Newspaper Page Text
THK BKF. OM MIA, KIXKMUY. DIXT.MRKH 3, 1013. BRIEF CITY NEWS Copley, Jswslsr, IIS S. lth. 3Sth year, ridsllty Btorng-s Van Oo, Dour.lSl. Hare Root "Flint Xt TN'ow Beacon Press. Jilfs IniT Tt, Tnn Mutual aouM. "tlffhtlns; fixtures. Burrsss-Orandsn Oo. Chicken Dinner The women of Trinity Methodist Episcopal church, Twenty first and Blnnejr, wilt give a chicken pie dinner Friday evening. December S. Price 33 cents a plate. Collins Back to Work Dan Collins. In charge of the municipal store room for the department of public works, was able to be at work yesterday after belnsi confined to his room for nearly three weeks. Ptntd for &ld Lifting Charles Sin, proprietor of a restaurant at 1306 Douglas street, was fined (25 and costs In police court for violating the S o'clock closing law. Blng was arrested Saturday night by Sergeant Madson. Two ICUk Complaints Tiled Com plaints have been filed by Milk Inspector Bossle against C..H. Bowley of the High land dairy, and 8. Sorenson of the Keystone- dairy for selling milk below stan dard. Both offenders will be heard In police court Wednesday morning. Implement Sealer Bankrupt Robert C Caulk, an Implement merchant at Allen. Neb., has filed with the clerk of the United States district court a petition in bankruptcy. Liabilities are placed at JJ6.IiOS.70, wlh assets amotuntlng to $22, 9.33. An exemption of 13.000 Is claimed. The Young Sadies of St. Patrick's Church will hold a baxaar at the parish hall. Fourteenth and Castetlar streets, on the evenings of December 4, 5 and 6. They are said to have a very superior brand of baraar delicacies and articles suitable for Christmas gifts. Advertise ment. Church Women to Kola Tair The ladles' Aid society of Farkvale Presby terian church will hold a Christmas sale of all kinds of fancy articles, aprons, fancy bags, bakery goods and fancy can dles the latter part of next week In tha lobby of the Beo building.' Mrs. Emery Is secretary. C 2. Xelley is Wanted Mr. Anna D. Casey of St Louis has written Police Commissioner J. J. Ryder for information relative- to her grandson's whereabouts. The grandson, Charles E. Keltey, a chef, has been away from home three years, according to the grandmother, and his mother is now' seriously In need of his assistance. Climbs Porch to Bob A burglar limbing the front porch and opening o second story window of Matthew Castle's home, 3921 Burt street, succeeded In se curing1 a haul of jewelry valued at $90 Monday night. Tha theft was not dis covered until several hours after It oc curred, although the house was occupied at tha time. JTlcholat Tladnot Ordtrtd The ordi nance ordering the completion of the Nicholas street Viaduct was passed in amended form by the city commlsslon.J Amendments specified the amounts each of the railroads Involved should bay to ward the construction cost. This was done at the request of the railroads, .over which the viaduct passes. Tlned for Using Bad language Ralph Howard, 1911 Douglas street, was arrested Monday evening at Sixteenth and Jackson streets after parading past the Her Grand and Rome hotels using obscene and profane language. In police court Judge Foster briefly dismissed the case, upon hearing the evidence, by tax ing Howard with a fine of $C0 and costs' ' Harmon Brothers Held Appearing 'for a preliminary hearing before United States Commissioner' Herbert Daniel, 'William O, Hajmdn and John, TS. Harmon, brothersj charged with hiving broken the seal of a Union Pacific Hallway company freight arj"v were bound over to the grand JuryvThe. defendants are, .alleged 1o have broken Into the car, which was loaded with steel, November 17. Nothing was taken. Compromise With SCrs. Cookrell City attorneys have compromised the suit brought by Mrs. Cornelia Cockrell against the city of Omaha for $20,000 damages for Injuries sustained dun to a defective sidewalk at Blxteenth and Farnam strrets. Under the compromise, approved by the city commission, .the plaintiff Is awarded $500. City Attorney John A. Rlne said In his opinion the city was not liable, but there was the probability of the woman s recovering damages, in which case he recommended the adop tion of the compromise. ' Hew Plaat for Xpsneter Work wilt be begun at once on the new O. F, Epeneter cornice work factory at 1700 Cuming street. The contract for the construction of the plant was let to Alex Beck for $2,905. The structure is to be of brick and steel, one story. It Is to be a building 6Sx8S feet in dimensions. Mr. Epeneter recently sold