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Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1914, Image 5

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viCTQit roskwatkh. kdTtor.
Entered at Omaha postofflce as second-
class matter.
Sunday lie, one year....i IJ-w
Saturday Bee. one yea.... l.M
Daily Be, without suntnj. one year,. 4.00
Dally Bee, and Sunday, one year &(
livening and Sunday Bee. per month... 40e
Htenlng. without Sunday, per month.,. 25c
Dally Bee, Including Sunday, per mo... 65c
Dally Bee, without Sunday, per mOnth.Sc
Address all complaints of Irregularities
In deliveries to City Circulation Dept.
-Remit by draft, express or postal order,
Payable to The Bee Publishing company.
Only I-cent stamps lecelved In payment
ot email accounts. Personal checks, ex
cept on Omaha and eastern exchanges,
not accepted.
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha HIS N Street.
Council Bluffs II North Main Street
I.lncoln-tt Little Bunding.
Chlcago-SOl Hearst Building.
New York-Boom 1104, JS6 Fifth Avenue.
St Louis EOS New Bank of Commerce.
;Vashlngton T2S Fourteenth Bt. N. W.
'Communications relating to news and
Ultorlal matter should be addressed
Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
Slate or Nebraskn. County otDoUglaa. ss.:
Dwlght Williams, circulation mnnnror
et The Bee Publishing company, being
uuiy morn, ays inai xne average dally
elrculatlort for the month of December.
113, was 52,145.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
wiuro me nws m aay or January, 1914.
wal.) Notary Public,
Subscribers tearing; the cltr
rmpraritr ahoald bar The Bee
mailed o them. Address will l
cnanaed aa often an reqaeated.
It Is a rtupld employe who cannot
sje the laughing point In the boras?
It seignwi llko every time anyone
fees to "smoke out" the bonnes tho
JfH Sires out.
.nepreBcntatlve Stanley's Idea 0f
abolishing the "rula of reason" Is
ai altogether IcopocianUc.
Prom the repetition of his death
notice It 'seems aa If Ororco woro
trying to rival our old friend, Men
ellk, .
If Merit Counted.
As Henry Clews ot Now York
rays, If only eight regional reserve
banks, to say nothing ot a larger
titimber, are decided on, one rightly
I'olongs to Omaha. And Omaha
would get one, too, If nothing but
morit controlled tho location of tho
banks. So one with an Intelligent
view ot tho case doubts that, not
even Mr. Dryan, who turns from a
serious consideration of the question
to burlesque It by making It a part
ot his personal fight with Senator
If morit controlled, hero are some
of tho vital points on which Secreta
ries McAdoo and Houston would un
hesitatingly recommend Omaha for
one of these banks:
Kb supremacy as a- banking cen
ter; Nebraska has larger combined
banking assets than any state west
of tho Missouri river, except only
Texas and California.
Omaha's bank clearings are larger
than any city in the United States Its
size and twenty cities boyond ltd
size. Omaha ranks sixteenth in bank
clearings and thirty-sixth in popula
Omaha is the third largest meat
packing center in the world; the
largest butter manufacturing center;
has the largest smelter in tho coun-
try; Is ono of tho six prime grain
markotB of the world; covers a more
extensive territory with Its Jobbing
and wholesale trrtde than any other
western city; Is the soundest com
mercial as well as financial city west
of tho Missouri river.
Its supremacy as a railroad, mili
tary and postal center and tho nat
ural gateway to the west, drawing
trado from every state west of us;
tho headquarters of the leading
transcontinental railroad and the
converging point of nine trunk lines'.
If morit, wo say, Instead of potty
personal politics, controlled thord
would not bo a moment's hesitation
about locating a roglonat bank In
Omaha, whether the total number
decided on was olght or twelve.
; What' Mr. Bryan's friends seem to
o. seeKina; are reason for not ostab
!L g regloaal reserve bank
Mr. Hitchcock's home city.
4 , .
