Newspaper Page Text
Daily TIII3 IJEE'S THE WEATHER Showers Daily Spori Extra I1EST OP AIjIj VOL. XLU NO. 1274. OMAL1A, SATURDAY MOHNINQ, MAY 3, 1JU3-SIXTEEN PAGES. SINTGLE COPY TWO CENTS. The Omaha Bee MILLION DOLLARS IN COALLAND IS DEEDED 10 GOVERNMENT Suit Filed Against Colorado Fuel and Iron Company is Settled by Compromise. TEACT OF 5,800 ACRES INVOLVED Thirty-Four Hundred Acres is Sur rendered by Company. WILL BE OPENED FOR ENTRY Regulation and Prices Fixed by Interior Department. CASE FOUGHT FOR FOUR YEARS Oovernmcnt Contended that Pat entee Knew Vnlne ol Land Wken Ther Ke.hnnjred Pored 1 Land for It. DENVER. Colo., May 2. Coat land in volving 3,400 acres and valued at approxi mately $1,000,000 was surrendered to tho United States government today by the Colorado Fuel and Iron company In con sideration of dismissal of a suit Involving E.S00 acres owned by the company. The land Is located In southern Colorado. Tho future entry on the land will be permitted under, the regulations and prices recently fixed. The settlement arranged through ne gotiations between United States District Attorney H. E. Kelly. Assistant Attorney General Frederick Maynard, M. D. Mc Enlry. chief of the field sprvlcc of the general land office and officials of the Colorado Fuel and Iron company. Tbe land, which is located In Las Ani mas county, originally was taken up as agricultural land by George W. Benedict and Ellsha P. Lee. It was filed on under the law that permits owners of forest land to return It to the government and receive In return agricultural land. Sub sequently tho land was tumid over to tho fuel company. The government's complaint against the company was that tho entrants to the land knn they were getting valuable coal property. For four years the company lias fought the case through tho Interior department, where It secured favorable decision. Sub sequently suit was started by the gov ernment In the federal court to refute the company's contention that the ruling of the secretary of the Interior was final. New evidence was Introduced and todays settlement resulted from negotiations that havo been In progress several months. Thirty, Milk Cows Are Ordered Killed City veterinarians have condemns as tubercular thirty of the flfty-flvo head of covs in tho Post dairy at Benson and have ordered tho animals taken to South Omaha and killed. Other dairies are being lnspocted and Health Commissioner Con nell has instructed the Inspectors to mnkt the testa thorough and weed out all tubercular cows In herds from which milk for Omaha citizens Is secured. TOLLS PROBLEM SETTLED WITH JUSTICE TO ALL ST. LOUIS, May 2. "Upon our action, our restraint and our sense it Justice In dealing with such matters ns Panama tolls the policy of commercial equity known as the open door and the treat ment of aliens within our limits, our In ternational credit depends." This was the statement of Prof. Paul S. Relnsch of the University of Wiscon sin In addressing the fourth American Peaco congress today. "No single thing," he said, "would weaken the position of American leader ship more than if we should refuse to arbitrate or to settle In some ether satis factory manner the question of Panamu tolls." Prof. Relnsch said tho success of the next Hague conference depends largely on tho Influence of the United States. Prof. William I. Hull of Swarthmore collcgo spoke on "The Hague Tribunal Its Present Meaning and Future Prom ise." Edwin D. Mean of Boston, In speaking of "The Pan-Toutonlo Pledge of Peace," said nothing would help tho cause of peace more than the united action -or Great Britain, Germany and the United States to stop the rivalry In naval con struction. A bulletin announcing that the United States had recognized the new republic of China was read at the peace congress this afternoon. The announcement brought forth an enthusiastic demonstra tion. ANOTHER TORNADO VICTIM DIES AT SWEDISH HOSPITAL John Cullls, aged 13 years, died Friday morning at the Swedish Mission hospital after lingering since the tornado with a fractured skull. The case was an extraordinary one and young Cullls showed remarkable vitality. There was a large hole In his head and a part of the brain was gone. His home, Thirty-first and Charles streets, was totally destroyed by the twister. The Weather For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Showers. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday. r r- No a. in. ..(,... 6 a. m 63 7 a. m 53 W L J i a. m 65 b a. m ok i 10 a. m a H 11 a. m 63 "VJ flu 1i rrt 70 Tl 1 I. m 78 V,. KM A 2 I. m 7S Jr 3 p. tn 78 "NT t P. m 78 VW-V S-J V- m u Si- Tii-z ii 6 p. m ui ZS&MU 7&1 ' 7 n m Ol fv i V- m ...00 WILL Y0TE0N ALIEN BILL California Senate Will Act Late This Afternoon. BRYAN POSTPONES HIS RETURN Secretary of State' Announcement Taken to Menu that He linn Not Yet Exhausted Ilia lie sources. SACHAitSLiVmUl. May 2 Jfcn aorrenitamrtt to the Webb redraft of tho antl-aJUtt land bill permitting Ineligible aliens to leBe agricultural property for a period of not exceeding three years was adopted by .the senute at noon by a nonpartisan vote uud the bill was sent to the printer with emergency rush order. The majority leaders had guarded against delay to the extent oi secretly sending a copy of their amendments to the printer before the matter cume before the senate. The decision to amend ths bill and at the same time to prevent further post ponements was reached at a conference held shortly before 1 o'clock, tetwen Gov ernor Johnson, Attorney General Webb and Senator Boynton, floor leader of the upper house. The original bill prohibited both owner ship and leaseholds, but upon the receipt of violent protests from large land In terests that would be seriously affected If leases were eliminated tt was thougnt best to make this specific exemption In the bill before bringing It up for final passage. Potnto KInu- Protests. A long telegram of protest against the passage of an antl-allen land law, signed by George Shima. (tho potato king) of California, and president of the Japanese Association of America, was read in the senate this morning. Slilma Is tho wealthiest Japanese in the state and Is said to have largo land In terests In the DelUi region of 8an Joaquin river. His message was as follows: "Japan has ceased to Bend laborers to America. The Japanese who are here have tried to keep both the word and the spirit of all laws and treaties. They have settled in this land of liberty and equality with tmst and confidence in the Ameri can people. "We appeal to you and to your assist ants to consider well the result of any unfavorable legislation upon them and American Industry as. well. We hope justice and humanity, which wo conceive to bo the fundamental principles of the American nation, will not be for gotten nt this time.' More than a dozen telegrams from labor organizations throughout the stuto were received, all urging the enactment of law to prevent ownership by "aliens who are Ineligible to citizenship." lrymi Postpone Ileturn. WASHINGTON. May 2-Secretary Bryan telegraphed today he had reconsidered his purposo to start at opce fqr Washington and would remain In Sacramento until th9 alien land' legislation Is concluded. Offi cials here Infer tho secretary feels ho has not exhausted his resources and still hopes to Influence the legislation In ac cordance with "trie 'aTmTnltrafi6Tvrlf,rrtflf. Col. Eoosevelt and Dr, Anna Shaw on Suffragist Program NEW YORK. May 2. With parade, pageant and appeal from tho public plat form, the women of Now York City, who tellevo in woman suffrage will hold a demonstration tonight and tomorrow In favor of their cause. Theodore Roose velt has consented to be one of the speakers and, with Dr. Anna" Howard Shaw, president of the National Ameri can Woman Suffrage association, will deliver an address tonight at the pageant, depicting women's dream of freedom, to be given at tho Metropolitan opera house. Tomorrow evening what Is expected to hi tho greatest woman suffrage parade ever held 30,000 strong will move up Fifth avenue. When It Is over, men and women orators In automobiles will ap peal to the people In the Plaza at Fifth avenue and Fifty-ninth street, and a great meeting will be held In Carnegie hall, at