Newspaper Page Text
HIE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1913. OFPKnKI FOIt BALK. . Mlavpllnncnnu SAFES 2d-hand. Amrrlmu Supply Co. FOU SALE IB-foot good oak counter, formerly used In The Bee business office; cheap. Apply at lice office. Bee Bide H ALIAS eaTed, new and M-hand. Corey A McKemle VtK- Co.. 1407 Hwrney. D 2S44. KOH SAL.h. New nnd eoinananu carom and pocket billiard tables nnd bowllns alleys and accessories: bar tlx tures of all kinds; caBy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co., 4014W B. 10th St SAFES Overstocked; second-hand; all makes. J. J. Dcrlfcu Bite Co.. 1112 Farnam EMPTY InK bairelB tn- rale. Apply Be Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam Bts. Kindling, S3 load. Gross Wrecking Co. PET STOCK. BOSTON terrier pups cheap. Doug. 3& PERSONAL. Miss Fisher, mas., bath. elec. treat. O t-Sl. f ARSAOF, Swedish movement. 415 lUiOOACTill Boe Uljg Douglas OTJ 63-DAY ULOUD HKMEUlt. Bexten pharmacy, 12th and Dodga. Marguerite llalloran, massage, O. 77IL MANIC L'lUNU, face, setup, magnolia treatment Ml Deijar. 1711 ..Dodge, f O'CONNOR HEU?S WAITED. s , Information of the heirs of Jotin,! O'Con nor or Connor, who was a shtfcmakdr, supposed to have wife And at Jeast two children living in western Iowa, north western Missouri or oustcrn Nebraska. Address with full.lnfornlatlpfi, N. 11. -Tun-tilcllff, caro of E. E. Thomas, SlGiOtua&a Nafl Bank, Omaha. Nub. WANTED Children to board. D 6178. 59 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO the L. II. Journal. $1.50; the S, E, Post. (1.50: the Country Gentleman. $1,60, by Sept. SO, earns that $3,000 for the Invalids Pension Aus'n. Your renewal contributes 60c. Phone Douglas 7163, Omaha. GORDON. THE MAQAOINE MAN. MAGNETIC treatment. E. Brott, 1M3 Vinton. D. 6026- YOUNU women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St Mary's Ave, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted, took for our travelers' aid at the Union Station. NOTICE. I have changed my location to 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. Mrs. Dr. IUt tenhoUse & Bhafer. Mass., Elec. baths. Massage. 1st fl. r. 6, 1723 Dodge. Mrs. Steele THE Salvation Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect We distribute. Phona Douglas 4185 and our wagon will call Call and inspect the new home, 1110-1112. 1114 Dodge St. A11STIIACT UP TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska. 206 Branrietc Theater. . ACKEAGE FOU SALE. Mr. Pniilnmnt. 1tist tViA nlnm vnii have Tjccn looking for; fine location ' for poultry plant; $20 down and $10 per month buys this 10-acre tract; boo us at. once The vogei Realty Agency, 1007 W. O. W. Bldg. WANT, to sell- for cash only, my 10 acres in Omaha. Address C335, care Bee. , REAL ESTATE' CI.TY PIlOl'KHTY FOR SALE. Buy Direct From Owner 6-rooih bungalow, modern In . every re specif .oak woodwork, and floors through out; uie Damroom witn Best porcelain fixtures and neat medicine cabinet with bevel glass mirror. Linen closet; built-in oak pantry; full cemented basement with not ana com water, ana' noor arain; good furnace: lot 50x120; hammered brass electric-, light fixtures. This house has been built about 6 months and occupied by thepwner. Will sell on very easy termiC;at less than value. .Get off tho car O.V 00th Ave. and walk V& blocks Bouthito Ho, 2403. Tel Benson 458 W. "BENSON Seven. room hou6 In good re pair, large lot, fruit trees, barn, cistern, city water, only $1,C00; $100 cash, balance $1B each month. Phone owner, -Harney 1351. 