Newspaper Page Text
Bringing Up r i s r n 7? : i i n 1 1 n 0EAR--VOO TTAKS THOSE Vrtu,-ePlAM- VELUiOF 'Mv. L JOB NT M . . ' LfJpLu ssr fiL1 J- -Sir oh rsj ten. -' v - , . - WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Ifljuro proper classification must be presented before 12 o'clock noon tor the evening cUltion and before 7:80 p. tn. for ttio morning and Sua' tiny edition. Want ads received after HHcb hours will have their first iascrtkm under the heading, "Too Lmlv to ClMcsifr. CASH RATE FOR WANT ADS REGULAR CLASSD7ICATI0N Om laserttoR 12 cents per line. Xvre r more ccwecutlve lBer ttoae ,9 cent per Um. Om Mae per month, $1,80. Seatty cet a Minimum chars;. ertlsemetts charged to patreas haviag aoeoaau are )nretl by Um Mm, ot by Um wwi CHARGE BATH. Six wet-da to the lias. Ois IsMeirttew IS centa per He. We er mora cuaeecuUve te Mtit.. cents per Hue. One Um per mesUh $1.86. Twttty cents . minimum charge. NOIE The lice will not be re cpofiftlbte for more tliaa one wrong lasertion doe t typographical error. Claim for error can&ot be allowed1 aftir the 10th of he followhw KMth. Aa wivertfeemeat laeerted to lw, ran ttattt t erhtddes mwH be rtoppi hf wrlUH arctar. Verbal we telaplMMM caacaUaOoM caaaet he DKATHI A 149' rVtiKHAh KT1CK XURPKYMnir A., M 9 years, Mov4 K o Mt T. Murphy, JftlU North Twentieth street, , rieral asoMlay t a. m. frem Holy riuaUy ehurch. Etehteenth mm Isard Strega. InteraMAt. Holy i)Vehre. ee-m- tery, a MetVKR-Marle, V!oved wlte el P. Mc Iver. aWpiewissT II, IMS.. A brie Mrviea wIM 1m heM ai the family residence, jfinrth TWrtymth avenue, Tuesday, hMmbr 28, at 7:4, a. m., aftar which the remalne will he Ukcn to HiittboMt, ., for Interment. Dealers In Omaha ares Leo A. Hoffman, 24th and Dodge. K. UJDmldcr, 23d and Cuming. N. P.'fiawanion. mh and cwtAng. , a. 11. Brewer, 600 North Sllh St., South ycn order BAnCOPIIAOI from the following CKMETJiMEB: Forest Lawn. Phono Florence 134. , Prospect H11JL Phone Wbster2t4. West Lawn. Phono Douglas tft. Mount Hope. Phona IJenson 141.W. Qraceland Park. Phono Doug as 1964. Holy Hepulcher. M3 Uarker UW;,t..M Or. order direct from the AMERICAN Atonal AO UB COMPANY, Douglas MKU WAXTKIi r-KMALht. "WANTED Exprtncd sal?enMm In hvceii and eeaeroWerles. Apply at eace, jydt.lsraala Stores. iTliitlO. and cterk, ,0. Add. 11 aCT.'sHa; " "WANTKD A eoenpetent fL storol uHtat he experleacea drew J MS. CHwaaa Je. accurate. Ad- VMtary ms Yraaea. TitK Ke. Tel. Ce. can ue a HmHeA rSSStV sirH. 1. the-eaemiM dWJt. tnent. aakry said wall itarniac, Aa- a uni iranra raiiMa. iuiiiibu is- SyC. sVuunbsrt. alstrtst traUlo ebieC JttH and bouslas. 1 WANTED A 'competes girl tor general tiouMwortu E. M. llorsman. , Jr.. 41S housewortu Davcnpon Phone ltarney WANTED Elderly ladr fur nouKp. lal good home. Apply lisi OaUand Ave,, Mrs. Wilson. Council ;u!ta , QOOD girl tor general housework; three In family; cood trace. Telephone Harney SrrV. Qunther. 3 N. 49th Bt OOOD girl for general "house work; small new flat; In family . uood wages and good home. Phow llarney 4JS or call 10 a,4MBL " MrUrcpTnK and Doiuestlcs. THE BERVANT OlRt. PROBLEM ROLVED The B9 will run a Servant iart Wanted A1 FREE unti you get the dtrd results. Thu. appil4 torealdents 3 Omaha South Omsns and Council Bluffs. Bring your d to The Beo office or telephone Tyler 1004 . aiRL for general Harney 47SJ. housework, small Sin t!dE Rt fhinli. TTouHEICEBPEIl. preferably, mlddle- aed lady, lteterentes required. W B. tn t- . WANTEDOlrl to assUl with house worki wages flO.00. SOW Mason St. Har ney afi. wintkd-Competent Klrl for general housework; no washing. Mrs. O. Cauer, XH Caroaen Ave, w. iit COMPETENT girl for general house work; tnuirt be rood. whjK, I7w .per week. Tel. Harney 317. Mrs. is. h. uaxer, W 8. mux u WANTED experienced linen roots woman aa maia. APPiy nouseKeavsi, now Home. WANTED A schoolgirl or tnlddle-aged 'roaion who wishes a gool hom. Tele- paone x4 blil. itewoence, su