which prominent men and women workers for the cause will deliver more addresses. Society women, actresses and opera singers will participate In tonight's pageant Madame Nordlca will take the purt of Freedom. Forty-nine women, picked for their statuesque beauty, and forty-nine men selected for their Adonls llke proportions, will represent In couples the forty-eight states and Alaska. The pageant will fpllow the addresses of Colonel Roosevelt and Miss Shaw and an appeal for recruits to march In the parade. One hundred and seventy col lege women will act as ushers. Water Users Consult Secretary Lane WASHINGTON, May 2.-More than 160 representatives of Water Users' asso ciations in thu Irrigated regions of the webt, senators and representatives and officials of reclamation service and In terior department were present today at the second session of tho conference on irrigation, called by Secretary Lane. The session was given up to informal talks .by the representatives of the water users, who spoke of the various problems which tho farmers in the irrigation re gions are called on to solve. Tho laws govornlng the uso of water, payment for water rights, payment for homestead and similar laws, as well as the regula tions established by the Interior depart ment and the reclamation service on government Irrigation projects were gone over and many suggestions for amend ments to existing laws, new legislation and modifications of regulations wen; xr.adv The conference will continue until next Wednesday or Thursday. SURGEON ASKED TO OPERATE SO AS TO KILL PATIENT CHICAGO, May 2.-John B. W. Way man, former state's attorney, who fatally shot himself April 17 and exprwsod regret over his act. Just before he Jltd, tried to Induce a physician to operat on him in such a way as Jo cause death, ac cording to the testimony of Dr. W K I Murray at tho coroner' inquest today. ASSAILS WILSON FOR NEW JOT SPEECH Opponent of Pet Jury Bill of Presi dent's Calls Address "Denuncia tion of Legislature. AND EXECUTIVE "COMES BACK" Declares He Was Just Presenting the Facts of the Matter. OBJECTION SURPRISES HIM Refuses to Answer Questions Put by Recalcitrant Assemblyman. WILL NOT SUBMIT TO QUIZ AntnKOiiInt Seek to Ila-ve 111m Specify What Kind of Measure lie Dnlr rfrrmlirr Step In. JERSEY CITY, N. J May 3. Personal persuasion was President Wilson's In strument of action today ns he conferred upon Jury reform with democratic sena tors of tho state legislature. It was thu alleged abandonement by somo of tho legislators of the party pledgo as to this reform and a revision of tho constitution which brought Mr. Wilson to his home state to appeal to tho electorate. The president had Invited the legis lators to meet him today to arrive, If possible, at a common agreement on tho particular form of a measure which would take the power of drawing Juries from tho hands of sheriffs. While in his speeches at Elizabeth and Newark Inst night Mr. Wilson denounced some of ths asjemblymen who failed to support tho party promises as affiliated with James Nugent. Jr.. and his political organ, the president admitted that some of tho mem bers of the legislature honestly opposed the Jury reform bills In tho last session of the legislature because of objection to the form of proposals. It was these whom the president sought to convince. There was an open clash between the president and W. I.. McDermott, assem blyman from Hudson county, a bitter opponent of the bill. Mr. McDermott took exception to the president's speech last night which he characterized as one of denunciation of the legislature. At the president's request he pointed out what (Continued on Page Two.) Germans Believe Danger Point in Balkans is Passed BERLIN, May 2. Political circles here are very reticent today concerning thb Montenegrin situation, apparently await- ,lng Infprmutlon. s,s to J.ho .result of iha .