'MS-W. Ounther, 320 N. 0th St. m 10c -f- mytae . , ILEAL ESTATK. . C1TV PllUPliriTY FOU SALTS. BUY FROM OWNER SAVE THE COMMISSION 2606 Evans St A hrnnd new h'6me: full two stdrles, strictly modern, oak finished. Six large rooms besides bath, den and screcned-in sleeping porch. Stairway to rttlc. Fine light fixtures and and win, dow shades. Furnace heat. Fdll cement basement, cement walks, screens aim water meter. Lnrgforner lot on pavetr street. Price, $3,000; $30) cash, balance $30 monthly. BUNGALOWS 2X44 Sn SU A mlehlv npnt B-room bungalow, all modern and oak finished Dining room has window sent and plate store room In 'attic. Full ,ement"bdB6- mcnt. cement ato-iks, screens, nnd water neter. .frlco.w $2,850: $300 f cash;.. $3 mnnthly. i ! ; i-t 2140 So. 35th .'Avo'.-Just like he above, out street not paveai- unce, -s(itw; fiuu cash, 'balance $25 monthly. s , Thpsn nrn p-onlllnn vffiH built noBltl and n hnrrflln nt thi, nrlnfttnve .nMk. .Imr tOwny,l?njny. JKUtn.. ..J r " f .' : ; t MlLE-t criE8T 1 . f Bidernititum'WnS: Jjcst.ofitS naVlftiM U6V Mowers i urnaoaiuituu JjaBoraBOTji qc 5jQlIt-ltf bbbTtcftseschlnn' cabinot, kitchen cabinet, mciucine cabinet and coal Din. Also n massive built-in buffet with a French beveled plato glass mirrlr, pan eled walls with plate rail. Everything that could bo built in Is there. Sand fin ished wells, beautifully decorated. Stairs leadtqg up to attlo, which is floored and could be finished for two tl rooms. Combination electrical fixtures -are of the now aemi-airect . pattern nna nro simpiy gorgeous. uaK noors in entire, . house. Also living and dining rooms of oak, Bathroom white enamel with tiled walls. Duplex window shades, cement walk around house. Small payment down, balance same as rent. 6319 N. 24th St Open- Sunday for inspection. , R. W. FADDEN. BUNGALOW BUILDER.. . "WEB. 7062. SW1NOL.EY OIPE, REAL , "ESTAT E.- Have moved from 23S Bca Bldg. to fifth floor, room o40. 6-ROOM house, mod. except heat; on paved street, price STOP and read. Snap If taken at once: 7 roomed house partly modern: two lots .fnclng south On grade covered with fruit and snaae trees: cement waiKs around house; good barn and out buildings; l-loro to cnurcn ana grocery store: one oiock to. cor and' one block to school! full cement basement: .$2,000, p'art cash, bal ance nice rent w. Mrs. 80 FEET frontaee on. one of tho finest residence streets, jhstoff Farnam, for Vacant Lot Bargain Fine south front lot on paved street, paving and alt other -Improvements) in and paid for. Splendid, surroundings. Handy . to car. Walklpg .distance from downtown. Offered for first time; Gan be bought tor $l,000ion easy terras. .. SCOTT &-HII.L, Douglas. 1009. 807 McCagye, Bdg, Farnam Home Owing to absence ,from clty-..wlU offer for talo the. new and completely modern . io-room residence, izj. oq, am -ive. i.ev, Haraey 136S. A BARGAIN 1 Five-roam. partly modern cottaee rents at $17.60 per month; large lot; listed at 2.uai; owner must sen at onqe; jwiu taxe 5i,wy; requires ivti easn. - ; O. -Q; QLSEJST . ; j 10S McCague Bldg. ' D. 1053. BRICK Investment close in, renting for $2,400. Owner must flell and $18,tw, M cftBh, gets It. Address B-S35, ,carj Bee. Food Prices are High but Your Grocer still gives you The BIG Package of Washington Crisps for 10c GROCERS are' glad to recommend these widely advertised corn flakes. They like to see you get full value for your money and they know that WASHINGTON CRISPS gives you 12 more than any other cereal food for 10c. You know how meat, flour, eggs-and other foods have Package of Toasted Corn HEAL iKSTATK. CITY PnOPHllTY FOll SALE. NEW 5-rcrfm modern bungalow, oak fin ish and oak floors, with best eleetrlo fixtures. Walls nicely decorated. Full cel lar. Rogers furnace. Large garago. Easy terms. 