rt. . " WAfrKJ-EjcDrlencd girl for general fcausewark; terms to suit Applicant Mrs U. X. itawicn. n iiarney. ai. 3sfAJlfW A tlri for general house- ararfc. XR Dodge. Harney una. lRXrMltiCED girl tor general house- work. Bttsrences required. N ajusali Insr. Kar. vi. li k. inn at "WANTKD-kJlrl for general SAewwtoi small fatally; htftteet wsaesT private way sac pattt. m Is. 3th 0Ca WANTKD A'housekeeer. by widower vrUh ti jreas old. Call after olaav Phono 17. Father KELP WANTKD-FEMALE. IIELf WANTED-MALE A Tp rkfOmCtTlCl BUSINESS ..PERSONALS.' MONEY TO LOAN. OFFERED FOR RENT. . Housekeepers and Domestic. I Wi. VVlIlClUCl I 1 1 ., ,,;.,.,,.. .....; WANTED A tvhlto alrl for general liouBev.-rlt; cood U'aset; no trashing. Call 11 ! r nur. fix i. , GOOD clrl wonted to assist with llsht hotisework; small family; no washlntr: fiojd pay: splendid homo for right party. Htrncy vr,t. Cor. 37th Ave. and Webster. WANTKD -Olrl for general housework. Tel. '.Vfjister 2612. WANTKD Olrl for General houseworkT 415 N. Sflth fit. Doug. m. . WANTKD Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. Crelnh. 112 No. S2d Ave. WJUTK Klrl for general housework. !Inpi.A.i tevri r it 1 r....M a. - im !.. y.t uih. ufc. TVANTED Olrl foi" nenernl housoworUt good wbRs; near high school. 211 N. 22d St. Phone Doug. 4US. QOOD girl for general housework; small family, good wages. Harney 2104. 1034 Ho. 35th Ave. WANTKD Olrl for ijeneral housework; small family: 3022 Pacific St.: Harney 033. WANTKD a ood girl for general house work; small family; good wages. Mrs. Arthur English, 621 N. Uth fit. Harney .WANTKD Competent girl for second work. W. J. Connell, 611 Bo, 24th Bt. Douglas 191 WANTKD Olrl to assist with house work; wages 13. 3006 Mason st. JIar ney 2208. Mlsqrltnaruus. OOVKItNMENT POS1TIONH OPEN TO WOMEN-??5 month. Write ImmcdlaUlv for free list Franklin Institute. Dept MO P. Rochester. N T. YOUNU women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit tthe Youni Women's Christian' assoclatloci building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th tit. where they will be dlreeted to suitable boarding (4acea or otherwise a wlsted. Look for our travelers guide at the Union statiaa. HELP WANTED MALE. Agent. Btaleimen and Seliettars, WANTHD Capable an experience salesftven in men's clothlnc section. Only high-class, saVosmtn with good business record need apply. Sea Superintendent Brn;tU atarea SALEBMEN Make X0 month selling dealers highly advertised goods, ex clusively or side lino; 6 commission everj' ardr. No narnj)le8 to carry. Mtimnioth vwwr WO.t Bt. iX)U8, MO 5 love lopartment. Deslr bio positions, pply superlntedent. Brandela Btores. WANTED I neat appearing young mea to travel. Apply 798 BrandMs The. Bid. WANTED Salesmen to handle on the side, good line of advertising specialties; commission basis; experienced men pre ferred. For personnl interview, address. stating rcferencfs, experience, telephone numoer, no., x zm, nee. WANTED Stock salesmen; live ones; to sell preferred stock; old established business; farm machinery line; strong men connected with company. Addrens Y 278, Bee. Ma?. BOX with wheel to deliver Apply 2907 Leavenworth St. . Millinery Stock Boys .Apply at once, to FREEMAN, Nebraska Clothing, Co., cash kheys and cash trtrlf. Must b 14 Beanaels Stores. HOY is or 17 years old tor mall and file clerk: good opportunity for advance want. Address M 317. Omaha Bee. ' . Cterteal aad (Mtiev ASSISTANT bookkeeper, beginner will do. I Address D 444. Bee. JUNIOR office clerk; must be over It year. Address C 443. Bee. TYPIST, ti Address A- 441. Bee. BTrCNOQUAI'UKIt (or permanent no- sltlon; good chance for advancement to rlglit person; to start. Addras U 442. Bee. Fttclorf nd IVhAn. YOUNO Mon-Study Law. Omaha Sohoot of Law. Law Department University of Omaha. Evening seoslons Further In formation Address, secretary. ui mo- fugue Bldi?. Phone .Dnuglws HOT IIK1.P Cat' Omaha Kmn'oynient Huresu. LADIKfl can mako xood wages at home decorating pillows; experience unneces sary. Call foreiioois. 