Newspaper Page Text
The Omaha Sunday Bee PART THREE WANT AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO FOUR, WANT-ADS vol. XLirr-NO. 11. Polly and Her MAIL ORDER BUSINESS. TAPE-WORirai Sealers in Omaha, are: Leo A. Hoffman, 21th and Dodge. XX L. Dodder. 23d and Cumins. N. P. Bwansoa, 17th and Cumins. t G. H. Brewer, COS North 21th St, Sooth Omaha. You can order SARCOPHAGI tram the following CEMETERIES: Forest Lawn. Phone Florence 134. Prospect Hill. Phono Webster 2404. West Lawn. Phone Douglas 829. Mount Hope. Phone Benson Hl-W. Graceland Park. Phone Douglas 10H. Holy Bepulcher. 812 Barker Or. order direct from the AMI-RICAN BARCOPHAGUS COMPANY. IUZ. Off Icq 30i First Nat. Bank Bldg. ' OABD OP THANKS. "Wo desire to thank our many kind friends and neighbors tor their kindness and sympathy shown us during the sick ness and deutn of our rather and brother, AdRB. J. A. HOUSTON, FRITZ C. RIEMDIIS. HENRY RElMEltB AND FAMILY. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births-George and Lizzie Casinos, 622 South Eighteenth hoy; J. F. and Vera Heinrichsen. 4216 Larlmore avenue, boy; fl. and N. Fanclncllo, 1310 Bouth Tweltth, boy; H. an Minnie Lynch, 830 South .Twenty-third, girl. Deaths George N. Graham, 24 years, hospital: Emily Senear, 6fi years, 6311 North Twenty-eighth; Per Hanson, 4 yearn. 248 Pratt; Fred H. Wirt, 37 yearn, JiospltaL MARRIAGE LICENSES. Licenses to wed have been issued to .the following couples: Name and Residence. Age. JVaclov F. Jellnek, Omaha. 24 Frances Holy, Omaha 22 John Adams, Omaha 18 Jdable Hoso, Schleswlff, la 23 Fred Miller, Palmer. Neb 24 Carrie Harry, Palmer, Neb 19 "William J. Burnell, Omaha 19 Marguerite A. Yarton, Benson 17 John D. Husln, Sparks, Neb 2$ G. Ethel Murray, Seneca, Falls, N. Y.. 29 James C. Ewell, Grand Rapids, Mich... 24 Hazel Crow, Omaha 24 BUILDING PERMITS. Steve Bjenskl, 8301 Vinton, frame dwell ing, $1,500; Mary Foral, 3019 Castellan frame dwelling, $2,000; Hastings & Hey! HELP WANTED- FEMALK Asrents and Hnleavroiuen, WANTED Lady agents. Best reducing corset made, ana other popular models. Large profits. ST. LOUIS CORSET CO. " WANTED Lady traveler; a beglnner: tK', 5al4lon and expense monVy. WgP&fZ. ? agreement. MoBrady form7ittl"letUcoatra8su?o mediate, permanent Income, sells on Bight; experience unnecessary: promDt reply secures exciustvo territory, rfo dealer" competition. Spelman & Co., WANTED-Competent girl for general Harnw'wao. K00d Wft8e3! no w"nS' WANTED a girl for general house work, two In family. Tel. Harney 6388. GIRL to assist with housework, small family; no washing; good pay; good home for right party. Harney 4891. uiRL, ror general housework. 2 in family Mrs. W. H. Taylor. 5041 baven port. Harney 4430. Clerical nd Office. WE HAVE TWELVE OPENINGS for experienced stenographers. See us Mon wcek. n0dn FILING FEE this CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City National Bank Bldg. STENO. & elk.. $C0; ateno., lbr.. $00? steno.. Ins $30; typist & elk., Dr.'s of! flee. $35; steno.. mfg.. $60; ateno., brok- mK fi."te,?,- &clfei'n. 56;' steno.. comm.. $60; office elk., high school gradl uato, $40; cashier. $45; comptometor opr.. SE. 6004 tXP- ."WEST. REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N 753 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. ' Fact or r and Trades. Learn halrdresslcgat Oppenhelm's. D.229S THTT! M. K rrt r MnH ..... . number of glrU In the operating depart Juent Applicants must furnUh refer 54r' J?1"! whlle learning. Ap- WANTED Skirt operator, must be ex" S-axtSn! aPP at 0nC0' Irhman 433 Hoarsekceplna- and Domestlca. &HvFiSyA,NT l?"1 PROBLEM BOLVED-The Bes Will run n Servant Blrl Wanted Ad FREE until you tret the Beslred results. Thin applies lo re.ldentS of Omaha South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ypur ad to Tho Bee offlc. yr telephone Tyler 1000. " t GIRL for general houseork. 3126 Chicago. WANTED Girl for general housework. WANTKh SAmMin. l.ii. u vMO VU U. ti Oso- board young couple Must not be loo far from business section ot town. fruurcM ti im. care uce. W A MTEIl A ZZZO T i. . - own. ah t iu wmji, iron and assist with housework. 