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Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1913, Weekly Market Review Edition, Image 8

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Market Review of ihe Week0
South Omaha, Neb.
National Live Stock
Commission Co.'s Re
view of the South
Omaha Market.
BEEP STEEBS-Extremcly liberal iiup.
plies last week, not only hero and 'lil
caco, but at other markets an well, to
gether with decidedly unfavorable reports
each day from eastern outlets placed a
"big stick" in buyers' hands which they
used "plenty ' after Monday, tho net loss
for the week being fully 26c to 60c, all
grades sharing In tho break. Monday of
this week Chicago hud 20,000. which was
fully enough, but hero only 1,600 were on
sale, followed by but S.a on Tuesday
the market showing up a little more
active upon Hunt weight cattlo, but only
steady upon heavy as well as medium
quality Mixed yearling sold at $8.30, as
compared with the high point of 8.7;
on Monday of last week, while, tho better
grades of heavier beeves brought $8.00 to
35.25, figures that can bo compared with
tho top ot $8.65, also on Monday of Inst
week Fair to good beef ranged from
$7 75 to $8.00, while the common and short
feds brought $7.2o to $7.76, going almost
wholly to packers, as feeder buyers have :
not cared for them during tho last ton
days, the removing of competition from
that sourco having a decided bearing
upon that particular class. Today" tho
run is of very moderate proportions. 2.WM
here, and only 13,500 at Chicago, where
17.000 wero expected, the market ruling
strong to 10c higher, although for the
three days light weight beef, which still
commands a better favor thun heavy. In
some teases can bo considered a little
higher, perhaps 100 to 15c. but no general
improvement upon other grades haa taken
place. Indications rolnt to a very fair
run of cattle for the balance of the
month, mora so at Chicago than here, nnd
it Is doubtful If any decided upturn will
tako place until the bulk of short-fed
cattle has been marketed; for the time
being, receipts will bo the governing fao
tor. COWS AND HEIFEItS The severe
break, as noted above In tho beef mar
ket last week, was reflected to the fullest
extent upon this class, as a full 33c to
60c decline In prices was recorded at the
close Monday and Tuesday of this week
a little better feeling prevailed, and while
some of the sales look a dime higher,
"steady" wos the actual condition, until
tho extreme small run today helped put
on another 10c While good stock ap
pears. much more wanted than any other
clAMfrTt takes real good heifers to now
bring $7-60. with $7.00 paid for tho best
cows, the bulk of soles for good heifers
being between $7.00 and $7.55 and $8.00 to
Jft&O for fat cows. Present quotations for
tho different classes of butcher stock are
as follows: Good to choice cows and heif
ers. $6.60 to $7.W, with fancy grades a
little higher possibility; fair to good, W.7S
to tfl.60. and medium and common. $3.60
to $3.23, canners being In normal sup.
ply, but very slow sale. In the feeder
stock line, there seems quite a demand
for both calvey heifers and cows on the
light order nnd possessing ft world of
quality at a range of $4.00 to $7.00. nnd
must be good to reach the latter mark,
while the general run of cows Is be
tween $3.00 nnd $8.00. The recent breaking
butcher stock market hos not been
brought about by heavy receipts, as they
hnve only been normal, but to cheap
steers can be attributed the setback. A
moderating of receipts will help the mar
ket yet to nil appearances there seems
aulte a supply of cattle to still come
forward during the remainder of May,
and this Is especially so nt Chicago.
Bl'LLS The bull market has kept pace
with the others as far aB tho "break Is
concerned, being Mfflc lower at last
week's close and continuing steady so far
this week Best fat bulls are now selling
at I7.CO0R.2S. although there Is but a very
few that reach the latter price. Fair to
good butcher bulls range from
with bolognas bringing 35.&&JN5.26. accord
ing to flesh and weight. In the stooker
class bulls are In very poor demand.
te.00 being the popular price for feeders
of B0 to 1 050 pounds, yet these go begging
unless they are real nice, in which case
thur urn eelllnr below $8.00. Yearling
. bulls on tho calf order, with plenty of
. oallty range from $8. 767.25. Receipts
I of bulls show quite a llttlo Increase In
numbers lately and future prices will de
pend a great deul upon what tho fat
cattle market does.
CALVES The severe slump In prices
last week upon all other grades of killer
cattle had no effect whatever upon veal
calves. In fart ttn week really closed
with a 25c advance, but It was confined to
the strictly choice lightweights which
sold readily at $9.7610.oa This week's
market Is a "repeater" of last week, with
choice light veal again selling as above
at while all other classes con-
. tlnue upon a eteadv basis, with fair to
good lightweights .00rfa.&0 and a few
common oualltv of the same "'heft."
$7 6'Mj8.S! Heavier veal consisting of S
to wy pounds, choice fat calves, are sell
ing right along nt I7.7WJS25; fair to good
quality same weight, $6.60r7.60, while a
few that urn common have dropped down
to 3C.00. Although stock cales have been
In rather moderate supply and the de
mand for them better than for almost
any other Blocker class, prices for them
have dropped back 24c, good ones now
bringing but $7XO7 75, but a range of
$7ong7.25 covers nearly all the sales,
still a few that were real common sold
as low as $400. The light supply of veal
l responsible for the present firm mar
ke but stockers can hardly Improve
t--H there Is a better feeling In fat cattle
' lea.
depression In the fat cattle market
rrlne a nertod of several wt h..
- asi worked harm to the stacker nnd
fetitr market, prices showing a 2fC0e i
tr should be taken Into consideration"
uurmir me last weeg Quality, how
i t has been rather lndlfrrn
ni correctly speaking, Inferior, as re
ef ef contained but comparatively few
f'w ht could be classed as
goM" the bulk consisting of ordinary
qt-Alliy or " warmed-ups that met
verv mor favor Choice hea-v feeder
would probably sell again between $7.73
FIRST Because we have six cattle, hog and sheep
salesmen who are specialists in their depart
ment. SECOND Because the Small Consignments Receive
the Same Careful Consideration as the Large
THIRD Because Having No "Side Line" Our Entire
Attention is Given to tho Selling and Buying
of Live Stock.
