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6-0 'lilt, OMAHA Sl'MAl blJifc: FEBlU Altl 23, 11713. Automobile Orthodoxy Visitor to the Automobile Hhow If you delude vourclf with the assumption thnt a. claim is the conclusion, If you delude yourself with hopo that the Kxhlhltor In delivering you whst you want to use In two packages one pnekago rui Autnmobile for. say Sl.00o.00, and the other package containing "pure conversation" for tfiOO.OO more, then you will prActlro such heresy upon yourself as would In tho Old Days of the Hlua Laws, Imvo burned you at the stake. Our hope Is that you will not forsake that gospel truth that you can not "got something for nothing" and that when you visit us and Inspect tho Marlon line, tho Matchless Harmon and the classic Standard Eleo trlque, you will conclude thnt each aro worth tho money asked for them and will he delivered In one package containing all car, and tho conversational feature called "Salesmanship'" not in evidence Our Greeting to you for Next Week Is, Let Us Together Consider the Vholo Proposition. Automobile Company O, VT. McDonald, Mgr., 3101-3 rarnam St. " FREE Franklin Hudson and leaders "Wherever shown you'll admit : GUY L. SMITH DISTRIBUTOR , PARNAM STREET. rr INTER-STATE SIX THE PERFECT CAR Tho only oar using identically 'tho saino electric lighting and .starting system this season as was need Inst year. - No chango has heon mado. It was perfect then and is perfect now. i Electric lighting and stnrt Injr; 1112-Inch whool baBo; 4 spoods forward; 11-Inch uphol stery ; loft-hand drivo; contor control. Doublo Ignition, magnoto nnd storage battery; full equip ment top, windshield, power pump, electric lamps, spcodo motor, eta. Inter-State Automobile Co. 310-12 So. 18th Street. Opposite Court House. Factory MuncieT Ind. r , $50 Worth of Tires One "Long" Horn.. One Blue Book . . . How much do you know about automobiles? A Contest Exclusively for Automobile Owners and Prospective Buyers I HIS content is not for children. It is one of high character for intelligent men and women and will prove amusing, interesting and instructive. You who own a car or motorcycle, or aro about to buy one how much do you really know about tho machines listed on this paco. and shown at tho Omaha motor show? What do von knnw nhnnt thn ronmrkahlo features and Improvements In tho modern automobile or motorcycle Its ease of operation Its sturdy construction its simplicity and Ita durability? Still, these are the things to know about If you aro Roinff to buy and hero aro prizes offered to you for acquiring this knowledges so essential for you to havo boforo making a purchase. 4 Noto tho cars, supplies and motorcycles listed on thlB pago; glance at tho diagram, then locate tho dcalor at tho Automobllo Show, get his literature, ask him questions, learn about his offerings and then answer tho questions below and send to tho Automobllo Contest Editor of tho Omaha Boo. Motorcycle Exhibit ttyi4 Hiihivay IMCK 1 8M L U A' " II AUTOMOtUr I CNTHANCE-. l rtwiu S.5V1' MH (mid .ft V WlUcAuloCa ...ft . Afprrtm Auto ? tef TraynorAulo Co. lUmNfrMolorCb UntnjtrlnraotO 3 jMcto JPACL7 arACt.o uG li VdmMMollM, VfLHaffmiaCo. MrjWeAul.C. g 3 T AC tit jrrAScto st I I P 7K- rordMolorCn OtttUtrJMta C UtrimrtithCti u S "-9 3EACtJ JrACt.15 CTACC 16 5g Xpa sr V p - P CfeikfoWM&HilButekAuUQ tflNorttwallCo "g V space ?o jrAceis spaci 10 -N 1 1 1 I Celt Motor G' arAat ft HthntAuloCc a rMt is u AmiiwIltirpliyMoi 4IWCtt 1 Rules and Conditions of Contest: Each contestant mast bo tho owner of n motor car or motorcycle, or purchase ono not later than May 10th No others will bo considered. 1st State names of automobile or motorcycle sold by eaoh advertiser on this page (In the case .or the supply bouse give prtnolpal line.) 9A State horsepower of eaoh machine. 3d State prloo of eaoh automobile and motoroyole. 4th State dealer's business location and name. 8th State at least one Improvement of each machine over last year's model. 6th State one feature In which each machine ex cels other makes. (Ton will find each ma chine . distinctive and possessing- several fea tures. not found In any other). Jin 11 nnswers to Automobile- Content Editor of Omnlm Ilea BUICK 19 AND POWER t 4 Are synonymous and always liavo been. The Buiuk lino it tho Auto Show is of sufficient interest to constitute a show in itself. Nebraska Buick Auto Co. Distributors. 