4112 No. 21st ,st. ttast rront: one blook south of Ames. Ave. on 21st St Thos. W. IlaxTen, 807 McCague. D. 1300. BARGAIN: new 7-room house, modern. Oak Chatham, 22d and Ames; $2.M. Tel- epnone weusier zn. rerms, i-n tmv . 1 . . , .... i.i m ... ii. t tin t tm JOHN W: ROUUtNS. l)i FARNAM T .lilat imitthoi.Mt mf ttnnpnnm. -Pnrk. & LJargo .rooms, beautifully decorated throughout Only uv cash, imiance Monthly. v PAYNE INVESTMENT UUAU'ANX, Douglas 1781. " ' Ware Block. , nHr.,'ifCTiTis FAltai A ItANCll--LANDS FOH SALE Mt-atteSotn. 4 40-ACRE farm. Hi mites from town. 40 ll luuea 1 u 1.1 iiinnea)OUB. un main ruau,- telephone and Mall route. 24 acres under Dorimsure. uuia isrievei ana in goou; condltloh. Good 4-rdont house, barn,, ... ..... '..W ' HH.iiur, cum uiu Hitu -uiiier uuiuuiiuiuk. All ln-gdod condition. 1 Price $1,800, Chas. id. swapson. 1:1 k Ktver,- Minn. A SPLENDID lSS-acro farm. 24 miles from town. 40 miles from Minneapolis. 73 fnores under cultivation, 20 acres meadow. Daiance pasturo witn some very good timber, such as oak, maple and bosswood. Running snrTng .water In pasture, ill.iek loam soli with clKy, subsoil. 'Level and in . 'X Midi !illnn ' 1 - house with cellar! good barn, craharv. sheds, corn cribs' and other outbuildings. uooa wen ana water witn wmamui. on main road, telephone and mall route. 20 rods from sood school. Price $50 per acre. uunaings worm unas. Ja. Hwanson, Elk River, Minn. Montana. MONTANA IRRIGATED LAND'S. ' Us your Carey right and secure a lto-acre 'arm in famous Valler country, whors Wheat yields 50. oats 100. barley 65. flax 20 bushels per acre; no drouth, sura crops; lands produce splendid alfajfo, and timothy; diversified farming Is carried on under Ideal conditions, write today for booklet Valler Farm sates tom. pany. Box 1036. Valler. Montana NebraaUA. west of Dalton, Cheyenne Co., Neb.; $111 an acre. P. ju. Spencer, Redlngton, wen. A FINE INVESTMENT. 100 acrcq adjoining, one of the best cqunty seat towns In Nebraska; land Irrigated and in alfalfa! railroad track on north side, built up part of city, with R. R. denot. It is a fine growing town of about 8,600; R. IU division point and Junction two branch, lines; good schools, stores ana banks: fine smooth land, Just fall enough for good drainage. Tho alfalfa last year cut about 300 tons. Tho income from this crop will make this a profitable place and thegrowth of tho 'city will maJte a fortuno out of it, for .any one who will hold It ten years; $123 per acre for wholo tract; $1,600 for half; one-half cash. See us. McGEE REAL ESTATE CO., 105 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. FOR BALE OR TRADE For horses, cat tle or- clear town property: .Twenty acres and a town lot In the onion belt pf Texas; tWetlty acres and two town -lots, between two good towns on"ulf coast of Texas; two nice residence lots In one of the best towns of Wyoming;, a half section of good farm land bIx miles from Kimball, Neb.; first-class properties; clear, but slight encumbrance Address Box 