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THE OMAHA SUfTDAT' BEE: FEBBTTAET 23, 1913. 3-0 PfflMftMV TM MITft OEDVIfll? K'mm appealed to. and after om LuUftUlll I 111 AU1U uDIvVIUl rtlcUcrlnfr he Rot h couple of irlctivl". lo Some of the Feature Cars on Exhibition at Auto Show' i endorse with him and they went to iht Columbus Auto Mail Collection is More Economical Than Old Way. MAIL CARRIERS BUY CARS CSoTornmcnt Wonlit Mot t'urt'linur Them. So llrnnlnr Pnttnipn Tank it tppn Thrmrlvf In 9nr!y thr rtl. bnnk and borrowed tho money lo pi cha-o six autos. Thefe wero turned over to the mat carriers, who also endorsed the notes and are being paid for out of the man y received by them In addition to tti'ir regular salary for tho upkeep of li-e nutos. During the last year n large pan of the original loan han been paid .ft and fho six autos have cost tho govern i nu.nt but $C,000 n year to malntalr, T.ts J k IV ' ". MM I Ik I ii (mm w m isvirix r .i tat i r 7m i irrrrim ii JgxpjGuflyz) f-vom "' ' I jasjexPBi "cyzr COMFORT IN MARION PRODUCT I1S 7 CST M ' -;- i Indianapolis Car is Developed with View for Passenger's Comfort. ARE ROOMY AND LUXURIOUS (.cnrrnl Detail of Construction Are Alone I.lnps ttant Will Giro Car Bvcry Ailvnntnjse of Eny nidlnv. "One of the cardinal vlrtues'of a tour iliE car la comfort." said Vice President $1. D. MacNab of the Marlon Motor Car company. In dlFcusshis 1913 model cara at the automobile show. "Ease and luxury for the occupants are prime requisites and to these we have .given unusual attention In offering the Marlon car to the public. In roominess of bodies. Flze of tires, length of whcelbase and flexibility of springs, we have given a creat deal more of comfort than Is usually found In a medium (Triced motor "In both our touring models, 37-A and v have an Instant appeal for the purchaser who Is Becking the utmost of luxury and comfort. The scats are wide and deep with the best of hand-buffed leather over twelve Inches of curled hair and springs at the back, and seat cushions ten Inches deep built up on the best quality of colled springs and tilted backward at a most comfortablo angle. The seats and upholstery of the Marion are as Inviting as a lounging chair. The coll springs are tied to prevent sagging or getting out of shape. Thero Is ample leC room for passengers, both in front and in the tonneau, the long wheelbase and compact motor unit giving much more space for this refine 1 ment than usual In moderate-priced motor cars. All our springs are of the best Imported material, Manchester steel, which has the maximum of flexibility and strength. The seml-elllptic front and fhree-quarter elliptic rear springs are un usually long and so hung as to provide the utmost of resiliency. They only carry the car the driving action is taken up by the torsion tube and torsion yoke." ENGINEER IS SAFE MAN TO FOLLOW IN HIS SELECTION "When an engineer with a thorough knowledge of mechanics buy" an electric car, his example Is a safe one to follow," according to Mr. Woodard, sales manager of the Woods' Electric Automobile com pany. "The engineer usually looks be fore he leaps, and his vision In such mat ters is particularly keen. He Investi gates the various mechanical features and structural designs which ore far too technical , for the a vera go purchaser to consider in more than a superficial way. Everyone wants the best quality possible In the car they decide to buy every one looks for the evidences of this quality very few know where to find It, or how The Question The Answer u '!. . How can I solve my transportation problems and in crease my business . International Commercial Car V Our interest does not cease when a sale is made we give you service as long as you own the car COI.UMIH'S, O., Feb. 22.-The auto o' lection of mall ts being maintained at a less eoit to the government In Coiurauj-. than In any other city or town In tl'e United States, thanks to the careful working out of a scheme that originated with Postmaster Krumm and one or two others. The mall now Is collected with Ford cirs. Several months ago when the govern mint advertised for bids from those who wculd rent autos to the sovcrnmcnt for the collection of mall, the lowest old w.ts J21.O0O annually, According to the ruls of Uncle 8am the postmaiter could n t spend any money for the purchase or autos. That Is, he could not spend any of the government's money tor that pur pose. Postmaster Krumm sent three proposi. tlons to the government, but none of them proved satisfactory, nnd then he looked up the allowances that were male for operating and the upkeep of autui. He found that $1,000 annually was a'. loned for the upkeep of autos, chauf feurs, etc. Then he decided to, purchase the autos necessary to collect the rill In Columbus. To do this required mony, and, as postmaster, he was not permlttd to engage In any business for profit, with the government paying the profit. f?o he Interested the mall carriers who were assigned to the work