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THE BEE: (5MAHA, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1913. 1 I I HThb Omaha Daily Bee jPOUNDKP BY KDffARD ROBEWATBR V1CTOII nOBEWATKn, BD1TOH. PBE DflLPlNO. FAKNAM MTU. Entered at Omaha poatofflee as second. claM matter. , terms or stmsciurnont Eunday Use, on year.. rjjv Saturday Bee. one year J-JX Dally Bee. -without Sunday, one year.. .w Dally Bee. and Sunday, one 7f DEIJVEltED BT CAimlER. grentng and Sunday, per month.... Evening, without Sunday, per tnonin.. Palhr Bw. Including Sunday. Pp J?-S J3tdr Bee. without Sunday. Pr n-..;J Address all complaints or irreguiariue In delivery to City Circulation Dept. REMITTANCE. Iteralt by draft express or postal order, payable to The Bee PubUshto "pany. Only J -Cent lUitipt recttved In payment of small accounts. Personal checks, ox cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not accepted, . OFFICE8: Omaha The Bee building. Bouth Omaha-S3IS N street. Council Bluffs-li North Main street. Lincoln 24 Little building. Chlcajco-lHl Marnuette building. New Tork-UM-ns Fifth Ave. St. Louis-503 New Bank of Commerce. Washlngton-Ta Fourteenth St.. N. W, CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news ana editorial matter should be addressed Omaha Bee. Editorial department. APniL CIRCULATION. 50,106 Jtate of Nebraska, County or Douglas, as: Dwlght Williams, circulation manager af The Be Publishing company, being July sworn, says that the averts dally Circulation for the month of April 1S13 Mas 6XM. DWIOHT WILLIAMS Circulation Manager. Bobserlbed In my presence and sworn fo before me this d day of May. 1918. ROBERT HUNTER, (Seal.) Notary Public, Subscribers leaving the elly temporarily should hare The lie snallrd o them. Addreaa'Wlll be eknngad ai often n requested. Tho way to rebuild is to rebuild. Periodical warning to auto Bpood- s: Slow up. No, wo'ro not sure it's cheaper to novo than pay rent. , California does not exactly nood Sir. Hobson to fill out thoso looturo pates of bis. No doubt Umplro; CollifloweV Has Jeen called "cabbage" more than once1 by irato fans; When tho army concentration comes Omaha wants' to tie- on- tho military map lit good, big tetter Frog legs wilt noon become-' as' cheap fca bacon. News note. Why! not make them as cheap as diamonds? A lot of men would' doubtless jump kt the chance of being ambassador to Great Britain It they did not have to lvet there.. It nothing short of tho-sheerest indifference td the rising- youBg.voter for the mayor to proclaim a- dande lion dlgglsr day. Where thai weeds havo lt: on the grass"' Is- that thoy will' grow without feeing watered at the rate of 3G cents thousand gallons) A Chicago paper predicts that fcarah Bernhardt may- live yet twenty roars upon tho stage. Just think of tho farewells to cornel Tho original "littlo Dbrrlt" died the other day in London, and yet how tnany more of tho original littlo Dor jriti thoro may prove to bo. Of courso, all theso doctors who free merconary objects in Dr. Frlod- imsvnn's demonstrations aro acttnn Jfram the purest of ethical motives. Ono of the best things that could befall honest1 union labor' would' bo the effectual elimination from the pctme of the Hon. W. D. Haywood. It Uncle Sam get a- licking, that Pofenny Bull boy Bhould, too, for tho Taps have been denied the right to fish In the British Columbia-ponds. "The king can do, no. wrong," is paraphrased in the lexicon of our amiable contemporary to" read, "Our Water board boss lobbyist Is always lghL" Why don't those Callfornlans get to gether and simply refuse to nil any land to the JapaT Detroit Free Press. They might be run In for main talnlng a boycott against friendly Customers; "Tho government has defied usi" shouts the young Pankhurst woman (To fully understand the British suf fragotto viewpoint we presume it is necessary to get the full force of that Writing about the Omaha tornado Barah Bernhardt says: 1 hop it will prove a lesson' to you Americans, and that you will henceforth build houses of. substantial materials.' Thanks, awfully. Former. Senator Edmunds, ot- Ver mont 1b now 86 years of ago and