WWllllklHS! Whn,1,!v
100.000,000 New York trout af
iea wna cancer! They must
tWak this country is a big radium
7"P9X n Omaha
Th president) message might be
st to tho tuae of that grand old
liyan, "While the- Lamp Holds Out
to Burs, the Vilest Sinner May Re
Re'publlgan Leader Mann heartily
endorse the1' vital' recommendations
of the'jlresldenVs niopeago, but how
about IfeHiocraUc- Leader Under
wood? Dill vAl(en' White declined- to run
for governor ot Kansas,.' but Via
Murdocjc jJidot, bo it la, all-right,
the nawspapor fellowa still have R
chase .. .
Money Devil and the South.
The old Money Devil la free at last
and tho south exults in Its emanci
"Legislation has its atmosphere
like everything else," runs tho pros
Idont's anti-trust message, "and tho
atmosphere ot accommodation and
mutual understanding which we now
breathe with so much refreshment Is
a matter of congratulation."
Which recalls this from The Now
There Is to be a general release ot tho
capital, tho enterprise pf millions ot tho
people,, ft general opening of ths doors of
.opportunity. With whntia spring of de-
term naUsn. wltnwnai & anotu ox lUDf
lancssiwlll tfisj. people' rise to their vemaar
Ipatlon. '
And as the gay pia woney davh
cavorts over the high hills of liberty,
his lungs dilated, nostrils distended
in this pure, thin air of idealistic
legislation, rid of all the old Btat
rights harness, with only the sfnglo
halter of federal control dangling
about him. stop and listen whllo the
deafoning peals ot exultation roll up
from tho solid, sunny south. .
Tho message of OBsawatomle Is
lost in the hurricane of pro-federalism
stirred by, this lately-enunciated
Now Nationalism."
Thirty Yearn Ago
Mr, Thomas Swobe received a tele
gram' from Messrs. Paxton, McShane and
Her saying they had concluded negotln
tlons with some Boston capitalists to
build huge slaughter houses here In con
nection with the South Omaha stock
yards. ,
The city council has been asked to open
up "College" street from Bt. Mary's
avenue to Jefferson street
Mr. Jacob Madsen is the happy father
of a ten-pound boy just arrived at his
residence, 2403 Chicago street.
The Thourston Hose company Is mak
ing arrangements for a grand ball next
month when an elegant silk banner, the
gift of Mrs. Thurston, Is to be presented.
William Gentleman is rebuilding hla
store opposite Jefferson square which was
destroyed by fire and will enlarge It
Dr. A. II. Flshblatt, who has been fly
ing high for a year with n so-called med
ical dispensary, has been missing, and
the belief prevails that he will -not show
up again in these parts,
Mr. and Mrs W. II. Lnfferty of Cres
ton, la., who have been visiting in
Omaha since Christmas, returned home.
Thomas L. Kimball and party left for
tho cast In his private car, just out of the
shops newly repainted and refitted.
Bt Joseph's hospital took care of EW
patients last year, Tho hospital staff
Includes the following doctors: J. Neville,
P. Grossman, L. I, Oraddy, L. F. Mc-
Kenna, 8. t. Mercer, WoouDurn, Herz
man, V, II. Coffman, Carter, J. C. Denlse
and Ewlng Brown.
Twenty Years Ago -
Each Taylor of the Paxton was Im
proving and expected to be able to re
sume hl duties at the clerical desk in a
few days.
Miss Herrlck, a deaconess at the Meth
odlst hospital, was assisting- Rev. T. C.
Clendinlng in special meetings at tho
Wesley Methodist church on Walnut
Hill. .
C. C. Htilett, manager of the Merchants
hotel, nnd his mother left for Hot
Springs, Ark., for two weeks' visit
George H. Powers, formerly a member
ot the staff of the Washington Post and
later a federal appointee In Washington,
was In the city vlslUnc his son, A. C,
Powers, secretary of the Board of Pub'
lie Works.
A girl, 16 years of age. appeared at
police headquarters seeking some means
of relief from alleged abuses of her hus
band, aged 18 years, complaining that
another girl, unmarried, her own age.
had found .favor in her boy's eyes, hence
all her woes.
The county commissioners planned on
putting a big force of men to work on the
Elkhorn road near Benson, provided the
weather was not too cold. All men thus
employed were recommended by County
Agent Burr and enlisted by Chairman
Stenberg of the board.
Fixing for rjennle.
