, home gTown, per doz., 45C0c. Radishes: Southern, per doz., 46goOc. Parsley: Per doz., 40c. Cucumbers. Hot house, per doz., $2.00. Peppers: Six basket crates, per basket. 60c. Shallotta: (Southern green onions) per doc. 46c. MISCELLANEOUS Honey: New Colo rado, 21 frames, per case, $3.75; new clover, 21 tumblers, strained, per case, $1.90; new clover, 24 short pint Jars, strained, per case, $5.00; new clover, 00-lb, can, strained, 2 cans In case, per lb., 10c, Cocoanuts: In sacks, per sack, 6.25; per doz., 76c. St. Joseph Live Htock Market. ST, JOSEPH, Mo.. Feb. 2L CATTLE Receipts 600 head; market steady; steers, $6.7(38.76; cows and heifers, $3.8608.60; culves, $6.6039.50. HOGS Receipts, 3,600 head; market Slow; top, $8.16; bulk ot sales, $8.05fi8.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS -Receipts. 3,000 head: market slow; lambs, $7.OO08.;5. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising, OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Qood, Active and Steady to Strong Cattle Trade. HOGS BIG TEN CENTS HIGHER Sheep In flood Demand at 9tradr to Strong- Prices Immba In 1nrge Receipt, bnt Prices Are Held ."Ueady. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. il. 191X Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs, Sheep. .iiuilUHJ U,U70 D,?) Official Tuesday 6.433 18,671 Official Wednesday.... 4,600 1,23S Official Thursday...... S.4JI 15.133 Estimate Friday sw 6.S51 11.759 14.642 7.239 6,447 6.907 Five days this week.21,323 69.821 Same days last week,.1,7M 63,307 Same days 2 wks ago..l7,9M 66,336 Same days 3 wks ago..U,948 65,K.t Sams days 4 wks ago.. 21,325 63.894 8ame days last year.. .19,51$ 65,771 45.954 60,839 44,933 .30.6K 67,SSS 36,191 The following table shows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date as compared with last year: . Wis. 1911, Inc. Dec, Cattle 143,265 165,500 12.303 Hogs 479,043 696.CC4 117,651 Sheep 348,916 237,473 60,441 The following table shows the range ot f trices for hogs at South Omaha for the ast few days, with comparisons'. Date. 1113. imi.U911.lU.ll09.Uc.llWT. Feb. 11 7 82 j I 7 a 7 95l ( 06 7 953) IN IN 8 (1 8 71 6 301 4 17 JO 8 91 6 91 ( 88 I 62 93 e 6 31 6 71 83 4 83 Feb. 11 6 131 4 31! Feb. 13. 99 I 15l 4 13) Feb. 14, Feb. 15 7 PS 6 061 90, 8 771 4 IK 4 03 6 011 7 01 8 76 21 Feb. 18. 5 96 7 11 8 76 6 18 Feb. 17.1 8 OOUl 6 941 7 041 8 85 6 o; 4 W Feb. U.I I 13UI ' 061 8 911 6 031 4 10 Feb. 19. Fell. 301 Feb. 21. ' 8 0ul 5 90 5 98 01! 92 5 tli 4 15 ISM 7 08 7 01 ' 6 97 4 18 8 981 4 07 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday: RECBIlTS-CAlta Cattle.HoKS.Shecn.ll'rs's. C, Al. ft 8L P. Ry.. .. Wabash Ry Mo. Pacific Ry 3 Union Pacific Ry... 1 C. & N.-W., east.... 1 C. A N.-W.. wst.. 7 C St. P., M. A O. 4 C, St. P.. M. A O. 4 C II. & Q east C, 11. A q went... 9 C R. I. A P.. east. .. C. R. I. A P., west 1 Illinois Central Ry'. .. 8 2i ii 'i 20 3 4 2 4 1. 1 .. .. 18 10 1 83 39 3 C. G. W. Ry 1 28 Total receipts.. DISPOSITION-HEAD Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Morris ft Co Swift A Co Cudahy Paoklng Co. Armour A Co Schwartz A Co 48 680 337 143 197 22(1 1,018 1.111 162 270 1,608 1,833 1.072 Morrell 11 8. Omaha Packing' Co. I Lincoln Pocking Cb.L,. W. a Vansant Co Benton, V. 8. ft Lust,. Hill A Son ..... F. B. Lowls J. B. Root A Co J. H. Bulla Rosenstock Bros McCreary A Kellogg... Rothschild A Kreba.... Cllne A Christie Other buyers 22 7 21 33 9 2S 13 8 40 17 63 O 2,281 Totals .., 1,013 8,141. 