Newspaper Page Text
4 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 23, 1913 NEBRASKA CITY WINS DEBATE Weeping Water Loses in First Con test of Season. STRONG TEAM . ON PLATFORM Cnss Cnnnl)' rtcprcscntntlTr llnnsn nllr JootI In Deliver' nntl Ile- linttnt, nnd Thrrcliy Clinch Their (June. WEEPING WATBH. Neb., Feb. 3fc special Telegrnm.J Nebraska City HIrIi srhool defeated Weeping Wntor High school In a Closely contested debate Inst evening on the question. "Resolved. That a.11 cities should ndopl tho commission t tm of government." Nebraska City was represented by Kmma Nelson, Hazel Fotdrldo nnd Ruth Allen with Dell Dean Oof ns alternate, Nebraska City was especially' good on delivery and Btrong on 'rebuttal. Wccpln..g Water was represented by Fritz Klletch, Klwln Hunter and rtalph Glrardet, with Lcsllo Dunn ns alternate. They also put up a very forcible argu ment, and are not discouraged over the outcome of tho debate. Tho Judgea' decision was: Affirmats 1, negative 2, The Judge were: IS. T. Wells of Wcalcyan university, Prof. O. H. Stevens of state university and It. V. Garrett of university law school. PAWNEE CITY, Neb., Fob. 32. -(Special Telegram-) Tho .first debate in tho southeastern district of tho Ne'oriuiki High School Debating lcnguo was n) at tho high school In this olty lost even- Ing between Uie Wymore nnd Pawnoo City High school debating teams on tho subject, "Resolved, That all American cities should: adopt the commission form of government." The Wymoro team won tho decisions J all three Judges. Tho Wymoro toutny Composed of Warren Neuinan, Ira Beyo.i and t'lydn .Ellis, s an exceptionally strong team, and for tho last flvo years WymJfu lias held tho Stato championship. Tho" Pawnee toam - was composed 6f Wlllard Smith, Mcllard Burton and La cllle Becker. Prof. J. ailbert of the Pawnee City illKh school was cluilrman and Uio Judgtts were Profs. Ellsworth, Conant and Jouo tho stnto university. After the ifcbatc a reception was given by the debating club to the" visitors. Special Federal Grand Jury Called A special federal grand Jury to con vene March 10 at 2 o'clock was drawn yesterday afternoon. Following aro tho members: John Armour, dandy; Scott Allen, Fort Calhoun; r. A. Broad well, 5413 N street, feoiitli Omaha; Fred Do La Matyr, Fre mont: Kinmott Krwav. VhllnV: brebc, Florence! William- Gcntrup, West Point, Henry Hoolscher, Fremont! C. M Houston, Mlllori Charles II. Italn, Blair; P. I. Harper, Wallace) Allen C. Klrby, Gundy; Frank Listen, Hooper; C. C. May, Lexington; Moses Nogasa, :2l Hamilton street, Omaha; PnOI McCaully, South Omaha; Henry Mlchecl, Johnstown! J. W. McCune, ll3 Blnney street, Omahai James Ogdcn, .Chapman; Qeorgo Sprcck els, Millard! A. T. Shelenbarger, Ra venna; E. M. Sharer, Hooper; James S Wulsh. Spalding.'' Alternates' Joseph A. Jones. Carroll; Ed P. Van kirk, Hrunswlck; Eugene Smith, Belgrade; John VVllber, Ponca; Thomas Hoctor, South' Omalm; M. B. Scherlngcr, William A. Preston, Mc Lean. FORTUNE TELLER MUST pay Fine or go to jail DENVER, Colo., Fob. S2.-(Spcclnl Tol- cgram.) Miss Anna Lewis, spiritualist and fortune teller, who It Is alleged by her advtca to ono ot her patrons, Carrlo fllavlland, - to have caused the latter to excavate an aero corn field and rasa a largo barn on a farm near Council Bluffs, IuM In scorch of long lost -treasure, today was ordered to pay a fine by County Judge Hood, or stand committed to Jail. The Judgment was the outgrowth ot Mim LcwIk' appeal from the municipal court, where sho waa fined f5 for for tune tolling without, a. license. A ten day stay of execution waa granted. Employed Mora Seek Games, Tho cntoloyed boys second basket ball team of the Council Bluffs Young Men's Christian association would Uka to hear from any team In Omaha and western Iowa. Their average weight Is 110 pounds. They have won a number pf games. Woodblno and Carson are the towns In Iowa preferred. For games, call Alden Harle, St8 Scott street. Council liiuffa, or phono FSB, Pimples Go In a Hurry Blotches, lilncklicads mid All Skin Kruptlons, Disappear When Stuart's Calcium Wafers Aro Used. You non't bo always worrying about wnai your