While a farce comedy was playing at
local theater not long since an old
gentleman Is said to have appeared at
the stage door and asked for the "boss."
I am the stage manager," said that
Individual, who happened to answer the
call in person.
'If it Isn't asking too much," sa'd the
old gentleman, "I would like to examine
those stairs you use In the show.'
Those are trick stairs and they would
be of no use to you."
Yes, they would; that's just why I
want to look at them."
"I suppose you know they collapse any
tlmo you want them to."
"What use would you have for stairs
like that?"
"None whatever; but maybe I can make
bed on tho same principle, then I will
ba able to get my boy Bennle up In the
morning without pulling the house
down." Youngsown Telegram.
(Irnml Army Golfer.
An amused expression flitted over the
features of Governor Glynn of New Tork
the other evening when reference was
made to tho glories of golf. He said It
reminded him of n conversation between
two devotees ot the great game.
Meeting on the course one afternoon
the two men began to talk niblick, teo
and brassle, and finally referred to a
party named Smith, who was new to
the nelghborhpod.
"I haven't seen him play," said ond
of the pair. In response to a question.
'What kind of a game does he put up?"
"Well," doubtfully answered the other,
v a rtxi buvw a. J I. 1111111. UC. XI1H
ast time around he p'.ayed what you
might call Grand Army golf,"
"Grand Army golf!" wonderfully ex
claimed the first "What In the world
Is thatr
He went out In sixty-one nnd camfl
back In sixty-five," smilingly answered
the second. New York Tribune.
ROeterC; Sullivan, gas boss of jlll.
tela, wke hi Just hurled his .hat
lata thy ring, seems to' forget that
Mr, Brya rt him out of tho party
a wag time ad.
Ckamp Clark's refusal to attend a
dlaifer with Bryan as the star dinor
reminds us agala "how' good and how
phMMBt It is for brethren to dwell
toHr in unity."
"Legislation Is a business of Inter
pretation," says tho president in hln
nge. And too often it has been
a kvataess of Interpretation alonn
tk line of popular hysteria instead
of fandamental principles.
It seems Incredible that the Fed
eral league would have offered Ty
Cflso the ratty little sum of $75,000.
W- ro constrained to believe It was
57ff.000.000, and that the last throe
clpaera were lost enroute.
It is gratifying to know that the
president's message meets the hearty
approval ot Congressman Lobeck.
And how would a democratic presl
deat jgo about writing a message that
did act meet Lobeck's approval?
France politely reminds Huert-
France does everything politely.
that his account is overdrawn, his
Interest due and his credit a thin?; of
tne past, and bints that its big bill
collector, Uncle 8am, might call
This much will be generally ad
raltted, President Wilson haa shown
a stronger grip on congress than any
of his recent predecessors. Ho has
not made It jump through the little
circle described by curving his
thumb and forefinger, but perhaps:
M does not want It to do that
Taoe who blame the police en
tirAy xnlckt reflect on the fact that
Jwt a few year ago four other
ytk, cmt for a lark, waatosfly
Mite Kl Lausten, And where are
tkae four today? Nominal sen
tmum, ndll& treatment and early
ipsurdoM oZ erlnlaals Is one way ol
)tripplng tk law of its terrors to
vtl stoocs 4 MvltlBg a certain
. .. Jjerd.Strathcoria,
Lord Strathcona, British high
cqmuitsatdiler for Canada, barely
knocked oft work in tlmo to dlo this
sldo of the' century mark. Ilia death,
at nearly 94; after a llfo of continu
ous toll, bringing to tho ond vigorous
faculties of mind and body, Is but
another Illustration ot the fact that
how long a person lives usually de
pends upon how wisely he lives, and
that It Is not hard work, so much as
ldlo worry and dissipation that kills.
Lord Strathcona saw a good deal ot
rough life and worked hard from
ooyhood on and was younger on hi
nlnoty-thlrd annlversay than many
men are at CO younger because hlo
Intellectual and physical powew
were In a better stato ot preserva
"Tlmo, the tomb-builder," we are
told by an old ajid florid orator,
holds his fierce career, nor pauses
not, like other conquerors, to muse
upon tho fearful ruins ho hath
wrought." But it Is possible to trlclc
even Father Time by sober and pru
dent living, not by laying In wait,
aa It were, vainly striving to filch
a. few voars out of his record, As
this old nonogenarlan did, by letting
the thoughts dwell more upon the
present day and Its tasks, for "suf
ficient unto the day is the evil
thereof," and letting age take caw
ot itself, Thbse grow old best and
most graciously who live young the
wisest and longest. U Is not gray
kalrs, but gray matter, that turns
tho trick.
