Newspaper Page Text
4 THE JJKK: OMAHA, SAT Tit DAY, FEBRlTAIiY UJ, 1913. IEAK ABOUT HEALTH TRAIN Taf t Gives Praise to National Capit; Dr. Dowling Addresses Nebraska, Conservationists. i PUBLIC QUESTIONS TO FRONT Mnny rr In Knrop nf t'tilillr-Hr nd PcTclopmrnt Mrnmirrn (hnt Are ItrliiK Pushed by State Ornnnltntlona. i Prom a Stuff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. H.-(Spedal.)-Th Ne braska fonsenatlon congress opened ye' tcrday morning with a general mr'etlne. at the university temple which fllM the nudl torium. Governor Morehcnd mode nn ad. dresn of welcome to which Regoat W. O. Whltmore, the chairman of tho meeting, responded. BIMiop Henry J. Tlhen de livered an address outlining the principles of conservation an applied to social de- elopment Pr Oscar Dowllng. chairman of the I0uMana State Hoard o: Health, de livered an addrea4upon the work of the Iuislann health train, whieh Is one of th principal features of tile congress. Dr. Dowllng gavo nn Interesting "relation of tho spectacular and effective campaign which ha been made by his board In Louisiana, starting In the Initial equip ment of the train through tho generosity of the railroads and by private contribu tion when the board was without a dollar In Its treasury. Since November, 1910, "Tho Microbe Special' has covered 18,0W miles of rail way In Its travels alid carried, the knowl edge of tho simple and effective means of promoting1 health nnd preventing dis ease to over 160,009 people. Dr. Dowllng asserts that "every ounce of food supply which enters the body counts for or against the vital forco and health of the Individual." Upon thin theory his board has undertaken the dis semination of Intelligence regarding the means to be utilized for the purity of food, water and milk supply with marked success. The Initial campaign Is being followed up and a series of further cam paigns are pro J acted for the promotion of public health In the south. Dr. W, A. Kvans of Chicago wan the principal speaker at a largely attended luncheon at the Lincoln Commercial club and another luncheon was simultaneously given at tho Lindell hbtel for a large group of state leaders to outline a pro gram of stato development. This meeting of a general council Is' to be carried out dally during the congress. The women's section opened Its meet ings with an afternoon session at the University temple at which leading ad dresses were mado by Mrs. Frances n. aieald. Prof. Ina Glttlngb, Dr. W. A Evans and Mrs, Phillip N. Moore of fit Louli. The commercial section devoted its- Mrtt ewslon to a discussion of state development problems, wtth addresses by n, L. Metcalfe, Will M. Maupln. Victor B. "Wilson, C. C. nojHrimter.Ssfiator John 3. cbrdeat and' others. "-Ks,-?; - The depart merit? on vital resources and conservation of tho rural ychurch also held ectlonal' meeUngi. nUtring the-J afternoonT Vhleh wlfl continue- oh Friday. The city Auditorium waa tilled at the evening meeting addressee? by Dr.- ht B. MeNutt of New York and Dr. W, A. Evans of Chicago. A complimentary banquet was tendered to Dr. Kvans, Dr. .Dowllng and the tijate Board, of Health at tho Lincoln r -hotel by ,tM Lancaster County Medical f aodety. S if" i f ) Tho ,AtJi;n4aBee athawnETMB is Uie .largest In! the lilstcfry of trie organisation ' end much Interest Is manifested In its sectional meetings by members of the legislature, Among 'tho .Incidental toplca .discussed In the hotel lobbies by mem bers of tho congress are university re moval, the blue sky law and the publicity ,nnd development bill fostered by tho Htate I'reis association and the commercial clubs. Tho two latter measures meet with .KTQprat approval from the visitors to tho congress. ( Well, knowtockman IS DEAD AT LEXINGTON i.wYiNfvmN'. Neb.. Feb. IL (Special Telegrm.)