THE BEE: CM All A, Tilt KS DAY JANUARY L2, 1914.
NOriTltEnN MlNXRSOTAThe great
test natural cattle section, no drouths.
Alfalfa, clover, corn and potatoes ar
principal crops. I'ralrle or timber, I'rea
Information. We have no land for sate.
"Writ W. II. Mackenzie. Immigration
commissioner, 005 Palace building, Minne
apolis. Minn.
FA11MS FOR SAM! S3 down. JS monthly
buys 40 acres good Umber land, near town,
Texaa county. Mo.j prlco perfect
title. J. B. Jarrell, Ml. Vernon. 111.
169 ACRES of land for sale, four tntles
from a thriving town Jn Lincoln county,
Nebraska; railroad and school adjoining;
100 acres bottom land, good for alfalfa,
the rest general farming land. Address
3. J. 'Van Anda. Pawnee City. Neb.
7.000 ACltES of corn, fall wheal, alfalfa
and Brass land on South Loup river val
ley, Custer county, Nebraska"; black soil,
clay subsoil. Near three railroad towns;
plenty of pure spring watev and shade.
Three sets of Improvements. Will sell
cheap In a body and you can divide to
suit yourself. Or 1 will divide into five
farms and price separately. Only 5 an
acre cash payment required; five and ten
years time on balance, 6 per cent. Farms
for everybody. C. Bradley, Wolbach,
Greeley County. Nebraska.
INVESTIGATE this; don't fall to see
it. Splendid corn land, containing 1W
acres. Ono inllo north of t'agc, Neb.
Price for a few days, .$68 per acre. Run
ning water. W. C. Nepper, Owner. Sioux
City. Is-
Nctt York.
'Why we sell Improved farms so cheap:
W.950 buys 200 acres Improved farm. -loom
house, 2 largo barns, basement, con
crete floor, 24 stanchions, H mile cnurch,
school and store, R. D., telephone. Val
ley Farm Agency. Owego, N. Y.
i Ore son,
Corn, alfalfa, dairy and hogs. You
cannot beat this combination. Ontario
district unexcelled for these products.
'We offer the man of small capital an un
usual proposition. Write owners.
636 Paxlon Ulock. Omaha, Neb.
Upper Wisconsin
Best ouiry and general crop state In
the union. Settlers wanted. Lands for
sale at low prices, on easy terms. Ask
for booklet, 14 on Wisconsin Central Land
Grant. State acres wanted. Write about
our grazing lands If interested in fruit
lands nsk for booklet on applo orchards
In Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., Soo
Line Ry., Minneapolis. Minn.
OFFICIAL publications concerning soli,
cllmato and crops of Wisconsin mailed
free to those addressing Wisconsin Stuto
Board of Immigration, Capitol 1000, Madi
son, Wis.
FREE government land in northern
Stevens county. Wash.; patented land for
sale, per acre and upward; good soil,
good cllmato. For particulars address
Floyd C. Smith. Northport, Wash.
SIXTEEN hundred-acre well Improved
cattle ranch on railroad, two miles from
town, capable of cutting 3,000 tons of hay,
finest of water lights, outside range for
slock; will sell for less than tho water
rights' alono are worth in order to settle
' tin estato; if you are interested come at
once; easy terms.
M. D. McKILLIP, Saratoga. Wyo.
' . ,
i Farms.
ONE 100-acre, one 70-acre. one 160-acrs
ana" one -Boo-acro" farm." All good, level
land, well Improved. Address itobl. Mm
ter, R. F. D. 1, Council Ulutfs, la., yr
poono L-2330.
lino to made nromotly. F. U.
Wead, Wcad Uldg., 18th and Farnam.
tic CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Co.,
u 310-312 lirandels Theater liuilolng.
WANTED City loans. 1'etera Trust Co,
OAT? VIM RROR Loans, MW and up.
U-tt.-ttV.UN XUt,UO.0maha Nnt ijanlt.
CITY property. Large loans a specialty.
W. It. Thomas, 228 State Bank Uldg.
WANTED City loans and warrants.
W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St.
MONEY on hand at lowest rates for
loans on Nebraska farms and Omaha city
property In any amounts.
City National Ilank Uldg.
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms.
1016 OMAHA NATIONAL, Douglas 2715.
CITY and farm loans, 5, V4, 0. J. 11.
Dumont & Co., 1603 Farnam, Omaha.
LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Pros.
FIVE per cent 'farm loans; optional
payments. Win. McCormlck, 1S01 Farnam.
HAVE a client who wants to buy a
good 7-room or 8-room house, located
some place between Farnam and Cuming
Ktreets and between 2Sth and 40th streets;
house must be all modern and not more
than threo or four years old. Party can
pay all cash If necessary and It price is
reasonable. Persons answering this ad
will kindly bring description to office or
telephone D. 292(5.
Ground Floor, Bee Building,
Omaha, Neb.
to California offers cheap for rash or
-will trado for Shetland Pony outfit, a
. celebrated Boston upright Chickerlng
P.ano and a new 7-drawer Singer Sewing
Machine. Address Y-391. Bee.
1 buy, sell or exchange land for you.
M. M. KLINE, Omaha, Neb.
SS1S California St.
Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Llru Stock Commission. Mercliuntu.
MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bid.
Notice ts hereby given that sealed pro
posals will be received by the Board of
Directors of the Farmers' Irrigation dis
trict at.thelr office In the city of Scotts
Bluff, Nebraska, for the purchase of
$76,500 of the six per cent serial bonds of
the district until 12 o'clock m. on the 3d
day of February, 1914. Said bonds are Is
sued by authority of an act of the leg.
islature of the state of Nebraska ap
proved March Zt. 1835, session laws, VsSO,
chapter 70, and the amendments thereto,
and pursuant, to a vote of a majority of
the qualified electors of said district. The
board expressly reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids and will In no event
sell any of said bonds for less than
ninety-five (95) per cent of tbe face
value thereof.
By order of the Board of Directors.
Secretary of tho Farmers' Irrigation Dis
trict, j 13-d-Sltv
Cotton Slarfcel,
NEW YORK, Jan. 21.-COTTON-FU-tures
closed steady; January, 1 :.4?c ;
March, 1170c; May, 12.53c; July. 12.43c;
October. 11.79c. Spot, quiet, middling.
1105c; gulf, 13.30c.
Closed steady and with n a point or
two of the best, at a net advance of
t to 8.
good business done, prices steady; mid
dling fair. 7Sd; good middling. 7.Kd.
middling, 7 ltd, low middling, 7.00d good
ordinary, 6.24d; ordinary, bales
12,000 bales.
flPATN AWn DBnm?f!l? MftBVFP,8:. Michigan. Minnesota and Wlscon-
vmniu mtu i uuiuuu mmuYJji
Wheat Market Proves Listless, with
Prices Dragging;.
Kxtrrmcly Voar Call for the Ornl
Ilrlnna Alioni n llccllnf In Hie
Value of the Cnh'
OMAHA. Jan 21. 1914.
The wheat market was a dull and nar
row affair, showing some strength at the
OMnlne, as u result of hiivlni: bv tilt
snorts, who Influenced by the unexpected
strength at Liverpool. Tno marhet closed
Unchanged to Ho lower. As the trading
progressed pHccb dragged because of In
creasing weakness shown In tho soft vari
eties of winter wheat In all markets and
also because of the weakness In corn,
there was little duing In tn uxi'ou way.
