OCR Interpretation

Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1913, WANT AD SECTION, Image 56

Image and text provided by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99021999/1913-02-23/ed-1/seq-56/

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Polly and Her
QUjviJIiauJS- hit aJ. 3uxlAj Xculs
9 - v -
-tiW T3
t6 ' 7tAr2- c' cUvoct (Vo
JnOf tairUy UtZr-
ifL M ft
Now double brick tints, cast front,
near 26th and Harney, renting to
first-class tenants under yearly lease
for $1,560 per annum. Built less
than one year ngo. Finished In hard
wood throughout, including all
floors. Plumbing, heating and wir
ing all by high class firms. This
property pays ovor 12 not. THINK
OF IT. Price 111, COO. Owned by
nonresident who Is anxious to sell.
It will pay you to seo this. A
really first-class Investment.
1236 City National. D. 1472.
Owner has moved oast .and will
noil his now 6-room houao In Dundco
nt a great sacrifice, nuilt one year
ago, all modern; hardwood finish on
first floor, full size basement, with
laundry facilities; full slzo lot, GOx
128; nice lawn, paved stroet and ce
ment sidewalk, Priced at only
2,C00, and u snap at that, but I am
ordered to let go immediately for
what It will bring.
Any offor considered.
Tho house is 4809 Webster St.
1236 City Nat Dank. D. 1472.
For Sale
North front, vacant lot. 1(31x122 6-10 on
Dodge street nenr 28th, subjoct to unpaid
Installments of special taxes.
Night-room modern .home, east
front, corner lot. 60x171, both
streets paved, on enr line, garage,
lift! H. SM.Rt,
West KuniAin district, nine-room
modern house, lot extends from
Farnam to Harney streets, and
both streets am paved.
4117 Fnrnam St.
All modern, almost new, seven
room hoi) so, good barn, lot 00x120.
1721 Yan Camp Avo.
Good six-room cottage,
plumbing, near car line.
067 N. nth 8t.
Eight-room cottngo. south front,
paved street, lot tsxlto.
2519 Rees St.
Vacant lot, south front, CSxllZ,
permanent walk, street graded,
water and gas, threo blocks from
car line, convenient to school.
30th and Illohdo Sts.
Price, I37C; $1 down uud 10 per
month Without Interest.
Alfred C. Kennedy
209 First National Bank Bldg.
Phono Douglas '2?.
Special Snap
Two Lots $2,350
100x135 Feet
At the southwest corner of 6lt and
Hurt Sts. we have two of tho very best
lots In this beautiful residence district.
Proper building restrictions have madu
this irtlo of the best places around
Oman for those who want a site for a
fine home. Both streets are paved and
splendid homes have been built ull
around. It U close to the new boulu
vurd. Happy Hollow club and car lino.
Look it over today and see us Monday.
Charles W. Murtin & Co.
1U1 Omaha NutlonalyBank Bldg.
Must go away and I will sacrifice my
C-room house (ulmom new) at J1.1C0
worth $1,400) to get $190 In cash. Then
easy payments. Big ground, 'good car
line, neat big now school and parks.
J 'la I n hou. has electric light and floors
Painted upstairs und varnished down.
Needs painting- Must veil by Tuesday
morning. Address K 3, Bee.
West Farnam
Ten rooms, strictly modern; hut water
heat, tile bath; walls canrased and deco
rated, south and east front corner lot:
location fine. Complete gurogo. Worth
$12,&, asking $11,001 Want offer.
Glover & Spain
JtlS-B City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 386J.
3926 No. 20th St.
Six rooms and bath: entirely modern;
east front; on Florence bird.; lot 00x121
t Ji.300.
Arthur J. McShane
U First Nafl Bank. Tel. Doug. U78.
$300 Down
bals.net $23 per month, beys this beauti
ful t-room and bath; bouse two years
old. built by owner lor a home.
Doug. $171 400 Paxton Bile
FINK building lots fur sale; $1 down
and lOo p?r wctk. 1011 City National
Basic B143.
Pals nter Deia
SSJl" ?f TWEPfi Sm- SmMie lf StoEBoy. keeo rr no more, r1 KljW-JHir llfSuES veu,
MT YE , HAMO l i 3 ' .m "
r .