64, Albion, Nob. . EXCHANGE for eastern Kansas or .western Missouri land. Brick building, two stories and basement in Tecumseh, 'Neb.; fine location; also 700 adjoining Buffalo, Kan.i will- exchange for- good income property. Address Dolan Land CO., Unlontown. Kan. ,FOR EXCHANGE Two now and all modern v houses, rental $00 per month, value' $10,000; Avtll--exchange 'for -general merchandise stock. Address 3303 .R St., Lincoln. .Nab. Texas. A CHANCE to Tuy ,rarm land direct from the owner, 6,000 acres ranch and' farm. , (situated eight miles from the gulf .and seven miles from the railroad, dlxty miles N.-E. of Brownsville, t Plenty of rainfall ,or .growing crops, good ar tesian flowing", well' water. Good climate winter and. sumciitr. A fine tract to colonize. Will sell in a body or In 1.090 acre blocks. If ln.ereated write quick for terms Box U9, Rbymondvllle, Tex, Why don't you order a package of this sensible food will like it better than any cereal they ever tasted HEAL KSTATn. FA ltt nANCII I.AXIIN FOU SAI.H Tirvr York. 30 ACRES rich, lovcl. losm, nearly new 8-room house, good barn. High school holt mile; $2,8)0 only; $ down. Genava Farm Co.. Geneva. N. Y. Utah. UTAH LAND-ICO acres BEST alfalfa land In U. 8.. Neighbors gettlns $0W to $3.0CO In SEED off 0 acres T-H-I-S year. Wo can P-R-O-V-E it P-R-I-C-K RIGHT. Easy terms. COME nnd SEE or write for particulars. UTAH CUMATE ideal year round. WESTERN LAND CO., 212 Judgt Bldg., SAiyT LAKE CITY, UTAH. HEAL KBTATX IA)ANS ,' OMAHA homes. East Nebraska forma,' U'KEEFL REAL ESTATE CO.. P OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas ITU 1 LOANS of $1,000 and un desired on im proved real estate. Large loans a specialty. W. H. THOMAS. 32S State Bank Bldg. LARGE loans our sisclalty. StuU Bros. WANTED City loans and waxraato. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 132Q Farnmr SL of city loans, liemla-Corlberg Co., U $10-12 Brandcls Theater Bldg. HARRIS, JN jft MORTON. W Ota. Nat. $100 to $10,000 made promptly- F. IX Wead, Wead Bldg.. lSth ajftd Vorniua. GARVIN BROS.HMan'fr WANTED City lonr. me Trust Co. LIVE BTOCK MnHKKT OF WEST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Lire Stock Commission Slerohaitts. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Excbanxa Bids LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Sealed bids will be received nt the office of the City Clerk at Schuyler, Nebraska, up to September 23, 1913, for the following: Painting standplpe Inside and out. Dl amotor 13 feet, height 100 feet Painting smokestack. Diameter 3 IV height 00 feet. Painting smokestack. Diameter 3 feet, height !0 foot Painting roof of power house, about 2.500 square feet SlldlOt NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received up to 11 o'clock a. in. on Tuesday, October 21, 1918, for the rebuilding of the county poor house, lately destroyed by fire, lo cated on tho county farm In Cass county, Nebraska, throo (3) miles west of Plaits mouth, Nebraska. Flans and specifications can bo seen at the office of the county clerk, Platts mouttn Neb., or In the office of Fishor ml Tjtwrln. architects. Omaha. Neb. A certified check of $600.00 must accom pany each bid. County commissioners re servo the right to reject any or all bids. Bids to bo tiled In the, off Ice of the county clerk at riattsmouthNeb, County Clerk. Plattsmouth, Neb., September 1713, SEALED BIDS FOU Tllfci ' KlUiUTJON of St Patrick's school at Fremont, Nob., will be received by Rev. J. J. O'SulUvan, Fremont, Neb., up to 12 o'clock Septem ber 29. 