-Gorge Allen, pr,oprlotor''''Sf the Ool'den Hoof stock farm, living about five miles north of thls.tty, died this taornlng of Bright' .disease,.. Mr. AlIenJ had a national, reputation as kn ImH porter and breeder of Shropshire sheep and Shorthorn cattle. For a number of years he held sales of hi stock In South Omaha. Ha leaves a widow, a daughter and five sons. The funeral will be held Saturday .morning, February 2, at the Methodist Eplsoopab church ofy this, city. . is Skot-r By Wifeisitor Bosserman, a mercapt , here, lies In a critical condition In a hospital tonight, as a result of bullet wounds mulcted ty a, . Returning to his home today, Bosser- Mn .,i4 Wnrih In thn mmnuiv of his wife. When the saw. Botserman, Worth drew a revolver and fired four shots, two of them taking effect Worth was SLrrested as also Mrs. Bosserman, the lottr- as an accessory. ijit week Bosserman. In a vain en A.x-nT in uvn the life of his only child. submitted to a blood transfusion opera tion. It Is feared that owing to Bosser man' weakened condition from the loss of blood from the operation his wounds may prove fatal. I WAMIUXUTOX. . Vb. 'Trier- ' graft, there Is lees scandal, police frr tectlnn Is better nnd nature appears ino IwftHtlfHl In Washington than . in an other city In this country," Irldrt Taft tleolarcxl tonight In his farewell ad dress to the business and profcistona men of the capital. "1 Imve been here for the last nln' years continuously," said tlinpresldeiit "1 believe 1 have been In such position) to know If graft or undue gain at the ex pense of the public were rife or had nnj fUbslantlnt existence. 1 do not mean tu say that every man In Washington III business or banking Is ni. pure or dis interested as a saint, but 1 do menu to say that as cities go there li no city In tho country where there Is less graft, where there Is less food for scandal. where there Is less manipulation for the private exploitation nf individuals nt the expense of tho public than In Washington. 1 don't know of any better policed city than the city of Washington. 1 don't know nny city where the Sunday laws and the liquor laws nrc better observed than they are here." No New Hostilities in Bulair District lAtnuva, Fen. zi. The story of a three days' battle nt Huliilr. In which 600 men on each side were reported killed or wounded, contained In a dis patch received hero today, ,now Is be lieved to be a revival of nn old report of fighting In that district. Humors that Knver Iley had lauded n largo force at Bodosto were current on February 18, but tnce havo been denied. An uncen'sored Constantinople dispatch says' that Schcfket Pasha visited the Bulair lines Wednesday, but was given no Indication that a new battle had been fought. The situation at Adrlanople remains un changed. The Porto having refused to permit foreigners to leave Adrlanople, the governor of the fortress has offered to set apart tho Knragntch quarter on tho right bank of tho Marltia river as a sanctuary for the 1,400 foreign residents. It Is doubtful, however, If Bulgaria will consent to this. The Servians have brought up heavy artillery to assist the Montenegrins In a renewed attack on Scutari. 3ditor' Allowed to Testify for Darrow IX5H ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 21.-An ui.. expected TUilng by Judge Conley that the testimony already given by Ortie h. to Manlgnl was, admissible and an unsurs cessfnl attempt by thp,proseoutlon, to ox elude the evidence of Fremont Olaer, editor of a Ssn Francisco newspaper. featured today'' session of the trial of Clarence -BVt Darrtfwi for allegd. Jury bribery. The prosecution contended that Older was merely an "onlooker." not a prtncl- pal, In the negotiations for the plea ot guilty by the McNamara brothers prior to the jury bribing oplsodo and that his testimony", therefore; was inadmissible. BT?. oferullrtg (heo'bjectloy the vfcoWt'.' pavcw;ino itayror'ine inirouumiun si v1denee?urttottinS!to slio.truttthr, was no motive on tho part of Darrow for the bribery of George N. Lockwood, on which chargo Uorrow had already been acquitted. Irslinger Unable to Throw Bothner NEW YOIUC, Feb. M.