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THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBUFARY 23, 1913. MAKE SMOKERS BUILD ROADS APPEAL TO WOMEN BUYERS By Placing Small Tax on Tobacco Highway! Conld Be Improved. WOULD PROVIDE MILLIONS Mannfacturers See Need of Getting Up Creations for Gentler Sex. - ADVANTAGE OP SELF-STABTEB, Xtr nertortnar Tux of 18TO on To. bunco tta Yearly Income Wonld Amimnt o Otct Ulsrhtr Mllllnn Dollnr. Is . Greatest Slnsle Achievement In Automobile Constrnefi6n for Woman's Ilcneflt In linn nlnar Oo9llne "Car., 20 i : I I - H i rv j . 1 National roads as an exact form In whloh the rovrnmcnt should participate In highway construction Is a belief which Is becoming countrywide In Its accept ance. Tho latest proposition brought forth along these lln8s Is by Itcprcsenta tlve BUnton Warburton of Washington stats, who, tho American Automobile as sociation announces, contends for a sys tem of national military roads. Mr. Warburton proposes to make the tobacco users of the country pay for the buBdliur of these national highways through the Imposition of a tax so small that the smokers -will so right on amok ins as usual without consciousness of the great benoflt they nro bestowing upon the people of this country- The scheme contemplates trunk lines connecting the capitals of all states with the national capital and with one another and also with tho principal national, parks, the government to locate tho line between the capitals along the most feas ible routes, with the states granting to the government the selooted roadways, with the Improvements thereon. Would rrovlde ElKhtr Million Year. In this announcement Representative Warburton is Quoted as eaylnfi! "I pro pose to raise the fund by restoring the Internal revenue tax of 1879 on tobacco and net aside the additional Income from this source as a national road fund. Tho additional tax thus provided would amount to about $80,000,000 a year, a little more than double the presont Internal revenue tar on tobacco. If the proposed 35,000-mile road system should cost $30,000 a mite It would be paid for In about four years and In about five years at u coat of 128,000 a mile, "In JMjO. according to the reports of the Internal revenue bureau, the receipts from tho tobacco tax were 1(8,000,000, as (opposed to tf8,000,0l) had the law of 1873 4hon been .enforced. .Tyiilla the proposed increased tax - on' toNLcop might,' seem Jwary. as a matter of, fa6t .lt will not noticed by the consumer. Pot (n-. -A . , I f . .k . . . . sialic n, u would raise ine tax on a jo-cem ifitsnr 3-10 of a cent and the manufacturer ,ot that cigar would decrease the weigh) pt tho paokago ono-lhlrtlrlh and the oon- romor could, nof ,'tett the difference ln, manuiociurer or amoKlng, to tnoco would decrease tho alas of the 'jpack&ge about one-twelfth and the con burner would not know the difference. "In the Spanish-American war the tax n tobacco was increased to the amount of tax suggested, and I venture to aajr not one consumer out of a dozen ever knew ths tax waa raised and novor knew when ft waa taken off. "Tho proposed raise In the tax will not affect tho producer of tobacco, for one half of our tobacco Is exported. England .Imports one-half of her tobacco from Us; XYaaoe one-half Italy nearly all of hem. The prion is regulated by the foreign mat lest, much more than Is the price of wheat tuid corn, and Is not affected by the tax." Mr. Warburton will be included In the list ef speakers of the second Federal Aid convention sailed by the American Auto mobile association to take place in Wash-1 ft J -T ' JS 1 JT&RroTT umiwiiii 1 : I KsC, 1. " 1" mil Pat tPP! Ifilf Appearance of 'New SISMWSiL 1 -4!i " ' Marion Car is Along ' ' tLTm VfW'M W!3&i& - Antd I In presenting its 1913 "product to Uhe tlMKf 'g7jT"'t " ' ' '1 ,! '' public the Marlon-Motor Car company of $bJe&yJ&A$k - t:ft?SA t&tA? - 5sL -J Hi Indianapolis, haa given a fine illustra- ' 1 Ington. March 6 and 7, Ht the Ttaleigh, and wluoh bids fair to b tho most representa tive gathering of the rouds enthustasts over jroltan togetlier. Bentlmont has crys- tauzea rapid ly since tho conveutlon of a year ago, with the result that atMhe com- trig assembly definite and Important ac tion may pa expoctod. -rue question is a big" one, but with the whole country in terested and with the attltudo of con gress ravoroDle tneiv is no longer any question that the federal government should participate in ths great undortak ing. I" V fC' il 'if.. .Asurarces from Vftious Wi-mbprs. ot oongjfwH aro to' the