A little Manitoba wheat was Sold and
.a fnlr. quantity has been disposed ot in
tho last few days at the seaboard. To
ledo red winter wheat showed consider
able weakness In this market, while Kan
sas City reported that nearly half of the
arrivals wore of red winter wheat and
that premiums wero rapidly fading aWny,
There were reports of less favorabio
weather conditions In western Europe
and porno outsldo buying support at
Liverpool together with ah improved spot
Corn devc'oDfd considerable weakness.
although tho futures did not decline as
much as the cash article, and tho local
cash market was not as weak relatively
as In the western markets. The ex
tremely poor call for cash corn was the
Incentive tor further heavy selling and
pressure by the leading shorts, and It
also Induced some of the largest buyers
of the last three or four, days to relin
quish their holdings. Marketings at in
terior points wero small because of the
poor condition of country roads. Tho
forecast, however, Is for colder weather
which is expected to start Uie shelters
and to help the condition of the roads,
and Increased marketings are expected.
Oats were UtfVio lower 'at the close,
after a fairly strong start, but the high
prices found sufficient commission house
selling to fill up the pit shorts. Thero
was more or less Irregularity to prices
throughout the day, but the tendency
was toward lower levels, although tho
trade at no tlmo was largo. Cash oats
In tho sample market was cosy and
showed declines of U&'Hc.
Extreme dullness prevailed In pro
visions, with prices lower. The
trade could hardly be called fair at any
tlmo during tho session. The tone of the
market came from rather freo realizing
early, which came partly from the weak
ness of the grain list and partly from
the disappearance of support.
uosn wnoat was uncnangea.
Cash corn was unchanged to lUu
Cash oats were unchanged.
Clearances of wheat and flour were
400.000 bu.; corn, 26,000 bu.; oats, 16,000 bu.
At Liverpool wheat closed Vid higher;
corn. Uid lower.
Primary wheat receipts were 815,000 bu.
and shipments 471,000 bu., against re
ceipts of 1,059.000 bu. and shipments of
680,000 bu. laet year.
Primary corn receipts were 1,208,000 bu.
and shipments 668,000 bu., against re
ceipts of 1,741,000 bu. and shipments of
640,000 bu, last year.
Primary oats receipts were 6&0.Q00 bu.
and shipments 818,000 bu., against re
ceipts of 863,000 bu. and shipments of
699,000 bu. last year.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 20 434 , 137
Minneapolis 324 ... ...
Duluth 15
Omaha 32 160 21
Kansas City 60 150 21
St. Louis 68 DO 3S
Winnipeg 56 ... ...
These sales were reported Wheat: No.
2 hard winter, .1 cars, 82c. No. 3 hard
winter, 1 car. 83c; 2 cars, 82c; 2 cars,
81?c. No. 4 hard winter, 1 car (corn
mixed), SIVic. No. 4 spring, car, EOVtc.
Barley: No. 4, 1 car, 6Sc. Oats:
Standard. 1 car, 37c. No. 3, white,
1 car (choice), 37c: 17 cars, 36Mc;
cars. 36c. No. 4 white, 2 cars,
36c. Corn: No. 2 white, 1 car,
64c; 1 car. 64c. No. 3 white, 1 cor, 62V4c;
1 car. 61c. No. 2 yellow, 5 cars, 61Hc No.
3 yellow, 2 cars, 60Vic; 1 car, G04o; 1 car,
69Vio; 1 car, D9c: 7 cars, 68c; 1 car. 67ic;
6 cars, 67Hc; 4 cars, 57c, No. 4 yellow, 1
car, 57c; 3 cars, 56c: 1 car, Kftta No. 2
mixed, 1 car, 61c. No. 3 mixed, 11 cars,
66c. No. 4 mixed. 1 car, 66c; 2 cars, 54c.
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard.
SlMU74c; No. 3 hard. 80tt83o; No. 4 hard
76HQ81UC; No. 3 spring, 81VMT62C! No. 4
spring. ROSSOVic; No. 2 durum, SlOSlHc:
No. 3 durum, 80SOV4c Corn: No. 2
white, 6464'Ac; No. 3 white. 015?62tfc; No.
4 white, 59H0Ho; No. 2 yellow, 61
61Mc; No. 3 yellow, 67XHe: No. 4 yel
low, 53HQ57C; No. 2, 6014061c: No. 3, 55
56c: No. 4, 634G6c. Oats: No. 2 white,
37tt037?ic; standard, 3714c; No, 3 white,
3637o! No. 4 white, 36c. Barley: Malt
ing, 55-Ef68c; No. 1 feed. 45g54c. Rye: No.
2. 57H058c; No. 3, E76n4cT
Fentnres of the Trading anil Closlnir
Prices on Ronrd of Trade.
CHICAGO, Jan. 21. Shrinkage worse
than at any previous time this season
appeared today in estimates of the Ar
gentine exportable surplus of wheat.
Prices here made a corresponding ad
vance and closed steady with a gain of
K9Uc to U9c net. Other leading sta
ples all finished at loss compared with
the night before, corn USMSbc. oats a
shade to tc, and provisions 2W10e.
Revised figures frtm threshers brought
the probable yield of wheat In Argentina
down to where the margin for export
could not be put at more than 64,000,000
bushels, as against 108,000,000 bushels a
year ago. The effect of this bullish news
was increased by dread that the cold
wave northwest of Chicago might spread
over the winter crop belt and cause a
dangerous sudden freeze.
Improved European demand for wheat
here and elsewhere throughout the west
as well as at the eastern seaboard Brave
prices an additional life, which, however,
failed to last, the bulge having led to
rather heavy relllnr on the part of a
leading firm. Nevertheless, the dip from
top figures was kept within 4e, and was
not regarded by the bulls as more than
what might naturally have been ex
pected. Statements that the number of meat
producing animals on farms had de
creased 5 to 7 per cent as compared with
last year tended materially to pull down
the price of corn. The. market made
only a temporary response to early ad
vices that the Argentine eroa was falling
to maintain recent high promise. Oats
weakened with corn. Selling from com
mission houses developed as soon as
prices had shown a little upturn.
Provisions regained much of a decline
due to more liberal receipts of hogs than
expected. The rally came about in con
sequence of the reported falling off in
the total of meat producing animals on
Quotations on futures:
Artlclel Open. Hlgh. Low. I Close. I Yes'y.
91T4 92?4 9174 63 91
E8 $7H 87H 874
65Ji 54 66 6311 C6?i
64H 64T4 6414 64K. 614
39 34 39 S9H 39'i
3W 39U 384 SST4 3S
21 7214 -21 76 21 624 ' 21 7214 21 SO
11 27V4I 11 30 11 25 11 30 11 3254
"65 II 70 I 11 60 H 6714 11 70
ShlSif2!?.a'i!;- Price Wheat: No. 2
iiaiu, nw. o naru, 5&v.SjKmci
No. 2 northern, 90?fJlo: No. 3 northern
SSfiSOc; No. 2 spring. SWIPOc: No. 3 .nrw"
88QS9C, Corn: No. 3, 6sy4T?C954c; fco. i
r. i.i.r, Tyi.wrxv, ,nu. a yellow, iIc.
Oats: No. 3 white, 40&41V4c; No. 3 white
S8(838Ho; standard, 3J39Uc Rye: No 2
el. Barley; 50879c. Timothy. S3.7&85 '
Clover: $U.7514.50. Pork: 121.60. Lard:
BUTTER Lower; creameries, 23324c to
EGGS Lower! receipts. 3,649 cases; at
mark, rases included, tkQSMte; ordinary
firsts. 28y4tr29c; firsts, lie.
CHEESE Higher; daisies. 18c; twins
17Uei7c Americas, 17J5317;c, long
horns. 18c.