Ten Year Ao
The MoKlnley club members were Ju
bllant over tho receipt of the Informa
tlon direct that Colonel Murat Halstead
the veteran Cincinnati editor, and Gov
ernor Van Sant of' Minnesota positively!
would be present at the, annual. banqUe
a few nights hence. i
Tho frugal county commissioner. Who
met in secret, went on record as 0P'
posed to raising salaries of assistants In
the various county offices.
Itabbi Joseph Kornfeld of Pino Bluffs,
Ark., preached at Temple Israel ott
"Israel, the Light of Nations." He sold
God had placed the Jews In all parts
ot the world, showing that He was God
of all, for the Jows wero to spread the
faith of Jehovah to all.
T. n. Kimball, as architect In charge
ot Nebraska's headquarters construction
at the St Louis World's fair, submitted
his plana to the Nebraska commission.
showing a design for a moving picture
display of Nebraska resources that struck
all favorably. Prof. IS. H. Barbour was
present with his plans for an educa
tfonal exhibit and they, too, wero fay
orably -received. It was decided to re
move the headquarters to St. Louis about
March 1.
The mercury sank as" low as 9 above
Accompanied by C. J. Smyth, attorney,
Sheriff John Powers served ithe papers
on E. C. Spinney, president of the Bank
ers' Union of the World, which closed
that Insurance concern, with headquarters
In Omaha. The action was the result
ot an Investigation made by the Btate In
uranca department
People and Events
Twice Told Tales
Unnnsrrereil nutation.
Alice had asked so many and such
Inconvenient questions that at last sho
was sent to bed earlier than usual. In
kissing her good-night 'mother cnrofully
explained that sho loved to tell her lit
tle girl all sorts of Interesting things at
any proper season, but that when vlsl
tors were present well behaved little
girls should not soy too much. Allco
listened politely, returned the final em
brace warmly, ond started upstairs with
nurse. Half-way up she broke away and
came pattering back.
"Mother," she cried from the doorwav.
1 really won't ask so many questions
tomorrow, but thero's ono thing I do to
Badly want to know tonight"
nres, doar," patiently; "what Is Itt"
is the dovil married?" Alice wanted
to know. Chicago Record-Herald.
What Yeiser Wanted
"Organized Agriculture" Is com
paring notes again at Lincoln, the
rjost notable ot which is tho crop
value total for 1013. If Nebraska
can do that well in an oft year,
there's no occasion to worry about
tho future of the state.
If the business of government Is
politics, where can the public inter
est bo better conserved than where
politics is .seriously discussed?
Maybe the school board can answer
Our esteemed friend, Edgar How
ard insists that Governor Morehead's
ABto-electlon promise is really valid
Winding. Ob, very well
Senator James Hamilton Lewis of Jill
nols Is making a friendly visit to Lon
don. hoping to Infuse the spirit ot sar
torlal art among the standpat fashion
platers of tho metropolis.
Otto C. Buck 8pencer Churchill, 44
years old, claiming to bo the possessor
of an estate worth $30,000,000, tentpor-j
arlly a resident of Sttuth Bend. Ind Is1
looking for a wife. He must have her
by July 15, 1914.
To encourage marriage and prevent
young couples starting out on tho matri
monial journey under heavy expense,
Majror Lysta ot McKeesport, Pa., an
nounced he will perform the marriage j
ceremony free. Now he la swamped
with work.
Walter C. Colbath. a railroad man In
Sanbornvllle, N. II., has durlnr the last
forty years held nlna different positions
on two or three different railways. He
Is now supervising tire hasards, but
started aa a fireman and has had fevr
narrow escapes from death.
Miss Mary Ann Osier of Bremen, Me.,
who celebrated her ninety-third birthday
on New Year's day, has for many years
knitted a pair of mittens which she pre
sented to the minister of her church.
