Newspaper Page Text
TIIK BEIO: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1913. I Saturday's Showing of Ready -to- Wear Apparel Will include ninny choice now stylos of suits, coats, dresses and waists. Those have just boon received from our buyer, who is in Now York. He is making a careful study and selection of the now attractive Spring styles. Tho choicest of these are sent to us immediately. Suits up from $25.00 Dresses up from $7.50 Coats up from $16.50 Waists up from $1.00 Long Glove Special 2.48 a Pair 16-button white glace gloves of soft, pliable skins, on sale Saturday for, a pair $2.48 WHITE IVORY VANITY BOXES, with mirror and puff at tachod, apodal Saturday, 21c. Colgate's English Process Bath Soap, 9c a cake, 3 for 25c. Natl Buffers, special, 5c. Face Brushes, special, 21c. i&ia ! amp OB0el Beautiful New Silks Just Received from Abroad Batln Charraeuse, Cropo de Chine, Crepe Meteor. Satin do Luxe, Novelties and dainty figured Crepe de Chines In exclusive dress patterns. They are Btrlctly Easter novelties and nothlhg more beautiful at any price. Specials from Men's Section Weolcwaar iptcUl, 60c quality reduced to 25c. Shirt special, 2.Q0 -value, $136; $1.50 values, $1.15. Mn' glove ipeclal, $: 60 values reduced to $195; 1200 values, $1.60. $1 60 values, $1.15. All wool and fine cashmere hose at greatly reduced prlcen. Many other odda and ends of lines nt specially. xjeduced prices. . Men's Department, Main Floor, convenient from cither entrance. Made to Your Special Measure Waists, Dresses, Suits and Codts All the newest Spring fabrics In n wldo range of shades, mndo In the latest models exactly as you wan.t them. Order Now, and have your garments without dolay. Easter comes very early. HOWARD ST McCall Patterns The best fashions tq be obtained. Priced 10c and 15c Sold exclusively by us In Omaha. AMES TAKES TROUNCING Nebraska Too Swift and Accurate for the Cyclones. SCORE AT FINISH IS 29 TO 12 Lndtmooil nnd llnakrll, Cornhnnker Forsrnrtla, Vrry- Proficient nnd Ran I'p Trro-Thlrds of Nebraska's Scores, and other work -ordered by the state board. COUJVTV OWNERSHIP ' ADVANCKH Tito Senate Bills to flnme II nil On on General Pile. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. .-(Speclal Teledram.) While the senate committee on mis cellaneous corporations was struggling today In one corner of the senate cham ber with a large crowd of advocates or county ownership of telephones nnd tho opponents thereof, and loud voices Una violent gestures were In evidence on every hand, the senate committee on revenue was sitting- quietly In tho other corner with no one to bother them, con sidering Reynold's bill, No. 403, covering; the same subject which was causing so much commotion across the room. The bill Introduced by Reynolds by request had laid quietly on file for many days and no one had discovered that It cov ered the all-Important matter of county ownership of telephones until taken up by the revenue committee. Both com mittees Tcportcd the bills for the general file. day, was Indefinitely postponed, Hlmon moved nn amendment to place In Jail all candidates and oil their friends from election dn' until after nil contests were settled. That helped kill It. Tho most Important measure discussed was an Insurance bill to permit life com panies with n legal reserve plan of oper ation to chango to a stock company, No action ws taken. A nlmllr bill, Intro duced porno years ngo to enablo the Woodman accident company to change to a stock company, was killed. The present bill provides the change may ba made upon two-thirds of the members voting for it. It does not prohibit the use of proxies. AUDITORIUM BILL IS PASSED (Continued from Pago One.) JIOU8C3 REGUbATHS STORAGR Hardin' Meannr Providing Hales for Refrigeration Passes (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. :t.