Newspaper Page Text
The Omaha Daily Bee Tho Best Business Booster an advertisement in The Bee. It Brings tho Customer to You. TIIE WEATHER. Fair; Colder VOL. XLTTI NO. 186. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 21, 1914-FOURTE14N PAGES. On Trains ana at Hotel Nsws Btanas, So. SINGLE COlY TWO CENTS. ROBBER BANDIT AT ST. JOE ADMITS PARTIHOLDUP loot Taken from Hazel McVey Is Tound on J. J. Williams When Arrested in Missouri. CHAIRMAN COMMERCIAL CLUB CONGRESSMAN HITS Purifying the Milk Supply BUSINESS PEACE EXECUTIVE COMMF"" LAWYER WITH AND INDUSTRIAL FREEDOM COMING nun pai 1 ? rnn HI1U UHLLt) lUll'TOil iRenreientAtive Johnson of Kentnelcv President Wilson, in Message, Says; 1 . rf Floors Washington Attorney in Committee Meeting. Commercial Interests Ready to Meet Government Half Way. 1 x. 1 -. 1 r r. HIS PHOTO IS IDENTIFIED Confesses He Was in Eesort When Nickell Was Killed. WILL NOT FIGHT EXTRADITION Says He Will Return to Omaha Without Extradition Papers. TWO OTHER SUSPECTS CAUGHT Police Think They Now Have Others Implicated in Robbery. BLONDIE NOT THE MURDERER Ilnmllt Taken nt 8t. Juieiih U Not the One of the Trio Who Fired the Shot Which Klllcil Henry Nlckell. In tho arrest of J. J. Williams at St. Joseph Monday tho Omaha police are now certain they have ono of the men who held up tho McVey resort when Henry Nickell was killed, Thursday night The Omaha officers not only found bouic of the jewels taken rrom Hazel McVey during the holdup, but later secured a confession from Williams that ho was present when Nlckcll was killed. Williams will not fight extradition from Missouri, so lie says. Detectives Mc Donald and nlch havo gone to St. Joseph after him and the Parrlsh woman. Two other suspects have been captured. at Kansas City, so tho first plans havo been changed and WllllamH and tho woman will be taken from St. Joseph to Kumas City to see It they will assist In the identification of tho two suspects. A. E. Anderson, who wbb the mys terious "Tony" and who tcat'fled at the coroner's Inquest- Monday, Identified "Blonde," whoso name Is J. J. Williams, as tho man who hold up Hazel McVey, The Identification was made from a photo of "Blondo" published In tho noon cdl- t'on of The Bee, When captured at St. Joseph "Blonde" had most of the Jewelry which was taken from Miss MoVey when the resort was held up. Omaha officers nt St. .Joseph telephoned to Chief Maloney that although Williams at first dented tho holdup, he confessed to his share of tho crime within half an hour after' the arrest Plitir'ore First Ufroe Murder. f n?guls!Uon papers cnjjng unuii Governor Hlch of jSIi;SQUri to deliver Joe AVllllums, one of the 'trio' of robbers who murdered Henry E, NICKoll, to thu local authorities weio prepared by County Attorney Mag ney and dispatched on their way, al though Williams, said he would return without them. , Williams Is charged In two counts with first degree murder and with murder while committing a robbery, both capital offenses. Mary E. Parrlsh, who was ar rested with Williams, is charged with the name crimes, but It is said there Is no probability that she was Implicated in tho actual commission of the robbery of Hazel McVey's resort last Thursday night. After her return to Omaha a dlt fcrcnt charge probably will bo lodged against her. Williams Is the man who, Miss McVey testified at the Inquest, robbed her of J 1,000 worth of Jewels, but did not do the hhootlng. The robbers secured tho guns used at the McVey place by breaking Into a pawnshop, according to informa tion secured by the police. Omnha Police Mnke Cnnturc. With the Information at hand that Mary E. Parrislt lived at Skidmorc, Mo., the t local authorities dispatched Detectives Fleming and Murphy to that point. Un der the gulso of horse buyers, they learned at Skldmoro that Miss Parrlsh had been visiting her mother there and that she had Just left for Conception Mo., with Lloyd Carter. The pair wus followed there by the detectives, but succeeded In getting to (Continued on Page Four.) The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Wednesday. For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Fair; colder. Temperature nt Omnliu Yesterday. Hours. Deg. 6 a. in : fi a. m , 32 7 a. m .11 8 a. m 30 ! a. m.. 30 10 a. m 28 11 a. m 23 12 m 28 1 . nr. 2 2 p. m 20 3 p. m 29 4 p. m 27 5 p. m 20 6 p. m 25 7 p. in 24 . S p. m 22 CoraparatlTc Locul Record. 1914. 1913. 1912 1911 Highest yesterday sr, u is 45 Lowest Yesterday 24 1 1 22 Mean temperature 30 8 8 34 Precipitation , 00 .01 ,W T Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature 20 Excess for the day 10 Total excess since March 1 11.57 Normal precipitation 02 Inch Deficiency for the day 02 Inch Total rainfall since March 1... .24.17 Inches Deficiency since March 1 4.30 inches Deficiency for cor. period. 