his old plant to another concern In the city to be used for another purpose. The new factory Is , to be completed by February 1, UK, when ino laciurjr wjh do sianea wun some MAINTAIN ITJS PERPETUAL Electrio Light Co. Seeks to Finally Establish Its Franchise. CITY ATTORNEYS ABE AROUSED Bar that the Company la Trrtnat to Weld l.lnka Together Which Will FortTer Kstnbllsh It Rights Here. Victrola Department In Pompelnn Room I'orrmoflt Showing of Irtrolns In tlio West Get Our Outfit Proposition on a Victrola An effort will be made by the Omaha Electric Light and Power company to concluflvely establish the fact that It has perpetual franchise rights In this city. Under a decree of the United States circuit court of appeals tha company's franchise was held to extend over a pe riod of twenty years. In an opinion In the Old Colony case Judge Van De Vanter of the United States supreme court held that the rights of tha bondholders of the. electric light company were perpetual. Construing this to mean that the elec trio light company has a perpetual fran chise the company comes forth now with a bill of a review which Its attorneys will ask permission to file In the circuit court of appeals In St. Louis Monday praying for a reversal of the decree which limits the duration of the fran chise to twenty years. This decree was entered In 1910 before the Old Colony case was taken to the supreme court of the United States. City attorneys are aroused over the action of the light company's attorneys. Assistant City Attorney Labert said. 'The company Is seeking to weld the links in the chain which will establish Its perpetual franchise rights." Mr. Lambert and the other city attor neys are preparing to take up the tight kgaJn, believing it is possible that tho case of the light company, like the Old Colony case, will go to the United State supreme court. twenty-five men employed. COLD WEATHER NEEDED TO DRIVE AWAY THE FOG Only ,a pronounced drop In tempera ture, approaching the proportions of a "cold wave," will afford a break In the sluggish 'weather conditions that have prevailed here for the last few weeks, according to Weather Forecaster I. A. Welsh. There is no Indication of such a chango at present. Unsettled and cooler weather Is predicted for today and probably fair this afternoon. $18.75 Now stylo Victrola IV, with choico of fivo double fnce Victor 10 inch rec ords, 10 selections. $28.75 Now style Victrola VI, with choice of fivo double face Victor 10-inch rec ords, 10 selections. Our Blood When In healthy condition Is composed of those elements that HOOD'S 8AR8APARILLA la as pecially adapted to preserve, rs tors and supply. It Is made up largely of red and white corpuscles red to nourish and sustain the body white to protect the body against disease. In weak, worn-out, pale-faced people, the blood la "watery" because the red corpuscles are deficient and the white corpuscles delinquent Hood's SarsaparllU gradually buf certainly floods the body with jew, rich, red blood that Invigorates the entire system, gives sparkle to the eyes und restores color to the cheeks. Tt has done this for thousand!. It will do tha same for you. Hummel Disoharges Park Policeman F. C. Sudds, for thirteen years an em ploye of tho park department of the city, has ben discharged by PaPrk Commis sioner J. D. Hummel, who asked the city commission to approve his action. Sudds, In a communication to the city council, aaked for a hearing, saying he had been discharged without cause, fla was a boulevard polloeman. A question Is Involved in the discharge of the policeman. Police Commissioner J, J. Ryder and Commissioner Hummel were both supposed to have authority over Sudds, but they said he reported to neither of them, although he continued to draw his salary. Hummel would not discuss the case, saying he would make any statement he ea.w fit at the hearing If the council grants Sudds' request. The legal depart ment Is now Investigating tho status of the discharged employe, SOCIALISTS WILL GIVE A ' BANQUET THIS EVENING m.. tti.iiat Mrty of Omaha wilt hold Its annual banquet on the third floor of the Labor Temple, Nineteenth and Farnam streets, at 7 o'clock Wednesday evening. After tha mew were win on,. niimnt tcnlcs by well-known speakers, among them are Mrs. Craig head Who Will apeon on univtnw frage; Harry B. Zlmman, on publlo corporations; Mr. U J. Qulnby, on single tax; Mr. Flood, on labor unionism; Mr. Warren, on capitalism. Jonn u. inose. ..... .rtarr of the Socialist party, will act as too