POTATOES-Lower; receipts, 45 cars;
Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin, red,
white, Ouo 67c.
Quotation of (he Day on Vnrlons
NOW YORK, Jan. . FLOUR-Steady;
!5'-mt. Llenl8- -!KW: winter straights.
lt.l04.I6i winter patents. $4.404.65;
spring clears. 14.00fl4.M; extra No. 1 win
ter, $io503.75; extra No. 2 winter. tt.SJtf
3.50: Kansas straights, $l,0564.ti.
WHEAT-Spot barely steady; No. 2
hard winter, 97V, c. 1. f.. to arrive; No.
2 red. Sl.oili nominal, elevator, domestic,
No. l northern Manitoba. $1.09, f. p. b.
afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth, $i.0l, f. o.
l afloat. Futures steady, closing 4ffSo
net higher; May. Kic; July. WHc.
HOPS Quiet, state, common to choice.
1913 crop. 40tf48c; 1912 croP, C?ri6c; Pacific
coast, 1913 crop. 23027c; 1912 crop. 22(c.
HIDES-Steady; Bogota, H41faiHc; Cen
tral America. 29V4C
PETROLEUM Steacy; refined. New
ork, bulk, $5.25; barrel, t6 cases,
VOOI-Qulet; domestic fleece, XX
Ohio. 2ft26c.
CORN Spot market steady; pew No. 3
yellow, 70c. c. I, f., New York, to arrive.
OATS Spot market quiet; standard
white, 44HMc; No. 2 wh'to. 4;ytf45.4c; No.3
3 white 4m44Hc; No, 4 white. 43444; all
elevator; fancy clipped white. Hif47c.
HAY Quiet; standard, $1.0314: No. 1,
$l.O51.07Ht No, 2. Kclf$1.00; No. 3. S5U00c
LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, ff
30c: seconds, 2S1i29c.
PROVISIONS-Pork steady, mess. $23.50
4521: family, $21,5027.00: short clears.
fI0.2522.50. Beef, steo-y. mess. $IS.Hr
18.50: family, Jin.OoajM.PO. Cut meats.
Bteady; pickled bellies. 10 to 14 ihs.. $tl.2w
13.2S: pickled hums, 113.50. Lard, steady:
middle west. $11.101111.20; refined, barely
steady; continent, $11.85; South America,
$12.25; compound, firm: 8HtfHc
TALIOW Steady; city. 64c; country,
63 tc: special, 517c.
Bl'TTBR Weak; receipts. 10,300 tubs;
creamery extras. 30V431c; firsts, 2S30e;
held extras, 3lj45?3IV4c; firsts. 28t4H31c;
process extras, 24V4(ff25c; factory firsts,
CHEESE Firm; receipts, 1.100 boxes;
state, whole milk, held specials, lTiOlSc;
average fancy, 17i17V4c; fresh specials,
EGGS-t'nsettled: receipts, 6.003 cases;
fresh eitthered extras. 34fi35c: extra firsts.
3'UiiiX.l.. fimto iiffSlo' refrigerator firsts.
SOHSWlc: nearby hennery whites, 30i40o.
l'UUl,Tiir-uresseo, quiet; irean kmicu
western chickens, 16024c; fowls, 15fflSV4c;
turkeys, lSf25c.
BUTTER No. 1, 1-lb. cartons, 33c; No.
1, bO-lb. tubs. 31c.
CHEESE lmpohtcd Swiss, 20c; Ameri
can Swiss, 21c: block Swiss, 22c; twins,
20c; daisies, 20c; triplets, 20c; Young
Americas, 2lc; blue label brick, ISHc;
llmberger. 2-lh., 20c: Now York white, 20c.
FISH-Whlte, freeh, 13c; trout, fresh,
17c: largo crannies, fresh. 11c: Spanish
mackerel, 16o; snafl roe, por pair, 40o:
salmon, fresh, 10c; halibut, fresh, lie;
ouuaio, so; DUiineadn, lie; cnannoi cat
fish, 15c; pike, 15c; pickerel, 12c.
POULTRY Brollom. I4.00tt6.00 Dcr doz.:
hens, 15c; cocks, 12c; ducks, 18c; geese,
1ft. nA. 1 rr.n.l a nnM .In 91 1
ducks, full feathered, 12'4c; geese, full
feathered, lie; squabs, No. 1, $1.50; No.
2. 60c.
Wholesale nrlces nf be of cuts effective
today In Omaha are as follows:
BEEF CUTS-No. 1 ribs, 174c; No. 2.
lS?ic: No. 3, 12Hc No. 1 loins. 18c; No.
2, 17c; No. 3, 13ic. No. 1 chucks, 10c;
No. 2, 10Uc; No. 3, 9V4c. No. 1 rounds,
13Wc; No. 2, 13c; No. 3. 12c. No. 1 plates,
8V4c: Ko. 2. 8c; No. 3. 714c
wnmrnff r-. . l.. .... 1 a
x' ijm. ao wrtvnbea. VjUiuuiuii iinvvmi
extra fancy Sunkist. 00, 126, 150, 176, 200
and 2&0 sizes, $3.00; 250 size, $3.50; 28S size,
$2.40 : 324 size, $2.23: Florida. M and 126
sizes, $3.00: 150, 17$, 200 and 210 sizes, $150;
25) slzo, $140; 2kS and Ml $2.&;
1'ionaa Kumquais, per dox, xoc. Appies:
Extra fancy Washington Jonathans, per
box. $2.23: White Winter Pearmalns. per
box. 12.23: fancy White Winter Fear-
-ains, per box, $2.00; fancy Idaho Block
Twjgs, per box, iz.oo; fancy jaano uaia-
wins, per box, iz.vj; rancy laano lorn
Imperials, per box, $2.00; fancy Idaho
Wulbrldses. per box.'. fancy Idaho
Willow Twigs, per box, ll.s; fancy Idaho
Bmiin cmer, per box, ti.ta; extra rancy
Idaho Northern Spy. Greenings or Kings.
Eer box, $2.00; extra fancy Idaho Ram
os, per box, $2.25; extra fancy Ben Davis,
per oox, 11.03; tancy .uen uavis, per dox,
11.50; choice Bert Davis, per box, $1.40;
lien Davis, per bbl.. 31.5a: York Imperials.
per bbl., $4.50; Mlnklers, per bbl., $..60.
Lemons: Extra fancy Sunkist, 300s and
SCOs, per box, $2.00; extra choice Red Ball,
300s and 860s, per box, $7.50. Grapes: Extra,
fancy Emperors, per crate, $2.25; Earl's
Emperors, per bbl., $4.00; Imported Mal
agas, extra fancy, $7.00; fancy, $6,50; extra
choice, $6.00; choice, $5.50. Grapefruit:
Extra fancy Florida, S6s, $3.50; 46a and 96s,
$3.73; 54s, 64s and 80s, $1.25. Cranberries:
Per box, $2.75; Bell and Bugle, per bbl.,
$9,00;. Be.ll and Cherry, por bbl., $8.50; late
red. per bbl., $8.24; Rlchaad. tfer'bbl., $9.0),
oxtreme Jumbo, per bbl., $11.00.
VEGETABLES Potatoes: Genuine ilea
River Early Ohio, per bu., $1.00: Rural
or Bur banks, per bu., 85c; Idaho Iturals,
per bu., JSOc. Sweet potatoes: Per hamper,
$1.25. Cabbage: Holland seed, per lb., 2o;
red, per lb., 30c. Onions: Ohio, largo Red
Globe, per lb., 2V4c; Spanish, per crate,
$1.60. Tomatoes: California, per 4-basket
crate, $2.00.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
WHEAT No. 1 hard. SBttc: No. 1 north
ern, 86Hy8Snc: No. 2 northern, S1T43T4o:
No. 3. 81Ttit3Jio; May, SifiO7!4c; July,
muuit fancy patents, j.od; iirst
clears, $3.35; second clears, $2.50.