-..Jin -.t, rninr. s , : - - council "of -hrinlsYenl at Vienna? On tho stock exchange, however, the activity of business today Indicated that the consensus of bpinlon prevailed thero. that the critical point in the situation had been passed. Speculators seemed to have reached the conclusion that the European powers would stick together and that Montenegro was preparing to back down. A stormy general rise took place In many places and clashes of the previous day was shown. Some specialties ad vanced from 6 to 7 points. Canadian Pa ciflo 3V4. Russian banks 3, German banks 1 and the general list of securities from 2 to 3. ATHENS, Greece, May 2. A letter re ceived from Corfu states that Ussaad Pasha, who was the Turkish commander- in-chief during tho prolonged slcgo of Scutari by the Montenegrins, has formed a government at Tlranada, where he nas proclaimed the autonomy of Albania under suzerainty of Turkey and hoisted tho Turkish Instead of the Albanian (lag. Essaad Pasha has also written a letter at Durazzo, stating that the Albanian government recognizes the authority of tho Orthodox church, to which it will offer Its protection. This letter further states that the Al banian government In no way Is hostile to Greece and that It recognizes the northern frontier of Eplrus, In accordance with the demands of tho Greek govern ment Will Ask Governor Johnson to Place Woman on Bench LOS ANGELES, May 2.-Pctltlons were prepared today asking Governor Johnson to appoint Mrs. Clara Shortrldge Foltz as one of the six additional supcuor court judges recently authorized by the I legislature for Los Angeles county. Mem j bers of women's political organizations are behind tho 'movement to Induce Gov ernor Johnson to make the appoint men i. Mrs. Foltz Is a republican and a lawyer who has practiced for years at the Los Angeles county bar. In the last campaign she supported Mr. Taft. Pope Will Receive Cardinals Saturday ROME, May 2. Pope Plus is most lm putlent to resume his work and has de cided to begin his receptions of the car- ! dinals tomorrow commencing with Car jdlnal De Lai, secretary of the conslstorlal ! congregation, and Cardinal PompUII. 1 vlcar-general of Rome, The pontiff wishes to discuss with Cardinal De Lai several questions concerning America and he hat I pot Mien Cardinal Pomplll since he was I appointed vlcar-general, jRoadmaster Killed, Enginemen Injured COLBY, Kan.. May 2. Morris Duinean, roadmaster, was killed and Engineer Erlckson and Fireman Nicholas were, probably fatally Injured last night when a Rock Island work train was wrecked three miles east of here. The train ran Into a washout while on its way to repair damage by another washout, LEAD BAPTISTS ..5.. 6.. C. From th Philadelphia Record. HOWELL REWARDS HELPERS Appoints Politicians in Place of Old Men He Fires. EMPLOYES ALL WROUGHT UP Slllte Is Ilewnrded for the Work lie Did for llntrell In. the Iiftclalature Durlmr tbe Itecent Session. Riot 111 the office of the Water board becauso Raymond Shields, for four years an efficient employe of tho water plant, was let out without notice and Joseph Carr, a negro Third ward politician, was appointed by Water Commissioner Howell to replaC6"hlm wfts narrowly" averted by prompt action of Members p. C. .Heafoy nnd D. J. O'Brien of the board, wha rej. OarrTgo to work. " ' , " It Is said Shields was fired by Howell because his father brought suit to ;epjoln the Issue of' water works bonds, and tllul Howoll "laid for him." Accustomed to such proccduro thero irms no spoken' complaint among employes. Then CarrBtainir to take Shields' place. Immediately clerks throw down their pens and Buch a protest was raised that the offlco was In Imminent danger of complete demoralization. Heafoy and O'Brien, who aro weary of tho everlist Ing kowtowing to the water commis sioner, Investigated and believing there was sufficient causo for complaint, ordered Carr out of the office. .Still a More Spot. Howell has not submitted to the action of his board members. The affulr Is still a sore spot, and the least rubbing either wuy Is likely to result In wholoiulu aban donments of Jobs or a regular riot "I thought we simply couldn't prevent a riot when this thing became known," said a Water board employe. "You never heard Buch a howl. Heufey and O'Brien saved the day for the water commis sioner. The employes nre not over it yet and further