Newspaper Page Text
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1913. miugust Sales Offer You 2 Large New Elevators" BUY EARLY Don't wait till tho last moment when you mill tlio ftlcscoplo arc both hurried. Wo close at 0 1. M. Satur tlnys during Augut-t. Not only splendid savings on all kinds of seasonable goods, but absolute satisfaction in every purchase. are now installed in middle room and will bo ready for use Sutarday or Monday. Will greatly increase service efficiency. r Handkerchiefs Vf A big special offering of Lad ies' and Children's Handker chiefs in Five Lots nt Half. 5o HANDKERCHIEFS, 2t5 A big line of plain, white, hem stitched and fancy embroidered Handkerchiefs in this lot. 7c HANDKERCHIEFS, 3Vc A splendid line of fine Swiss Hemstitched -Handkerchiefs. lCc Handkerchiefs, 5c 15c Handkerchiefs, 7lAC A wonderful lot of val- Very fine quality, ties in beautiful embroid- strictly all linen and nicely ored and hemstitched hand- hemstitched, matchless kerchiefs. values. 20c and 25c Handkerchiefs An exceptionally beautiful lino of fine embroidered and lace trimmed Handkerchiefs in this Jot, at , 10c IT r z z . Wash Goods Depf Domestic Room Mado Sheets, soft finish, 72x 90, 60e values 30J Pillow Cases, good muslin, 42x 36, 12 c values JOrf Mercerized Pattern Table Cloth, 1 yards square, $1.25 val ues, at SSj Turkish cr Huck Towels, good oizo, 12e values ....10e Hemmed Bed Spreads, largo size, good weight, J1.25 val ues at 95c Serpentine Crepe, good pattern', 18c values lOtf Black and White Striped Voiles' 15c values 30i Poplins, good colors, 25c vaiue3 Tfr 15 Lawns, good patterns, 10c val ues for 5j4 3C-inch Silkollnes, good pat- tnrnn. 1 Ke. vnlnna . . . . -Ifki 1,000 Pounds 1913 Spring Chickens OOr Saturday Per Pound &&2C First quality Hindquarters Mut- ton First quality Forequarters Mut ton SC1 First quality Pork Loin, lb. 1qA First quality Pork Shoulder, Per lb 12Vit First quality Pork Butts, lb. 15 First quality Picnic Hams, 126 2 Good Breakfast Bacon, per lb. ...... .-..18ttt.'20ft' The Very Best Breakfast Bacon, Per lb 22V6. 25t We ask our customers to shop early as the store closes 6 P. M. Saturdays. Men's Silk Hats and Caps, choice, 49c and $1.00 All colors and sizes, big assortment that sold to $2 $3.50 STRAW HATS $1.00 Not a shopworn bunch but all clean, fresh stock not a single straw hat in stock re served; pick them out at $51 Have a clean hat for Sunday. Shoe Bargains Qunlities that you can depend on for service. Prices tlint represent but a small part of worth. Sum mer stocks must go. 1 Distinctive Designs as Well as Remarkably Low Pricings Lend a Charm to Our August Sale Offerings Making Not Only Pleasing but Profitable Selections Here: Just a Few of Many Delightful Bargains Summer Dresses that sold to $10, $2.95 Pretty designs, in voiles, linens, lawns, dim ities, etc., both white and colors; all sizes for ladies and misses. Summer Dresses that sold to $15, $3.95 Charming styles in marquisettes, fine em broideries, linens, lawns, tissuos, etc. big variety for selection. TAILORED SUITS 125 of them, mostly cream serge that sold up to $35.00. All new models, all sizes you'll find it an impossibility to duplicate them; ft Ifi rn snaps at 3)1 ,011 SUMMER WAISTS Hundreds of beautiful waists, made to sell up to $5.00 Jap silks, nets, lin geries, etc., 25 different designs; your choice, at 1.95 SILK DRESSES That sold at from $18.00 np to $30.00 big variety of charming designs for after noon or evening wear: char- meuso, poplin, chif fon, etc., at , $10 Kimonos Long Silk Ki monos, made to sell to $5.00, all colors S2.98 Dress Skirts Black and white check, values to $7.50; on sale. -S3. 