1302 Park t.vo. Harpey 3X5. ""WANTHD-Experienced baby's nurse, references required. Uarnoy 1108. Four Cupid. Ifl Jl WFAFL CupidI DEAR ov BT" -7 1 3uMSi Cop. J fkME ' ira 6om T 4 Pals--It Was Only WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to In j lire proper classification most bo presented before 13 o'clock Boon for the evening 'editloa and before 7:30 p. m. for the morning and Boa day editions. Want ads received after such hours will have their first Insertion under the heading, "Too Lato to Classify." CASH RATE FOR WANT ADS REGULAR CLASSIFICATION: Ono insertion 12 coats per line. Two or more consecutive inser tions 0 cents per line. Ono line per month, $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to jpatrona having accounts are measured by the lino, not by the word. CHARGE RATES. Six words to the line. On3 insertion 12 cents por lino. Two or more consecutive inser tion., 0 cents per line. Ono Hue per month $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged, to patrons having accounts nro measured by the line, not by the word. NOTE The Bee will not bo re sponsible for more than one wrong Insertion due to typographical error. Claims for error cannot be allowed after the 10th of the following month. An advertisement Inserted to bo run until forbidden must bo stopped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellations cannot be accepted. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Housekeeping; and Domestics. WANTED-Competent girl for general housework; references. Harney 8053. HIGH school girl to assist with house work while attending school. Harney 2631. COMPETENT girl for general house work. Laundress employed. Good wages. Mrs. R, C. Peters, 49th and Cass. Harney mo. . WANTED An experienced girl fot general housework. Good wages. No washing. Tel. Harney 1891. ,136 B. 38th St, GIRL for general housework. Three adults In family. 6113 Webster. Harney 4490. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Three In family. Good wages. Apply at once. Webster 3080 or call at 2724 Hpauiaing Bt. nun. nr mirtrfln send woman to assist with housework; good pay. Mrs. C. Stein, 712 No. 27th Ave. Phone Harney 489L WANTE'b--A good girl for general housework. 2324 Fowler Ave. GIRL for general housework: no foun dry work; permanent place. 3122 Chicago. WANTED A. girl for general house work. 1313 S. 81lh St. Tel. Harney 181L WANTED a good girl for general housework. 3126 Chtcago BU Telephono Harney 2176, WANTED Girl for general housework: 3 In family: good wages. D4-4 Dodge. Harney 63W. WANTED A girl for general house- work. 1302 Park Ave. Harney 33-"5. GIRL for general, housework. 587 Bo. 25ih Ave. neat, trusiwormy sonooi sin, nuv umw Jt yClXVa UIU, IU uo-l-b win, uuhbshui. and care of two children for room and Doara; gooa permanent noma iu uuuu girl. Address K 127. Bee. WAVTRD-EinfrltnMfl frirl for gen eral housework. Good wages. References required. Apply, Mrs. E. M. Sunderland, 4914 Webster Bt. Phono Harney 2619. .......... I , "VTIUtA I 1 .. -1 V. twtnA Mf... ences. for general housework. Mrs. lAenj. a. naner. iv do. whii nu- wanted A Eood nurse for two weeks. Mrs. A. P. Tukey. 3126 Chlcugo. GOOD girl for general housework; n.uat be good cook. Harney 58. WANTED Girl for sencral housaworn-. Mrs. Koenlg, 112 No. 31st Avo. Harney 4570. GOOD reliable girl. Ironing. Small family. No washing nor 1S0O Capitol Ave. Miscellaneous. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN TO WOMEN $75 month. Write Immediately for free list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 660 F. Rochester, N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE. Aarenta, salesmen asd Solicitors. WANTED 4 neat appearing young men lo travel. Apply 706 Brandels The. Bldg. WANTED A high class, real estate solicitor for a position on the road. This will Day itood money on a commission basis. Don't want a man who Is merely looking for a Job, but one who has the ability to make gooa. j. a. addou ec i;c, 504 City Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. AGENTS $25 a week for 2 hours' work a day; a brand new hosiery proposition that beats them all; write for terms and anteed Hosiery Co., 5i30 Hopper St., Day ton, O. EARN $50 weekly selling collection cabinets to merchants. Write for free samples. Bayers Co., 662 Laclede Bldg., Kt Louis. Mo BIG money selling our line; $10 to $50 profit on each sale; -. : ex elusive territory to hustlers. Writ) C. Homple, sales' mgr., li , ... . .inoh, Chicago. OMAHA, Polite of Cupid to Rim Home HELP WANTED MALE. Aaents, Salesmen and Solicitors. AGENTS do not accept any offer until you havo ours: write for tree sample and fall catalog of whirlwind sellers, Victor Specialty Co.. Osceola. Neb.