developments may be ex pected." Another stunt of tho water commls- (Continued on Page Two.) Demurrer in Slingsby Baby Substitution Case is Sustained SAN FRANCISCO, May 2. With the order of Judge Dunne of the superior court sustaining the demurrer of Dr. W. W. Frascr, tho Slingsby baby substitu tion case practically cume to an end to day. Dr. Eraser was charged with hav ing signed a birth certificate declaring a baby presented by Lieutenant Raymond Slingsby and his wlfo to be their legltl mate offspring, with knowledge that at the time that a foundling hud been sun stltuted as the family heir. Judge Dunne held that while the birth certificate signed by the defendant might be false In some respects, the document was not an Instrument witni.i the mean ing of the code, and that thetefore could not be false In any particular. A valuable estate left by Sllngsbys father, who bad been a clergyman In England, was Involved. Tho Sllngsbyn are now In Paris, according to the latest Information received here. TOMORROW The Beat Colored Comics with The Sunday Bee lough Job Aubert and Eabago, Huerta Generals, Join Oarranzistas EAGLE PASS, Tex.. May 2.-OfflclalH of tho Cnrranza reglmo announced from the constitutional headquarters, Plcdras Negraa, today that General Trucy Au bert, tho Huerta leader In northwest Mexico, had Joined forces with Governor Curranza. Reports from Mexico Cty that the Huerta generals, Trucy Aubert and Ru bago, havo Joined the revolutionary move ment In north Mexico, gavo weight today ft a statement Issued from constitution alist read-quarters that active campaign ing by tho. federal troops had ceased. Another repoft stated that Gonural Lopez, campaigning with Aubert, was "negotiating iuJolnTCarFahza. IllthnW Is fighting a different branch Of the con stitutionalists. NOGALKS, Ariz., Slay 2, Insurgent states forces evacuated Kmpalme today after which tho Mexican government gun-1 boat, Guerrero, began shelling tho Call fornln, gulf town preliminary to a land movement from Guaymas, where tho fed eral garrison was strongly reinforced yes terday. At Einpalme are many Ameri can railway men Including Superintend ent B. H. Temple of the Southern Paci fic of Mexico. As soon ns It became evident that the constitutionalists had decided to leave Em pul me, a suburb across tho bay from Guaymas, tho Guorrero opened a hot fire over the town. As tho last of the Insur gent horsemen disappeared over a hill more than a mile away, shells from tho gunboat burBt over their heads. Tho constitutionalists are retributing to ward Hermoslllo, the state capital. Psychology Pupils Unable to Describe Fight Correctly LAWRENCE, Kan., May 2.-U hen Prof. F. C, Dockeray of tho phychologlcal de partment of tho University of Kansas got Into an altercation last night with a Janitor, who entered the classroom and Insisted on sweeping while Dockeray was lecturing, a number uf students came to his rescue. The affair grew Into a free-for-all fight. In which the Janitor, who had a revolver, was overpowered and disarmed. A burly student grasped the pistol and a shot wa fired. As soon as order was somewhat re stored and the frightened und fleeing students reassembled accounts wero taken from them of the affair. All Lie students swore they heard the shot and several told of the smoke of the revolver. Then Prof. Dockeray told that It wu an experiment, a fight that had been Planned carefully, and that the shot of the revolver was from tho outside of the building by a Btudent posted there. The purpose of the experiment was to show tho unreliability of information even when furnished by witnesses GENERAL LABORERS STRIKE AT PATERS0N PATERSON. N. J.. May 2. A general strike of laborers In four counties of New Jersey was gotten under way today when several thousand men affiliated with the General Laborers' union falld to report for work. Loaders of the strikers assert that J15.000 men will be out by Monday The laborers demand an Increase In wages from $1.75 to K a. day. The laborers' strike Is Independent of the silk workers' walkout, now In Its third month. Mevcral thousand laborers. members of the International