Newspaper Page Text
TJJE BBE: OMAHA, MONDAY, FKBltt'ABY 24, 1913. WISE WOMAN. WHY wear stiff cor sets, when Nemo Laatikops Cloth and Lastikops Webbing will give you case? And perfect shape? And at a saving? I ' n"i. A LA5T1 CURVE-BACK 1 1 SELF-REDUCING d THIS is the longest corset 1 in existence mat is aoso lutely comfortable in any position. Two models: No. 322 low bnst)$Q No. 324 medium - O a The elastic gores, forming the novel Lasticurve-BacSr. extend several inches below the back steels. This gives extreme figure reduction with complete ease in any position. NEARLY 300,000 PAIRS SOLD THE FIRST MONTH That shows how you re spond when we offer you a big $5.00 value at $3.001 With Hip-Confining Bands , For women who don't want a coreet quite at long at No. 322 and 324. Two models: No. 319 low bast-) $0 No. 321 medium J O The hip-confining bands of Lastikopi Webbing, on the long .skirt, give splendid figure-reduction with lots of room when you're seated. Over a million women wear these corsets and find them just right. Sizes 20 to 36 $3.00. Other Popular Nemos For Every Figuro $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 Be a Wise Woman! Smile pteoaotly at the dealer who myi that any other elattic u "jutt at coot) at' Lattlkopi Webbing and LajJ&opa Cloth. Maybe he really thinlu so. () KOPS BROS Mfra., Naw Y1c OMAHA DRUGGISTS DESERVE PRAISE Tho Sherman & McConnel Drug Co., 16th and Dodge, and the Owl Drug Co., llth end Harney, deserve praise from Omaha people for Introducing here the atmple buckthorn bark and glycerine mixture. 'known as Adler-l-ka. This simple Oer it an remedy first became famous by c Hint 'appended tls and It lias now been a scovered that A BINQLB MSB rt I ryes tour aton.moh, gas on the stomach h. a constipation INSTANTLY. Advcx- 1 distent Adiertlalnc I; the I load to iUH'urns. WANT C0NY1CT ROAD LABOR Iowa Attorney General Thinks Ex periment Could Be Made. BOARD OF CONTROL OBJECTS AVttrdrn of Prisons lleinrt Hint Not More 'I'linn Tito llnndreil Men Wonlil lie AvnllnMe n Any One Time. DE8 MOINI0S. la.. Feb. SR. 'Special.) -The experiment of having ronvlct labor on Oie roads of the stale may be made In a small way In Iowa. There Is a con troversy on ltween the nttomey ger,ral and the hoard of control on this abject. Tho tnrmrr after some Investigation of the matter reported his opinion that some . . . . . . , eonviri iitinr coum ne mane un ui in l'owa iti roud work. The board of control reported that the conditions In Iowa are surh "that It would eb very difficult, but that nn experiment might be made an .ta bo demonstrate what could be done. Thn wtardens of the prisons report that not more than 300 of the convicts would be available for this road work at any one time.. A bill has been prepared to authorise the use of some of the con victs nnt the roads under county control and direction. lllRlMtny nllU fatlafantorr. Members of tho legislature mv receiv ing compliments on the good work that Luis been done nnd Is being dono toward perfection of the legislation regarding good loads. No Httompt hns been made to hastily pass nny of the many bills presented, but tho committees have worked hard tb secure agreements as to the dntalls of thn bills beforo bringing them to a. head In the senate or house. fioon after the recess, which commences on Wednesday of thl week, the senate will pnitH thn bill to cnlargo thn powers of thn state highway commission, to provldo for toounty englnners and to classify tho highways of thn state. This Is regarded aa a first step for good roads legislation of thn right kind. Tho legislature will then be asked to pass a bill for a Kpoclal tax levy to pro vide for a bonus for roads, nnd also a bill authorizing counties to make special levies for permanent or paved roads. Beyond these measures the legislature will not bo able to go at this tlmo, since there Is much sentiment against running the state or counties Into debt for paved roads. Farmer mill Ti Commission. Already some agency has been at work among tho fanners to Induce them to op. pose a stato tax commission. The repre- Mentation has been made that tho tax commission plan will Increase tho taxes of tho farmers especially and In fact It Is represented to the farmers that that what Is desired of the commission. The result Is tiiht a great many protests have comn to the legislature against the tax commission. A bill Is pending to change the method of taction of moneys nnd credits and to place the taxation of this kind of property on thn same basis as that of bank stocks. If this Is adopted It wljl relieve some of the opposition to tho state tax commis