1913. All bids must be accompa nled by a certified cheek for $600. Committee reserves the right to reject any and all bids. S21d3t CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle SIoiv, Steady Hoga Steady, IIlKher. CHICAGO, Sept 20. CATTLE Receipts, 400 head; slow, steady; beeves, $7.0009,30; rr.r ntonr. ta.B09I8.00: western steers. $8.2008.36: stockera and feeders, $5.4OQ3.(!0i cows and hollers, $3.9008.76; calves, $8750 Si 11.75. HOGB Recolpts, 10,000 head! steady to uo mgner, pikb owu ,uvo, muik ui sales, $8.10QS.W; light. $S.400.16! mixed, $7.8509.16; heavy, $f,769.00; rough, $7.7S 7.05; pigs. $3.75&CO. BHEEP AND JAMBS Receipts. 1,000 head; market steady; natives, b.t,; western. 23.90tTD4.85: yearlings. I4.S5S5.S3: lambs, active, $5.C60tf.6O; western, $5.85 i. SBfcar Marlcist. NEW STORK. Sept. SO.SUGAR-IUw,' quiet; Muscovado, 3.17c; centrifugal, 8.67o; molasses sugar, 2.93c. Refined, steady; crushed, 5.60c; fine granulated, 4.S0cJ pow dered, 4.90c. OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Show a Large Ad Vance for the Week. FEEDERS STEADY TO LOWER Hors Opened Five to Fifteen HlRlier, Clonlnir rrlth Advance Lost Sheep nnd Lnmlie 1 Fully Steady for Week. SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. 20, WW. 'Receipts were: rm!U. Hoes. ShCfP. Official Monday 8,746 2.7H 4t.M uinciat Tuesday ,. ,C6J Viso , Official Wedliesday.... 4,847 4 7.490 4S.M Official Thursday 3,092 0.2&5 $3,432 Official Friday 1,382 5.161 a.SW Estimate Saturday .... 5$ S,H Totals this week .759 aoisU W.JK Tota s last week 25.S4I 8I.U1 .'V-l Totals 2 weeks ago..... 23,33 34.0S8 12J.J' ioinjs a WeCKS ago J3.13 - sj.wi h . Totals 4 weeks ago 19.M2 S.2 72.2j9 Samo time last year. . .20,230 2J.M0 lll.Sil The following table snowa the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep U th South Omaha live stock market rur the year to date as comparrd with lost yeart 1J. 1912. Ino. Deo. Cattle 62S.830 637.925 ..MS Jlogs 1.67&.KS 2,317,600 $41.6!4 Sheep 1.S62.C03 1.632.5S4 22J.921 The following table shows the range of prices for hogs at South Omaha for tht last few days, with comporlsotxt Date. Mil mil mil.10.lWP.iro.lW7. Sept. 101 ii 011V 8 3J 9 1SI 7 SSI C SSI 5 a 3 C M B 83 S 87 5 90 6 84 ( 78 Sept. 11 Nipt. 1! 7 W SSI 7 01 911 7 83 C 65 7 (91 7 87? 8 33 S 37 8 71 Sept 1$ 8 23 8 43 8 43 6 K 0 SO 78 15 7 931 sept 14 s it 79$ 8 0S 86 90 6 84 Sept. 16 8 SC 8 (A Sept. IB 81 681 8 06 Sent. 17 8 21 8 S3 8 10 5 80 6 82 Sent. Hi 8 10 8 17 8 14 Sept. 191 7 SCH1 6 71 8 92, 6 83 C72 sept 21. 8 05HI 823 6 64 873 817 6 73 'Indicates Sunday, Receipts and disposition of live stock .1 I ho tlnlnn Block vnr.l. Bouth Omaha. Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon: UlSUKU'TU ;aho. Cattie.110gs.11ra. C, M. & St r. Ry. 2 Wabash R it Missouri Pnclflo Ry 2 1 8 3 17 3 U Union Paclflo It U .. C. & N. W. Rv.. east C. N. W. Ry., west..., C., St. P., m. & u. iiy 11. et u. iiy.. west...... .. C R. 1. P., east u 11. 1. et i'., west.,,..... 1 C. O. W. Ry V Total receipts 3 61 DISPOSITION H1SAD. Hogs. Sheop, Morris & Co 447 Swift & Co... , 62Sr Cudahy Packing Co 624 .... Armour & Co 237 Other buyers 1,002 Totals '. 