-8peclal Telegram.) The house In committed of tho whole recommended for passage Mouse, ltoll No, 100 by Hardin to regulate cold storage business. House Roll No. 233, by Fries, was also recommended. This bll gt'ves, to of the peaco copies-of the statutes -anil supplies' funiUhed' other county officers. The bill by Haalkto tiveht election eering anywhere by anybody oh election ers nnd business men nf the, nation." said tho resolution, "that currency reform is absolutely necessary It such disasters nn that of tho fall of 1907 nre to bo avoided." The resolution will go over a day accord ing to tho rules. Kcnuto flies Indefinitely postponed on reports of committee were1 No. 130, by Grossman of , Douglas, providing that cicdttors holding claims nenlnut persons having certain exemptions cannot Insti tute legal proceedings; No. 1W, by Saun ders of Douglus, fixing penalty for lar ceny; No. H2, by Otlls of Valley, prohibit ing Issuing of mnrilga licenses to unfit persbns, nnd No. M, by Iloynotds of Dawes, ngidnst sending claims for collec tion out of tho state for the purpose of enforcing them In the state. . 'The',sui'toI ndjoumea 16 meet "Monday afternoon t 2 o'clock. ' " llllls 'necomnkfcnded. 'P-i" In comriillteo of the wholu the senate today recommended the following bills for passage. 8. F. 98, bv Plaeek of Saunders Re quires that tlin percentage of Impurities 1 - . .... I n- c, t .... 1 r- at. JMU, 1,0 OIOIIIVU Ull IIUII u ol"U, w. ... - tfcles manufactured therefrom. o. v. Jt, oy uariiiiiK oi uio-iwnuut full switching oreWHOtt engines at division points. 8. F. 418, by Iiushee of ICJmbnll Re lutes to issuance of second bonds by Irri gation districts. H. F. -10, by Qnissman of Douglns Pro vides a. lien uuon gas and electrlo light fixtures. IllIIs Pnssed. ' The following Mils worn passed: 8. F. 65, by Smith of ffeward and Uushee of Kimball M iikes the fctnt. treasurer fiscal agent for the state. 8. F. 160, by IJUshH of Kimball Pro vides for resurvey of townships upon de- mium or voters or uie townsmp. H. F. 224, by West of Hall .Makes It un lawful to sell any stag horse without first notifying the prospective purchaser of that fact. H. F. 1SI. bv Hummell of Webster and West cf Hail Provides punishment for persons who buy liquor for habitual iirdmdrnnliavJ drunkard's, idiots or "done" fiends. R F. IKO, by Dushee of Kimball Pro vides for n 10-mlll levy for use of ronO dlstrlctH following submission of question to voters of euch road district. 8. F. 243, by Maunder or Douglas Pro vides for Issunncc ot bonds for purchase of Omahq Auditorium. H. F. 2S9, by llnannan of Douglas Pro vides for regulation of sale nnd manufac ture of vinegar. 8. F. 23J. by West of IIMI-Provldes thai owners of horses having heaves must notify prospective purchasers of that fact beforo sales are ma-do. I If. R. 363. by Regan ot Platte Peni tentiary deficiency bill, OMAHA MEN INCORPORATE NE WDETECTIVE AGENCY dm int Incornorated under Its laws. according to .papers filed with the sec retary of state .today. The Incorporators nre S. B. Beckett and C. M. Worley, nnd headquarters of the"1 agency win oe AM EH, la.. Feb. 21. (Special Teiegran. Persistently falling to hit baskets, tile principal Mature of previous garnt-r, Ames took a decisive trimming from Ne braska, 20 to 12, In the state gymnasium this afternoon. Tho Cyclones were dead on their 'eet and not able to get Into and break up the Nebraska zigzagging, Which seldcm finished without a basket. The playing was rough, the referee calling fouls largely personal, In profusion. The game was a blocking contest from the first whistle to the last, contrary to the Valley rules, which seek to elim inate blocking, as It was done this after noon . I'nderwood and Haskell, the fast and accurate Nebraska forwards, were io sponsible for two-thirds of the Nebraska score. They were brilliantly proficient In climaxing the- crles-cross passes with successful rushes to the basket. Only once In a while would Ames defeat the operation of the pass, Ames put up n god guarding defense, but had no offense. Tho lineup: NEBRASKA. Underwood R.F. Haskell L.F. Stryker C. Hyde R.G. Carrier L.CI. In Omaha. (Frb'm a 8toff 'Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. Sl.MSpeclnl) Nebraska Will have a new national detective agency, tyul tho first and only ono In PARDON BOARD COMMENDED FOR ACTION IN STEHR CAE (From a Staff Correspondent.) T.tKnor.N. Feb. 21. (Special.) A dele gation of citizens from Madison county were In Lincoln yesterday nnd com mended tho board of pardons very hlgmy for their action In refusing to grant a nnr.inn n Hnnrv Stehr. the man con victed of manslaughter, by the district court of that county and snlil some very harsh things against W. V. Allen for his notion In tryln gto get Governor Morchend to grant a pardon over the recommendation of tho board otherwise. Stehr wns found guilty of being re- fr,r hn death of his little step son, who was kept out In a cold building until his feet became frozen and then refused to cnlt a physician to , minister to his sufferings until too late i tho boy's life. KAISER'S SON WILL TRAIN FOR TRACK AND FIELD BERLIN, Feb. Tl.-Three young Ger man princes Joachim, son 0(f Emperor William; Slglsmund, nephew ot the cm peror, and Prlnco Frederick Charles of Prussia will shortly begin active training In track nnd field athletics. The thteo today became members of the Berlin Sporting club. This Is take"h as an Indl- bat Ion of the Interest shown by the Im perial family In the next Olympic games, which are to be held In Berlin. ' Substitute: Rath AMES R.F Blabee L.P., Millar C Pfund R.G Hansell L.Q liarpel for Miliar, Hawkins jWfejpNIHBHsBNHpHfl Comiskey Is Taking His White Sox to California Over UNION PACIFIC There are many features that make the Union Pacific the Choice of this party as well as other travelers to the West. . EVERY INCH OF MAIN LINE IS PROTECTED BY AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC BLOCK SAFETY SIGNALS Over, two-thirds of the distance to Ogden is double t tracked. These features together with its splendid equipment, excellent dining cats, direct route through. .pl$asing scenery, have given to the Union Pacific its title ' "STANDARD ROAD OF. THE WEST i QERR1F FORT, Passenger Traffic Manager.,- ' ' r 'Omaha, Nebraska. for Hyde, Rodger for Blsbee. Baskets: Rath. Blsbee, Millar, Hansell, Underwood (8), Haskell (3). Stryker (J), Hyde, Car- rler (3). FTeo tnrows: renin, nuna, hub kell (3), Referee: Hyland of Iowa. Mrs, Davis Cleared of Insanity Charge After Examination NORFOLK, Neb.. Feb. 21.-(SpecIal Tel egram.) Mrs. Maggie Davis, who killed Ira Churchill near Coleridge, Nob., on November 2, 1910, was discharged by Dls trlct Judge Welch tonight from the Nor- folk Insane hospital after nn Insanity commission named by the court hnd re. affirmed 'Its former decision that Mrs Davis Is sane. , Mrs. Davis was released from the hospl' tal tonight and' will leave Norfolk to morrow morning for Hartlngton. Neb. where she was twice tried for the murder convicted and sentenced to life Imprison ment the first time and acquitted at the second trial on the grounds of "In sanity." Mrs. Davis wll visit her sister at Hartlngton and will then accompany her 14-year-old daughter to Laporte, Ind. where she expects to live with her aged parents. County Attorney O'Gara of Cedar county opposed the release of Mrs. Dlvns and declares hn will appeal the case to tho supreme court, 'nnd hopes to retain her In the vfclnlty of Coleridge, where the crime was committed, until a decision Is rendered. Judge., Welch , declared the state law .does not provide for the keeping of sane fiernonB In Nebraska Insnne hospitals and llltti me cviucuva vnuncu ,.i a, tovio ta Insane. County Attorney- O'Gara declared that Irs. Davis Is ot a type of "criminal de illrm ll.rm Th.n- 'i fhit ih 1 would be a dangerous woman. Attorney Millard of Hartlngton and At torney Davis of Wayne appeared as coun sel for Mrs, Davis. Mrs. Davis said she was delighted to be free. The commission named by Judge Welch to examine Mrs, Davis was Dr. P. H. Salter of Norfolk, Dr. A. E, Tashjcan of Norfolk and Judge I. Powers of Nor folk. Tourists Swindled Out of Half Million By Race Traok Ring 138 ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 1.