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10-A THE OMAHA SI N1) Y BKK; H-IBItr VKY S3 Graduating Class, 1913, of the Creighton University School of Pharmacy 1 g.ZpjF"Y JET XOFI'jrDJr V C.7T,VAAS ) jET TIIOimSDT 17; gJtZ ZZ.OZiEZR hJROSSTS 3.S3SaS I liwiilPiTiiiTT i Iimiimi a iwi 11 iiibiiii 1 1 i n i miii linn ansn whh wBrnammm mmi pswki Bnrararara wmmmsmm s m iksb ihhh imran isgMymyn hwmi hwihi hmhh hum inrai i, ! m mi hi in iiMion i ii ya 11 mbmbbbbb bhw khh hh & uv !wsm&? .3 SOOTHING GOTHAM'S THIRST Trio of .mt Cnncnctlnnn Snlil to Itcncli the Spot In n Hnrry. That trilogy of new drltjl.p, tho Infurla tor. the etlngor and their bland antidote the queller. has pome as n, bonison to thdse who arc a thirst In New York. The Infurlator Is all the rage. It sets the appetite on a rampage, lashes hunger to become as a. ravening lion and In spires the moderns to vie In nrowpss with valiant trenchermen of old. A good drink of brandy, a tlnsh of ab sinthe, shake well with Ice, drain off and serve as a cocktail. One will be enough for most men. After that bring on planked steak, heaping plates of potatoes, loaves of bread and any such unconsid ered trifles, and leave the Infuriated to wreak his will. The dinner proceeds and "there Is need" as the coffeo arrives and the cigars nro In transit for a soothing cordial. Then take the stinger, which Is com posed of whlto creme do mcnthe. with a good dash of brandy, shaken together with Ice and drained off. Or It may bo served In the usual frappe form. Hero Is something soothing and n' the same time not devoid of tang. It makees vis Ions to soothe the senses and warms the cockles of tho heart. It may bo that In time the need of stiong drink seems to be no more Indi cated. One may awake In tho gray dawn wishing that he had never heard of these American drinks with such dynamic names. Ho may not exactly know his own name or care whether or not he has one. Ills shoes have not. been prop erly tied, tho newspaper that comes with the morning coffee has letters blurred and tangled. "I am nervous," one may say to Bar dotph, who seems afar off In vague vista of glasses and purple and green bottles and pink armadlltoes and red anacondas. "Let me mako you a queller," says ths barkeeper, all attention and sympathy. Aromatic spirits of ammonia, strange pinkish decoctions, a 1.ibIi of bitters, or anything, In fact, which the man of bottles may have In his medicine chest, all shaken up with Ice, and served cool as a breath from mountain caves In which tho snow still remains In the heat of summer, and the queller has stilled the riot of nerves and performed the last function In making man forget the fierce potations of the night before In the dawn of the day after. New York Herald. Noal Drink Habit Treatment a Success The Xonl Institute of Onmlm 11ns Successfully Trcntcl More Tlinn n Thousand Drinking Men nnd Women and Restored Hicm to Sober Lives. Tho Noal Drink Hnblt Treatment Is n charmless, vegotnble remedy that never falls to romovo tho craving and necessity for drink In three days, without tho use of, painful, dangerous hypodermic In jections. This should Interest all of you men and women who have been drinking too much during tho year 1912. If you do not drink your self, but are wives and mothers of drinking men, It Is your duty to help them take treatment and be gin tho New Year right sober. If you realize your own condition do not postpone taking treatment un til you commit some act, while un der the Influence of liquor, that will ruin your life. If you eannbt stop drinking call at the Omaha Neal Institute, 1502 South Tenth St., and investigate the Neal Drink and Drug Habit Treatment, or write or phono Douglas 7550. Tho VANDERBILT HOTEL 34th St. East at Park Ave. 1 Subway Entrance NEW YORK The World's Most Attractive Hotel. Each room with a bath. TARIFF Single room, with bath, $3, $4, $5, $6, day. Double room, with bath, $5, $6, $7, $&. per day. Double bedroom, boudoir dressing room and bath, $7, $10, $12, per day. Suites, parlor, bedroom and bath, $10, $12, $15, $18, per day T.M.HilUard, Managing Director Walton H.Marshall, Manager A Great Farm Journal TWENTIETH CENTUltV KAIl.MEB c.m&amESEzr q.xkszjdz 2fjs.xmrr-qzo c. cmwcEzzmiV tv.:jrzsc2S2t "W?:sizzrrE2t22A "WT.cxiiisTExrscxr Your S Take good care of the digestion help the liver and bowels when neces sary, and if there is any weakness at any time take a short course of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS LOOKING IKTOJPDBLIG EVILS Many Investigation! Under Way by the Federal Government. WELFARE WOXK TO THE FRONT Searching Iaalrle In Manr Direc tions Reaalta Mar Shape besUIatlea of Remedial Character. The federal government, through Ha executive and legislative branches, la1 now encased la many Inqulrlei In tho interest of the publto welfare. Some of theae Inquiries are being made under authority of congressional enactment, -while other are Intended to furnUh ma terial that -will enable congress to legis late on particular subjects having to do with improving the condition of the peo ple. It la difficult to estimate the exact number of investigations