Among the other articles which she was
proficient In making were stockings,
gloves and palm leaf hats.
St. IxuIj is putting out a semi-weekly
boast about Its "perfect girl baby," which
at the age of t Is rapidly assimilating
three languages, French, English and
German. By the time sho reaches suf
frage age It la confidently believed she
wilt be able to talk the town Into a mood
to finish the McKlnlcy bridge over the
Congressman Dante! A. Drisooll of
Buffalo, N. Y., a statesman translated
from an undertaker. Is unable to sup
press the business habit In an emergency.
When a panhandler In Washington
touched him for a quarter "to keep me
from the grave," Driscoll remarked,
"You've tackled tha wrong man. I n
not kseplng anyone from tho grave."
ProfesUtonal pride Is great stutt.
Tekamah Herald: The only John O.
Telser of Omaha has filed his nomlna.
tlon as candidate for governor on tho re
publican ticket It Was the same John
O. Yeiser who filed Hooseyelt's namo tor.
prestaent, at the preferential primary In
1912, but later waa induced to whoop It
up for Tott and tho standpat crowd. We
wonder If this latest move Is not In
tended as a reward for hla switch from
the progressives to tho standpat ranks?
John O. Yclser'a poltlcal affiliations aro
as changeable aa Nebraska weather.
Omaha, Nebraska's original bull mooser.
who filed Roosevelt's candidacy for tho
presidency in Nebraska under the prcsl
dentlal primary law, filed his own nom
(nation for governor of tho state on Jan
uary 8 on the republican ticket. John O,
has quit the bull moosers, evidently, but
ws wonder how he will taste to Vic Rose
water? We have, In our mind, a picture
ot vie swallowing him whole-lf any
body else runs for governor on the re
publican ticket.
Grand Island Independent: If Teddy
doesn't come back from South America
soon he'll find more of his "follow-me'
anywhere" lieutenants deserting. Thore'
Senator Brlstow not to mention John O
David City Banner: We rather like
John O. Yclser's platform, even If ho did
prepare It himself. It beats any of the
professional platforms we have seen yet
and wo would llko to see It tried out
Beatrice Sun: The supremo gall of one
John O, Yeiser, who aspires to be repub
llcan candidate for governor, Is Inspiring
to see In this age of alirlnklng-vlolet mod
esty in our statesmen. Mr. Yeiser offers
the republican party an opportunity to
make him governor, and furnishes a
ready-made platform which includes al
most every plank Imaginable that might
catch a vote. He has been a populist, a
greenbacker, and a few months ago was
a bull mooser. His ability in adjusting
hla political affiliations and principles
to suit any exigency should win honors.
Plattsmouth Journal: Why should a,
man announce filmaelt for an official
position when his own Judgment tells
him there la no posslblo show for htm to
succeed? John O. Yeiser ia a candidate
for governor on the republican ticket.
The republicans won't nominate him,
and, as one leading republican ot the
state remarked the other day, "It would
be a pudding for the democrats It he
waa to secure the nomination." Poor
John, he Is out In the cold and has no
political homo to go to.
filvr the Devil Hln Dnr.
OMAHA, Jan. 19,-To the .Editor ot The
Be; I was reading In your valuable
paper that th-s Young Men's Christian
association had decided not to have the
boxlns match at tho Auditorium because
the ministers had objected to It, but 4ld
not say what their objections were. 1
think boxing, next to walking, Is the
best exercise for boys and young men;
yes, and old men, too, and 100 per cent
better than dancing. Some call boxing
and prize fighting brutal. It may be
when abused, like any other game.
What about the foot bait rame? They
say figures don't lie. The last fifteen
years there was twenty-six killed, forty
two broken legs, fifty broken shoulders.
seventy hurt internally, fifty-two broken
hearts, 130 that had to go into mourning
for loved one that died In the scientific
game of foot ball that ministers and
church members, yes, and presidents ot
the United States will give GO cents to
go and see it played. These are all the
figures to hand. But the Good Lord only
knows how many more was Injured. And
as to boxing being Immoral, there was
$200,000 more changed hands last year on
boxing matches. Now for the prlxe ring.
