Newspaper Page Text
TTTF BFF OMAH . 8 VTFKD Y, FEBRUARY 22,1013. EGGS NOW MUCH CHEAPER Miuncnt ntniup RHrHnterlnK thcin fiom front Tify nrll Bt 16 to 30 tmts a tlor.en rieli imilntnlnn n reasonable rl-e for Continued Balmy Weather Brings ffS,,?. Plenty .from Country. MEATS ADVANCE IN PRICE I.tttlr Dcntnnd for Ornnitr, n I'ro ple Frnr Ther Mir IIktp Ilrpn Front cit In the Cnllfnrnln Coltl Snnp. ns nrotinu is cents a pound. Vegetables are thn same In price. Tho I'rrslntrnt and Judicious t"e of Newspaper Advertising is the Road to UuMncBs Succcis The best fresh orbs on the Omaha mar ket now mar be bought for 20 cents a doten, the cheapest they have been this winter, And If the temperature does not ko too Ipw they will drop to 15 cents In a very short time. Meats have made a slight advance In price during the last few days. Mutton Jumped highest, with a -cent Increnso. hindquarters sell at SV4 cents and fore quarters are at 7H cents a pound. Pork Increased lft cents and loins, shoulders and pork chops now sell at 12 and 15 cents a pound. Beef increased H cent In wholesale price. Sirloin, porter house and round steaks aro retailing at 15 cents a pound. Sugar is another commodity which hns advanced In price recently. An Increase of 6 cents on ICO pounds was made in tho wholesale price, which does not affect the retail figure. Albert King, manager of Harden Brothers' grocery department says sugar will become cheaper before It goes higher, the present Increase be ing only temporary. Oranges have been In small demand owing to tho belief amontr householders that the California frost mined them nil Grocers say that practically no frown oranges havo been shipped . Into Omaha and all that ara received bear the gov- GROCERY FACTS Why not'glve your trade to us this month and be one of our big Hat of satisfied customers? Wo claim to be able to give you better service, better goods, on a smaller margin of profit than any store In towa Phone us a trial order. For Saturday, 22 lbs. Sugar $1.00 L. ROSEN BLUM Ustter Qrocarlts for Kssa BCor.ey. 008 North 10th. 16th and 3urt. Douglas 6383. V CLOSING OUT The entire stock of Clothing, Shoes, Huts, Caps and Furnishings is now being closed out at 25c AND 50c ON THE DOLLAR. 1 Everything must go before March 1st. Bargains Bargains Dotting but Bargains Heavy Undorwoar 25 & $2.00 Hals Q5 $1.00 Flannol BhlrtB ..... .48 75c Shirts 3f) $2.00 Pants pg $ 3.60 Pants S1.05 10c Handkerchiefs 3 $15.00 Suits 84.95 $22.00 SuitB 89.75 $12.50 Overcoats 84.95 $-1.00 Boys' Suits 81.98 $2.50 Shoes 81.48 $3.50 Shoes . ." 