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TIITC OMATTA' STTNT)AY BEE: FEBRUARY 23, 1010. 7 A r PIONEERS RECALL OLD TIMES (r Reminiscences Follow Good Lunch eon Provided by tho Women. . KVOMEN IN BECEIVING LINE I Daughters of Pioneer Awlt Their i KIdera In MnklnK te Karlr Settler Feel nt Home at the Social-. The annua! mld-wlnter nodal of the Nebraska pioneers was held at Barlght's lialP yesterday afternoon, with mora than MO In attendance. Including the pioneer and members of their families. Two of the big lodge rooms and several of the ante rooms were required for the accommoda tion of the crowd. The first number on the program of the Nebraska ploneerg was a lap lunch, served at 1 o'clock. This Included sand wiches, pickles, cake, pie and coffee, all of which was brought In by the women members of the association. Thcro was an abundance and thon some. Following the lunch Micro was a sea son of speech making, each speaker being confined to a five-minute talk. The speakers on the program were Arthur Wnkeley. W. I. Klerstead, Ooweph lied man, A. N. Yost. Jonathan Edwards. Gus Lookner and Harry Claiborne. The talks were neither political, nor were they shop, but Instead, they recounted Incldenta of the days when both Ne braska and Omaha wero young and not yet; out of their swaddling clothes. Jo seph Redman and Jonathan Edwards de voted their remarks to what happened at the birth of Omaha, both having been here about that time. Good Flan inn. Arthur Wakeley detailed the story of Incidents connectod with the city when around Klghtb and Karnam streets was an area of woodland and good fishing in a creek that flowed down through tho tity, crossing Sixteenth street where the federal- building has since been erected. Mr. Wakeley remombered that there was a deop, pool at about the Intersection of Sixteenth and Dodge streets !, that there was go6d fishing there, and It was the old wiramlng pond. After tha speaking, there was music, recitations and readings, and following these features the old settlers gathered in groups about the halls and lived over the daya of, forty, fifty and more years ago. n Reception Committee. All who attended wero mado to feel at homo by the reception cdknmittee, that consisted' of the following: Mr Rn.ia,Mr.Jokn FIynn' South' Omaha. Omaha?" aV0 Alldersn. South Air. and Mrs. John H. Hart. Dundee. Mr. and Mrs. E. Walker. Florence. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Babbit. Florence, loo Jhn Taylor Water- Mr. and, Mrs, Frank Slavlh, Valley. V HP- "a" Whltmore. Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Byers, Valley. Mr. and Mrs. James Welch. Benson. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Burmelster, Ben ton. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Drcxcl, Elk City. Mr. and Mrs. John F. McArdle, Wash ington. Mr. and Mrs. Hensman, Omaha. Mr. ahd Mrs. Peter Mangold, Benning ton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoltenbcrg, Ben nlngton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Witte,- Elkhorn Mr. and Mrs. John Kllnkcr, Benstm. Mr. and Mrs. liofoldt, Kll.horn. Alt n Mil XI.. Dnlnk t.Mlt 1 . n 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Harte, Benson. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pickard, West Mr. and Mrs. William Lonergan, Fior tnce. . . , - t Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lynch. ' air. and Mrs. Thomas O'Connor, South Omaha. . . , Mrs. and Mrs. Best county commis sioner, Mr. and Mrs. Henry . McDonald. Mrs. James McArdle, West Dodge utceet. Mrs. Ida Gibson Knight. Mr. John C. McArdle, Benson. Tho .following daughters of pioneers assisted: Misses Misses Grace Lonergan, Alice Bedman, Ida Drexel, Eliza Wlthnell, Alice Schroder; Emma Wetmorc, Carr Axford, Margaret Swift, Amanda Tebmns, Elizabeth