1014 VAItNAM 8TKEET, Model T 4-40, 5-Pass., $1,685 JACK SHARP DISTRIBUTOR .Pleasure and Commercial Cars. In Either Class Without a Rival. Office .O. W. Building Model T 6-50, 5-Pass.( $2,385 With tho latest improvements for convenience and its many special features which mnko it tho superior car of its class, tho Midland was the most admired car at tho big Chicago Show and will bo a big attraction at tho iOmaha Exhibit. Freeland Automobile ? Company .TELEPHONE 2252. 1124 PARNAM ST. Harley-Davidson and Yale Motorcycles Victor H. Rose The Motorcycle Man 2703 Leavenworth St. Omaha, Neb. LITTLE SIX TOURING OAR au li. p., fl-cyl., equipped. $1,280 f. o. b. factory. LITTLE "4"! ROADSTER UO 1. P, -1-cyl., equipped. $0i)() f. o. b, factory. REO THE FIFTH ROADSTER FIVE-PASSENGER TOURING OAR 30-35 H. P., 4 cycle, equipped. 30-35 H. P., 4 cycle, equipped. $1,195 T. O. B. Factory. $1,195 F. 0. B. Factory. Reo equipped with Gray & Davla electric lights and electric starter $200 extra, DOTY & HATHAWAY Exhibit Ilooth No. 1, Auditorium. ' 2027-20 Farunm St, Omaha, Xob. The real big offering at all previous shows and now at the Omaha show is DRUMMONJ) 1 UI sJjxksrJ IN I The Best in Pleasure Gars and Trucks. i Pleasure Cars .Commercial Cars i., ' v V - ' Locomobile, G. M. C. Trucks, f Woods Electric, . Chase Delivery .Hayrresi Wagon. 26TH. AND. FARNAM A utpmobUe repairs Painting and rebuilding. The QU0 Line Studebaker Six Studebaker 35 Studebaker 30 Studebaker 25 . Studebaker 20 Studebaker Delivery Gar See The Electrically Equipped Studebaker "35" By All Means On The Stage at The Show E. R. Wilson Automobile Co. Studebaker Corporation of America Local Dealers Omaha "Branch 2010-12-14-16 Harney 2026 Farnam Street Mighty Michigan tfc40' The Greatest Car of the Season 14-ineli Turkish Cushions. Complete Equipment. All for $1,585. Electric Lights. 4 Forward Spoeds. ffires' 35X41". You should see these by nil means at Space 30 or at our showrooms, 1117 Farnam. Michigan Automobile Co. "Ut&" Touring car, 6 passengers .B0O "4-45" noadster Si'SSU "4-5B" Touring car 22'22S "4-55" Touring car, 7 passengers $3,3SO AH cars fully equipped. ATPEKSOIT JACK BABBIT AUTO CO., 1304 rarnam Street. 'OU men who are going to buy cars this year see what 1 nlib car oxters.... T slier K-tiftflBAnirar Tonr- ing car. Model ainwood- PAIGE Orny ts Davis Electric Ughtlnff and Btsjrtlng System left Side Drive Center Control 118-ln. wheel t)Se 34x4 Tires Silent chain driven motor gears Cork Insert Clutch 4xS-ln. Motor Paige Company of Nebraska, Distributors a new cross country $1,875 with gasoline and electric long stroke motor c and a 10,000 mile guarantee SEE THIS NEW AND BEAUTIFUL OAR AT SPACE NO. 7, AUTOMOBILE SHOW Ramber Motor Company 2052-4 Farnam Street Chalmers 1913 MOTOR CARS MADE TV? THE CHAX.MEHS SHOPS. Come See the Chalmers "Six"--The Maximum Car-$2400 Srerr day this wonderful car makes a bigger hit. Store people talk about, more people plaoa orders for it. Of the many Instant Chalmers successes this Is the most pronounced. Maximum Comfort is built Into tho luxurious Turkish cushions; tho 11-lnch upholstery: tho long wheel base (130-ln.): the Improved springs; the big wheels nnd tires. Maxlumtun Convenience is to be found In the Chalmers self-starter: electric lights; demountable rlms; dash adjustment for carburetor; Ideal arrangements for all control apparatus on the dash. Maxlumum Beauty is seen In the long graceful lines, the roomy, flush sided body, the sweeping bell back, the nickel trimmings. No matter what car you may decide to buy, It's worth your while to investigate the Chalmers "Six." "Thirty-Six" (four cylinders) 91950 'Six" S-passenger 240O "Six" 7passenger $2C00 (Prices Include full equipment.) , Stewart-Toozer Motor Co.. Successors to r- - H. E. FHEDIUCHSON AUTO COSIPAKT, 2044-0-8 Farnam Street. Also Agents I'ierco Arrow. Omaha, Neb. You're welcome at Powell's "Kight in the heart of Aaitomohile Row" 2119 Famum Street you -will find this store the most con venient for trading and visiting. See our . displays at the Show, and our .immense stocks at the store. Note especially: ' - Republic Tires. -': ) ? , Panhard Oils. , Hr " t r Columbia Red Top Ignitor Dry Cells. -Blue Ribbon Metal Polish. ' , " Bosh MnffnetoB and Plugs. Golden Star Body Polish, Etc. POWELL SUPPLY CO. "" sfs m m Vi VWsVViAWlAnJWWWl