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nnr3EirrjiAH37s:vrrHi5AY, February zzrm& Silk Hat Harry's Divorce Suit Texas Tess and the Landlady Copyright, WIS, National News Ass n. Drawn for the Bee by Tad j the owpN i ov li HE. ) y v. ! LAfJO.tMW-J THE. LITRE X LETS ' OME" li TETiG TUMI- UXI. 6rA Wt ) I ALL TMOJE MEW 04 TBSs 16 , ..,,. AMONG THE JML BOWLERS Sporting News Team Wins Three from Rogers' .Permits. STORZ TRIUMPHS GET TWO Bome fjnoil Sport In Conies! tin Alleys nctrrcni Thin Tcitm anil Tracy' Lit Trnitita Oilier Result Cloe, The fiportlnj; Neivs team won three gsmes from the Rogers rermlts In tho Commercial league. Scores: 0 PORTING NX'.VS. Int. III. I .earn i7fl FIU ( 119 Sciple i.. IRS Hhaw ., H3 I'anton 1S3 lVt M. Total, lit M79 190 &ID 180 Mr, 1TV 4M Vii Mi 2.WI Totals 819 KO S3i HOGBH8' I'BiiMrra. 1st. 2d 3d. Total uonerty iao fitraw lis McCune 170 8traw liv) Melum no 181 U9 124 1H0 131 20J 017 1M 418 isi m l&S 402 Totals 749 7M Ml 2,5l 31 etrnpnlltnn Lenitne. SlNOER BBWKRS. 1st. SH. 3(1. Total, NUgent 1KI 122 173 448 MOrton 199 173 ICO KM Band ist 115 142 SSS Total 483 410 . - THACY'H T. U. ., Int. 2d. Tanner lai IFeltman Ui Barton ..... 171' Totalii 441 118 331 4?1 1,374 3d. Total 143 331 4H5 5l5 1.356 White Sox on the War Trail Tho White Hox special carrying thlrty flvo base ball player Mid over sixty boosters fans and officials steamed Into Omaha on time and remained here for forty minutes, durjntf which tltrie th players not out, stretched themselves and renewed acquaintances with old Omaha friends. Nearly fifty Omahans were at the train to meet their various friends. The train, consisting of nine cars, In cluding boRgago and buffet cars, Is bound to Paso Iloblei, Cal., where the 'Whit Sox will so Into spring training prepar- Omaha and who wll this year play with Vernon. Jlmmle Callnhan was all smiles when Uo train pulled Into Omaha, lmmedl. ately after Iticnmo to u stop he got out hurt met all his old frlonds, and then looked up tho local newspaper then und told them lift had tho urpatrst bunch of ball, players assembled on tho train that the world over knew. Ho says ho Is con fident that his bunch will have little trouble rarrylns nwny the pennant this year. As soon us tho team arrives In Paso llobles, training will start. Cigar- B' .a-F.'t.UOHUaUBBK J AVBHH I SBSA SkMS 1 . M '1SIH1MB iflSH TirSTIiniSW ' m fll 1' IMMIMSISIllMTiT 'liTl ff m' TSM1 ' T. T MSTI1 11 fllMTT i'" YTW1 Charlie Comiskey, His Friends and Ball Players Pho tographed at the Union Station Fri rfqry Morning. Commy Remembers Old Friends on His Trip to the Coast CJharley Comiskey Is meeting up .vlth old friends wherovcr lie goes, anil Is krjpwn for h!s loyalty to friendship. Hp learned dir. 'ilfchlng Omaha ; tlat qcm Jlyun, an old boy pal of his, was an nirlnetr on the Union Pacific, orie of tbe oldest and one of the best; In fact, In the service of the company. "I want Con to pull our train over his division.'' Commy said to n representa tive of the Union Pacific, "Where Jo?8 hlr. division begin and end?" "it begins at Kawllns and ends at Green River. Wyo.," he was told. "Will you assign him to the job 7" "Yes.'w "Then when, we reacli Green nivor, Con doffs his cab clothes, gets Into our train and make the trip tho rest of the way ns my guest." And that goes. Bo when the White Sox sbecial reaches nawllns, the Old Komnn and Con will meett and Con will pull til. Old rtoman and his warriors out , to Green River and then fall In wlih 1.1 magnanimous old pal and have the time . of his life, for r while, ulnyway '-fit -rjfi 'l.srJ If 'George were here n6wl His thrift, keen judg-? ment and good tasle would; bring him to our "Sea son 8 Wind Up Sale." Winter suits and over coals, including our $20 to $40 Kensingtons this season's slock now 1-5,-14 arttj 1-3 off. Nowhef in Nebraska 'i except in our stores are ' Kensingtons to. be found thoroughly reliable in ,. quality -rr exclusive pat terns. They fit and stay ', fit. ' ' (A copious display oi Stetson-s and imp or tec hats for spring now ready.) MAGEE & DEEMER 413 S. Sixteenth. Clsthes Hats Furnishings. The Persistent nnd audiclous .Use of Newspaper Advertising )s the Road to Business Success. dun Skin of Wwif Eruptions Remiirkable Action of m Rem edy That Drives Every Speck of Poison From Body. fctory to the 1913 'season. Acc6mpiibyln; the team nre several women, wives o.f tho players and newspaper men, of whfch' there are eight of the latter In the last car of the train was Charles A. Comiskey, popular owner of the team; his brother, Jimmy Callahan, manager; Ed Walth, veteran pltchtr, and Sullivan, veteran catcher, who will have charge of the recruit pitchers, Ted Sullivan and "Kid" aieason. In the oar ahead