-Georg-e Bohncr of America ana iionry irsiinger or Europe met In an International middle weight wrestling match at Brown' gym nasium tonight and wrestled threo hours and forty minutes without a fall, the referee, John J. O'Brien of the New Tprk Athletlo club; declaring the bout a draw The men probably will be matched again In the near future. .Bothnir hurt his left knee In the flrjt tfcVirfrilnutes and was on the defensive the of the mdtoh. but Irsllqger, th middleweight champion of Europe and holder of the Lonsdale belt, could do- nothing with his opponent, who made a notable showing considering his handi cap. Bothner, who Is 47 years old, weighed 146 pound, while Irslinger, aged 37, weighed ICHfc. The conditions called for the best two out of three fall. joiin a. swanson, NEW OWNERS President. WM. L. IIOLZMAN, Treasurer, A WORD TO THIS AV1S15: TO WAIT MAY MEAN TOO LATE. DON'T MISS OUR GREAT Remodeling Sale New blood In action. D r o p . In nnd seo tho- notable Im provement", being raado on every floor. You'll bo uur prlood and VdollKhted when all Is In readiness. The Ne braska Willi, be bigger,- bet ter, broader than ever. You'vo helped us to make it no and wo'ro determined to help you to storo Bervico that will bo In a class by It self' from every standpoint Wfttch tho progress of re modeling horo. The new fixtures arc being rushed in. All "Winter stocks must be rushed out. Rarest", of rare bargains for everybody. Sensationally low prices nre- 1. The values of a litetime at vail. the Nebraska. Como Saturday. WHILE THEY LAST ALL, MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS and OVERCOATS Qut-they go . ANY Young Men's and Men's high grade $10.00 to $35 Suits at $1750 5 They're going fast ANY Young Men's and Men's high grade $12.50 to $50 Overcoats to PRICE Y OUNG men attentionl We direot you to a remarkable collection of high class suits and overcoats at half price. '.The' very clothes you see the best dressers Wearing. Sizes from 30 to 38. All sizes for larger men, too. Men's Furnishings. Tidal Wave of Values REMQDELING CREATES OVERWHELMING BARGAINS TO CLEAR THE DECKS' 4k if Men's Hats YOJJR.cjioico '6T the house. (Except' Stet 'Bons.) H i g'h grade stiff and soft hats, include ing, fine Velours. Oleari ngtfho cases for a great er ;hia V- s .h 6 p. Men's $3 U $1 Hits'ajt $145 Any $3.50 and $4.00 Union Suit $1.95 . Buy for future wear. These vSlucs demand it. Any Super ior,, any Madowcll, any Mul dobn union suit up to $4.00 value. Remodeling sale price, M $195 Men's $3.50 and $4.00 Sweaters at 51.95 Every man wants a good sweat er. Good chance now. Byron and Ruff neck collars. Good colors. Up to 94.00 values. Remodeling sale price Hen's Fancy Vests at Halt Price Unlimited selection, your un restricted choice of all wash able and silk vests. All sizes. Newest models and styles, In remodollng sale at $195 Glen's, .tip. to $1.50 . Union 'Suits at. . . . 75c $5.00 and $6.00 Sweaters at. . . , Price Men's $1.50 Kid QCr Gloves, at . 1V Boys Clothes at 1-2 Take free and unrestricted ohoice of any boys Knickerbocker suit in our storo. $2.d5 to -$9.95 values: iWiodeling sale price . . v Boys' Overcoats at .1-2 Your choice of the season's best styles. Boys' high grade overcoats. None re served. Our '$2.95 to $9.45 values. Out they go in Remodeling sale at half price, $148 S173 SHIR J S Stock' up now. This Is too Rood to pass. Kxcollo. Co lumbia and Faultless. j1.50t and $'JI.00 shirts, Ronlbdel lng salo price I 95c $148 S1.98 Mens Pants yOUB choice , of the house. Any pair' of men.'s and young men's $2.50 to $7.50 trousers pn , sale at $1.25 to $3.75. Remod eling the trouser ' section1. N- o wy choose at just JOHN A.SWANSON.prcs WM.L.H0L2MAN.TrAJ. n i itssMsMisissmi i r m Great Sale - NECKWEAR Handsome high class, rich new Bilks. All $1.00 'Neck wear now at ........ -50 All 50c Neckwear In Remod eling sale at CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN Automobile Show February 24 to March 1. Welcome Visitors. 