irienas nna straucors think o your "broken-out" face. If you give theio wonderful llttlo wafers a chance. Everyone Will Want to Know What Ton ma. o uduus nucn a Btanurtu, Clir Skin. nmt because they go right to tho emt of the trouble, tho blood, driving out all impurities, strengthening It. toning It up. And when the blood Is tur the skin IS free from blemish. iuari 5 i-aicium warera are per fectly harmless and may bo taken frsely by any one. They contain absolutely no tolsonoua drugti of any nature -tuart'a Calcium Wafers contain Cal cium Sulphide, and u mlUl alternative- ett-ry doctor prescribes them a hundred Hmc a year. They are the roost effec tive blood-cleansers known to man. It doesn't matter whether you havi blackheads and pimples "aorocthlng aw M." or bolls, tetter, rash, carbuncles, erxema, liver spots or a muddy complex oi, try Btuart'd Calcium Wafers and git u surprise In a short' time. You will find them on sale at any drt.g More at 0 acnta a box. Begin taking akin irm t a, cow and see what a vast Imp rnmj ikt place In Just a few Usys. Vincent Astor Sued For $25,000 by Man Injured by His Auto Wllttfe. :?LAlNfl. N. Y.. Feb. St.- Charles 15. Palmer of Tsrrtown has brought suit In the supreme court for ,000 damages against William Vlnowii Astor, son of the late John Jacob Asto, far v Injuries received on September SO. WO, at Irvtngton. According to lalmer. Vincent AstW was driving an automobile at n mile 1 minute along ItroaduW In Irvlngto.i. whip in turning out to pawt a car tw innchlnn crashed Into tho motor cy.l' Panlhter was driving. Palmor. was thrown' thirty feet, he alleges, and h:s left leg and two ribs broken.1 Suit was originally brought against John Jacob Astor, ns Vincent waa under ge. Now that the son has attained als majority the suit Is directed ngalrist htm. The caso came Irtto court' today wim. counsel for Astor asked for a bill of pa.- tlculars. Hikers Mud-Covered After Day's March HAVRE DH QUACK. Md.. Feb. 22 With slightly depleted ranka, "General" Uosallo Jompm- lltllp band of suffrage pil grims struggled Into Huvro dp Grace Just at dusk this evening after a march over the wqrst and muddiest roads tho "army' has encountered since It started Inst week to march to Wnshtngton. Threo of the hikers weio missing when tho main body reached here, but they marched Into town latu tonight. One of tho trio, "Colonel" Ida Craft, wns suffer ing Intensely from badly blistered feet, Tho other two remained behind to assist her. Ho bad was tho walking In stretches that When tho 'troops" reached North east, for luncheon tho marchers looked more Jllto mud, Images than women. To' odd -to' the'lr troubles, the commls sary automobile suddenly took flro on tho road, but it was quickly extinguished With but slight damage to cither the car or Ha contents. GOVERNOR BYRNE NAMES HIS TAX COMMISSION PIERRE. H, D., Feb, 22.-(Hpeclal Tel egram.) Governor Ilyrno named his tax commission this afternoon,' the list being It. C. Preston of Mitchell, O, M. Henry ot Uedflcld and Hugh Smith ot Howard, tho latter tho demociatto member. l Tho house and sonata both settled down today and ran out a long list of bills. The houso passed soveral railway meas ures, ono requiring common carriers to mako station" reports of buslncsn of dif ferent classes, requiring railway com panies to construct unloading platforms for heavy machinery, Intonded to cover unloading automobiles nnd threshing out fits, and a senato bill requiring roada properly to light and protect street cross ing over tracks, but they killed the eon atn bill providing penalties for making falso charges against railway employes, to check the "spotting" system. The speaker announced tho house meri hers ot tho committee for Investigating stato offices and boards, as Anderson, ChrlstoPhchjon and Patterson bf Corson. The house members to investigate tlift charges of money Inlluenco on an In surance hill aro Bush, Biacxweu ma Zoske. Tho senato . commltteo on Judiciary started a now blue sky act to tako tho placo of tho ' different ' bills Introduced earlier In the session covering this issue, Tho houso passed appropriation Dills for $100,000 for Improvements at Yankton asylum and small bills for Improvements at Springfield normal and tho state deat school. Doth houses will bo In recess over t morrow. ONE MORE CHANCE GIVEN VOLUNTEER OFFICERS BILL (From a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON, Feb. S.