Kosters, Henrietta Bees, Josephine Dougherty Josephine Carol!, Blanche Sorcnson, Marie Shanneahaw, Lena Kxug, Grace Shaffer, Maud McArdle. Ucsslo Christie, K, O.Barton Buried from Residence With a Simple Ceremony Tho funeral of tho late K. C. Barton was held from the family residence, 3aS Farnam street at 3 o clock yesterday af ternoon. Dean James A. Tancock con ducted the services. The funeral waa prl vatc. The regular simple prayer book ser vice was used. Pallbearers were hired from among students of tho Theological seminary, according to a custom of tho Barton family. Mr. and Mrs. I B. Wadlelgh of Pierre, 6. I)., parents of Mrs. Barton, and I P. Wadlelgh, brother of, Mrs. Barton, wero present. P. J. Partenhelmer of Chicago, brother-in-law, and W. 8. Cox of No,w .York, a former associate of Mr. Barton, arrived In time for the funeral. A sister of Mr. Barton's. Mrs. George Chrlstlancy of Now York, who has been abroad for somo time, could not reach here, Nowa of his death waa cabled to her- In Europe. Another sister, Mrs. W. B. Millard of Omaha, was unabo to attend the funeral on account of severe nines. CREIGHTON STUDENTS IN WASHINGTON DAY PROGRAM An Interesting "Washington'' program was given by the Crelghton Literary eo clety In tho reading room of'the unlver slty Friday afternoon. The third and fourth high claszes and the faculty of , the high school department were guests. After tho program, Dean F, X, McMen amy made a brief address, declaring Saturday a holiday In honor of Wash liiKtun. Tho program, following Intro ductory remarks by Henry Bongardt, prosldcnt of tho society, was: "Webster's Tribute to Washington." Will Kelly. "The Patriotism of Washington," Bart Kruger. The Statesmanship of Washington," Donald Keegan. "The Personality of Washington," C Honcnrilt. Debate: "Ileiolved, That tho popular estimate of Washington as a man and ii h a ireneral la In accordance with his tory." Affirmative, Messrs. Pfaff, and Martin; negative, Messrs. coward ovo- boda and Kelly. SCHOOL CHILDREN LOOK OVER PLANT OF THE BEE Miss Ella Knight, teacher of the sixth Krailp of the Saunders school, and 'her vcholar?. were guests of The Boo Sat r.rday, being shown through the entire lant. Besides Miss Knight and about thirty pupils, there were the Misses Auguta Knight, . Bell and Gllnck of Browne!! KaJL , 25c Chiffon Lisse I5c Yard QPFflAT I 27-Inch Chiffon Llsso Ul; Bnd mercorljod Btrlpo poplin, prntty rango of colors from which to select, 2 Be values, Monday Bpcclal, per yard I5c Carload of Oranges Go on Sale Monday Selected, genuine California Navels, sweet and Juicy, free from frost Three Iota offered like, this Monday only. 25c Oranges 15c 1 40c Oranges 23c 1 50c Oranges 35c Linnotto Wash Suitings, SPFI I A I I VMn " "tripod Lln OJL l-Vl.ri.JU: notto Waah Suitings, 32 Inches wide, fancy strlpo voiles and French tissues, specially priced Mon day, per yard 25c 25c Morning Specials MOITDAY, 8 to 1 OHX.T. Owing1 to the extremely low priees we reserve the right to limit quantities to each oustomar and refuse to fill mall or phone, order. 75c Stomped Linens, 19c Stamped White Llnons, to bo embroldorcd In French eyelet. punch and braid ing designs, worth 50o and 7Gc, Mon day, 8 to 1, Second floor 10a 19c 35c Table Damask. 19c Sliver Bleachod Table Damask, good width, regular price 3 Be, Monday, 8 to 1 only, In the Linen Section, per yard 10c 19c 12y2c Floor Cloths, 5c Floor clothB, extra 5 strong and durable, fg regular 12 c kind, IB Monday, S to 1 only, I . Linen Section,, special, V each - so Women's Dollars, 3c W o m e n s Turnovor collars, white and col ored, o in h r o I dered, Monday, 8 to 1 only, choice, each 3o 3C Hooks & Eyes, 2 Cards, lc 2 Hooks and Eyes, 24 on a card, regular 2o . 