7,076 CATTLE On a Friday receipts of cattle are generally light and the market of a tery slow nnd Indifferent character. This morning receipts were light ns usual, but the market was out of the ordinary for a Friday In that the trade was active with prices steady to stronger. The few cars offered for sale were picked up very quickly, practically everything In the yards bring sold by 9 o'clock In the morn ing or soon after. While there were no very oholoe beet steers In sight, there were cattle here good enough to bring $8.10. The few stock cattle and feereds on sale were plckod up along with the killers and at good, firm prices. Quotations on cattle: Beef steers, good to choice, I7.9OS8.60; beef steers, fair to good, $7.6007.90; beef steers, common to fair, $6.7607.60; good to choice heifers, $8.6037.40; good to choice cows, tO.3O3J7.00; fair to good grades, Jfi.6OB0.30; common to fair grades, 13.7Mf6.60; good to choice Mockers and feeders, $7,003)7.80; fslr Id good stockers and feeders, $6.76ff7.00; common to fair stockers and feeders., $6.26476.76: stock cows and heifers, $00$ 7.00; veal calves, $5.7509.25; bulls stags, etc., $6.2606.60. Representative sales: Westerns, Wyoming, 2 cows 1065 6 00 1 cows.., ,.1000 7 00 16 feeders., 190 7 80 CALVES. No. ii!.' n'.'. At. Pr. No. ... Ill 7 00 II,,,, ... 100 00 ,.,, ... 110 t 00 1,,,, ... 113 7 00 I.,,. ... IM 7 IS 2.,., ,,. MO 1 10 1..., ...nit ; to l.... ... no -T Tl 1.,.. ...11)1 100 1..,. COWS. At. Tr. ...1211 I 00 ,,1100 I 00 ... 170 04 ... MJ 9 00 ,.. 110 I 04 .. 110 ft 00 no oo .,110 oo ,.. 120 I 00 I... 1.,. I... ... 1... 4... 14... I... I... 1... 3... I... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... I... 1... 1... i... . . I... 1.. II II. i... ... 110 4 oo ...loro too t 170 ....KM ....1170 ....111! a u as i it t 41 m in ..100 t 10 ..1104 t to II.,.. ,,,.i:u to too tTT t to .ill a o ..trio t .1110 i tt I 71 t Ifi t 04 1 , 1 !., 1111 1000 .1121 (0 40 to 1010 04 s, .mi 101 i io 1171 HEIFERS. t 10 ( Ill M I 00 1 771 10 I It 4 I0S I 00 , 470 , MS . IV) I too 71 BULLS. .1000 1 40 l no t it 770 t U I ,..2140 M .1110 .UU t It l.l 1110 10 I 10 1 1170 40 CALVK8. Jr 4 7 71 1 141 IU 240 I 00 io oo , ... 1M I 00 ... . 294 I 00 i no 00 STOCKERS AIvD FEEDERS. 720 I 't 414 I 7t 140 7 00 tit 7 04 US 7 11 7. ,114 7 Jt I. ... to.. , 10.... .,.. 7o 7 a , 114 7 It , 74t 7 K , 171 7 to U4 1 10 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 10 Ill t 71 12.,.,., 1171 7 ,. m 7 00 144 10S 171 1 10 17 ,,.,..1111 7 U IH 17 1120 7 10 f M I 10 I 10 HOUH The market this morning was almost entirely a speculator affair. Ship pers and speculators started out early and cleaned up a large share of tli llKht supply at prices that were a big 10 cents higher than Thursday, It was practically a dime market. The majority ot the sales landed at $8.1. with the bulk at S8.06O8.16. the latter price being the highest paid during the morning. Packers were ex tremely liuht buyers. Their purchases. which amounted to no more than a quar. ter of the receipts, were made at figures that were about a dime higher, the Prices being very little dlffernt from thole paid by other buyers. It was a good active market while It lasted and everything soia ueiore iu o ciock. t ne quality or the majority or tne nogs on sale was very good, and there were very few heavy or nigniy mixeo ioaas inciuoea in tne of ferings. At the close of yesterday's trade prices were just a shade higher than at the close of last week, but today's advance moved values up to a point 10316c above last week's best time. Today's supply amounted to about 282 cars or 6,85 head, the Ugliest for a Friday since the first week In November, when only 6,800 were reported. This Is some 3,600 smaller than both last Friday and two weeks ago, and lacks about 8,600 head of equaling the sup ply on the corresponding day a year ago. No. At, Bh. Pr. NO, AT. Bh, Pr. ... I lo 17 7 It onj I OS tot I 06 I OS I 05 71 Ill ti m w is tl., ill 1 10 I 10 10 t 10 7... ...171 ...ill ...ill .. ill to 14.. .214 71. . 11... 12..., to.,.. 