RYE 65c.
BRAN 122.00.
CORN No. 3 yellow, 6W57o.
oats no. 3 wnite, 3ortJuc.
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
2 hard, 83WQ8Hc; No. 2 red, 80Qi91V4c.
CORN No. 2 mixed, 63c; No. 2r 60c;
No. 2 white. 74e: No. 3. 65c.
Closing prices of futures: Wheat, May,
WHEAT May. 6SGttc: July, 831 c.
CORN May, 6767V4c; July, (66Hc.
OATS No. 2 white, 39c; No. 2 mixed,
BUTTER Creamery, 34c; firsts, 23c;
seconds, 32c; packing, 19V4c.
EGGS Flnts, 31o; seconds, 20c.
POULTRY liens and springs, 13c.
Omann Hnr .Market,
1 to choice upland, lll.ooqil.&O; No. 2,
$9.004111.00: No. 3, $7.00(fi9.00; No. 1 to
choice midland. $10.00311.00; No. 2, li.COQ
10.00; No. 3, $7.0i39.00; No. 1 to choice
lowland, $S .0008.60; No. 2, $7.00(SfS.00; No.
3, $5.0007.00.
BTRA W Choice oat or rye, W.OOS.fjO;
choice whoat, $3.0Q6.50.
ALFALFA Choice, $14; No. 1. $12.00
1S.O0; NO. 2, $10.0012.00; No. 3. $8,00
St. I.onls Genral Slarkrt.
ST. IJUIS, Jan. 21.-WHEAT-No. 2
red, 95fi96'4o: No. 2 hard, S84iQ93c; May,
9lHc; July. 85Ho.
CORN-No. 2, 6414c; No. 2 white, 694c;
May, 67067'.4o: July. 656T4c.
OATS No. 2. 39040c; No. 2 white, 41Q
41V4c: May, S9ft33T4c; July, 39Uc.
RYE 61c.
Liverpool Grain Market.
firm; No. 2 red western winter, 8sj No. t
Manitoba, 7s 2d; No. 2, 7s Id; No. 3. 7s.
Futures, steady; March. 7s 2Ud: May,
7h Hid: July, 7s lfcd.
CORN Spot, firm; American mixed,
6s hv4d; La Plata futures, easy; February,
4s 3V4d; Marcn, 4s iua.
IJvatinrnteit Apples and Dried Fruits
DRIED FRUlTS-rrunes, firm; apri
cots, firm, but Inactive; peaches, quiet;
raiBtns, neglected.
Dry Goods Market.
New prices on men's wear serges were
today from 2c to 6c a yard below
initial prices for fall. Cotton goods were
steady and yarns were 'higher. Wool
underwear has sold freely for fall.
, j
London Wool,
LONDON, Jan, 21. The jfferlngs at the
wool auction sales today amounted to
11,000 bales. Americans bought greasy
and crossbreds.
London Mtoek Market.
LONDON. Jan. 21. American securities
opened slightly lower today, but later
the list advanced on light covering. At
noon tho tone was steady and prices
ranged from unchanged to half above
Cattle in Active Domtuid and Fully
Ten Centi Higher.
Sheep and Lambs In Liberal neectpt,
Quality Good and Prices for
All Grades Sternly rrllh
SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 21. 114.
Offlc tal Monday ,310 6,5 1MU
Official Ttitfaitay 6,133 H.219
nsumaiQ weuncsday... 5,300 Kmw
Three Jny this wk.t13.S3 40.3S5
S&mA 4iAV nt rw ri iiri
---- i "lev vf)rtf,itii uiViW m'w
Until rlnv t wtm . t nM M WT
game days 3 wks. aso.11,655 2S.050 2S.524
"njnc unys WKS. ago, 6.0S1 19.4&3 1C,S
frame days Ust year.. 16,079 40.1M 48.1M
The following table shows the receipts
rn I II. V. . . . ... .....
" " nuns nu unccp at mo douiu
Omaha live stock market for the year to
"a vuuiyarea witn last year:
.B, ,1... T ..
.,, AUU.
Cttlo fJi,9 67.2M 1,000
Shcen 159.1S8 161.754 7.43J
lhe following table shows tho range of
... ...i ni mo routn umnna live
stock market for the last few days, with
Date. 10U. lBli.1912.l!)ll,1910.U90a.llH.
S 06
8 06i
7 16
7 24
7 12;
6 W
7 871
7 82
I 6 82
4 30
4 23
4 16
4 03
4 2J
4 29
4 -VI
4 26
4 a
4 27
4 23
6 03
8 23
6 IS
8 28
8 48
8 66
8 42
r 10
7 75
7 78
6 74
6 82
5 86
6 87
S 87
5 93
8 04H!
7 93H
8 01H
8 13H
8 M(
r. 17
7 02
6 061
7 73
7 6
7 69
7 09
7 11
7 15
7 2
7 S6
7 St
6 15
6 04
t! 06
7 72
7 7
7 84
8 47
8 44
6 06
8 mi
8 331
3 U
8 :sii
6 05
7 69
8 311
8 32
6 m'
7 27
5 97
C. M. & St. P 4
Wabash 3
Missouri I'nclflc
Union Pacific 20
Hogs. Sheep. Hrs.
10 ... i..
... A
50 ;u
7 12
60 4 2
3 2
26 6
11 8
r. ,
187 . Is I
C. & N. W east.. 1!
C. N. W.. West.. 27
C St. P. 0 16
C. 1). & O.. east.. 4
C H. Q., west., 2n
C. R. 1 & 1.. cast..
C, R. I. &. P., west ..
Illinois Central
c. a. w s
Total receipts... ISO
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Morris & Co 62.1
fwlft Si Co 612
Cuduhy Packing Co.... CX3
Armour St Co 5SI
L. P. Co 6
8. O. P. Co fi
fit. Clair 16
Cudohy, Sioux City
W. U. Vansant Co 3
Benton Vansant & Lush 46
IIII1 d Son 93
F. II. Low! to
Huston Si Co 27
J. II. Root & Co.. i 152
J. II. Bulla K
L. F, Huss 65
Rosenstock Bros 22
Werthelmer & Degon.. 1
H. F. Hamilton... 17
Sullivan Bros 42
Rothschild & Krebs.... 26
Wo. & Kan.-Cal. Co... 1
Christie 47
HlKKlns 21
'Huffman 1
Roth 10
Dennlson & Francis.... 4
Krebs 12
Raker. Jones & Smith.. 58
Tanner 41
Harvey 151
Iowa Cattle Co 24
Other buyers 157
Total 3,563 12.10G 13,497
CATTLE Receipts wero light this
morning, only 129 cars betmr reported in,
but for tho week receipts are very close
to what they were one and two weeks
ago, but slightly smaller than a year
In the face of the light receipts of cat
tle there was an active demand and kill
ers of alt kinds, that In, beef steers, cows
and heifers, were fully 10o higher and
active at the advance. Buyers were all
out In the yards early In the morning,
so that the offerings were cleared up In
very good season. While there wero no
strictly choice or prlmo beeves on sale
there were somo right good cattle that
sold up as high as 88.75. It Is sato to
quote the market on beet steers as 15920a
higher than Monday, or a Uttlo stronger,
some would soy strong to 10a higher than
the bnst time last week. Cows and heifers
are 25o higher than lost week's close.