FOURTH Financial Solidity Insures Prompt Remit
tances. FIFTH Our Twenty-five Years' Continuous Record
Has Been for Clean-Cut, Up-to-Dato, Business
bW ' JHH
H1 MttBk
Here Is a fair likeness of another
"mighty good" Iowan over In Monona
county, whero llko his father, F. ,1).
Wlncgar, ho Is "oh top" as a farmer and
llvo stock dealer. Of Teutonic descent,
It goes without saying that "Warren Is
a hustler, has mastered all tho details of
his profession and Is a Judge of llvo stock
recond to none, He Is a firm believer In
tho South- Omaha market, where his
shipments read, "National," and whero
his visits ore always looked forward to
.with a grc&t deal of pleasure.
ond $1.23. vet nothing of the kind was
on sale, tlip plainer cattle of the same
welRhtB (mostly warmcd-ups) receiving
but very little attention at $7.60(81.76, a
amplo being 1.071 nounds Mnmlnv at
$7.m. . General receipts nro mostly made
up or COO to KflO-pound stockers thnt. aw
selling between $7.09 and 37.CO. while
stock calves, which arc In the smallest
supply of stock cattle, range from $7.25
up to 18.00. "She" stockers have suf
fered fully ns much ns warmed-up steers,
block cows ranging all tho way from $3.50
to M.S0 and heifers $3.60 to $7.25. Owing
to tho advancing season, receipts of io"M
cuttle will rnpldly diminish, and oven
with tho present unsatisfactory fat cattlo
market, It appears doubtful If stockcr
grades will weaken much further and
this seems especially so upon those of
HOGS Our report of a week ago to
day upon the hog market still holds
good and conditions are Just (lie same
now as at that time. There, haa been
some fluctuations, tho low point being
on Thursday last, when tho bulk dropped
down to $S.fof.15, top $3.20, while today's
prices are $8.15&8.25 and top $8.30. The
provision market, whllo acting heavy, Is
about holding Its own! thore Is practi
cally no shipping) demand and as Indica
tions still point to libera! supplies, prices
will naturally bo affected by them and
a fluctuating market prevail, showing
somo advance with a light run, and
dropping buck when heavy. Eight dol
lar hogs aro still predicted.
SHEEP A pretty good-slrcd run of
sheep at nil markets last week, coupled
with very unfavorable reports from east--rn
consuming centers, tnve buyers a
chance to "bear down" upon prices,
which they did to the oxtent of 25ff40o
confined, howevur, nlmost wholly to
lambs, as there was hardly enough old
slieop to nffoitl a fair test, tho few that
wero on sale really showing a little de
cline. At the closu of the week good
Mexican wooltd lambs were selling at
S.10.3; western woolcd lambs. $7.&t
$100, but appatently not wanted; handy,
v eight clipped lambs around $7 25. while,
heavy-weights, or the kind averaging
around 100 pounds, brought tl.0M6.8i.
This week the supply has been fairly
troderate, tho market on Monday being
about steady with reference to prices,
but dull and slow In trading. Tuesday
a considerable number of wooled lambs
uau io sen Jifii.-c lower at i7.Wjrs.10. due
no doubt to tho molaturo In the wool aa
a result of the rain. A string of Cali
fornia spring Iambs wero also on the
market, averaging 57 rounds nnd liine-
at W.00. Clipped wethers renrcsrnted
about the only sheep offered, these sell
lng at $3.00. while ewes would probably
bring about the same figure. Today's
market Is strong, with prices apparently
a little higher, as but 5.TO0 are on sale
here and only 1.000 at Chicago. We may
see some Improvement a little later on.
but do not figure that It will be very
extensive, ns there Is undoubtedly yet to
come a supply sufficient to fill all do
mnnds. Knumm CMr I.lvc Stork Market.
celpts. 9.400 head: steady to lOo lower:
?" V. Deet Rnn xP"t steers. $$.ooa
f ,ifat Sood'. -6T.W; western
,.,r?i ' ww-. siocKers ana rceders.
KM4i6.. southern steers, S.03r.76;
"7""". w. i.awiT.vu: native cows
. V."gTflet',.,Pl' " head; steady:
duik. naw,i, Heavy SLSMtftK- ru,ni,.,
and butehers. $8.S.J7h; light. VLJM
S.40; pigs. $7.0037.50.
KIIKI.I' AND LAMHS-Ilecelpts. 9.000
hi-ud -.ady; Colorado lambs. l7.OOS4j.40;
yeaning, wethers. li.&ofily)
ewes. ;-4.r3JU 3fc.
St. Louis Live Stork Market.
ceipts. 3,009 head; steady, good t6 choice.
$7.tf8.&0; stockers and feeders. tl.Xsi
o.w, i-uni iivusifl, wa.7; nulls.
nil t liavn
W-WSS.00; cowa and heifers. $t.w
iiuus iieceipts. 9.wu neaa; loo higher
pigs and lights. xt.WU'S.&q; mlxari
butchers. $8.4008.55; good heavy. $!0ff
8HEEP AND IiAMRS-Recrlpti. 6.KO
head, steady; muttons, $6.027 00. year
llnpt. $7-8.00; lambs. J7.O0Qii.J5.
Personal Mention of
Shippers Who Have
Consigned to the
"National" the Last
Seven Days,
Bob Howson. manager of this big Insti
tution started the week bv sending two
loads of hogs to the "National" for Mon
day's market. The bulk sold that day
nt $8.10 to $8.20. Roth loads sold at $8.20
mm Air, llcwson also reported very good
"I have been advised to ship to you"
came In a lettor to the National Live
rtock Commission company from John
H Meyer of Nuckolls county. The letter
accompanied a shipment of stock and
stated rurther that the advico given had
been from those who had patronized the
firm and know from experience.
come a typo of hustling, progressive
stock growers and feeders nnd It was
well represented when w. T. Williams
registered. lie brought In a load of cat
tlo and the "National ' sent him home
with a good report.