17.... !.... II..., 17..., K... tl,... II..., 17..., 41..., it.. 10, . ...ill It... 40 241 110 110 41... 47... tl... W... ...III .Ml I 10 .141 1M 106 ..110 ..241 .m ..204 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 14 t 10 I 10 I 14 8 10 ..171 160 I OS ..t7 ... I0S 17... ..tli. ISO I 07 U tt Hi i can 21... 170 I 07 Vi I 07U t oih 07H I 07 h I 07U 10. . . . 14. . ...HI ..304 ...247 ..IU .. 1W 10 II... 41. . II... II.... til 120 I 071, 11. ..904 1... ..Ml SO I 10 7 ,.1M W. . .301 ... 10 71 . T7 10 10 M . 237 ... S 10 7. . .117 , . 8 10 II. ... m ... t 10 U M4 40 10 tt ITS M I 10 31 HA ... (1(1 24 m ... I 14 70 MS m 10 II. . . 74 ... I 10 ill ... II in J JW ... 10 71 21 49 II 10 14 .... 241 . . 8 10 ...... 240 40 a in Tt lit I 10 71 lit ... I 14 I aa .,. I 10 It te ... to 11 M 0 I 10 70 1M ... I UU 30 120 19 IO.'. 244 ... I 12'i II 360 ... I 10 72 tit 40 ml 21 187 ... I 10 7t ..114 ... I 1214 10 ...,114 10.. 211 ... I llii 14 211 ... 10 71 241 ... itu 14 1 ... I 10 70 217 ... IS II 171 ... I 10 M 24J ... IS M 21 ... I 10 44 201 ... I It is wt ... io ....... son ... x jS tO 227 44 I 10 7. 147 ... II It II Ml ... I 10 71 SM ... t II PIOS. 14... . 104 ... 7 M I SHEEP Aged sheep and yearlings were In very meager supply again today, and as most all buyers wanted a few trade, comtnencivl wtrly and was brisk throughout, practically everything being weighed up at an early hour. As com pared with Thursday prices wore firm, with a good strong undertone. Several loads of fed western ewes sold Up to $100 and some yenrllng ewes brought $.2J, During the week, ewes have been In very light supply nn most days and mainly under the Influence of light receipts, trade In fat sheep at tho close of the week Is strong to a dime hlghqf than last Friday. 1 As of late, a very largo proportion ofito day's receipts consisted of lambs, among which wore several loads from Montana and Idaho. The market opened dafly and the bulk of the lambs changed hands In a fairly active way at prices fully steady with Thursday. As much ns $8.40 was paid for two nr three bundles of fed western lambs, and two loads of Montana stuff went to the scales at $810. The bulk of the good lambs at the end of the week are selling around 18.40Qa.65 an compared with $3.6608.90 a week aiso, thus showing a decline for tho week of about 15O250. A very good run showed up for Friday, there being In the neighborhood of 6,9(77 head reported In. This Is moro than twlco ns large as a week ago, 2,305 head morn than two weeks ago and around 2,706 head more than the same day one year ago, The receipts for tho week thus far have been comparatively moderate, there being only about 46.610 head yarded as against 60,340 head last week and 36,190 head, last year, Quotations on sheop and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, $8.5003.75: fair to good, $8.3&ft8.50; yearlings, light. $7.MHi7.75; yearlings, heavy. ta.90O7.26: wethers, good to choloo. $6.3500.60; wethers, fair to good. 15.IKW0.35J ewes,' good to choice, $5.85tT5.10; ewes, fair to good, 15.60Oo.85J cull sheep nnd bucks. $2.7604.00. SHEEP, ' No. Av. .Pr. 496 fed lamb 85 fl 30 104 fed yearling ewes 85 6 S 233 fed ewes 95 6 00 225 Wyoming lambs 79 R 40 224 Wyoming lambs... So HSS 25 Idaho lambs, feeders...m. 72 7 1,212 Idaho lambs, feeders 7o 7 90 87 Idaho owes A wsth's 127 6 tM 407 Idaho owes....... IN J 270 Idaho owe J 5ft 123 Idaho ewes, culls ..106 4 w 43 Idaho ewes. 1 S 60 Idaho yearlings 84 7 85 Idaho yearlings .12T 6.1 416 fed ewes ) Dg ' 618 fed lambs " S 42 Neb. feeders, lambs 63 7 w 300 Neb feeders, lamb . w 670 Neb feeders, lamb 132 culls " 1$ 128 fed lamb 4 2 ix 601 fed lambs....,., 4 2 IX 490 Colorado lambs...., J ' f' 880 fed ewes g S SS 76 culls 1"'2''JZ""' Kansas CUr Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Feb. -7 -Receipts. 