and thoy do ctded to purchase the nutos outfignt. llut when thoy came to this conclusion they didn't figure that autos were sold for cash, and they had no fur-dr. to in vest for the government. Then Mr. carriers. Within n few months the machines will be fully paid for and then the earner will have nil that Is left over, After tho upkeep Is paid for, as their own In oJd' tlon to their regular salary. Hut ihy have found that at the rate they trAvcl It Is pretty expensive to run nutos n-d hnvo so far failed to find the balance they anticipated, after paying tor tl.'es, gasoline, oils nnd other charges that make auto owning a real luxury. In spite of this fact the government Is making the collection of malls In Co. lumbys cheaper than In any other city In tho United State, cheaper by JU.tfiO than tho lowest bidder nnd W.000 cheaper than was dono by tho old-fashioned horso and wagon route, which was much slower nnd not nearly so satisfactory. MARMON CATALOGUE HAS MOST ATTRACTIVE LIST According to Manager McDonald of Marmon Auto company nnd agent for thn Marmon car, Nordyke & Marmon com pany of Indianapolis, makers of the Marmon car, have Just Issued n. cata logue that promises to take Us place as one of the most attractive plecee of automobllo literature of the year. Tha new Marmon book carries an Impression of "elegant simplicity" throughout The Persistent and JudlcloUB Use ot Newspaper Advertising is the Road ta Business Success. ' . The ore-eminent nosition of tho Cadillac, its recognition as America's leading motor cor, its recognition as tho standard by, which motor care are judged, aro not mattors of chance. j ! For ten yeanrtho Cadillac has boon manufactured and mar- ; keted upon well defined principles. Tho adherence to thoso j principles has been the dominant faotor in Cadillac success. ' , Tho Cadillac has never adpired to ideals sot by others; it, makes its own ideals and raises them higher and higher. ' The Cadillac has never striven after tho achievements oE other plantsit is a school and modol unto itself. The word "success" has always boom associated with tho . Cadillac. Tho "word "failure" novcr. Tho Cadillac Company v has never produced a model or a typo for whicli it was obliged ' to make apologies. 4 Cadillac Compaiy of Omaha, 2054-56-58 Farpam St GEO. F. REIM. President Phone Deugl&s 4226. 7a locate thm Cmdillac at the Showjaat look fmr the btuie$t exhibit. Ideal for the following businesses: Awnings linkers Buttiicrs 15 reivers Bottfers Contractors llalrymen Dry Roods Dyers ami Cleaners Furniture Dealers Florists Gas and Electric. Futures General Merchandise Grocers Hardware Dealers ' Hucksters Ire Cream Dealers -Iandry Millers Nurserymen Painters Paper Hangers Phunlers Ileal Estate Dealers Hoofers WHEN you buy tho International Harvester Commercial Car you get all of the advantages of the economies effected by our large organization and output. All tho facilities aro at your service at our Omaha Sales Room. Tho economy, ability and durability of our Car Is proven dally by tho many in use. When purchasing a commercial car It Is well to consider tho standing of tho firm behind tho car, and tho service given car owners. These features are of tho utmost Importance to car "puyers. Delays of all kinds are costly, and where a concern helps a purchaser to keep his car In first-class condition, It Is an advantage not to bo overlooked. This la what the I, II- C. service means to our customers. The Interna tional Commercial Car is the dependable car for hot and cold weather. 3GB days In tho year, backed by a strong guarantee by a concern that is able td make good, 1 ECi Intniati01ial Auto Wagons now i-cHJ in uso in Omaha. Tho superiority of tho mechanical construction of tho now models is evi dent throughout tho entire car. Tho improved cooling, lubrication, ignition nnd transmission systems, as well as the elegant finish of the now cars aro a fow of the points embodied in tho best light delivery truck on the market today Tho International Auto Wagon. Tho International is a hill climber, travels anywhere at any time in any kind of weather a few points of merit. International Harvester Company of America Omaha, Nebraska "Nearly a Quarter-Ctntuty of Leadership" To the man who wants the finest motor-car in his neighborhood The Stevens-Duryeais the finest of fine cars. It is here for you to see and try.l The C-Six carries the Stevens-Duryea leadership into new fields. It is such an advance upon anything else in the motor-car world in beauty, case, con- venien6c, quietness, completeness and active power, that it may properly be called an entirely new car. If you really want to own the finest motor-car $ that's to be had, you must see this new C-Six.. $4500 to 5950 ; open and enclosed bodies ; two to seven passengers HOUSER (SL HOWES, Distributers 9X03 r-.rnsm Btrot, OrnsJia. Stevens-Duryea Company Chicopee Falls Mass "Fioneer Builders of American Sixes' Seven PfJtenj On the SUt at th Automobile Bhow. Wit 2 i ' '.'ff'BU