As we chronicle tho Important market
events which originated In Iowa. It Is
proper and benefitting that we mention
tne two-car shipment or cattle by T, M.
O'Connor of Harrison county. He had
the National Live Stock Commission com
pany do his selling and both prices and
weights contributed to a very satisfac
tory acount of sale.
Edwin Anderson, manager of the Farm
ers Grain A Stock company of Hun
county continues as a "headllner" In the
"National" ranks. He had shipments of
hogs here last Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, On three separate and dis
tinct ocaslons he reported very satisfac
tory sales and weights.
Harrison county. Iowa. Is one of those
neighborhoods In which the National Live
Stock Commission company has attained
a high standing amng the best live stock
fieonie ana tno shipments Keep coming
it to nrove It. This week's receipts of
cattle includes consignments from Frank
M. Reeves, u. li Carson, 11. F. Jackson
had In both cattle and hogs and a couple
of shipments of hogs havo been sent In
by mat big dealer, FTed ueckman.
sunt to Uio "National" salesmen by the
following regular dealers since the last
Issue: William Hahn, Butler county; E.
O. Kntelbers company. Dodge county: A.
J. Munts. Butler county; Chas. Schllchto-
meier. Lancaster county; a. v. tunes.-.,
Howard county; C, A. Pratt. Calhoun
county, and Ed Jochln, Cass county.
"Two more from T. ft H."' Is all that
the chute man needed to announce In
order to let the hog salesmen know that
they were to sell two loads for Tessen
dorf ft Hassebrook. These big Platte
county buyers have "won out" in their
campaign for patronage and a big lot
of hogs coming to market are passing
through their hanas,
Warner Is one of the best posted and best
posted and best equipped Btockmen In
Dawson county and all departments of
the firm havo him on their lists as a
patron. He has had the feeder buyer
make severul purchases for him and this
week another shipment was made. He
had an order filled for a car of steers
and a car of stock heifers.
Buffalo county hasn't any better live
tnik n.nnln than K V. UlLVleV & Sons
and the National Llvo Stock Commission
company haven't any better friends or
patrons. Anotncr snipmeni oi cavi'o
added to the long list of their consign
mam. thU wek nnd Rav Bayley was In
charge. Tho "National" does both their
buying and selling.
ING and I have been shipping to the
National" for a good many years." This
was the unqualified recommendation
which Ernest Kamenky of Dawson
county gave to his salesmen on the 8th.
Mr. Kamenky Is one of the leading stock
growcia In his locality and has had all
kinds of experience In marketing cattle,
hogs and sheep. He waa here with a
load of cattle and a load ot hogs.
Another good Dawson county salesman
who had both cattle and hogs to the
same firm on the same day was B. B.
Reynolds. He brought In two straight
loads of cattle and owned part ot a ship
ment of hogs sent to the National Live
Stock Commission company by R- M.
Uewson, manager of the Lexington Ship
ping association. Belling prices were the
best the market afforded for his grade
of stock.
this week Includes: W. T. Warner and
C. Johnson, a pair of feeders who rank
high In this locality. They each had a
lnnri nf rnttle in the "National" selling
pons and the boys put Doin Duncnes over
the scales ai- prices wnion uio uwnera
labeled "high on tha market."
William O'Day has made a success of
the stock business In Merrick county. He
has been "at It" for two years since
coming from Indiana and the National
Live Slock Commission company has
hnmlW his business at this end of the
line. He was here the 7th with a load
ot cattle and a load of hogs and gave
his house credit for highly satisfactory
sentences were the chief topics In a let
irr rfwelved bv the "National" this week
from Herman Kruse, an Important factor
In the live stock Industry of Howard
county. Mr. Kruse wrot to tell how
veil salsfled he was with the returns on
his last load and to notify the firm that
another shipment was on the way.
Two of the best known cattlemen In
lielth county were visitors and both had
cattle to the National Live Stock Com
mission company. Pete Eglnton and
William Sales wero the pair and their
salesmen put up the brand of service
wnien has made them friends of the
Fred Schneider, the veteran shipper of
Lancaster county, after he had seen the
"National" boys handle two loads of his
hogs. Both prices and weights were
more than he expected nnd he gave his
mrea men" credit for turning an antici
pated loss Into a profit. Mr. Schneider
Is a regular buyer who knows the busi
ness from A. to Z and he knows whereof
he speaks when It comes to the right
kind ot service.
Another trio of the above firm's "gilt
edge" patrons were also hero on the
8th. Charles Wagoner was here with a
load of cattlo from his big establishment
In York county: A. W. Bradley, the
"long-time" stockman of Adams county,
had two loads on the market and Ed,
Lelbel, one of the best In Antelope
county, brought In a load of hogs.
STANDING" was registered at the "Na
tional" last Friday when the Hon. James
Gielg of Platte county was announced.
The firm has not had Its present name
this long, but It's the force ot salesmen
that has been the attraction and 'Mr.
Grclg says he has no occasion, for mak
ing any change. He brought In a load
or 237-pound hogs which sold within 2Vi
cents of the top.
The whole Hogsett family of Page
county, Iowa, Is connected with the Na
tional Live Stock Commission company
by a continuous chain of shipments. M.
A Hogsett, the senior member, Is a reg
ular buyer and Is heard from regularly.
This week his son. John, was among tho
visitors and expressed himself as highly
plaar.id with the way his father's com
mission firm handled his toad of steers.
was heard over tho telephone last week
by the National" and Jake Teuscher of
Seward county was doing the talking.
Ha had both cattle and hogs on the mar
ket nnd both departments succeeded In
sending consignments to the bank over
tho "hiijh dollar" route. Mr. Teuscher,
ably assisted by his son, Will, are doing
a business In their territory and their
.chosen salesmen are Justly proud of their
Again we haw the pleasure of report
ing a shipment from John Cunningham
ot Saunders county. He Is heard from
often and tho National Live Stock Com
mission company handles his business.