700 head. Including 800 .head southerns market, strong; $7.0008.75; southern steers. W-SBfl"?. southern cows nnd1,helfc71,ej&2v .tockl tlve oows and heifers. $4.0008.00. 1ook ers and feeders, $6.0007.90; bulls, $5.26 8,60; calves. $6.60010.00; western steers, $6.6008.25; western cows, $4.00O-76. HOQS-RacelPts, 8.600 head; market 6 ioo lower; bulk, $8.06O8;0; heavy, , W.00 8,16; packers and butchers. $8.6O.20; Hght, $8.1008.25; pigs, j IJ,2W.25. SHEEP AND LAMBiS Receipts, 4,000 head: market, ntrongs muttons. $1.60O.: Colorado lambs. $8.0008.80; range wethers and yearlings, $5.6001.00; range ewes. $3.60 05-75. t. I.onls Mre Block Btnrketi. BT. JjOUIB. Mo.. Feb. 21.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 2,900 head, Including 300 Texans, market steady; natlvo beet steers, $5.75 9 00; cows and heifers. $1.6008.00; Blockers and feeders. $5.2307.26; Texas and Indian steers, $5.2607.00; cows and heifers, $3.75 6.60; calves 111 carload lots, $5.0006.60. HOaS-Recetpts. 6,000 head: market 6a higher; pigs and lights, $6.80O.; mixed and butchers, $8.2508.45; good heavy, $8.35 CBHEEP AND LAMBB-Recelpt.8, 2.200 head; market steady; native muttons, $5.69 06.36; lambs, $7.00Q9.00. ( Chicago Live Stock Market. CHtCAOO. Feb. .-ATrLT&-ltecMpt 2,000 head; market atcady; beeves. $fl.w? 9.00; Texas steers, 15.25O6.00; western steers. $6.0007.00; tpe!? nnd ,S!r,I?: $6.6007.90; cows and hellers.; C1?&nW. 17.500 head: rn.rkjj strong; light. yK?i .mJx2l'eJ.V?n? 8.40; heavy. $7.8908.35; rough. SL90O8.10; pigs. $6.2508.20; bulk of aile. H-h ' SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpte. 8.009 head; market firm; native,, ;!-!g--65' westerns, $5.4Wjr8.76! yearling, tO.7Wfi8.00; native lambs. $7.4004 5; western lambs, $7.40O.85. PROGRESSIVES PREVENT END OF ILLINOIS DEADLOCK SPRINGFIELD, III., Feb, 21.-Progress-Ive leaders prevented today the election to tho United States senate of I. Y. Sherman, republican, for the long term, and Frank if. Funk, progressive, for the) short term. They refused to enter Into a combination with the republicans until furnished the names of members whose votes would make such a combination successful, t'pon their request being de nied, tliey resiled that they wore not, ready today to go on with the plans t elct' senators, Under a Jolntresolullon the two house of tho legislature adjourned until next Wednesday. SUGAR COMPANY'S DEMURRER SUSTAINED IN FEDERAL COURT NEAV YORK. Feb, 21 Federal Judga Coxe sustained today the demurrer ot kite Fcdoral Sugar Refining company In the suit brought by the government to re cover re-llquldated duties on Imported sugar aggregating $119,080. Collector L00U recently held that the original entrtM made by the company were fraudulent. Judge Coxo decided that as the collector's decision was made ten years after, the entries had been made, it was not final and conclusive, as the government con tended, and sustained tho demurrer to tho complaint on this point. PHYSICIANS TESTIFY SNEED INSANE AT TIME OF MURDER VERNON, Tex., Feb. 21. Two physi cians, Dr. D. C. Darnell and Dr. J. Edson, both of Vernon, testified today thot In their opinion J. B. Sneed was not capable of Judging between right and wrong when he killed AI O. Boyce, Jr., at Amarlllo lastj September; that he was not capable of criminal Intent at the time, and that when he saw Boyce his reaso-i was dethroned. The physicians wera called as witnesses for the defense at the trial of Sneed, charged with murder. VALUABLE BOOKS FOR THE AMATEUR CHICKEN BAISHR. Tall now to feed for e, ho v to bulM, aowaa anil yard economically, hov ta oreveot and curt dlatase. Vt'rita o, all for " R$E B00U a poatal will da. CEO.IL LEE CO. Beat. L Omilu.Nab. 4