1 1 ' cnrd hind, Monday, Cdslls 8 l? 1 onIy. Notion W section, 2 cards for lo Embroideries, 314c Cambric Embroidery Edgings and Insertions, many widths 3 . and designs, regu Monday, 8 to 1 1 . only, Main Floor, S per yard 8J$c 35c Tooth Brush, 25c Prophylactic Tooth Brushes, guaranteed, regu lar price 35c, Mon day, 8 to 1 only, Drug Section, at each 25c 25C 25c Cold Cream, 16c Daggett and Ramsdoll Cold I Cream, regular 25c W e tubes, Monday, 8 faBl- to 1 only, Toilet Kill, Section, at per e?U tube ioc 35c Rubber Combs, 17c Hard Rubber Unbreakable Combs, regular 25o T-k to 35c, Monday, 8 I f1 to 1 only, in Drug I I i Section, special, at I I U oach .17c Waists. $7.50 High class chiffon. pnuno velvet ahd mouses, xruie styles, former values $10.00 to t 1 5 0 0. Monday, your choice at.... fanry silk range of S7.50 i n Trie U 1' MuKt, tor You Ail tnu umo Waists. $1.89 lilnnerle ajirt vollo walslN trimmed with lace and embroidery effects, 1iIkI nock a. for merly 12 76 nnd J395, valuer, your choice at,.., i $1.89 Ladies Now Is the Time to Buy Your Easter Garments and ORKIN BROSo Is the Place ASTEll, that grent stylo show day, is only four weeks from today, nnd with it comes the advent of spring. Bo 1 ' prepared for tho ocoasiou by making your selections Monday. Now is the time when you havo tho benefit of better sorvico than is possiblo after tho pre-Easter rush bogins. Our Display of Ready-to-Wear Garments for Spring Offers you a much larger rango of styles and colors than ovor be fore. With tho euviablo reputation this store has earned as stylo leaders, this season wo havo surpassed our attainments of previous seasons. If you glauco into one of the 16th windows you will see displayed n number of stylish now tailored suits for women and misses at $19.50 and $25.00 that aro proof positive of our supremacy in suits at these prices. Smart New Spring Tailored Suits $19.50 and $25.00 Tho suits offored at those two moderately low prices aro tho pick (if tho oasteru markets, of medium priced suits. Serges, diagonal5?, Bedford cords and shepherd check worsteds. Beautifully tailored and lined with silks and guaranteed satins. Especially priced $19.50 nnd $25.00. New Spring Coats featuring tho new threo-quarter longth with cutaway front. Tho spring coats this season aro moro beautiful than ovor uororo. Many now raaioriais used as well as a great variety of new colors- Made of novelty gray and while striped worsted, check, ratine, tan covert and many tfj-i COO to other popular cloths. Theso coats and wraps priced . . pAJ to PJl. New Spring Dresses Street, business and office dresses of sergce, epongo and Bedford cords especially priced for early spring buying $Q75 tOCOO from oZr to P4iJ. Afternoon dresses, party gowns of all the new crepe silks and crepe cloths, in tho most exquisite shadings you havo over seen, now on display for your inspec tion, priced OKOO CI CfiOO from v&cr to PM.JJ. Morning Specials MONDAY, 8 to 1 OHX.T Owing to th low prloea we r rre the right to limit anantltU to each euatoraer ana refnia to accept mall or phone otaera. 35c Oorset Covers. 16c Women's Knit Corset Covers, high nock long sleovcs, medi um weight, regular price 36c, Monday, 8 to 1 only, Under wear Soctlon, ,at each I6c 25c to 35c Hose, 12c Children's Fine Cashmere, also Fleece Lined Hono, small sizes only, 2&c and 35c values, Mon day, 8 to 1 only. Hosiery Soctlon, price per pair aiucoi 4nvi 124c Infants fiOo Vests, 18c Infnnta' Vests and Bands, flno cotton also wool, regular 26c, 35c and 60c, Monday, S to 1 only, Under wear Sec, garment. . 