under the gov ernment auspices now In progress, aa there are several Instances where doxens of lines of Inquiry have been undertaken by a single bureau of a government de portment. One bureau of the Depart-' xnent of Agriculture has under Investi gation no less than fifteen major sub jects, ail Intended for the betterment of producers and consumers of agricultural products. They have many ramifications that increase the total number greatly. The Investigation and administration work: In the Interest of the public wel fare now being conducted under au thority of law or with a view of the enactment of law are: Investigation by the Interstate Com- mrrca commission Into Vhe causes of railroad wrecks, with a view to provld Ine means for reducing their number in future and otherwise safeguarding Uie lives of the traveling public. The com mission Is also, through constant Investi gation, enforcing federal laws to Insure comfort and safety of train employes and passengers on railroads. Investigation by the new federal Chll dren'a bureau Into Infant mortality, with the object of reducing the death rate among children. Investigation by the rules committee of the house to determine whether there shall be a congressional investigation of conditions in canning factories. Forthcoming investigation by recently created National Industrial Commission Into all phases of the Industrial sltua Hon, Including the amelioration of con dltlons among working people, Public Health Inquiries. Investigation of the white slave traffic by special corps of agents of the Vf partmcnt of Justice, with a view to eradicating this evil, through vigorous federal prosecution pf offenders, A side issue of this activity Is the effort to obtain through private subscription from philanthropic persons a large fund to be used in the establishment of homes wherein white slave victims can be maintained until they are regarded as capable of going out into the world and leading moral lives. Investigation by the new Federal bureau -of Mines Into the mining Industry, Ac cording to the last annual report of its directors, "tho two phases of the Indus try of greatest national concern are safety nnd efficiency, safeguarding the lives of our miners and assuring the most fflclent and leant wasteful development and use of bur mineral resources." efforts of the Treasury department In the interests of public health to replacu dirty paper money with clean bills. Thi department Is now experimenting with machines for washing dirty money. Campaigns against tuberculosis, typhoid, insect-borne diseases and lead poisoning Instituted among the enlisted personnel of the navy. Typhoid prophylaxis has been administered to practically the en tire navy, personnel, and no nuthontU case of typhoid fever has been reported In an Individual who had received tne three injections required. The navy has also taken charge of the work of Improv ing health conditions among the natives of Guam and American Samoa. Work of the hydrographlo office of the Navy department in keeping vessels at sea informed by radio-telegraphy of din ger from icebergs and derelicts and tho approach of storms. Investigation by the Department of Agriculture -to prevent pollution of oyster beds by sewage from large cities. To this pollution is attributed sporadic epi demics. The bureau of labor's widespread Investigation of the cost of living. The Information gathered Is to bo furnUhui to congress to serve as the possible basts of legislation. Kfforts of President Taft to Induce the governors of states to advocate legis lation enabling farmers to borrow mon.ty at low rates on agricultural credits. A resolution on this subject has passed Old senate. Efforts of the Treasury department. through the public health service, to In sure sanltury conditions on railway trains and passenger-carrying steamships and at stations of Interstate railways. Ono form of this effort has been a legulatlon ' sued by the secretary of the treasurv forbidding drinking cups for common use on Interstate trains. Field IiivmtlKtt". Field Investigations by the publlo health service Into typhoid fever, pellagrin spotted fever, trachoma. Infantile paraly sis, cerebrospinal meningitis, parasitic diseases, malaria, leprosy, bubonic plague. yellow fever and cholera. These Investi gations have resulted in much practlosl good, particularly In keeping contagions and Infectious diseases out of the Unit! States. The eradication of rats to pre vent the spread of bubonic plague is being conducted actively by this efficient bu. reau. Enforcement by tho Department ot Agriculture of the 18-hour law tu Insjrtv mora humane treatment of cattle In course of transportation, the iaw latlng the Interstate movement of live stock from quarantine districts and pro hibiting the interstate movement of dis eased live stock, prosecutions for viola tions under the meat Inspection act. en forcement of the federal pure food law. Agitation tb obtain national legislation for improving the condition of the farmer through teaching hint scientific farm management. Encouragement ot .farm work among boys and girls by tho Department of