There has never been one killed In the
ring and only three that died a little
while after, which the doctors could not
decide It tho blow In the ring was the
cause of death, and only one broken arm.
That was over fifty years ago when the
giant Henan broke the right arm of lit
tle Tom Sayers. There has never been
a broken leg or shoulder, for the reason
you cannot strike after a man la down.
But In foot ball, when the man Is down
the game alows you to jump on htm,
kick him In the head and anywhere else
below tha belt 'line.
I heard the great John B. Gough say
ho would rather see a prize fight than a
horse race. I think If ho was living to
day he would have sold, "Than a foot
ball game." CYRUS AXFORD.
2112 lake Street, Omaha,
Who Wsi It Sent Cooks f
OMAHA, Jan. 20. To the Editor ot The
Bee: American cooks are the best In the
world, aye, even our Indians. But if you
want the genuine cpoks you must give
the blue ribbon to the American cooks,
and tho best cooks we have are negroes,
both malo and female. They know how
to cook and season to taste; It Is born
In them and they don't have to go to
books to fill out their bills of fare with a
lot of Junk that perturbs the stomach
like our friends across the briny deep.
Why, sphaw, the Old Black Joes and
Aunt Chloes, Dlanahs, Dllseys, Jemimas
and Uncles Kphs can give tho foreigners
cards and spades and beat them on up-
to-date cooking. They don't add to their
cooking all of those sauces and Tom,
Dick ond Harry follicles t6 their bill of
fare, nor do they fix up dishes that will
mako you sick so that you will have to
call a doctor, and the doctor tho drug
store. The negro cook will give you
something fit to eat that Is palatable
and something easily, very easily digested
without mines, tips or money. It Is too
bad that some of our American people
have been misled In the art ot cooking.
But we should, not worry about that. Tho
greatest thing on earth, the American
people are not graduated until they take
n course In European nonsense. Tho
original nurses, barbers and cooks are
negroes. To prove my assertions,' you
go south and get some darkey cook.
male or female, and you will be happy
and have a greedy appetite. Yours.
ar. D. COOK.
Willie Paw, what Is an Inquisitor?
Paw Any married woman thirty days
after tho wedding, my son.
Maw-Willie, you go to bed. Cincinnati
"I am Just starting out In the city," re
marked the young man.
"The world Is your oyster," suggested
the young lady.
"Yes. and I have found a pearl right
away." Louisville Couricr-JournaL
"There was a baffling trunk mystery
discovered In the railroad station."
"What was In It?"
"Nobody but the owner knows. It
came out from the baggage smashers
without a scratch."-Baltlmore American.
Madge How do you know she wasn't
satisfied with the work of the beauty
Marjorle She hasrt't had any photo
graphs taken. Judge.
"Talk is cheap," observed the Sage.
...?"' 1 don't know," replied the Fool.
"The profits of the American Telephone
company last year were only $5,000,000."
WU11.1JIMJ111 enquirer.
"Oh. DO. my Harold Ik mn lion l
Is a perfect picture!"
'"That'8 alt right but you let him know
that when I stamp my foot upstairs he's
to get busy and be a moving picture."
uuiuijiure American.
Kwoter Arter all. It's n trim anvlnc
that "He laughs best who laughs last"
wise jmoi ai an. me really true say
ing Is: "He laughs best whoso laugh
lusts." Catholic standard and Times.
Bix How are you maklnc out on vour
resolution to economize?
Dlx Fine! I've got my runnlne ex
pensed slowed down to a walk. Boston
"What do you think o' dls Idea, of
sendln' malefactors of great wealth to
Jalir asked Meandering Mike.
ureat!" replied Plodding Pete. I al
ways did say something ought to be done
to make de Jails more luxurious". Wash
ington Star.
"Don't tell me there's nothing In for
tune telllnr," esc!a'.s;ci the fiancee. "I
consulted 01:0 today and she described
you to a dot"
"What did she say?" Inquired tho
"She said you had thoughtful eyes, a
firm mouth and a noble brow." Kansas
City Journal.
Eaton Why don't you think Pcnlam
will ever be a llterar light?
8lngley Because he won't break away
from his combination.
