Newspaper Page Text
1 3 5EF THE OTitAHA' SUUDAT BEE: FEBRUARY 23, 1913. Society to mt auto show Iftll' Are Interested in the Latest Out put of the Factories. ; VISITING QUESTS ATTRACTIVE loseaeflt to Be Rlren for the Child f Snrlnir loatltute Mny Are) ' 8llt Seeking? "Warmer Cllmee. iIONOAT Mr. and Mrs. Edwin 8wJf eeninl onuxo lor rai a-jui of Kansas City; Mrs. Samuel Duma, hostena of the Monday Brld&o club; openlw? of the Automobile enow; Aua. VVllllam Nesbltt, hoatraa of the Frt Crook Headlnc club; Mrs. F. Q, Strltt Inger, hoatwa of the Army Bridge duh; Mlsa Malvlna Newman. O. C. B. W. Tl'ESDAT Mrc. Robert Blaine, at home at l-ori umana; umaim oimimuuj eheatra ronrrrt at Bfandela. 1 WEDNESDAY Society nlfrht at Auto mobile show; Ak-Sflr-Bon opera at the Brandeis; Mrs. II. 1 AVoodford, hoateH of the Bureka Whlat club; Mrs. Mas Bmlth. hostess of the B. O. T. club. fflll'BHDAY Mrs. Klmer Meredith, hnot cea of the Twentieth Century KennlnK ton club; Mrs. Illanche "Whltlock, host cis of tho Informal BrldRo club; meet of the Junior branch of the Omaha po cletv of Fine Arts; Mrs. U Norruan, hostess of the Golden Olow club; Itob ert Bmmet celebration and banauot at Hensliaw hotel. ... , arniDAY Mm. Curtis Cook, hostess of the Unanlmo club. The Automobile show at the Auditorium (which opens tomorrow la going: to bo a popular rendezvous for society during the whole week of Its run. Wednesday evening has been dedicated to society and to emphasize the occasion there will be an extra array of decorations and illumination. In compliment to ono of the daughter of tho next president of the United Btates a patriotic dealer has had a motor car painted "Nell pink," and this car wilt be on exhibition at the show. Omaha women who attended the Auto Bhow in Chicago wero quite lost In ad miration over ono of the llmolslnes dis played there. This masterpiece of con struction was mahogany in color and the upholstering was luxuriously done in a rich red brocaded satin. It la not yet definitely known whether or not It will be sent to Omaha for the show. Another car that held the attention of women at tho Chicago exhibit wbb fin ished inside In light tan suede leather. The appointments wero all round and smooth and it carried a superior air of refinement seldom realized before. "It Is really too nlco for practical usage," Bald cne fair visitor, "and for my part I'd prefer something not quite so delicate." Both of these cars were built for the eye and orders for them, of course, were Xow and far between. Potted plants are to adorn the Audi torium and during the principal hour of attendance an orchesta will send out en chanting melodies. Attractive Visitors. There are many attractive gueata In Omaha, and in their honor numerous in formal social affairs are being given. AHsa Helen Brown of Seattle, Wash., arrived Saturday to visit. Mils Dorothy Hall. Miss Brown was a' classmate of Miss Hall at Ingleslde at NewMlfor. Conn., and la roturnlng from an eastern trip-. Misa ICatuerlne Pond of Minneapolis was the guest loat week of Mlsa Myra Brcckenridgo for a day or two. Mlsa Pond was a claasmatq of Mlsa Brcckenridgo at Bmlth college, 1 tjt Miss Florence ITpdlke, who has bcen the guest of Mrand lira. Robert Updike tor en days, returns shortly to Chicago. Mrs. Howard Baldrig entertained at luncheon and bridge Tuesday to nnot Miss Baldrigo of Hollldayaburg, and Frt day Mrs. Baldrigo' again Invited eight o aw inenas to meet miu uaiange, at luncheon, followed by bridge. Mrs. Edwin Morrison of Kansas City is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 1. ffuhey, until March 1. Complimentary to Mrs. C. W, Nunn of Joplln. Mo., who la visiting Mrs, C. B. rwhltnoy, numerous luncheons and thea ter parties are being given. Senator and Mrs. Hitchcock arrived from Washington Friday of last week and were with Mr. and Mrs.Ooorly until Friday, when they returned to tho capital. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moonlight Mur phy of Kansas City, who have been tits sutata of Mrs. Murphy.'a mother, M.-c, G. C. Thompson, left for their homo 'Fri day evening. They will leavo for New York March 8, where they will sail for Buenos Ayres, Argentine to make their Suture home. Miss Jean Sterling of Chicago, who has- teen tho guest of Mlsa Carmellta Chose, baa returned to her home. Child Saving Institute Benefit. A largo benefit bridge party will be Clven March 10 at the Prairie Park club house for the Child Saving Jjiatltute. A number of women Interested in pie In stitute -will have charge of. the affair and a small admission fee will be charged. Numerous attractive prizes wilt bo awarded and a large attendance la ex pected. The rooms of the dub house have been donated fnr hn . and tho affair Is in charge of Mesdames jj. jieimer, any -Baker, E. R.- wtlBoh, ST- N. JLooml. A. R, Hobart, 13. A. French. R. M. Harris., d, U Blhdman and E. IL Ward. iFor Mrs. ttunn. Mrs. C. B.' Whitney gave a luncheon Saturday at her homa fnr h. m. f C W. Nunn of Joplln, Mo. Red rosea and deorgo Washington decorations were uaed for the table and those present were Mesdames K. K. Iiokerlng. W. N. Hellen. Ilarlun Bennett, Peters, Anspach, Walker. Sherwood, Brown, McKensie, C. B. Ronev, E. V. Arnold, Ausen, Williams. C. 11. Whitney. C. W. Nunn. Joplln. Mo. I & Whttmore, C. O. Wilson, W, T. Hause. iNew,comb, -Allan Parmer, William Ilufman. W. Calvin. T. B. Buchanan, O. M. Hralth, Harry Hawk, W. J, Pickering. A, It, Longwell, iJL B. Boylea, Ileasurea Past Tho V. II. II club met with Mrs. C. Dohn. 22C BontU Fourteenth street FrU flay afternoon. Tho prizes were won by Sirs. M. Ferron, Mrs. D. Oellus. Miss A. Bhavllk. Those present were: Mesdames Mesdames XX. GeUu. O. Botnnicr. A. Stelnhoefer, W. Wents. H. K. Rettnera, A. Morrison. C Kohler. B. Kaufman. Ferron, A. Hharllk. W. Finney. P. Hansen, g. Burke. Hall. C. Rpckholm. O. Pohn. U. S, Grant Post. Grand Army or the Republic, and Woman's Relief corps No. 10 were delightfully entertained Thura (ay evening, February SO, at North Visitor in MISS inSLEN Ono of Seattle's Soolal Favorites, hostesses. Old glory and carnations car ried out the patriotic decorations. Rev. J. Franklin Han delivered ah address on ' "Lincoln" nnd Rev. Frcdorlo " Ioavltt ouloglzcd "Tho Father of Our Country." The male quartette of Pearl Memorial church sang tins old war songH on- thustlcally and the boys nnd girts joined In the chorus. Selection wero sung by Mlsa Sayne, Colonel ind Mrs. J. A, Bempstor. Miss Preston gave two recita tions, ono of which was tho "Minuet." Mr. and Mra, Edward Fanning enter tained a children's paity at their homo Sunday afternoon in honoil of their daughter, Margaret's eleventh birthday. : The evening was spent In games. A dainty lunch was served. Prizes wero won by Margaret Wllfon and Mammlo, Ryan. Tho"so 'present -wcr. Misses . MlsKAs Mary Byrno . .. Margarot.Corcoran, Genlevo McQoldrick, Nora Toye, iHinerine;vurcoranr Kstner oasper. Uiollo Casper, CathrlnoFannlng. Agnea jiii Ittrnu. Virginia McOoldrlok, Margaret Wilfon, May Whalen, Myrtlo