81.95 P I mnum Hundreds of other items too numerous to mentfon. Come and look them over. A chance of a lifetime. Never be fore was such a nice selected stock sacrificed at such prices. M J. HELPHAND CLOTHING CO. .114 NORTH SIXTEHNTII STREET. Opposite Midland Hotel. Sixteenth Near Chicago. Saturl Winds Up Our HALF-PR!ic SLIPPER SALE Not nil sizes, but you'ro sure to find your slrfo in many styles, 11! Pa,"n $?,B0 ??,d. 3,00 175 Dn,rB nid $3.60 Pat- PntonU, Castors, Kids, and ent and Kid Thoodora Ties Dulls, Vassar jp .-Orientals, Col- a I HP 3.?y. .81.45 fer .SI.95 250 pairs $4 and $3.50 Vo- ' 150 pairs $3.50 and $4.00 1J?f.0r,P5.ton.tB' K,d nnd Black Volooie Satins and Pull Kid Boad- mm. patents, Straps, n fer-. . 82.45 &r 82.95 1 27B pairs nil kinds, last pairs of lots. 8omo fancy colors; good slippers if you got our bIeo ...... 4 . , 95g BARGAINS IN HIGH GRADE SHOES W still havo some excellent bargains In broken lots and discontinued lines of Men's and Women's Hlch Grado Shoes, on salo nt about half-price. See our windows. FRY SHOE Co. 16th aw) BtHglis StrHlt Pig Pork Roast, Lb. 9!c Fresh Pressed Spring- Chickens, nt .14 Steer Pot Ilonst &, 0 Young Veal Roast . ...lJJ'SC Vounp Vcnl Chops 12 Fall Ixunb Legs 9d lininb Cliops, 8 lbs 25d Mutton Roost 6tt Lamb Stew, O lbs Steer Porterhouse Steak 14 No. 1 Ikicon 143i Small Hams 11 . .91.00 sa lbs. But Sugar . . . Beit Brand rioar . . . 3 Toilet Hoap or Hplcon lOo 4 10c can Sardines 3 So Mason Jar Olives 19o 10c pkj?, Corn Flakes .So Bp Mntclies or Toothpicks, 2 for 8o 2Bc Gold Dust, Rumford Baking Powder, Snlder's Catsup or pkj?. oata ;iao Ak-Bar-Den Coffee, lb 30o nest Country Butter ,..30o Tkir. Creamery Butter 37o 26c Butterlne. 2-lb. roll 40o 8 cans Oil Sardines SOo Kippered Herring, large cans...lBo Tall cans Alaska Salmon lOo 10c Fancy Prunes, lb .....Bo Best large Prunes or Peaches. . .10e Pull Cream Cheese, lb ...92o 10 lbs. bulk Oatmeal 2Bo COAL! COAL! COAL! PUBLIC UABKSr BrEOIAI. ' ....15.00 CHEnOKTB irUT, THE CO AH THAT COKZS 5s,SO DPADEA, ARKANSAS HAED COAX. .89.80 PBOMXT SB&XVEBY. SATISFACTORY SERVICE. PUBLIC MARKET S AKUSEMBNTS. "OXAXA'g ?ux oaimsx.n XXTRATAQAXZA AND VAUDSVUXll LAST TIMES TODAY $ Iidl' Sim Matlust Every Wetk D7 "Worth Climbing1 ths Bill." mm ,.. - r- aw Sonylaa St. at 18th OEytona TanCaTllla Baln's Ccxkttooi, nui all'a I Colonial Mlnstrdtj JJllUn sllri Jack Unr. d.ltf HIddoicom Vlelurci. rro i to fli at i 7 aq a w. m. WORTH TOUR BRAHDEIS THEATER SITNEII-MAItOWE Mtlnee "AS YOU IJKK IT" TonKht "TWELFTH NIGHT" Curtain at 2 P. M. ami 8 P. M. Prices 60o to $2.0 r BOYD THEATER (For a UnUted Season!) EVA LANG Wok. 3Pb. 83, Tho Choras rady Katlnoo Todaj-, sub, Voto-Sarlr Curtain Tonight, 8U5 tharp. Special George Washington Celebration, - IKRUGT HEATER acatinao Todsy, a: 30 Hijrht, oaa GIRLS FROM JOYLAND With HARRY COOPER as SAPPY REIN IB and 'BLANCHE Jbadlet' Sally Dims Matins. Country Htora Prlaay ipht EMPRESS SSESssrfii ruiiw nun: ""WS;,1"JJ air Onmd4 Jhmn ' m n m OCEAN STIS.VaiSHIPS. JJJpiglFi CUiutt sad bttin thtluk JJwnoiM tonutaat frowth. Mt; ajls to JiHton Qrj Jlslr tolts Tputlirul CoKr rroTrnls hair flllDr. Ivt f I dost I'rnnH.ti. 28 lbs. Best Sugar $1.00 Pork Roast . . 