1,931 1,002 Oatti.B-TIm vardM were practically bare of cattle this morning, there being nothing of consequence on hand, for tho week receipts have been quite large, showing a slight gain over last week and a slight falling oft as compared with a year ago. , , While receipts have been targe, tho supply of beef steers has been very mod erate In the faco (of a good buying de mand', As n. result the market on all kinds of beet steers has been In a good, healthy condition, tho prices gradually flrmlnc un. At the close of tho week corn-fed steers are 1525a higher than one week ago. The advance on rangers has bten still greater and tney are sareiy 25ff40o hlffhcr than at last week's close. Cows and heifers have been good sellers throughout the week, they, too, steadily strengthened in price. At the finish of tho wetk they are as much as 2C60a higher than last week, with the feeling trooil and stronc at the advance. Tho better grades of stockers And feed ers sold considerably higher at the be ginning of the week, but the country has not given the market any too much slip port and the advance was lost later on, so that at the close tho best grades are no more than steady, and In somo cases a little lower.tnan at last week' cloie. On the other liand, the medium to com mon kinds of feeders and. stockers are around JSQiGo lowei' for tho week. In spite of the weakness of the feodor p.arket. tho cattle trade as a whole has been entirely satisfactory to the selling Interests, taking the week through. The gone up and up. And all this time WASHINGTON CRISPS has been kept at the same low price for the BIG Package. Economical housewives are quick to take advantage of this and WASHINGTON CRISPS is a household word in thousands of American homes. today? The whole family and they'll feel better too. CRISPS highest prices of tho year have been paid for beef steer. Quotations on Cattle: Good to choice corn-fed beef steers, $S.30&u.2S; fair to ifood corn-led beef steers. $s.COg.30; com mon to fair cornfed beef steers, $7.2C4t 8 90; fair to choicn yearlings, $7.50$iQ.30; good to choice rangers, I7.5W4.K; fair to good rangers, f7.007.50: common to fair rangers, $j'..257.00-, good t choice heifers, $6.6007.50; good to choice cows, CfOft7.25; fair to Rood grade. $5.7506.60! common to folr grndes, $J.60ff6.60; good It- choice itockers and feeders. $7.6On.0O; tnlr to good stockers nnd feeders, $6,407? 7.60; common to fair stockers and feed ers. $6.0000.40: stock cows and heifers. $4.7MJ6.60l veal calves. $6.2Ja9.7i bulls, stom, etc , $1.24(87.00, HOGS Supplies amounted to abbut 61 cars, or 8,443 head, making the total for the week about 30,800 head. This is slightly lighter than for Inst week, but is over 7,000 heavier than for the corre sponding week of last year. All buyers wore out In the yards early this morning, but packers refused to do anything, Shippers and speculators, on the other hand, started In early picking m everytning in signt tnat tney couia possibly use. Prices paid were quoted as being all of 15c and In extreme cases as much as 20c higher. Altogether they bought just halt of the receipts, leaving oniy aooui 15 cars at the disposal 01 the packers, who appeared not to care whether they bought anything. A canvas of the killers showed that their pur- chases did not amount to oVor 10 cars ana wnen buyers started to K.ave tne yards the balance of tho receipts re mained untouched, abput ten cats being In the pens, while six hod not Vet come In. Prices paid on the few loads bought by the packers up to this time looked to uo a nitie better, out. a pracuoauy everything at all desirable had beeri bought