05 Silk Underskirts Pretty Jersey Skirts, mado to sell at $5, choice $2.05 Summer Dresses Ladloi' or Misses, $2.50 and $3 values; on salo Satur day G9 Advance Showing Fall Stylet In Tailored Suits. See the now beauties. Very modoratoly prlcod. G'lrls ' It o m p o r , with skirts. Just the thing, $1.50 values 40d Children's Dresses Pretty summer styles, $3 and $4 values, in all sizes; on sale, choice SI. 50 Children's Dresses that sold to $2,50; your iholco at 70d Everything that's New- s; Millinery Al 1 the choice designs that have been produced for tho be tween season wear, light, grace ful, becoming, creations that will please you and at prices that are surprisingly moderate. Wo'ro Showing Two Dolightful Specials in Mid-Summer Millinery Saturday. $2.50 SATIN SHAPES, $1.69 Now goods just received from New York, come in seven smart styles, soft crowns, black only. Now Satin Malino Trimmed Hats, With Areoplano Bow, very popular, bowitchingly becoming, choice bargains, nt $4.98 $16.00 TRUNKS $10.95 40 Fibre and Canvas Cov ered Trunks, Basswood Boxes, all linen lined, all sizes to $16 values lit $10.95 910.00 11A08 nt ?0.()0 Kifty Kino leather Traveling lings and Suit - Cases, in walrus, seal and cowhide, somo are slightly marrod, values up to $10.00, choice, 84.05. SO Saturday's BedSpread Specials Imported Marseilles Bed Spreads, full size, $8 val ues, each $4.95 Hemmed Crochet Bed Spreads, full size whito or colored $1.50 values, each. ..$1,00 Assorted lino of Dath Mats, all colors, good size, worth $1.00 each 50b Buy That Piano Now Our determination to move floor stock quickly has resulted in tinder pricings that wise buyers will hasten to take ndvantngo of. "Wo want you to see the spcclnl bargains now offered; conuinro them critically carefully. You'll find them unusual matchless values. Underpricing that Can't Help but Delight Every Economically Interested Buyer Who Appreciates Quality Men's Furnishi'gs . and Underweat 'Men's Dress Shirts or negligee, plain or pleated bosoms, val ues to $2.00; on sale, each, at 40. G0. 08b Men's Sample Hose Onyx brand, regular 50c to 75c val ues; on sale in two big lo.s at 16 b and 25b f Men's Summer Hose Mado to sell to 25c a pair, all colcra, at 8Kb and 12 (Men's Fine Suspenders Beat maKcs, values up to 7 5c; at, choice 25b, 30b. IOb $1.00 Muslin Gowns 49 I'yjaimis Made to sell up to S2.50. at KI.Afi Linen Handkerchiefs Up to 25c values; on salo at..g5 Men's Undershirts or Drawers; Nearly all kinds, to 76c val ues, at 35b and 45b Men's Union Suits To $3.50 valuos, all styles at 60b. 08b. S1.45 Ladles' Fancy Lace and Km broldcrcd Hose Regular val ues to 50c, In all colors snap at, pair 16b Ladles' Silk Hoot Hose Mack whito and tans; special, at 25b and 40b All Silk Hose Mado to sell at 50c and 75c; choice, pr.' 35b Children's Fancy Sox 25c quality, broken sizes; on salo at. pu'ir .. 12 &b Lndics' Night Gowns Fine crope cloths, plain and fancy colors, several styles, to $1.50 values . . . . ; 80b Ladles' Nainsook Gowns Daintily trimmed with lace and ombroldory 40b Ladles' Gnuzo Union Suits 50c quality, lace trimmed, reg ular and oxtra sizes, at. .35b Muslin Undershirts To $2.00 values,' with deep flounce' of ldco or embroidery; on salo at 75b Ladlos' Under Vests Big as sortment for selection; snaps at 12V4b Children's Muslin Pants AIM sizes, remarkable values Sat urday at 12 b Children's Lisle Vests In all sizes, bargains at 7ttb $'1.00 and $.1.00 Corsets 1 Broken lines of tho best known makes, newest modds.l plain and fancy materials- at S2.08 Summer Corsets OHc Justl what you want, not and ua-l tlsto combined, medium bust. long, skirt; snap at.... 98b jtrnssicrcs ana rianitary Aprons To 60c values, choice. 25b Hoys' $1.50 Wash Stilts In madras and linens, big assort- , ment for selection 08b Ladies' Furnishi'gs 'and , Underwear By Trading at Hayden's You Save from 25 Make the Prices for 21 lbs. best Granulated Sugar for $1.00 48-lb. sacks best high grade Diamond II Flour 91.00 10 bars Beat 'Km All or Dia mond C Soap 85o Advo Jell, Ice C'roam Powder, Jello or Jellycon. pkg . . ,7Hc 8 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines for aso Tall cans Alaska Salmon... lOo Large bottles Worcester Sauce, Pure Tomato Catsup, Pickle, assorted, kinds, or Mustard bottlo ,8Ho The best hand picked Navy Deans, lb So Grape-Nuts?, pkgr ,..10a Yeast Foam, pkg 3o 4 lbs. fancy Japan Itlco, 10c quality 25a The beat Domestic Macaroni, Vermicelli or Spaghetti, per pkg. 