9 3-4c With 1 lb. Bost Tea . 60c Chickens .... 11 1-2c ' The last of tha three irrooerr stocks of B. Wiseman. x.ans iltmm Psoplss Orooary must ha sold Saturday and next wetk. Buy now and sayo 1 40. Qreen Stamps also Swift's Soap, bar.... 3o Corn Meal, sack. ..ISHo 10o pks;. Raisins . .. .6o.0o sacks Graham Flour ISc can K. J. Peas..8Uo 4 10c cans Teas, Corn, Hominy, Pumpkin. Lyo, Strawberries, 380 Ec p)((f. Matches ...8V4o for S3a 25c Back Buckwheat Flour ,...10o 8 Co cans Milk BBo lEo pkRR. Tea Dust... So 10a Celluloid Starch. . Bo' sso cans Lipton Tea 07o zuc Domes i-ickich. . uo 200 can uumrora jjaKing 2Eo Salad UresslnR 18V40I Powder 17o 20o can Ass't Fruit. .Oo iOo pkg;. Corn Starch 4o 35o can Ass't Fruit.. I7o 24-lb. sack best Flour EOo 48-lb. sack XXXX Flour for "i-oo Oatmeal, lb. 2So pkgr. Coffee . . lOo cons Salmon. lEo cans Salmon. ::atfo ,70 ...90 Cork Loins .19V a lbs. Lamb Chops.. aso Lamb Roast ....... BUo Veal Roasts 9Uo Beef Roll ., 7Uo 8. a Hams llHo 8. C. Bacon 10 wo 3-lb. pall Lard 89o 5-lb. pall Lard 49o 10-lb. pall Lard ,,..9So ECKn. dozen 17o Creamery Butter, lb. 9o Onions, bushel BOo i'oiatoes, nusnel ,.,,uo Prunes, lb. So UOTUL. "Tho Hotel of American IdoaU" Washingtoi, D. C Hotel Powhatan Pennsylvania Atcdbo at 18th ana II Strceu Raw. rirproof. Surossaa Plan Itooms, Uctacctl bath, 91.011, up. Reerns, private bath, $2.89, (3.00 -up. too par cent Fire, 3erm and Dim Proof, two blocks from '.Vhlis House, and near all points of Interest. WRITE FOR SOUVENIR BOOKLET . WITH MAP. 'LEWIS HOTEL COMPAHT, Sae, Owners and Operators. Dtraotlon and SCanatrmant CLIKFOKD M. Mi WIS Ol'KAN HTI3AMHII1P.S. UV THE ARCADIAN largest and Finest Steamship in the Service. OROTAVA Displacement 10.063. rexlsteted 6,980. HODBSaXB XOUSTS TBIF HATCH AKO IWCLUSrVE TOUBS Tlcktti lntftthnt4EI. una yutbeo 8 S.Ca The floral Mail Steam l'aricet Co. SANOKRauN a SON . ilea aku.. U go. LaSall St. Chicago, or any local steamship ticket scant New "OLYMPIC" THE WHITE LINE'S PITTED WITH DOUBLE SIDES AND ADDITIONAL WATERTIGHT BULKHEADS EXTENDING FHOM THE BOTTOM to the TOP OP THE VESSEL Will Sail from l t n And Regularly NEW YORK toVM 'I'lttV O Thoroaftor , Agrc, sjoutnaast ccr. uaoi Chicago, or Local Axunts. T. O. SrowB, vott. Pass. Agrt, Southeast Ccr. Uadlsoa and La Mali Streets, ft Kail Ordtrtf Sftma Xrlc. Writ for Fr!c 1.1b t. BOSTON MEAT & GROCERY CO. 113 Worth 16th St., Opp. Post Offloe. Two Phones Bourfas 1089, Mail This jooag-Vftues Qiacurr QtHMHrfW Today Oaiaha, Xsh. Please send me FREE my "Surprise Box". of assorted Sunshine Biscuits. Name Address 1 i Trt '-. .' Grocer's Name Address IIMIMHIHIMIMIMtHI Takhoma Biscuit is wonderfully gooh crisp