25c 1 of the road for a rnlso of 0 cents per hour in tho wages or the boiler matters. A resolution was a (looted nt thn an-. nual convention of the Illinois division of thn United Mine Workers of America. providing; lor arranging a wage scale one year before the expiration of the present one with the operators. The lower house of .the Mlchlsan legis lature passed the Qlassner eugenics bill, which provides that every person seek ing; to marry must submit to physical examination and obtain a certificate of good health beforo a llcehse wjll be granted. At the closing session pf' the conven. tlon of .the Laymen's Missionary move ment " of the Houthern Presbyterian church, the proposed world's tour of mis sionaries under direction of the inter denominational laymen's missionary movement was approved. Record Prioes for Art Masterpieces NOW VOnK. Feb, Jl.Twnty-Mx paintings of the John P. Talmage col lection were sold for $&S,000 at auction here tonight, the sale going on record for the total received for o few pictures. The Romneys commanded, the, highest prices. i "A Lady of Quality" brought miOO and "Portrait of Lady Elizabeth Twig. den" IQWO, both going to dealers. The only real record breaker of the evening was the "Turner," a little water color, "Fluelln, Lake of Lucerne," painted In 1W0 for th father bt Jehl Ruskln. It went for $14,409. the highest price ever given, as far as' known, at a. public sale in this or any other country for a water color. A Carot, .'" Bentler au Prlntemps," was knocked down for mooo. From Our Near Neighbors 1 Extra Savings for Saturday at the REaALL DRUG STORES "Cascarets" Best Bowel Cleanser So niliousnesg," Weadnche, Sick, .Sour Btomach, Indigestion, Uoatea Tongue or Constipation. Furred . Tongue, Bed Taste. Tndlges tlon. Sallow 8kln and Miserable Head aches eome from a torpid liver tnd ciocsed bowels, which cause your atom ach to become filled with undigested food, which sours ' and ' ferments like . . til T. U . - . . jcarpsBS in a vv iug first step to untold misery indigestion, foal gases, bad breath, yellow skin, men tat fears, everything that Is horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret tonight will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing, and atralghlcn you out by tnjr?rn!njr "heyork.wlilla j;ou aleep i0-tent i from your druggist will Mtp you feeling good for n.ontlm. Mil lions of men and .women take a Ca,s- aret now and then to keep their stom ach, liver and bowels regulated, and never know a miserable pio.ment. Don't forget the children- their little Insldes need a. good, gentle cleansing, too. Ad v ua i..ent STRIKE SYMPATHIZERS IN FIGHT ON BOSTON STREETS BOSTON, Feb. Si -Fourteen arrisU were made as a result of a street en. counter between garment .strike aynv pathUera and a. crowd of young men who were escorting, soma women operatives from an East Boston factory tonight, tn the battle sticks, stones nnd bottles fig ured a weapons nnd many Injuries were Inflicted. Police reserves succeeded In separating the contending elements. Culls from tire-Wire A quarterly dividend of 1 10 at' share waa declared by the Calumet & Hecla Min ing company ywxeroay. v The. CCJo state senate Thursday after noon adopted ther house jesolutlon ratify. Irut the proposed 'federal' constHutloiUI ami ndment for opular election of Unitt-d oiuirb senaiom. A bill making It a misdemeanor, tiuniih ablo V' a tl'ie of from tlO to cs for any person to give, solicit or receive directly or Indirectly n tip. was Introduced in iun i'enn"yivuuiu lemsiaure. Uental was made by I). L Hush, gen eral manager of the Milwaukee railway, that a demand had been made on officials Blair. Mrs. T. C. Hilton left Tuesday for a week's stay In Chicago, Ed Matthlesen left Inst Sunday for a two weeks' business, trip to Chicago. Miss KUa Hill of the city school pri mary department Visited tn Lincoln schools last Friday. Miss Mellta Tavlor and her brother. O. W. Taylor, who Is vliltlng her from Ohio, spent Thursday In Omaha. T. M. Carter arrived from Plattsmouth on Wednesday to visit his brother. Dine Carter, who haa been very sick for sev- Mrs. A. a. Curtis of ItelsL Canada, for merly Misa Edith Sutherland of Blair, has been visiting here for a week with many of her old friends. Mlsa Sue Kenliv. who recently returned from a year's music study In Bonton, will leave soon ior i-onmmi. ure., wnere sne haa secured & good position na piano In structor. Miss Grace Hill and Messrs. Clark O'Hanlon, Tom Flnnell and Tom Oster man were In Arlington last Baturday at the funeral of Frank Kruger, a prominent young farmer. Mlsa Pauline Rller and Miss Mara aret Mueller were reuresentatves of the Con- g relational Sunday school at the county unday school convention held from Fri day to tsunuay at Arlington. Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Fletcher and two daughters autoed from Schuler and spent Sunday visiting Mra. Fletcher's unrie. u. v. Tayior or unio, at tne h6me of her parents in Blair. Mlsa Lucv Shields of Omaha, formerly c Blalrrglrl. and a number of her friends here, were entertained at a, noon luncheon last Monday by Mlsa Huth Mahr at her home in tms cny. siiss onicias win De married next week to Mr. Clarence etmpson of Omaha. Attorney f. b. iioweu ana unaries fir ay, an Omaha business man. were in Blair last Monday on legal business. Prof. C. R. Gates of the Hiatr schools officiated as one of the Judges In a debate, between Missouri Valley and Woodbine High schools last Friday n Missouri Valley. ' The bunch pf county officers at the rniirt house spent last Saturday evening with Mrs, Ituth Chrlstianson and her husband at the farm home of her father, Voiir Mccrncken. The visit Was a complete surprise and was given In honor deputy court clerk. As a token of the esteem In which she waa held by the other officers she was presented with several pieces or silverware. Valley. Mitt Mabel Miller will board with Mrs. Bailer until tchool closes. Rev E. B. Zimmerman and Vernon re turned to their home nt Sutherland Mon day night. Baby Aietha will remain with Mr. and Mrs, llelmbach. Mr. nnd Mra. James Allen and Mrs. Mpnahan motored into Omaha Tuesday Mrs. W. K. Weekly went to Omaha Monday to see "The Trail of the Lone some Pine.'' Mrs. B. F. Smith gave a dinner party Sunday In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Melil. Covers were laid for twelve. Mlsa Gertrude Ingram came out from Omaha Friday to nttend the funeral of Mrs. Zimmerman. She returned Sunday. B. A. F' will represent the Presby terian Sunday school at the county, con vention at Dundee Thursday and Friday. Mrs. AgrQ entertained the Birthday club at her home Friday afternoon In honor of Mrs. John Mehl, who Is one .pf the members. The regular meeting of the VaJley Woman's club was held at the home of Mrs. T. L. McNIsh Friday. Mr. Hopp ., iBuuer o me lesson Biuay nnn airs Age the music. W. T. Miller nnd Mrs. Kvn, were very iiufetlv nmrrlpd in Omnh,, Wednesday. They will reside on a farm near Klkhorn. ndtnlnlnr fnrn. .-.r Frank Lockwood. Mr. and Mra. John Mhl i r.u,.ii.. and win shin their goods to their new unio ui tiuourn, rveu.. me last or tne week- The best wishes of their many friends with them. .mT:. Z.'fJI,mtrn,.a.n' M.r K- Zimmerman, father and brother of Rev. E. K. Zim inerman, and sister, Mrs. Dot, who were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. k! E. Vm!Ima"i ;el4,rntlJ Ihclr home at m m . . Sprlnafleld. -5i ?o lp,r1nlgfldi,ly.PaM & 'hrt se?e.Mart kTUk? ?eld Sunday. M,v" Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McCandless were visiting relatives here the fore part of the week C. W. Sanborn has sold his farm ma chinery and stock and will move his family to Bethany. Floyd Davidson left yesterday for Miles City. Mont., to resume work on his railroad contract . Jnatead of moving to Alliance, as was their Inrenllon.' ther .Will Roberta fnmllv VIU moVe: to pgtnljlori. ' Frank McCamley and family returned they have been visiting since December last. The Platte river is breaking up without Its usual rush and It Is thought thn bridges win not be damaged ny tne Ice this time Arthur Jarman left Friday for Kemn ton, N. D., with a car of stock and house- Toilet Goods At Lowest Prices In City. 60c Pompelan Mas sage Cream for.SSo 36c Sanltol Tooth Paste for 13o Rexall Tooth Paste for 19o $1.60 Gouraud's Ori ental Cream ..89c S6o Frostllla 25c Packers' Soap for . . SOc French lava Rce Powder. 