3301 8. 13th. hjARBEU TRADE. Thousands have be- tcuio succrssiui shop owners uy our ays- t''m and send to us for barbers. Prepare now. Wages while Ranting, can or write. Moltr Barber College. 110 S. 14th St. ATTEND tho RIGHT SCHOOL. Larc. it host equipped school uud repair sho in enure west rrics no more tnan any of the so-cuued schools; Equipment and faculty not tu lu compared In any par ticular. NKRRABKA ' AUTOMODILK SCHOOL. KIT Dods Tel Dour M4X OET Into th must nrontable business of today. U.o automobile business, and become tndependmt Our large, well equipped shops offer the opportunities of learning tne Business oy actual expert dc on different makes of cars. Our terms are moderate. Write or call Na tional Auto Training (Mociatiui, ah N. 0th St.. Omaha. Neb Tel W. Mil Dtutf norm snaps, jobs. KrUt-Be Uldg. LKAHN slsn DctnllnK and card writ ing by mall; complete ooursa tw. Card Writers' Pub. Co., IIS N. La sane St. Chicago, PLASTERERS. WANTED. THATCHER & ADAIR, m C C Bank Bldg. DEB MOINES. IA. WANTED Printer with some px ncrlanoa In country office. 1U Per week no booier. Address Eagle, North Bend. Neb. LOCAL branch manager; wideawake. successful, executive; capable earning S3,e rer year. Must he able to carry tt.Se Investment Address x n, nee.' Mlscrllaucoos. WANTED Railway man clerks. ITltt 1 la M0 month. Details free. Franklin Inttltute. Dect 213 l' Rochester, N. Y. i COPTrtgat. UM. XaternaUonst News Bertie. MEM Age 18 to. 30, wanted t once-for firemen and brakemen; no experience necessary; ISO to 1130 per month: pro motion; no. strike; write immediately for full particulars Address T UX. vat Dee WANTKD Men to try November exam ination fo, Osaha mnll carrier: SSu to 5100 twr month. Apply Y 216. lie Qtape plcktrs wanted. Tel. Benson 2S7. Ii'ARM HANDS wanted. Omaha Em ployment Bureau, 121 No. 15th Bt. WANTED 2 experienced house-to-house canvassers; advanced premium proposition. Salary and commission. Ap ply Jewel Tea Co., 1911 Cuming 8L UELl WANTED. MAL IS AND FKMALB. WANTED Ian and wife on farm In Montana; state wages expected, etc. Ad dress Lock Box IS, Broadview, Mont. IU5LP WANTED" MAt.U AND flOMALE. WANTED Transfer girls and boys; also cash girls and cash boys; must bo 10 years or over, Apply superintendent, Ilrandels Btores. WANTKD SITUATIONS. AN experienced girl wants to help wltr dinners any evening In the week. Call Bouth 2702 between 6 and 7 p. m. Monda or Tuesday or tyrlte Esther Balrd. 1 B. 13th BC CHAUFFEUR, 7 years' experience, good mechanic, wants position, city or country. Address C 342. Bee. HIQH school boys want work for board ana room, xeiepnone Harney 3862. Wanted posit, as practical nurse. W FARM hands furnished, short notice, tree. Omaha Employment Bureau, 121 N. li th 8t TH Douglas llli PAINTER and papcrhanger, first class man; w.U work In rkty or country: wants work at once. Address N 382, Bee. WANTED Bv Klrl. Bttemllnf hn.lnua college, work for Saturdays., Phone Red C6C8. w.AiED8wl,s to taken hoase. Call 72a , HOUSE and window cleaning and hour work done. Telephone Doug. 74. OVWi man with 2 years' experience as chauffeur, wishes a position at once. Address D 323, Bee. WANTED-Posltlon to assist with kept Do not care as much for wuge as fnt hnm, A rl a . .1 ti 1 1 7 BOOKKEEPER or assistant; good ref erences; use typewriter. Address F 325, care Bee. M1DDLE-AOED widow or refinement, employed downtown through the day, wishes place aa companion nights for widow lady or housokecplng for wid ower; only those of good character need I pply. Address P 216, care Bee. . WANTED Washing and Ironing at homo. 1714 Ontario St. WANTED Office and, window cleaning done. Yard and housework also. Doug, 62J1. Mr. Weld. ANNOUNCEMENTS. R ''MtL'motorcyole messenger aqrvtct, It. JH.t tnm R wt poug me or ssift. P;.a.iOrlftith. wig mfr. UFrenser BMc. y'Vedolng announcementa Doug, l'tg. Co." 