-(Speclal Tel egramsSenator Brown, who has oeon a persistent champion of tho votunten army officers' bill, which has had a mo it varleagated career in tho committee on military affairs of tho senate, has suc ceeded In getting a reconsideration of the vote, which defeated o favorable repo-t on the bill last week and out ot con for tho senior senator from I Nebraska, a special meeting of the tnl'U tary affairs committee of the senate will be held tomorrow morning. K P. Illgelow haa been appointed post master at Dumfries, rottawauamie county, Iowa, vice II. M. SchulU, re signed. Hural dellverj' route No. X out or Oa- dale, Antelope county, has been atab llshcd to commence May 1. The route Is thirty miles long and will servo ninety- six families- Captain William B. Cowln ot the quar termaster's corps, eon of General J, C. Cowln of Omaha, who has heen on duty hs quartermaster bf the coast artllliry subdlstrlct ot the Potomac, has been or dered relieved by Captain Qeorgo U Hicks. Jr., ot the coast artillery corps and proceed to San Juan, rorto mco. and report In person to the commanding officer of that port for assignment to duty as quartermaster. Captain Cowm honed to secure an assignment in Hawaii. PLATTSM0UTH PLANS TO HAVE NEW CITY JAIL PIiATTSMOUTItTTfcb.. Feb. 2. (8pe- clal.) At a meeting of the Commercial club last night, ft commltteo was ap pointed to confer with the city coun ell, which meets next Monday night, in eferenee to overhauling tho brick barn on the city's property and fit It up fur a olty all. The county Jail having been condemned as unsanitary and unfit for human habitation. It la more than likely the council will take action along the lines suggested by the club. There has been some friction In the past between the city and some ot the county officials regarding fees for com inltments, whleh will disappear when the elty owns Its own prison. Hteps were tukcu, also, looking toward an attempt to prevail on the Burlington ti place a sidetrack and switch con necting up with a valuable rook quarry situated a short distance south of the Burlington's Missouri rive bridge, the quarry to be operated by W. II. Newell who la an experienced quarry man. GEORGE P. BEMIS HURT BY FALL UPON SIDEWALK George P. IJcmls. ex-mayor of Omaha slipped In front of the Omaha National bank last night, wrenching his ankle and sustained painful Injuries. Hi I UVi J. 11 He was abio to make his way home agisted, but It is pntbabir that he b Uld up tor svvvrul days. BIG HERD OF MOOSE IN TOWN Corral on South Seventeenth Street Attracts Crowd of Visitors. ' FAIR STRONG DRAWING CARD Plenty of Amusement Is Furnished All tVhn Attend, nnd Many Stnnia Art; Pnt On to l'Irnse. The storm of yesterday drove all ot tho Moose of eastern Nebraska Into Omaha and last night they herded In the big lodge (and club rooms at 41R South seventeenth street, where they will re main until after Wednesday of next week. night thcro were some COO Mooso In tho corral, and flvo or 'six times as many men and women went to the place to look In on them and make merry. The Mooro in Omaha nt this time are not of tho variety known as bull moosers, nor aro they the kind that once ran rampant through, the forests ot the wilderness, They are members of the Loyal Order of Moose, an organization along tho lines of the Odd Fellows nnd the Klks. Tho Omaha Moose lodge Is compara tively new, but It' already hns DUO mem bers, and the Intention Is to Increnso this membership Just tenfold before tho end of the present year. The Omaha lodgo has taken a long lease on the building formerly occupied by the Uacqut ""lub. Just south ot the Young Men Christian association building. The building has been renovated, remodeled and refur nished and now, though not as large as some, It Is one of the finest appointed club hbuscs In tho city. Tho Moose lodgo has a splendid' lodge room on the first floor, besides