Agri culture, especially fnrm work among-negroes. Kfforts of the federal government to adjust differences of capital and Inbor through arbitration by the chief Justice of the United States commerce court and tho United States commissioner ot labor. Various investigations are now under way or proposed to bring about better conditions among tho Indians. A law providing an eight-hour day for all persons engaged in manual labor tor the United States government went into effect on January 1. ConirrcHalonnl SrncrhtnKs. In addttlon to these Investigations, that may 'strictly bo called investigations for the publlo welfare, nro many others of n more political nature, tho Importance of which, in some Instances, exceeds those of tho first named class. In the first rank of this group stands the money trust In vestigation of tho Pujo committee ot the house banking and currency committee. The object of this investigation of capi talistic John Does, s to ascertain th preclso methods ot big finance In this country with a view to remedial actlo.i y control of clearing houses nnd other additions and modifications of the national banking act. Another wing ot the bunking and cur rency committee, under the chairman ship of llcprcaentotlve Carter Glass of Virginia, Is eugaRed In a less spectuoular but no less Important study of the bank ing and currency system of the United States. The particular object of this In vestigation Is to pave the way for recom mendations ot changes tq the money of the United States. Closely connected with these investiga tions in their effect upon tho fiscal sys tern of thq 1'nited States is tho lnvetl" Hon by public hearings Into the tariff systom now conducted by the ways uaJ means committee of the house. While the commItteovlms been steadily at work dur lug tho Ufa. tit the'proscml congress. ltR efforts this winter nro t be twtrtleulTiv Interesting, as with a democratic senate tho reigns of dominant coiniunn-. t. - houses will probably be in n great meas ure enacted Into law. ContemiioruneoUH with the Inveatlsutlon of the alleged money trust Is being x-on-durtrd an Investigation of tho ocean ship ping trust by the house committee on inorcliailt murine-' The investigation Is particularly dlt-eoted at an alleged ugrecA nient or pool that mak,os competition In the South .American trade almost Impossi ble, according to the allegations ot the supporters of the Investigation. Of strictly political Importunce Is the wtde-reaohlng Inteit'gntlon 'nti .cam paign funds by a select committee ot the senate under the chairmanship of Moses B. Clapp of Minnesota. This Investiga tion also has Jurisdiction over all corre spondence between the officials of tho Standard Oil and federal officials ami congressmen. While the investigation ot at.- l ........... I rill . ... do chiefly with a personal statement on the flour Of the senate by Boles Tcnrose of Pennsylvania, the body of the Investi gation, directed at campaign funds In general, Is Intended to bring to light means of limiting campaign contributions and more closely supervising the expendi ture-of campaign funds,. Private Philanthropies. Among prlvato philanthropies which are co-operating to some extent with the fed eral government In tho Interest of the publlo welfare aro these: , The National Child Labor committee, established with tho object ot obtaining legislation regulating child labor. The Rockefeller General Education board, to conduct work In tho Interest of higher education und farm demonstration in tho south. The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, with headquarters In New York, which is concentrating its resources on'the problems ot cancer, pneumonia. In fantile paralyslB, scarlet fever and other diseases, the cause and treatment ot which are not yet understood, The Rockefeller Sanitary commission, with offices in Washington, for the eradi cation ot the hookworm disease. Tho proposed 1CO,000,OIX) Rockefeller Foundation, which congress has been asked to Incorporate. Part of the Income of this foundation Is to be used to make a world-wide war on the hookworm dis ease. The American National Red Cross in its effprt to "eradicate tuberculosis. Philadelphia Ledger, HIGH GRADE OPTICAL' GLASS Cnrr n Neeesaarr t Insure Per fection 'In GrlndliiK of I.ensca. . Hy fur the greatest quantity of nigh grade optical glass suitable for lonacs in this country Is Imported from Qermuny nnd Franco. This glass comes to us In pieces a trifle larger than tho a'se ot the lenses to bu made. The two surfaces aro polished sufficiently to unable the expert, as ha gazes through tho glue's,, to see that It has no defeotj It la very Important that before the Actuul work ot grinding Is begun the ; rough blocks shall be examined with the gieatost cure, since. If they contain "i5 slightest velnlng or trace ot unu ;ual dunsity. ull work upon them will be wasted. Cure must also be taken that the dinks shall be perfectly annealed The test in this relation is made oy polarized light. Two kinds ot guuu are uted In the construction of lenses crjwn and flint. Grinding Is accomplished on an iron disk ot the proper curve, revolving