sion. I.rulalnture Dolus Much Work. Members of tho legislature declare that In tho last six weeks more real hard work In committees has been done than ever beforo In similar time, by a stato legislature. But. .little efort has been made to force early consideration of the Important bills. The work has all been In committee. It has ben found In the past that the bills passed early are. Usually not well considered, and It la better to have all the commlttoo work done at tho first. This policy has been followed in the legislature. Next Wednes day R recess will be taken and all mem bers will go to their respective nomes nnd entisult with their constituents as to th lmoortant measures. When they re mm thov will bo ready for the big things of tho bossIow. Dellnhted with Storm. Reports form all over tho state of Iowa Indicated that the snowstorm of last Fri day was general and that every part nf tho state was well covered witn snow. The molsturo was greatly needed for tho ground was very dry and there had been practically no precipitation during the winter. The farmers had been hoping for at least sufficient moisture to put the surface of the ground Into best condition for the spring working. There was alsa soma complaint of lack of water on mahy of the farms. Tho storm but very little, affectod trafne.) Women Will JUnUe Demands, To Impress the Iowa 'legislature with their earnestness In asking for a woman factory Inspector, a woman's building at the fair and other things, the forty or fifty women composing the Board of Dt rectors of the Stato Federation of Women's Clubs wilt visit the state capltol March 6. ThIowa club women are backing the following bills before the ' legislature: Widow's pensions, women's reformatory, flag protections, black plague, teachers' pensions, suffrage for women, conserva tion of lowa'n water supply, a woman on board of control, vital statistics, tubercu losis hospitals, playgrounds and parks woman factory Inspector, women's bulld Ing nt tho Iowa state fair To Stake Corn Testa Free, An urrangemtnt has been perfected by which the farmers In the vicinity of Des Moines will be able to have seed corn tents made free by sending samples to the principal of the West high school of Des Moines. The school officials have desired to Interest the school pupils In ihls work, and have fitted up a letting room, where the work can be don. Cigarette Sellers Fined. Eighteen cigar dealers and tobacconists were today asstssed 1300 each by the city ascssor for the privilege of soiling clgarcts in Des Moines during 1913. During the last few weeks deputies have been making the rounds of the cigar stores purchasing olgarett. Thero are now eighteen packages of the "pills" on record In the assessor's office, each bearing the date of purchase front the store from which they were secured, it Is reported to Asessor Illgglns that there are. more clgaret solcrs In Des Moines than thn eighteen he has now taxed. He states, however, that If any other stores are passing out the "pills' they refused to sell his assistants any of them. The clgaret business In Des Moines nets the city and county 45,0 annually Suffragettes Win Victory. The suffragettes won another victory today in the senate. An effort was niadd to get consideration of the adverse, report of a committee ahead of the considera tion of the house rernhitton. looking to equal suffrage. This finally failed and the senate sent the adverse re.-rt back to the committee for further considera tion by a vote of SS to 20 and left the calendar with the house resolution stand- , ing This will enable the suffragettes i to force the consideration or the reso-1 lutlon on its merit. 1 Adoption of the llnles. The senate adopted the Joint rules with an amendment .which In effeet permits unanimous consent for consideration .of tmslnens other than appropriation bills the last two days of the session. The two hounes agreed on an Invitation to Kdwln tl. (,'ooley of Chicago to ad dress them March 6 on vocational train ing schools In Huropo. The bonce passed a bill to authorize a bounty on crows and also a bill to require placing of gas stopcocks on thn outside nf buildings for tne protection of firemen In case of fires. XCTT IlilU. ny Txmnsberry Ilequlrlng that the flag bn displayed on all school buildings. Ily Mollose To create tho new county of karrabee out of Kossuth county. Ily Ream Requiring Inspection of gyp sum mines. By Heald Requiring pipes for gas fumes from factories. Ily Heald Making an absolute Indeter minate sentence law. Ily Mattes Requiring that unused parts of appropriations revert to the general funds. Child Labor