1913., 4.08 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, M2..13.58 Inches Reports from Stations nt 7 I. SI. Station and State Temp. High- Rain- 01 w earner. Cheyenne, cloudy Davenport, cloudy , Denver clear. . ... ' p. m. est. fall. ,.. 24 2S .00 .. 2S K .( ..34 38 . 00 ., 22 36 .00 ., 34 48 .00 ...28 36 .0 .. 34 42 .00 ...21 36 .00 .. 36 41 .00 .. 26 34 .00 ... 36 38 .00 .. 30 36 .00 ...00 38 .00 .. 10 21 .01 . 22 28 .0) Omaha, cloudy 1 uciu, unr ....... ...... Jlapid city, clear Walt IJike City, cloudy.. Santa Fe, clear Sheridan, cloudy ...... Floux City, snow Valentine, clear T indicates trace or precipitation. Indicates below zero. it. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. """ VUmtmtmum i mm mil .11 11 i.W Strongest National Message Ever Sent to Congress Mann WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. "It's a very, ery fine message. That tells the whole story. How can anyone say more?" was Speaker Clark's comment on tho prcsl dent's message. "Tho president's plan Is Inadequate," declared Representative Murdock of Kan sas, leader of the house progressives. "Like all Inadequate plans It will rendor tho trust evil more acute. It will not remedy. The president Is well lnten tloned, but so long as there are reac tionary forces in his party he cannot get results in this problem." "As always, the president speaks tersely and with clarity," said Vice Presi dent Marshall. "While It recommends radical reforms, the message Is couched In conservative terms." Representative Underwood, democratic leader of tho houso, said: "The, president's' message points the way to progressive remedial legislation that will relievo the people of the United States from evil practices that have sometimes been car ried on In the past, and at the same time tho tone of the message Is such that It leaves no cause for alarm by tho legiti mate Interests of the country." Representative Mann, republican leader of the liousc, characterized tho president!? message as tlie.BtXftiiffqst nationalist mes sage ever sent to congress, 'Of course, I am very much pleased with much of the 'presidents message as relates to tho Issuance of stocks and bonds by railroad's. Other propositions of the president will require careful con sideration, but his message goes very far toward favoring the powers of thp general government at the expense of tho state governments, and Is the strongest nationalist messago' over sent to congress. It will be a bitter pill to our southern states' rlghtB friends, who have for years consistently opposed every proposition favored in the measure, but I hopo that the republicans will get behind tho presi dent on some .of the propositions and help him enact them Into' law." Montana Sheriff is Killed While He Serves a Warrant MILES CITY, Mont., Jan. 20.-Sherilf William Moses of Rosebud county was shot and killed yesterday at Rosebud; Mrs. John H. Burgess received a rlflo bullet in her left shoulder, and John 11. Burgess, formerly a close friend of the sheriff. Is In Jail, charged with killing the officer. Sheriff Moses was shot when attempt ing to serve a warrant on Burgess, chare Ing him with disturbing the peace. Bur gess was standtn on the porch near his wife when the sheriff approached, and then the shooting began. When the fir ing stopped the sheriff Was dead and Mrs. Burgess had collapsed. Burgess walked to the railroad station, rifle in hand, and announced that ho would await the ar rival of officials. Reports of the shooting are conflicting. One report is that, tho woman . was In jured when a rifle she brought to the door of her homo was discharged acci dentally. Domestic trouble Jn the sheriffs family had caused an estrangement between him and Burgess. Wisconsin Eugenic Law Held Illegal MILWAUKEE, Wis., Jan. 20. The Wis consln eugenic law, which provided for the Issuance of marriage licenses only tin a certificate of a clean bill ot health, Including the Wasscrman test, from a physician, was this afternoon declared unconstitutional by Judge F, C. Each wellcr of the circuit court, In allowing a writ of mandamus. The case will later go to tho supreme court. Judge Eschweller held that the eugen ics law Is of unreasonable statutory lim itations so far as the. physician's fee Ih concerned; that It is an unreasonable and material Impairment of the right of per sons to enter Into matrimony, and that It violates the constitution. Four Children Are Lost in the Woods RROSEBURG, Ore., Jan. 20. A score ot farmers have searched the woods east of Roseburg since Sunday afternoon for the four children of Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Adams. The eldest a girl of 18 years and three boys from S to 14 years left the ranch home ot their parents, eleven miles east of Roseburg yesterday morning to play In a clearing about two miles distant They did not return. CLERKS HOLD THE SOUTHERNER His Opponent Bowled Over Twice Before Others Interfere. LEGISLATOR GOES FOR PISTOL When He Returns Finds Only Func tionaries Remaining. LOBBY FEE CHARGE STARTS IT Holme Member Declares to Vote Increase ot Snlnrles of .Cops In District MlKht Ilesnlt In GettliiK tlrnft. WASHINGTON, Jan. 80.