Blockers and feeders of good quality
were scarce and fully steady. Trashy
kinds were slow th'o' same aa they havs
been every day this week.
, Quotations on Cattle: Good to choice
btef steers. 8.60(ao.0tf; fair to good beef
steors, $8.4028.60; common to fair boet
steers, I7.85S8.40; good to choice cornfed
heifers, IS. COO 7.75; good to choice cows,
J0.4OO7.00; fair to good grades, 5.0Otl.4O;
common to fair grades. i4.25i&6.G0: good
to choice stackers and feeders, $7.5068.00;
fair to uood stockera and feedera. MTMfi
7.60; common to fair stockera and feed
ers, $6.0036.75; stock cows and heifers.
J5.40tJfl.80; veal calves, 17.00G 10.00; bulls
Representative sales:
No. At. IT. 6 .....112t t U
iO , 1095 to No. at. Pr.
133 7 30
1771 I K
44 im t it
37 K) 111
20 1241 8 85
h in: i (o
77 1120 I 40
17 HM I 40
1 Ill) I SO
U H2S i to
17 1(55 S M
t mi i u
It list El
. W5 7 M
.1021 7 76
412 I 00
.1110 00
. 719 S 00
.1042 I 00
.1007 S OS
Til I 10
IA, 1201 120
t 1011 S 35
:o nit i o ct laoi i to
10 HIT t 10 II tut I it
67S I 7
S00 T TS
..1016 7 II
180 7 K
in iso
., Ill 7 65
,.1M0 ( Si
. . o e no
..1141 6 00
..1087 I 10
..SOU 20
..1111 30
.. 191 6 25
.. S0J 6 so
.,1164 C SS
..1021 I 40
...1140 4 16
...ins e 70
...I117 a 9a
1...... 1020 a fn
. ...
1117 ( is
.. M7 tt It
..lots e 14
..1037 ( SO
..111! 7 00
..J0M 7 00
.. ill T 00
..m 7 ss
..1204 7 40
. . .. .
.1114 45
1154 46
1143 (64
1141 ( U
8J9 7 15
3 ,
, 171 I 46
(71 6 75
4.60 (SO
..... 140 ( 0
3. tf.a t m
30 7 35
c K 7 13
J 100 7 35
1 700 7 M
.... S3S 7 (0
1011 7 00
(20 7 00
, I4 1 00
. M 7 00
.... SIS 7 (5
.... 310 7 71
.... 670 I 00
, Ml 7 23
710 I 60
1010 6 SO
uto s as
...,1370 ( 00
n'Ji ( o
.....1160 ( 26
1 144 I 7
1 HW ( n
i ,...1145 S 7
1 1(30 7 00
1 ISM 7 00
1700 7 00
J ..ltOO 7 10
.1 400 7 IS
140 7 60
1 1040 ( 60
1 UtO ( 60
1..,, 1200 ( 60
X 123S ' 6 65
1 ?? 1 75 1 IM s Js
1 tIS 7 60
M 334 7 76
1,., 313 7 76
1 100 00
1 230 00
4 16 60
! 140 60
! I ISO 10 00
170 10 00
1 240 10 n
Diuvnnivo Anu r iSJSUIsrio,
tturint c , , ..... "
I COO ( 60
(S3 ( II
3 7 10
... tSS 7 II
770 7 SO
.... Ill 7 U
1 765 ( SS
.420 (HO
. (31 7 00
.. 430 7 60
. 602 7 CO 11 mj i 7-
, .a - m r" j
'::;;:. vr 112 S 00
iluun-Buppnes were fa rly liberal
oM" (miihi huuui i&t cars or
13.000 head, belnts received. For the thre
days tho total receipts amount to 2S.9H
head. s. shortago of nearly 8,000 head as
compared with a week ago and more than
i, sinaiicr uiuu tor tne same days
Advices from other nolnts wm hi.
couragtng, and as local buyers have for
puma iiuio utru ui tun upimon mat prices
bi iiu iimrMfk wero entirely too nigh
they took this opportunity to force a
slump In values and their first bids were
mode at figures that were a big dim
lower, and In many cases 10315a lower
As a result of this bearlshness on the
part of buyers the early trade was very
draggy. and during the first coupln of
hours not much of anything was done.
Buyers held out for the decline, how
ever, and as there did not appear to be
any chance for values to strengthen up
sellers finally hegnn to t ut loose at prices
that were fully n dime lower. 'Up to this
time activities had been confined solely
to tho good hogs, buyers In tho majority
of cases refusing to even make a bid on
the commoner grades.
As the morning advanced prices did
brace tip a very little In spots, but tho
general market showed Uttlo change from
the early prices, As was the. case on the
earlier days of the week buyers did not
want the common grades, inl during the
early part of the forenoon not much of
anything was done with them. loiter on
buyers did make bids on the light hoes,
but In most cases sellers were of tha
opinion that theso offers were too low,
so that at mlddAy there wero still n
number of lends In first hands,
On the whole tho market ran be quoted
as a dime lower. Bulk of tho snles was
made at lS.00tfS.30, and a few loads of
rood butcher and heavy hogs sold as
nigh as I9.37H, tho high prlco for the
Representative sates:
No. At. Bh. rr. No. A. 8h. Tr.
M ill ... I l K til 40 MU
IJ.......1T5 ... 1 00 41 35 ...
4 Ill ... o M.......X1I to I M
H - ... I (VI ) M7 100 I 16
ti. it m x ;Tj ,.. i so
7 114 Z4 0 M til ... 190
t,,...,,t; 40 05 1 3W H IM
47..,...,r:4 ... iio si so io im
t IIS ... I 10 fit SSI ... I so
(0.. 180 ... I 10 74 Sid 44 8 SO
10., ttt H 1 10 II HJ , . Ill
t 107 ... 1 10 3 .1M ... ISO
(7 30T ISO I 10 71 SSI ... I SO
10 ..117 iO IS 3 !3 IM I 30
74 IIS 10 I U S3 tIS ... I SO
M 190 ... I H 74 til M S SO
42 ..IIS ... Ill M.......tt4 10 I 30
7 SX ... 17V4 "7 ...
u... ,,.m ... I 90 7 4 ..
71 m tlO t 91 30 794 ... I M
(C, 330 40 ISO 76., Stl) ... RSI
7S til ,,, IJI (t SOU ... its
74.. .,,,.140 M I SO 41 30a ... I SI
n ..MS 10 I 10 71 2H ... I 31 ,
IS S10 ... ISO 34.......S04 ... I 374
II til ... I 10 :t ITU ... I 374
40...... .Ml ... I 2 M IS7 ... I ST1!
to...... .m ... 8 4 gi m ... I stw
30 117 ... 7 10 Ill ... 7 71
SHEEP Yesterday's advancing ten
dency to prices brought In a liberal run
this morning, as the receipts footed up
some 15,700 head, against 6,400 a week ago
and 9,6.16 two wceka ago. Comparing the
receipts wllh this time last year they
continue to nin about the same. While
there wero no really toppy lambs In evl
dvncu the number of fairly good lambs
showod an Increase, making tho general
quality of the offerings better than on
any previous day of the week. Both is
to site and quullty the supply of aged
sheep was little It any different, consist
ing mostly of ewes and a few scattering
loads of wethers and yearlings.
On tho whole tho general trado was
rather slow, yet most everything on tho
killing order 5vas disposed of at prices
about steady with yesterday. Tho pack
ers continued to favor the better finished
grades of both sheep and lambs, and as
a rule such kinds found a bettor outlet.