hearty, He resides In California and reads the Congressional Rocord- dally. "which bUows bow easy It' is to live Jong as yon. know how. By a new dispensation the use of autos Is to'Jje permitted ill our na tional parktf Might as well come to It now as later. It is not so long ago that autos iyore' aof allowed to pass Inside the gates' of a ocmetery. The Ord- Journal thinks that "nine oiit of every, ten Omaha people be lieve fully Ifa every prediction made Tjj the Rev. Ir R. Hfcks" since the toseaiei Borne practical joker has ikHLmr . suilelAM friea l Build Up Omaha's Credit. Onlr two days ngo Tho Bee nd Tcried to the fact that Omaha- mu nicipal bonds do not rank an high on tho bond market as thoy ahould com pared with tho bonds of other cities of our olass, and urged the nood of doing something to remedy this con dition so costly to our taxpayers. Ono cause contributing to tho dis advantage undor which our city bonds aro floatod may bo found in thoir exclusion from the list of ap proved socuritlos avallablo for hot Ings bank investments' In New York and certain Now England states. Without going Into tho reason, or arguing whother thero' ever was a reason, the responsible authorities hhould at least try to havo this bar ru-dl although it doubtloss cannot oe uccompllshed oaBlly, or at one. In tllo Interval, howover, ono thinp tan bo done In the direction of strengthening tho city's credit' by a propor offort. Undor the new order of tho. socrotary of tho treasury, na tional banks aro to bo permitted, subject to treasury approval, to de posit municipal bonds Instead of government bonds to Bocuro. United States deposits. If our delegation in congress havo any standing with the se'erotary of tho treasury, they can mako sure that Omalia bonds nro de clared acceptable for this purpose. A placo on the government approved HbJ. may not send our bonds suddonly to a high premium, but in building up tho city's credit, every littlo helps. Anti-Alien Agitation. The antUallen or, perhaps antl- Jnpanoso agitation ovldoritly Is not confihed' to California, but oxista In all adjoining states and as far north as .Alaska, whero Japaneso have been forbidden to fish in the big1 waters. writer In the San Francisco fjhronlolo ascribes this to "unreason ing, projudico and blind racial ha? trod." It ls Important to know how truo this is, In ordor to.provldo for tho periodical rocrudosconca ot. such a footing, if It really exists. Soven years ago a similar dispute nrostf oyer tho San Francisco school Kltuatlon nncl tho president inter vened, obtaining a form of settle- imont1 Involving a promise from Japan to co-opornto toward restrict ing its' immigration at that port. Has It kopt tho promise? If not; has its- failuro to do so aggravated the situation? Tho Washington corro- spondeht ot tho Kansas City Star says: Tho Japnne officials utterly Ignored their pledges and many thousands mora Japanese camo to the west coast than the Japanese agreed upon. Hd therefore concludes- that Japanese statesmen have no respect for diplomatic promises. ' The B&n. Francisco Chroniclo, how- evory much noaror the scone of dc Ubn, reprints parts of the official re port of- formor Labor Commissioner Mackenzie of California tending to show- a doorcase Instead of- gain In tho Jnpanoeo pqpulatlon thoro, a de crease In schodl attendance and a largor doath rato- than birth rate. Thoso figures are Tor 1010; It would bb well to bring thorn up to date; In the moantlmo, the philosophical mood oP Jnpsn,. Ih roruslng to bo como perturbed ovor the situation until diplomacy has exhausted its good' offices-, is adtnirabltr and holds k losBon'for-othors. That- Morass, ot Republican lule. In n proscription ot tho republican jparty, an impassioned' member of tho houso from the swamps of Arkansas, tho Horn Mr. Ooodwini thus ex postulates; Tho LoWi psttrnt and sometimes angry. icontlmied' to accompany tho visitation (of HIS wrath by physical evidence of His displeasure, but atlll Pharaoh would not- let the people go. And f$r more than rorty years the- American people hav been wandering Ih the moras of re publican misrule and republican matad ministration. Pride