-A flat fight between Representative Johnson of Ken tucky and John R. Shields, a Washington attorney, broko up a meeting today ot the house committee on District of Columbia. After the two men had clashed and several blows woro struck, Representative Johnson broke away, shouting: "Get mo my pistol, I'll kill hlra." Mr. Shields was knocked down before clerks and spectators could quiet the combatants. Clerks held the Kentucklan, but he broke away and dashed off for his private room, shouting for his revolver. A dozen persons were present when Johnson ran away, but the office soon was emptied. When Johnson returned only clerks remained. The Kentucklan berated them for their Interference and the Incident closed, Tho Incident followed a hearing on a bill to Increase the salaries of policemen, whom Shields represented. Representative Johnson declared "he heard that Mr. Shields had collected a Krge lobbyist" f((s." and that to vote the proposed Increase might be "voting some body a 24,000 or $3,000 lobby fee." Shields demanded an opportunity to "reply to false sU ments." and at that Johnson struck the lawyer. Dr. Applfeby's Suit Against Baroness Stirs Up London LONDON, Jan. 20,-Great interest was aroused-. today by tho suit to recover 20,ob0 brought by Dr. Ernest Tlllfers' Appleby, formerly lecturer at tho uni versity of Minnesota, against Baroness May de Pallandt, an American woman, whose relatives live in Chicago nnd who j twelve years ago was tho wife of BarOn do Pallandt. The suit Is a sequel to a chance meet ing of the plaintiff and defendant In 1903 on a train. This led to the Infatua tion of the plaintiff. Dr. Appleby In his pleadings declared that tho baroness agreed to repay him for notoa which ho gave to a Parisian Jeweler for a string of pearls. The baroness denied this statement and says If there was any such agtsjmcnt It was foundod on "an Immoral considera tion." She counter claims In tho sum of $20,000, alleged to be due to her by Dr. Appleby. According to the testimony Dr. Appleby was anxious to marry the baroness, but Bhe refused. The Parisian Jeweler sued Dr. Appleby on the notes, which tho baroness had refused to meet, and tho present suit followed. Miners' Organizer Robbed of Records by Three Armed Men CLARKSBURG, W. Va., Jan. 20.-J. R. Olden, who said he was a union labor organizer ot Hagcrstown, Md., on his way to the convention of tho United Mine Workers of America at Indianapolis, was robbed of valuable papers on Balti more & Ohio train No. 1 near Morgan- town and Kingwood railroad Junction early today. The robbers escaped and Olden, guarded by a railroad detective, continued his Journey, Olden told the railroad men that he was playing cards with a stranger, when he was knocked down from behind, wnen he recovered consciousness three men, one of them the man with whom he had been playing cards, were bending ovor him, each armed with a pistol. They told him they wanted no money, but they wanted his valise, In which were valuable union organization papers. Persons In the car attempted to Inter fere, but were held back by the men until they gained the vestibule. There they remained until the train stopped, and then Jumped from the car and escaped. Miss Holmes, Blind Poetess, is Dead NEW YORK, Jan. 30. Miss Alice A. Holmes, who delighted In the title of "The Blind Poetess of Jersey City," Is dead In her home In that city In her 93d year. Miss Holmes, who was a friend and schoolmate ot Miss Fanny J. Crosby, the blind hymn writer, died Sunday, but tho fact only became generally known to day. Miss Holmes did not begin to write poetry until she was more than 25 years old. She published four volumes, "Poems by Alice Holmes" (1849); "Arcadian Leaves" (1868); "Stray Leaves" (1S68) and "Lost Vision" (18SC). Bhe used to say that she didn't give her poems to the world to acquire fame, "but Just to keep the pot boiling." On her birthday anniversaries she al ways put on ner best gown nnd latest knit shawl and patiently awaited tho coming ot children ot the neighborhood and a small circle ot grown ups with goodies, flowers and best wishes. Drawn for The Bee by Powell. WORK ON HOTEL WILL'BEGIN