tm aster. C.H.VENNER&C0. OFFER TO TAKE FIVE THOUSAND i ...t.mTt from J. H. DumonL repre sentative otdL Venner & Co., of New York, that wouia do accepicu u n nf the claim of JH.000 the company holds against the city, was read before the city commission ana reierrco ...inBr nf the committee of the IU IIIV .J.w... - whole Monday for discussion. Venner & Co.. bond buyers, refused to take oonos .u'l.t. th.v had ftntered low bid and on wiiiuii -w , the dty forfeited W.000 check put up by them as evidence of gooa ian. n.rn of a. Cold, ti know that of all the minor ailments colds are by far. the. moBt dan- gerous. It is not tne coiaa inemsoivc. ...11 tlA1 to fear, but the serious di seases that they so often lead to; For that reason every cold should be gotten rid of with the least possible delay. To ..mnii.ii tht. vou will find Chamber lain's Cough Remedy of great help to you. It loosens a cold, relieves me lungs. .14. .rn.tnration and enables the system to throw off the cold. For sale bp all dealers. Advertisement Gulls from tlie Wire Unless congress takes a recess during iv,. rn,ritmK holidays President Wilson will forego his plenped ten-day vaca tion. Pr,,Mnl Wilson will renominate Henry M. Plndell. the Peoria publisher, for am bassador to missis. Mr. Plndell failed of confirmation in the extra session of congress. C, J. McIIugh. defaulting cashier of the Stat hank at Cadillac Mich., was sen tenced to serve from seven to twenty years In prison. Ills shortage was esti mated at M5.000. , Senor Don Juan Rlano y Oayangos was received by .President Wilson in nis new capacity of first ambassador from Spain. His wife, who was Miss Alice Ward, Is sn American woman- With the thermometer registering at W degrees above zero, the first December rain recorded In more than thirty years fell over the entire northern part of South Dakota yesterday. The Lackawanna railroad must Pay a 12.000 fine for transporting its own hay to feed mules in Its mines. That, In the oDlnlon of the suDreme court. wa a violation of the commodities clause of the Hepburn law. At Richmond. Vs.. J0O members of the American Automobile association were present at the opening of the national convention. Governor Mann and Mayor Alnslee bade them welcome. Lawrence Enos of Buffalo, president, responded. A. L. Richmond, jr., former director of the closed Cosmopolitan National bank of Pittsburgh, Pa., was In the United States district court found guilty of hav ing assisted the cashier of the bank In making false entries In the Institution's books. The Illinois child labor law was sus tained as constitutional by the supreme court In the case of Arthur Beauehamp, IS years old, who recovered a verdict of H&00 from the Sturges and Burn Manu facturing company for having suffered an injury of tne hand in a press. An attempt to learn the fate of Ernest Dekoven Leffingwell, geologist and Arc tip explorer, who went into northern Alaska August 2S, Is being mode by the faculty of the. University of Chicago. Leffingwell started north with the Stef. ansson expedition. He was to have re turned to Point Barrow by November 1 but nothing has been heard from him. n $82.50 New style Victrola X, with choice of ten double face Victor 10-inch rec ords, 20 selections. $107.50 New stylo Victrola XT, with choice of ten doublo face Victor 10-inch rec ords, 20 selections. $53.75 Now stylo Victrola IX, with choice of fivo doublo face Victor J 0-inch rec ords, 10 selections. $207.50 Now stylo Victrola XVI, with choico of ton doublo face Victor 10-inch rec ords, 20 selections. We will tend you a fall quart of this fine old HAYNER wiumh- WHISKEY For Only 80 Cents Express Charges Paid By Us. Thia fa n snprial inrrorluctorv offer we are makiniz to NEW customers only and if YOU have never tried Hayner Whiskey we want you to. try it NOW.' Wo Want Te Show You We want to place some of our fine old whiskey before you so you may know how rich, pure and delicious it really is and here's the great est offer you ever heard of Send Us 80 Cents That's All And we will send you a full quart bottle of our fine old HAYNER PRIVATE STOCK BOTTLED-IN-BOND WHISKEY In a strong, scaled case and we will pay express charges. Remember It's Bottled-iii-Doari And every bottle sealed with the Govern ment's official Green Stamp over the cork your assurance that it is fully aged, full firoof and full measure as good and pure as t is possible to produce, A Wonderful Offer No one else offers a BOTTLED-IN-BOND whiskey at our price of 80 cents a quart no one else