Conference. Governor Clarke appointed the follow ing as delegates from Iowa to the ninth annual conference of tho National Child Iabor committee to be held at Jackson ville, Fla., March 3-16, 1013: Mrs. James O. Herryhlll. Des Moines: Mrs. C. F. Curtis, Ames: Mrs. II. E. Deemer, Red Oak; Miss Jennie M. Montgomery. Bur lington nnd Mrs. Julia Clark Hallctn, Bloux City. Federal t.nw Takes Precedence. The supreme court In deciding the case of Iefebure ngnlnst American Express company Involving a claim for loss of live stork shipped, decided that the live stock limited liability contract which the company held with the shipper Is good. In former times tho Iowa courts were disposed to hold such contract not good; but since tho submission of this case the United Ctates supreme court has decided and held that under the Carmack amend ment to the Interstate law, "all stato regulations and decisions relative to the liability of carriers upon Interstate ship ments have been superseded and that there Is now one general national law upon the subject which must govern, and in applying tho act to such limited lia bility contracts aa tho one upon which the defendant relies that there Is nothing In tho aforesaid amendments which In any way prohibits the making of such contracts and nothing In public policy for binning them." The Iowa cburt, there fore holds that this uporscdes all Iowa laws. Control of Pnlillc Utilities. A tentative program for a law to create a publlo utilities commission Is under dls ousslon In the senate committee on that suDject and It Is expected that there will bo created a commission with full nower to handle Important matters regarding the puuuo service corporations of the state. Tho bill an prepared looks to a commis sion of five. Including the three members or tho present railroad commission, but ultimately the commission is to be m. duced to three, members, These are to bo nppoinvoo oy tna governor. The commis sion will have very large powers of in vestigation and recommendation and the regulation of service and prices of the same. It wilt handle all matters relatlns 9 gas, watpr.ulght and street cars. flernm. Laboratory at Ames. The stato serum laboratory will nrob- nbly bo removod from near Des Moines to a point near Amos so that the state college authoriUes may have control. State veterinarians nnd others Interested In tho Uvo stock Industry appeared yes- terdlay before the proper committees and explained the need for a largm laboratory ana ror a considerable appropriation to combat the swine plague In Iowa. There has been a most excellent feeling all along about the matter, the chief question among legislators being as to how to ac complish results In the easiest way. Four State Farms Proposed. Attorney General Cosson Is working on a plan to have the state appropriate $100,000 for the purchase of four farms to be designated aa district custodial farms. These will be fitted up for tho keeping of persons who have been convicted of petty offenses In the courts of the state. Instead of sending men to Jail as punish ment for small offenses they will be com mitted to one of these district farms. The Jails will then become only places of de tention and not be used In nny sense as places of punishment. Income Tax Commended. The house today approved the Income tax amendment to the state constitution. It simply authorises tho legislature to lay a tax on Incomes as on other things, and does not commit the state to the plan of having a state income tax. Mao Cltr Will Dedicate Library. SAO CITV. la., Feb. a.-(Sneclal.)- The new Carnegie library at Sao City wlH to dedicated on tho evening of Febru ary W. Dr. Homer II. Seorley. president of tho Iowa State Teachers' colese. Cedar Falls, wilt be present and speak on "The IJbrary, a Factor In Education." Miss Alice Tyler, eocretary of the slate library commission, will give a con gratulatory address, and local speakers will also participate In the program. The speaking will take place at the Church of Christ and a reception at the library building will follow. A children's, recep tion wll be held In the afternoon of the SFth and will Include a story hour In charge or Miss EJdna Blmonson, kinder garten teacher In the public schools. SENATOR BROWN MAKES HIT AT THE PRESS CLUB, From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Feb. S3.