0 m
oitv property for bai.b
Pi,"!A- rooms, .all modern, hot water
neat, ohk ana mrcn (inisn: large
cistern; good neighborhood; locuted
In beautiful Dundee.
J5,500 S rooms, all modern, furnace heat,
south front lot soxl&o: pavcu street;
located near California and Central
Blvd., within walking distance and
close to Crelehton university.
$,300 fl rooms all modern; hot water
neat; mint tor a home: large soum
front lot; owner leaving city;
maken this bargain price. Located
In Dundee.
$3,!X-nec. hall, parlor, dining room,
kitchen finished In oak on first
floor; three larxs bedrooms', bath
and sleeping porch on second floor;
naved street; south front lot; close
to car line and sohooli located near
Bemls nurk.
U.KOG roms, all modem, corner lot tax
130, paved street, good neighbor
hood; close to school and car;
located In Field club district; $300
cash: balance on time.
$2,800 rooms, all modern ex. heat; good
basement: house but a rew years
old: south front lot 60x123, rhade
and fruit trees, paved streot; lo
cated In north part of city; $500
cash; balance time.
$2,500 S rooms, all modorn, with good
attlo; houao but four years old:
lot 60x132; one block to car; located
near SSth and Fort tits.; $iOO cash;
balance monthly. i
$l,tK-6-room house with city wator,
sewer, gaa, storm windows,
screens, large attic; lot GOX120;
paved street: located near Vinton
school, In south part of city,
$1,R00 rooms, clcctrlo lights, gaa, nice
cemented cellar, cement walks,
nice lot, close to car and new
school: located near iZX and Grand
Ave. i 1300 rash! balance mnnthlr.
$1,600 rooms, brand new. stairway to
second floor, with sjiaco ror two
more rooms, nice cellar, east front
lot: located near 13th and Q Sts.,
South Omaha; $M cash; balance
$15 por month.
310-312 nrandels Theater Blag.
Sacrifice Sale
Kountze Place
1808 Lothrop St.
A splendid, practically new. two
story square house, In one of the
nicest locations In Kountzo Place,
on south front lot SOxlM feet, on
paved street! with the entire block
hullt up with fine homes. The
house has reception hall, living
room, dining room, kitchen, but
ler's pantry and rear entry on first
floor; i fine corner bedrooms and
bathroom on second floor, stair
way to largo floored attic. The liv
ing rooms aro finished In oak, with
f, two pairs of colonnade openings and
fine oak floors. All of Uie roams In
the house are nicely decorated; flue
combination lighting fixtures. There
are screens for nil windows. The
back yard Is fenced and thero Is
nn especially nice lawn with ter
race. Ton will find this houaa com
plete and thorough In every way,
and the owner has spent a lot of
money keening the place In good
condition. This place is worth $6,000.
If sold this week can be bought for
$4,CM. It Is Just as represented.
Don't bother tenant. Seo us today.
Chnrlos W. Martin, & Co.
1018 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.
F. S. Trullinger
Fine West Farnam
Close to 36th und Harney 8ts., in that
finest of residence districts we have a U
room house that Is bound to please tho
discriminating buyer, Large living room
with Ingle nook and fireplace, den, dining
room, butler's pantry and kitchen on flret
floor. All finished In the finest of uuor
ter sawed oak except kitchen and pantry.
Four tine bedrooms and tiled, bath on
second floor Woodwork, white enamel.
lArge attic over entire house. Space for
maid's room If desired, lixtra bath In
basement. This Is a beautiful home on a
flna W-foot front lot. only one block
from West Farnam car line. Might con
sider a first class lot In Dundee as part
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Ti'r 210-12-14 State Bank Bldg.
3311 Larlmora Ave., fine home, large,
modern porches; excellent condition;
owner lives In house; don't fall to look
It through It In the market for a good
home cheap; owner wll show It; only
$2,600 for a short time; can have terms
on part It desired. W. W, Mitchell. Bte
Bldg.. Douglas IPS.
A1U2 vou going to build? Have Btolten
berg do It, 4MB. of T. Bldg.
EXCELLENT lot. 60xl, at Twenty
third and Lake, for small apartment,
flat or house. Low price. Owner, Web
ster SUl
New 7-room house, modern; 1 block
from car. full basement. 1L KbT.