18c Rich, Shimmering NEW SILKS for Monday Silk Serge at $1.00 NEW Smart silk serge, tho most desirable weave in the fashion world for spring. Plain shades and pretty two- tone effects, spe cially priced for Monday, at yard $1.00 75c Fancy Foulard Silks Monday 39c CD1?rT A lancy foul- ard Silks In , . all colors nnd neat designs, also all tho desirable shades in plain inossallno, Worth lo 75c, Monday, special, per yard 39c Meteor at $1.25 Yard wrpTurl Meteor, tho most pop li Ei Vr unr fabric in silk and wool, for soft drapery. Over 50 shades from which to make selection, '42 in cIiqb' wide, spe cial, at yard. . . . SI.25 39c Brassieres, 26c nriidsicroa of good quality, long cloth, trimmed witu lace, edging and Inser tion, special price 39c, Monday. 8 to 1 only, Corset Sec tion, at. 26c 15o Pillow Oasos, 9o Pillow Cases, bleached, size 45x30 Inches, reg ular price lBc, Mon day, 8 to 1 only, Do mestic Section, each . . 9C 55c Bod Sheets. 33c Dod Sheets, bleached, fuU size, Beameu, size v.xyu Inches, roirular nrlce 66c. Monday. s tn l nnlv. do mestic Soctlon, each' U, IUU D1J.I7, 33c 12VaO Ginghams at 70 Chambray Ginghams, In plain colors, fancy plaids and stripes, rosuiar pneo 12 He, Monday, 8 tq 1 only, Domestic Section, per yard Tic 30c to 32c Sheeting, 22c Tttnnnhnri Hhfotln(r. ! In Hi yards wldo, regular price 30c and nac, Mon day, 8 to 1 only, Domestic Sec tion, per yard. liar pneo jug Z2iC 75c Dresser Scarfs, 49c Dreasor Scarfs And Tablo Cov ers, embroidered in pink and blue, worth 76c, Monday, 8 to 1 only, Snc- ona 1'ioor, cava... 49c S1.59 Linen Table Damask at 98c TABLE DAMASK, all linen, , round thread, satin finish, 70 Inches wide, floral, striped and figured designs, $1.39 qq quality, yard IOC 22-inch Napkins to match, at per dozen. $1.89 Napkins at $1.39 Pure Irish Linen Napkins. 10x19 Inches, assorted pattorns, regular ?i.fy value, at per dozen Turkish Towels, 25c Extra large slzo fultiv bleachod TurklBh Towels, special QC Monday, each uOC Pattern Cloths Irish Damask Pattern Cloths, beautiful silvery white linen In the most sought for designs 2x2 yards, (3.60 val- (hn OQ ues for 2x2 Mi yards, $4.98 values for $293 $1.39 $2.98 Women's 89c Muslin Gowns 49c in the Sale Monday Morning M UI0, (UDU 49c USL1N gowns, made in square and V shaped yokes, also slip-over styles, trimmed with laco insertions and ribbon run headings ; also cluster of tucks and embroidery inser tions, regular 89c values, special 98c Combinations for 69c Combination Garments, made of good quality nainsook, round yoko of em broidery, others with lace and ribbon run headings both corset cover and drawers and corset cover and jq skirt, regular 98c, special.. . , OiC Child's $2,00 Dresses, $1.00 Children's White Dresses, sizes 2 to 8 years, made of lawn, ono style witu panel front of laco and embroldory, 'skirt finished with dainty ruffle edged with laco satin ribbon bows at waist, also Russian styles among this -a (( lot, $2 values, special ItUU The Warner Corseted Figure is The Figure of Correct Fashion for 1913 T7 VERY type of f iguro has boon provided for by tho do signors of Warner's cor sets. Not only the tall, tho stqut, tho slender, tho too slender, but every possible variation of every one of theso. Our line of Warner Rust Proof Corsets is com plete $1.50 to $4.50. Tor tho modium-slzcd woman who wantB to combine sensible proportions with tho long, graceful lines of Fashion this model Illustrated Is among the favorites. Double Interlined skirt, but still so light in wolght you can lift or bond with ease. Guaranteed not to rust, break or tear. Style 567 Ooutil Style 667 Batiste The Price, $5.00 tJ on- Monday in the Bargain Basement OWIWO) to tha low prlo wa nisrra tha right to limit qnantltla u rafale to aooapt mall or phona orders on bargain baaament Items, 12e Cotton Hose, 8c Black Cotton Hoslory, full Seam less, for mon, women and chil dren, 12 '4c quality, Mon- Q day p'or1, pair OC 35c Suspenders, 19o Men's Suspenders, assorted styles, good clastic, regular 25c q to 3Gc values, Monday.. XSC Men's 50c Shirts, 39c Men's Work Shirts, well made, full cut, fast