He had a load ot cattle here on tne 7th
and reported very satisfactory selling
and weighing figures.
ATION8 continue to find the 'NA
TIONAL" service up to the requirements
of their Interests, and shipments have
been sold for the following manngers
slnco our last report: R. M. Uewson.
manager ot the Lexington Shipping asso
ciation; Lorenz Stahl, manager of the
Gretna Grain Elevator company; Edwin
Anderson, manager of the Farmers Grain
and Shipping company of Burt county; A.
i' uonneson, manager or tne ! armors
Shipping company of Audubon county,
Iowa; Al Scranton, manager of tho
Farmers Grain and .Shipping company ot
Buffalo county; John Ostdlek, manager
of tho Farmers Elevator company of
Madison county; John E. May, manager
ot the Calloway Shipping association; A.
J. W. Kcehler. manager of the Farmers
Grain and Shipping company of Dodge
county; E. L. Kreger, manager of tho
Farmers Elevator company of Cat roll
county, Iowa, and H. L. Aden, manage.
ot the Gresham Grain company.
Besides those mentioned elsewhere, the
National Live Stock Commission company,
sold cattlo for such gopd people us Ira
Soper, Cars county, Iowa; E. V. Bulloc,,
Knox county; Ov P. Dahlgren. Dixon
county; Charles Baldwin, Fremont
county, Iowa; George Slndllnger, Btown
county; O. F. Ide, Audubon county, Icwa;
Harry Sawle. Brown county; W. H. Gib
son, Montgomery county, Iowa; L. Savlts,
Boone county, Iowa; 8. F. Huddle, Madi
son county; John Leubke, Calhoun
county, Iowa; J. Frlsch, Knox county;
J. B. Hornberger, Butler county; George
Maynard, Crawford county, Iowa, and
Super Bros., Cass county, Iowa.
reports another good week, and, In addi
tion to those mentioned above. Bold ship
ments for Amdt & Hucka, Calhoun
county; Fred W. Beekman, Harrison
county; Renner & Stork, Madleon county;
Bern hard Jonas. Colfax county; Johnson
& Graham, Dodce county: P. J. Simon
son, Custer county; F, A. Templeman,
Casa county, Iowa; H. O. Waldo, Saline
county; A. J. Graham, Sao county, Iowa;
Claus Ernst, Douglas county; Pratt &
Crane, Cass county, Iowa; J. N. Rosen
stone, Gregory county, South Dakota; C.
A. Miller Grain company, Dodge county;
J. M. Bristol, Sheridan county; Jacquot &
Son, Custer county: C. RasmuBsen, Da
kota county, P. J. Farris, Polk county, C.
Dozler, Carroll county, Iowa; J, W,
Johnson, Gregory county, South Dakota.
Representative "Na
tional" Cattle Sales,
F. M. Reeves.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2 steers.... 690 $7 00 20 steers ... 937 $7 50
1 heifer.... 740 6 DO 1 cow 8S0 6 15
2 cowa 8S0 6 15 1 cow 960 6 05
D. E. Carson.
8 steers. ...10S1 7 90 7 mixed.... 7(5 7 65
2 heifers... CM 7 00 Scows 56 6 70
1 COW 9C0 0 25 1 COW 1)70 6 V)
1 cow 820 5 25
John Luebke, Jr.
20 steers... .113 7 75 1 calf 180 10 00
Charles J. Franklin.
5 heifers... 60 7 00 5 cows 1172 60
6 bulls 1353 6 60 2 bulls. ....1390 8 00
4 cows 1075 5 60 6 cows 1010 6 25
F. M. O'Connor.
48 steers.... KB 7 60
- Joe Mueller.
S steers.... 610 7 60 4 heifers... 495 6 60
3 bulls 720 6 00 3 cowa 740 6 in
4 COWB 50 5 50 6 COWS 7i 5 00
uie parson.
18 calves... 133 10 00
8 cows 1030 6 75
5 calves... 120 6 00
F. C,
4 calves... 233 8 60
6 heifers... 453 6 90
2 calves... 310 7 60
8 cows 10C0 6 65
6 COWB 920 5 50
B. F. Jackson.
1 calf ISO 9 50 3 steers.... 910 8 06
4 heifers. ..645 7 60 1 cow 930 6 25
John Hogsett
2 calves... 169 10 00 1 calf...... 90 9 75
steers. ...1060 7 60 1 steer C60 7 35
10 steers.... 832 "7 35 1 heifer.... 620 6 60
3 steers.... 840 (1 60 2 steers. ...1155 6 33
3 COWB 90a 6 26 1 cow 1090 6 3
Charles Baldwin.
2 mixed.... 453 S 00 1 steer..... 760 7 75
It steers.... 785 7 60
O. F. Ide.
2 steers.. ..1190 7 76
W. H. Gibson,
1 calf 140 9 75
1 calf
, 320 8 00
3 steers.. ..1038 7 75
1 heifer.... &M) 7 60
1 cow 1220 6 85
1 bull 1204 G 85
1 steer 1070 7 75
1 steer....
1 heifer...
1 cow
1 steer....
1 cow
S steers...
2 heifers..
, 690 7 60
, 860 7 33
.1060 6 23
, 6V0 6 00
, 900 4 95
. 700 7 60
,970 7 00
1 cow 820 4 00
1 heifer..
1 cow....
15 steers..
1 heifer..
8 cows...
760 7 35
1080 6 83
Lew Savlts.
720 7 75 1 heifer.... 610 7 25
740 6 90 1 cow 1250 6 60
Joseph Miles.