club, re ception and reading rooms. In tho base ment thcro Is a cafe, buffet and billiard rooms. It Is a fair that Is bringing so many Nebraska nnd Omaha Moose .to the club rooms, right nt this time, and though the weather was against It there was a crowd In attendance last night. There wore men, women nnd'chlldrcn, and they all had tho time ot their lives. Omaha merchants have donated liberally. Pretty girls are everywhere present to Induce visitors to Invest In tho many articles for sale In tho booths, and there Is no excuse for ono to go away cmpty handed unless tho pocketbook has been forgotten and left nt home. That perfect rdcr may be maintained, a Jail has been located In tho big ball room, half a dozen policemen stationed about tho hall and a Judgo over present to Im pose a fine or a life sentence In the dungeon upon conviction of any lnfrao tlon of the laws governing the fair. Ijit night there were a number of arrests and fines Imposed. One man was fined $23 and costs for simply re marking that ho was glad It snowed. Another wan fined $10 because ho pub licly nhnounced that he was a mooser but not a Mooso. In no caso was ball accepted. Tho culprits wcro kept In Jail until the fines were paid. Nolen on Way Here Under Heavy Guard MEMPHIS, TcntuI Feb. 22.-(Bpecal Telegram.) Heavily armed nnd guarding carefully every movement, half a dozen United States deputy marshals, under the leadership of Beach Jolly and S. W. Johnson, left tonight with Ernest U Nolen to take him to Omaha to await action ot a federal grand Jury, regarding a charge ot attempting to liberate Dlggs Nolen, ft federal prisoner. Federal au thorltles auy they believe Nolen will enter a plea of guilty and take about eighteen -months in the federal prison at Leavenworth Kan. Casey Todd, United States district attorney, said Friday that Nolen offered to enter a pica ot guilty bctoro his preliminary hearing, but the government refused to accept tho proposi tion. Nolen's trial will probably start tn Omaha the first week In March. THOMPSON SAFE AT HOME AFTER TRIP FROM MEXICO 1.INCOUN, Neb., Feb. 22, David IS, Thompson, former United States ambas sador to Mexico, arrived, tn Lincoln to night direct from Mexico City. When Mr, Thompson left the capital tho fight be tween the soldiers ot Madero and Felix DJas was still In progress, The residence of Mr. Thompson, 400 feet from the United States embassy. was In tho' direct lino ot fire, nnd ho believes tho house was struck by not less than a thousand bullets and one shell Ho found departure from the battle swept city a difficult matter, and once outside tho city Itself progress was dlfft cult as rebel b controlled most of the trains nnd would not allow them to be operated for passenger traffic. Part of tho trip was by ox team wagon, 'When he reached Matamoras .lie found tho rebels held the rallroaa from there north. A wagon carried him to Wo Grande and at that point ho was able to secure an automobile to take him to the American line. Mr, Thompson Is unwilling to discuss the political nspects of the country or Its future. He served as ambassador during the presidency ot Porflrlo Diaz, and his acquaintance with Francisco Madero Is limited. Qenornl Huerta, Mr- Thompson said, he regarded as a strong man, prob ably Inclined to policies similar to Por- " " maey. Huerta, he believed, had a strong fol lowing. Tho business element ot tho country, said Mr. Thompson, demands peace, and will probably be loyal to the leader who can bring It about. COUNCIL BLUFFS HIGH DEFEATS NEBRASKA CITY NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Feb. S.-(Spe- clal) Telegram.) Council Bluffs High school quintet tonight defeated Nebrs City. 35 to 33, In an exciting game ot bas ket ball. Nebraska City's coith. sent in a substttuto tor Snyder, a star player, In the first- half and the Bluffs team se cured a big lead, the period ending a to 11. In the last half Nebraska City, wlUi Snyder In the play, made up partUUy for the failure earlier In the game, but did not moke up enough. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising, Movements of Urran Simmers, Tort. Arrlid. Ballet NEW YORK ... rrlastn Irtu. NAPLES AmtrUa. UUEKNSTOWNV .Ctltlr. VANCOUVER JEmp. ot a4ta. SAN FHANi'lBCO Kmi Cl'.j Tammc VICTOHIA BeitlU Matv l.AtfrAIJ4AS SlrUtra BltANCIlAI satMtru. THIS WILTON VELVET RUG, Size 9x12 Worth $35.00 and Offered as a Special at TERMS: $2.00 Cash; $1.50 Monthly Prfoc$19.50 Tho mere fact that wo offer you a extraordinary In itself, but when wo of ton you an article of tho class and quality of tho rug Illustrated above, It is moat extraordinary; be cause tho equal of this rug cannot bo purchased in the regular way for less than $36.00. The Makers This rug is woven in tho mills of ono of tho largest rug makors In this coun try, and a firm whoso reputation for producing fine morchnndlso is nation wide Wo have tholr assurance that they will replace any rug that proves defec tive. URGED TO SMILE, SHE DIES Wife of South Omaha Laborer Swallows Poison. NEIGHBOR MENTIONS A LETTER Three Small Children Ilcsliles Hus band Are Left When lira. Ed Casey Ulven Up the nnttlr. How to live decently with threo small children and her husband, who as a roust about In one of the packing houses makes 13 cents an hour, proved too big a prob lem for Mrs. Mabel Casey, 2 years old, So she drank carbolic acid and killed her self last evening at 6:30 o'clock In a room ing houso at 333 North Twenty-fourth street, South Omahu. Tho dead woman had been despondent for some days, according to neighbors. Her husband, Ed Casey, a hard-working laboring man, had Just returned from work. "Smile," ho said to the despondent wife and mother. Thon he stepped out In the hall for a minute. "Oood-bye, Ed," came n voice trom the room, and when Casey rushed back his wife was beyond tho reach ot aid. Dr. A. H. Koenlg waa called, but arrived after death had taken place. vUndcrslied and Ill-nourished, Kd Casey, the husband of tho dead woman, an swerod the probing questions jot the police in regard to the motlvo that caused his wife to commit suicide. He sold It" was awful hard to get along and that ho had many debts which he thought worried his wife. Ho said ho made JU.W a week on full time. The couple had three children. The eldest la 4 years ot age and the youngest Is 3 months. While Casey told his story to the police, a woman neighbor, standing near the body, said! "Ed, she's dead now. Hat she loved another man. Bh'e got' a let ter yesterday." Casey's humped shoulders straightens! as under a blow. "It aha got a letter last night," he said, "it was the first that I ever know her to keep from me." He seemed to think that the woman I could not be blamed for being tempted I away from a home where the struggle for life was so hard. Casey's eyes seem haunted and look out from a fate that Is almost gaunt- He said he had been brought up In nn orphan asylum since the age ot 6 years. 'I've had a hurd time," he said in a weary sort ot voice to Chief ot Po.'.ce Brlggs. 'I work hard always and bring .l.e money home, but somehow It don't seem to go round. "I always try to bo a man, ho con tinued, "even though I am poor. But If you have to take my children from rno I hope you won t send them tc an asylum or to a public Institution." Chief ot Police Brlggs said he wculd try to find a home for the flilldreu. Deputy Coroner Bernard Larkln -lok charge of the body ot Mrs. Casey. An Inqueet will be held today. SLIP UPON ICY SIDEWALK CAUSES FRACTURED BONES Martin rtausen, an employe ot the Wil low Springs Brewing company, slipped on nn lay sidewalk at Seventeenth and Har ney streets early last night and broke his foot at the Instep. He was taken to St Joseph's hospital and attended by Police Surgeon Harris. Clausen resides at 5306 North Twenty-ninth street. gjjjjjjggjjjggjjjggjjgj 9x12 Wilton rug for $10.50 In not Union utfittingO OMAHA E.COR.16aO CONSOLIDATED WITH (Peoples Pornlture Bellevue Orator Wins First Place in State Contest YOItK. Neb,, Feb. 22. (Special Tele gram.) Belleyuc's orator, Alford Hanna, won first place tonight In tho Inter collegiate oratorical dcibato and will represent Nebraska In the interstate oratorical contest to be held at West ern, O. Second place "went to Roy C. Dady of Cotncr university, who will bo a delegate to the convention