SOUTH PART OF CITX t-rpom bouse
in? P. IHn 6t- For sale br mrstr.
MUST sll modern V-xoom turns 1 blocs:
u. or high scpoot. iTtce M a.
U-ROOU bouse, Kounts PUea. Otnas.
$7,000, dear, also otbsr clear Omasvs
property- Want California. UX W. Si
tu ms Aturaiaa. ul
NEW (-room cottage, all modern. CUii
at ITU Mandtreon.
vom e Country
ti'iv iwioprsiiTY port sam:,
Three New
Ono-Tenth Cash, Balance
1540 South 25th Ave., $3,700
6 rooms, parlor, dining room, vestibule,
and den, all finished In oak; kitchen and
upstairs In best grade yellow pine. Two
large bedrooms and bath. Downstairs
den has clothes closet; can be used for
bedroom If desired. Full foundation, ce
mented cellar; sidewalk; $370 cash, $37 a
1546 South 25th Ave., $3,200
6-room bungalow; oak In two rooms,
rest pf house finished In yellow pine;
bath room opens Into a little hall leading
Into both bedsooms. Iarge hullt-ln cup
board in kitchen; Icebox room, large
cellar, furnace, cemented' sidewalks, yard
sodded. Ready to move Into; $330 cash,
$33 a month,
1337 S. 21st St., $2,350
4 large rooms, stairway to socond floor
from living room; upstairs floored, but
not finished; all modern except furnace;
full cellar, sink In cellar, with hot and
cold water connections. $135 cash, $23.60
a month,
Good Bargains
I have sold six largo buildings In the
last thirty days because they were all
bargains. I have two left which are
positively worth buying and If you look
at them and If you are in the market, you
will not pass them over.
Three up-to-date brick flats only a short
walk from1 postofflct. 71M5-17 North th.
renting far $1,400 per year. Price $12,000,
half cash. ,
A 74-room hotel, pressed brick, orig
inally cost $75,000, In a very clean loca
tion, renting at present for $4,000 per year.
Owner asked fW.WO, half cash will
handle It. Positively a bargain.
J. B. Robinson
422 Beo Bldg., Phono Doug. 8007.
To Home Buyers
For sale by owner, residence at 4227
Harney street, S rooms, all modern, fur
nace heaf, full site lot, cement walks,
paved street, worth $3,600 for business
reasons; anyone with $1,00 cash can se
curo this at a bargain. Phone Harney
' fa-7ri j swrif (it MIaa tmniA. a Inn
fine for renting; new, well-built, square
two-story house, all modern, sold all
other property and wish to leave. Look
It over ana maso oner.
Park district, on block from car tine;
strictly modern; gas and electricity; firjt
class property; want a .roon modern
house as part payment. Address D 183,
VAltn anriulvnn wnn't ntf in
build that house here's one all ready for
you beautifully located, strictly modern
S-room house In Dundee $3,600. A money4
saver and what you'll want. Call Har
ney Lwa.
vnn HAt.K All modem house. 6 living
rnnmn. tiled bath room, front and rear
vestibule; full basisvient, furnace heat.
electric llphtt lot 41X1K. we can Ben
this below cost; easy terms, $:,600. 'Phone
Nebraska Havings & Loan Ass'n, 1006
Farnam St.
FOR BXUS CHBAP-f3.acre fruit farm.
1W miles of Council Bluffs postotflce, 3
blocks from street car; 10 acres In grapes,
6 acres lit cherries; all bearing; lurgn
house, barn and other outbuildings; all
In good repair. Will take smaller prop
erty in trade. Tel. weuster oa.-
ON13 acre, three houses, $3 mo.j $1,100
cash, balance same as rent.
1102 Browne street. Webster 10C2.
California land excursions 1st and $4
Tues. V. T, Smith Co.. , Cltr Nat. Pa.
In tha Lucerne valley, about 100 miles
from Los Angeles, you can raise five
crops of alfalfa on this land, or from
six to seven tons per acre; water at
shallow depth; land can bo taken as
homestead or desert land entry, 160 to
Hi acres location, arm surveying tl per
acre. Relinquishments selling at $10 to
$1S per acre. For particulars, write
Louis I. Gordon, 148 N. Fair Oaks Ave.,
Pasadena. Cal.