'Ho 1-lb. cans assorted Soups, 7Ho McLaren's Peanut Butter, per lb la Ho Fancy Queen Olives, qt....30o Fancy Stuffed or Plain Olives. bottle 8Ho E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg So The beat Soda Crackers, lb 6V4o The beat Tea Sittings, lb., loo Golden. Santos Coffee, lb...30o BUTTER JLSTD CHEESE SPECIAXB. Creamery Butter, best brands, 1-lb. carton 30o Creamery Butter, beat country, per lb aso Dalry Butter, best country, per lb aso Cheese, Full Cream, N. Y., White or Cream, lb aoo Cheese, Wisconsin Full Creain, per lb 18o Cheese, Brick, Wisconsin Full Cream, per lb .... ., , I80 for Groceries 50. We the People. THIS IS THE PLACE TO OUT WHAT YOU WAWT AND AT THE PKICE. Sweet Corn, per dozen... . . ,"".10o New Potatoes, peck, 15 lbs. 3So Tomatoes, rlpo and fancy, 3 lbs. for , 100 Beets or Carrots, 4 bunches, So Green Peppers, 6 for So Summer Squash, 2 for So Leaf Lettuce, 4 bunches. .. .So Head Lettuce, fancy, por head 7o and 60 Beans, fancy Wax or Ureen, per lb 10c Cucumbers, large, each 7Ho and So Radishes, 6 bunches 60 Celery, 3 stalks., lOo Lemons, large and juicy, per dozen 35a and 40o Peaches or Pears, basket... 350 Apples, good cooking, peck a Bo An Unparalleled Offer Skirts Made to Measure $O00 FINDINGS AND TRIMMINGS FREE " Select your material from over 500 pieces of high class new serges, rntine, bedford cords, poplins, etc., and wo will have your skirt mado for you by an oxpert man tailor, findings and trimmings furnished at tho above startingly low price, perfect fit guaranteed. Inquire at DreBS Goods Dept. Saturday Hardware Bargains SPECIAL SALE GAS IRONS. Wo aro distributors of ""Wizard" Qus Irons, a $y.50 value, on salo Saturday, $1.98 Saturday Specials You'll Find INTERESTING 20o Tooth Brushes. . .10c 50c Hair Brushes. . . .25c 25o Shopping Bags.. 19c 50c Hand Bags 25o $1 Hand Bags 49c 50o Ladies ' Neckwear nt 25c 25c Ribbons, yard, 12M:C Fancy Bolting, all kinds, at bolt . . . .5c nnd 10c $2 Thermos Bottles, 98c $1.50 Leather Hand Bags, at 69c n Try Hayden's First 70K THE FSBBSKVZIVa BEASOW. S-ut. Enamel Preserving Kettles ,B0o 10-qt. Hnamel Preservlnc Kettlrs U9o 12-qt. ICnamel Preservlnv Kettles 400 1-qt. Tin Fruit Cans, per doz SSo Ec rnckK Partlus Brallntt Wax, 2 for Bo Rnainel Colanders lBo 10c Imported bent (Trade hong Handle Wood Spoons for G Fruit Presses , ,. 19o 24-lb. capacity, warranted accurato Family Scales B9o 26o Gonulne Wilson Toast ers for ............. .lBo Wilson pattorn Toanters loo Mop Sticks for Bo Heavy tin, SO-lb. capuclty Flour Cuns , , 78 o Large size Sanitary Savory Bread Box ,...,70o Medium size Savory Brent1 Box 09o Any size Steel Fry Pans, worth up to 3Co loo Monday's Glassware Specials in China Dept. 1-qunrt Root Beer Bottles, por dozen '. .85c Atlas Jelly Glasses, per dozen 20c V(i-pint Jelly Glasses, per dozen 15c Ball Mason, pint jars, por dozen 45 C Ball Mason, quart jars, per dozen 50c Best Jar Rubbers, red or white, 2 dozen for 15c Best Jar Covers, doz. 15c I BRIEF CITY NEWS Hr.reophaxns. aifhtlns Fixtures. Burgrtss-Qranflen Co. aave aoorrlnt It Now Beacon Preua. ridslity Storage tt Van Co. Doug. 1616. Tire Goes for Vkcutlon County Treasurer W. G. L'rc left yesterday for Minneapolis, near which city he will spend his vacation among Minnesota's lakes. To Move to California Colonel E. U Howe, former postmastor and former city treasurer of South Omaha, Is making preparations to move with his family to California, where he Intends to make hla future home. Benson ts Thorno Buytrs go East The Benson & Thome Co. Is sending Its buyers east preparatory to opening: their fall and winter lines. Albert T. Benson and Miss Thompson