6 heifers... 434 7 60 8 steers.... 664 7 60
3 steers.... 650 7 25 7 heifers... 710 7 25
cows 1130 7 00 3 calves... 120 6 00
5 COWB 1030 6 76 4 cows 980 & 60
J. V. Dahl. .
, 8S5 7 85 6 mixed.... 728 T 75
. 647 7 40 1 bull 1330 7 00
A. L. Blrt.
1033 8 05 1 steer..... flO 7 60
E.' V. Bullock.
690 7 66 6 heifers... 608 7 65
390 7 60 U steers.... 645 7 (0
15 mixed..,
4 mixed..
33 steers. .,
3 heifers.
1 heifer..
.. 725 7 40 1 cow 7SO
..1170 6 26 1 bull 930
,.1140 6 50 1 cow.,,... 900
Louis Wlcklund.
.. 660 7 26 2 heifers... 720
.1600 0 70 1 steer 1050
7 1.)
6 00
4 76
7 00
6 60
2 steers.
1 bull...
I'aul Nelson.
.. 936 7 60 3 steers.... 916 7 SO
.. 95.-. 7 50
George Jnhnsnn.
3 steers..
4 steers..
24 steers..
2 heifers
1 steer...
12 hellers
1 bull....
1 bull....
.. S93 7 70 6 steers.... 6.10
.. C40 6 75 3 cows 760
P. Kfflntnn.
7 50
4 73
8 no
5 33
6 75
. 900
8 26 12 trrm.. . CM
. 623
7 70 2 cows 940
6 0
1 COW S80
Hernmn ttrnii
2 calves.,
4 bulls..,
17 steers..
18 steers..
46 heifers,
6 heifers.
17 steers..
18 steers..
1 cow..,.
.125 9 75 12 Bteers
DOC 7 S3
,. bit i 40
Charles Johnson.
..1520 8 30
Thomas Warner.
..1309 8 2S 1 bull 1500
Mike Grueber.
. 797 7 33 4 heifers.. 980
.1200 6 80
M. T. Williams.
..13S9 8 60 1 steer 1700
William Sales.
..1316 8 20 1 steer 680
..1080 7 33
7 25
6 SO
8 60
8 00
. 920 7 60
.875 7 00
.1100 S 7S
2 bulls 1260
1 cow 1100
9 steers,,
2 heifers,
1 cow....
7 25
C 75
O. P. Dahlgren.
,.1072 7 90 1 heifer... 660
Henry Sawle.
,. 579 8 00 11 steers.... 778
Mike Relska.
,. 686 7 60 6 steers.... 430
.. 900 7 00 2 cows 1200
..116T, 6 65 6 helfcra... 800
,.1000 6 35 3 cows 1003
."760 6 00
John Cunningham.
.. 641 7 40 3 bull 733
L. W. Bayley.
. 216 9 75 13 cowa 1153
,.1096 6 60
Charles Wagoner.
.1984 6 65 2 COWB 1175
23 steers..
13 steers..
4 steers..
2 heifers,
4 cows...
7 00
7 60
7 35
6 93
6 50
6 25
3 cows...
1 cow.,..
36 mixed.,
7 25
6 70
6 SO
2 calves..
6 cows...
17 cows...
1 cow....
.IUA) o in
8. F.
,. 470 8 00
.. fi 7 in
26 steers..
1 heifer..
4 heifers.
1 calf....
830 7 85
Ernest Kamenky.
. 2no
8 60
1 enlf.
. .160
. 823
7 73
7 33
17 steers..
. 6.84
7 60
3 76
8 mixed.
l cow....
. 970
36 steers.. ..1433 8
16 steers,.,, 960
6 cows 1060
1 cow 1040
1 cow 1400
1 calf
6 steers..
1 heifer..
2 cows...
1 heifer..,
1 cow....,
. 170
9 60
7 45
6 75
6 00
6 75
. 638
7 60
. 930
7 25
. 7R0
. 520
6 60
7 75
R 25
L. R.
. 175 10 00
,. 525 7 15
.1010 6 63
. 820 7 10
.1160 6 65
.770 6 60
1 cow 420
1 heifer.... 360
1 cow 1040
6 steers.... 944
1 heifer.... 840
2 cows...
2 heifers.
2 cowa...
7 50
7 00
5 76
7 00
6 60
1 heifer..
5 cows...
1 steer..,
Sheep Sales
Fat Lambs.
No. Av.
$5 60
6 25
6 60
6 60
6 75
6 75
6 7f
7 00
7 15
7 30
7 76
7 90
8 80
8 10
8 15
8 00
8 20
8 20
8 23
8 26
8 30
8 S3
7 25
7 25
6 60
6 80
6 80
7 25
75 culls 67
61 culls 6.1
1C0 shorn 92
666 shorn 98
242 fed i S3
378 shorn 82
78 fed 87
187 shorn 71
490 shorn 77
238 shorn 82
47 fed 84
419 Mexican 78
208 Mexican 70
233 Mexican 77
491 Mexican
778 Mexican
216 Mexican ,
288 Mexican
4S5 Mexican
262 Mexican
497 Mexican
14? Mexican
Fed Lambs.
200 shorn
253 shorn
Clipped Lambs.
45 culls
174 fed .
241 fed .
258 fed
California Spring Lambs.
57 8 00
Fat Ewes.
68 fed
74 fed
.. 93
6 00
6 75
6 65
Fat Wethers.
3S0 shorn , 112
Features of the Trading and Cloalne
Price on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, May 1$. Absence of foreign
demand combined todav with bumper
crops ahead deprived wheat ot strength.
The close was weak, Tio to 1 cent under
last night. Corn finished He to Ho down
and oats off HS44o to He, but provisions
unchanged to 2oc higher.
Bears ruled wheat from the btarL The
break In prices was only checked through
extensive purchasing on the part of a
few big houses. Greatest weakness de
veloped after receipts of telegrams from
ine seaooara announcing mat in addi
tion to there being no export Inquiry
whatever resellers were active abroad at
two cents under the offers from here.
Rains In western Kansas were reported
today as having supplied sufficient mois
ture to carry the wheat crop to harvest.