'HAZEL LEAF PILE CONEH Best ramsdy for Itching, bWadinc or pro tru stag plies; Ux) Postpaid l samples tree. Snr- man en jncv-onneu utug fc, Omaha. fll'T a lit,.!,, Wvnniun . ' L BB5 APA AT the 81QN of the CROWNf up the GOLDEN STAIRS, llth and Douglas. BIDB wanted on the moving- of M.OOu cubta yards of dlrti Qskaloosa. la. Ap. Sly Asser.nam Construction Co., South maho. AUTOMOHILES. QUITTING BUSINESS . RAPHAEL AUTOMOBILE COMPANY The onlr excluaiv n.i iin,nkii house In Omaha, IS OOINQ OUT OF w...... ..uw. .ivii jrvi.i vimiio to our automobiles at vour nwn nHc. m.. dispose of all our curs n tho next seven "( iiiwn .M.r are soiu tor casn only. Dealers should take advantm-o r prices; Oakland P-pas ftno condition ...1215 Roadster. 2-seated Warren-Detroit. 5-nass.. 4cvl tiinn Premier, 6-pas., 4-cyl... ua 1913 Mitchell. 7-pas., eVfcyl., like new. was selling out at... IT90 Royal Tour ct. 7-nas.. Eo-H. P tin. Elmore, new car. S-paa., 4-cyl. was Il.ttO. selling out at , J675 lleo, 4icyl., S-poh w, jiou ifine coupe ixwy. , to All cars guaranteed In perfect condi tion. RAPHAEL AUTOMOBILE COMPANY HIS Farnara St ABUOT-D B T H O LT 1913 MODEL SO; MARION, Mil, MODEL 43; MARION. 1910, MODEL 40; KISSEL-KAR. 1900, MODEL 40; RAMBLER, 7-PASSENOER. THESE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD CONDITION. PRICE 18 RIGHT. MARION ' AUTO MOBILE CO.. 2101 FAR NAM STREET. THE. Downtown garage. Have your automobiles washed and polished here. 1418 Howard 8t Tel. D.-4430. T FOR SALE Frame garage lixlt ft. i nom unrnty tin 4-1 1. 1 l-YrlKtnf. annA rfttllllnn' ' T?" 1209 N. 6th St. South Omaha. DRU MMONDS' Big new garage at 26th and Farnam. FORE DOORS 8 EAT COVERS. 3100 reward for any moxuato we can't re-' pair. Cull Bavsdorfer. 218 Nil Matsrayelca, BARGAINS tn all makes of used motor cycles. Victor H. Roos, "Tne- Motorcycle Man." T70J Leavenworth Bt MEN-Ako IS to 30 wantrt t one.fn . w ivwkJi-A-;Jil ""' I Omaha sec Bar. Agcy.. 43 Paxton. D. 1319 r.ames.chea,p rates, easy payments. Nor-1 MODERN brick house. 2913 Mason St. THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1913. A RTHMifJ irnuuiiMJ t A. IV I,' I - . ' PEOPLE and ethers upon their own omy. 316 H. IRth. middle of block. 2d floor. KERR Abstract Co., 305 S. 17th St Better be safo than sorry. Hays IfAf-r An irnni. u, LINDSAY, THE JEWELER 221 W S. 16th St- Itlah rrrndn Jewelry. Aiv-SAit-UKN Souvenirs to visitors. NEnitASKA CYCLE CO., "Michel's." IBth snd Harney. Douglas 1602. Wc rent, repair, sell needles, parts of all sewing machines. V ACUUM cleaners sold and rented. Vacuum cleaning dona In the home. Sanitary Service Co. Teh Doug. 2304. Ak-Sar-Ben Hints AK-8AII-BEN VISITORS. For the best whisky on tho market at S3 per gal. and for port wine atttfiOper gal, call at C. Schlanl: & Co.. 1307 Gibson's Buffet 323 South i&th St Empress EXCELLENT VAUDEVILLE AND PICTURES. ivomision, loo. BEDDEO &ther thr .TBS family. 1417 Douglas. KING JOY CAFE i6t" nd .F.or Omaha's most exclusive Chinese ajad jiuiciigan vbio, open to me puullo sept 20. bleaks, chop suey. Muslo evenings. HOTEL HARNEY tfl Vnnm Si iitlf a m m ut-i.iLit. - iacaoonamo prices lor aevoratlng autoa. bicycle and inotorcyUa for tho floral paraded Woods. XS12 Cass rearj. W Dodfio. Finest liquors. Excellent cafo vyimcwuuu. riBuurw fliwaytt welcome. WO It T1I14? UIMI.V4n Tlriltituu niTi"" AT KLEIN'S LIOUOR HOUSE. 622 N. 16TH ST. SOUVENIRS TO VISITORS. HENRY POLLACK'S LIQUOR HOUSE. lh Csp. Ave. Vtnltors a ways welcome. Hnest mixed drinks, liquors. Fine lunches All kinds of gowns nxpert workmanship! FIT GUARANTEED. Prlcee S46 to Me. B. JCENYON. 3229 Cuming. H. ptT Now management Rex & Suyoy hotels, refurn. & renovated; 'mad. convenience. Bandberg & Eltncr. photos. 