colors, regit- oq lar prlco 50c, Monday. . . OUC $2.00 to $2.50 Sweaters, 69c Women's Wool Sweators, slightly soiled, odd lots, of $2.00 and $2,60 values, Monday, Q choice for JJC $1.50 Juliets for 89c Women's Juliets plain and patent leather tips, regular price qq $1.C0. Monday, pair.... OJC The Sale of BOOKS at 1-5 to 1-2 Off CONTINUES for Monday as ono theso extremely low prices? with a "clean slate." Horo'a tho Riley's Poems Including all his best writings. cloth binding and illustrated; $1.25 to $2.00 values; the copy. Monday special. at 69 G of the prime foatures of this fast growing store. The reason for Because we want to clear our stock rooms and start the new year way wo aro doing It. Have you profited by the offerings? Come, Guizot's France 8 volumes, leather binding CA C $15 values. Bet. prvv Dickon's Works 15 vol umes, cloth binding, regular $20.00 values, per gQ reg. Poo's Works 5 volumes, leather binding, &A CA reg. $10 values, set. . ptx09 Emerson's Essays 2 vol. thin paper edition, t0 (( regular $4 values, soi J)4eUU Life of Washington 4 volumes, calf binding, QA ff regular $8 values, set P ,V'U Kipling's Works 10 vol umes, cloth binding, djrp IZ( reg. $15 values, set, P aOU Dictionary Webster's dictionary, full lea ther bound with thumb index, red edKe; pub- llshed to sell Tor $2.00; Monday's salo price 69 G Browning's Works 12 vol umes, ' leather binding, regular COD V I 8 II, nhrcldeJ, a p e- rlul. Monriavw 3 pkgs, 25c SWHBT 'Capitol conN, brand, 3 cans, 25c 3 K H, puck, IOC T OM.ATOKH, Belect, solid puck iM II). cans, per can O Ii I V K OIU Clalllnrd'n brand, pure, special, H Kai. cans at . CHOW t'MOW, or Plca 11111. per lar $1.35 MOW, JOG SOAP, "Dla moiid C" or "Heat-15in-AH" branUH 10 bars, 25c nUTTKIl, peanut, pound . . . . 124 OrluTod12ll)s.50D Willi grocery ordnra of tl or mora (MiOUJt, "Kk. A H I' A it AUUrJ, relHlor" patent, Mbby'a, 2-lb. sack of ran, JCc flPfl 48 lbs $145 C HOIUd.l,HJ MUSTAllD. a 100 BXTKACT. "Cap- J'8."" 7J.H Itol" brand, vu- r nllla or irft 0,,, U lemon, h BKANS, pft bottlo lUU beat navy, hi! BAKING POW- pound...... UU DBIl, "Cnlu- in HHnillNa. fine ,sft.r....7u su inn HAl'ARUNI fr'Vt.i' ' ' or Hpashettl rldiy8, . c1'"' 3 pkgs. 2Sc 1 h.-.s-.-QG I'Bll- 5G nco- ::.25G evap- Monday's Pure GROCERY Attractions m r n n ip 1 u n I a at. An Tirtren. I . . . I ich, t I0G 7C H U. I5G SAIjAD hino. bottle.. CHACKEltH oyster or soda, lb. M ACKMIIEI, fresh, 1-llt. can. ., I'XIUNISB, fornlas, per pound . . . . HOUI'fl. franco. American, quart can . OATMKAI or wheat, "Capitol" brand 3 pkgs. 25c the pound. . IUU KUOS, Htrlctly rrtalt, iiiaran- teed, doc. 22G . iorted'.fiHo Afifi quality, lb. 4UU PHACillKS; orated, per pound,.... CHKESB, cream, per pound , , , , . CHBBHR, 25o value, per pound I0G full 22G brick. 20G H U T T E II. cnoice country, Hpeciai. COKKKB, Ideal, urnnu, per pound. C O P V B C. "Ureak faat." a- lb. can.. 25G ' B C. S2G -ORKIN BROS.YOUR HOME STORE- ORKIN BROS.-YOUR HOME STORE; DUNN HAS MATRIMONIAL MIX Chief of Police .is Asked to Untangle Marriage Problem. TEBBYS HAVE SECOND MATES Neither Had Secured n Divorce and One 'Write to Dunn to See What He Cnn Do In the Matter. Frank Terry and hla wife and Mn. Frank Terry and her hueband are In a matrimonial tangle the like of which Chief of Police Dunn and hla police of ficers never before saw. The police have finished an Investigation for Mrs. Frank Terry. Way back In 1M1 Sirs. Terry separated from her husband in Omaha. They are both colored and Terry was 'playing In a colored band here at the time. Mrs. Terry went to Minneapolis and later to Helena. Mont. Under date of February IS this year she wrote Chief of Police Dunn from Helena. She said ahe understood her husband had got a divorce and she thought It rather funny he hadnvt noti fied her. Terry waa