In a circular trough, which Is placed Lfon what Is termed a "stump." This accords he operator perfect freedom of movo tncnt. Powdered 'emery and water .no thrdwn upon tho wheel from time to tlmov Whon the glass under treatment has been .'tround to approximately the re quired 'shape It la placed uim another slowly revolving tool, u finer grade f emery being used. From that Implement It proceeds to still another, where it .e-- I mains until very nearly the light zc has been attained and the glass r.a gained, approximately, the required curve's. The last grinding of all Is the most Important and, of course, calls for tho greatest care and skill. The selec tion ot the emery plays a very Important role In all stages of grinding, since sin gle mistake In this selection mlghl vitiate tho labora of months and, in man; cases, absolutely ruin the glass. After -the "fining," as tho last'Stago Is called, has been accomplished, the tens Is taken to the polishing department, where work stilt more delicate Is await ing it. In the case of large lenses pollsnint? and correction are done on massive ma chinery Installed in a room the tempera ture of which must bo maintained abso lutely constant. Such caution is neces sary at this stage that even wlnduus must not be opened, since a particle ot dirt from the outside mlgh play havoc with the bit of glass In the workman's hand. It must be remembered that he Is now engaged in an operation concerned with possible errors not greater than the two hundred-thousandth part of an inch Coal tar, pitch and oxldo of iron arc now placed upon a revolving wheel. On this the lens is put. The workman holds It In his hand, as. Indeed, he iocs fur most of tho time in all stages of grind ing, and from time to time he adds .a quantity of the mixture mentioned. When the lens has been polished to tho right degree a rigid test is employed jo determine that every curve Is absolut ly true to the radius calculated before ho work was begun. Tho next step is to center the lens upon a machine that len ders the edges of precisely equal thick ness all around. The glass Is still uncompleted. Th--o follows an operation demanding the ut most delicacy of manipulation of tne surfuccs of the lens In order that ray ot light shall be brought to ono exact focal point. Harper's Weekly. I With i KEEP A iLET tomach I right away. It will help your stomach "come back," relieve such ills as. Loss of Appetite, Gas on Stomach, Heart burn, Belching, Indigestion,, Constipa tion, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Colds, Grippe, Malaria", Fever and. Age, and improve your health in general. BOTTLE HANDY 4 ALL THE TIME r Pointed PnraBrnph. Doing Is much harder than wixhing. but it pays better. A girt may head off a proposal by tak ing to her heels. Tho batter In some buckwheat cukes never scores a hit. One half the world awaits an oppor tunity to do up the other half. Tho ono wuy a man cau muKe his money lust is to make It first. It takes a smart man to laud on his feet when he falls in a hole. A lot of men strive for fame because of the money that goes with It. Fortunately a man seldom marries the woman be fell in love with at first sight. You can't Judgo a woman's feelings by I her laughter, her tears or by what sue says. - Look out for 'explosions ; the winter blasts are blowing up the streets and alleys everywhere. Chicago News. I Kmulfi'm 3liiillnnf . ! Mayor Fitzgerald of Boston, on ac count or the iuu per cent im-reuse in the price of gasoline, plans to supply the automobllists of the Hub with motor oil at wholesale rates. "Greed," said Mayor Fitzgerald the other day. "greed is the sole reason for the rise, in gasoline. That Is admitted frankly. Well, such incredible greed as that reminds mo of Sanders Maelloot or recmea. 'Sanders, have another drink, a man i I said, entering u bar where MucIIoot was ! I Just tossing off a glass ot whisky. j I " Na. na.' answered Sanders MucIIoot ' 'I wlnnu hae anlther; but ye can pay f for this If you Ilk.' " Uoaton Herald. i US ENTERTAIN YOU, Your Family and Your Friends Every Pay for 39 Day; FREE We will place any style or any size Victor- Vietrola you select in your home free, dimply pay for the records you choose. Begin to pay for the machine, a moiith later on payments as low as a dollar a week. Prices Range: $15, $25, $40, 650, $75, $100, $150, $200 With a Vietrola you can hear the. gems of Grand Opera at any tlrao in your own homo. The world's greatest entertainers are always at your command. RECORDS SENT ON APPROVAL. You are invited to visit our Arictor Parlors any morning or afternoon. Any record will he played on request. However, if it is inconvenient for you to call at our store, send us a list of the records you prefer and we will send them to your home on approval. Pick out the records you wish to keep return the balanci: to us. You pay only for the records you keep. If you already own a Vietor-Victrola, send us your name and address and we will send you each month a complete list of the newesb records. I onie m any time nuuee tins your Home store. A. Hosjpe Co. "The Victor Store" 1513-15 Douglas Street