107 S. lillu It. A. Borshelm, jewelor, COO S. lath. AUTOMOBILES. Motorcycles. WRITE Fun LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLED. MICKELS' NEBRASKA CVCLE CO.. 16TH AND HARNEY. SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES. IF YOU vmnt anything m tho way ot a second-hand car, we've got it. States Motor Car. Co., 1416 Dodge St. ATTRACTIONS. , Omaha film exch.. ltth and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film hargalaa HUSlNfS CHAJiCKS TO get In or out of business, call on OANQESTAt. 404 Bee UM Tel. D. 3477. Special plans .for selling your bustnes er real estate. Kennebeck Co.. Omaha. OOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR PARTY TO MAKE BMALL INVESTMENT WORK INTO LIFE'S BUSINESS. AD DRESS E 312, BEE. FOR SALE Hardware and Implement stock, nice clean stock tlntt will Invoice about 37.000, In a good country 11 miles south at Lincoln, in a town of 200 in habitants; reason selling, other business. Address Y ICS Bea A SAFE INVESTMENT. In order to keep up with our fast grow ing business we aro selling some or our rcstrvo stock. It you have 1100 or 110,000 looking for to Invest we would like to consult with you. This Is one ot tho best mercantile wholesale businesses In Omaha, which paid 12 per cent on thy preierrea stocx iasi year ana tins year looks still better. Address 8 335, Omaha Bee. POSITION for mill man, either bench or machine or both. Ono who has a little money to put In. Call Webster 1632. FOR BALE or trade, hotel, opera house, mnvlnir nlcture bulldlne. dwelllnir house land other buildings. Address BOX 126, Dunning, weu. , THE beat printing btulness In city for sale. Easy terms. Franklin BroUerags uo.. ks uea uiag, Unmuiuk tiiiiis ir Salv. FOR BALE-Seven rooms and bath, steam heated, newly furnished, reasonable for cash. Apply 707 S. lOr St. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Brass Foundries. Paxton-Mltchelt Co., 27th and Martha Bis. China painting;. CHINA painting1, outside firing dona Mrs. F. a Haynes, 1523 a SSth St D 4500. China orders, lessons and firing. T. 1224. Chiropodists. DR. ROT. 1603 Farnam. Douglas 6497. Chiropractors, J. Q. Lawrence. D. C. 2322 Howard. qtWl Mrs. Rosa Boesen. Is:' l-nk. Web. 4793. Costtstuers. FULL dress suits, party dresses for sale or rent tlt0 -per night Open evenings. John Feldman. 206 No. 17th. Doug. 3123. Crvauttrlra. Dairies nnd Su spile. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY URumaklug. Terry Dressmkg. collxgo. 2"'h & Farnass. EaUBlnnan'a dressmaking school. Flot 176. Danelss Acndentlea. JEWELL SIMPSON. DougU Audita, rlum. Opsnlnw Stt Vft.trr tint DANCING every tiaturday avening, M. W. A. Hall. 1Mb and Douglas. MyrUe 1UU Dancing Club. Drawn for JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. KyI- denco secured In all cases. Tyler 113ft, Draw. x DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. SverytblBst tar Women. OLD plumes made new. California Os trlch Plume Co.. 206 Neville Bldg. D. JmP. Plumes made over, cleaned, dyed curled. Berthu Kruger, 429-A, Paxton Blk. D. S394. DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT ING CO., 220 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1936. florists. A. Donaghue. 1607 Farnam D. 1031. HESS A'SWOBODA. 1416 Famam St L. HENDERSON. IG19 Famam. D. 1253. Furnaces, Stovra sail Repairs. We Carry Repairs for furnace, steam and. hot water boilers and stoves and have competent workmen to do the work. Now Is the time to pre pare for winter. No charge for Inspection. Omaha Stovo Repair Works 1200-8 Douglas. Teh Tyler 20. Insurance. TORNADO INSURANCE CaU Tyler 1024. O'Neill's. 1S0S Fcrnam 8t ' Mattresses and Plllonrs. Have your feather mattresses ft donn. covers made at Omaha Pillow Co. Feath ers renoviited free; D. 2467. 1721 Cuming. Munlc. Art unit Lautcuuaca. W. L. Hetberlngton, violin teacher, aset Of Henry Cox. Studli. 1813 Farnanv W. 763. Naroerlea and Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDMAN. 119 N. lath.' C'steupathr. Alice Johnson. :5-9 Btandels The. Bldg. Patents. D, O. Barnell. Paxton Blk'. .Tel, lied ,7U7. H -A. Sturges. tCO Brandela -Thus. Bldg. PlnntbtHH'. Plumbing and heating, Fischer & Con nell. 1318 William St. Doug. 6737. J., A, WESSMAN, 2U1X Leavenworth; mod, heating & plumbing. D. 3791 H. 2144. J. J. Ostronic, piuinblnx, neattng, B -m-ting; free eatimutes. Hit S. 13. Tilor ITj. lartktlaa. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. RABER PRINT1NO CO. Doug. 1018. WATKiU-UAlt9MAKU Uf. W, qual ity printing. Tel DuUit. 219K 624 a. I3tn. Stt tv In Masai nes. LOVEJOY, Web. Qjs. Clean and repair. Sheet JHetul Works, Carter Sheet Metal Works. 110 S. 10th. Tranita.aad. auitcasea. FUELING & GTEINLE. 1S03 Farnam St Wines niid JUiuuars. WILLOW Springs tear, liquors, clsars, sandwiches. Alex .letes. l-3 0. 13th St. EDUCATIONAL. Y. M. C. A N1UHT SCHOOLS OPEN SEPTEMBER 15TH Arch.' or Mech. Drawing. $10; Arlth. (Elo. 36; Bus.. W.) Carpenters1 Arlth, 13.73; Bookkeeping, Uii Wus. Corresaead euce, ?; Bus. English, til Com. law. ?w. Prin. Electrical Engineering. 316: Elec trical Testing. 113; Ele. English, IS. Free hand Drawing, 37; Uas Engineorhig, f7.60j German, 10; Penmanship, 7: Plain Read itig and Eat. 17; Public Speaking. 372 balcsmonship, U0; Shorthand and Typewriting-, UK; Showcard Writing, II; Spall U.S. 14, Steam Engineering, 115. Extra feu of $3 la charged nonmembers lUh & llarney. Call h'duc Dept. Tyl lno. BOYLES COLLEGE .DAY AND NIGHT -SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. Complete coursss in Business. Book, keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Cly'l Service and Salesmanship. Tim catalogue Is ready. . Call, i write or phone fur It Boyles College, Uth and Harney Sts.. Omaha. Neb. , MOSHEH-LAMPMAN COLLEGE. Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. For free catalogue ad dress iloeher-I-ampman College, 1313 Far nam St., Omaha, Neb, LIVE STOCK FOR BALK ltorne uuil Vwfatnlrs. Heavy teaming gears and wagons; best makes and largest variety tn the city Johnson-Daufortn Co.. ICth and Jones Sta FOR SALE 100 farm wagon boxes with sideboards and spring seats. $15.50. Stroud Co.. 2uth and Ames. 'let. Web. 2993. Closing out our high giade ltacln run abouts with steel tires for $50, with rub ber Urea for V& worth till. Johnson Danforth Co., S. W. Cor. 30th and Jones LOST AND FOUNl OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost sumo article would do well to call up the otflc ot the Omaha ft Council. Elu(fs Street Railway com pany to acertaln whelhvr they left tt la the street cars. Many articles each day ar. turned -In and the cotppany Is anxious to restors them to the rightful owner- Call Doug las 41 MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula anl other rectal dlscoaas without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonial. DR. II R. TARRY. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Dr. Baker Medical QffiCM DISEASES OF WOMEN. Consultation and examination free. HO South ltth Street Omaha. Neb. The Bee by George McMamu .OFFERED FOR RENC. Apartments and Flats. Gordon Van Co. jaa S19 N. llth St. or 210 & 17th St TeL D. 3i Burbanlt, 811 Omaha National Bank. The Genoa. 3830 Cass. Finest residence neighborhood; 6 rooms and maid's room. Heat water and every modern conven ience ot the highest grade. See Janitor. STRICTLY high-grade steam-heated apartment on W. Farnam St, with janitor service. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. Reasonable. FREE TO OCTOBER L Call D. 4512. 6-room apartment "THE ALBION." 10th and Pacific. Janitor. Rrroom flat. 1202 N. 4th St Beautifully papered through out. ONE 7-room steam heated apartment near postofflce, $35. G. p. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. 107 FARNAM-4 rooms completely mod ern, suitablo location for offices, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, eta, for tenants wishing nomes adjoining. Hall DlSt Co.. 433 Ramge. D. 7408. NEW t. aptmts., one blk. from ulrh school. F. Crawford, Warn. Blk. Fl. tm STRICTLY flrat-class apts. MARIUS SORENBEN. 