of the suit depart ment have gone east on their annual trip with Instructions to lay In a complete Hock of the new winter styles. Permit Prom Wrong Ptrson The Of- fcrman Construction company of South Omaha were brought before Judge Alt stadt for hauling dirt on a boulevard. Mrs. Anna Offerman of the firm appeared In defense of the company and stated that he had secured a permit from Commie iloner Hummel to allow the hauling to jo on. Judge Altstadt Informed her that ho had not seen the right person to ob tain a permit and dismissed the charge vhen she promised to do so at once. Hrs. Ooldwar Wants Divorce Mrs. Uose Goldware, whose husband Is pro trletor of a grocery and furniture store it 2307 Ames avenue, has brought suit fo - dlvorco against Jacob Goldware, al 'ing that he laughted at her when she i'as itnable to get out of bed on account )f rheumatism and that he Nia failed to rupport her. Hlie alleges that he tins tiansforred his Interest In the store to his father and ccurod a ,uti nlmn urdei to prevent changt in Its ownership, Mr and Mrs. Goldwarv were married In Omaha June 21, 1910. They have a daug'i. ttr 2 years old. Nineteen Changes in Voting Places Since Last Election Nineteen changes have been made In polling places for the gas franchise elec tion, all the others remaining the' same as for the tornado bond election. Most of tho new places are within a short dis tance of the old. The changes follow: ?! o o v. j a a I So w 1 4 919 Bancroft 915 Bancroft 2 6 1623 Vinton 1527 Vinton 4 1 1610 Davenport. ......1G20 Capitol Ave. 4 3 1761 Leaven worth. 1813 St. Mary's A v. 6 2 1903 N. 24th 191S N. 24th 6 3 1711 N. 2Uh 1G27 N. 21th 7 2 2823 Pierce 2502 PoPPleton Ave. 7 4 3213 Leavenworth 3419 Mason S 1 1304 N. 24th 1318 N. 21th 9 0 2079 Cuming 2601 Cuming iu i IUU4 t. 13th 1012 S. 13th 10 5 1424 8. 13th 1414 S. 13th 11 1 410S Hamilton 4026 Hamilton U 3 4007 Cuming S17V4 N. 40th 11 3 3920 Farnam 3918 Farnam 11 4 3S63 Ieavenworth (M R .Ulli 13 9 2SHOhlo .....2720 Ohio 12 10 SX K, 30th 3302 N 30th 13 ii ww Ames Ave 3m Ames Ave SENTENCE MULTIPLIED FOR CONTEMPT OF POLICE COURT Edward Jackson of Bismarck, N. D was arrested Thursday night for vag rancy and for being Intoxicated. Judge Altstadt sentenced the man to ten days In the city jail and Jackson, thinking this too long, turned and remarked, "You Dutch blankety-blank fool, I'll get oven with you." "You come bag here, your anudder, and I glff you ninety days for your ten," re. torted der sohudge. Jackson subsided and was hauled a way to a dungeon. Cinders to be had lor i'ie im'tilnr Mttz Lros. 1'rcwlu company Bull Moosers Lose All of Their Preferred Candidates The stubborn, age-old problem of who killed Cock Robin has finally been cast Into the. shade by the grievous question of who stole the bull moose list of state and congressional candidates, cooked up at the conference held by tho promnent moosers of the state at the Paxton notol Tuesday afternoon and ovenlng. A tenta tive list was cooked up in the afternoon, duly stirred and a spoon and straw In serted ready to Bene. Then somnhlntc happened. F. P, Corrlck of Lincoln. Jtattt chairman of the bull moosers, could not find the list when he wanted It most. John Lewis did not have tt In his pocket It could not be found In the Jean of Nathan Merrlam, national committeeman, nor of Dr. W. O. Henry, who has been active In local bull moose circles bince last fall. "There are unbelievers among us, ' shouted some. But the unbelievers and thieves could not be located. As all had their credentials in good shapo in tho form of written Invitations to tho con ference It did not seem In good form to lock the doors and search the visitors. "Some of the darn newspaper repDiten stole the list," said John Lewis, DuugluH county chairman. But more discer,itn minds remembered that the nowinupc: men had been locked out of the mcutli'g and that the list had been juggled about from