Anything common or only half warmed
up was hard to move at times, which Is
always the case when the receipts nro
liberal and the buyers have plenty of
fairly good stuff from which to make
selections. A clearance was not offoctod
until rather late In the day.
The range of prices on lambs was prac
tically In tho snmo notches as yesterday.
It being possibly moro narrow becausa
of the fact that tho lambs In general
were of a better class. A eproad of 17.65
7.90 would Include most sales ond the
latter figure was top, being Identical
Willi tho highest price tho dny before.
Ewes changed hands around $3.0006.33.
Some yoarllngs brought $6.75.
Quotations on sheep and lambs : Lambs,
good to choice, J7.S5Sj8.10; lambs, fair to
good. J7.25fl7.85; lambs, culls, J5. 605H1 00;
yearlings, light, J8.40tf6.90; yearlings,
heavy. J5.76.40; wethers, good to choice,
J5.r0SC.B0; wethers, fair to good 6.2546.60;
ewe, good to cholco, J5.0C6.50; ewes,
fair to good, J4.40O5.00.
Representative sales;
No. Av. Pr.
246 cornfed lambs 80 7 90
253 cornfed lambs 78 7 90
4 cornfed yearlings 100 6 50
2 cornfed ewes 115 6 25
182 Oregon wethers 100 5 25
181 Oregon wethers 100 r. 23
164 Oregon wethers 103 5 23
ICO Oregon wethers J S
111 Oregon wethers 104 6 23
73 Oregon Wothors 116 4 JO
273 Idaho ewes ., JH B 2J
15 culls 1 W
8 Idaho ewos 98 5 g
243 Idaho yearlings M 6 65
443 Idaho lambs J8 7 65
243 cornfed lambs 81 7 90
116 cornfed lambs I 60
67 cornfed lambs . i '
184 cornfed lambs 90 7 75
103 comfort lambs 02 7 .5
163 cornfed lamb S -
210 cornfed ewes i.t. 99 6 3o
744 cornfed lamb w 7 w
tna 74 7 70
212 cornfed owes 102 5 i
n fnrnint wetners yj
K Si
7 7i
7 80
131 cornfed lambs
147 cornfed lambs
60 culls
285 cornfed lambs
19K nnrnfed lambs
72 6 75
07 7 40
75 7 75
78 7 73
240 cornfed lambs
245 cornfod lamps
200 cornfod lambs
213 cornfed ewes
186 cornfed ewes .
201 cornfod owes
74 7 70
(A 7 09
104 4 93
107 4 93
103 4 93
ciiicAfio Livn stock jiaiikbt
OMtl Hlenilr to Shade lllaher
Hosts WenU.
CHICAGO, Jan. 2I.-CATTLK-Rccclpts,
17,000 head: market, steady to a shado
ui'T... ...,A! Texas steers.
8.90H8.10: western steers, J6.6Q8.W:
stockers and feeders, tf.&rcows and
hellers, ii.wv.w, "5" i.w
IIOOS-Recelpts, 45,000 head; market,
weak, mostly lvo lower: uum oi iw,
pigs, 6,TCO$.10. 7k mlM
B1II5EI' ANU JftM41B JtcceilJin, j,vw
i. . . .i Mn.Vni k I nn t. in 1 T-.o. hlchert n h -
ilTCIU, ltl4ll . . ....
live. M.9OO6.10! western, year
llngr, t5.9043;7.30; lambs, native, 1O,&0.1O;
western, 5i.wu..
Knuuia City Live Stock MnrUet.
KANSAS CITY, Jan. !1.-CATTLE-R-celpts,
4,500 head; market strong to 10c
higher; prlmo fed steers. 8.00(89.25;
dressed beef steers, $7.40flS.M; western
steers. M.768.W; southern steers, PL2!4i
8.00; cows, 4.257.W; heifers, W.WaSJb;
stockers and feeders, 6.00S.OO; bull(lS5.&9
5f7.60: calves, I4.607ni.00.
TIOOB Receipts, 9,700 head; market,
loo lower; bulk of sales, 8.00'88.40; heavy,
S1.SM.45; packers and butchers, ti.'Miii.U;
light. $7.90Ji.20; pigs. I0.767,W.
SHEEP AND LAMUS Receipts, 10.030
head; market steady to 10c lower; lambs,
$7.438.00; yearlings. Kl.25tf7.00; wetheis,
W,2yu6.75; owes, tl.76o36.00.
I - .
Sioux City Live Htoosc aiitrurt.
Receipts. 1,200 head; market firm; native
sUers, J7.EC8.K! butcher stock, 19.2MW.40;
cannors, $3.7G.00 stockers .and feeders,
JS.KX&7.10; calves, $9.00fl0.e0; bulk of
sales. 56.503j.CO.
HOaH-Ilccelpts, 4,700 head; market, 10a
lowor; heavy, tS.10S.20; mixed, IS.or,
8.10; light, S7.GO88.0Q; bulk of sales, IS.OC
head; market steady; fed muttons, tZ.'JxiJ
.eo: wethers, I4.o0n6.t0; ewes, 83.75(84.85;
lambs. tS.50S7.50.
St. Louis Lire Stack SInrket.
celpW, 2,500 head: market steady; native
beef steers, $7.5039.20; cows and heifers,
$t.003.OO, native calves, $(1.0011.00.
HOOB Receipts, 11,400 head; market 5c
lower; pigs and lights, $0.5034.45; mixed
and butchers, $3.UrU8.62V4". good heavy,
BHEEP-IRecelpts. 6,400 head; market
steady; native muttons, $5.0006.50; lambs,
S(, Joseph Live Slock Market,
celpts, 1,KK head; market strong to 10c
higher; steers, $5.00ft9.00; cows and heif
ers. (4.358.50: calves, is.maio.50.
HOa.S-Recelpts, 8.000 head; market 5c
lower: top. $8.4b; bulk of sales. 8S.10tf8.40.
BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,000
head; market strong to 10c higher; lambs,
Llvci Slock In SlKhl.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
BIoux City , 1.900 4,700 300
St. LOUl , 2,300 11,10) 6,400
Kansas City 4,500 .7C0 lO.OOo
South Omaha...,...,. 3,2 19,000 15,700
St. Joseph , 1,600 5,0)0
Chicago 17,4X0 45,000 6,00(1
Total ,.. .30,200 88,800 U00
Key to the Sltuatlon-nce Advertising.
Dealings on Enlarged Scale and
Prices Rise Steadily.
Market Hrllrveil or Rrntrnlnl Under
Wltti'h It Una Labored for Srv
ernl !)' Awnltlnir Presi
dent's Mpmhikp,
NEW YORK. Jan. 31.-DeallliKs In both
stocks and bonds wero on an enlarged
scale today And prices rose steadily.
There wns nn Insistent demand for se
curities nf nil classes and nearly eighty
of tho stocks traded In tnada gains of
1 to 2 points, or more. Tho sustained
character of the buying made the market
one of tho Iwst from the standpoint of
bullish oMrutor of any day since the
Improvement set In last month.
Influences surrounding the market wore
highly favorable and It was obvious to
traders that a response was to bo ex
ccted In the movement of prices. Tho
market was relieved nf th renlrnlnt un
der which It had labored for several days
previously, wnno awaiting the president a
messogo on anti-trust legislation. In a
general way sentiment was Impressed
favorably by tho mcstugo.
Another Important factor was the
marked success of New York stato's of
fering of J51.O0O.000 of 44 ner cent bonds.