tiffect tlmt the me-J .mfjrlal to Abraham Lincoln shoufil1be' fa jinn, lorm or ine rojeciea national highway yrom Wnshlngtofito . Qottysn bfirg. It is gehorally recognised that this1 ject lesnon'ori what national .parucipatloir in mo ,iuiiiiini3.oq ipmtif lonuexmeans,, onm will, besides, If constructed, 'fit admir ably into any great system of national highways whloh Is certain to como in future years. Peerless Company Plans Improvqment That the Peerless Motor Car company ot Cleveland Intends to strengthen Its ef forts In the motor truck field la evidenced by Its recent fiscal transactions. President Klttredge ot the Peerless Motor Car company lp a recen Interview statpa that Binoe early last fall the Peer less company has been making -exten., slve proparatlons Jo moke WIS. In every way, It batiiler year. ITavored from the tirrzzz 'In presenting its 1S13 product to the public the Marlon -Motor Car company of Indianapolis, haa given a fine illustra tion of tho importance of attention to de tail, Tho success of Its plan of making a oar of beautiful and unbroken line Is evi dent In tho favor with which Its various models have been reoelved. pne of .the unique methods adopted Jn carrying out tho scheme of plaaelnr appearanoe was the utilisation of a new running board Whloh aires for the accessories usually earried attached to the body or ohassls. 'The running board has been made deep enough to accommodate the lighting sys tem battery on the right side of the car arid the gas tank, If used, on the left side with -compartments for tools, Jack, pump and other accessories. Besides providing ft hiding plaee for what otherwise would become unsightly obstructions In the de sign lines, the running board, which is easily aooeasibla and dust and water proof, adds greatly to the symmetrical appearance of the car as a whole. ' Recognizing that' cars which appeal to the woman not only mean addec? sales but greatly increased popularity, motor car builders have left nothing undone clinch the approval of women buyer That feminine taste would dominate eor tain phases of design was recognised years ago, but the season of 1M8 has pro. duced a new set of oondltlont where, those makers who would hold feminine favor were obliged to go bsyond the details of interior treatment for women who merely buy and provide grealar eonvonUnee and comfort for women who drive, Undoubtedly the greatest simile achieve ment aiding women motorists has been tho Dorfootlon 6f the solf-stortlng BjTtotn In conjunction with the left side drive and oenter control. Without these features a, motoring trip unaided by man was almost sure to result in worJt that was not only difficult but undignified. Now, however, the woman motorist may stop and start as often u she liken without manna work. fMw may, for example, merely close a slmplo switch on tho dash and the motor is started by on efficient Mid sim ple electric motor generator, In addltlenj current is supplied for the eleotrlo lights, making it unnecessary for tho driver U loave the seat Dependable starting Is not the aril? feature whloh manufacturers are Bjvtnff greater attention. The eahtbll shows tha manufacturers are not only meellnH re qulrements as they are made Unowni hu they are anticipating many small neads. that were formerly overlooked In the ef fort to accomplish the big Uillisa, Another point showing, a stinly of wem an's needs while motoring is the simplicity of adjusting the foldlngseats in enclose cars. This careful attention to Pintill de tails reflects tho. Infinite, care given to; things of greater importance. PS, ANOTHER BIG DONATION TO HIGHWAY MOVEMENT INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Feb,. 83. Through Its president, R. D. Chaptn, the Hudson Motor Car company of Dafrolli Mlcli., has pledged its support to the Ocoan-to-Ocean highway movement by making a subscription of 100,000 fund now being raised by the automobll and accessory manufacturers and of the United Btatea for the purohare materials for thai rode highway whloh to span the continent from New York San Francisco. This contribution, of the Hudson Motor Car company is based upon 1 per .cent of the gross earnings of tho company for one year, and brlnn the total fund considerably over the $2,000,000 mark. t snt ny to the Jr jmoblle Jr dealers hare of I hloh is I fork to-' first with unusually capable officials and board directors, by wise and conserva tive management, this conoern has be come A' well knit organization with an tncreaelngy large market for Its high grade output At recent