- AGENTS wanted: own your own busi ness; sell Flitch's Vegetable Soap. Wrlto for free sample. J. A. Frltoh, Bt Louis. Wfl guarantee $50 per week to handle our patent window show card writer. Write for contract and sample. Central Stencil Co., Kansas City. Mo,' Salesmen wanted. , Permanent position In protected territory worth $3,000 or bet ter annually to producers. Nationally ad vertised specialty for retailors In all lines .in towns and smaller cities. Old established highly rated firm. Require first-class references and bond. T., 401 Kesner Bldg., Chicago. SALESMEN to call on grocers, con fectioners, general stores. $150 monthly and expenses; yearly contract. Manager, 18 B. Second Bt-. St. Louis. Mo. THREE specialty assortments good for ISO per week commissions with a "red blooded" salesman. Address Ltve Lire, 600 Colutribla Bldg.. St. Louis. Mo,' SUCCESSFUL salesmen, working small towns can increase their earning by plac ing our punch board assortments (Jewelry, cutlery, chocolate, gum). We take book, unsold goods. Can use only men now em ployed. State territory. We want men capable of earning $50 per week and we want them now. Bee Dun and Bradstreet ratings. Devon Mig. Co.. unicago.- to grocers, bakers, confectioners and gen eral stores In tho small country, townB. Salary, $100 per month and expenses. Crown Cider Co., 207 S. Commercial Bt., Dept. O, St Louis, Mo. AGENTS to Introduce money making specialty In homes, offices, garages, hotels, etc. Sample and particulars free. Owasco Supply Co., Auburn, N. Y., U. 8. A. . WIDE awake agents make big money handling out' high grade specialty. Write today for full particulars. Tho Howard C. Rash Co.. Desk 22. Sallna, Kan. AGENTS, let Us show you how to make big- money selling new patented special ties. Write for new fall catalogue. Vic tor Specialty Co., Victor Colo. MANUFACTURER desires placing valuable agency, perpetual repeator. In come earner, business builder, easy, no competition, protected territory guaran teed. Automatic Perfection Company, 17 W. 42d. Now York. WE start vou In business, furnishing everything: men and women: 120 to $200 weekly operating our "New System specialty candy Factories- noma any where: no .canvassing. Opportunity life time; booklet free. Ragsdale Co., Drawer D, East orange, N, 4. AGENTS Wanted-Best selling article: start Immediately; $25 to $50 weekly. Hydo Park Ideal Co., 1333 E. 55th St., Chicago, 111. $G0 REWARD for you If you can produce a better vacuum cleaner that the Keystone. A four bellows, mahogany finished sweeper type machine. tspeciai prices to uvo agents. Exclusive territory. General agency contracts open. Write for our special literature now. Lannlng-Stone Bales Co., Gas Bldg., Chicago, 111. WANTED Good, live solicitors for Ne braska to handle a good. Uvo Missouri land proposition, on commission. Addresa P. F. Nuss, Sutton, Nebraska. "WANTED Experienced floor man. State full particulars In first letter, re. gardlng salary, experience, rcferenoe. eta Apply in person If possible. P. Martin & Bra D. G. Co., Grand Island, Neb. CHEWING GUM-Sell to dealers In your territory.' Clean, profitable business built, up quickly wjth our new brands. tour llavors, novel packages. wrlto today. Helmet Co., Cincinnati. P. AGENTS $600 monthly. Tremendous demand now for "Woodward Power Tire Pump. Latest auto accessory. Agents ''cleaning up" everywhere. Quick action necessary. Get busy. Woodward & Son, Nicholas Bldg., Toledo, O. BALESMAN Experienced In any line to sell general' trade In Nebraska. Un excelled specialty proposition. Commis sion contract. $3.' weekly for expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., 303.35 Contl nental Bldg.. Cleveland. P. HTlTr?K" tfttnr.m with 9 lliHnt. 