Ideal weather elsewhere and splendid
crop prospects both foreign and domestic,
brought abbut selling pressure which In
creased notably In the last hour. Prim
ary receipts or wheat today were 3S5.000
bushels: last year 450.000 bushels. Ex-
?'ort of wheat and flour today equalled
48.000 bushels.
Decided Increase promised In country
sales to arrive next week pulled down
corn prices. Reports from all quarters
were favorable In regard to completion
of Dlantlng. Illinois rains lowered oats.
There was much unloading by jural spec
Commission house buying said to be for
paokers lifted the provision market. In
the face ot this Influence offerings be
came notably scarce.
Quotations ranged as follows:
Artlclel Open. High. I Low. Close.j Yea'y,
4 steers.
1 cow...
1 cow...
91H WH4
66344 66H
64K 61.
S7ty S7
. SH S6U
. 33H-6H 36H
. 36H S6KQ-H
. 19 60 1 19 62H
. 19 25
19 27H 19 35
. 18 93(Q 19 lOtf
18 97H 12H
. 10 90 10 MH
. 10 77H 10 SOB-
10 82H
. 10 80 10 87H
. 11 424 11 60
. 11 00 11 02H-
11 06
. 10 85 10 90
3714 37U1
19 37U
19 22H-
19 30
18 931
18 97 V
10 90
19 Z3
19 03
10 87V4-
10 ZO
10 77H
10 80
10 82H
10 77M
10 80
10 85
1U su
11 4!V4 11 60 1 11 42H
10 97H
11 02H
11 02H
10 87H
11 90
10 85
1U V)
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2
red, $1.05;ei-0H: No. J red. 95cfi$1.00;
No. 2 hard. 91G93o; No. 3. hard, 69H4j92c;
No. 1 northern. 91693c: No. 2 northern.
89HS01Hc; No. 3 northern, S7Q90c; No. i
spring. SDtfOlc: No. 3 spring, 87t90c; No. 4
spring, swjsttc; veivei cnair, wiovjc;
durum. 92fiSSc, Corn: No. 2. 66USt7c: No.
I white. 69UQ59Uc: No. 3 yellow. 56U
67UC, No. S. 65H4336Vic; No. 3 white, fcSHt
I 69c; No. 3 yellow, 663&6V4C; No. 4. 64H0
64fcc; No. 4 wmte, ovatc; io. yellow,
HMOuiiC uais. ro. J wm. 33cj tio.
I white, 36637ttc: No. 4 white. $6ie
36Hc; standard. SSVtCOSHc. Rye: No.
62o. Barley: 47667c Timothy: $2.85433.65.
Clover; $16.00Q2t.OO. Pork: $19.6IH. Lard:
iaJVj. iuds: Hl.toBlLiS.
POULTRY Lowerj chickens, alive, lc;
sprints, alive, 16c
Cattle Steady to as Much as Ten
Cents Higher.
Llbernl linn nf Lmnlii, hlle Old.
Sheep Receipts Arc very Smnll
Active Sellers nt Stendy
to Strong; Price.
SOUTH OMAHA, Mey 14, 1913.
Receipts were:
cattle, foes. Sheep
Official Monday 1,892 7.9W 9.613
Official Tuesday 3,116 13,258 9,210
Estimate' Wednesday.. 2,600 10,500 6,700
Three days this w'k. 7,508 31.756 24,535
Same days last week.. 11.924 28.921 17,288
Same days 2 w'ks ago.12,792 27,367 27,762
Same days 3 w'ks ago. 12,230 23,901 29,725
Same days 4 w'ke ago. 13, SSI 33.192 28,139
Same days last year.. 8,672 30.649 9,227
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date as compared with
last yean 1913. 1912. Inc. Dec.
Cattle ,133,S43 349,090 15,245
Hogs 1,0$0,410 1,3S9,793 309,383
Sheep 817.931 791,339 26,692
The following table shows the range of
prices for hogs at South Omaha for the
last few daya with comparisons:
Date. 1913. 19U.li)ll.191U.1909.li)0H.ia07,
May 4.
May 6..
7 52
6 62
5 61
6 66
5 76!
9 001 1 04
6 261 tf 23
8 2SH
7 44
7 49
7 66
9 19 7 00
S 381
May 6..
May 7..
May 8..
May 9..
May lOj
.May 11.
Mav 12.
May 13.
May 14.
8 ZIJi
8 14H!
8 10
8 20T4
9 171 6 94
5 37
6 21
9 18
6 85
6 97
5 34
6 27
6 25
6 19
6 33
6 38
6 33
6 30
5 34
5 19
7 59
5 77
9 IS
8 24V
7 66
5 79) 9 26
6 991
8 14'J
8 15
7 01
6 45
7 44
5 97) 9 30
I 9 39
7 04
5 33
7 65
7 0S 5 24!
CATTLE Cattle receipts continue ex
tremely small at this point, only ninety
eight cars being reported In. which, as
a matter of course, wa? not enough to
really make a verv good or Interesting
market For the three days this week
receipts foot up onlv 7,508 head, being
slightly over one-hnlf of the receipts for
the- corresponding period of last week
and smaller than a year ago by over 1,000
There was a good active demand this
morning for good to choice light year
lings, and hb high as $8.60 was paid for a
bunch of very choice cattle of that de
scription, part of them heifers. On the
other hand, heavy cattle were not so
active and were In many cases no more
than steady and In other cases possibly
a little stronger than yesterday. The
market as avwhole might be described as
steady to 10c higher.
uows ana neirers were in many cases
a little stronger than yesterday, the
market on that kind of stuff ranging
anywhere from strong to possibly lOo
There was some little Inoulry for stock
cattle and feeders, but tho market on
that kind ot stock does not show much
If nv chansn.