-(Bpeclal Tele- gram.) Senator Drown proved himself a game loser by the speech he made to- nigtil ai me national press club at a "lame duck" celebration In which Uncle Joe Cannon. Representative Nye of Mln nesota. Senator Brown and half a score of other public men who are about to leave public life, at lsast temporarily. were entertained aa the guests of the club. As the proceedings were In the nature of an executive session, none of the speochas was reported at length, but Senator nrown'a remarks were one of the hits of the evening. MISSIONARY CONFERENCE AT CRETE COMES TO CLOSE CRETE, Neb., Feb. as.-(8peclal Tele- gram.) Sunday evening closed the mis slonary conference here. Saturday even tng after short talks by Rev. King Bills and Miss Hrown. Vitus Iowe of India gave a talk on the needs of the India mtstton field. Sunday morning after u quiet hour service Mr. towc again ad dressed the conference on qualifications for mission work. The meeting then ad- Journed for church services. Mr. Kmery Bills spoke lit the Methodist church and Mr Lowe spoke to tro or Sf) at the t'ongregatlonal chun-h. Biindny afternoon a meeting a held for those who have decided to go to tlw foreign field. This was followed by an open discission and question box. The questions were answered by the mis sionaries. In the evening new King gave a stereoptloon lecture on the work 'n Africa and he was followed by several volunteers who told their reasons tw making their decisions. Miss Anna Hrown traveling secretary or the students volunteer movement, then gave an nd dresi and the conference was closed by a appeal by Vitus Uw. I'lans nre being made for Nebraska to send a big dele gation to the quadrennial International conference to be held at Kansas City noxt January. MADERO KILLED WITH SUADEZ IN TRIP TO PRISON (Continued from Page One.) being conducted totho penitentiary In automobiles, were killed In an encounter which the escort guarding the prisoners had had with a group of Individuals who attempted to liberate the two men. InrestlKatloti Promised. "Other members of the rablnet having arrived, It was agreed that It was an absolute necessity for the honor of the government that not only should It pro ceed to a minute Investigation of this act as thn law demands, but, going further, that Immediate notice should bo given to the chief attorney of the military court, Jose Vasquez Tnglo, that he, with the Judge advocate, should make Investiga tions and consign those responsible. whoever they might he, to custody, and that ho proceed to examine them in con formity with tho law. It was agreed also that Attorney 3en- ral Cnstellanos, whose energy and com petency are well known, should take action In this most unfortunato affair. Fire Men Fire on Anto. "According to the reports which l'rcsl- ent Huerta received nnd communicated to the ministers, a group of five Indi viduals at a point about half way bi tween the palace and the penitentiary, fired upon tho chaffeur of one of the automobiles which was under escort. The order was given for more speed. Shortly afterward, another group, more numer ous, sallied from the cross streets, firing on the escort, it seems tnat fliaoero and Buorcz at this point nttempted ti escape. "President Huerta communicated to the ministers the news of the death of tho ex-presldent and the' ex-vice president, adding that there was another person killed and two persons' wounded, accord ing to the Information he had at the moment without being exact as to which group those belonged. He also Informed tho ministers that there had been some arrests. The secretary of foreign relations. echoing the feeling of tho government nnd moved by personal sentiments, whlsn have caused him to view with the shedding of, blood outside of those coses, where In the law Imposed the punishment, not only laments the affair, but Is convinced that the honor of the republic demands a careful Investigation and exemplary punishment for those who may be proven guilty of thls'iact, whose transcendency cannot be hidden," Lent a Period for Good Resolutions Rev;, Georito Southworth of St. Matthias Episcopal church, spoke Sunday morn ing on the ''OJect of Lent." Ho . said, 'Lent Is not only a period of self-de nial, but by true Christian people Is con sidered a period of resolution; . a time In which one should cast out the un clean spirits .of evil, and 'resolve to do what Is righteous and Just' in the sight of God. "To make a resolution and then not keep It Is far .worse than not to havo resolved at all. For as tho scripture teach us, evil returns seven fold, and by breaking our determination to do good, we are making our minds fertile for the seed of unrighteousness. Evil cast out, must be replaced by something else( so as to afford no opportunity of Its returning, and the spirit of Jesus Christ Is the only remedy. A plan which I think will keep every one of us from breaking our