of the past blinded the iarty. greed led It astray and unholy finance witn special privilege encom passed Its defeat. But sltrce summoning tb his aid for the purpose of lluatratlon tho scrip tural narrative of Egyptaln bondage, The Hon. Mr. Goodwin should have gono further with his analogy by showing that whilo tho Lord hardened the- heart of Pharaoh and permitted him to enslave the chosen people for a while, Israel camo out of Egypt a rich and mighty nation; And the children of Israel wore fruitful, and lnereased abundantly, and multiplied; and waxed exceeding mighty; and tho land was- filled with them. And lh- these vforty yearn of mo rass" the American poople havo waxed great and Increased abundantly in every phase and element of their life and slnco tho republican party has been dominant during practi cally all ot that period, It Is Impossible by any tricks of oratory to mako pooplo bellevo It Is not bocauso, but ih spito of republican rulo. Once upofra time the 'Water board solemnly declared that the charges I to lltt)o consumers were dlspropor tlonately hifeh compared with the 'charges to- tho big fellows. And thereupon) as soon aa tho city got possession of the plant the board proceoded to raise the little fellow higher, and make the disproportion still greater. A correspondent wants to fix time limit for janitors In the business 'district to wash windows, clean Blde- rwalks and splash pedestrians. How unreasonable! Why should pedes trians be allowed to come within splashing distance when a Janitor feels II He working! BacWattl liOOKltU jkisDi Oraatia COMPILED DO (, 'ROM DEE. riLBS ? ooo MAY 2. Thirty Years An A novel enterprise Is being Inaugurated by B. L. Katon, the photographer, who Is putting electric lights Into his studio, not for Illuminating purposes, but tot talc photographs' by. Tho meeting of the new Douglas County Medical society elected the following offi cers: President, Dr. Harvey Link; vice presidents Dr. J. N. Bwetnam, Dr. J. H. Peobody; secretary, Dr. James Carter; treasurer) Dn L U, draddy; cenaom. Drs. D. B. Ayrea, J. B. Ralph, L. A. Merrlam, A. C. Moore, A. A, Parker; delegates to stats society, Drs Merrlam, Bwetnanv Ralph, Dunham, Brown, Spauldlng; Mo Kenna, Bridge' and Colerllle; delegates to Iowa Btate Medical society, Dra. Mer rlam, Oraddy, Coffman, Carter and Bwetnam. The Work of excavating for the founda tions of the new Lutheran church on Harney street was commenced at noon. It Is rumored that Omaha Is-to be the northwestern terminus of tha Postal tele graph' now being constructed. This will b another boom for the Gate city. S. N. Meallo, manager of the. Academy of Music has gtn to Chicago to make bookings. nalph R. Ulttlnger of the" Union Pa cific headquarters and his mother, to gether with Master Ouy and. Garfield Clark, left for a visit In the cast. Mr. and- Mr. Charles Shlverlck are back from a four months' tour In the south. A. H. Touzalln, formerly with the Bur tVigton and Mtneourt, now with the Santa Fe, p In the .city. walling for the Verdict" was put on nt D6yd's by an amateur company with Chart McDonald, F. IL Daniels. J. J. Nelfgh, B. A. O'Brien. Mrs. Elliot and Mrs. George Shields In the title roles; Twenty Years Ago A company or young peopi gainerea at thr home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas OH lan, 2311 Ohio street, In token of their regret at the coming departure from the city of Miss Annie Cummlngs, sister of Mrs. aillam Oovernor- West and son, of- Salt Lake- City passed through Omaha going east Bishop H. W. Warren had a largo au dience to. hear his lecture- on "Forces of Sunbeams" at the Youne Men's Chrlsi tlan association. "The distinguished pre late Is nothing If not eloquent and soon captured his audience,'' said The Bee. .Officer Burrows discovered fire In the grocory store of J. Marks, 1814 Sherman, avenue, at about 9:W p. m. It did- about ttOO of damage. Howard B. Smith", republican, and V, O. Strlckler, populist, were appointed to the Board, of Fire- and Police! commis sioners by Governor Crounse. Mr. Smith succeeded himself and ' Mr, Strlckler suc- ceeded George I. OllberU Mr,- Henry