-Lee nlnl, one of the alleged leaders ot a national race track swindling ring which s under Investigation here, was held to day for trial on the charge of grand larceny. His ball was fixed at 310,000. The charge against him was the result of the alleged fleecing of O. P. Frelsz. nn Illinois man, out ot more than $5,000 In x fake pool room. E. C. ("Poker") Davis, it well known sporting character, who was arrested with Rial, Is out on ball. The Investigation, which started when Krelez reported his loss, has led, the police assert, to the discovery that the .windlers have a well directed organiza tion to fleece transcontinental tourists, and that their operations, conducted un der offlclnl protection, have netted them close to half a million dollars. Agents have been used by the gang to ride trans continental trains and entice victims to the fake pool rooms, several of which have been found In tho nearby beach towns. Frelsz dropped his money In a room at Venice. Othere recent victims reported were: W. C. Steenburg of Fulton county,- Illi nois,, who lost 35,000. W. F. NoIIo of Milwaukee, wis., who dropped 32,600 in betting on a fake horse race at Hermosa Beach. C. D. Mulhollaud of Midland, Tex., who lost 33,225 In a fake pool room at Redondo Beach, J. Griffith of Oklahoma City, swindled of 315,000 by confidence men at Pasadena. One Dose Relieves ACold-NoQuinine Papc'a Cold Compound Cures Colds and Grippe In Few Hours Tastes Alee Acta Gently. "ou can surely end Grippe and break up the most severe cold either In head. ohest. back, stomach or limbs by taking t. dose of Pape's Cold Compound every two hours until three consecutive dosea rn token. It promptly relieves the most miserable headache, dullness, head and note stuffed up, feverlshness, sneezing, sore throat. mucous catarrhal discharges, running ot Ui nose, soreness, stiffness and rheuma tic twinges. Take this wonderful Compound aa di rected, without Interference with your usual duties and with the knowledge that thero Is nothing else In the world, which Will cure your cold or end Grjppe misery as promptly and without any other as sistance or bad after-effects as a 25-cent package of Pape's Cold Compound, which any druggist can supply accept no sub stitutecontains no quinine belongs In every home. Tastes nice. Advertisement. Farmers Evolving Plan to Hold Crops for Higher Prices MANHATTAN, Kan., Feb. 21. The ownership of elevatoro and cold storag" plants of sufficient capacity to hold the surplus crops of the primary producers and under the management and control of the producers themselves. Is ono of the essential projects toward which the Farmers' union, whose state meeting h now under way here, Is discussing. The purpose is to store the surplus cropi and prevent a congested market when the yield Is large, nnd by cnrrylng th surplus over to tho lean years secure it the producers the direct benefit of the enhanced value. Sei-cn hundred delegates are attending the meeting. Grocers Fined for Conducting Trust PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 21. Fifteen wholesale grocers pleaded guilty tt violating tho Sherman anti-trust law be fore Judge eBan In the superior court today, and promised to dissolve tho Produce Merchants' association. The were fined an aggregate ot 33,150. Tho wholesalers In pleading gullty acknowlcdged that they had made a con tract with brokers by which the brokers were tcu. sond out of town that produce, which the Produce Merchants' associ ation did not wish to buy and warned producers not' to send products Into tli.j market except when, so ordered by hn association. Figure What You Gir Savf at teaton's Tour every drug want can do filled at Beaton's filled satisfac torily, both nn to prlfe and qual ity. Our dally ads are money saving opportunities to the eco nomically Inclined. Our tremen dous purchasing facilities, coupled with our large business, insures you at nil times- the freshest goods. Prompt delivery Is our hobby. If in Immediate need, tel ephone Douglaa 81, 82, S3 and a motorcycle boy will respond to your can quicaiy. 