good reso lutions is, upon rising each morning to get on our knees and pray that for this , day the spirit of Jesus Christ may enter our being and conduct our affairs.J uy remomberlng our prayer through tho day and asKing ourselves n yesua nuu,u uu so and so, when we aro pcplexed, our resolutions will be a simple matter to keep. In time If we. keep this prayer each day. the habit of consulting the wisdom of Jesus will havo become so great a part of our spirit, that during tho remainder of our lite in mis woria, w will live as the Master wishes us, and In word and action become the true children of God. Queer lilts of News. Toronto Star: Eleven shoep, destined to be veal tms aiiernoou n driven along King street, east, English sheet: Bell ringers of the ad Joining parishes came to blows over tho respective merus uj mci. ".... v.. rt.iKnm Tinner! Mariraret flushed and immediately dropped her lips over her smooth, dark gray eyes. The Modern aimer; neconuy precipita tion haa fallen extensively In parts of Texas. , . Saturday isvening rost. iney were in- tie foreigners mostly, except two young McNultys. They were Irish, r-ondon Deriodlcal. continuing a descrip tion of the Three Fates! Apropos, the fate that none can avert or elude. Wisconsin Dauer: juuua laesar soia a consignment of furs last week to a dealer in nipon, A AVnOLE FAMILY MEAL FOR 5c A 5c packngo of Faust Spa ghetti will mako a whole meal for a family of five. And it will bo a real meal nutritious, tasty and Batistying. A So package of Faust Spaghetti contains as much nutrition' as 2 lbs, ot beet. It Is a glutinous food gluten Is tho food content that mates none, muscle and flesh. You have no Idea how many dlf. ferent ways Faust Spaghetti can be served to make fine, tempting meals write ror free recipe book. Sold In be and 10c packages serve It often. MA I'LL I1ROS. St. Louis, Mo, Reynolds disowns BiLL'r:r::r!st.'-"u::r( Measure Hearing Name of Senator Not Introduced by Him. LAWYER FOR NEW CONSTITUTION Meeting; of llnr Association Itesnlt In Vote In ,1'nvor of Contention to Write. .rvr Document Opponents ArrnlKncd. (Krom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. - SS.-(Speclal.)-Some-body put one over the Plata when Sena-j tor Reynolds of Dawes was not looking, according to the senator this morning,; who cmphatlcaltv denies that ho Intro duced 8. F. 400, the bill which .has been In hiding and was suddenly discovered Friday afternoon by the revenue com mittee while Investigating- other bills re-j ferred to them. Tho bill empowers counties to operate telephone lines and bears tho name of Reynolds of Dawes, Introduced by re quest. The senator says that he never saw nor heard of the bill before and that with one exception ho has introduced no bill "by request" this session. He looks upon the matter nn cither a Joke on htmpelf put up by someone else, or else as a scheme-"to ' gel-the bill through by some underhand means. Tho sena tor Is opposed to county ownership of telephones, but has not openly .taken a stand In tho" matter, preferring to wait until the Fuller bill came from the, house. Senator Roynolds knew nothing about the bill until the matter was published In the papers Friday morning and he was accosted by Representative Fuller of tho house, father of the county owner ship of telephone! bill over there, as to why he had Introduced such a bill. It was then that tho senator from Dawes got busy and began looking up the mat ter. The senators on tho revenue com mittee, knowing that the Dawes states man was a strong county optlonlst, con sidered at one time that It might bo well to carry tho Joke a little farther by In serting "breweries and distilleries" after tho word "telephones," but finally con cluded to leave the matter to tho com mltteo of tho whole when the bill came up. For Constltntlonnl Convention. While the senate turned down the proposal of a constitutional convention, tho house reporting tho bill favorably in committee of tho whole, the Lancaster County Bar association at a meeting last night voted in its favor. Tho principal speakers were Senator iHoagland of Lincoln county and Repre sentative Bollen of Knox county, chair men, respectively, of the senate and house Judiciary 'committees, the former a republican and tho latter a democrat. Senator Hoagland was very' strong In his assertion that the defeat of the meas ure In tho senate on Monday after i had been reported by a practically unan mous vote In committee of the wholo for third reading and passage, the Sat urday before, was due to the Influence of the "brewery trust." He lays tho change of front to those senators living