M. James, for nine years city superintendent of Omaha's publlo schools, later, having; returned from a tout of Europe, In charge of tha Asso ciated Charities work In' this city, war elected to the position of superintendent of the schools' at-Burllngtbn, la. He said while he, had not yet acoenttd tho place, there-was-no d6ubt h wouni; Ten Year Ago ureighton university beat the Kanoas State Normal school base ball team 8 to Harry Welch pitched and O'Keefs caught for Crelghton and Eddie- Creigh- ton covered third. Fred Hicks accepted the position of oo r manager of1 thV Peoples'- store Adolph Stors of Wuertemburg. Ger many, who had i been vlettlngi his- uncle,' Gottlieb Store, and' famtlyt for- several months, was- preparing to leave for- a tour of eastern cities before embarking for his native land. Sir William Kennedy had displayed In the show windows ot Bennett' store an autograph letter from Prosldent Tloois- velt expressing, appreciation for. a token presented to him while here from the store. Grand Chief P. M. Arthur of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineer was the guest of district lodgo No. 163. In the assembly room of the Ancient Order of United Workmen building. After the business affairs were off hand,., the tneembera took advantage of the timer to become personally acquainted with' their national chieftain. J, L Kennedy ot Washington. D. C, member of the United State Industrial commission, wm in the city. He wa active In labor' affairsc having been a member- for thlrtr-ona years of the Typographical union, He wa a newpa per correspondent at Washington when President: MoKlnley named htm on this commission. People Talked About James A. Btuart of Jersey City, of which place he has been a resident for the lst twenty-five year,- ha found his three daughter after a search ot thirty' seven year. Member ot the lower house of the Pennsylvania legislature think they are worth 13,000 Instead ot SUOO and have passed a bill boosting tha salary. Of all tho rare Joy of life, nona possesses so much fcvstacy as fattening one's pay en vel6pe. , T. J. Stlnson is the sol ruUng power In Spearville, Kan. He I mayor, super intendent ot the Sunday school. Justice ot the peaee and owner of the water and Ice plants and ot the moving picture house. He expect to be appointed Judge within a short time. ' A lifetime of hard work at scrubbing. washing and ironing netted Mrs. Matilda Wynne of Oyster Bay. L I., a negreaa. t&O.OOO. Ehe, left that sum by will to her husband, seven nephew and three ntecea. according, to a. transfer tax appraisal filed In Mlneola, the seat ot Nassau county. Antony Van Wagenon of Btoux city. nominated tor United States attorney for northern Iowa, la- said to ba the author of the famous switching signal of- toast' masters! "I am reminded of a story.' A a store house of' rib ticklers, Antony's memorandum book I a miniature edition pf Jo Miller's Justly celebrated collection. In the last distribution of medal and Jfjoln to heroes and heroines the Carnegie hero commission overlooked a distin guished heroine of "the land of steady habits." France Gertrude Wllmot of Bridgeport. Conn., remained a dutiful wife for twenty-nln years, raised eighteen children, supported the family for thir teen years and for the same period put up with th abuse ot a loafer husband. Last week th court In granting Mrs. Wllmot a divorce, expressed amasement tor her patt T I 1 . Twice Told Tales Toole the Trick. A conversation relating to the face value of - cards the other evening caused Senator Bradley of Kentucky to become reminiscent He was reminded, he Bald, of a roan from the mountain xone of his state, who once bought a Jug of whisky, and not wanting to carry It around with him, do-1 elded to leavo It at the comer grocery until ho should bo ready to go home. In order that the Jug might be properly Identified, the man took a deck of cards from his pocket, oxtraoted the six of spades, wrote his name upon It and at tached It to the handle of the Jug. This dono, he happily rambled forth, leaving the Jug on the end ot the counter. Two hours later the mountaineer re turned, and great was his