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THIS UMAllA SIMJAV BWK! WiUKlTAKY 1JKI. 7 U Gossip Along the . Automobile Row Fire Truck at the Auto Show J. 1. Opper of the United Moiof cohi psny has returned from a trip through the Nebraska territory whro he tecured considerable contracting business and got a line on Just what proportion ut hi state dealers would bo represented at the local show. Mr. Opper state that a full $0 per cent will bo In Omaha this week. The W. I Huffman Auto companv claims the banner contracting week of the year, having sold machines to tho following people during the last seven days: A Hupp 32 touring car to It. II Temple of Lexington; one to Q. P Meyers of Walthlll: a Stoddard-Dayton roadster to I T. Waldron ot Waterloo; a Stoddard-Dayton touring car to A. It Boven of Scott's Bluff; a Hupp 02 roadster to "Ituzi" Colpetzer ot Omaha! it 3! touring car to John I Dowden of Cook, Neb.; a 32 roadster to ChurlM Auerswald of Fairfax! a 33 touring oar to H. B. Capsey of Spencer; a tourln? car to It. K. Gallagher of O'Neill; touring car to Hev. Mr. Waublena of Chancellor, S. I).; a touring car to thi Hherk Auto company of Ida Grove, and a car load ot six five-passenger touring- cars to N. B. O'Connell ot Sioux City, la The new slxpassenger Hupmoblle ar rived late In the week at the V. 1, Huffman Auto company and has been attracting a great deal of attention from the public. This Is the first one of Us kind to reach Omaha, and the peoplz who havo been reading the' leading periodicals for the last few months are all anxious to see the much advertised product. Mr. Huffman states he coul.1 have sold the car ten times over since It has been on the floor, but us this will be the only one available tor the next few weeks ho Is compelled to save It for the show. MOTOIt PnOPELLKD COMBINATION CHEMICAL AND HOBE CAltT TO BE ON EXHIBITION. The new Huffman neadnuarters were treated to a coat of white enamel last week which Is making the home of tlm Hupmoblle the most conspicuous auti home on the row. Mr. Huffman lias also ordered a new eighteen toot electric sign to be swung over the entree from-tM building to street The Cole Motor company received a carload ot 40-horso power touring cars and three carloads containing 65 and C0 horse power machines. The show cars arrived Saturday from Kansas 'City and consist of three touring cars and stripped chassis. C. J. CorkhlH arrived Friday morning from Kansas City, hav ing, spent the week at their show. Iti says the exhibition was wonderful In a way, but that he fully expects the local one to outdistance It considerably In every respect. ma day to visit his brother, wiuiam Opper, of that pluce. The trip was made In record time. Mr. and Mrs. Opper leav ing Omaha at 9:15 In the mqmlng, and, after spending three hours In Seward, arriving home at 8 o'clock sharp. The distance covered was 1M miles. P. I Tyler ot St. Mary, Neb., came to Omaha for another Hupmpbllo 32 last Monday. .Mr. Tylor expects to sell twenty cars during the 1913 season. W. N. Hellen, sales manager of .the Huffman Auto company,' drovo over to Red Oak and Vllllsca, la., yesterday In the Inter ests of the Hupmoblle, and to demonstrate tho pulling qualities of thff car. The Goddard Auto company of Lincoln has taken the agency for .the Hupmoblle. One Of the moat attractive advertising cars seen In Omaha Is the Hupmoblle 32, re cently purchased by the Omaha Paint and Glass company. John Ilelfschnelder will use the car in making his territory. t W. E. Foshler of the Nebraska Carter- car company, who has seen touring mo Pacific coast for the last few. weeks in the interests ot his firm, returned Thurs day after a very successful trip. Mr. Foshler organized new Cartercar com panies ot Salt Luke City, Portland, Seat tle and Spokane. At Salt Lake City Mr. Foshler, assisted by Tom Bromwell of tho Nebraska company, helped open the largest and best equipped garage In the stftto ot Utah Inst week, tho Carter Utah company at 1 South State street. The garage proper Is 29 feet long Hnu Is well stocked with tha friction drive product." The Studcbaker News states that L. A. Keller ot Omaha, together with Snoke ot filoux Falls, are voterans of . the Studebaker service, whose days date h&ok to the time when autos were as common as airships, w. w. wens, erstwhile Ford