Dougherty Holtfp, Corjofan Margaret Fanning. Thtlma Peterson, juargaret isastman, Barbara Augustine Clara'Uonohue, Maurlno Ryan, Omaha Symphony Concert. . cne of the big social oVonts of the week will be the concert given ther Omaha Symphony orpheaa at thfr Brondcls theater Tuesday evening. Many theater parties are planned for that evening and box, parties' will bp given bMr. and Mrs. T J.' Malmney, Mr. and- Mrs. Herbert Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. H. ic Mansfield, Misses Carrie and Helen Millard and Mr E. M. Anderson. Other parties will be given as follows; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Clark will have as their guests Bishop Frank Bristol and wife and Rev. J. Scott Bbereoll and wife, ana Mr. and Mrs. Todd of PlatUmouth. Mr, and Mrs. Oeorge Mlckel will hava ni guests Mr, and Mrs. I. A. Medlar. Mr, and Mrs. William Herdmon. four: Mr. nnd Mrs. James Hunter, fours Mr and Mrs. Roscoe Lemcn, two. TUo out-of-town guests will be: Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Cox nnd Miss Elisabeth Cox of Pe'lla, In,; Mr. and Mra F. A. Snoy of Albert -Ijeo, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Qharies It. Brown of Des Moines, la. Jfltu Sigma Theater -Party. A number of the members of Mu SlgmaMlclael,6n' celebrated her birthday yes club attended the matinee Saturday after. noon at tho Brandeis to see Sothern and Mariowo In "As you Uko It" Tho oo- casslon celebrates tha twenty-first an niversary of tho organization of thla club.' Those present were; Mesdames MArintn Charles Axtell, Ji -b. Potter, N. P. Fell. Inrk Nntila T. W. Gunther. Hlcknell. vicuifcu xnuinpsun, roriou, iowne,' Frank Boyd. a. ii. earners, Landale, Peterson, 13. M. Axtell. Wilson. John McDonald. F. S. Holmes, "C. O. Belden, Negle, F. W. Foster. George Platner. A. C, Davenport, Iti-an. . . W. K. Squires. Charles Balltett, George Payne, Frederlnk. Rouse. P." M. Conkllii, James Patton. Oreenhlatt-Fre'eman -.Wedding. Announcement is madeof tha wedding of Miss Theresa Freeman und'Mri Sam uel Groenblatt both ot this city, who were u inArrtod, In , Cnjcag-o February lfl IHE Truth1 About my Spring Suits I am sincere in my,belief when I say that my tailored creations this season will surpass any that I have offered in the past. In short, you should possess a "La . Book" Tailored Suit this Spring , a garment fairly yivitf with style yet with that refinedy touch that indicates exclusiveness. Ladies9 Webster-Sunderland tefdf. Omaha BROWN. Quest of Miss Dorothy Hall. Rabbi Levy of that city officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Greenblatt have returned from a brief wedding trip and will ro slde at tho Flat Iron hotol. Ths groom is manager of one of the departments of the Nebraska Clothing company. For Secretary 0 Belief Sooiety. Mrs. N. I typhis, who has been secre tary of the Jewish Ladles' Relief society for the last eight years, was given a surprise party at Continental hall on Wednesday afternoon by tho society. The afternoon was spent at cards and prizes wero won by Mrs. B. Chedeck and Mrs. IL ICraaivo. Mrs. Rypfns woa presented with a handsome candelabra in honor of her service to tho club. She will leave the first of tho month for Iowa, where she. will make her home. Engagement Annouhoed.