Tho sale of this ls.ue at abovo 101 and
the large over subscription gave direct
cvldcnco of tho Improvement In tho In
vestment situation. The price which tho
nanus urougut nnu an immediate eueci
on the securities market. Quotations of
tho bonds "when issued." which opened
nround 1WH. shot up to 107T. Through
out mo Dona market prices roso on act
ive trading.
Recent reports of Improving business
conditions, especially In tho steel and
iron industry, found partial coiumnauon
In tho wookly steel trado reviews.
Total sales of bonds, par value, J5,-
Timed States 2s, coupon, advanced
on call, Tho 3m, registered, declined Ui
and Panama 3s, registered, on call.
Nmber of sales anu tcaaina quotations
on stocks were:
). llllh. Low. Clol
AmtliinuUd Copper ... 15,109 714 714
Amorlcin AirkoUuml ,. too tsv; 0154 MU
American llxt Musar.,., too SJ 17 H 3'
American Out . 2t,Ano S4H 3-1 1 Hit
American Can pu l.tKXi WH I4i Mi
American C. & 1' 1.7IM 4I4 44 41
American Cotton Oil,,.. 2,fM) 41 41 4SU
Am, lc Hecurlllea. it) S5U Si H
American l.lotMvl too ll, HU 11
Amerlcon Wnmollta ,,, 1,900 SSH 35 15 '4
American H. A H. ....... X.000 ) llti it
Am, 8. ft II. pM , 101H
Am. Huiar I'-ellnlnf 300 10414 1034 IM
American T T 1,300 112U 11)4, mi
American Tulnrco SOO H3V4 241
Anaconda WlnltiR Cu.,.. 3. too 34 S5t 3SU
Alrhlaon 4,700 t14 55 SI 5,
Atchlaon ptd I9V4
Atlantlo Coni Lin 400 11414 124 114
lliltlmora & Ohio.,. 4.70O I S5Vi II 4H
UHhlehem Hleel SK0 37 !H ti
Drooklrn ltapld Tr I. WO 91U M IIV4
liintnian Pacltlo 7,100 J1SK Sll5i ZIH
Central leather 7,100 ST U t31
Clieaapeake) A Ohio 4,100 7 CS14 T4
ITlilcnco (1. W 00 MS 14 14
Chicago. M. & St. P.,,..' 5,100 104H 10344 104S
Chlrsito N. W.... 1,10(1 1S4 113 1J1V4
Cnlnradn Iuel 4V. Iron.... 3,400 5314 SSH 3.1
l-nnimUdated Oaa 1.CO0 ISS4 134 134
Porn l'roducla 3,100 ll4 1114 lt'4
Dalawar ft Hudaon , .... ISt
Denver At Ilio (Irandt..., too U 1IH 19
Danror A 11. O, pfd too 30U. :H SOU
niitlllera' Recur It lea .... J.doii 1IU 1714 It
Krl. 1M00 31 V4 304i 314
Krle lit ptd 4,100 4H 47U. 4IH
Krle id pfd MO 3IH4 39 IIU
tleneral Klsctrlo 1. 100 1474, 148 14i
Great Northern pfd...... J.fOl IMS 1H 1I9V4
Ureat Northern Or ctti. M1) SDK 38 34 U.
llllnnla Central lis
Interboinuih Mel 1,704 UK 1SS 154
lntr. Met pfd 1,400 lilt 1H 1H
Inttrnntlnnal llarreaUr.. too 110 lODVi 110
Inter-Murtno ptd 16
International Paper 3.100 H t 64
International Pump 400 f. tK 8.
Kaneis Cltr Houtlieru... 1,300 27 . S4V4
I.arle.1 llaa ' 97
I.hth Valley 9.700 IM IMS 1M4
Iulivlllo N-hvlll.. 1.100 1SW 139 , 13111
M.. l. P. . H. 81. M. (V 130 wj M4 JS0U
MlMOtirl. K. ft T 400 1344 2ti
Minourl racme zu in. zt
National Placult
SM 1S7H ltd Its
National Lead (00 61U 4114 M
N. It. H. ot M. 3d ptd., 200 12U t U
New York Cntrl (.400 4U 3 I4'i
N. Y., O. A W 1.6M till tH
TJni-loilr A Weatern 2.100 10144 104 104
North American 400 7144 7IH 71V
K Ac weatern , j' . ju,
American '. 400 71H 7IH 7lt
rn Pacific ,K 115 114 1I4U
i Mall 1.700 2741 SU
,lvanla ... 7,400 114T4 11JU JI4'
', Oaa . 1.000 12444 118 U4
Pacltlo 1
I C. r. & Ht. L 600 I7H 7 74
Plllhiral foul 3.000 204, 20 tOti
Preaaed Rteel Car 3,600 3 Hi 32 lVi
Pullman raiace tar.,..,, in mi
neidin; !.... n.m nut 11014 wk
lUpubllc Iron & Rteal... 2.600 3444 241, 2H,
nepuhllc 1, A B. Pfd....'. BOO M 1144 "7
rtm-U Iilanil Co oo IS 14U 14
Ttock laland Co, pfd 8.400 14H 23H
St. U & K. Fi 2d pro ..... . ,w Air Line GOO 114, 1IU IS
Heaboard A. I pfd 1,700 4H 44J4 4JVa
Hloaa.Bliatlleld H. .... "
Southern Parlflo Jt.MO WJ4 J MU
flouthern rtllr 4,600 JW J5 StU
Bo. IlnllwaT pfd 00 ll',i tt 11
Tennee Conoer 2.000 35 S44i S4S
Teaat A Pacific m 14 1 JS
Union ratllio , ii."" !" -
Pnlon l'aciuo pia tw "rt
United BUUa Ttonltir .. . B
I'nlted Stnlen rtubber..,. 1.700 Mi; Mil MJ4
United Htele Steal SVJOO J4H 314 (l
f. H. Hleel pfd ."0 110H W 101
Utah Cnpoer 1.000 61 61 l!
Vn.-Oirollna Chimleal .. (00 3344 12 3jj
Watiaah ' . 34
Wabnah pfd MO J044 10 1014
weat.rn Marjlsnd W J4 34
Weitern Union J.W JJJi "tt
We.tlnliOue V.laetrlo .. 5.I0O f.9'4 CS (J
Wheellnn A Lk Erl ,JJ4
New llaren l.KW f "H
Total aalea for th day, l,00 aharea.
New York Mutiny Market.
Kitw YORK. Jan. 21,-MONEY-Call.
steady: per cent; ruling rate, 2 per
cent; closing, was per cent, nme loans,
weak; sixty days, 3 per cent; ninety days,
314 per cent: six months. 4 por cent.
davs, $4.8300; demand, $4.8640; commercial
bills, $4.82i.
SILVER Bar, C75ic; Mexican dollars.
DONDS Government, Irregular; rail
roiul strong.
Closing Quotations on bonds were as
U. B. raf. la, res.., HHJt. C. So. raf. 6a. 01 i
ao coupon ....... o, sen. fa ihi,.i eiu
U. H. 3a, rec... 103 U A N, unt, 4a 04
do coupon .103UM. K. A T. lit 4a. MVi
V. 8. 4a, r( 1 do nn. 4H I3t4
do roupon ,.,.....111 Mo. Pacific 4 ftl
Panama 3a coupon. .10044 Mo four. Sa...... 77
Amer. Alt. ta 10044 N. H. H. of M. 44.1 60
A. T. A T, ;. 4a. MVtN. T. C. I SHI.-.. MH
Am, Tobacco .,,. 119 'do dab. 4x IIH
Armour A Co. 4H. IIV4N. T. N, II. A 11.