dealer, has taken up the studebaker 1 ne for 1913. having ciosea a big contract through the Omaha branch house. tory since Janunry IS. It goes without laying that the Bulck dealers over th'a territory have been successful and tn above trulnloads for direct shipments certainly goes to prove that the Uulck cars are very popular and In great de mand. I The W. li. Huffman Auto company will make practically the same exhibit as at the New York and Chicago shows, but owing to the Increased amount of show room which tho removal of the Derlght company's place ot business has afforded, It will conduct a good portion of Its ex hibition there. Tho new models put on the market by the Hupmoblle people this year has occasioned a greater amount of comment than Anything this factory has accomplished since they first put the 33 The Traynor Auto company sold a car -when tne employes ot the Bulck Motor to M. II. Conrad of Council Bluffs last company of Flint. Mlch.i left tho factory week, and also received a carload of on December 23, they had In their Nationals Friday for show exhibition. Dockets moro than J275.00O. It was the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin of Grand I Christmas Payroll for them and fell Island arrived In Omaha. Thursday, after I nnnn n r!v when they appreciated It spending over a month In cxtcnfelve travel more than ordinary paydays. tlirnflcrli Ilia nnn Thau rfnttiri iftti 41.. Now York and Chicago shows and in- Manager Llridscy of the Jbhn Deere r.m.inin. in nnho ti,'rn,u ihJplow company automobile department tvu iiiiiuuiius win""" nivv.niiwii I . , . .1..- Omaha exhibition. Mr. Martin has about reports a goou irauc on .. . lnc the BO-canea wintor monui ui cember. Because ot tho exceedingly fair Weather experienced, this has been lit., l . ...t..inM mr.n)h In V H Y A tnT tllO Emmet Tlnloy, a leading lawyer of ",0tl " " " '" ,' ,"' ii i, .,. , . i veue compuuy. " jaris auuh tiiuwft" decided to purchase u seven-passenger I National from the Traynor brothers. Wednesday morning by making her a birthday present ot a Stoddard Electric coupe, purchased oC the Marlon Auto company. The Marlon Auto company has re painted tho front of Its store tho floors ot the salesroom and rehauled and cleaned everything In Bight In prepare on the market. This Is the six-passenger 33 and theilupmoblle samples of these machines will lie shown both at the show rooms and at the Auditorium. Five cars will constitute the cxhlbttt together with A display hoard bearing all the working parts ot the Hupmoblle cars. The Freetand exhibit will conlt of five machines, two of which will be truck A carload ot Midland touring car ar rived at the local house early In the week. Omaha Is the tuvotv.e city of the high officials ot the Veils Vehicle Motor company of Mtillne. 111., and they arc al ways glud to come here, taking ndvan tagevof every opportunity to do so During tho auto show there will be V . Velle. president i L. K. Nutt. genera' manager; C. 1C. Olltner, sales manager; Charles K. Hose, chief engineer, atul A Dickson. nlermiu. all Velle luofruls. wht' ' will be lit bright and witly for th opening day of the show to help lh- i representative of the John Deere Vov company In fmilicflnu the Interest op their car In Nebraska. Manager l.lndtey ot the John D6re Plow company auto department, imo sperdlhg the greatrf part of last weew out In tho state, returned with great en thiistasm bver tho prospects for the BUf show. It Is the one topic uppermost In the minds ot tho country dealers, ami they are passing the good word nlontr to their customers, and there Is every Indication that nil local show record will be btolten. number, with one exception, the cV.ltlsr led all others with (Ml carload. Chalmers shipped HI carious; HOdton, 130, and Pnikard, eighty-one. Thee were the Cadillac's nearest competltoi. I A. Padgett, general snlm manager nad C G. Wilton, ipeelal representative ot the Midland factory, will he In the city during the show. K. K. Mason o' the Mason plant, nhd W. V. Kreetaiut uf Chleogo wilt alto he here. Lew Traynor returned early last e It from a l.COT-mllo trip throughout tin TraUior firm' turrllorj In Ncbrals. lew says that prospect Indicate tle best year in the nlslory ot the automi bile. Lew remarks that he has neve? seen ioil condition better than now. The recent