150614 Webster "st. $20? " JI1UB W. llAiJl., 207 McCague Bldg, D. 1300. SALESMEN WANTED A few ironii men to sell El Paso lots at $45 to $60. on easy terms: Pest seller on the marknt today; Bird's-eye view furnished. El Paso iteignts investment --o.. uox biv, ei Paso. Tex. MAN acquainted with city for posttlok. as outside salesman and collector for credit Jewelry store. State age and ex perience. K 1C0. Bee. SALESMAN, traveling, to carry a good side lino, fancy dry goods; factory to re tailer; liberal isommlsslon. Bryn Mawr Mills, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED Successful salesmen to sell merchants, banks and doctors outside Omaha; make all towns In each county: Old established St. Louis concern and want salesmen who will give all their time to this business; we will pay big money for energetic hard workers; per manent positions. Addresa Sales Man ager, B. B. Buckley, 721 Olive street, Bt. Louis. Mo. REPUTABLE salesmen for side line on commission; monthly, retail, hardware, house organs, on yearly contracts; fourth year. F. F. Austin Co., CI La Salle St, Chicago. SELL patent household necessities new inventions; $10 to $20 per day. Ford Mfg. Co., Inc., Newark, N. J. BECOME general agent for thermo zone, a curative Instrument for home treatment with over 26 years' successful use back of It; invented and perfected by Dr. Beckwith. Garfield's family chval. clan. You can now obtain exclusive right oi saio in your aistnct, wnicn, with rea sonable energy and small capital you can make an Income of $3,000 to $4,000 yearly. Write Badger, Mutual Life Bldg., Buf falo. N. Y. AGENTS Sign men. New patent $5. Metal changeable signs, 337 metal let ters. b3 sold in one block last week. Parker Co., Chicago. SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 31, 1913. A. B. C. of Omaha "r'r A BKIN'S KOSHER OAFfl nBu, ,. OISrw. , stands for quality, quantity A econ- following who has tlmotfor outside work: amy. 316 8. 15th. middle of block. 2d floor. Plasterer and plumber. Address, A 170, "r ANY SEAT car Bee. JiriDrCSS aajtt FOT aooD KELP, w good. Job ot f ANT TIME. any kind, anywhere, see tho Omaha Km- KERR Abstract Co., 806 S. 17th. St. Moyment Bureau. 121 N. 15th St SiU?r-b?rVe.itti. LIS"1'' "v WANTED-. barlMsr. John IUnnlnger. Kerr do your title work. IOC Main street. Florence. Neb. VAVeuumelS,1! dSife Inhe'homt WANTED-Flrrt-closs iron moulders. Zysm&&&&: fctittisS: cAoaroI0,,totMc i..1. . 1 " WANTHD Two first class middle aged ---n -r,, . r. . tool and die makers, for light steel HELP WANTED MALE stamping work; steady position for sobqr " ivMn't. ' '.I..!..... nniiin. an rellablo mechanics; stato age, cxperi- Aa-ents, Salesmen and Solicitors. e m dotfUl and waBOI, expected; also AGENTS Sell d'oT" combination. Silk Jvlfco cSar 'Msia f'" tics, silk socks and monogram ouff, link- ! v. utjt Co., ccaar lupios. ia. stick pin set free, or three utile nocktles, MEN wanted to loarn watchmaking, cn- samo set, free. 67 por cent profit Froo graving, the trado thnt pays $2u a week samples. Comer Neckwear Co., PT3, up; students earn while learning, post- Fourth, Dayton, O. Hons secured. K. C. Watchmaking "SAY-CO" vacuum cleaners. Price and School, 833 E. Uth Bt, Kansas City. Mo. qunllty of machines of Interest to agents, START In business for yourself: wo crew managers, solicitors. Best price gou jewelry at wholesalo prices; $25 will proposition over made. Three-bellows and Btart yoil, Cleveland Trading Co., 230 patented metal flexible nosxle machines, yickers Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Get the news. Bayre & Co., 168 North ; ' , . Michigan Blvd., Chicago. Tri-City Burbor Collego AaBNTS-$00-$76 weekly selling guar- th barber trade; tools furnished: anteed knit-goods for largest manufac- wages paid; elcctrlo massaKe! hydraulic turcr In America. Write tor freo outfit chairs. 1120 Douglas Bt and particulars of greatest monoy-mak- ,.,.,' ; r : ... lug proposition over offered. Madison -NTBD a coatmakor. steady work. Mills. 480 Broadway, New York. J. F. Oeesen. Seward. Neu. SPECIALTY or calendar salesmen who Miscellaneous, find business coming slowly can make profitable connection to handle a manu- . ANY competent person desiring ' to factwrer's lino direct from factory. We better his present position, can . learn make our own extensive lino ot celluloid, something ef advantage about different leather, metal, glass ana paper adver- 'ways of gottlng positions, by sending Using specialties and pay commission up their address to 0-621 Utlca Blag., Pes to S3j' per ccntl Give record fully In Moines. Ia. confidence. Cruvcr Mfg. Co., 312 Cruver WANTED Railway mall clerks. $7S.t Bldg.. Chicago. t to $160 month. Details free. Franklin A REAL PERMANENT BUSINESS, Institute. Deot 213 F.. Rochester. N. T. Vnlf,LUlrrULn .m,?,1"- MUSICIANS wanted for Rice Bros, facture guaranteed! custom shirts, hos- shows Al 1111 Bass or Monster Eb ..mfc l.Jfit".1'.!? Tubaf'sofo1 Coraet, Ut MeHophBaVl- f n1 i,nro.ush w2', npJ,e" Hn.VVMii ton8 ft"1 Clarinet to enlarge band. Iiw iSf-UftS'- wrlp; Steadfast Mills, Phch. APp,y ftt Bhow e?0unds. South Dept. 29. Cohoes. N. Y. Omaha. Wednesday, Sept. 3. to H. W. AGENTS make big money selling our Wlngest Bandmaster. .'