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THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1913. WILL GIYE SAMPLES AT SHOW , Many of the Exhibitors Will Dis tribute Products Ready for Use. WILL DEMONSTRATE PROCESS Women's Sheer Linen E m broldered Initial Hand ko r c h 1 o f r, worth up to 25c, nt Special Fnsh Cut Carnations 2c Each Floier Dept. Slfinnfncturrra at .Mmlr-lii-Nrirnkn. ShotT Will Cnrr- Ont Scheme, for Mlnlntnrr I'lnnt. In Opprnllon. 12ic J Many rrrms will nerve cooked and man ufactured samples ot eatables at tlif cowing "Jlode-ln-Ncbraka" show and anions theio are the Hen Biscuit com pany, which will kIvo out fanoy cakes, biscuits and crackers; Paxton & Gal lagher, with Demonstrations of their cof fee and extrnctsj Skinner Macaroni com pany will aerve macaroni, spaghetti and noodles, Uncle Sain Ilrpakfait Food company will give out their cereals, Loose-Wiles Biscuit company will dis tribute their biscuits and crackers; F. D. Parmer will show tho merits of his cof fee and baking powder. The Deflanco Starch company will demonstrate Its starches. Borne eight or nine milling companies" will have flour products on exhibition and will distribute Mil sorts cf s;ood things to eat made of the different brands. The gas company wilt operate a minia ture gas appliance kitchen and tho Marks Bros, Saddlery company will show tho finest lines of leather novelties, pocket books, collarboxos, etc., "mHe In Ne braska," that will show up with any eastern .manufactured goods of this char acter. The Bymo-Uammer company has de cided to show Its lines of overalls, shirts and dresses. The Omaha Tent and Awning company will hare an educattonat display that should carry with It much fruit for the public. It will take the form of por table houses and tenta suitable for tuberculosis camps, lawns, eto. Not everyone known, perhaps that some of the finest web suspenders, as well as summer belts for men and women, that can be seen on thin market are modo right here In Omaha, Tho Nebraska Suspender and Belt company will demon strate this to the public, while right alongside of them will be "Omaha made" hata shown by the Omaha Hut company. It Is probable that the Hanoy Saddlery company, whloh not only has a plant hre, but one In Hastings as well, will Show In its 200 gquare test of space stamping and methods of making fine saddles. Paxton & Mitchell company and C. B. Liver company, side by side, as far as their exhibits' are concerned, will have two demonstrating booths that will ap psal particularly to their fellow manu facturers and to tho merchants. Tho C. II LJvtr company will have Us space fitted up to resemble a miniature store. Klrkendall company's booth, while not begins entirely a demonstrating exhibit, will also be of great interest to tho vis. Uors. IBvery Una of men's', women's and children's shoes will have a repre sentation In this bootlL If the plans of the D. J. O'Brien com pany are carried out, and they no doubt will, they will have girls dipping ohooolates and demonstrating tho mak ing of candy and will gtve away samples to the piibllo. Another demonstrating exhibit will be that of Allen Brothers, who wilt serve some of the line of goods they make, such as, coffeo, extracts, etc,. In palatable forms to visitors. Demonstrations by beautiful girls of the Vclvetlna toilet prepartlons will form the particular feature of the Good rich Drug company's display, while di rectly across the alsls will be goods of mora substantia) household nature the Bethany Broom company's products. The monument malting and stone cut ting Industry will be represented through V, Bvoboda, who will have stone cutters present, who will show how the monu ments are carved and engraved. In fact, there will bo so much to seu lu the manufacturing lines and so many samples given out that the Auditorium, from the time the doors ure opened, March 6, to the close of the exposition. March II, should be a point of great at traction to all people of this vicinity and the state at large. From present reports there will be a great many excursions running Into Omaha at that time, and local organlxatlons are making plans to take cars of these many visitors. Mrs. 8, B. a, "Van Uuren si . ftlngston, N. Y. (full name furnished on applies tion), had such decided benefit from using Foley's Honey & Tar Compound that she shares her good fortune with others Bbe writes: ."Foley's Honey & Tar Com pound brought my voice back to m during a severe case of bronohltls and laryngitis. Oh, how many people I have recommended It to." Remember the name Foley's Honey & Tar Compound, and refuse substitutes. Contains no opiates. For sal by all dealers every, whera. Advertisement Fremont Will Have "Made in Fremont" Display at Show