consternation, aa welt as eloquence, to find that his Jug of electrified spirits had faded away. "Look here, Jlra." he agitatedly cried to the- proprietor of the store. "Do you know what become o' thet Jug o miner "Of course I do, Seth," was tho prompt rJolnder of tha proprietor. "Jake How ell oome along with ther seven o' spades an' took It" Washington Post True Pralw, "The horror, In this money-grabblnK age, that Is expressed at the bare thought that Dr. Frledmann desires to patent and rnonopollse his consumption remedy this Jiorror speaks well for the doctors." The speaker was Bishop Lambuth of Nashville. Ho continued! Doctor are a fine set of men. Out of babes' mouths Issues their praise. I once said to the little son of a Nashville doctor: " 'Is your father at homer " 'No,' said tha littlo fellow. No. sir. he's out.' " HVhere can I find htm, do you know'r "'Well,' said the little fellow, 'I guess you'd better look: for some place where folks are sick or hurt. I don't know Just .where he 11, but he' helping some- whsre.' "Nashville Banner. So Bettor Perhaps 1 Worn. Chairman Underwood, replying to a millionaire who was against the Income tax. said at a luncheon In Washington! "I am not astonished that he should oppose this tax. Prosperity doesn't al ways make a man better, Sometimes it niakes Mm worse. "Two men were talking about Weed Jlmpson". " 'Weed Jlmpson must be doing well now. He must be getting oa his feet at last,' snld the first man. "'Why do you think eof said the-sec ond; Well,' sold the first 'Jlrtoaon. you know, owe me money, and he dodges out of my waif now instead of facing me In the bold way- he used to '-Philadelphia Telegraph, Editorial Sittings fiu Louis Glob-pmoratt it King Nicholas of Montenegro lived in Mexico Most of the Insurrections would bo quelled within ten day. Chicago Inter Ocean: As' wo understand it the1 United' States will remain closed to cheap Asiatic labor, but will soon-bo open to the product of cheap Aulatid labor. Boston Transcript; Secretary Bryan's ginger-pop entertainments are calculated to oaus a revival of th' hollow-cane fad, or else ambassadors, dreading- the aridity "of a stats- dinner; win have to fortify themselves with a little something on the hip. New York- Buns Th order of thGerr man War office to military aviator- to keep away, fromi th. French fronUer. which. wa prompted by- the emperor, la eminently sensible. Thoracis probab!yno fortification, on the French aldo of th border with which th. Gormatv staff 1 hot familiar, andth, hysterla of the mob might- a well bo avoldsd bj restricting the army aviators In their flights Philadelphia Record: Mr. Mellen's rail rood company bought a' couple of sound tearrier at a cost of nearly tl,000,tXX) and three years later broke them up. In the meanwhile they had been offered for eat at $180,000, but on of tho company's offi cer explain that Mr. MelUn preferred to have them broken- up, and tho price bci ujxjn tnem naa Deen nxea with a Vtew to" deterring- purchasers, as It was not desired that they should fall Into th hands ot oompeUtor of th Nw Haven railroad. Th business arguments for a monopoly are quit convincing. Oddities, of Life,- A. N. See, aged 72, of Saltna, Kan., ha Just married Alice W. Carter, aged Ti. Whom he courted In vain fifty years ago Miss Anna Walker, who died tni Pasa dena, Col., a few days -ago at the-age of 91. mad th unusual' request that' her ashes should be sent to Boston by parcel post Marcus M. Wood, the-aged philosopher ot Webster, Mass., haareolved the problem of the high cost of living; He and hi wife subsist upoft th expenditure of cents a day and at th sam time ha thinks he1 has- th sac ret of health. Tom RlUoon of Walnut. Ark., I easily the champion "daddy" In- America. Con elder the score: Married thre times. father of fifty children, grandfather of 122, great-grandfather of sixty, great- greatgrandfather of twenty-seven, Age, 93 years. There are brides and- brides, but thU Kentucky bride- Is both the real and Ideal. The Charlottesville (Ky.) Chronicle thus sketches ths 111 models "The bride is a woman pf wondrous fascination and remarkable attractiveness. f6r