."rJiK m'tJi JfnJSA MEN Ago IS to 30. wanted at once for 2f riV5 5 irh i n Ah5' firemon and brakomen; no experience offers Forest Letter Co., South Amboy, necessary; $80 to $130 per month: pro- - motion: no strike; wrlto Immediately for GARTSIDE'S Iron Soap Co., 4054 Lan- full particulars. Address Y 243.. care Bee. 5AdX0,i!llldTelh,,.Hri; WANTED Men to try November exam- lKnirr "rSfA17!, "iM-nrf1 rii lnatlon for mttl,a ma carrier; $65 to $100 vNo. 3177), removes Iron rust, ink and an rer month. Anniv y 2irL rt unwashatle stains from clotnlng. marble, r"1"1 App'y Y "f etc., with magical effect. Good seller, big CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS margins; house-to-house agents and store Candidates prepared by mall; pay tuition salesmen wanted. The original, 25c a after appointment! write for free booklet, tube. Beware of Infringements and the Commonwealth Civil Service School, Box penalty for making, soiling and using p,n 1219, New York City. infringed article. I NEED good men everywhere, part JT AGENTS make 600 per cent profit sell- all time; learn my business; mako money Ing "Novelty Sign Cards." Merchants buy with me; no experience needed; dosk, 10 to 100 on sight. 800 varieties. Catalogue typewriter and outfit free, W. M. Ostran- free. Sullivan Co., 1234 Van Buren St., der. Dept. 73, 12 W.Slst St., New York City Chicago. 111. BECOME detectives; big pay, easy work: AGENTS WANTED Fast soiling spe- traveling opportunities. Write Frederick cialty easily demonstrated. Big profits. Wagner, 1213 Lexington, Ave., New York. Particulars free. Investigate today, 7irvpnMMn'K"r ,.. . Tnimuin Rrwinitv fn it k 2d St La. viiiiiNMJSiN r examinations; most Juil?r cS thorough preparation. $5; returned If not i4Elft'-.,V0'0-... . appointed. Particulars free. American RELIABLE, energetic ngento wanted civil Service school. Washington. D. C SSeeWwrcsnrprSll vSleo? TnohbaBB your Income $5 a day. spar, particulars, 'do It now. Enterprise "a' hm,j , .n,2,.?xponCBnn5ce"ry.i Chemical Co., 1244 South Broadway. Ht "S,ttjlt0'7I L,,erTitu,r, J0c'a,DofJ?' Xn Iyouls, Mo. Order Specialist, 13 Poplar St., P.rooklyn, AOKSTS-Oold and silver slnn letters for store and office windows. Anyono can put on. Write today for free sam ple. Metallic Lettor Co., 437 No. Clark, Chicago. lioys. WANTED A live boy by Urge whole sale house: good opportunity for advance ment; must be 16 years old. Address D 128, care Bee. WANTED Office boy with experience. State age, references and salary wanted. Give phone number. Address 8-171, care Bee. Clerical anil Office, WANTED AT ONCE: Men with commercial ability to see Us In regard to a position. Wo .ore con stantly In touch with the commercial world and know their needs. B. F. Marti. President. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City National Bank Bldg. Paotorr antt Trades. HARVEST HANDS for the DakoUi and Canada, Omaha Employment Bu reau. 121 North 16th. wak'thii iron it. army Ahi. bodied unmarried men between ages of l& and 35, citizens of united states, ot good character and temperate habits. who ran speak, read and write the Eng lish language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Army uidg.. 15th and Dodge Sts., Omaha. Neb.; 65 4th St, Sioux City, la.; 130 N. 10th Bt, Lincoln. rieo. GET Into tho most profitable business ot today, the automobile business, and become independent. Our targe, well equipped shops offer the opportunities of Itarnlnt: the outlutss by actual experi ence on different makes ot cars. Our terms are moderate, write or can Na tional Auto Training association, 2814 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. Tel. W. C043. HELP Call Omaha Employment Bureau. ATTRNhlhn lUfJHT SCHOOL. Larir est best eaulpped school and repair shos In entire west Price no more than any of the so-called schools. Equipment and faculty not to be comparod in any par' tlcular. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, H17 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 2041. Drug store snaps: Jobs. Knelst Bee Bldg, DRAFTSMAN wanted, architectural ,or mechanical. Permanent position, Address A-U9, care uee. EIGHT carpenters wanted at Clarkson. Neb., all lnsid work, at once, apply to it. u. ureen, iiarKson, ntu. WANTED Mn at once to learn the barber trade. A hundred Jobs waiting. Few weeks completes. Better wages than you can earn without trade. Tools given. Wages while learning. Drop a card for particulars or cau uoier uaroer college. U0 o. im d. WANTED Tailors, bushslmen and preoers. Dreshev Bros., 2211 Farnam. Drawn BE A detective: earn from $100 to $509 a month and expenses. Write D-M Sys tem Bcriooi, isew York Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. LOCOMOTIVE firemen. brakemen wages about $100; experience unnecessary. Bend age, stamp. Railway, Y 220, Bee. MEN Of Ideas with Invnntlvn nhllltv should write for new list, "Needed Inven tions," "Prizes for Patents." Randolph Sc Co., patent attorneys, Washington, D. C WANTED Younir man to learn ta. tlonery business. Inquire, the Omaha News Co.. 15th and Davenport Sts. WANTED SITUATIONS. POSITION as chauffeur. 5 years ex. perience. Best references. Well ao. nuatnted with Omaha and Lincoln. C II. Wilson, Room 437, Y. M. C. A.. Lin- WANTED Position In country by 19- year-old girl. Address F 165. oare Bee. FARM hands furnished, short notice. free. Omaha Employment Bureau, 121 N. Uth St. Tel. Douglas 1112. Wanted posit, as practical nurse. W. 6230. YOUNG lady wants place to work for board while attending Boylea college. Tel. Doug. 1506. YOUNG MAN wants place to work fo. board while attending Boyles college. Tel. Doug. 1565. WANTED A position In private fam ily to do tho housework, whera work la light 1721 Dodge. Doug. 821L POSITION as housekeeper, clmmhtr work, clerking or day work. Found st 1721 Dodge, room S. Doug. 821L WOMAN wants work of any kind. Dodge, Doug. 211. 121 COMPANION or attendant. In city or out: experience In core ot Invalids; will assist In housswork. Webster 6416, 3412 No. 21th St MIDDLE-AGED widow, employed down town through day, wishes plan as com panion nights with widow lady, or house keeping widower. Only good character need apply. Address, B J4, Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Standard Furn. Rep. 1st ct rep'g. Red 8C91. D. 8. Griffith, wig mfr. UFrenser Blk. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. P Xf li motorcycle messenger strvlce, 'ill a. 13th. Doug. 608 or sm HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES Beat remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding plies; 50o postpaid: samples free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. ATTRACTIONS. Omaha film exch.. Uth and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Djx Returns. SINGLE for The Bee by AUTOMOniLES. DRUMMOND'S Big new garage at 26th and Farnam. FOKE DOOES BEAT COVERS. SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES THESE OAliS MUST BE SOLD THIS WTEK 1 Jackson flVfl-DMsengtr. two-cylinder car, tires all good and an exceptional bargain, reduced for immediate sale to l. . ... ... i rivo.passenger, t-cynnuor irranKiin, fully equipped, In good running order, paint In good shape, tires all good, re duced for Immediate sale to $150. 1 five-passenger, 4-cyllnder Oldsmobllo car, thoroughly overhauled and In ex cellent shape. This car has torcdoors. Reduced for Immediate sale to $500. 1 6-cyllnder. seven-passenger Franklin, fully equipped, paint In good snape, would rmiko ideal family car or suitable for liv ery business; demountable rim. all tires In good shape. Reduced for immediate palo to $600. , 1 Stovens-Duryea flvo-passenger, 4-oyl Iiidor car. This car Is a high-grade car and will glvo sovcral years of good serv ice. I'rlCft reduced for this sale to $700. 1 1911 Calmers "30" touring car. fao- tory overhauled, bears full equipment tires all In good shape, has selt starter and will give good service for a number or years. Reduced tor Immediate sale to $7. 1 1913 Hudson touring car, fully onulpped, In excellent shape, equipped with demountable rim, has one extra tire on rim, windshield, top, speedometer and self-starter, tires on the car. practically now, Reduced for immediate fcalo to JSOft. 