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7 CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS DO IT ELECTRICALLY THE BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1913. at Our Fire of August 17th Put ua out of business until Docombor 1. Our Fall Stock or Lighting Fixtures, Imported Lamps, Marble Howls and Eleotrlo Appliances had all been ordered previous to our firo, and wo have been unable to market them until now. WE MUST 10 NMAltLY FOUlt MONTHS' BUSINESS BEFORE CHRISTMAS. OUR PIUCES WILL MAKE THIS POSSIBLE. We have some Lighting Fixtures which woro slightly damaged by smoko and water, which have been made over as good as new. We are ready to mako some very attractive prices on Lighting Futures. IN OUlt SAME OLD LOCATION BURGESS-GRANDEN CO. 1511 Howard St Next Door to Gas Office A Christmas Investment in Hospitality All you men and women who love a "jolly, hearty, informal party," find someone among ' your acquaintances to whom you can give an Electric Chafing Dish for Christmas. You will gain the reward of the deserving when the beautiful mystery dish simmers and steams and emits its savory smells. Whether SHE bo wife, daughter, sweetheart, mother or just a friend, get her an Electric Chafing Dish. Other Electrical Gift Suggestions Percolators Coffee Pot3 Toasters Toys Cigar Lighters Curling Irons Shaving Mirrors Study Lamps t Boudoir. Lamps Library Lamps Massage Vibrators Hair Dryers Electric Flatiron is Now Reliable and a Jov to the Home Flvo year ago, when electric flntirons wens Ilrst placed on the market an Omaha housewife purchaed on of them for which shei paid a Koodly price. The Iron was a failure. Rvory little while It was necessary to stop Ironlnc and allow It to heat sufficiently to do the work. This lasted for about thtro weeks; then the Iron died a natural death wouldn't heat at all. This same housewife went Into one of the Omaha electrical stores about a year affo. Sho wanted to buy a flashlight, and after making the salo the clerk ndeav trod to Interest her In an electric flat-iron. She had not forgotten her experience of four years previous, however, and told the clerk that sho would never try an other. Sho had had enough experience with them and felt certain they would neither do the work properly nor laat any length of time. Evidently the salesman won the argu ment. The flatiron has now been In use for nearly a year and Is doing excellent work. Thero Is a vast difference between flat- irons on the market today and those which sold flvo or six years ago. Thero Is sufficient heat too that the Iron may be used continuously. This heat Is evenly distributed ovor tho working surfaco of the Iron, In this manner Insuring the best rccults Manufacturers havo so much confidence In the present day type of Iron that they arc willing to furnish a guarantee that their product will give entire satis faction to the purchaser. In some cases this guarantee covers a period of ono. two or flvo years, while on manufacturer guarantees his iron for life. These irons aro wonderful tlmo-savors. They are continually hot and ther Is no necessity of running to and from the stove. This fact, together with cleanli ness, havo caused many clothing manu facturers to adopt them In their shops, claiming that the Increaso In the amount of work accomplished by tholr operatives have more than paid the Initial cost of tho Iron, Klectrlo Irons come In Various styles and sizes, aro attractive In appearance, are durable and flfflclent. They are well worth their small cost. Washerwoman Has Scheme for Washing , Foot Ball Sweaters Washing foot ball sweaters la not sup posed to be the easiest task which a washerwoman can havo handed to her. Last year a woman In a small collego town, who had repeatodly been tho for tunate recipient of aftcr-gamo sweaters, received four with Instruction that they were to be thoroughly cleaned and dried before the "9 o'clock train left." In desperation she decided upon an ex periment. Sho bundled' them up and went to the nearest electric shop and asked for a demonstration of an elcctrio washing machine. Tho four sweaters were tumbled Into the machine and churned around for four minutes. They were taken out, critically aitrve,ved and pronounced perfectly washed. Out of aympathy for the. task she had before her, tho demonstrator hung the sweaters up and turnod some electric fans on them, and tho drying was completed bofore the "9 o'clock train left." Tho same lady Is ready this year at the beginning of the foot ball season for anything which coinos- her way. Her elcctrio washing machine has been paid for between seasons. New-Fangled Broom Sweeps Everything No other method of removing dust from around the buttons of upholstered furni ture Is so effective as the application of a vacuum cleaner. This samo treatment of mattresses and other bedding Is as sani tary as It la simple. The depressions around the buttons In chairs and couches giro lodgment to germs as well as dust It Is not an easy matter to clean these places without loosening tho buttons, even when caro Is exercised. With the different tools supplied with an elcctrio vacuum cleaner, however, the work can be dono In an Instant, efficiently and without Injury to the leather or other fabric. Walls, picture frames, mouldings anil ptato rails may bo cleaned Just as conveniently. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. To Make Less Risk With Christmas Tree "Why not make this a safe and sane Xran!" asks E. B. Perrlgo, manager of the J. It. Lehmer company. "It la at es sential that we protect the home and safety of life and limb from tho hazards of fire caused by tho ordinary candle on the Christmas tree, as It Is to safeguard them from firework danger on tho FourthT" continued Mr. Terrlgo. "The use of electric lights will do away with an tnis unnecessary risx ana arrora a more beautiful and satisfactory Illum ination than the old style." This matter will be given sertoiis atten tlon by the authorities In Omaha this year and less trouble Is looked for through Christmas fires than heretofore. Hilt Plitnn for Pnmre. The Society for Electrical Development in thi country is planning to spend a vast sum of money In advertising the great usefulness and economy of things electrical. Doug. 2448. MAKE YOUIt CHRISTMAS AN UP-TO-DATE CHRISTMAS "no IT ELECTRICALLY" AT THE "OMAHA LIGHT HOUSE" ON THE LINCOLN HIGHWAY NEAV STORE NEW STOCK NEW IDEAS WORTH CL1MIIING THE HILL TO INSPECT HAR WOOD-POPE COMPANY 1007 Fnrnam Street. This is the XV '. r, '-!,mi- TheCleaner you ; will I use Every Day' A CHILD can use It without fatlguo. You can carry It any where. Costs a cent an hour for current and gets all thoUIrt. Always ready. Takes less spaco than a carpet swoeper. Your house always fresh and sanitary no neod of houso cloaning. Good enough for the largest Of00 home--priced tor the smallest p-J " .... ror sal by Alamo Engine & Supply Co. 1122-24 Farnam St. Doug. 1082. Omaha . Electric Light Power Co. Electrical Construction W. W. Sherwood Douglas 7633 Electric Motors and Dynamo Repairs ARMATURE, TIEI.DS ana STATOR BBWXMDXXO) COMMUTATOR RXITXIiED J MOTORS FOR KENT. LeBRON ELECTRICAL WORKS Douglas 3178. 313-15 South 13th St. ALL ELECTRICAL HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES Christmas Tree Lighting Outfits, Dustless Portable Vacuum Cleaners, Washing Machines, Irons, Toaster Stoves, Coffee Percolators, Disc Stoves, Heating Pads, Chafing Dishes, Milk Warmers, Sewing Machine Motors ALL ELECTRICAL. OMAHA ELECTRICAL WORKS, 1214 Harney St. :-: 'Phone Doug. 1181 "DO IT ELECTRICALLY" Give an Electrical Gift Soloct a Porcolator, Chafing Electric Irons, Flreless Cooker, Mazda Lamps, , Wireless Outfits, Toy Motor and many other uso ful gifts. You can find suitable gifts for Fathor, Mother, Sister, Drothor and Sweetheart at THE ELECTRIC SHOP WOLFE ELECTRIC CO.. 1810 TAR If AM ST. TYXJ3B 1414. "Wire for Us and Wo Will Wire for You." Lanktree Electric Co. Electrical Contractor LIGHTING FIXTURES ELECTRIC APPLIANCE 808 8. 18th St. Tyler 1011 ED W. If. SCHURIG ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Electric Light and Power Phone Harney 2946 THE Apartment House OWNER can give his tenants a MERRY XMAS by installing a push button elevator. KIMBALL BROTHERS CO. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Elevator Builders to Undo Sam itiui other discriminating buyers. Who wired the Omaha National Bank Bldg? Johnston Electric Co. Who wired the City National Bank Bldg? Johnston Electric Go. Who wires most of the Large Bui Idings in Omaha ? Johnston Electric Co. "Wo wiro small ones ns well. Our prices nro right Our material and labor the highest grade. Let us figure with you. Johnston Electric Co. 1207 Harney Doug. 450. A FEW SUGGESTIONS FOR XMAS Electric Iron in Holly Box Sowing Machine Motor Electric Toaster Chafing Dish Coffee Percolator Xmas Tree Lighting Outfits Vibrators Toy Motors Our Stock is Complete. Send Us Your Orders. Mid-West Electric Co, 1207 Harney Street, Omaha, Nob. The Best Gift Yon Cm Make Wife or Motker-a "1900" Electric Washer Isn't tho laundry problem a costly ono to you under your present way of having it done! Costly not in monoy alone, but perhaps health. Not a ploasant thought. Lot us show you how it can bo dono for you at practically no cost about 2o per washing by using a "1900" Electric Washer and Wringer We will place one of these peerless machines In your home for a 15 Days' Fni Trial We will help you get started right, and gladly aid you at any future time it occasion arises. Washes ALL kinds of clothing safely and well, and no more troublo than turning on and off the electric current. Surely, you owo It to yourself and family to investigate this offer. Ask any one of the more than 1,200 usera in this city. Sold on easy terms, as well as for cash. 1900 Washer Co. Tyicr 1011. E. B. Williams, Mgr. SOS S. 18th St. JAMES CORR ELECTRIC CO. RELIABLE WIRING SEE US FOR ANYTIILYa ELECTRICAL SPECIAL IRON, 82.80 Douglas 1811. 208 S. 10th St. Special Sai of Electric Toaster Stoves $1 Each Thos. Durkin Blcotrlcal Construction 3419 Cuming' itrttt. DO IT ELECTRICALLY HUT FIRST Call BENNETT and Get Ills Best Judgment la Regard To the SAFEST aal DEBT Method. Bnntt EUotrio Co. Omaha National Basic Bldg. Douglas 8810. It PAYS to PLEASE. Tel. Douglas 1010. Wiring a ad Repairing Hartford Electric Co. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 801 South Twelfth Street S. K. nanford, OMAHA, Mgr. Neb. "DO IT ELECTRICALLY" Electric Household Appliances ISRAEL LOVETT (EL COMPANY Tlphon Council Bluffs 04; Webstar 8sa. Council Bluff a, Iowa. WESTING HOUSE TOASTER STOVE JOSEPH R. LEHMER CO., distributors For sale by Thos. Durkin, A. G.Jaeger Co., H.J. Lanktree Electrical, Co., Nebraska Cycle Co. Omaha Electrical Works, Orchard Wilhelm, Orkin Bros., West Side Electric Co. Le Bron Electric Co., W. W. Sherwood, Wolfe Electric Co., James G. Bradley, Council Bluffs