with man ner as enchanting as th wand of a niren and a disposition aa swfcet as th odors of flowers and spirits a Joyous, as th caroling ot birds and mind a brilliant aa thoso glittering tresses that adorn the. brow of winter, and with heart a pur as dewdropa trembling la a coronet' at Violets, she wtlli make the- home of- ner husband a paradise of enchantment like the lovely home of her girlhood, whir the heaven-toned harp of marriage tth Its chords pf love and devotion and fond endearment sent forth the sweetest strain of felicity that ever thrilled the aenses with th rhythmto pulsing's of estatlo rapture." The Beat Loser, Springfield' Republican. Speaker Champ Clark permitted hlnuttf to beooma reconciled to his ututpeakb! enemy of Nebraska, but tha character ot th reunion go- to show mora etaphaW ically than ever that th best loser ot Us to'Profi W. in Taft ot Yale. The Trntli About Tornadoes, OMAHA. May 1. To the Bdltor of The Bee: It Is not always certain that the reported night tornadoes were true tor nadoes and not severe storms. However, will gladly strike out the word "never" and chang It to "very rarely." The prin ciple Is not at affected by the change. I atlll ae no reason to modify what I said about electricity In a tornado. There is lightning, ot coursr to some extent but- this Is very secondary and comparatively evanescent In Its work. But to claim that th wind cannot produce certain effects- and that therefore electricity must do it Is not a very convincing argument If, as Blgelow says In his long- and able mathematical analysis of the constitution of a tornado, the wind may reach a theoretical velocity of 800 miles an hour In the axis of a tornado, I think we have more than sufficient power to explain any observed effect. WILLIAM F. ItlGOE, Crelghton University Observatory. ninclnir the Ohanirr. OMAHA, May I. To the Editor of The Beet I see 'that our democratic organ as sail the mayor and council In a charac teristic outburst for not taking orders from the Water board lobbyist A few change,, reversing the moUon of the screed, are all that Is needed to make It sound right So modified,, this Is tho way it reads: Do tha honorable water commissioners of Omaha look on the city water plant as nothing more than their personal orop- erty to be used In any and every way they please,- provided they can vent their petty spite against the mayor and city council? Are they willing to make It un popular, unprofitable and inefficient merely because they don't like The Heat 'Certainly It looks that way when they refuse to give the people the promised lower water rates Just because Tho Bee calls upon them to do so. Their excuse la that the demand-for lower water rates Is 'unreasonable.' Who says so? Their $6,000 a year lobbyist "The only object In buying the water plant and taking It over by the city was to get nway from- the- excessive and ex orbitant rates charged by the old water company. But notwithstanding!- that the Water board has not only not-reduced Iho rates, but ha, actually Increased them One would think from the attitude or the water commissioners that the water plant wa their own private property. In stead it la the property of tho people of Omaha, who have- merely vested them temporarily with tho management of pub lic property paid for with $7,000,000 of the people's money, yet the water commis sioners, taklns their orders obediently from their political engineer, refuse to let the people have any benefit or returns whatever from their Investment In the form of lower- taxes or cheaper water. "It Is to the ehame of the' water com missioners. There ought to be some one among them somo one like Mr. Heafey, who has otherwise n good reputation- some on like Mr. Bucholz, who ranks welt as" a banker big enough and broad enough to stand up in meeting and voice ths popular' demand by forcing the board to redfcem its broken promises." I would send this to the democratic sheet but I know It wouldn't' bo printed. CITY HALLEIL Ther Same Old Cry. To the Editor of The Bees An editorial appears tn Monday's World-Herald, en titled "A Strange Parentage," setting forth some arguments but no reasons why the number of saloons should not be re duced to one to 1,000' population in the city of Omaha. As is the character ot that periodical, so aro tho arguments Bpeclouei false and hypocritical. The writer holds no brief for the de fense Ot Mr, Dennlson. But It It be true that Mr. Dennlson Is In favor ot saloon reduction, that Is no reason why the W.