would pay the express charges on a one quart shipment as we are doing. We Stand Tho Loss Shipping one quart, express paid, means a loss to us but we want your tradeand we know when you have tried this whiskey, you will be so pleased with it, that you will send us your tuture orders for four quarts or more. Take Us Up On this offer order this whiskey try it use all you want and if' you don't find it all we claim the finest you ever tasted and the greatest value you ever saw we will return your money without a word. You Take No Chances Our guarantee is fair and square It means what Tt says we must send you a quality that will please you in every way and we will do it. Now. Rush Your Order Cut out this coupon fill it in and mail it to us with 80 cents in stamps, coin or money order and the full quart of fine old BOTTLED-IN-BOND whiskey will go forward by first express. I Will Stake This Medicine Against Your Time A Few Days Will Bo Sufficient to Prove Its Value in Your Disease A fen- minutes of jour time for a fov d.B nnl 1 will demonstrate to you. with out expense to yourself, that 1 have a mctllcne ttint drives Trie Add hioii fiwm Hi avutftm unit hv ail dotnff COn- iuers kidney troulilo, bladder trouble ami rheumatism. I don t osk you xo inur rav word for It, hut simply want you to let mo send you some of this mwllclno so that you enn use It personally. I nm trylnr to convince sufli-rers from tlieso d senses that 1 tvtve somcth'nR far better than the usunl run of remedies, treatments and such things, and the only vn I can demonstrate! thHt fact Is t6 ftn to the expense of comiounfllnK the medl clno and sending It out tree of char. This 1 nm Kind to do for any sufferer who will take the time to write me. Understand, 1 will not send you a value les "wimple, proof or test treatment?" nor will 1 send you a pnckana of medl c no nnd sny thnt you ctin uso somo of It nnd juy for the rest, hut 1 will send yon a u.piv free of charge and you will not bo asked to pay for thin gift nor will you bo under any obligations. All 1 want to know Is thnt you have a dlseust) for which my mcdtcllio Is In tended, as It Is not a 'cure-all, and I k'.vo herewith wroo of tho leading symp toms of kidney, bladder and ihcumaUe troubles. If you notice one or more of these symptoms Vou need this medicine. I and I will be glad to send you some or , It If you will write mo tho numbers of the symptoms you have, Rlvo your nge, i nnd jour name and address. My address 1 .b Dr. T. Frank I,vnott, SIS) ncagan , Hulldlng. Chicago, 111. You promise mo 1 1 nsk, so there shall be no mistake. Is that you inmd me tho numbers of your symptoms or a description in your own words and that you take the medlclnu according- to tho directions 1 send you. It Is my way of getting publicity for my medlclno so thnt It will beoome widely known. You "will agree whon you have Used It that It dluiolVM nnd drives out Urto acid poison. It tones tho kidneys so that they work In harmony with tho bladder. It strengthens tho bladder so mat rrouueni desiro to urinate and other urinary dis orders are banished. It stops rheumatic nohoa and pains Immediately. It dissolves urlo acid crystals so that tho back and muscles no longer niche nnd crooked joints quickly straighten out- It recon structs tne biooa and nerves so that you soon feel healthier and stronger, sleep hotter and eat better nnd have energy throughout tho day. It does all this nnd yet contains nothing Injurious and In absolutely vouched for according to law Kufferera from these dreadful and dan gerous diseases can niwely afford to spend a few minutes each day for a few days to demonstrate to their own satis faction If Uioy aro curable, especially when j'ou consider no expense Is Involv ed, and I willingly glvb you my tlmo and my meaicino. ah any rair-mindeu nr- 1)K. T. FRANK LYNOTT who will send medicine free of chars; to those who see A It, fllctcd person wants to know is If a cer tain thing will relieve HIM or HEH, and hero Is an opportunity to find out without cost, obligation Mr Important loss of time. TIU2SB l'W DAYS may bo the turnlnn point Iri jour life. All who are Interested enough to write me for the free medicine will also receive a copy of my larso Illustrated medical book which describes these diseases thor oughly. It Is the largest book of the kind ever written for free distribution, nnd a new edition Is Just being printed. I will also wrlln von a letter of Instructions and medical ndvtco that should be of Kreat help to you; but In order to do this 1 must know thnt you need my medicine, Wrlto mo the numbers of the symptom that trouble you. nnd your ago, and I will promptly carry out my promises. Rhow an Inclination to get well and wrtta me, and I will gladly send you a supply free. These are the Symptoms: 1 Fain in the back. a Too frtqusnt dsslrk to nrlaat. 