union, are on strike in West Chester county, Now York, and on Long Island, where there were riots yesterday. WISCONSIN HOUSE VOTES SYMPATHY TO MILITANTS MADISON, Wis.. May 2. -The assembly ordered to engrossment today a bill re quiring all employers except railroads to give their employes one day's rest In seven. A resolution of sympathy for tne Engllia suffragettes was adopted. By De Mar. PUT BAN 0NALL THE FRATS High School Students Are Asked to Sign Prepared Blanks. TO KEEP STATEMENTS ON FILE Active frnsnile llelnw AVnReil tn Keep .Secret Hoclellen from flnln Iiik u 1'iiotliolil 'lit the HlKh Hehnol. Prompt expulsion from tho Omaha High school will bn tho penalty for mem bership In nny frnt or sorority. Princi pal Kate Mcllugh of tho high school, Superintendent 15. U. Graff and Presi dent E. Holovtchlner of the Hoard of Education will seo that tlie state law against secret societies Is so rigidly en forced , that even tho spirit of the 'will rrifi&1ul wr ", ' Miss Mcllugh has distributed among 1,800 students blank statonfents which tho pupils wero required to sign. These statements nre to the effect that the pupil did not belong to any secret so' clety nnd that affiliation with such so ciety was equivalent to Instant dismissal from tho institution. .Htntciiic iiIh Kept on Flic. Theso signed' Htatc'nicntH will bo kept on file at the high school and will bo used to forestall uny excuse based on Lgnorunco of tho law or tho penalty for Its violation. Concerning tho fight to keep Becrol societies out of tho high buhool, Superintendent Graff said: "Wo nre doing everything wo can to onforco tho law. It Is difficult, of course, for tho trouble Is In defining a secret society. What is mount, I believe, by secret society Is a national organization Wo cannot prevent half a i assembling at the hpmu of that sort. dozen students nf mm nf tlimn mien a week und dancing and we realize that" The Board of Education will spare no effort to mnko Miss Mcllugh's campaign complcto nnd effective. WurnlngH will bo continually Issued and Investigations will follow every rumor that the secret society has again Invaded tho school. Bull Throws Dart Into Amphitheater and Kills Young Man VALENCE. Department of tho Drome, France, May 2. An Infuriated fighting bull In the bull ring hero today shook Its head so violently In trying to rid Itself of tho steel-tipped darts with which tho banderllleros had pierced Its shoulders nnd neck that one of the darts was torn out of the flesh and hurled among tho spectators In tho ampttheuter. It pene trated the heart of a young man, who was Instantly killed. A moment later the matador killed the bull. Cloak Makers Will Set Styles for Year TOLEDO, May 2. Tho twenty-second annual convention of tho National Cloak, Suit and Bklrt Manufacturers' associa tion convened here at 10 o'clock this morning. The day was devoted to dis cuss of the torlff and tho welfare of the garment Industry and to preliminary work by tho style committee, which Is composed of designers from firms In Chicago, Cleveland und Toledo. Their re port will be submitted Saturday and when adopted will determine' styles for the en tire country. sentenced for a ten-year term. While In tho state penltentlury, ho quarreled with a fellow convict und tried to kill him. He was then removed to the asy lum, according to the story he. himself, told the police. The National Capital Friday, JIuy IS, 1013. Th Senate. Not In session; meets Monday. Territories committee began hearing on Alaskan rallwuy problem. The House. Resumed reading of tariff bill under flve-mlnute rule for amendment, agricul tural schedule being completed. TARIFF AMENDMENTS ABE VOTED D01 BY THE HOUSEjMJUORLTV Efforts of Minority to Alter Sched ules of Democratic Measure Are Defeated. FIGHT ON FRUIT RATE CUT Attempts to Prevent Reduction of Coast Produots Arc in Vain. PERSONALITIES IN DEBATE Kcntuokian Calls Bull Moose "Pat ent Medicine Advertisement." ASSAILS CRITICS OF WILSON Object to Ailvorw Comment on tho President'! .Iniiriiey Into Now lerm lleimlillcitiiH In u DlnnKriM'tiii'iit. WASHINGTON. May I.