agitation for good Toads and the prospects of the spring auto have brought tho farmers out with drag a d hoe Until all that Is needed to maka ti e highways perfect Is the tread of traffic The Trnynor slihagent are planning tj spend show week In Omaha. The Tra nor show exhibit will consist ot tw Abbott-Detroit and two National touring cars. It. B. Bowman of the Abbot t-O trolt factory and It. W. Chapman if His National will dish out the technical chatter i The Freeland Auto company delivered five cara In Mlneola county, Iowa last week; one at Henderson, Neb., and one In this city, Also a Mason truck to the Union Pacific Steam Baking company, which la attracting a great deal of at' tentlon on the streets of the city on ac count of tho wonderful painting Joh with which It 1ms been finished. Mr. Freeland spent week before last visiting tho Mason and Midland factories, where he made arrangements for show cara The local Rambler house received a tilegrnm from tho factory at Ktnoshn, I Wlr lnt week that a new sale record J hud been established for the car nt tho Chicago Automobile show. According t 1 th telegram, ninety-three car, approxi mctely, 1201,000 worth of Ilnmbter were sold to Individuals In seven days. Thesi saW beat the record at the Ct.lcagj chor one year ago, when 1ST ears were sold. Tl at this will be a banner automobile yea- Is shown by the records of ahlp nutits being made out of Detroit. Dur ing January the Michigan Central rait wny shipped S.O0t5 carloads ot motor car', against 1,397 last year, January, Ot this United Sfsitcs Tires Tires in the world to know, however, that we will probably get all the cold wfnther wft want a little further on, remarked Llndsey, "but It t stays oft wn weeks moro we will have made (some record," , L. E. Doty of Doty & Hathaway re turned early In the week from the Beo enotnrv. where he made arrangements Hon for the big show crowds. Manager tnr several large shipments of Boos, and McDonald expects to do fully aa much from the "Little Six" factory, where he at tho branch house In demonstrating his ordered sample machines of this model, ran in vlsltnr nn hn Anm n.t tho hIihw. or, ttm nw Chevrolet car. Both are Droducts ot the Bcpubllc Motor company T A. .Tfttnftn. WfMrrn ftntcsman&cer for fit Detroit anil are heralded as auiomo- the Wolverine Lubricants company, will biles In a class by themselves in "h"'" tin in nmfllm iiurtntr iiow wArk lnnWnc 1 tn nervlee as well as cost. The 'Little .fin,, i.i- nm5iif. WnifKhrnh imri Pnn. sir" Is tho lowest priced slx-oyllnder hard oil, ,whlch will bo exhibited by tho Storz Supply company. Charles 1C. Stein also will be at the Storz exhibit, repre senting tho Nayfield Carburetor com pany. An added feature which Mr. Storz hag secured for show week will be a window exhibit at his supply house show- car on the market. Tho Cole Motor company received three sixty and three flfty-horso power six. cylinder machines last Tuesday, wnicn iJnce then have been delivered to cub- tnmr tiimuchout tho state, inree nis supply iiouso snow- - - -.,,. -,,, ftl .i1B ing the life ot a Federal tiro Irom the 81X" t..l I' local houso, two pf which are awaiting any kind master whp will furnish their purchase price. A Cadillac car, 1913 model, was. com- pletely victorious recently in a unique contest at Ulverslde. Cal.. a. coastlhg evont In which thirty-two cars, rcpro sentlnc twenty-four different makes, were entered and which was watched by 7,000 people. The cars were sent down, a grade with power shut off, gravity supplying the energy. Besides providing BJverslde an attractive holiday and considerable excitement, the contest had Its value famous GraV-DavIs system of electric from tho standpoint Of motor car demon lighting and starting. This firm expects tfMlon nd, "n lBpbkeC0afUcll to have a special representative here to ter thn laCk -0t . Ct' cradlo to the grave. Beginning with the crude rubber as taken from the tree and on up through all the processes and stages to the finished product. E. n. Durfoy, supervising sales agent ot the Marlon plant, and E. W. Cunning ham of tle Marmon factory will bo Vis. ltors In tho city show week. Doty Hathoway sold four Jteos and one Littlo Four last week. The Jleo show cars have arrived and to say that they are beauties would bo stating the case mildly. All aro equipped with