1 Plerce-Arrow 1907 model, fully equipped, Including; seat covers, an ex cellent top and windshield, tiros all lit exceptionally good shape, car In perfect running shape at the presenKtime and should appeal to anyone looking for a high-grade, serviceable family car. This car is an exceptional bargain and reduced for this sale to (850. 1 Stevniis-Duryea model X, 4-cyllnder car for which we havo one seven-passen- kur iiinousine uouy ana one nve-passon-gcr open touring car body: would mako a good family car and an Ideal car for anyone doing taxlcab or auto livery bust ness. This cor can be seen at our sal-s-rooin and price will bo mado upon appli cation. We need tho space now occupied by theso earn i and must sell them this week. If Interested In any ono of theso cars call at our salesroom Immediately and wo will demonstrate them for you. Stewart-Toozer Motor Co. 2044-6-8 Farnam St. . Tol. Doug. 138 COME AND SEE THE GREATEST" VALUES EVER OFFERED IN REBUILT AUTOMOBILES. Don't lose your chance. Don't take our word for it, but come In and sep for yourself. You will not to Vletd ,? bu'' Tho ca and prices do the selling. Cadlllao runabout, 2-nassenger $125 KK'-ll' Do.t.rolt '-cylinder, 6-paas... 49J Schacht, delivery work mi Reo, 4-cyllnder. 5-passenger 545 Premier, 4-cylindcr, B-posnengor 045 Elmoro roadster, 80-horsepowor ,. 445 Royal tourist, 7-passenger, 50-H. P... 95 Elmore, 4-oyl. C-pass brand new car, regular price $1,850, our prlc 800 All cars In fine condition. We buy, sell and exchange cars. RAPHAEL AUTOMOBILE CO.. U1B Farnam St Only exclusive second-hand automobile iiuuse in umana. Bargains in Now and UBed Cars. This week wo are r.Mn tn nttr ,...., cars at from 60 per cent to 00 per cent of "l"lS "'Kin! cost and slightly used cars at 25 per cent to 60 Per cent of first cost We havo a largo line ot cars to select nin na lt yoU are ,n he market it jiojt you in come anu see us first industrial Utirago Company, , SO and Harney. ONE 30 h. n. Cnillllnn Hirht .i.n....: truck at a bars-sin. tooo. Alhort v tui.i. Ino.. 1907 Douglas.' v" AM LEAVING city; will sell five-pas-senger Cadillac nntr. rh.nn. .ill.. ped and in good condition. Phone South 187, or South 521. GOOD automobllo Wfl tl t ffl In VIA fl a t r mm 'KO Kocd lots on Wirt St. between 26th gage $00. Address. E 160. Bee. FIVE-PASSENGER enr wnn.H i .....J nt S1"00,1? ?,otttt.t" on 'rK corner lot .Sa" 8t"' Mortgage $1,150. o-w, iH vny some cash dirfer ence on a good car. D 167. Bee. FOR BALE Veils 40, 1912. n first ca.m condition, fully equipped. Hanscom Pa?k t,ur8i'".Co ' isn porK Ave. Phone liar- my ua i . - y payaorier, 210 N.1S. (.r78APBA;My ,'!$ ""ford H. P, car. W. A. Maurer. Council nu,tr. ' ' nEPKJE:,.Bn.?, S""M.P!' "Prk uaiicry charging and magneto repairs; castings welded: '"trI?- SCATKS MOTOU TONNBAU TOURINQ CAIl IN iiiu4i-WLAto CONDITION, i.nwumu vi v 11X1 LiUA ViriLk CITY ir ALA. UAiUlUiU 2010-18 HARNEY ST. Motoroyeles, WRITE Iran T.THT OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. a. nbunADlkA UTUbCi (JO.. 16TH AND HARNEY. BU1I.AUBWIB wanted for the Yals muiorcjrcie in ncaroy lerritory. Also bar gains lu all makes used motorcycles. Vic tor H. Roos. "the MoforcvoU Man tT.r- ley-Davldson and Yale motorcycles. 701 COPY FTVB CENTS. Cliff Sterrett BUSINESS CHAHUES INVEST YOUR SAVINGS IN FARM 7 MORTGAGES. We net our Investors 7 por cent on choice first mortgages on Improved Nebraska farms 1n amounts from $309 to $16,000. No loans for over 90 per cent marketable value of farm. KLOKH INVESTMENT CO., 801 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha. A dopartment storo In a live county seat city of about 3,500 population! double storerooms, 50x100. filled with up-to-date goods and fixtures; old established cash business. Price about $25,000. Owner must quit on account of health and will not stop at a sacrifice of a tew thousand dollars. Will tako a good home In Omaha or other Income property up to $10,000 and give reasonable terms, a. A Keltic, 613 Paxton Blk.. Phone Doug las 784. First Mortgages for Salo - sy On new houses, built foi L- 1 JI homes. Safest securlti J IQ knowri. First mortgage! f on homes our specialty for twelve years without a stnglo loss. Write fur our list and references. Amounts $300 to $2,500. AALEKICAN SECURITY CO. 103 8. 