-Thc tUit ocr the proiKised t eduction of duties on citrus fiults opened today's debate on the tariff bill In tho hniiBc. Despite the p-c s nt. of the hill ns rapid l as puss, ui b the democratic loaders, tho agrlcuituial schedule, porluips the vehicle of the lust vigorous opposition liy the min r tv had not been finished ut lust night n - The schedules relating to wlncv, s, Irits, btvernges, cotton, wool, silks, vaptr and siiiidrlos were all In sight early today usj likely to bo acted upon before tho close! of tonight's foHslou, except In t'lc.iun tlngdlicy of an unexpected prolra ted struggle against free raw wool. The California delegation in the houaaj opposed the proposed cutting of tho ratus on lemons, limes, oranges and other cit rus fruits, which it claims would bo In jurious to their Industry nml oi'cn tho1 gutod tu the foreign fruit lnd'i.itry Thu main opposition to tho provision , that lemons in packages exceeding flvo , cublu feet In bulk shall bu taxed one-, hulf cent a pound. This is a cut of GO per cent In tho present tariff and tho' representatives of tho citrus growing ills-) trlcts havo been on guard uguliist lcltlnff J It puss without strenuous protest Aiiit'iii.mriitn Voted Down. I Attempts by Representatives Khowluhd,! and Hayes of California to raise tho rates on figs, rulslns uud olives fulled. Tho citrus fruit purugruph brought a flood of amendments from the republicans and progressives in tho California delega tion. All were defeated. Representative Ritlncy of llltnuts opposed the amendments, declaring thut tho lemon Industry In California needed no protec tion uud that thu rates In the bill would not Injutu tho California lemon grower.. "rrlin rHKnn for ltiwirlnir thti intiH on no'enuigqd Mr, "Hayes, "is to sc- fj cure tho Italian vote In this country It P wilt havo no affect upon tho prlco to tho coiiMumer." Representative Murdock, the progrr.-alvo leader, gavo notice that when the admin Istratlvi) provisions of -tho bill uro readied he would piuposo an uineudmcnt for tho creation uf a "iwil,- not u sham" tariff commission. HOUSE CLEANING DRIVES MAN TO COMMIT SUICIDE N1TLEY. N. J. May 2. llouso cleaning Is said to have, William Brunda to sulutdo. Ho iiult beating carpets In tho J yurd of his homo on Center street vestcr- duy ufteruoon uud later his body wan found In tho water ut u bottom of n. deep hole In a nearby stone quarry A ! note uddrossed to Mrs. Brando was found j ' In a cloft In tho rocks and the message g la credited us tho farewell mc-wasc of her husband. i '-'I can't beat carpets or clean house It loud, "and It ain't no use of you ro trying to muko inc. When you read this I hopo you will give tip your hab t of cleaning, houso every tlmo you hear u robin slug." VACCINATION PARTIES POPULAR IN STOCKHOLM STOCKHOLM, Mny 2. Vuccliiation par ties havo becomo a fad In the Swedlsli capital as tho result of an outbreak oi smallpox. In many of the fushlonabld residences at homeu aro given during tpo ufteruoon. A doctor Ib Invited to mu clnute tho guests und when the ordeal Is ovor them Is a dinner party. Tin- dcniuni for vaccine lias been so great that t. e locnl supply Is oxhuusted and orders for u sufficient quantity of It to trcut 1CO.00O persons havo been ordered from abroad Companions That Are Worth Their Weight in Gold, It was ChannlnB who wrote tlmt "It is chiefly through books that wo onjoy inter course with superior minds, for in the best books great men talk to us and give us their most precious thoughts." Thore are many thousands of men who should each day dovote a certain portion of tholr time to tho raiding of en tertaining and instructive books. Mako it a point to keep in touch with good literature. Look up somo good bookseller through his advertisements in THE DEB. Call on him a your leisure, and he will show you some handy little volumes that will slip easily into your pocket or traveling bag. Road when you can. Pretty boon it will become a delight ful habit, and before long ycu will havo acquired ai abun dance of worthy knowledge More than that, you will be able to converso with greater fluency; your talk will b more agroenble, more interest ing. i't I