-1I. should oppose. For there are many things held In common by both. With perhaps this difference, some things which are true ot the W.-H. have never been charged against Mr. Dennl son. He has never been accused of re pudlatlng a Just debt, nor Is it said of )ilm that he ever went back on a friend. It It were possible for .the W.-H. to obtain advantage for itself or any of Its friends through association with Mr Dennlson, Is It to be thought of that th w.-H. would repudiate such an al llnnce? Not at all. Then why the solici tude of the W.-H.? Is It because a brief Is held by It for the- protection and benefit of the brewers of Omaha? For any person with a modicum of com mon sense will see that the proposed re duction ot the number ot saloons tn Omaha will render- useless- thousands' of Sollara' worth ot saloon fixtures, which r not owned by. the retait dealers but by the brewers. As for the retail liquor dealers who would bf affected by the re auction proposition, they would not lore one dollar by depreciated values; for all fixtures and equipments-and the licenses under which they operate are owned by the brewers, and are leased by them to the, retail dealers, and never cease to bo their property. The hypocrisy of the W-II. t th more evident when a glance Is taken over the political history of Douglas county and Omaha for the last three or tour years, During the gubernatorial and legisla tive campaign ot 1910, when The Omaha, Be and other agencies In Omaha were calling attention to th immense amount ot Illegal registration in the Third ward, and also to the wtdspread colonization In this and other wards, the attitude of the W-H. was one ot ridicule and denial ot such facts. In the legislative investi gation which followed, that paper pooh hooed and belittled the Irrefutable evi dence ot illegal registrations and vot ing, and also connivance of the city clerk's office tn such fraudulent opera tions. The reason for th attitude of that paper in the campaign of 1910 Is to b discovered in th fact that Gilbert M. Hitchcock, proprietor of the W-H., was candidal, for the office ot United States senator1 from the state ot Ne braska What manner of ethics is held by this arch hypocrite, ot Journalism, that It seek- to defeat a moat salutary and. reasonable measure, by Calling at tention to the presumed tact that one of It dearest old-time friends Is tn favor of the proposition? By the same sort of logic, Gilbert M. Hitchcock Is In famously filling a high office In the United States government, because Mr. Dennlson and the Third ward favored him with a majority tn 1S10. On the other hand, Ir. Edttor, sup-1 pes the W-H. should assert that Tom ! pennlson wa against tho saloon reduc tion preposition, would that fact be ot such sufficient moment to the W-H. nA to cause It to espouse the cause of saloon reduction? Mr Flltor. Is the sober, patriotic and ' progressive cltUnry ot Omaha to be , stomped t to or away from certain j propositions Just because the W-H, may shriek 'Tom Dennlson is for. or, Tom ; Dennlson Is against" that particular measurt VEIUTAS. LAUGHING LINES. "language was given for the conceal ment of thought," said the ready-mad philosopher. "Yeaf replied Miss Cayenne, "many an Impropriety Is hidden by a scientific word of four or five syllables." Washington Star. "That" said the futurist, pointing proudly to the canvas with which he ttau just finished, "Is my attempt to Interpret the Infinite." "What did the Infinite ever do to you? aaked the Innocent bystandcr-Chlc&Ko Hecord-Herald, Newedd Did you spend so much money aa this before I married you? Mrs. Newrdd Why, yes. Newpdd Then I can't understand why your father went on so when I took you away from him. Boston Transcript "What Is the principal difference be. tween