were tho Intimate friends of Comiskey and Callahan. The next car ahead cnxrleJ boosters and fans and then came the Whlto Box players. One car carried play ers who 'belong to the Pacific Coast league teams. Former AVestrrn Hlnrs. Several old Western league players who are now with the White Sox," and others Who aro bound for western points, were on tho train. Among them, were Doug Mas,' nent, Lange, Miller, l Mattlck, for merly of Des Moines: Clccittev formerly or Lincoln; uorion, uosseu ana, ueorge I Johnson, last year with Ht. Joseph) Olm I stead, last year with Denver, who Is bound for the same place, and Charles Tonneman, who started his career' with ette smoking will be tabooed and drink thg will be prohibited. ' "We arrive In Paso nobles Monday morning nt 8 o'clock," said Callahan, 'and at 3 o'clopk In the afternoon vi wll bo nut on the field preparing for he greatest season base ball has ever known. I 'am highly satisfied with my roster of players and am confident that they '-will make a! flno showing. I have not yet called a meeting of tho team, but will do so before we arrlvo at our destination. Until tl)on the fellows will be given nil tho freedom, they have en Joyed during the winter months'. "Among us you will find the old vet- tiran Sullivan. To my mind ho will bU of greater value to the White ox nurmg the I spring training trip than any other men. Ted will take cdmpletnj charge of the pitchers, and )n this fao alone Is assured a fast staff of twlrlers. ' Charlie Comiskey, "The Old Roman," says he.U looking fqrward tq the great est season the national game has known. In speaking of Prank Chance he said h Is looking forward to the day when the Peerless leader comes onto tho White Box park with his New York Highland ers. "Why,"' he said, "every scat has been sold for ttyn day. The commercial bodies of Chicago have 'bought out over box In the park, nnd tho demand for seats Increases every day. If I should havo tickets printed today and' put on sale Inside of one week there would not be ono left." Just then the conductor of the White Sox special, which is the second division or the Overland Limited, bellowed forth "All aboard' and with a mighty heave the giant ' triveler started forward. A Great .Farm Journal i Twentieth century "farmer.- OMAHA. NEB. There Is 'a strange, mysterious power Jn a remarkable blood medicine that finds Its way through tho circulation by what Is known as Divine- selection. The rem edy Is Swift's Sure Specific, or S. S. 3. Eclenca cannot explain just why cer tain elements In the blood feed the bones, others nourish the hair roots, and so on. And t Is this same mysterious action of P. S, B. that attacks all diseased spots; drives away all germs, heals all sores and supplants the activity of disease perms with the powerful healing actlou of leucocytes. Remarkable testimonials have been written that prove beyond question there Is po blood disease but what can be cured by 8. 8. S. And In all those cases that were treated with mercury. Iodides, arsenic, copper and other minerals with no permanent effect, the most astonishing recoveries havo been made by 8. 8. 8, There is hot a blood taint of any no tyre that can remain In a system forti fied by this most wonderful remedy, for It Is absolutely pure and contains only those elements that the blood naturally assimilates, and which the tissues grate fully accept It agrees with the most seUeats stomach, even In those cased where the use pf strong drugs has so weakened the digestive system that med icine cannot be given. Get a It. oo bottle of 8 8 8. ct any drug store and thus bo assured of a complete cure of any srup tire blood disease. If your case Is pe culiar and you desire special advice write tr Thtf Swift Specific Co., Medical Dept. 117 BwUt IUdg Atlanta, Co. Ted Sjilliyan Goes Armed' with Letter fromf resident Taf t- No White Box. e'jcpuraon; -wciirtl be com plete without the veteran Ted Sullivan, known to all old-timers and most' nt the new-timers who Jtnaw .pass ball ,v?U. ' Ted's chief fame lies In, the fact that, next to Christopher Colunlbus, he is the world's greatest1 'discoverer -In discov ered Charley ComUkey, some thirty odd years back, when Commv was a young ster up around Dubuque. H was a flossy young pitcher, and Ted, scouting for St. Louis, hooked him and took him down the river, where Comlskv got h Job at S0 a month, later developing Chris. Von Der Ahe's famous Drowns, the four- time winners. Comtskey's ardor for old friends btnds htm to Ted. He has tntde Ted ambassa dor extraordinary and minister plenipo tentiary for the world's tour, which ns and Musgsy McGraw with their teanu are going to make next fall, and Ted Is a. proud Irishman over that,- and