Quotations on Cattle: Good to choice
beef steers, $8.008.60; fair to good beef
steers, $7.75t18.oq; common to fair beer
steers. $7.3057.75; good to choice heifers,
$7.007.75; good to choice cows, $6.757.25;
fair to good grades, $3.756.00; good to
choice stockers and feeders, $7.&0$?8.00;
fair to good stockers and feeders, $7,000
7.60; common to fair stockers and feeders.
$0.25(37.00; stock cows and heifers, $6,001?
7.25; veal calves, $7.00310.00; bulls, stags,
etc., $5.7&37.35.
HOGS Receipts were fairly liberal this
morning, but the demand held up well,
and, as advices from other points Indi
cated higher figures, the local market
opened about a nickel above yesterday's
average. There waa a good speculative
and shipping demand again today, some
good lights selling as high as $8.30. The
bulk of the sales landed at $8.15'3R25, an
advance of Just about 5c. On "the whole,
trade was fairly active, Train's on one
road were delayed and had not been re
Ported In up till a late hour In the fore
noon, but all of the early arrivals had
been sold by 10 o'clock.
The day's supply totaled up about 151
cars, or 10,600 head, bringing the total
for the three days up to 31,756 head. This
Is nearly 6,000 larger than last week, and
more than 1.000 heavier than for the cor
responding days a year ago.
SHEEP There was a greatly Improved
feeling on the lamb markot this morning,
as trade commenced earlv and nrlroa
were regarded as steady to strong com-
iureu wun me general run or eaies on
both Tuesday and Monday. This took
place In spit of the fact that receipts
wer-i ftlrly largo for a Thursday and In
addition today's fresh supply were about
eight curs of Iambs held over from the
preceding day. Mexican, wooled lambs
seem to meet with Just aa much Inquiry
as the shorn grades and the consequence
was that tho bulk of the good offerings
moved freely and were all disposed of
at a seasonable hour Of course, any
thing showing too much weight or lack
ing In quality did not sell so readily,
but sold In the same notches as yester
day and the day before.
A range of $8.15(38.35 took most of the
wooiea oirenngs with three loads at the
latter figure, this being tho top for the
day as against $8.30 on Mnnrinv. Shnrn
offerings comprised a smaller proportion
of the receipts than of late and nothing
rainy cnoice or nanay weight was offered.
The majority of the best kinds moved
at figures largely anywhere from $6.63
ro SY.W.
As expected only a few ewes, whethers
and yearlings appeared at the yards,
which was nbt enough to Indicate any
material change In values. A two-car
shipment of very good clipped ewes was
weighed at $5.75.
For comparison the fresh receipts foot
up 22 cars ot 6,700 head as against 3,103
a week ago, 7,188 two weeks ago and 1,884
a year ago.
Quotations on sneen and l.imbs: Good
to choice western lambs. JS.00S8.1J; fair
to good Mexican lambs, $S.lMfK.25; good
to choice Mexican lambs. $8 2iffS.35: fair
to good western lamDs, 7.&5U'S.w; good to
choice shorn Iambs. $7.007.4O; yearlings.
light, $7.2507.50; yearlings, heavy. $7.00
7.2a; wethers, good to cnoice, J8.6y36.90;
wethers, fair to good, $6.35476.65; ewes.
good to choice, $6.23fi.60; ewes, fair to
good, js.0041b.zi; cuus and bucks, J5.oog6.25,
Cattle Dull Hogs Stendy to Shade
Higher Sheep Strong;.
CHICAGO, May 13.-CATTLE-Recelpts,
2.600 head; dull at Monday's decline;
beeves, J7.0OS6.90; Texas steers. J6.7SO
7.75; western steers. $6.9098.15; stockers
and feeders, j5.SoQ7.90: cows and heifers,
$3.8307.90; calves, $S:769.90.
HOGS Receipts. 12,000 head; steady to
shade higher; bulk of sales, $8.43S.45;
light. $8.30S.53; mixed. $8.2S6.52H; heavy.
$3.0068.50; rough, $7.95S.16; pigs, J6.50&
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 14,000
head; strong to 10c higher; native sheep,
$5.T56.90; western, $5.857.00; yearlings,
$6.3587.60; lambs, native, $6.4038.60; west
ern, $6.506.70.
St. Joseph Lire Stock Market.
ceipts. 2,100 head; market slow; stjers,
$7.00t?S.50; cows and heifers, $4.0008.10;
calves. $6.0009.20.
HOGS Receipts. 7.600 head: markrt
alow; top, $8.37H; bulk of sales, $8.260125.
niiE.ti.i- A in u UAMua ueceipis. 6 000
head; market slow; lambs, $7.2308.3).
ST. PAUL. Minn.. May IS. "Never read
bad news befori breakfast," remarked J.
D. Haley, an Insurance agent, at an early
hour this morning after he had been
called from his bed to receipt for a cable
gram. He left the unwelcome message
unopened and returned to bed. When he
read It after breakfast he discovered he
had been left a fortune of $100,000 by the
will of a relative In London.
Dealers Are Tr.king the Profits
They Can Get.
Whent, Corn nnd Onta Trndem Are
nt n Loss to Entlmnte the Fu
ture In These fSrnlnn nnd
Arc ActliiK Cnutlously.
OMAHA, Mar 13, 1913.
At this particular time tho talent In
wheat, corn and oats refuse to permit
prollts to get away from them, owing
to the uncertain conditions surrounding
the vailous markets. The one word, "un
certain," may be applied not only to tho
oats and corn situation, but to the wheat
market as well. In oats there were per
sistent claims of crop damage In many
sections of the great belt yesterday, and
the news received on cofrn was of sev
eral kinds, nnd some of it was against
the bears. With tho exception of claims
of dry weather In many districts of the,
winter wheat belt, with a promise of
deterioration later on, tho outlook was
Just as rosy for an enormous yield ot
that grain as at any time during this
Speculation enjoyed more breadth yes
terday than In some days, because It
attracted the attention of traders at out
side markets, including St. Louis, and
one of the larger speculators there cov
ered quite a line of wheat In Chicago.
Whether there was a profit In thlB buy
ing or not It is unable to say.