3 nervousness, loss of flesn. 4 Pain or soreness in the bladder, ft Wsak, watsrjr blood. 0 Qas or pala in the stomas. 7 Osneral dsblUty, weakness, diss! nsss. 8 Fain or soreness under rifBt rib. 0 Solatia rheumatism. 10 Constipation or llrer tronble. 11 Palpitation or pain sader tn heart. la rain in the nip Joint. 13 Fain in the neok or head. 14 Fain or soreness In ths kidneys, 18 Fain or swelllnr of tlis joints. 10 Fain or swelling; of the mosolM. 17 Fain and soreness In nxTe, IB Aouts xhsnmatlssu THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY TCncloMd find M mnti tor which Mntl tn OXC rail quart bottl ot lUjner rrlraM stock Dottlc-lB-Uonil WaUker exprrM pfctd pr yftar offtr. It li understood that If tbli wnliktr l not found. raprewstod aad plaMlng to ma In ararr war bit M oaota la to baprompUj rafusdod. Till la mr Ural ordar. IM03 Namt.... Arldrtst,, nuiMTUa uafa TM ma wa HvSTm w is va isww.iw.nai, PRIVATE STOCK WHISKEY BOTTLED IN BW TXC HAYNOJ BITtLUNO COtWXT nuxYHQi 111 rxmucT.TKKf UIUHI ItUH ' J " I V.u . V. , wu,. ... l( P.M.. thereof moil OAU for IXOQ for oaa quart eipreas said. Colo., lfont. and all alatea Wat) Ifa THE HAYNER DISTILLING CO., Dept.R-105 2110 Central St., KANSAS CITY, M0. I Capital l'l lllitlllnrr t Troy. Oh! Addrtst Our Ntantt OSfict Day ten, ettle ieua, sua SL La nl i. He. Kanut City. He. fatten. Hxi. St. Paul. Mian. New Orleans, la. JsekMnrlUe. ria. lull PaM Shop Early IHERE are a number of advan tages in favor of early Christ mas shopping. Aside from complete stocks of merchandise to choose from, and willing salespeople to wait on you, you will find travel on the street cars more comfortable now than later when the Christmas shop ping rush is on. Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Company Shimmering Glass Set in Solid Steel THE newest In railroad trarel a magnificent sun-parlor observation car attached to the all-steel train to Florida tho Seminole Limited. Planned for utter luxury t for comfort and. safety unequaled, making the Seminole Limited the trahx that cultured people choose to take them South. Picture the joy of traveling through age-old forests and past quaint plantationsall tho while seeming to lit under an open sky I Seminole Limited The Mitlionalra'i Way to Florida -provides arerr luiury to t found In tha moat etcluilto clubs or beet botala. Whether you linger oyer a fragrant cigar, or gossip orer a cup of tea whether resting in your great, comfortable berth, or enjoy ing a well-cooked, well-scrred dinner you will agree that cer tainly one southbound train gives you a trip of luxury that well bears comparison with the surperlatlre good times awaiting you at your journey s end. And It costs no more than on ordinary train. Douhle track". Electric Block Signals and super-heater Pacific typo locomotives Insurs roar arrival on time. Speed, service and every convenience are assured. Laie$ CUcaQt S.ISv.m., SULtutt it.tO p, wu Arriut JackiontUU nconi morning tto Illinois Central B. NORTH, District rasssBtrsr Ajrsat, 407 South 16th St., Omaha. Ssb. Tel, Souflaa DM. ROOMS Tho Best Variety, The Bee classified pages cany advertisements of tho best rooms and apartments for rent in the city. Phono your ad to Tyler 1000. IIOTKI.H. IIOTISI.S. VANDERBILT HOTEL 34&ST. EAST at BRKiWE..NEW TORK. iSu&tmjr Entrant . "An hotel of distinction with moderate charges" Within Ave minutes of principal railway terminals. Situation ideal. ... Single rootna - -Double rooms . . Double bedroome. boudoir dreeelng-room and bath . (10. SU SulUa Parlolr, bedroom and bath 110, III, IJ Each room with bath per dav-S3, U, M, M as, W. 7. M Manege HOTEL FLANDERS 133-137 West 47th St., New York City JUST OVT aXOADWA.1T. Ths rlsht kind of hotsl In tho right locality. In the heart of tha the ater district and adjacent to tha shopplnr canters. Positively fire-proof. Excellent cuisine and an exceptional orchestra- A large addition Just com. plated, containing- library, (Till and billiard hall. Handsomely Furnished Rooms, Private Bath, o $1.50 PER DAY UPWARD. From Grand Central Station, cars marked "Broadway without transfer; Pennsylvania Station. 7th Avs. cars without transfer. Booklet upon request. II. R. SHARES, PROP.