meetings ot the stockholders and directors ot the Peerless Motor, Car company of Cleveland, O,, proper action was taken to increase the capital stock ot the company to tlO.OOO.OOO, of which fi.SSO, 000 Is paid In. Motor Cars ANNOUNCEMENT! s Five features of the U. S. L. starting and lighting ?SMStem-;used on the Cross Country - ng owners or otner ears, aeaiers ana :ersttothe Cross Country exhibit. First The motor generator is an integral part of the engine not an extra moving partas added. ' Second It operates silently, starting the car without jerk or jar. Third It turns the engine over at three hundred revolutions per minute this be cause of the direct application of the power. Fourth There are no additional bearings, chains, sprockets, gears or belts. N Fifth The parts are larger ancl more sub stantial than those of any other starting and lighting device. The greater number of brushes arid the greater size of the commutator provide better wii qualities . and greater power capacity: y SkjCpm buiitry at Space 7 "We have Juat mode arrangements with the Midland Motor Co., of East Mollne, 111., to re- tain the exclusive agency rights in thlB territory for their famous line of cars during 1913. Although Midland Automobiles have beon a great success for 8 years, this year prlmlsea to be the banner one. With the latest Improvements for convenience and its many special features which make it the superior car of its class, the Midland was the most admired car at the blp Chicago Show and will be the big attraction at the Omaha Exhibit. See the Midland at the Auditorium BOOTH 27 , , Compare it, point by point, with all other cars in its class and you will be surprised at the exceptional value of tho Midland. Note the low, rakish,; graceful lines in the 19 3 -Midland. Mark the trim, clean-cut' appearance, how tho dash xlihtsr are hidden, how the extra? tires are carried' in the rear, how everything is constructed to .make this an admired car. - ' -The power parts are bqllt with the same care andthpughtfulness for economy, speed and ease of operation. Read over the specifications then Beetie car itself-at the show. Midland Ins t antaii$oiis Service A new ldoa in Motordom, when and where you need it A service that eliminates delays, that furnishes you assistance 'Let us explain. . MODEL T 4-40, l-Pass., $1,685 r0 MODEL T 6-50, 6-Pass., $2,388 Specifications: fmttil Sase 122 Inches. . SCotors T-head cylinder, in pairs, H-!noh bore x E-lnch stroke. Egrnlttom Bosch Magneto. Starter Gray & Davis Electric, iffhtuur Q ray & Davis Electric BTnapeaslen-. -Three point, flininftor Ttnyflrlil. Xiabrloatlon Clrculatln splash, elf-contalned. Oontrtjl Left-hand drive, center ov&trol. eteartar Worm and Sector type. Clutch Multiple dlso-Raybestos. Bear Axla Full floating-. yroiit Asia I-beam drop forged. missis Artillery type, twelve, Detroit Demountable rima. Tires Slxl atraUrht aide. , ... Bpriajr Front emi-elllptlo 38-lnch; rear 4t UlP- tlc SO-lnch. Orease cupe on bolts and ehacklto. BcaJus Internal and external 14-tnch x 2H- lnch Ilaybeetoa lined. jSMf Fore door, metallic, hand buffed leather deep curled hair uphoUtcrlnr. Oolor Deep maroon, black trimmed. Zaulyxa eat Fully eQUlxttuod. Specifications: WBmI Be ItSK, Inches. Coto T-head Cylinders cast In pairs; 4-lnoh bore, B-tnch stroKa ZrnlUos Dozch Matmeto. SUrtr Qra.y A Davis. Us-Mlntf a ray & Davis. Buscsasisa Three point Ouimrtor Kayfleld. KulurleatloB Circulating aplash,' self contained, Control Lett hand drive: center control. 9f U rlni" Wo rm and; Bee tor type. Clutch Multiple disc Raybestos. Seay Axle Pull Floatinr. kcont A vie I-beam drop forged. "Wheels Artillery type, twelve wpokes. Detroit Demountable rims. Srirco 3CxH stralcht side. prham Front s emi-elllptlo 40-lnch, rear ellip tic) St-lnch. Orease cups on bolts and ahaoklea, rk Internal and external, 16-inch x a fl inch. Haybeetos lined. Mo&y Fore door, metallic, hand buffed leather, deep curled hair upholstering. Color Deep Brewuter green. Black trimming1. J4uipp4 Fully equipped. Ef XokM Dsrive Xbe Cr Yon'd like to Drive. tne iditbriuili". The Crow Country motor connected with the U. 6. I. motor jccsjUtor raakrt a compact and timplerunit Electrical part enciae4 end protected. The armature Is bolted to the crank shaft and route with it, acting at a fly-wheel. The other . parti, mostly of aluminum, arc bolted to the crank -cue. Rambler Motor Company 2082-2054 Famam Street, Osnaka. Net. I I FREELAND AUTOMOBILE CO. I TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 2212. vx 1124 FARNAH STREET ) i