The average "Yankoe" farmer has fully
mado up his mind that It la useless to
hold a big surplus ot wheat In his bins,
as was shown by the receipts at primary
markets yesterday, which exceeded one
million bushels, and which were double
of those a year ago. With the now crop
harvested and moving the receipts at pri
mary markets will doubtless break all
records, and It will be up to the world at
larj,e to take' care of this wheat as
rapidly as It Is sold by growers.
Tho cash wheat market at Chicago
was dull, but firm yesterday, with sales
of 65,000 bushels to Interior millers. There
wero no export sales reported by the sea
board, but Omaha sold 200,000 bushels ot
hard winter wheat to go to Minneapolis
millers. A northwestern man in speaking
of this sale said the Minneapolis millers
are badly In need of dry wheat for color
ing as well as to absorb the moisture In
the spring wheat. Cash wheat was K8c
The corn stocks continue to decrease.
The receipts are small and the shorts
aro the best buyers. Traders look for a
good swing In tho market and they
favor the long sldo on all setbacks. Cash
corn was unchanged.
The general trade In oats is good.
Shorts are the best buyers on unfavor
able crop advices from Illinois and In
diana. Cash oats were unchanged.
Clearances wero 8,000 bushels of corn,
1,000 bushels of oats and wheat and flour
equal to 946,000 bushels.
Primary wheat receipts were 383,000
bushels and shipments wero 941,000 bush
els, against receipts last year or 450,000
bushels and shipments of 398,000 bushels.
Primary corn receipts were 410,000 bush
els and shipments were S03.000 bushels,
against receipts last year of 755,000 bushels
and shipments ot 622,000 bushels.
Primary oats receipts wero 682,000 bush
els and shipments wero 663,000 bushels,
against receipts last year or 4S6.000 bush
els and shipments of 2S8.000 bushels.
Omnha Cnuli Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, S5gS5c; No. 3
hard, 84085c; No. 4 hard. 80V483c; No. 3
spring. 83H0S4c; No. 4 spring, 8083c: No.
2 durum, 86066V4c; No. 3 durum, S5085V.C.
CORN No. 2 white R7:n' -w 1 ...u(t-
OATS-No. 2 white, 3554036c; standard.
35V4c; No. 3 white, 34c; No. 4 white, 34HO
BARLEY Malting, 60060c; No. 1 feed..
RYE No. 2, 67V4068c; No. 3. 6757Hc
The following cash sales were reported
WHEAT No. 2 durum: 1 car, S6Mc
OATS Standard : 1 car, 35Hc No. 8
white: 12 cars, 34ic. No. 4 white: 2 cars.
34ic; 1 car, 3114c
CORK No. 3 white: 1 car. 67Hc; 1 car.
67c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 66c No. 3 yellowl
3 cars, 66c. No. 2 mixed. 4 cars, 660. No.
3 mixed: 1 car, (IS per cent moisture).
66c; 1 car, 65c; 2 qara, 55J4c No. 4 mixed:
1 car, 65&c.
Citrlot Receipts.
. , Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 34 223 264
Minneapolis 77
Duluth 251 ...
Omaha is 20 19
Kansas City 43 16 13
St. Louis" 29 43 16
Winnipeg 467
Treasury .Statement.
,AVrASWI?,.GJN'.Ma- ".-The condition
of the United States treasury at the be
ginning of business today waa: Workinr
balance. $66,454,701: in banks and PhlllD
Pllne treasury, $44,390,082; total of general
rund, $136,714,273; receipts yesterday
$7,735; disbursements, $1,669,455. The
surplus this fiscal year Is $6,291,332. aa
against a deficit of tl3,996,91l( last year
The figures for receipts and disburse
ments, surplus and deficit exclude Pan
ama canal and public debt transactions.
The wedding of Joseph S. Dallnghaus
and Miss Emma E. Blhler will take place
at the First German Presbyterian churoh
this evening at 6 o'clock. Mr. Dallng
haus Is manager of the bottling depart
ment of the Store Brewing company.
Miss Blhler Is a niece of Gottlieb Btorz.
Miss Olga Store and Albert Blhler will
attend the bride and groom. Mr. and
Mrs. Dallnghaus will make their home at
3324 Sherman avenue.
Mrs. Mary Harrington, 717 East Lee
street, Nevada, Mo., Is seeking Informa
tion aa the the whereabouts of her sis
ter. She writes that her sister's maiden
name was Elizabeth Hawman and that
she married a man named Andrew Haines
In Onawa City, la. She later moved to
Omaha and since then Mrs. Harrington
has not heard from her.
a una, mh. sntiwpuc, alien,
tlent. rnolTent liniment, and a
firoTen remedy fortbitand ilm.
Ir troubles Mr. II. C. Kellogg,
lleckel, Msm before using this
remedy, suOered Intentelr ltb
g Inful and Innanie relm:
rj vera iwollen, knotted and
bard, lie wrltet: "After niing
one and one-half bottles of
AltSIIIIIII N'V- lit . th..ln.
were reduced. Inflammation and pain gone, and 1
Date bad no recurrence of the trouble during the
'' J,.t,re'" .Also removes Ooltre, Painful
e;l,llnE.yens.Cjis. Callouses, Iirulsea 'Black
and uluejMlscoloratlrins. etc,ln a pleasant manner.
W. r. TOUKO, P. s. r., 104 Temple Bt,
Sprlngfleld, Mass.
Try B, & D, Roach Powder
Absolutely Guaranteed Never rails
Order Now Before It Is Too Late
S1.00 Par Found 8 Pounds for 95.00
David Feblowitz,
815 Georgia Arena. Omaha, Xsb.
Tsltjjhona Sarnsy 0368.
wnue, ODJi'Ootic; No. 2
yenow, &okc; .o. 3 yellow. 65?4056c: No.
4 yellow. 55665Hc; No. 2, 66ci No. 3. 6514
56c; No. 4. 65S55V4C.

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