official to official long after the reporters were locked out. Solemnity reigned. Sadness bent the brows of the moosers, for It had taken much time, diplomacy and tact to draw up the tentative list, and now It la lost. Not a man In the house had a memory good enough to remember who wai who on the entlro list. Besides It wai high time to adjourn and get In line for thu evening banquet. So tho result of the big conference la naught except two pages -of resolutions No list of approved candidates for tho state and congressional offices Is In ex istence unless tho sheet can be found Of coutce tho moosers say now that it was only a tentative list and that they had not hoped to dictate who should run In each congressional district, and all that, but they do udmlt that they had talked the matter over and simmered the possible timber down to a few that would get the party sanction, Thus far no reward has been publicly offered for the recovery of the list. Dog, Lonesome for Its Master, Jumps Down Shaft to Death Tony Talmerseno, employed by tho Omaha Fruit company, Is mourning for a poor, black dog, which, wearied of lifo Thursday and committed sulcldo by plunging down the elevator shaft. Tony decided to take "Llllle" with him to work, and when ho locked tho doors called the dog. He talked to It all the way to work. "You're a good dog, Lit," hn snlrt, "but my, ain't It hot? When we get downtown you want to keep out of the way. Do you hear me7" "Lll" wagged her tul) ns evidence that sne unaersioou. Tony left the dog on one of the floors and the elevator boy left the door open. The brute stood looking down the shaft for a long time, then, alter looking on either side, quickly leaped Into the open shaft. Tony believes the heat went to the dog's head. Ho was a tearful man when he called the health department and asked that the animal be removed. NEWSBOY FINED FOR HAVING HIS PAPERS ON THE CURB Joe Iladlih, a newsboy v. no huu been selling his wares at the southwest corn! of Sixteenth and Farnam street?, whs tried in imjIIcc court for violation of an ordinance prohibiting the dlrplay of mer chandise on sidewalks. He .vas find !( ard costs, but a' tin- IntiTress-'-jn I the Newsdealers' bmo 1st on thr tint wur H Tl tel The urdlnuiiie under wiP "i th prosecution was conducted was passed In 1912. Since the pussage of tho ordi nance frequent disputes between news boys selling on the curb and newsdealers have occurred and the case of lUdlsli was brought to test the validity of the ordinance. MfrloitK llonriaire to dyspepsia, liver complaints and kidney 'roubles !s necJIevH. Klcctrlc Bitters Is fie guaranteed renu-dy Only 60c For oy Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement MILKMEN MUST OBSERVE LAW OR BE PROSECUTED W. 13. Ito.wersox, dairyman for the C. B. Post dairy of Benson, was fined 12S and costs, sentence susuended, for mixing milk on the street. Milk inspector Qtir solus appeared against the man and ex pressed his Intention of bringing every milkman who violated the ordinance by exposing milk, to the germ laden air of tho streets, Into police court. Tho Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to Business Success, Relief Committee Will Pro Rate the " Money Left in Fund The generalrollef committee organized to aid tho tornado sufferers Is nearinx the end of Its work and during the last month has reviewed every case and has made some additional appropriations amounting to about (37,000. The money remaining In the relief funu will not permit giving the entire amount of these appropriations, so the commute has decided to make available 60 per cent of theso appropriations and late wlll pro rate tli' balmier on these tenta tive appropriations, letting the moiie gd-as far us It will. New 1914 Prices Effective August 1, 1913 Model T Runabout . . $500 Model T Touring Car $550 Model T Town Car . . $750 With Fill Equipment F. 0. B. Detroit Ford Motor Co. DETROIT, MICH.