Newspaper Page Text
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAUOIT 1, 1.013, SIXTY PIANOS Damaged Slightly From Smoke During Last Night's Fire Go On Sale Monday Morning at Your Own Price By ArranRcmont With the Insurnncq Colnpnnlos. WATCH THIS PAPER. SUNDAY FOR PARTICULARS. Schmoller & Mueller KUl-lU I'ARNAM BT. DEWEY HOTEL FIRE BRINGS DEATH TO MORETHAN SCORE (Continued from rage-One.) '' Man With Broken Back Struggles in Fire and Gives Alarm Tho most remarkable lnstAnCo of cool bravery shoWn at the fire was that displayed by Frank Murray of Perry, la. 6oma time ago ilurray's back, was broken by a freight car at Fifteenth and Nich olas street, but by a phenomenal piece of surgery Police. Surgeon Harris saved the man's life and since then he has been steadily convalescent, until Thursday, when ho was able to walk around with the support of a heavy walking stick. Murray lived nt tho Dewey hotel and wpn the flro broke out he was among the first to glvo Individual alarm to the occupants of tho different rooms. Groping lamely along the dimly lit linllways of tho hotel he rapped with his cano unon tho doors and called t,h gucsjs. in this way ho struggled on and on Until ho fell from exhaustion and then Bdmo ono''ho',had aroused1 helped' 'Mrn'to tho door, 'wheco he was taken cars of by tho rescuers. , , To him personally do many owe their jives. u- REJOICE OVER WORKING IN REAL FIREPROOF BUILDING Employes from tho various large office' buildings swafnicdv around tho scene -tit1 the fire during the ndon ttourt One man from tho new Union 'Pacific headquar ters, who had worked for years in the old structure at the foot of Forniim street, observed as" he gated at the oml,. nous ruins i. - "Wcll.i this ought to mdko ' every man and woman who 'works In the new Untsi I'aclflo building feel thankful that It Is practically proof against such a calustro. plic. And that Is exactly tho faelius among those hundreds of people. Kve.l It our building should catch nflro life would scarcely be Impaired, In the first place, flro would makq Very Utile headway In It. and In the next place the building la thoroughly equipped with es capes." lnt fourteen years, was tho first person to attempt escape by leaping. Ho leaned far out from a window near the alloy while preparlntb. Jump, but his nold gave way and, slipping, he fell squarel ui his head on tho puvcmevnf beneath. Special Watchman Penry nnd several bystanders carrleu him Into tho Ohio restaurant, where a few moments later he tiled. Surgeons sntd that In the fall his neck had broken, besides smashing his skull Into a weird, misshapen mass. Mrs. C B. Wllklns, wife of the lessee of the place, was helped to safety by Policeman McCabe and A. T. Comer of Klmwood, Neb. Cpmer is the chief of the volunteer flro department of that pin co and his efforts to save lives were heroic, to say th least. McCab'o also risked his life In the attempt . to save others, but the smoke baffled him. Perhaps a score of pcrttons escaped from (ho place within a few moments from the time of the flrt alarm. The rest are burled beneath tons tf brick and debris. I'eitry Discover: fire. Bneclal "Watchman Frank Penrv was the first to discover tho real flro. At midnight Policeman Sam Morns and M. RVan, passing tho hotel, thought they smelled wood smoke. Thoy in ado an In vestigation of the neighborhood nnd fin . ally decided that the smoke emanated rrom the Dewey. sparKs could be seen In tho air, but their source could not be determined, They notified Manager Nold and Clerk Vllet, however, and a thorough search of tho building was made'. Nothing was found. ( , niacr In Store. At 4:45 n'fllnelf In Mia tnnrtifnw Pmm, saw the blase In tho baok part of tho Ro- phael-Pred store and turned In a still alarm. When ho returned from tho flro box the entlro place was a seething fur nace and' the guestB In tho" hotel, asleep, wero caught like rats In a trap. Half an hour later, when it' was rrtnin that those remaining ip.tbo hotel .Wert dad, Manager Nold, slttljig' In the Ohla restaurant with o. Bee reporter, told 'nt- his escape. "I was awakened by Vllofa shout of fire. I slipped Into my tPJUaprn nml started Into the hall. Tim ninn it, ready full of sitfoks and .had I not'ltnown the plan of the hotel aswell as I did 1, too. would have perished, Qod heln tlm.n poor souls