EVery arrangement has now been per fected by the Fremont manufacturers in regard to their space which they con tracted for last Friday, with the Federa tion of Nebraska retailers, to bo utilized as a "Made in Fremont" section in the big state-wide "Made in Nebraska" show. When the doors of ths Auditorium are opened March 6, for this home pro duct exposition. Fremont will be found to be right at the front. Five hundred forty square feet will be utilized for their exhibit An effort will be made to show the electrolier, which are being turned out now In Fremont. When lighted, this, In Itself, will form i an Illustration of things that can be done with goods that are made In Ne braska. The following firms have taken space with the Fremont Commercial club and wUl put In very beoutlful displays: The Crystal Refrigerator company, The Fre mont Foundry and Machine company, the Platte Valley Cement and Tile com pany, Fremont Fence works, the Ameri can Ctranlte and Monument company, Hpteger & Son, the Golden Rod Creamery company, Rogers Tent & Awning com pany, the Hammond Printing company and the. Fremont Manufacturing com. jany. It Is probable that in the next two or three days several mure firms will join those above mentioned. Dynamite Wreck llailillna as completely as coughs and colds wnck Iubks. Cure them nulck with Dr. Kinir'i. Attend The Special Selling Events Saturday at the Store that Always Offers Genuine Bargains in New and Dependable Goods! Every bargain lot presented here is an extra special for Saturday s selling and every price is a special Jeaiure. All New and Attractive Styles in Women's SILK and CHIFFON WAISTS $t 19 Made to Sell at $5,00, $6.00 and $7.58 New Shades New Models Chiffons, Satin Messalines, Crepes, Fanoy Silks -All popular now style features including short and long sleoves, high and low necks, Borao elab orately trimmed with laces and vel vet. Staplo and evening shades as well as waists of black Bilk. Values up to $5, $G and $7, on second floor at. $3 Special Purchase oi 1,006 Pairs of Women's Short and Long Kid Gloves Hade to Sell up to $1.75 and $2.50, at 85c Pair We bought at a rare sacrifice these real kid, lambskin and genuine Kassnrl leather gloves In 12, 1G and 20 button lengths (soma are slightly Imperfect). Also one and two clasp gloves, perfect In every way. Thd colors are white, black, grey, tan and primrose overseam and pique effects. Actually worth up to $2.50 a pair on bargain square 85 c Pr $1.25 and $1.50 Pr. For Women's 2-claap real French kid and lambskin gloves In white, black, tan and grey Paris point or single row embroidory fitted to the hand. SPECIAL SALE OF THE NEW MESH BAGS Gorman Silver Unbreakable Mesli Bags worth $5 each, special nt $2.08 German Silver Kid Ijlned Mesh Bags worth, nt, each $4.08 German Silver Unbreakable Slesli Bags O-inch frame worth $J1.50, at. ...$1.08 Nerer Before Sich Fine Assortments ef Women's Hosiery at 25c and 15c Pr. In tho scores of special hosiery sales wo have of fered, such good values were never presented In these prices: 40c and 50c Hose at 25c Pr. Women's pure silk boot hose . wide lisle garter tops, double lisle soles, also mer cerized silk nose In black, white and tan, at pair s, aiso mer- 25c Hosiery at 15c Pair Fine mercerized cotton and lisle hose all full fashion ed black, white and colors actually worth up to 30c and even 3 Be a pair, at, pair ana coiora 15c BJ Misses', Boys' and Chil (Iron's Fast Black School Hosiery worth fl t up to iiOc a li, hZ pair, nt pair. . . . v EH si Saturday in Our Store for Men We Offer Great Var ieties and Great Values in Men's Suits and Overcoats That you cannot duplicate anywhere else $750 For great lots o f Men's m odium w e i ffht suits and overcoats worth up to $27.60. For great lots of Men's medium weight suits and overcoats worth up to $15.00. For great lots of Men's me .dium weight suits and overcoats worth up to $20.00. $10 Event Extraordinary! MEN'S HATS In Soft and Derby ityles Worth $2, $2.50, $3 Choose Saturday From Hundreds of Pairs of Sample Pants For Men and Young Men At About U the Price You Pay Regularly 2,400 hats in new spring styles, bought from a New York Commission Uoubo at i or less than half regular prices. $3 Stiff Hats $3 Austrian Ve lours $2 Derbies $1 $2.50 Smoith Felts $3 Soft Hats $3 Velours .Men's 91.00 ami $1,150 Imported English Golf Caps Sa,tln and silk lined English patterns a big AJZ bargain at . ttOC Boys' uml Children's $1.50 Hats nt 4Bc New spring styles and colorB fine felts and wool a big ATg special '. . . . . , "OC Best materials, best patterns and best tailoring ever offered In a sale in Omaha. Men's Sample Trousers, worth up to $3.50 and (J 4 llf) JS0.:.1: $l."o Men's Sample Trousers, worth up to $4.50 and Aa' An