modern and ancient times?" "One of the main points was that thb modern earn their living, while the an cient urrled their dead." Baltimore Amer. lean. "Son. why don't you play circus? lt't, great fun. First you moke a sawdust ring." "Where'll I get any sawdust dad?" "Here's the saw. Just saw some ot that cordwood Into stove lengths. You can have all the sawdust you make." Judge. "You want a 8tvorce from your hus band, madam? On what ground?" "On the ground, your honor, that he made me think he was 90 years old and had heart trouble, I find out he's only 72, -fmm ' 1 f tea &. . us vow -i(igSBa 1 ." .. )f Pasteurine Refreshing In the morning it arouses the strength gained from sleep. At night it refreshes after the day of work and promotes comfort that rests. At all times JP ASTJSUKiJNUi is an alluring delight of the toilet. Most Used Because Most Useful As a mouth wash, PASTEURINE perfectly preserves the teeth, purifies the breath and. pleas antly cools and soothes the mouth. Ae a. throat wash, PASTEURINE is cleans ing and. healing It relieves discomforting irritation and throat tension. It destroys disease germs. PASTEURINE protects and prevents. As a nasal douche, PASTEURINE clears the head and promotes natural' breathing through the nose. Use it- daily. lOc, 25c, $1.00. At Drug Stores If your druggist does not . have Pasteurine, send us 10c for large trial, bottle and literature. Jno, T.Milliken & Co., St: Louis, U. S. A. the Business in the PEF classified pages Your chance to make money may lie in awant ad in The Bee. Others have made money through acting, upon opportunities offered in the " Business Chances" columns of The Bee.- EVillow this department every day. It offers rich fields for1 investments and pre aents'inany advantages that you will find no whore else. The Bee gets-results that count for the. mostLearn by using these ads. Bee Want Ad Department. Tyler 1000 The drawing and cut will cost you only ?3.B0. Let The Bee Engraving Plant do your work. We Will Prtvide An Estate of from $2,000 to $10,000 for Ytur Family Pirabl at your death or In ten or twenty annual Installment. Jf you will pa us a nmall rate ot Interest on It during your lifetime. A man aged thirty-five at tho time of securing this contract, would nay us, plus a. small initial expense, at thB rate of only on and ons.tulrd ter cent of the principal per annum. The cost at other ages Is at same low ratj Ai this small con can you.atford to ba without this protection? There are many attractive features about our contracts, whlcn we w M b pleaaed to explain upon requnst "- we i ABVEKTTSED XA.TX8 OtXABAlTTEED BT SVTXKS ASSETS. GUARANTEE FOND LIFE ASSOCIATION XEssavx. nnrnoTiai obtr. uxxjuxov bouaxs r. W TrrTEXIWOTBH. District Hunr 04 BUAJTOEI8 aTOUJIXQ, PHOWB DOUCIiir ' ... m. i.n-i n thine the. matter Vltrt him. "-Chicago Tribune. u-nioV.r Jones says he doesn't want anything but his autograph from th PrBocker But he wants that on a com mission. New Tork Sun. rAt .. Di.nAffrnntifiTf I marry you. 1 give up a salary ot 25a week. .... :. rt if 1. . at nil. A M . XI special privilege, you may keep on work lngt KISSING GAMES. Edgar A, Guest In Detroit Free Press. I watched them playing kissing games And chuckled' to myself As I recalled tho days before Time put me on, the -shelf. I watched that roguish lad ot mine With all Ihe gusto that I showed when l was wont i u. But I am on the sidelines, now, And he Is In the game. And he Is hugging pretty girls With eyes and cheeks aflame, And there's no special one to pout Or raise a fuss when he Distributes his affections thus, , The way there Is with me. What though ho kiss ft dozen maids And give them all a squeeze, Nobody sternly say to him'. "What means this conduct Please?" Nobody stamps a pretty foot At him or starts to cry, But this will como,. when these glad years Of youth have wandered by. "Just like his dad," I hear her. ray, And note her gentle smile; And I retort, "This freedom will But lost a littlo while. Perhap on of these lassies sweet Will some day rule, his life, And yet. I hop, that like his dad He'll choose, as good a wife." Healthful, Restful Opportunities I