i whero there are brewery Interests, who went home over Sunday and were shown that they were headed In the wrong di rection. Representative Bollen did not commit himself very strongly on the bill, con tenting htinsflt'.by "going through the lut of bills before the house and showing wnai eacn contained. In speaking of the matter of a con stitutional convention this morning, Sena, tor Cordeal said that the greatest oppo sition to a constitutional convention came from tho corporations and like as sociations, which were advocating that our present constitution was good enough and should not bo disturbed. Fevr Left from Old! Convention. "I do not know," said the senator, "Just what would be the best procedure In the way of getting a constitutional con vention, or rather who should compose that body. If you will refer to the re port of tho old constitutional convention which made our present constitution you will find that it contains the names of Therm Is Only One Bgomo Qulnm" Thmt is Laxmiiwo Bromo Qulnino USED THE WORLD OVER TO DURE A OOLO IN DUE OAT. Always remember tho lull name. for this signature on ovory box, The Dominant Collar. EAUL & WILSON, MAKERS. AT ONCE! CLOGGED HEAD COLDS AND CATARRH VANISH Ilrenttie Freely! Clears Stuffed-up, Inflamed Nose untl Head ana Stops Catarrhal Discharge. Cures Dull Headache. Try "Ely's Cream Balm " Qet a small bottle anyway. Just to try It Apply a little In the nostrils and In stantly your clogged nose and stopped-up air passages ot the head will open; you will breathe freely: dullness and head ache disappear. By morning! the catarrh, oold-ln-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery now I Qet the small bottle ot "Ely's Cream Balm" at nny Piles Fistula Cured My mild treatment will euro Piles, Fistula and other Rectal diseases in a short time, witbout a surjfical operation. I do not use Chloroform, Ether or other general anaesthetic I guarantee a cure of every case accepted. Nopayuntil cure is effected Write for a, book onJRect&l diseases aid testimonials. OR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Be Blrfg.. Omaha contain! at that time. Hut few of them are aHve today and most of them whose : -.,,. I names were familiar throughout the stale have gone from us. Of those who are still alive you will see the names of John L. Webster, V. H. Munger, A. M. Walling and O. A. "Abott who are well known aiow, and that Is about all, while among ur -constitution f miners who have passed away and whose names were familiar to all were J. 15. Boyd, M. L. Hayward. M. R. HopoWell,.A G. Kendall, James Laird, Charles F, Mandcrson. Samuel Maxwell. James W. Dawes. C. II. Oere, W. M. Rob ertson, C. II. Van Wj-ck and several others whose names are familiar to most of the people of Nebraska. "To do. effective work In the changing of our constitution." continued Senator Cordeal, "I think the body should not be too targe, but It should contain lepro from every Industry in the Mate, men who are respected for their good Judgment and fairness and men who do not allow their prejudices to bias their good Judgment." Music for Women at Commercial Club In recognition of the greater attendance of women at the Commercial club Satur day noons, the house committee of the organisation has decide,! upon an Innova tion for them on those days, beginning March 1. An orchestra of three or four pieces will furnish music and flowers will ;decorate each of the tables. Tho attendance, of women at the club lias greatly Increased since moving Into!. the new quarters In the Woodmen of tho World btilldlng and Saturday seems to have become more popular Tor them than any other day of thn week. PAISLEY IS TO LECTURE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA Next Friday evening W. O. Paisley will deliver an illustrated lecture on "The Cliff Dwellers" at the University of Omaha. Mr. Paisley for many years man aged chautauquas and was himself on the lecture platform. Ho has spent much tlmo among their ruined cities and has made many interesting .discoveries con cerning tho Cliff Dwellers. The slides used arc all mode from pictures taken by Mr. Paisley. , Tho proceeds of the lecture will be ap plied on publishing a year book of the university. Stanton '.Salisbury Is editor of tho book and Oldham Paisley Is busi ness manager. RAILS FOR TELEPHONE POLES In Common Vne In Pnnnmn Ilecnuse Ants Destroy Wooden Ones. In the telephone system of the canal zone steel rails are used as poles. Ac cording to a correspondent of tho Tele phono Review wooden poles cannot bo maintained any great length of time on account of the ants that will cut Into a wooden