JSJ0.?.: $9o Men's Sample Trousers, worth up to $U.OO and $7.00 a pair, now not viui $3.98 ft Men's Shirts Men's $1.50 Negligee, Shirts are Men's $1.00 Negligee Shirts, nrc OOc Negligee Shirts Men's are 98c 69c 39c Men's Neckwear 75c Neck- 2 T. 19c 124c Men's 50c and Hear goes at Men's 33c Neckwear, clal at Men's 25c Neckwear, spe cial at , A MILLINERY FAVORITE FOR THE SPRING SEASON IS THE NEW SOFT OREPE 0ROWN AND STRAIGHT BRIM HATS FOR WOMEN 8oft crepe crown effects, straight brims, also a few mallne hats bright colored materials In Bulgarian effects, fine flower wreaths, ribbons also new novelty Mumldt effects and other fashion able sprjne trimmings. These hats are sultablo for Immediate wear and are the newest, cleverest and moHt fetching innovations. See our 16th street window display. A group of new fis gfrr!y....S5 NEW UNTRIMMED HEMP SHAPES, $3.00 and $3.98 An extensive line withblack velvet facings, in Nell rose, Saxe blue, purple, as well as the staple colors mostly tanall shapoH, nt $tt.?50 and $3.J)S SATURDAY SPECIALS IN JEWELRY DEPT. Solid Gold Cuff Links, worth $B, on sale nt. .$1.H0 Newest styles In 1a VaUlere. In satin lined boxes. 50c Ileal Mahogany Eight-Day Clorks, porcelain dial, at $5.08 Quadruple Plated Bake Dishes, at.... $3,08 SPECIAL! Women's Skirts Made to sell $.9 r a up to $7.50, at iPe)tJv They aro all In modlum weights and good styles. Colors and black. SPECIAL! Women's Skirts Made to sell (g4 (jo up to $5,00, at tpl.tfO Sizes to fit every woman prac tical skirts In excellent styles. SPECIAL! Women's and Misses Winter Coats Made to sell up to $25.00, at Medium weights Serviceable the year round. 10 SPECIAL! Women's and Misses Suits and Coats Made to sell up to $10.00: at. . . Made in black and colors and all very well tailored. 3.69 Three Lots of Children's Wash Dresses Ages 0 to 14 years values up to $3, on sale at $1.85, $1.85, Womia'i Fl&ln and Ombr. SluUUd Silk Chiffon Veils Also hemstitched and satin striped scarfs, In white, black and all colors worth up to f f rtrt $1.50; at. each $ 1 .UU r Leather s Real leather and leather lined, worth 2:oo, at.. . . $1.00 Leather Bags Real leather, worth up to 3.00 special each, d 1 Q at P X J7 WE OFFER SATURDAY HUNDREDS OF NEW ARRIVALS IN WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SERGE DRESSES, SPECIALLY PRICED DT THREE GROUPS We offer Saturday, in advance of the spring season, several hundred up-to-date dresses that will ho extremely popu lar. The styles are all new and every dress Is a practical frock, suitable for present and spring wear. New Bul garian trimmings, also braid. button and silk finishing, in ill new colors and black and Ull wnuo eneexB. Many of the dresses in these lots worth $18.00, $20.00 and even up to $22.50, on sale at $198, $10 12.50 a (ft 5& hi mm. i Saturday Hair Goods Specials $5.98 $3.98 $1.85 75c $1.98 30'inch Natural Wavy Hair Switches regular $12.00 values, at 20-inch Natural Wavy Hair Switches regular $8.00 values, at . . 24-inch Natural Wavy Hair Switches positively worth $4.00, at 20-inch Natural Wavy Hair Switches a good $2.00 value, for Transformations That go all around the head $3.50 valuos, for Medium Cluster Puffs-$1.50 values, for OOc All Large Cluster Puffa-$3.00 valuos, at $1.95 Hair Dressing, Shampooing, Scalp Treatments, Manicuring and Beauty Culture Work. Appointments made by phone. Hair floods Parlors Second Floor Pompelan Boom THREE UNMATOHABLE Rug Bargains Room Size Brussels Rugs -in desirable new patterns worth up to QQ $16.50, at tPt.tO Rich Brussels Rugs Up to 9x12 sizes, in beautiful patterns, worth QO to $15.00, at ...... VI JO Room Size Brussels Rugs - -Of excellent quality new patterns, worth J AO to $8.50, for elstJO BRANDEIS STORES Washington's f UPPPV Tl A V Pompeian Birthday is VOjI.I I UJr. I Room Special preparations have been made in the Pompeian room that will en able you to properly eelebrate this national holiday. AT THE CANDY DEPARTMENT. Fresh Candy Cherries, nt the lb -.25c Delicious Glace Cher ries, at lb 60q Ch o o o Jate Covered Cherries, at lb., 50e AT THE SODA FOUNTAIN Allen '8 red tame cher ry phosphate. . . . 5c Allen's red tame cher ry ice cream soda, at 10e Cherry Sundaes. .lOc IN GREEN ROOM CAFE. Fresh cherry sherbet, at the dish. . , . IQc Red tame cherry ice cream soda .... IQc Cherry Suudaes. ,1Q( Pompeian Hitter Sweet and Swiss .Milk Chocolates with crushed fruit and nut centers, at the pound . . -20d Wholesome Cream Peanut Nuggets In vanilla, strawberry and chocolate flav ors, at the lb. .15d Fresh Hlack Walnut Taffy, chuck full of rich walnut meats, regular 35c, at the pound, 25 Iresh Maple Con fectlons, caramel glace, cocoanut ball? and maple kissas, worth 30c, at the pound 20 SI fcy JUaton Drug Co. Advertisement