1225 City Nat. Bk. D. 6790. FIVE-ROOM apartment, first floor. New Harlan Apartments, 301 Sherman Ave., vacant October L Very tine In every respect Janitor service, etc. Win ter rate, 117.60; summer, 112.60. Act promptly if you want it Scott & Hill. Phono Douglas 1089. 3-ROOM mod. flat, Scargo Bldg.. IUA No. 21th St , South Omaha. I fall, 131 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 7406. CLOSE-IN APARTMENT. 2430 BURT ST., NEWLY BUILT C-ROOM FLAT, STRICTLY MOD ERN IN EVERY RESPECT. IN QUIRE AT 2418 BURT ST.' AFTER 6 P. M. 6-Jt, flat, 1202 N. 24th cheap rent: well arranged: beautifully papered through out: modern. Call D. 4512. MODERN brick' flat. 7 rooms and bath., first-class location. 82). Park Ave. Phone D. 40i2 or W. SI4. famished Kvums, FURNISHED rooms, '2106 Miami. Web. 7S41 707 S. 16TH ST., furnished rooms, day or week, too up, modern. NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat 1T0S Jackson St Tyler U2L ROOM and alcove, sultaole for dress making, 112.00 month; close in: good neigh borhood. Web. 6S96. THE NEW LEONARD Under new management '2361 Farnam ; fine furn.shcd rorms, hot and cold vviucr In every room; modern; equipment; shower bath. Tel. -Doug. 5616. 2869 CHICAGO Three, rooms. Inquire at 320 No. 20th. FURNISHED room, 17 per month. D 5179. furnish pit HAnaes. BEAUTIFUL home for rent ful-nlshcd or unfurnished, reasonable; party Is go ing to California; ' references required 2S39 California. A. WELL-FURNISHED - seven-room house, all modern, for the winter. Phone Harney 4021. . . . ,J Motels ssil Awarvutesita. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. llamaekeeptna Rooms. SOU Davenport; 2 or S housekeeping rooms. " Unfurnished Ruouts. TWO unfurnished rooms, 112; heat and gas. D 6179. Houses and Cottag-es. 6S1 S. 26th Ave., 9 rooms, all mod., 110. 1719 Leavenworth St, 4 rooms, all mod ern, heat furnished, 135. 1128 & 36th St., 7 rooms, all mod., 130. 324, N". 24th St., 6 rooms, all mod., 128. 2S61 Brutal, 6 r., modern ex. fur., $25. 1520 Castellar, 5 r., mod. ex. furnace. 13). 216 N. 21th, tt r., mod. ex. furnace, 322.50. 272S Charles, 6 r., mod. ex. furnace, 1180 3108 Seward, 5 r., mod. ex. furnace, 117.60. 2423 Bldndo. for col. family. 6 r.. 118 5'). 2S12 Webster, 6 r., mod. ex. furnace, 115. 3221 Corby. 5 r., city gas, eQwer, 312.50. 2642 Davenport, 5 r., city water, 312.50. 2721 N. 2Sth Ave., 4 r.. city water, sewer. McCAOUE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1506 Dodge. Douglas 4i3. ! FIDELITY Oorawe and Van Po. faoods ared j. aij-a-x x. j. ...,- ncKr shlpped. ifith nnd Janson ts Doug 111 For Rent brick: HOUSE Seven Rooms Pour Bedrooms Modern in Every Respect -At 1511 South 29th St. ' Tel. Harney InOa $15 8-r. cottage, mod. ex. heat, lnqulro 2314 No. SSth St ' $20 6-r. cottage, mod. ex. beat 1011 No, 33th Bt - $21 Dartdy 6-r. cottage, mod. ex. heat, newly papered throughout Nice yard, 2413 Wirt St $30 Nearly new 5-rooni bungalow, hot water beat. Fine garage. 1529 HoU Ave. VSCOTT & HILL, Douglas 10S3. 3008 HAMILTON, 4 rooms, new, $15.00. 1S15 No. 20th St. f rooms, $20.00. 2303 Leavenworth. 5-room flat. $20.00. 3&04 North llth. modi. rooms, $23.00, 23tt Douglas, 8 rooms, $30.00. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 651. BRICK house. 261C Dewey Ave.. 7-ruom, modern. Moyer 8tsUonery Co., 1611 Far nam 8) NO KOUAL I-room House. 4-room flat all modern. Tlrard. 220 N. 234, Jf! Woofl Exp. Co.. furniture moving. . rteeu Twg men. n hour. D-oita RnnooQ 'n all parts ot the city. . tlOUSeS CrelBh- son To.. Bee BlJL- BURBANK. 811 OMAHA NAT. BANK. 6- room modern house, first-class condi tion and neighborhood, $18. 2835 Seward. Key next door. 7- room modern house, very fine corner, first-class condition, 125. 2434 Seward. Key next door. 9-r. house, moa. 13 cod location. 725 S. sun. wenster zhm. uinninn trAKT iMn riiH Am tn packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos, Douglas 1496. 7-ROOM modern house; Bcmls park; $30." Harney 2799. 8-r.. mod. house, 1309 B. 26th. D. 4472. 