field 'tn connection with tho Interstate contest. Following was the program: "Tho Evi dences of. Christianity in Civilization." Mlna H. Epley, York college; "Anglo Saxon Obligation," Clarenco A. Davis. Nebraska Wcsloyan university; "Con servation of the Criminal," Stewart D Rough, Doane college; "The United States and tho Peace Problem," Preston Mc- Avoy, Crelghton university; "Tho Ne.v Immigration," Roy C. Dady, Cotner uni versity; "The Inspiration of History,' Alford Hanna, Bellevuo college; "Social Ism," Rodney S. Dunlap, Hastings col lege;; "The Other Half." Lloyd Hansen, Grand Island college, Judges were Judge S. H. Sedgwick, Superintendent R. N. Campbell, Prof. Buck. Referees, Judge A. Q. Wray and U. A. Ward. Marshall and Wife Home from Vacation INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. 21 The vice president-elect and Mrs. Thomas R. Mar shall returned to their homo here today after spending a two months' vacation In Arizona, visiting the parents of Mrs. Marshall. They will depart next Wednes day for Washington. Mrs, Marshall, whoso attitude on the suffrage question has caused much dis cussion in Washington, decided today that sho was not a suffragist. BUSINESS MEN ADDRESS JUDICIARY COMMITTEE (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Feb. K (Special Telegram.) A delegation of business men represent ing the Business Men's association ot the state were given a hearing before the Joint judiciary commltteo of the legis lature this evening on tho employers' liability bills. Among the number were: John W. Towlc, Omaha Structural Steel company; J, W. Burgess, Dempster Mill 'company, Beatrice; Edmund Simmons, Scott's Bluff Sugar factory; Amos Thomas, Omaha smelter; John Westover, Lincoln Struc tural Steel company; A. E. Wilkinson, Beatrice Creamery company; F. E. San born, representing the Omaha employers, and Frank Elllck of the Omaha Print ing company. OVERALL WILL REFUSE TO PLAY WITH CHICAGO LOS ANGELES. Cal., Feb. 2S.-Orval Overall will not sign the contract sent to him by Manager Evers of the Chicago Nationals, and If required to pitch for Chicago he will remain out ot base ball, according to a statement he made last night Overall said he would play thr coming season If Evers would trade him to some other team. Otherwise he would remain In Los Angeles. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. Terms $2.00 cash, ?1.C0 monthly. These chaser exactly ono year in which time enable him to enjoy the beauty and added comfort of a high grade rug while paying for; same, and if you were to pay spot cash tho prlco would be the same. IB - JACKS0N ST2 THE PEOPLES STORE. Carpet Co.) BRIBE FOR THAW REJECTED Asylum Head Refuses $20,000 to Free White's Slayer. ACTIVITY BY SULZER DENIED Inanlrr Results from AnaerUon that Governor Desire Ilcleasc ot Notorious Patient Opinion na to Snnltr Not Given. ALBANY, N. Y Feb. 22. Dr. John W. Ruasoll, superintendent of the Matteawan state hospital for the criminal Insane, testified today heforo Governor Sulzer's committee of Inquiry that he hnd been offered $20,000 If ho would releaso Harry K. Thaw. The offer, he said, was made during the latter part of 1912 by p. lawyer, whoso namo ho could not remember, in nn "uptown hotel" in New York City und was refused. This testimony was developed during an investigation of reports that William F. Clark, secretary of the committee, re cently had requested Dr. Russell tn ro lease Thaw on the ground that such an action was desired by Governor Sulzer, Tho governor himself had said previously that ho had authorized no one to make such a request. Dr. James V. May, chairman of the state hospital commission, another wit ness, told of having been approached by Clark several days ago with tho same re quest. Dr. May said he told Governor Sulzer ot the Incident and the governor said he- would not Interfere In the Thaw caso and had not authorized anybody to say ho would. Clark, when sworn today, denied, having told either Dr. Russell or Dr. May that the governor wanted Thaw released. Ho said, however, he had visited Dr. Russell while investigating a report tlmt the lat ter had received 5,000 to free Thaw. ALBERT VIEREGG KILLED ' BY ACCIDENT WITH GUN GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Feb. 2.'