Preliminaries All Arranged at Meet ing of Stockholders. SIGN AND APPROVE CONTRACT President ot Corporation Reports that Scvt Hotel Ilnlltllnp; Is Leased for Twenty Years at Six Per Cent. Signing Ct tho contract between offi cers of. thevDouElustrotftJ -anipiny and Seldeh-Brcck Construction company, for erection tf the Fontenello hotel,, and the re-election of the directors at the second nnpuat meeting of the hotel company's stockholders, was yesterday's chapter In the progress of work oh the new Jl.OCO.CO) hostelry. The contract for tho building of the magnificent structuro was finally com pleted and approved and was signed yes terday noon by President Gurdon W Wattles and Secretary A. U Reed for tho hotel company, and C. R. Vaughn of tho contr&ctdrs, who Is vice president and Omaha manager for the firm. Alter natives were agreed upon, which will bring the cost within the $840,000 avail able for construction work, without Iob senlug the fireproof qualities, stahlllty. size, boauty or completeness of the hotel. A penalty of $500 per day for any de lay In completing the construction work by January 1, 19J5.- Is provided In the contract. Work will begin at once, on the foundation footings. The directors re-elected at the stock holders' meeting were: Gurdon W. Wattles Arthur C. Smith Joseph H. Millard Victor B. Caldwell uasper k. yosi Armur u. uranaeis . Gilbert M. HltchcockPrank T. Hamilton John L. McCaguo Victor Rosewatcr Abraham L. Reed Fred A. Nash Charles T. Kountzo Charles II. Pickens John It. Kennedy Directors Will Meet. Those of the directors who were In the city met after stockholders' meeting, but found that a quorum was not present, so they could not organize for the year. (Continued on Page Two.) Canada Asked to Aid in Protecting Migratory Birds OTTAWA, Ont., Jan. 20. The Canadian conservation commltteo at its annual meeting today was asked to old the American Game Protective association In obtaining an international treaty to give migratory birds In Canada the same pro tection afforded In the United States by the law passed at the last session of con gress. Tho request was presented by William S. Haskell of New York City, counsel for the association. "A treaty," said Mr. Haskell, "Is much more effective than a statute. It Is a guaranty of the law, Tho United States government Is Teady to sign such a treaty as proposed." The National Capital Tnrndar, January 20, 1011. The Senate. Met at noon and recessed to sit in Joint session with tho house to hear President Wilson's messago on trust legislation. Judiciary committee amended tho work men's compensation bill to provide thut It should not curtail the rights of rail road employes under present laws. Commerce committee heard advocates of the Townsend bill to consolidate the revenue cutter ana lire saving services. Tb House. Met at noon, recessed and reassembled at 12:30 o'clock In Joint session with the senate to hear president Wilsons ad dress. Naval committee heard a delegation of churchmen advocating Secretary Dan iel's plan for more chaplains. Representative Borland urged the riv ers and harbors committee to authorize further surveys for the lmorovmu.t of the Missouri river. Newspaper Men Walk Thirteen Miles in New York Aqueduct NEW YORK, Jan. 20. Through thir teen miles of darkness, relieved only by tho lanterns they carried, seven New York newspaper men plodded in water and Ice yesturday on the first leg ot tholr Inspection trip ot 127 miles ot the new water supply aqueduct from Ashokan reiorvoir in tho Cutsklll mountains Ur nro6klyn. Touay tho parly will traverse" the Bohtfdon tunnel, running' under Shaw an gunk mountains. Engineers, who have, been engaged in tho aqueduct construction since it was started seven years ago, explained Us wonders to the newspaper men. Tho start yesterday was made at the Great Olive bridge dam, whero tho party entered tho seventeen-foot tube through which hun dreds of millions of gallons ot water will bo supplied to Now York City. Somo Idea of the Immensity ot tho aqueduct can be obtained from theBo tig uros. Length, 127 miles; cost, $177,000,000; capacity of water supply, 770,000,000 gal lons; diameter of tube, 17 reet. The aque duct crosses four rivers and New York harbor, passing 1,200 feet under the Hud son below Break Neck mountain; 17,240 men wcro employed seven years on the work; seven village sites were submerged and ono railroad removed; water takes three days to completo tho trip. Eloping Couple is Taken After Chase of Thousands of Miles LOS ANGBLBS, Cal., Jan. 20. Tracked by her husband over a trail that crossed the Canadian boundary three times, Mrs. Rose Helder, wife of A. Heldcr. a wealthy citizen of Victoria, U. C, was arrested todny In