by the shippers. It Is almost Im possible to make anything Ilka an ac curate comparison of values. Bulk ot tho sales was mado around $7.9668.10 and some good light loads sold as high as 3.k, a aime better tnan naay a top. in tne end everything was sold, the late hoes brlnstnr ui-Icm Just about steady with yesterday's market j-or tne weex prices iook to do uuua higher. The big end of this advance has boen on the heavier stuff and highly mixed lights have in many Instances de clined during the week. Loads averaging 00 pounds and selling at bottom prices have not been uncommon all weak. These have been highly mixed, running all the way from pigs to 300-pound sows, and wnue tne good lights are sun soiling at tho top, there Is no demand for the trashlsr kinds. BHEEP Unlike other Saturdays tor several weeks back no fresh receipts came in this morning. An unusual and very interesting fea ture ot the week's trade haa been a good market In spite of almost record-breaking receipts. In all 194,733 head ot sheep and lamba have been yarded, being the largest week's supply slnco the record at this market was made in Otcober, 1910. uuring tne wcck ending utcooer is ot tliat year 197.942 head were received, only a few more than have been here the last weak. Owing to tho good support given to the local market by both packer and feeder buyers commission mon have been able to control the situation and as a rosult prloes on all kinds ot killers And feeding siook nave neid tuny ateaoy .most or tne week. There was a little fluctuation In values, but It was not enough to Indi cate any material cnange in tne iraae. Right at the week's close most every. thing seemed to have a weak and lower tendency, but this is very often tne case when the recolpts are liberal, even though buyers buy freely, Most traders regard both killer and feeder prices at the close ot the week as showing little it any variation from a weok .ago. The demand continues good and big runs are reported In sight for the coming week. Quotations on sheen and lambst Lambs, good to choloe, 7,OOin.2tr, lambs, fair to good, fa.tWT.w; iambs, culls,; Tombs, feeders, 2&&OQ6.55; yearlings, good to choice,, $5.600 5.7u: yearlings, fair to good, $4.60if6.60; yearlings, feeders, $4,769 5.S5; wethers, good to choice, $4.z&94.o; wethers, fair to good, $4.004.25: wethers, feeders, &00tf-t-G0; ewes, good to choice, ewes, feeders, t6.O04K.60; cull hep, 41M y sw. Uto Steele la Slight. Receipts ot live stock at the six prin cipal western markets) uauis. xobb. Bneen jiucaD St Louis.,.. Kansas City..,.. Sioux Clti. ...... ......... South Omaha St Joseph 49 10,066 1.090 600 860 63 100 a,4w 800 2,809 3,446 2,309 1,400 600 400 1,203 600 Totals. .1,913 22,048 6,000 Flakes GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Corn Bhorts Facing a Bather Tickl ish Situation. THRESHING NORTHERN WHEAT Within Another Ten Days jlhe Major Portion nf the Cereal "Will Be Safely Housed An'lnst Winter Weather. OMAHA'Seot 20. 