17th St Omaha, Neb. Patents That Protect and Paj Books, advice and searches fro;. Sum sketch or model for search; highest ref erences, best results, promptness assured. Watson E. Coleman, Patent Lawyer, 6i3 F Bt, N. W Washington. D. C PATRNTR secured, or fee returned. search of patent office records. How to obtain a patent and what to Invent, with list of inventions wanted and prices of fered for Inventions sent ftee. Patent advertised freo. 11CTOR J. EVANS A CO., "Washington. D. C OLD CORPORATION wants ono. r sponslblo man In each county tn Ne farnakn. to act na aeent for all buslncst transacted In territory; good opportunity for right party. Address P 155. care Bee. Special plans for selling your business or real estate. ICenncbeck Co., Omaha. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE wanted In every town in Nebraska for a Contract Loan ana investment company; an oi snare time. Call or write Mr. Wing. 811 City National Bank Bidg., Omaha. TO ad in or out of business, call oi GANQESTAD. 401 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 2477 for hale Best dray business In cen tral Nobraska. Address Y 249. Bee BANK FOR SALE. , , Cnntralltnir Intnraat In navlne bank lo cated in prosperous German community. A. J. Brower. Hovcn. 8. D. GOOD bulldlnc for drue business. Writ Langdon Bros., Qretno. Neb. pym RALE New drue store. In ftn business town ot 350, south central Ne, braska; English wall cases and fountain; invoice $2,500, Reason, must take bacK old storo account of party not making payments. Write D 95, care Bee. FOR RENT Cash or shares, or will solf part Interest or whole: best 2.500-acr dairy or stock ranch in state; log acrei in cultivation; ample buildings; pastur age, hay. Spring, creek or lake on nearly every forty. Best markets in country Minnesota Land and Immigration Co., Torrey Bldg., Duluth. Minn. UNRIVALLED opportunity for smair capital In new town In Irrigated farming district; Halg, tile terminus of the North piatta valley nrancn ot tne union Pacific Wanted; Hotel and restaurant general merchandise, hardware and Implements, and all other kinds of business. Don'r stop to write. Come and see for yournelf. Everyone will have money here this fall. IL W. Halg. P. O., Mitchell. Neb. FOR BALE Grocery: sales. $45,000: titu. location; city, 10,000; (6,000 necessary; na trade. Reason, want to go Into the whole sale business. Address A. B. C, Hastings, Neb. A LITTLE money for seed Dlanted In land near Waterloo, la., the fast grow ing city, will become a comfortablo for tune, write quick ror pamphlet and price list Values advancing rapidly. Addreva The Galloway Investment Co., Waterloo, in.- FOR SALE A stock ot general met chandlse and store fixtures; will en. voice about $3,000. and a ten-room houee. located In a town of 400: cood surround. lr.ff country, In central Nebraska, good reason lor selling. Aaaress x-zc, care Bee. GO INTO BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF We will alve a reliable, enersretls llnifflr salesman an opportunity to so Into busi ness ror nimseir, Dy giving mm a house account with us, of exceptional ad vantages. Must have a liquor trade of his own, of at least $40,000 per annum and a small capital, say $2,500, We will do all the shipping and billing. Any man making arrangements with us will be In a position to compete with any whole sale liquor dealer In the United States. We will also consider a straight salary ? imposition. Arthur Lehmann & Co.. Dis. Piers, Peoria, IIL WB CAN GET IT. It you want something and don't know where to get lt, write Gresham Selling Buying Agency, 123 Liberty St, New York. ADVERTISERS Your 21 word odv, in 113 Sunday and weekly newspapers for $156. Hinsdale Advertising Co., Hinsdale 111. ESSEX Trading Co.. Metropolitan Bldg.. New York, are looking for exclusive agency for general household specialties, Only high grade articles considered Bend particulate and circular. FURNITURE and lease ot 3S-room modern hotel, county seat town, splen did opportunity, $2,500; also a good 20 room for $1,000, and a dandy 16-room, $$00. Gangestad, 404 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE Colorado book and station ery store. Big opportunity, Just at open ing of school and fall trade. Clean busi ness and good profits. Would sell halt Intrrest with .management to right party, No aa-ents. Address Y-250, care Bet.