EASTERN Saskatchewan grain and
stock farms. Improved or raw, right prices
and easy terms. If Interested write D. T.
Deselm. XUI Bprague. Oroaba.
80S acres subdivided, excellent for fruit.
dairy, chlckena, stock and truck garden
ing. Located 6 miles north of Council Bluffs
postoffice ana I mues oortneajK oc
Outhi postoXOc.
Let us show you same bars'slns.
Council Bluffs. la.
A vary good farm of about 115 acres,
well tuprored. about S miles from Under
rood. Ml; torn alfalfa: some pasture,
ith living wattr and good com iaad.
ftutt M wx acre
Tfcsi farm sUo for gala at npO per exru.
It Peart Bt.
Counotl Blutfa. lows.
10,000 ACRES Finest Orange
and Grape Fruit Land in
To be sold In section tracts. Splendid
location on railroad, near Gulf, between
Brockvllln and Tampa. Unexcelled pro
position for subdividing. Will be sold Ir.
section tracts (W0 acres) at public auction,
March 7. As many as four purchasers
can combine In purchasing one section,
taking 160 acres each. Terms, one-fourth
1'iisti, balance spread over three years.
This land Is In the heart of tho best
citrus fruit belt In Florida. Many thous
ands of acres In this locality are nou
being successfully cultivated for fruits,
vegetables and general farming. Also
tho center of the new Sisal hemp Industry
in Florida. This Is tho kind of land which
brtngB annual profits of $500 per acre.
Bpeclal through train with sleepers and
dining car service will bo run direct from
Chicago to the land, leaving March 4.
Free transportation to purchasers. This
great atlstlon sale will be held right on
tho ground, so every purchaser can see
what they are bidding on. Get your
friends together nt once, and purchase
a section or more of this land. This Is
nn unparalleled opportunity to purchase
the best there Is In Florida land way
below tho prevailing retail prices. The
entlro tract contains over 20,000 acres.
Will sell 10.000 acres at auction on March
7 practically every nlternato section In
order to provide quick funds for develop
ing and Belling AT RETAIL the remain
ing 10.000 acres. Every acre will positively
bo sold regardless of value. Write today
for maps and dlscrlptivo circulars. How
many extra circulars can you use for
friends? Act at once.
1123 Commercial National Bank Bldg,
$5,000 Yearly Profit
From 10 Acres
, - i i . n ,1 vr-faHlA farm.
r lOI Kiii uiiun , vv. .
Only $250. payable. $10 down and $10 per
month. Wo ore south of tho frost line,
1 I Tl .... . nntmlV HAfTin (IflWII II Till
look us over on the next excursion. Book
let free, uryant et ureenwooa, ivepuum.
Blug, mucso,
nnrn 1J frA 4n f nfrn nt Inn re
gardlng roeourcea, opportunltleB, soil, cli
mate, farmlnBT, trucklnar. factories and
county, write Board of Trade, Lakeland,
KANBA8 FARMS and ranches for sals;
10 to 25,000 acros: write for free list. V. K.
MQUKTTK. Kauna. Kan.
r uit .jv , .j ...... ... u...
tmh A mil., nnrth.aiit ITnwnrd! 25
muiMR, - ....,1.0 t . ,
acres pasture, 10 acres orchard (apples
and peaches); plenty water, cisterns and
wells; good 6-room house, good barn,
etc: good school just across road; all
good land; $55 per acre. Terms: Two.
thiras casn; wani to sen, account umitr
In other business., Address Combination
Lock Box 34, Howard, Kan., Owner.
FOR SALE 640 acres In Park region -of
Minnesota; fine laying land; 600 acres
cultivated, balance pasture, with living
water; two sets buildings one on each
half hectlon; 14-room house, barn 48x40
for 17 head horses, Individual stalls for 25
head milch cows, room for young stock;
square granary, with silo in one side;
root cellar capacity, 1,000 bushels; hog
hduao connected with this granary; two
corn cribs; all yards fenced with woven
wire; good weu, wind mm, eievatea tana,
etc.; small orchard of apple trees, plums,
com nana cherries, strawberry bed. etc.