602 N. S2D ST., 6 rooms; furnaco heatu all mod.: $22.50. Bemls-Carlberg Co., 313 Brandels Thea. Bldg. WARM 7-room brick; easily heated; choice West Farnam location; $40; 3315 Dodge. Key at corner house. Phone Harney nw. am mau VOi' mnilarn Crvi I nt in university. Douglas 2320. 9-ROOM all modern cottage, hardwood floors, nice, lot, near, high school, to small family, 135. 2529 Cap. Ave. Tel. D. 673 oi 776. 8IX-ROOM modern house, except heat 710 Hickory St EW 6-room, modern without heat 2721 Parker. Phone Harney 74. WEST Farnam, fine, large, new resi dence with 2 baths, for rent, on N.-E. cor, 88th Ave and Davenport St NINE-ROOM bouse, mod.; good loca tion. 723 S. 37th. Webster 2590. FOR RENT Elght-rcom houso, 2215 Dodge. St Apply W. N. Chambers, 31 Brandels Theater Bids-, Phone Douglas 96. FOR RENT 6-room house, all modern. In good condition. 1418 Ohio St Inquire ISIS Lathrop St. Key 2614 North 16th St fst tifm sail si flfff HALLS FOR RENT. HALLS for lodges, card parties and dances all conveniences required. Fourth floor Continental bldg. 16th and Douglas. Inquire Room 19. Continental Bldg; FOR KENT The office on ground Otior of The Bee building occupied by the Havens-White Coal company Frjutara en Farnam St and occupying about 1,500 square feet with extra entrance on ths tourt of the building. Lurgu vault office fixtures tor sale. Apply N. P, Kell, Hoe orrtce. MODERN store, 16th St, near Chicago? G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. NEW store bulldlr.-;, 2Ci:w. steam heat 1708 Jackson. 310 S 13th St 2?Hxso. Ill South Uth, steam heat. $100. 1304 Douglas, 21-80 feet, $100. s 609 South 13th St., brick, $25. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 554. STOREROOM 1E07 St. Mary's Ave.;, cement floor, will remove If desired; In excellent repair. Will rent cheap. i WAREHOUSE. South- half of one story warenouse at 8th and Hownrd Sts., apace 66x132. FIRST TRUBT COMPANY ot OMAHA, 203-305 South 12th St. First Nat. Bk. Bldg. - Phone Douglas 1151 Miscellaneous. A COMPLETE list of vacant houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This Is a list compiled dally and caa 0 seeu free ot charge at 309 South Uth It. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. A WELL-FURN1BHED seven-room house, all modern, for the winter. Phone Harney 4021. ON PARK LINE 8-room, not new. bath and heat; garage. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE .CO.. 1016 Omaha National. Doug. 2711 7-ROOM house for rent; nil modern 2436 Parker Bt Web. 1255. 7-ROOM house. 1W1 Blnney street. Web ster 394. EIGHT roomB. strictly modern, until October 1. 115 S. 29th Ave. NEAR HIGH SCHOOL and Crelghton University, 7 rooms, al modern attached brick house, 204 N. 23( St Rent $40. 5 2116 Spencer, 8-r., all mod., $TA 1143 No. Kith 8t, 11-r.. mod., $35. 1470 Bo. 16th St. 4-r., mod.. $13. RASP BROS.. Doug. 165J. OFFERED FOR SALE. furniture. , PIANO, good as new, $150; range; fur ntture. 828 North 35th Bt y GOOD high oven, gos range for salt cheap. 1805 Lothrop St. Web. 1991. Musical Instruments. ELECTRIC pianos. $125. 119 N 15th. fffll! HAT.FInoUnm.nt. L "' Ila and muslo for orchestra. Apply Post ai;tjiiinB, run umana. rteo. IMnnrtln lr tmrtA " ... crds. cheap. 425 No. list St Harney 4132 tTperlter '"S"" TyPewr.ter Co.. telephone Iuslas - v . Mwmu n yuu purcnase and on y very newest and highest grado ma chines sent out Rates. 3 .no for S5 for understrpke machines or $100 per month for latest model visible writers. mjkpH !vnAuriiurH . ...... . .v 7.n. n,:.";;. ""r ".u "'u. iP..m 5, r.'f"";iifr -snang. TYPKWHITk'IN f . .. .. CENTRAL TTP WR TFIt KXH VnOR RKNT an nilu u.......l. . ' It" The Oliver TypewJrlUr CaV ASSi r.",tiJ?U.'i,T Ri5 "btly used typewriter; HFA'T nn I. i uiZ." m ' 1 ' writer visible: tlate"'rnoder bock sice &ey.'.15u.r?"ied A- N- 1 machine. ll K I "'"'L" ft. aru-, JPewnter Co., 1819 Far- i.1 ",e t Do.liKla8 au- Bemember litis 1 rtftiar lrvrntlrr s