AUhlaon sen. 4a,.,. U4 do rr. Stia 71
do rr. 4a 1SC0..... HUN. A W. Ht 0. 4a.. 947,
do cr. ta 10144 'do cr. 4a ,.101
A. C. L. let 4..,,. tlUNo. Tactile 4a , 4
Dal, A Ohio 4a SIS do 3a (74,
do 3 Ha ,. ,. 11440, 8. U rfd(. 4a. ., It
Jlrook. Tr. cr. 4a... 04;i'nn. cr. I4ia 1116.. IIK
ren. of Os. U.. ..103V do con. 4a 10044
rn. leather 6a.... tl'A ttaadlnc cen. 4s.... 9444
Che. A Ohio 4H.. 1 B. U & H. I f 4 744;
do conr. 4H -' ao sen. o m
Chlcaso A A, 3H. 63 Ht. I 8, V c. 4a., 7644
0. 11. tc Q. j. 4a.. ,. 48. A. U adl. Sa....714i
dn fen. 4a 3448o. Tac. col. 4.... 93
U It A 8 P n 4Vi..03 do cr. 4a. 104,
V. U. I. A r. c. 4a 6114 do Itt raf. 4a tl
do rfr. 4t 774io. Itnllwar la 104V4
C. A R. r A 44ia ll'i do can. 4a... ,... 7644
7). A II, cr. 4a. ..DI44 Union Pacific 4a.... M4i
I). & It, a. rW. 6,, 73 da cr. 4a OH,
Dlatlllera' ta ... ... (444 do lit & ref. 4a.. 12
Newest Steamer in the Trade
Triple "I AllDFIITir' 892
ZB Days JANUARY 31 175 Upward
O-ther Cruises March 4 EMid April
16 to 28 Drxy I45 to 175 Up
Whit I naJ-E- Cor. Masiton mi LiSalle Sk.,
wnitc ax&r Line Ch!caWi 9r Loca, AsMls
Brie p. t. 4 JHU. n. Itnhber 103
in (en. a... TtttU. (T. gleel M M
aa ct. it. it,. ,iv.-i. tnem tn. n
III. On. lt r. 4.. llttWabath Ht V ei 49 htU
later. Met. 4ta 71 Weatern Sid. 4 7t,
Inter. M. M. 4VH .. t Wet. K1eo. ct (t !i
Japan 4Ha , to Wl. Central 4a . s;s
Illd. Offtred.
Ilnsdm Mtoolc ."Market.
BOSTON, Jan. .-Closlng quotations
on stocks were:
Alloue 37 Nerada' Cen
Ami. Opper 78U Nlplnlnit Mlnea
A. Z. U ft 0 Nlrth Ilutt .....
Arliona Om. . . . 4 ll-IG North Ike ..
Csl. Arltona..... tlttOld Dominion ...
HI. ft Ilecla ,,,,.4U Oteeola
Centennial lltiQulney.
-opper Itame 4;. C J4)Jbhnnn
Haet Ilutt C. M... US Superior
I'mnklln SSHuperlnr & 11. 34
(lranbr 1'on IITarouraek
Oreene Cnnaneit ... MbV. S. a. It. eV M
lata Horal Copper. 21 W do pfd .. ..
Kerr Lake 4,t!tnh Con. ..
lJtk CWpprr tltah Copper Co
1 fall Cnpper.,.. 4Wlnnna, .. .
Miami Copper .. 31K Yt'oherlne
Mohawk lis
- i
7 i
(Ills mill Itosilii.
Coffeo Alnrkci.
NHW YORK. Jan. 21. COKKUli-A Ri
fall 11 ro reported this morning was said
to havo occurred somo days ago, but
tho cotfeo nuirkct opened steady at n
decllno of 0 to 17 under scattering llqui.
datlon Inspired by continued heavy llru
xlllan reoelptn. lower Kurupean coblM
and reports of easier cost and frc ght
situation. Tho tlcclllic was cfteikcd
within i or 3 of tho opening figures nml
prices rallied later on bull suppoit. Tin
close was tlrin, net 1 hlHhcr to 4 lower,
sales, 42,000 bags. January, 0.10c; Marih,
:i.2i.c; May. S.lilc: July. 0.71c: Hctiteintiei
li.Plt'i October, 9 Pile; IJccembcr, lO.Otk
npot mitrKct, steady, i(to s, aw, santo
4. 12I4CL Mild, unlet: (Vinlnvn. l:t(lii.'.
OIIFIrm: nrltne summer yollow. $7.O5d0
7.:W; January, $7.11; Murch, $'.:, May,
TlTRl'KNTINE Finn; machlnu bar
rels. 49Jic.
Finn; 46UilT40Hc; sales, 227 bbls,; re
ceipts, G4i tlDIS., snipmCtltS, l-Ut 1)1)18. ,
stocks, 27.6SI bbl.
ROSIN-Finn; sales, 2,523 bbls.; rccelt.ts,
1,437 bbls.; shipment!), 3,011 bbls.; Mtocks,
1G2.ISS bbls. Quote: A, It, $I.02H: C, I), K,
$4.06; F, G, J4.07W; II. $4.10: I, $4.17H. K
$1.45; M, $3.30; N. $.20; WU. $6.30; WW,
Me til I Mnrknt.
NEW YORK. Jan. 21. METALS I.rrul!
Quiet at $4.CC4p4.1u; Iiiulon, 21 12s fii.
Spelter: Quiet ut fi.2OtiG.30; London. X21
12n 6d. Copper: Finn; standard, npot to
April, offered nt $14.60; electrolytic, $14.50
fl4.fi4; Ittko, $15.00, nominal; casting,
$14.264rii.37i. Tin: Firm; spot and Jan
uary, $37.9lvn.tS.25; February, $38.001738.23,
M arch, $3S.10Uf38.30; April, $3H.20tT3.S.37H.
Antimony: Dull; Cookson's, $7.307,1(.
iron; muet ana unchanged.
Tndon markets closed kr follows. Con
ner: Quiet: spot, JCCl 15a; futures, f3,
'PI... 1.S .... . ...... ttm A . ...
16. Iron: Cloveland warrants, 50s 9d.
rerslstent Aaverusmtt ta tho Road to
Dig Returns.
Ground Floor Space
Bee Building
About 1,500 squaro foot
with Fornam street front
age. Now show windowa
boing installed. This room
has a largo vault. Also
extra entranco from tho
Rent Reasonable.
Apply to
The Bee Building Co.,
Hoorrt 103, Dqq nullcllng.
"43 Noon-FrMt to rioin:nn
The apeclal ateamahlp ratea during Januarr
enable you to llt theae charmlnc lalanda
now with tha mailmum of romtort at mini
mum eipenae, An earlr choice la hotel ac
rommoditlona a another Januarr advantaie,
Oo now you may rent or play a your
faney dlotatae. In this land of enchantment,
where, an areraia yearly temperature, of 70
deireea preralla.
Authorlaed hy Dep't, riermuda Oor't,
Bpaclal Sates for January
a Salllnga Weakly
Tickets Interchanreable.
S. S. Arcadian
and Caribbean
The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Sanderson & Son, Gen. AgU.
1C So. La Balle SI. Chicago.
S. S. Bermudian
Quebec S. S. Co., Ltd.
A. K. OtitcrbrJdgo & Co., Affts.,
ia nroadway, tf. y,
ror Booklets apply to abova 8, B, Co'g
or any Tloket Arsnt.
mKM&Vd k sWH
" llalBIP I
To the Mediterranean
rehruary 21 Maroh 7
VA.lHVJl-14 Mf ARCH 14
B. E. Cornar Itadlaou and La Ball
fits., Chlcatro, or Iiocal Ayonts.