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TheO maha -Sunday J7 ir Tint er -n- Bee magazine Page Copyright, 1013 by tho Star Company; Great Britain Righto neierve& JMKuM T ADY DUFF-GORDON. fW- '''' t The Most Expensive Furs in the World, Ermine, Sable and Chinchilla, Will Be Use&in Paris This Winter for Wraps arid Coats, Says Lady Duff-Gordon ADY DUFF-CORDON. jHcrie ef mmm, a4 forms f fukieai aV world. vmtm Mch wek me fuhio srttck for Am ewpjpf, pvmatiag all iJtat U new t aftd ti ia ty for wtll-dfi woma. ' Ledf Det-Gordon't Park ettabluhawat bring) her into doio loach with that centra of faihion. Lady Duif-Gordoa't American etialluJv' steal U at No. 37 and 39 WU Fifty cratih ttreei. New York. 13 IA1UB m4 mnptuou furs aad ran aad gle- rioaa jewels arc the bailmerke of wealth. Her than any Cher article la a womax'a; werdrob theee aorgeewe adornwieitte A mm ay be luwwR. br th ojy he toe,. a woMtvte known H Um and jeweto fee ww. Fursma seer to thaa tbtir jeweto,fbt to Uwi tlwM Kwtaw raat8 awt tbea alt eite. ' There are fw woetea, wheee rati 4c C ejttlver - they wok at weaeerfel ftr, at the gteecy ef the emlae, Uh sleek brown f seal aad tk weird gray blue -of th febateue blue fox. There are few wcwen iww4y who de aet realize tin value ef these furs end who do not crave taees. WKh the see of the peUs of so aay sear-wild cad doaseetto aalm&ls, furs of one kind or aaother are with! the"reach of every womaa. But whea one ut a coney coat beside a tailless ermlno ono feels Tery sad Indeed. Cheap fox and wolf will keep one juirt aa warn is the rare blue fox, but, obi what a dliereace there k In their appearance! la former days furs' were worn purely for warmth" Te-dcy they are as ornamental as poarls, as eurap iveee ae dtaaoads. I caa recall the days whea eve a wenaa of wealth was eetisfted with her sealskla sht er sk Mrs. The Styles did sot ' To amwMt that a muK thetttd be dose over. lery year.weuld hare been received wKh herrer. - Evening Wrap of Tailless Ermiae, Worn by Monna DeJza, the Most Beautiful Woman in Paris. Scarf and ; of CkMiclullat NcwWflrter! Hat. High Trimming. Hffi New '.Witter? ' ' .?f , aSaaaaaB I, a mbm i228 the Mee ExpeaMve Fht hi the World, Protects M!!c Delza from the .Chill Autumn Winds of ParUj When the furriers found that they could dye fura any color thoy wanted, that they could work with the eklns as, deftly as with silks and satins, thoy wrought a revolution, In feminine wear. To-day the woman of . fashion has furs to match every costume and eeveral coats. Recently 1 have been looking over the fura of a very wonderful young beauty of whom I have often written, young Mile. Monna Delza. Her fura . are , worth several kings' ransoms, and to do scribe them fittingly would require all the compliments In the English and French lan guages. Mile. Delza has fura that have made his tory. Men haw searched the Arctic, the Antarctic and the tropics tor furs and feath ers tor this Parisian beauty. This week I am fortunate Indeed In being able to send you photographs of some ot ber tuva, and I know that you will be dellgnted with them. And also from these pictures you may able to get soma Ideas for your own fur fixings. But just a few words of forecast Ermine will hold Its own for evening coats and wraps; also tor muffs and scarves for the afternoon. Fox, Bable, chinchilla and skunk will be the serviceable furs, but ot course many other ot Ue former favorites will stlU be with us. The ermine wrap Is very volu minous, lit has Unee that suggest a bath robe rather than a coat, but this fulness is not cumbersome, as the skins have been treated In a manner to make them supple. Personally I like a rich bit ot color with er mine. 1 think that the wearer of this white fur should wear rubles or emeralds. But Delta wears always pearls. She has also a long cloak ot Russian sable, which la fabulously expensive. Tho rose brocade llntc of this coat is delight ful. And so much depends oa the lining. The beautiful brocades are the only possible linings tor these coats, and always a son trastlng color, and one that is becoming to the wearer, must bo used Pale yellows, roseturquolBo blue and emerald are favorite and very attractive colors for these linings. By the way, while furs may, be used for more than one season unchanged, the lin ings must be changed every year. Chinchilla has many good vomts, but It Is not becoming to every one, and the color is apt to hange after a season But such a sot as Delya wears here can never change, and it is most becoming to the actress. Chinchilla is soft and enveloping, It looks well with, tailored costumes, and s very effective when worn with, velvet gowns. Just notice the unusual and very chic hat in this Chinchilla picture. The upstanding plume 1s exaggeratedly high, but hat trim ming In Paris gets higher every silnut HavaA' SaflalaaaaanaHaBaaV ' aaaaTaTMav ' ' -SSaBSavaHarJaaTjaaf ' ' bbSbbH '" ,i ''BaaHnSHHsaBafl ' ' aflKMaaBauai iffiasSfaaaHaHsaaaHBsli aaBHSK !1bSbbbSb91i ft CbBS 3?-laiBMBmjaiBr .9aHHBsaVaBHBBHI Evening Coat of Rose Charmeuse Saba Edged , with Blue Fox Fur. . 1