looked up at his home on South Thirteenth street and the police found he was living comfortably with a second Mrs. Terry, whom he had formally taken unto himself as a wife. "But you haven't got a divorce," ex claimed the copper. Oh, no." said Terry, "It wasn't any use. I got a letter from my wife and she said she was married, I had filed divorce proceedings July 17, 1911, but she was already married and so I got mar ried. That's all there is to It." In her letter to the police Mrs. Lottie Terry did not state that she was mar ried again, but she did say that the fact that br husband or her husband's at torneys had not notified her of hi divorce made It "cmbarasslng'' once In a while. BURLINGTON AUDITING CLERKS ARE PACKING UP In the auditing offices of the Burling ton, Instead of observing Washington's birthday as a holiday, department heads and clerks busied themselves packing books and papers preparatory to moving to Chicago. The stuff will be' shipped out next week In order to open up In the new quarters the following Monday morning. As soon as the roqms of the auditing department In the Burlington -headquar. (ers are vacated by Auditor Durkee they will be turned over to the decorators, who will renovate and put them Into con d I Lion for the occupancy of thq superin tendent, of the Omaha division of tho road, who heretofore has had bis offices In the passenger station. YOUNG GIRLJAS RUN AWAY Man of Her Choice Carries Her Off, in a Taxi. POLICE AID IN THE SEABOH HcJeeted Suitor and Parents Are Dlslraatcd and Make Kverr Kndcaror tn Stop tbe Marriage. I.OV9 will always find a way. Although n old axiom. It has proven true In many cases, as It did to the utmost satisfac tion of Miss Msry Dejkow, IS years of age, and fiebastena Maohtro. Little Danny Cupid played havoa with tha ivo young lovers' heart, although It was tha wish of the girl's parents that she marry Fred Bosse. Mary and Frnd were expected by tlislr parents to eventually marry. They had played together as children In tha same sand pile, shared each other's troublsa and studied In the same class rooms ut school. They became engaged and the marriage date was set In the near futura. Tho two were happy until Mary :not Bcbastena. The stalwart foreigner made a decided Impression upon her and sho soon fell In love with Jilm. The girl's parents objected to her keeping comptuy with Sebaatona, so It waa necessary for tho two young Iqvers tn arrange meeting places ouUlde of the clrl'a home. Mary 'a lovo for Fred Bosse soon lagged, and before long was dead, Bebo.ste.ia hid won her heart and she readily agrted to elope with him. George Washington'.! birthday was decided upon as Kn appr prlate date for their elopement. Yesterday morning Bebastena, called at the O'Brien Candy company establishment In a taxlcab, saying Mary'a mother wanted her to come to their home at Sixth and Pierce streets Immediately. No word has been received from the elopers by the girl's fr&ntlo mother and Jilted lover. The police, were called In on tl4 case and have wired all surrounding towns and cities and given out a, descrip tion of Mary and Bebastena. It la thought thoy went to Lincoln. HE WINS SECOND SUIT AGAINST STREET CAR CO. Fortunato SSoncanella. who has one damage suit ligalnst the street railway company pending in the supreme court, was given a verdict against tha same company In another suit In district court Friday, this time for 13.000, Three years ago Zancanelta was In jured In a street car accident and In dis trict court got 11.900 Judgment against the company. The corporation appealed and the case still pends In the supreme court. Last June a stieet car ran Into a wagon on which Zanuenella was riding, throwing him off anjl Inflicting1 Internal Injuries. He sued for $3,000. Key to tha Situation Bee Advertising