.-(Spa- clal Telegram.) Albert VIercgg, nged S3, was Instantly killed here this oycnlng. While sweeping odt his office he over turned a gun with his 'broom, tho weapon being discharged, the contents passing through his heart. He was a member of tho firm of Vieregg & Son, manufacturers of mineral water nnd a member of the state association. Ha was also prominent In whist circles of the state, taking part In many large contests. Hair Stops Falling, Dandruff Disappears 25 Cent "Danderine" Save Your 'Hairl Beautify itl Invigorate your scalp Danderine grows hair and we can prove it. Within ten minutes after an applica tion of Danderine you cannot find a sin gle trace of Dandruff or a loose or fall ing hatr and your scalp will not Itch, but what will please you most will be after a, tew weeks' use, when you will actually see new hair, fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. A little Danderine will Immediately dou ble the beauty ot your hair. No differ ence how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw It through your hair, tak $1950 t terms, you know, will give the pur to liquidate his bill and at tho samo v A l I yeiors ana yesign The beautiful shadings and the soft harmonious colorings blend notably in these rugs. The design illustrated above gives a true impression of tho design ot of ono of tho rugs wo show. Study tho illustration carefully and then make a personal inspection of these rugs. Public Buildings Bill is Reported Out of Committee (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Feb. 22.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Tho report of the senate c.ommlt tee on the public buildings bill carried the following Items for Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota and Wyoming: Nebraska Lincoln. '5173,000; McCook, $75,000 for now building: Alliance, $75,000 for postoffice, land office and weather bureau; Aurora, $10,000; Falls City, $65,000; Chndron, $110,000; Wahoo, $60,000; Central City, $50,000. Iowa For new buildings and increases: Washington. $S0,O00; Muquoketa, $50,000; Charles City. $70,000; Urlnnell, $90,000; Charlton. $70,000; Carroll, $70,000; Chero kee, $70,000; Glenwood. $50,000; Vinton, $70. 000; Cedar Falls, $05,000. For sites: Fair field, $10,000; Oolweln, $8,000; Marengo, $5,000; Newton. $10,000. For site nnd build ing: Des Moines, $350,000, with authority to sell tlie present lots und building. South Dakota For new buildings: Red field, $65,000; Madison, $65,000; Belle Fomchc, $75,000; Chamberlain. $60,0od. For sites: Mllbank, J7.500; Vermilion, $7,600, Wyomlng-BaBln. $50,000; Buffalo, $63,600; Cody, $50,000. For site: Newcastle, $3,000. MANY BILLS ENDORSED BY CENTRAL LABOR UNION C t. Shamp and L. V. Guyc, candidate! tor election to the charter revision com mittee, were endorsed by the Central La bor union last night. The minimum wage bill, tho eight-hour work day for women bill, tho mothers' pension bill, the eight hour state employes' bill and tho employ ers' liability bill were approved by the body. Culls from the Wire President-elect WUson saw a Broadway musical comedy last night and gave every evidence ot heartily enjoying the per formance Presentation of evidence In tho trial of J. B. Hnced, accused of the murder of A. (1. Boyce, Jr., at Amarlllo, Tox;, was concluded, - Tur Bubonic I'lnsae destroys fewer lives than stomach, liver and kidney diseases, for which Electric Bitters Is the guaranteed remedy. 50c. For sale at Beaton Drug Co. Advertise ment. ing one small strand at a time. The ef fect is amazing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an Incomparable luster, softness and luxuriance, the beauty and shimmer of true balr health. Get a 23 cent bottle of Knowlton's Dan derine from any drug store or toilet coun ter, and prove to yourself tonight now that your hair Is as pretty and soft aa an)- that it has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment that's all you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of It If you will Just try a little Dan derine. Advertisement