75c Pompelau Mas sago Cream 60c Ponipelan Mas sage Cream ....... 2Gc Pond's Vanishing Cream 25c Beaton's Cold Cream 50c Beaton's Cold Cream Druna Rhinitis Tab lets, 100 In a bottle. , 75c Rubber Gloves at $1 Woodbury's Clear Skin Lotion 40c and 50c boxes fine Linen Writing Paper box 25c Pear's Scented Soap 20c Pear's Unaconted 49 26 19 20 40 19 39 69 14 12 11 Soap Beaton's Imported Olive ng Oil, trial size, 6 ozs.. . iZ Full pints, 1C Kft ounces OV "Follow the Benton Path." BEATON DRUG CO. Farnnm and 15th Streets. Agents for Hurler's Candles. ALLEN'S FOOTEASE WlCKERSHAM TO ATTEND HEARING ON DISSOLUTION WASHINGTON. Feb. 21. Attorney General .Wlckersha .personally will rep resent the government at the hearing before the federal court at fit. Louis Monday on lhe plan of dissolving the I'nlon Pacific-Southern Paclflo railroad merger In accordance with the decision ot the United States supreme court. The attorney general and representatives of the two roads have agreed to a plan of disintegration, and to make it effeetlvo the court's approval Is necessary, Mr. Wlckersham will leave here tomorrow for 'fit. OUl. Still Snoirlnit In Gnare. BEATRICE. Neb., Feb. 2!.-gpecla!.-The heaviest snowstorm of the stason vllsted this section today, covering te ground to the depth of aboutten lnche. All trains were behind time on account of the storm. It was still snowing to. night. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. ANCIENT BOUNDARY DISPUTE DECIDED IN FAVOR OF TEXAS WASHINGTON. Feb. 21. The report nf the special commission to fix tho boundary lino between Texns and New Mexico, approved today by President Tafr decides In favor of tho Texas conten tions. ' The point In dispute was as to Whore the bed of the Rio Grande river exlnsted In 1S5S. when the boundary originally wns run and known as the Clark boundary, the monument marking It having been washed away since then The report settles a dispute of fifty year standing. Only Ono "nhliM' "t'lTflNIV That Is LAXATIVE BROMO QUINXNB. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold In One Day. Cures Grip In Two Days. 25c Advertisement The AotUeptlcpowder shaken Into tae euoes me Maaoua ncra- eay lor tae leel lor a Quarter rrntnrv. .worm testimonials. Sold TrMt-uaric everywnere. c. sampic i-nun. i - Address. Allen 8. Olmjted. I.e, Roy. N Y. Toe Mna wbo put the la FEET. MRS WINSIOWS SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN , TEETHING (Grandmother used it for her tabic, Mother used It fo'r her babies, Andnow Iura using it for my baby," So spoke the young mother. Three Genentliot. It Soothes tha Child. It Softens tho Gums. It Allays tha Pain. It RallsVM Wind Colic. And it is the Dett Remedy for Infantile Dlarrhona. Farormbly known and sold all over tha world. Rich Hair Long, thick, heavy hair. Want this kind? AVer's Hair Vigor promotes growth. Does not color the hair. Aak Your Doctor. J. aArsr.Oo. 111. MS A Great Farm Journal THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. v STERLING SILVER A variety of articles in beautiful designs. e are selling; tbom this week at cost. Look for the Name. LINDSAY THE JEWELER 381 H South letb Street. Come Saturday and See the" New Arrivals in SPRING SHOES OXFORDS For Men, Women and Children No shoe store in the west can duplicate our Spring- Stock of Shoes and Oxfords for Men, Women and Children. Our lines include all the newest styles, from the most dainty models in silk and satin to the swagger patents, tans and gun metals., We carry all sizes, and you are assured of a perfect fit. All regular $4 to $6 grades, but you buy them here for S2.50 vd $3.00 Rubbers at About Half Price Owing to the dry season thus far, we are overstocked on Rubbers and Overshoes for Men, Women and Children, and offer the entire stock Sat urday at deeply cut prices. ALEXANDER CO. m. 1512 Deaglas St. M