who had rooms on tho other smo of tho building." Ntnrta tu Ilnsenicnt. Tho fire was caused nrlmarllv. it i lleved, by an overloaded furnace In the ucwey notcl building basement, directly beneath the clothln store. ' Thi ,..,. ever, In Itself would huve caused ho par. ucuiar carnage, out an explosion, bollcved i'j nave Dcen caused by gas, soon filled the place. Albert Smith, night cle rk In th viu drug store across tho street, says a month ago the .building1 was fillod with ga from leaky pipes. Last night he says he heard mi explosion less than a quarter of a mlnuto before the nlace bunt intn riom. .Smith's assertion is backed up by that m -enry ana several of the firemen wlio wwiiura iu nw ursi aiarm. Tno ex plosion was so heavy. It U aM thai n rocked :the bulldlm. 1 f within two hours after the iWha-'t'mftni had begun work 6n the nlace it wah re duced to n crlm Ina shall mh .. i two floors caved In under the weight Of tho lea and water, 'an,d shortly after iho ooum wan gaye way, narrowly missing several firemen working behind It Chief Caution. I vnici oaiier, , nowever. was extremely cautious In flghtfrig in blaze, if wu apparent mat nothing coVId be saved and : i a .John A. Swimson, President New O where! W"M'- "b,""u- Remodeling forces a decisive clean-iip Positively no goods will be carried over to next season. Hundreds of garments sult nblo for year round wear are to be had hero at nniazlngly low prices. Wlso Investors, this If your great chanco to save clothes money. Will you make the most of It? You will when you see theso most wonderful values. Como Saturday, , Special Notice Vfll INfZ IVf 1TM Extrao dinary to wide awake A VvllU Opportunity Any Overcoat Any Suit HALF PRICE Any $10 to $35 Suit goes at 5 to $1750 w -Il'ILIC we have a good as sortment of clothing to fit most every figure wo offer a splendid variety of young mcn'n high grade suit and overcoats, sizes 33 to JS. And think of it. Every price cut square in half Any $129 to $40 Overcoat at $625 to $20 for Omaha to the people of the wide spread interest being,. manifested in the great.? remodeling work now going on4 here. TJiis store's quarter century of leadership is In the hearts of the people Thoro's sen timent connected with this store that makes it a public institution. A new era Is at hand; a greater Nebraska Is under way; wo Invite all to acquaint thomselves, with tho progress of remodeling here. Men's Hats Pouring out the greatest hat bargains men ever knew. All fltyles, stiff and soft. Every winter hat In the house (ex cept Stetsons), $2.60, 93.00, $3.60 Hats Saturday at $145 at Grand Clean-Up of Men's Fine $1.50 Shirts at 75c QL 1 Saturday wo will place on sale 100 dozen high grade shirts. Excello,. tJUlllS Faultless, Empire, Columbia, and other high, class makes. ff" "Wide color range. Plain or plaited styles, all sizes. The Nebraska's J Tf regular $1.50 sh'irts, a wonderful offer. Remodeling sale price Saturday. " t . Man's $1.30 and 91.60 Union 'Butts, all 'sizes,. Egyptian and "Merino,' Saturday at l ' ; v Men's $1.50 Kid and Cape Gloves, sale price, 95c 75 c Any 83.50 and 94.00 Union Suit in the house. - Huperlor, Made Well and Muldoon's, Saturday at--' JOHN A.SWANSON.pris WM.L.HOLZMAN.TntAS. Sweaters Men's li! kIi Krade heavy Wool sweaters. Hyron and ruff neck collar, navy, maroon, oxford. All sizes, 36 to 42. 1 , i $2,60 and $3.00 Sweaters "t Saturday at ? . t" Men's SOo Keckwear, rich' new silks. In ffreat variety, wldq and narrow ends, Saturday nt 25c Men's 91.00 Neckwear, bcaUtUj ful novelties and plain benus lines. Unlimited range. -Saturday at . . Correct Apparel for Men and Women. 50c 2 the only method of attack was to keep a constant sheet of water on It. The coin air froze the w'ater and occasioned no little troublo to the firemen. 