pole and before long lcavo noth ing but tho shell. Creosoted cross-arms arc used as a protection against thesa pests. "I might relate one Instance," he writes, "where oven the ants discovered tho -alue of having a telephone In the house, They .had followed the twisted pair into tan offlco b"''dlnB nnd Into the bell box, f which was fastcnod to the side of an oak i veneered flat top desk. "They bored through the bell box Into tho interior of the desk and had removed practically the entire Pine wood of the interior, when the desk suddenly fell to pieces. "These busy ants, In their operations, when they feel that their presence might bo discovered, construct a kind of tunnel of mud extending along the floor beams for tho entire length of the building and comn and go thrpugh this concealed pas sage. "One" of the 'construction difficulties en countered has been the maintaining of the pole lino through-some of the swampy regions. In several Instances-the poles Look 25c. RED-MAN 2 FOR 25 cts. PENWOOD A NEW SPACE MODEL NOSTRILS OPEN, drug store. This sweet, fragrant balm dissolves by tins heat of the nostrils: penetrates and heals the Inflamed, swol len membrane which lines the pose, head and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling or cleans ing, soothtlng relief comes Immediately. Don't lay awake tonight struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with it's running nose, foul mucous drop ping Into the throat, and raw dryness is distressing but truly needless. Put your faith Just once In "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold or' catarrh wilt' surely disappear.-Advertisement iof rallrpad Iron have graduallv sm i th Uf"' ".Tnon . " on ltk,nal rail, and In son . nlApe three such sections of rail hav. places three such sections been found to sink down In the smiiih w hile only twenty or thirty feet reman ) abovo tho surface." Illue nnd (irny Monnineiit. Tlans for a "Blue and Grey" monu ment here, believed to be the first In the Fnlted States raised In honor of both union nnd .viiifederat e civil war heroes have been accepted by the Kltsgernld (Gii ' commission in cnarge or connirui-inin The monument will be of bronr.e and will cost SlS.Ono. Tim shaft, which will rise 11". feet, will be "surmounted by a winged figure representing peaee. and faring .northward. Below statues of Abruham Lincoln and -Jefferson Davis will star -. together and Generals Grunt nnd Loe w' be represented as clnsplng hands. Man war relics will be arranged In the In terior of the base of the monument, which will be fitted out as a museum Pittsburgh Dispatch. A Snddcn Collapse of stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels Is most surely "prevented with Electric Bit ters, the safo regulator. tt cents. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement. COPLEY- PLAZA HOTEL BOSTON One block (rom Back Bar Station i OQarcfuetit to ahopping, thealra aaal rtiidoniiil dittrictt Boston's newest hotel. Under same manage ment as Hotel Plaza, New York. Prices for rooms and restaurant most reason ' able considering excellence of appointments and service. Single Rooms with Bath, $3.50 to $5.00. Double Rooms with Rath (two persons), $5.00 to $8.00. Special prices quoted for pro longed stay. FRED STBRRY. Manilla I Dlncts J. G. L.V1N. M.n.i.r Marquette Hotel 18ttt and Washington Ave. ST. LOUIS, MO. 400 Rooms. $1.00 and $1.50, with bath $2.00 to $3.50. A hotel for your Mother, Wifo and Sister. T. II. Clancy, Pres. Arwood Milk and Cream mny bo obtained in Council Bluffs, South Omaha and wherever tho Alamito Sani tary Dairy Cb distribute. Telephone Douglas 411. NERVOUS? All run down ? Ayer"s Sarsaparilla Is a strong nerve tonic. No alcohol. Sold for GO years. Ask Your Doctor. J O ArerCo., AMUSEMENTS. Auto Show Auditorium TONIGHT Mat. Every Day 3:15; Every Night 813 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Thl W'Mk-JLUU STEUUH AN'D HIS COM PANV lddte (Tiff. Km & Urm. o Hi-leu llael & Co., Catur KWoll, Dor O'Nell. Mile Lorelte and lluil. 1'athe'i Wrklv nvi. ORl'HEVM HOAD SHOW NKXT WKBK Tickets now on ale Prl-e lint . Oillen lx- beat aata Mc, except Saturday and Sundaj Nltbt. 10c, tic. 50c, 76c, empress: i CONTINUOU PI I Vu4llli AMILT IHLAIHt eHOTOP iwt brtwaai Thira' ut i:. n yru v .m m 1 1 1 BERMUDA UV THE ARCADIAN Largest nnd Finest Steannldp in the Service. ' OROTAVA Displacement 10,063, registered 6,980 MODE&A.TE BOUND TBIP BATES AND INCLUSIVE TOUBS Tlcktta lattrchanftM with Qutt,- g g The Koyal Mall Steam Packet Co SANDISKSUN as SON , Uen. Agts., u So. LaSalle Bt., Chicago, or any local steamship ticket agent. a ci. I irORMANOCj V