19o (The above the genuine Bourjeols) SOc Dr. Charles Flesh Food..l9o I MASSAGE CREAM J .14o Tar .140 OoBd Cures Rexall Cold Tablets Sherman's Cold Tablets.. Eucalyptus Catarrh Jelly. aso flSo aso and SOo La Grippe Cough Syrup for .23o and 30c Bins Bronchliyptus SBc, 50o, and 91.00 .J Rubber Goods The tremendous business of four large stores places us In a position IO uuy at rocK-uuiium. mciuiy pui-cn. the savit""( of which we pass along to our pairono, o can and do retail at I prices that many dealers are obliged to pay the middle man. As a result loods are constantly moving, always in laurlng clean, fresh stocks or inercnan Use that is ordi narily regarded as iliort-llved. Chest Protectors Preserve Tour Health. Keep warm and enjoy the cold days by wearing a chest proteptorj We carry In stock a well assorted lino for men and women. Priced from 89o up. See window dis play at 16th and Dodge Bts. store. 19 I 4, ..,.990 ....390 . . . .490 .. ..E9o SO ISO to BOO Infants' Syringes, several kinds, at 950 Atomizers 3So to 81.38 llubborlce Bas 3Bo to S1.3S J-quart Water Bag o 3ood Bulb Syringe Household Rubber Gloves . 1-qunrt Fountain Syringe . -quart Fountain Syringe... Nipples, best kind, each. nam uaps Patent Medicines at Cut Prices 11.00 Gray'a Glycerine Tonic. 98o M.00 Wine of Cardul for 89o. Dr. Cooper's Medicine 45o, 89o 11.00 Hostetter's Ultters ....,89o 11.00 Squlbbs' Saraapttrllla. . , ,75o Dfoninlslon 48o, 89o Rexall Orderlies lOo, 3Sc, 60o Scott's- Kmylelon 45o, 89a lnoi, always . Vl.OO Kays' Hair Health 4So, 89o Llaterlne 16o, SSo, 4So, 39o Rexall Kidney Cure 4Bo, 89o Borden's Malted Milk ...43c, E9o II Lydla Plnkham's Compound 89 o Olycothymollne ...... 38c, 48o, 89o, Rexall 9S Hair Tonic. .. 60o, 9M Fellow's Syrup for 89o tlJ4 Spruce Pepsin Tablets. .SOc, Sl.OO U Guertln's Nervo Syrup... .890 Visit The Auto' Show, Auditorium, Feb. 24 to Mar. 1st Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. PROPRIETORS OF THE VOXTB, SBZAZ, STORES. Sbsrman it McOonneU nmg Oo., Corner 16th and Hodge. J,0l1 JPWrmaoy, BoUl Joyal Block. Owl Drug Co., Corner 18th and Barney. Ths Harvard rharmacy, Corner 31th and Tarnam. hold goods. Uls family will follow In a few days. A rnrty of students from tho Spring field sBlfbol, with L. A. Dates as chaper one. visited ibe- stpne quarries at Louis, vllle last Tuesday. Mra. L. M. 'Ball visited her sister in Blair this wfcek. Walter Drtskell has gone to British Columbia -to work with his brother, who has .Baveral large build ing contracts. . PaplMlan,, Judge Travis came from Plattsmouili Friday to hold district court. F. M. Roach moved this week Into its new cottage in North Papllllon. Mr. H. D. Patterson entertained the Eastern Star kenelogton Tuesday aftJ noon. Mm. M. 'Zwlbet entertained the Woman's club Wednesday afternoon. Tnu subject for the meeting was WBI tl. Carieton. with Mrs. William Patterson as leader. A. E. Langdondeft Tuesday on a busi nssi trip to Salt Lake City. Utah. Mlsa Pearl M. Case and Earl Spearman of Gretna were granted a marrlago license Monday. At a meeting of the school board Mon day night all of the present teachers were re-elected for next year. AVeeplnir "Water. Miss Grace Teegardcn la visiting In Kansas City. Turner Zink, who has been sick the last two weeks, la in a critical condition. J. W. jove, after a visit here of several days, left for his home In Clevelaud, O. Mrs. A. J. Klepser of -Rainier, Ore., is visiting friends and relatives in thta vicinity E. H. Cllxbe of Council Bluffs was a business visitor here Wednesday and Thursday. A light snow fell Thursday evening and night that will be of great good to the wheat crop. John W Klntner has moved to tie O. Tefft farm southeast of towri, recently purchased of N. C. Kelson. George Gllmore, accompanied hs'son In-law. Thomas Akeson, to Omaha on Wednesday, where the former- entered the Methodist hospital for 'treatment for bis eyes. A senior class party Qf thn -high school was held at the homa of Mlsa Ida Leor-. ard' last Friday nlRht. and Mlsa UlUan Leonard entertained the sophomore class Saturday night. Petitions aro being circulated in. all Hie precincts In the county for the rtinuva of the county seat from Plattsmouili. The Idea Is tq get it on wheels .and thcrt sc iect some location.