- : Mr. and Mrs. B. Meyers announcer tho ngagomnl of. ,thlr daughter. Tony,- to Tilr. Charles pauitzman qt council uiuiia. The date of the wedding una not Deen set Wei3.Wolfe Engagement. Mr Barney Wolfe of Now York, for merly ot Omaha, announces tho engage ment of his sister, Mlas Fannie Wolf 9. to Mr. Max Weiss of Cleveland, O. Washington Party. Mrs. S. B Beats, 8U South Thirty- fourth street, gave a dinner party at her lionio at 4:90 Saturday evening to eleven youpg men, members of tho class of Charles. Shed, teacher .at tho Sunday sol'ool of the First Baptist church. After (lie tier a pleasant evening was spent at frames, .prizes being awarded for the va rious contests, The affair, was in eels bratlon of Washington's birthday, and the rooms were tastefully decorated with flags, cherries and hatchets, symbolic of tho day. The guests were. Messrs. Messrs. Stanley Smith, Tdllton Hublck, Eugene Rusaum, Roger Rase. Dewey Beats. Fied Curtis, John Sunderland. Ad Cloyd, iiurton i toward, Wllbor Followay, Dewey Weber, Xememhers Washington. Miss Charlotte Mlchaelson, 12-yvar-old daughter ot City Electrician Woldemar terd&y and decorated the Mlchaelsen home in true George Washington style, American flogs being draped from every point of vantage. outage. i u. s. wTv. Auxiliary U. S. W. V, Entertains. Tha auxiliary of Henry W. , Iwton, United Spanish War Veterans, .wars en tertained Thursday afternoon at high five at the home of Mrs. Walter Jones. Thosa present were:. Mesdames Mesdames A. O. Fins. W. R. Blackctt ,H. Nealy, Perry Miller, .n. isyeiana, u. Travis, George Lbrens, H Anderson. William Butler M. Neary. Richard IClsslIng 1 H. AVehrle, II. D. Corneao, ' - Cadai Taylor, I-. O. Wheler, Walter Jonea. T.I. Walsh. 1 Birthday ' Surprise Party. Mr. F.1I. Chtlds entertained at a sur pries party at their home Wednesday evening to celebrate Mra, Chllda' birth- Tailor 16tK and Haward Streets day. The evening was spent with card a The winners were, Mrs. II, B. Jtemlers and Mrs. R, H. ISyors. Thoeo present were: Mr. and Mrs. F. Kroll. Mr. and Mrs. I a. A. Yost. Sir. and Mrs. II, B. Romlers. Mr. and Mm J. A. Fehr. Mlsa C. Price. Mr. R. II. Eyera. Mr. and Mrs. F. It. Chlids. Et-A-Virp Bal Pondre. The Et-A-VIrp club entertained at a Bal Poudre, Friday evening at Metro polltan hall. Supper was served In tho parlors. Wednesday evening, March 12, there will be a theater party at tho Or pheum, to be followed by supper at the Henshaw. The following wrra nr.nt VSH. vday evening: Misses Etolla Jensen, Helen Rossen, Margaret Herman, Ueorglp ICIslle, Kdna Folks, Agnes lament, Merl'o'Jpf fries. Viola ItoHenflcld, .Mildred Hntuer. l.ottlo McIIcnry. Misses Dora Sass. Alfreda Powell, Donelu Jones, Kvelyn Sprlltnan, Gertrude Grucnlg, I.uola Qranden, Hnzol Ochiltree, Kmncls Thomas, Klowor Alexander, Matilda Andreesen, "JPflilne Gopttsche, Agnes Nielsen. iianeii iook. tl" "'c.Muuen, uuutte Jackson, Kutulla Ixrec. Florence Dooley, Ksslo Aarrons. Alfle Johnson. . .r.?r? 1 .KcIIff. Ireno IJndgard, Judith Palm, Ruth Farroll, Mn rrn T a irf.n. t r i n Augusta Mfngedoht, Adeline Hpecht Klla Ifinl.V. Margaret Past, Nancy Haze, Messrs. Messrs. W. H. Dana. A. Ij. Reynolds, R. E. Clayborn, George Rowlcs, J3. H. Howley, Dr. F. C. Lage. Dr. N. H. Attwood, J. A. Westoott. Thor Anderson, Clark Cheney, David Fox, C. N. Stephanek, Olo Bennett Tj. E. Johnson, Fred Whlttcmore, M. A. Miller, F. W. Vnpor, C. A. McCann, Freeman Ilrndford, Oscar Mnlstrom, Tiurlce Hansen, J. Kuhn. C. B. Hakwy, Otto Nielsen, Bum Crozler, C. E. Hall, Dr. H Gsantner, C. M. Tex, E. E. Kinenhart, Reno Rosenfleld, Dr. C. F. Pnttnn. F. A. Coulter, u. J. Hubbard, Claude Rife, W. E. Allen. P. S. Swnncutt. Poroy Gwynne, A. I I.leok, A. Kellstroin, F. S. Spellman, Henry I.ngp, Fred Mengedoht, a. S. Felt. Mr. and Mrs. B r. nri1 Aft Tlnval flnff Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Strlngfellow, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Buchtell. Mr, and Mrs. John J. McMahon, Mr. and Mrs. Guy O. Hale, Dr. nnd Mrs. H, B. Newton, For the Future. Miss Malvlna Newman will, entertain tho O. C. B. W. club Monday evening at her homo. Celebrate Washington's Birthday. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Washington enter tained Saturday In honor of George Washington's birthday. About seventy five guests were present Army Dinner Party. Captain and Mrs. F. O. Btribrtngcr, Jr.. entertained at dinner Friday evening. The decorations were yellow and covers wero laid for: Colonel and Mrs. C. Bt John Chubb, Colonel and Mrs. E. P. Pembloton. Major and Mrs. F. B. Evans, Captain and Mrs. F. G. StriUlnger, Jr. In and Ont of the Bee Hive. Mr. Harry O'Neill Is In Omaha thla week from "Myrtlo Farm." Mr. Harry Burkley went , to Colfax springs Inst night for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smith haV'e re turned from & stay of several weeks in and Mrs; Henry Wyman anachl! dren leave, today for calx-, weeks' stay In California. ' Mr. William Jackson was in Omaha a few days this week, leaving yesterday for Chicago. Judgo Redlck went to Minneapolis Tues day to sco his grandson; who Is at the Abbott hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Odin C. Mackay have re turned to Chicago after a visit with Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Mackay. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Magee, who have been at Green Cava Springs, Flo. with aunts,- are now at Balls Air. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Gifford landed Monday from tho West Indies, but will not reach Omaha before March. Mra. D. R. Gilbert ot Warren, O., ar rives Sunday to' spend a fortnight visit ing her; sister,- Mrs. F. E. Fearce. Mrs. George C Mclntyra returned the latter part of last week from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Storrs Bowen, at Fort Leavenworth. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Boott ot Omaha have Joined the pleasure seekers ot Arkansas Hot Springs. They are gueata at the Eastman hotel. Mrs. Richard Carrington returned Fri day from her former home in Hannibal, Mo. Mrs. Carrington sang the role of "Mabel" in the ' comic opera, "Tho Pirates of Penzance," given by the Apollo club ot Hannibal last week. SPECIAL SALE Hall - Borchert Dress Forms We are tho original authorized agents for this famous line ot Dress Forms, the best produced. We carry none but tho genuine Hall-Borchert and will offer the entire line at SPKCIAIi BARGAIN IIUCE8 MONDAY, The Empress. A very popular adjust abler form on Bale Monday only, S1S.D8. Empress $13.08 Clip fcptrtstoprt PRICE Tho Queen The very best adjustable form produced, Is more comfort able and per fect than any other orm on the market. Sale prlco, Boat S16.50. 2 Non-adjust able Form. m I Oneen. covered; $10.50 Pric. $1.39 We furnish any Hall-Borchert Form made. HA YD EN BROS MISSOUBI MATRON WHO IS VISIT ING MBS. 0. B. WHITNEY. Mr. Edgar W. Pollack: of Havana, Cuba, formerly of Omaha, arrived Sun day morning to visit his mother, Mrs. Alexander Pollack, and his sister, Mrs. Charles Elgutter. Mr. Pollack, who has been In Cuba for twelve years, comes north each year, usually during the win ter, to enjoy the cold weather for a few weeks. Mr, Pollack plana to go to tho Pacific coast before returning to Cuba early in May. Personal Gossip, Mra. David Baum is at the Nicholas Senn hospital, where she underwent a alight operation Wednesday. Mrs.' A. J. Vlerllng has returned home after taking the rest cure for several weeks in iho Clarkson hospital. Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Montgomery have purchased a newhomo in Dundee v near the Happy Hollow club, which they will occupy tho first of May. Mr. and Mrs. E F. Fold a are making Pasadena their headquarters for the win ter and, taking long, automobile trips out from that point Their, children ore with Mrs. Folda's sister at Colorado Splnrgs.. Mrs. B. H. Spraguo is still at the Meth odist, hospital, but expects to be suffi ciently recovered to be moved the latter part ot next week to the Loyal, where she and Mr. Spraguo are staying this winter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Ringwalt early In March, will remove from Omaha to take residence In Port Townsend, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Ringwalt go to Port Town- send that they may there Join their daughter, Mrs. Harry De Mi Hopkins, and her two sons. REVOLVER STOLEN FROM OFFICER WHILE ASLEEP While Officer Charles Whelan Wa'a fast aa'.eep in his rooms at 912 North Sixteenth street Friday night a sneak thief entered his apartments and stole his revolver from underneath the pillow. Whelan im ported the theft at headquarters. Now all the cops are on the lookout for the thief and the gun. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returns. The Princess. A com plete, ad justable form that always gives the best Monday only S14.5Q toother Always A Princess 914.50 tfJiHa The Hall-Borchert Form, ad justable at hip, neck and waist, on sale SO. 00 The nnll-Bor-chrt Form Stand; on sale Monday $1.25 S1.39 Buat Jeraey sola Stand $lin i. rffti i i ii i ii i ' ft TOMORROW February 24th Spring Corset Fashion Is Set by You Need Wait No Longer Accurately designed to set off the Spring Fashions in Dress, the new Warner corset styles will be in all the shops tomorrow. You can buy the corset over which to fit your Spring and Summer gowns. Long skirts are still in vogue, closely encasing the hips, with full waist and medium bust, to give the straight lines which will be seen agai n this Spring. . j Whether for, the long, clinging skirt, the fanci ful drape,, or, for the trim fitting tailored gown the Warner styles will givQ the proper lines. They Are Authoritative We study Jhe dress tendencies in advance and every Warner's Corset is actually adapted to the Season's Fashion in Dress. You can plan your spring wardrobe at once. Have it fitted over a Warner's and every detail will be as it should. Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets are Fashion's Standard, but that is not all. Thoy have become the world's lead ing corset, thanks to their comfort and, easy' flexibility, and because every pair is guaranteed Not toMwt, Break or Tear. Have you seen the Warner Brassieres? They fit. "When worn with Warner's Corsets they envelop the figure with smooth, unbroken line from hip to shoulder. Buy Your "Warner's Tomorrow at all the Stores Sold Everywhere $ 1 .00 to $ 8 .00 EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED The ONLY PIANO MADE having the tone resonator, a device which re- . tains the arch in the sound ing board, giving abso lute assurance that the fine tone quality will remain permanent no matter; how old the instrument. 1513-15 DOUGLAS ST, Twenty-fourth street, with Mrs. B- O. Sweas and Mrs. B, F. Ilffenbacher as