1913. In case the September corn make up their mind to demand delivery ot the grain purchased, which would force the shorts to go Into the pit and bid tho price of that cereal higher and higher, there is no. telling where the ad vance would holt - Shorts are making contract corn as rapidly s possible in Chicago, as well s gat Other points. It Is said by those who are best posted that there Is more of an open interest In this month than generally believed. The only conditions favorable to the shorts la tho fact that tho shortage. IS concen trated, while the holdings an? scattered over many parts or the country, uesiaes the September corn hold by city specu lators it Is said that many farmers havo refused to avail themselves ot the hand some profits within easy reach, and that they arc giving very little attention to the situation and are waiting for a fur ther hardoning in values before they will make up their minds to part with their grain. Nevor in tho history ot the Chi cago Board of Trade' have farmers and country grain dealers reaped as rich a harvest in any araln as they have in corn this yoar. For these conditions they have the long drawn out drouth to thank. Cash corn was unchanged to Vic higher. aoviccs irom the spring wheat coun try say (he threshing ot grain Is pro gressing rapidly and with favorable weatner tne most or tho Wheat win oe satisfactorily housed within tan days. Fanners are said to be largo holders of wncai ana tney aro asking nigner prices tor it There were only 75,000 bushels Bold In Chicago yesterday and export bids received In that market were 120 out ot line. Cash wheat won unchanged. Oats were without animation yesterday, but prices rallied fractionally toward the close. Shipping sales were 2&000 bushels. Cash oats unchanged. Clearances: Wheat and flour, 212,00) bu.; corn, none; oats, 40,000 bu. Liverpool ciose: wneat, unonangeu to Hd higher; cprn. UCHd higher. . , Primary wheat receipts were 1.677.000 bu. and shipments 1,131,000 bu., against receipts of 2,341,090 bu. and shipments of 1,753,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 896,00 bu. and shipments 818,090 bu., against receipts last year of 768,000 bu, and shipments of 290,000 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 831,000 bu. and shipments 623,000 bu., against receipts ot 1,055,000 bu. and shipments ot V06,(X0 bu. last year. UAIILUJ.' HBUTHTB. Wheat corn. oats. Chicago 71 430 186 Minneapolis sr Duluth 430 Omaha 39 Kansas City 107 St Louis .37 39 60 IS 32 9 63 Winnipeg.... , ,ll ... The following cosh sales were reported: Whoat: No. 2 hard winter,. 1 tar, 83o: 3 cars, 82Ua. No. a hard winter, 3 cars, S3o; 1 car, Kitto: 3 cars, 82c, No. 3 spring, 1 car, tVAo. No. 4 spring, 1 Car, 80Hc No. 3 mixed, i car, 82V4o. No. 4 mixed, .1 car. SOcu Rye. No. 2, Inw. S cars. 2, 1 car, C9Mc. Cdrnt No. a yel- s, 73c. No. 8 yellow, 3 cm, 7sc 12 cars, 73o. No. i yellowi 1 car. 724c. No. 2 mixed. 2 cars, 72Hc No. 8 mixed, I car (near wnite), $o; 1 oar. ?zo; o cars, 72V4c: 1 car, 72Ua No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 72c. Oats: No. S white, 5 cars, 41a; B cars, 40Hc. No. 4 white, 3 cars, 40V4C Omaha, Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard, S2S3ttc; No, 3 hard, Slttf Jeo; No. 4 hard, 7Vi8ic: No. 3 spring, 8lH4)o: No. '1 spring, &O38OH0; No. 2 durum, ilHtSSc; No. 3 durum, 89Vs&82o. Corn: No, 2 yel low, 73a; Nn. 8 yellow, 7H(73c: No. 4, yellow, 7272ttc; No. 2, 72!iT214er No. 3. 7tH72Ko; No. t. 71MJrT2c; no grade, 70 7lVio. Oats! No. 2 white. 41V4841UC: standard. 4H4ci No. 3 white. 40Kf41o; No. 4 white, WAtftOfto. Barley: Malting, fll 74c; No. 1 feed. 674Eo. Kye: No. 2, 69 09ttc; No. 3, Metal Market. NEW TORK. Beet 36,-Tne rtettU mar kets were, quiet and practically ' nominal. Iake copper, $17,00;' electrolytic, $18.87U8 17.00; costings '$16.e2H&'l6.75. Iron un changed. , ST. LOUIS, Sept. 20, -METALS Lead, easy, $4.90. t Qq