the deliver an instructive and Interesting lec ture. lis the factor that enable a car to win uch a contest, or. In other words, to "roll" th farthest. In the recent Emeryville auto races one of the of the meet was the per formance of ft small Delrolter car, which wa entered In an added uvent of five miles. This race brought together several makes. Kirk Dunann at the wheel ot the Detrolter, Jumped Into the ?ead at tho start and was never replaced through- out the event, finishing In five minutes flfty-two-ond two-fifths second. Lee Huff and IT. E. Sidles ot the Bulck Auto company, spent lust Saturday, Sun day and Monday at the Bulck factory tn Flint, Mich., where they made ar rangements to havo a duplication ot the January tralnload of Bulck' automobiles shipped Into their territory. This traln load left the factory February 20 and will consist of fifty freight cars containing 2i0 Bulck automobiles. Tlw train will come through on a daylight schedule from Flint as far as the Des Moines river, from which point-cars will h avtehl o'' tr-'r det,fat,"n - rect to the dealers, There will possibly I be as many as thirty-five loads In this The United Motor company delivered train com as far as Council Bluffs, unJ Maxwell machines last week to Kail & from that point they wlU be distributed Hansen ot Walnut, W. II. Swanson of I to dealers In Nebraska, southern Iowa Hastings. Burt Phillips of Veenln:land South Dakota, This makes the third Water. Workman Sc. Itozen of Auburn! sol'.d tralnload of Bulck automobiles and W. W. Miners of Onawa, Manager shipped from the Bulck factory Into the J, M. Opper rnetorea to seward Christ- Nebraski-uulck Auto company s terrl White A Tettlt of Sprlngvlew, Neb., contracted for the sale of Hupmoblles with the W. L. Huffman Automobile company last week and drove a touring car home. J. B. Brown of The Valentine Auto company of Valentine, Neb., came to Omaha last week and drove another Hupmoblle touring car home. H. S. Clark, vice president of the Corn Exchange National bank, bought an Ab bott-Detroit "U" seven-passenger car of the W, L. Huffman Automobile company last week. The W. L. Huffman Automobile com pany delivered a carload of Hupmoblles to the Atlantlo Hupmoblle company of Atlantic la.; one carload to the North Platte Hupmoblle company ot North Platte, Neb.; one carload to L. B. Kester- son & Bon of Superior, Neb., and two carloads to the N. B. O'Connell Auto mobile company of Bloux City", la. The Drummond Motor company pur chased a Hupmoblle coupe last Wednes day from the W. L. Huffman Automo bile company. mm I LIU Li-JSWJ Here is the Car Which is Writing Gasoline History W1 This is the Six-Cylinder Cole "60" Delco Electric Starting Touring Car AT the Chicago show 122 Coles were sold. In New York the record was almost equaled. Every Cole you know is giving wonderful service at low cost. The motor is one of the quietest ever built. There is not an ounce of ma terial in this car that is not the best that money can buy. The Cole is the only medium priced car built using the Mayo Radiator. You Know what Timken products are they are recognized best, The Cole uses Timken axles and bearings THROUGH OUT. Note that word "throughout." Tfien, just to cinch the argument, the Cole comes regularly equipped with the Delco Electric starting, lighting and ignition system, another recognized best, and we charge you nothing extra. Whether you are a prospective user or a well rated dealer seeking a new connection you will want to know how we can offer all we claim at these remarkable prices. The answer is complete STANDARDIZATION. Do you want tov know how standardiza tion is going to affect you and your pocket book? Of course you do. It's a big subject and a live one one that goes home'to all of us. The Cole is the Parent of Standardization. ' $ Cole Motor Car Company, Indianapolis DISTRICT DISTRIBUTERS ' Cole Motor Company The Cole Series Eight comes in 3 chassis. The prices are; $1,685 for tho fully equipped Colo 40 $1,085 for the fully equipped Oole 50 $2,485 for the fully equipped Oole Six Cylinder VGO". .The wheel buses nro ,11G, 122 nnd 132 ins. respectively. Absolutely ne difference in quality, mere' ly diamonds of varying karat. Phone Douglas 7700. 1910 Farnam Street Omaha, Nebraska illlllllllllllilllllill t JLFJI IssVT W VMT W " 1 1 -" i y u llllM