and flaky. Made to break evenly in center lo a size handy for eating. Air-tight packages. Sunshine Biscuits in all styles are making friends everywhere. They come in kinds to suit every occasion every taste all full-flavored alt delicious. "The Quality Biscuits of America' There's a Free "Surprise Box" of six kinds for you. Mail the coupon. opsE-WkxEs giscurr (omhvny Baktr of Sunthlnm BlteuiU .It VMisim Now is the time to advertise your land for sale. The SUNDAY BEE is read by inpo people interested in farm and city property thai all the newspapers Si Ne braska combined. Advertise in THE BEE and get re sults. Now is tho time. . These Dealers Sell Swift's Premium Oleomargarine OMAHA,' NEB. Armburat, W. M., 3602 South 20tll St. Adleson, J., 2735 Davenport. v Blutnenthal, C, 2902 Cumins St. Boston Market, 113 North 16tn St. Deo Hive Grocery, 16th and Cuming Sts. Bross, Fred, 3847 Ames Avo. Harnett. A., 1016 North 24 th St. Berkovitz, 1502 North 24 th St. Bloomqulst & Peterson, 1322 North 24th. Brodaky, -Nt,t 2003 Grace St. Bath, Joe, 614 Nor.Ui 16th St. Bell Grocery.Co., BlftiNprth.lBth. St.' ChrlBtensbn, J., 2624 North 30th St.' T Cavonaugh,. p., 1502 North lHth.Ht. ureiiuse. Julius, 1934 Farnam st.'. Dybro, .P.C-,i20th and Gracel Sfs: i ; Edau)aLD.lB., '3Qt),4lNo?th' 24th..St. J w Flnkenateln, Sam 2002 North 26(hSt, Floifirl..,vAl' ' 1724 Dbrdaa St. Goldwar.e,, Sam, 2'621 .Sh-erinartAv. Groth.-tJii: ,1022'-24vSou'tti ft)th ,S. Grjeenberg; Sam; 1548 Southt 24th St. Hamen, Henry, 1704 Clark St. Hupner, G. F., 3924 Sherman Ave. Hatror, F. E., 4502 North 34th St. Hlbbler & Co., 24th and Vinton Sts. Harding, G. E 2603 South 13th St. Hruby & Runa, 2204 South 13th St. ' Howell & Son, 1513 Leavenworth. Hobba & Shafer, 3024 North 24th St. Hermanok, C. F., 1312 Williams St, Janowskl, L., 1420 Military-Ave. ' J6hhBon, C. A. W., 24p4 Cuming St. Jourdan, D. J.,1701 Vinton.St. JeppoBon, J. P., 24th and Mason Sts. Johnson & Lofdahl, 2420 Leavenworth. Kettleman & Hannlgan, 602 North 18th St. Kulakofsky, U., 2402-4 Ames Ave. Keaane, H., 5144 North. 16th St. Karsh & Co., B., 1820-22 Vinton St. Kulakofsky, L.. 1944 South 10th SU Knudson, H. F., Benson, Neb. Lango Grocery Company, 2310 Cuming St. Laclna, Joe, 3702 South 13th St. Marks Bros., 21.23 Military Ave. Myers, G., 2221 Cuming St. McCoy Grocery, 2215 Military Ave. Malllaon, C. H., 202 North 17th' St. Morgan, Joe, 4102 North 28th St Melcher, Sam, 1902 South 4th St. Meyers, C. E., 1723 Vinton St. Mulflnger, L., 1113 Sbuth 2fd St. Marquardt, H. P., 1622 South 10th St. Mohr, R. H., 2702 South 16th St. Melder, E. H 1014 .Pacific St. Nathan & Nathan, 2007-9 Leavenworth. . NoviUsky, Sam, 1010 North 16th St. Olson, Gust, 1723 Cumlnf St. Orkin Bros., 16th and Harney Sts. Public Market Grocery Dept., 1610 Harney St Persels, Mrs. S., 44 22 