On the west half section Is a 9-room
house, granary, barn, loo house and other
buildings, duck ot eacn set oi Duuaings
Is a natural grove, with blue grass and
clover pasture; 120 acres seeded to fall
rye, 100 acres timothy and clover, rest
for corn, oats, potatoes, etc This land
Is four miles northwest of Staples, a
thriving town where prices tor all
produce Is always good; one-half mile to
cheese factory and school; creamery four
miles: R. F. I. route; telephone In house.
Land Is a sandy loam, good tor corn,
oats, potatoes, clover, etc. Price, $60 an
acre for east half section; $45 for west
half section. This farm will carry $16,000
encumbrance. Possession could be given
March 15. For other particulars, address
Mclntyre Bros., Btaplcs, Minn.
IMPROVED farms, SIO to $80 nera. if
located In eastern Nebraska worth 1100;
gently rolling black limestone pralrlej
Alfalfa, six tons; corn, 100 bushels acre.
Communities Illinois farmers. G. P, Steb.
bins, 1610 Chlcagu St.
I0 ACRES, Cass county, Missouri, one
mile county seat; small Improvements; 40
miles of Kansas City; a bargain; $6S;
terms. Howard & Son. Harrlsonvllle. Mo.
LAND open to entry at Valler, Mont, Fif
teen annual payments. Section famous
for grain, grasses. vegetables; well
adapted dlveralled farming. For particu
lars write. Valler Farm Sales Co., Box
1 Valler. Mont.
Well Improved 80: SVi miles out; easy
terms; possession given. Price, $5,000. J,
T. Campbell, Litchfield, Neb.
Price Goes up Mch. 1
proved. 6arpy county farm; gently rolling,
best of soil, choice location, extra good
goods for the money; Price $125 per acre
for Immediate sale; extra terms, $3,000
cash, bail Slice B years at only S per cent.
Owner says PRICE GOKfl UP TO $140
1. when reaUr gets on. although extra
price, terras and possession if sold now.
This will make you money. Remember,
possession given jf desired.
ms-mt City National Bank Bldg.
FINE, Improved, level, black fO acres.
with grove, big house, barn, good water,
adjoining Gothenburg. Neb.; real bar
gain. Corns and see at once, at Gentxler,
"FOR BALE at a bargain: One section
ot land. S miles south of Arnold. Kebu a
railroad town; $9,000 utU handle this:
$5,009 cash and remainder in tour annual
payments; no agents. A. Q. Hoffman,
Forest Grove, Ore.
Improved Farm
160 Acres
Extra fine, new Improvements.
Close to town and school.
Only fifty miles from Omaha,
Good flxed-up home-like place to live.
Lays nearly level; awful rich ground,
Must raise some money and will sell
this awful cheap and make somebody a
big bargain tnat has the money.
No agents has got this to sell.
Write me direct.
Don't answer unless you have the cash
and mean business.
WUI glvo possession of farm In thirty
My address, Postofflce Box No. 633.
Omaha, Neb.
GAINS. 2S0 acres, all choice valley land, omy
3 miles from the city ot North Platte
owner nonresident and is forced to hUF;
has reduced prlco from $50 to $30 an acre
for a quick sale,
400-acre farm, mostly In the Wood Rlvor
valley, northwest from Kearney on the
Callaway line, 240 cultivated, 30 aflalfa;
close to town; Is a bargain at $30 an
acre; owner needs some money, but will
carry back one-half on the farm at 6
per cent Interest. W. W. Mitchell, Uoe
Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
1,920 acres fine grass and hay land;
fenced; good house: 3 wells; windmills
and tanks; near R. R.; 160 miles ot
Omaha; In the corn belt. Will take care
of t0 head of cattle. Act quick.
Aortii UilkulH.
FOR SALE Well 'Improved 720-acre
farm In Wells county, N. D. ThU farm
contains best soil, lies level, all tillable,
good buildings, grove, plenty good water.
3 miles from station, not far from. Car
rlngton. N. D. Must be sold before first
of March; will sell at a bargain if taken
soon. Write Fred Guseck. Heaton, N, D.
FOR BALE In Spokane valley, choice
142 acres fruit and alfalfa farm; well Im
proved; great barguln tor quick sale.