1'Ulfiil HlRkt. At 8 o'clock a Peo reporter mounted U the top of an adjplnlnjf, building Ahd hy cllnfflnit to a frozen Ice crag .obtained u peep at tho dellructlon. The placo was a pitiful sight. TYag mehts of clothing1 half burled beneath tons of brick could bo seen, nnd hero and there ft bed showed from beneath parts of crumbled wall and.ceUI.ugs , v, No bodies coutd be seen from the point of vantage,,, but, from t,ho way. In, whfch the floors fe)r, It cduld bo, seen 'that they were given quick burial by the roofs and walls that fell on top. Anions; tho heroes made by the. tragic fire were Topi Fohoy, EiJ Duda and .Charles Cot, all" of Vlro tJdmpahy- Nol 'i These men. tho first to arrive; ventured In dangerous places to do possible good. Fahey carried a woman to safety against ler will. BJie was frenzied by thjs smoko iand fought and scratched hcij rescuer until slid"-reached, tho. ground, when bio was cared for by -bystanders. Sho was clad only In a pony akin cotit and she clung desperately to her purse, which It was afterwards .learned contained noth ing moro than a powder puff, a hand kerchief and a few small coins. Fireman William Clarke of truck No. 1 rescued Mark Hemmlngway of Kwing. illemmlngway was groping In one of the corridors and Was ready to fall from ex haustion when Clarke seized him .and car. rlcdhlm down a ladder to Hafety. sev eral 'other rescues were mado by firemen, but lit tho "cbnfuston name's Vould not be obtalriiar ' ' That mKfiy of tfio fire victims never wlll'b IdentlHed is the belief1 Of' hundred'." Owing to the local reputation of tho hotel there were many w6men In the hutel ,wltb their gallants, and these almost wltHout exception registered under us suiiu!d nqmesor failed, to register.' , Storks of Goods Ilurn. The lowor floor of the Dewey ho.U.l building lstoccupled by jthe.(taDhact-Prd (company .X)d the khman Wullpapr ttore. BothV of these places were de Uroyed;;tpgetl)cr with iheir' entire siocka. The entire block was threatened for a while and It was thought that the Schmol-ler-Mueller Piano store and tho Hlller Liquor company would go, but Chief Sal ter's men succeeded In cutting these places off from the danger zone and tho only harm was that the places woru smoked tip lightly. Illume for the (Ire Is placed entirely Upon the shoulders of the management Chief Salter, who says that not only were the exits. Inadequate, but Uie guests were given no show for their lives. Kvery ropm In , the .hotel was wrecked except three In tho northeast corner. C. Wllklns, In whose name th Dewey hotel Is leased and operated, Is 111 nt a sanitarium near Lincoln. His con dition Is such that news of the holocaust was kept from hfm. J. J. Foy- o'f Dundee was among the rescuers: He had Just como' In- on the Rock Island and was passing the hotel whoii ho heard the calls for help. The fire department had not yet arrived. Rushing with three other men that were on the street, he, forced open the side door and helped five persons out. Three of them were women and two were men. They had piled up against the door and were so frantic they could not open It. A i modest traveling salesman, who would not give his name, saved the lives of two women. He ordinarily stopped at the Merchants hotel, but. owing to the congestion at that place had to tako a rpom at the Dewey. Fortunately ho secured one that led to tho fire escape, and when the alarm went through the hotel two women rushed to the door of his room, over the door of ...l.t.U .. .1 .. t r ...... swerea ma cry or tne women and let them Into .his room, then opened the out side, window, ,to which the firemen had raised a ladder. A fireman was at the top of It and he took one woman down, while the traveling salesman carried the other to safety. Joseph Prokes, employed by the Great Western Tie foundry, escaped. Clad In a borrowed overcoat and undershirt and a pair of trousers, Prokes stood shiver ing In a nearby saloon, "I have been living In room 52 for the last tour months," he said. "I was awak ened about five minutes to five, but the Death-Trap in1 Whieh Many Sleeping People Lost Their Lives Yesterday NO FIREMEN . INJURED BY FALLING OF HOTEL WALLS After a rollcVll had been made or the tjremen It was found 'that the rumor of nevcral having been burledMnder the fall, lng rear wall of the building had no foun-tlatfon. Head Stuffed? Got a Cold? Try Papesi One dosfe bt rapes Cold Compound relieves worst cold, or grippe fo vuuune used. You will distinctly feel your cold break, big and all the Grippe symptoms leav ing alter taking tho very first dose. li la a positive lact tbac Papa's Cold Compound. 