don'; you forget 'It. la this connection Ted Is displaying a letter of which ha Is also very proud It Is a personal letter from President Tart to the distinguished men of many nations whom lulllvan will meet on hi world tour. The letter begins thus: "Oentlemen: This I Mr Ted Ulilvan, a pioneer In the realm of. base ball, And then proceeds to ask the favors In hln behalf. Ted wears the letter next to as heart, armed for the man who fain would deprive him of It. money, ringside. PATHFINDER CAR TO BE EXHIBITED AT AUTO SHOW J The motor car manufacturing pro ducers of the Pathfinder, a medium slxed, high-grade motor car, have Just ('nit a carload of their cars to Omaha, nd taken space at the Auto show. The Pathfinder demonstrated' It caliber when It was used by Westegard In three trips across the continent, laylug out the government cross-country routes. The action ot their company In coming to Omaha enables dealers, who desire suoh a. car to handle, to do business directly with the manufacturers. AVulnnt Hill Defeated. The "XX" basket ball team' defeated the Walnut Hill team last night In the club rooms ot Walnut Hill church by a score of -38 to 2Z The game was lively throughout Wolgast and Murphy Finish Training BAN FRAJfCISCO. Feb. 21.-Both Ad Wolgast former lightweight champion, and Ifkrltm Tommy " Murphy, who aro matched to fight twenty rounds, here to morrow afternoon, finished strenuous training today close to weight Murphy weighed at last night end Wolgast ha'f a ppund Wis, Betting I at 10 to S, with Wolgast -tho favorite,- but many believe It will m to 10 to V and possibly even Joweip Outshines and Outlasts Them All It Is a thick cream polish an emulsion. - The quickest and best for metals constantly exposed to the weather; best for Inside work; best all around polish. , "It removes the tnrnWi not the metal." Ask for free sample. Get our prices. POWELL SUPPLY CO YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SEE f,r- jsiss) O BBSS' HADE IN INDJ&N&RQLfJI' l40 The Official Good of the A. A. A. Roads Gar .-S. Government . : 3 I' 4 ? This car completed an official 13,000-mile survey of three new national transcontinental highways in 147 days, including stopovers, creating a. new world's endurance record for continuous going under difficulties. In order to introduce the Pathfinder lo the ''y people of Omaha and surrounding territory, we have secured space at the Omaha; Auto mobile Show and will exhibit . , v ' Pathfinder Touring Car A can gentleman's car that your wife start from the driver's seat by simple pressure on a foot button. The distinctive body lines, convenience and luxurious appointments of the Pathfinder were among the most no ticeable features at the recent Na tional Automobile Shows. You ,and your wife will be Interested In this oar because of Its proved ability to duplicate for you even such an un usual performance as .the triple trans continental tour get a copy of the "Photo Story of a Pathfinder." a pic torial roview of the remarkable good roads tour completed In the summer of 1012 by A. L. Westgard, official -government pathfinder. Pathfinder Chassis The Pathfinder chassis Is the em-, bodlment of every known principle In volving protection of parts',' reduction of wear accessibility, simplicity of construction, safety,' convenience and ease of operation the most scientific chassis seen anywhere at the Shows. The Bloctric self-starter on the Pathfinder iajositive, yet quiet, and has fewer parts and less connections than you get on any other car on the market, regardless of nrlce It Is a unit In itself, will not Interfere with ignition and Its extreme simplicity and accessibility enablo you to have the continuous use of your car. REMEMBER We are ready U prove Pathfinder superiority in each ot the above polnta. Pathfinder Cruiser You will b interested in something that Is absolutely different a car of sensational design and unique body lines that is capable of great speed. The Pathfinder Cruiser was the "hit" of the. New York and Chicago Shows, coming as It does at a time when the public la demanding such radical changes In stereotyped body lines In two passenger cars. The Cruiser Is the first car of this design ever offered to the, American public. Its Individuality is in the or iginal body type, the sharply pointed "tall" and low, bulldog appearance. The Cruiser impresses one at first glance' as' being able to go any place it Is pointed. Call or write for "101 Reasons" why. Call at Our Booth and Learn Why the Pathfinder Cqfts Less to Operate, Reduces Wear on Tires and Saves Gasoline-Ask for Our Factory Representative, Mr. F. G. Buskirk THE MOTOR CAR MFG. CO., Indianapolis, U. S. A., NEW YOHK. CHICAGO " ' " WSAN FRANCISCO