Address owner, S. 8. Driver, Union Stock
Yards, Chicago. .
' MIscellaneoDs.
$10 DOWN, $5 monthly buys 40 acres
oak farming land. Other farms for sale
and for rent. W. M. Durham, Monteer,
MtilP live stock to South Omaha. Save
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt snd careful atten
tion. 1,1 vo Stock Commission Merchants.
BYEnS UROa & CO. Btrong. reliable.
CLIFTON Com. Co.. ttt Exchange Bldg.
MARTIN BROS. A Co.. Exchange Bldg.
HTrlcnoJ3EIlK MRj-rriNO.
' The annual meeting of the stockholders
or Tns lies junusmng compp.ny win ue
held at The Bee office, Omaha, at 4
o'clock p. m. on Monday, March J, 1913,
for tha election of a board ot directors
for the ensuing year and for the trans
action of,. .iuch other business as may
property cf me before the meeting.
By -order of the president.
Fi-Ml N. P. FKIL. Secretary.
Burlington Station -Truth A llaaon.
Denrrr Umlte4 . ...........
Cfclcuo-Ociiih ...........
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Twlo-CHr Fanr b I US am a pa
stous cur - f.!
Kmtrsoa AKomsutfatloa b 4:00 pra b f.19 am
a oailr. b czeept Sandax. e Sunday only,
UlKnourt PaeWto
Asbsra Ul b t:M pa kl:u aa
la) aallT. (bl eaUy xrp SbsSm. lei Saaday.
XXXIOX STATION- Tenth nud Moaoa.
Chlestsro. Book Jalana Jt racltl
XTTI tu Kxnraas. a 1:11
I-...,.., am suiii pm
i. ...a lial m . &.a
Cblcao Kxpraai " pm a ilia pa
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Dh afotiwa Local raaucr.,a iixl pm altu nm
CMace-Kb. Ut to Unoalns SKS aa a I
Cklau-CaUraAa Kilnaai ...a 1;M pea a 4
nalaBoaa Texas Ezprnas... 4:11 pm aU
nntk-r ouaUla UmlUd....UOT pm at
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OXUbama Taxas awn.Ji a:u pm aU:W am
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Cnual tola" La1 f, m an am
rubers. 1 -"U - blOSpm
jMaA IrU a . .... .
for The Bee by
CblcaKO, MHwsBliie .V: t. 1'uul
Orcrland Utnltta a 7:(0 pm a 1:11
Chtcato Special ...a 4:0 pm a 7M
Dner-rortland Limited a 0:00 pm all Ml
Cblcaco Daylliht Special a I:lu am all:4l
Colo-Calltornta Bxprcas ........ a till
p.rry Looal atl:
Chlcuso & NorthtreatPrn-
Tain City Exp. a T:is am al:
Dakota Paaianstr . b T;4S am a M
Bleux City lcal a J:M pm a 1:21
Ulnnaaota Biprtaa a 7:00 pm alJ:lo
Dakota Kxprta. a J:oo tm wo.to
Tla City Limited a :00 pm a 7:S
Dnr SPll l,,Sm
Carroll Local 7:01 am a J .00
Havkty Bipre" ' 1IU
Chloato Local alt:0i pni aj.jj
Carroll Local a sM pm .10:00
Cblcato Special a 4'pi. u a 7:10
racKlo Coat-Chlcaio a :3S pm al:li
Oterland Limited a 7:JJ pm a :io
Faat Malt so KPrtM :M a :J0
Loa AniU Limltad ....a :10 pia ajlsaj
Cbadn Local a 1:00 aa
Llncoln-Dillai 1:00 in a :50
Lincoln-Long Plna a l-.U 5 in al0:U
Haitlnt-SuPrlof blllJi.m b 4:20
Daadwood-Uot Sprints ..... .a :S5 Dm 4;jo
Catpr-Lan4f a l:H pm ai1:00
Alblon-Oakiala b (:10 pm b lijj
Wabash -
Omaha A St. Louis Eipreas..a :S0 pm a 1:15
Mall and Eiprtta a 7:0! am all:lt
Sunbarry Local (Irom C. D.).b t:V0 pm blOill
Stlasonrl l'ticlflc
K. C & St Louli Etpres..a 1:00 am a 7.00
g C. St. Louli Eipreas..altiU pa a :4i
K. C. St. Louli Limited. .al0:ti am l::o
Would Require l.'t.OOO Horse Power
to Reproduce It Artificially
for a Second.