14.KVU every two Hour, until IflU-a . consecutlvo doses am taken, will end the Urlppa anil break up tbe most M.vrt cold, either in las tiuaa. chest. Luck, stomach or limbs. It promptly relieves tn most mlssrabU hcaoacbe, uuJuos, htad and no nufrej up, ioe-4nney stitcninc. sore throat, ruiinlntf o i fuMcou. catarrhal dWchargea. sornu. turia and inatlo twlngv. Get a S-qent package of 'Tape's Cold Compound" from jour druggist and take It with the knowledge that It win p,j. tively and promptly cure your cold and nd all the grippe misery; without any assistance or bad after-effects and that It contains no quinine don't accept torn, thing else said to be Just as good. T&sua o reacts gently. Advertisement ''4. KtkJ&j. , h,v r - . . i t mm MliSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaUsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBn WM i i I I iTTTnTtMl I BBBBBBBBBBBBBVMMBaHHSBBBW t SSBBBBBBBBXTSSBBSKVmcr BBBBBBBBaSBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBSSBBBBBBBBf ' idBBBBBBBHIBBBBBK .'SSSSSBa'i.'Sf"-' ' J-tilWliSBSSSSBSSSK:N SKPIBBBBBaBSb. . 1 . HU- 1 ' ! . t.ifiStf-W&S.SHV :; S i'Sa.- ci- . ,--,.Vi.ii W'.AU VIUW OF THE DBWBV HOTUL. SHOWING GREAT GAP MADE WHEN THE HACK WALL OF THE BURNED BUILDING FELL CRASHING INTO THE CELLAR. 7.50 THIS MORNING. dense smoko was pouring In the room. The wholo placo seemed full of smoke. 'Not knowing exactly what was hap pening I put on a pair of tfqusers and climbed down the flro escape; which was right under my window. .. , - "The clerk does not sleep at that' lfoui and yet, to my knowledge,' no alarm wan given and tho sleepers slept on, not knowing there was a flro until tho Impke awakened them.1' , Miss Grace Burton of Ruthven,jpla., was overcome by smoke and t'al;en't61the Omaha General, hospital, . wherejW'rftT gained consciousness at 9 o,'c!ocH'-Maufi flclently to tell her name,,, v,0 ' 'O" The Persistant and' Judjclous 'se' pi Newspaper Advertising Js the' 4qadtu Business Success. v'' iPimplts Sourci of Great Danger May be Means of Absorbing Disease Germs in Most Unexpected Manner,' . The research laboratory of The Swlfl Bpe'plflp CO.. has collected, a, 'vast amount of Jnfornlatl6n' regarding' ihrf, spread of -blood diseases. In (thousands of'lnstances the most "Virulent typo h'aVo 'been tho re sult of coming Jn contact' with disease germs In publlo places, -anil the apparent, ly lnslgnlflcant pimple has been the cause, It Spreads With astonishing ra pidity, often .Infecting the 'entire system In a few days. ' It Is fortunate, howeveri" that there Is & remedy to -copo qulekiyand thoroughly with such condition, and thanks to tho energy of Its producers. , tho famous 8. S. B. may not btf had' MC Almost any drug, storo'. In, 'the civilized world. This preparation stands alone among speclflcfercniedtcs as A blood purlller. It Is tiomewhat revolutionary Jn Its compo sition, since It accomplishes all that was ever claimed for mercury, Iodides, arsenla and other destructive mineral drugs, and yet It Is absolutely a purely vegetable prdduct. There aro more, crses of artic ular rheumatism, locomotor ataxia, pa resis, neuritis and similar diseases result ant from the use of minerals than from disease germs direct. These tacts aro brought out In a highly interesting book compiled by the medical department of The Swift Specific Co.. 127 Bwlft B!dg Atlanta, Ga. It Is mailed free, together with a special! letter of advice to all who are struggling with a blood disease. Get a fl.00 bottlo of tJ; S, ft, lMy of your druggist. It will surprise yf wltb. its wonderful notion In tha, 'blood. USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, Tfc antitepttt podr I? be hkn Into th hoi. It you nut rait nd comfort tor iml, achloc, miles, iweitlng feet. u Allen's Fsot-EUtt t r llarn earns and Imnlona of all pln awl prenl fclltten. or and cllou tpoit. Juit th 4Wnz (cr lltncinK rrtlM. 1'atent Itt)r. Smca na tor Dretklas la Kew 81ioe. It U the Krtt oomlort dtuoverr or !! Try. It todijr SA rrrrwhr, tt cti. Don't ccept an uUtltute. For FKEE trll ratkate. addrw Alln B OlinitM. L IVy, N T MRS WINSIOW'S SOOIHINQ SYRUP FOR CHIIOREH TEETHING nrauiimutner useil itor her bsblci. Mother ue.d it for her batriM, And cow I B Utlnjt it for my baby' So (poke the yoang mother TktiiCenerttttai. It Svothe tb ChllJi UiSaftaM tb Gums. It AlUyo lbs Pals. It ReHrre Wind Colic. Ami it U tha Bet Reroadr for Infantile Diarrhoaa. Favorably known and aald all QTar tho world. AyeKs Sarsaparilla Oldest, Safest, Strongest, Best. Standard family medkhie. No alcofeoL Sol4 for 60 yean. Ask Your Doctor. LiLa 4