North 24th St. Peterson, Lorens, 3602 Ames Ave. . Peterson, Armanda, 2911, Sherman Ave. RoBenburg & Company, 402-North 24th' St Rosenblum, L 808 North 16th St. " Rueben & Rayman, 514 North 16th St Rudloff, Wm., 2629 Sherman Ave. Ross, Geo., 2717-19 North 24th St. Rachman, H., 802 Sherman Ave. Ronan, Wm., 37Of.0ord St. Reznichek, John, 2711 Leavenworth; Rau, J. E., 1501 North 33d St. Rosenblum Bros., 40th and Cuming Sts. Radiizlner, Jake, 24th and Fort Sts. Stein Bros., 4002 Hamilton. Schnauber & Hoffman, 408 North 16th St. " Sherman, L., 3601 North 30th. Schiller, L., 2422-24 Sherman Ave. Stribling, Geo.,, 1124 South 17th St. Stenner, Louis, 2235 South 20th St Schlafer, Oscar, 1824 St. Mary's Ave. Storek, F. J., 1322 North 24th St. Tuckman Bros., 322-324 North 18th St. Thorln & Snygg, 3&B0 Hamilton St. Tuckman Bros., 25th and Davenport Vopolka, Joe, 1324 South 5th St. Vachal & Co., 1302-4-6 Garfield Ave. War field. C. V-, 2209 Military Ave. . Woodruff, Mrs. Lena, 3702 North 30th. 1 Wehlner, M., 4104 Grand Ave. Wohlher, L., 622 South 16th St. Zlotky. IL, 3618 North 30th St Zarp, C.M., 1605 Park Ave. SOUTH OMAHA Akofer. Chas., 518 North 24ttf St. Beavers, R, C, 520 North 24th St. Brommer, W. G. & Co., 24 th and E Sts. Caldon, Frank, 424 North 24lh St Collins & Hannlgan, 2723 Q St. Dletz, Rudolph, 2504 N St. Bggers, P., 160 South 24th St. Flngerjoa, Chas., 2651 Y St Heyman & Barry, 1535 North 24th,St. Krauae, Jt P., Albright, Neb. ' ; Katokeo, A., 21st and Madison SU. Kramolisch & Swatek,' 4002 L St 1 Mertena' & Schrader, 632 North 24th St. Miller, August, 617 North 23d St Pavlas, John, 24th and Q Sts. Parsley & Co., 618 North 20th St. Penfleld, Cheater, 412 North 26th St RcBchko & Bwoboda, 2414 N St Stern, cha4.,340i V St Smith, E. W., 2701 Madison St; Smlsok, J. F., 2621 L St. Welsh Grocery Co., 2418 N St. Whlttlngton, M. R., 20th and Missouri Ave. ORDER A POUND CARTON TODAY Swifts Company U. S. A. HllBBBBBBBBBniaBBBaiEBllBBK' When your grocer says, the best bread, , he means 1 f 1 1 r i i lip- lop ALL dealers know why, Tip-Top is the leader. They know it is the best made that it has the most wholesome ingredients, and that it is covered with sanitary, dust-proof paper. Ask your. grocer for Tip-Top. u. P. STEAM BAKING CO. TRAM MARK RCO. u.$. patent orricr the The Winter season ia1 worst season for We have a Shoe for Boys in Button and Blu cher that will outwear two palrB of ordinary Boys' Shoes. And to prove it, if you will get a pair of Iteel jhod hoes for your Boy. and they don't wear that well, we will give you another pair. That's fair, isn't it? Boys' 1 to 5 52.50 Little GenU' 10 to 13 & S2.00 Drexel 1419 Farnam St. Rooms Beat Variety The Bee classified pages carry advertisements of the best rooms and apart ments for rent In the city. Phone your ad to Tyler 1000