It Is hardly possible to use Instruments
for the purpose of figuring the forces of
lightning, yet thero are many other ways
ot calculating familiar to every math
ematician. The amount of light given by
a single lightning" flash Is enough to Illu
minate an area two miles square. The
bolt Itself would be vlslblo several miles
further off, but the remotest part of the
region mentioned would have as much
light as would be given by a candle
quite enough to read by. To produce
such a light It would be necessary to ex.
pend 13,000 horsepower for a second. These
figures appear very large, but the time
Is short. The flash might bo for only
one one-thousandth part of a second, but
the Impression on tho eye would con
tinue for a tenth of a second, anywuy.
Figured down to an exact hour this
amount of force would mesn only about
four horsepower.
According to tho engineer, lightning
flashes usually occur within thunder
clouds and only rarely from one ordinary
cloud to another, or from a cloud to the
ground. They Jseem to follow the rapid
condensation ot vapor In the air and tn
he caused by. that phenomenon. The kind
of electricity formed In a thunder cloud
Is not like that which Is produced v
electrical Tnrvchlnery. Lighting Is static
electricity, tho same kind as Is produced
by rubbing umber with silk. When a
body like a brass globo Is charged wl.h
static electricity tho charge stays on the
surface of It. Tho quantity of a full
charge Is limited by the area over which
It can spread.
When a large number of vapor pnrtlclcs
unite to form, a raindrop their electrical
charges are combined, but there Is not n
much surface on . big drop as on tha
many particles which went Into It. Con
sequently there Is more electricity tliu.i
the drop can hold. It must hunt up
other accommodations, either ( In some
cloud or on tho earth- Flashes In the
clouds are often several miles long. Thco
flashes are composed of a chain ot small
flashes. The remedying of one over
charged cloud by a discharge Into another
Increases tho load of that cloud and a
number of discharges are needed to even
things up.
Lightning discharges from one cloud
to another or on the earth differ grentlv
In force. Some -lightning bolts are very
heavy and splinter trees Into toothpicks,
destroy buildings and fuse rocks. Others
are more mild and do little or no dam
age. The question of how the static electric.
Ity gets In the clouds Is very difficult to
nnswer. One theory In that It Is gen.
erated by the evaporation of water by
the sun's rays. Another that static dis
charges are continually taking place from
tho earth Irio the air and are thsre
readily collected by particles ot moisture.
When tho particles of moisture condenae
they form heavy thunder clouds, and thl
formation of raindrops causes the light
ning flashes as explained. Electric News.
Adrentnroua Life of Monarch of
Swan Island In the Carib
bean Sea.
Alonzo Adams, the monarch of Swan
Island In the Caribbean sea, and famil
iarly known as "King" Adams died ab
the Massachusetts General hospital of
Boston recently.
The story of "King" Adams' life reads
like one ot the most Interesting of ro
mances. He was born in Ellsworth, Me.,
and early manifested a desire to wander
about the world. He went to aaa and
followed this career for a number of
years, first as a fisherman and later on
sailing vessels plying between this coun
try and various ports In distant parts of
the world. Nearly twenty-five years ago
he engaged In coast trading In a Uttlo
fishing packet which he owned. About
thts time a number of men became In
terested tn the mining- ot phosphate In
the Cartbbe&a sea and formed the Al
bion Chemical oompsuir. This company
chartered the flshfor peackct owned by
Adams, with him aa master, and tttt&l
Cliff Sterrett
out the craft to locate one of the phos
phate Islands off the coast of Cuba and
mine the product.
The passage of the vessel was stormy,
but It finally reached the Island, which
had been charted. The company's ven
ture proved to bo unsuccessful, Adams,
however, had faith in tho proposition
and after the company had relinquished
its claim he assumed control, subduing
the natives and setting up for himself
a government of which he was king. Ills
Island became a stopping port for nil
passing vessels.