compuny with Kdwln Wright and chargod with having contributed to the delinquency of her two minor children. Jack Helder, aged 7, and Helen, aged 6. The children had accom panied Mrs. Helder and Wright on all their (ravels since they left their home In Victoria. Wright also was arrested. Mrs. Heldcr, who Is a natlvo of Crewe, England, aged 30, and Wright, a con struction engineer from Ireland, aged 27, left Victoria two months ago. They went to San Dlego Cal., and, according to Mr. Helder, doubled back to Winnipeg, Man. Helder followed them, only to learn that they had again crossed tho border and gone to Minneapolis. When Holder arrived at Mlneapolls he was told that Wright and Mrs. Helder and the children had fled to Kansas City. From Kansas City they camo to Los Angeles and Holder found them here today. Efficiency Expert Commits Suicide NEW YORK, Jan. 20.-Stephen T. Wil liams, known as the first business effi ciency expert, and who reorganized more than 400 of the largest business concerns In tho country, committed suicide last night at his home here by shooting him self In the head. Mr, Williams was 00 years old. It Is understood that In recent years ho had suffored heavy financial losses and had been III, M'CAGUE HEADS CLUB'S EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE John L. McCague was elected chalrmun of the executive committee of the Com mercial club at the first meeting ot the new commltteo yesterday afternoon. The comlttee wrestled with the election of a chairman until 2:35 o'clock, although they went Into the session shortly after 13 o'clock Other candidates In the field were J A, Sunderland, J A. C. Kennedy and W. V Baxter. NEBRASKANS BIG EATERS Consume More Ice Cream Per Capita Than All Others in United States. HARMAN GIVES SOME ADVICE State I'aro Food Commissioner Tolls Mnkrrs Prnilnct Shonlil He Pare llecnuso It Is Consumed Mostly by YmmRstcrs. "More, loe-creanvls consumed-percapUa' In. Nebraska than In any ptllcr .state J"n t ne union," declared State Pure Food Commissioner. Clarence II. Harmnu at Hbtel Romo yesterday at tho fourth onnual convention uf the Nebraska Asso ciation of Ice Cream Manufacturers, "Children cat more than grownups," he tontlnuod. He asserted tho popularity ot the frozen dainty In Nebraska was due to tho high quality of tho product ns made under tho state's puro food law. "A few dealers, who want tho 11 per cent standard of butter fat reduced, havo argued that It makes tho cream no rich it is unhealthy," tho food expert said, "But tho first food that Is over takon Into tho human stomach contains butter fat, and It certainly scorns to bo the best food for babies, so how can It bo un wholesome for older folks?" Ho urged that tho association tuke no action toward a lowering of tho standard, and said that ho would vigorously prose ruto all vlolatlors of the law. Although he had testod samples of all Ico cream inado In Nobraska, ho told the conven tion that ho had found vory few thut were not up to the legal stundard. Were Ashamed of Product. "Ico cream manufacturers ten years ago must have been ashamed to look a cow In tho face, for their product then was not mado ot cream," ho asserted. "Tho Ico cream ot today is an entirely different product. ''The Nebraska standard of 14 per cent butter fat Is now the highest In tho .(Continued on Page Two.) France Will Protest to Mexico Against Interest Suspension PARIS, Jan. 20. Tho French Foreign office today Instructed the French min ister to McxlcaMo protest to Provisional President Huerta against tho suspension of the payment of Interest on tho Mexi can public debt. The French nolo differentiates between the loans of 1910 and 1913. Tho first ot these, secured by 62 per cent ot tho Mexi can customs dues, received tho formal approval of the French government, which authorized tho Hating of the bonds on the Paris bourse. Tho Foreign offlco therefore protests on Its own account agalnet the default of Interest on that loan. The second protest is made on behalf ot and at tho request of French bankers In regard to tho loan of 1913, which was se cured by 38 per cent of tho Mexican cus toms dues, but which did not receive the recognition of the French government It Is understood the note to Provisional President Huerta mentions In careful terms that tho French government will not now cxerclso Its privilege of forced collection of tho Mexican customs duties and tho document is framed In such a way as to imply tacit support of tho Mexican policy ot the United States FAMOUS PICTURE OF THOMAS CROMWELL SOLD LONDON, Jan. 20. Holbein's famous portrait of Thomas Cromwell, earl of Essex, known a the "Caledon Crom well," which has been In the possession of the family of the earl ot Caledon for many years, has been sold for flSO.000 to Thomas Agnew & Sons, the London art dealers. The Cromwell portrait has been rarely seen at public exhlMtlnpa. The date is put at about 1532-34 FOR FRIENDLY CO-OPERATION Publio Sentiment Will No Longer Tolerate Private Monopoly. ASKS FOR CHANGES IN THE LAWS Direct Definition of Restraint of Trade is Advooated. WOULD MAKE GUILT PERSONAL Holding Companies Shold Be Abol ished and Voting Limited. REGULATION FOR RAILROADS Commerce Commission Shonld Be (J I vrn Power to Control Kerr Is sues of Capital Abolish In terlocking Directorates. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. President Wil son personally laid beforo a Joint session ot congress today the fundamental prin ciples ,of tho domocratla administration's program for dealing with trusts and "big bualness." The president presented tho case, ho said, "as It lies In tho thought of tho country," reiterating "that pri vate monopoly Is tndefonslble and Intol erable," and declaring that conscientious business men throughout the nation would not bo satisfied until practices now deprecated by public opinion as restraints ot trade and commerce were corrected. "Wo are now about to write the addi tional articles of our constitution of peace," said tho president, "the peace that Is honor and freedom and prosper ity." Besides suggesting the scope of legis lation, tho president mode a personal ap peal for nn atmosphere ot friendliness and co-operation In congress while handling tho problem. "Tho antagonism," he said, "between business nnd government Is over. Wo are now about to glvo expression to the best Judgment ot America, to what wo know to bo tho business conscience and honor of tho land. The government and business men are ready to meet each othor half way In a common effort to square business methods with both pub lic opinion and tho law." Arrival ot tho President. The president wast usticcd, Jnto, tho crowded, chamber at ociock, wnim iio'audienco rose nnd gave him prolonged ttpplaudo and cheers. The president to t his place at the clerk's dosk and begun reading promptly at 12:20 o'clock. Hla auditors gavo rapt attention. The sceno wan a colorful one and no less dramatic than on any ot tho provlous occasions when the president, setting aside precedent that had proyalicd since Georgo Washington's time, camo to the hulls ot congress to address the national legislative body In person. Tho high banked galleries presented a wave of color. On tho floor tho legislators In som ber garb, packed tho hall to Its utmost corners. Secretaries Garrison. Daniels and Wilson and Postmaster General Burleson had seats on the floor and the other offlcluls were clustered about the speaker's desk, ullndreds of people, straining for a glimpse of tho president nnd unablo to obtain admission packed tho halls of tho capltol. Applnune Is frequent. The round of applause that began when the president entered was only stilled by Mr. Wilson's evident deslro to proceed with his reading, and as ho began In a clear voice that carried throughout tho chamber, one might alrnost have heard a pTn drop. As tho president read his message of "Business Peace and Industrial Free dom," as tho administration supporters called It, he frequently was Interrupted wiiu iuiih bi'iiiuubo, auu ai iimes, de monstrations approaching cheering. Hla referenco to Interlocking directorates was received without demonstration, but when he recommended tho proposal to authorize the Interstato Commerce commission to regulato tho financial operations or the railroads, a burst of applause halted the reading and tho president had to wait for It to subside. His declarations that the laws should "tear nothing up by tho roots" and that "no sweeping or novel change Is neces sary" wero received with attentive si lonce. Hepubllcan Leader James It. Mann led the applause that greeted the dec- (Continued on Pago Four.) rr Light Apparel In Underwear Are you planning; to spend some of tho cold weather in tho tropica? If you are you are probably concerned about your clothes. Let the advertisements in Tho Dee help you. The ever far sighted merchants have fore seen your possible needa and are ready to supply you. Rend about what they have planned for you and your prob lem will become a single one. Midwinter clothes for tropical wear are of the newest mater ials and the newest styles. If you use discrimination and make your purchase at woll establlshed shops, your outfit will serve you well through the summer. If you wish to buy econom ically for future as well as im mediate needs, you will make no mistake it you go to those dealers who have proved their reliability by their advertise ments in this newspaper.