Having established himself In control,
he proceeded to develop the mines and
sell the phosphate. The Island was di
vided by a rocky channel. As a whole
the territory Is forty miles In circum
ference and five miles wide. On tho more
dnnserotls shore of tho Island "King"
Adams caused to be erected, after some
years of prosperity and home comforts,
a lighthouse to warn vessels off tho per
ilous reefs, and also for signalling pur
poses. All skippers In those seas knew
Captain Adams personally, and would
stop on signal.
Ha frequently made trips back to the
United States, visiting Boston about
every flvo years, and purchasing all his
supplies and luxuries from this countty.
He finally- married and took his bride to
live with him on this Island. There they
raised a family of two boys and one glti.
One of tho sons recently has lived with
the father and mother on their farm at
Ensthampton and tho othfer son bedamo
a dentist, and Is now living In Brooklyn.
Tho daughter Is also -living In that city.
About threo years ago Adams sold his
right to the Island and came to this
country to spend the remainder of 'Ills
days, purchasing the farm on which ho
lived until his final Illness. Boston
Woman Doctor Explain Hon to
Size 'Km Up by Simple
Wh?n someone applies to you far a Job,
there are certain physical characteristics
which Indicate the capacity of tho .person
and theso should be studied carefully, ac
cording to Dr. Katherlno M. II. Blackford
of New York, In an address before tho
efficiency society.
Dr. Blackford discussed the "Scientific
Selection and Assignment of Men In tho
Creation of an Organization." She said
that one of the greatest causes of waste
In business concerns was "Ignorance of
human aptitude, and tho requirements of
different kinds of work." Dr. Blackford
is engaged In running a scries ot employ
ment agencies, and she gave a demonstra
tion at the end of tho meeting.
A young man offered himself as the sub.
Ject of tho experiment, and took a seat
on the platform. Dr. Blackford, after
making It plain to the audience that she
and the subject had never mot before,
took his hand and stretched tho thumb
as far is possible away from tho finger.
"He has an unusually long reach," she
explained, "and long sensitive flngors, as
well as a spare and bony frame. He Is
best suited to work that requires not only
a chance to use. his Ititelllgcnce, but a
certain amount of manual dexterity and
bodily exercise as well. H0 4a of the
motive' type, as I explained In my ad
dress; he Is not made to bo chained to
an office chair."
Dr. Blackford then proceeded to analyze
In somo detail tho general characteristics
of the subject, and the sort of work to
which sho would most readily assign him,
to the delight of her audience, who ap
plauded at every point she made. The
subject happened to bo of a dark com
plexion, to which point Dr. Blackford
paid considerable attention.
"Blondes and. bruiettes do not work In
the same manner," she said. "Generally
speaking, blondes are speculative and op
timistic; usually mild and good natured;
often Inventive; like to conceive the Idea
or plan for some one else to work out.
They naturally Incline to aggressive work,
such ns salesmanship, advertising and
'"Brunettes incllno to conservatism
rather than speculation; often serious
minded; sometimes Inclined to gloominess:
like to work out and perfect tho plan
which some other mind has conceived.
Theso aro but suggestive examples which
any one may observe and test for him
self." New York Tost.
Pointed Parnirraphs.
And a lazy man can't because he won't.
Society is a fence that shuts somo peo
ple In und others but
No man can undestand why women let
tears flow at weddings.
Of course, your way of earning a living
Is the hardest way there Is.
Science tunnels mountains while faith
1b figuring on moving them.
..Any. !:'3n,woman can Bet Plump with
the right kind of a dressmaker.
There s always a chance for a man to
become famous If he isn't a dead one.
Many a girl who starts out to make
a name for hersolf can't make a loaf
of bread.
If a man Is always making new friends
It's generally a sign that his old friends
are onto him.
Lightning may not hit twice In the
same place, but It Is different with the
chronic borrower. Chicago News,
Altvaya vrlth Vs.
Representative Pujo. condemning reck
less finance ut a dinner In Washington,
"The fool-and especially th financial
fool the fool who wrecks banks and cre
ates panics we rave always with us.
"It's like the case ot the stump speaker
who shouted, one freezing winter night:
'Where la now the fool who rocked the
boat all summer T
" 'He's down on the oand. annrend a.
olec. Mown on the pond trying to ae
bow near ca con aula to tno """ptT
sign. - Waibingjnn. Ktar.

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