Eaton His combination?
Sinetoy Yes. He tries to Imitate Rob
ert Browning's style and doesn't try not
to Imitate Josh Billings' spelling.-Judge.
"Did you raise chickens In your sub
urban place?" . .
"No; they raised themselves.
"They flew the coop." Baltimore Amer
Philander Johnson, In Washington Star.
When Shakespeare made the statement
that this world Is all a a . M
He pictured what we must regard as
quite a different age!
An age when men gave study to the roles ,
they undertook .-mm.
And forms and courtesies prevalkd which
none might overlook. .
The merry villagers camo forth In song
upon the green; .
The aristocracy with easy grace ob
served tho scene. . ,
There was In truth a deal of superficial
And the action of the drama, though In
tense, was often slow.
At present we are going at a swiftly
modern pace; ,
Thera'a real ginger In the troop they call
The Human Race.
The trolley cars are buzzing and tha
lights are all ablaze.
And wo do In twenty minutes work that
formerly took days.
We take our pleasures swiftly and our
griefs are soon forgot;
No permanent emotion animates our
earthly lot, , , ...
And we're forced to tho conclusion that
the days of long ago
Have vanished and tho world Is now a
moving picture show.
Aimed at Omaha
Open Letter
to subscribers of the
Nebraska Editors
Editor D. II. Crontn of the O'Neill
Frontier has a new linotype In operation
In his front office.
Th4 Keith County News at Ogalalla
has been sold by the estato of the late
F. P. Morgan to Worth M. Mtller, who
haa had charge ot tho business for the
last few months.
K. A. Walrath, editor of the Polk
County Democrat, has resigned his job
district oil and food Inspector to give
his entire attention to his newspaper.
O. F. Williams, who formerly owned
an' Interest tn the Gordon Journal, has
purchased the Alnsworth Star-Journal,
The Norfolk Dally News la putting on
metropolitan airs. Lost week It printed
a four-page ad for onc ot Norfolk's en
terprlslng firms.
The Bell wood Gazette was twenty
eight years old last week. W. H. Mc
Gaffln, who founded the paper, is still
its jdltor.
Syracuse Journal: Omaha and Lincoln
are both after one of the regional banks
and Secretary Bryan has boldly an
nounced that he favors Lincoln. If poll
tics Is to cut a figure In the locating of
these banks Lincoln no doubt will get
ono. Tho Omaha Commercial club has
announced that they will take the mat
ter up and send a delegation to meet the
board ot locators.
Nebraska City Press: An Omaha man
gets a front page position with tho state
ment that although he is past CO years
of age he has never danced the tango.
A man ul mat rbo nuumii uuvvr warn
to dance tho tango or anything r.lso hi
larious. Take the pnsssnt writer, for In
stance, who In just half that i go: He
has never danced the tango ur anytblng
else and even In this hoctls age when
people are going crazy over tho "ntw"
dances he hasn't the least desire o be
gin. Isn't that worthy ot a front pago
Waterloo Gazette. The selection ct
Robert II, Manley, adVKrtlslmr manager
for the Brandels stores, us commissioner
for the Omaha Commercial club, murks
another sten upward for a youns man
who has proven himself capable all along
the line. This example should b? an In
splratlon to other younfc men to keep j
Beatrice Sun:, The Omaha water dis
trict board has reduced the rate to 13'i
cents per 1,000 gallons. Tills reduction
has come after a long slsse, and Is be
lieved to have been mado possible by
economical operation and management In
Beatrice the highest rata for water Ja
only 15 cents por 1,000 gallons. Thero
are probably some peopl) kicking about
the high rates In this :liy, out h com
parison ot our prices with those ru.ugod
In Omaha should convince anybody that
consumers are not being gouged, it Is
more than likely that the rate in Bea
trice is too low. rather then too ll?h.
Nebraska City Press; We arc not so
disloyal to our own state that, like other!
Nebraska editors, we deride the attempt
of Omaha to become a regional reserve
bank center, Omaha has many advan
tages that should not be overlooked by
the Treasury department when the dis
tribution Is made. In the heart ot tho
great agricultural section ot the Mis
souri valley, our Nebraska metropolis
has a perfect right to ask consideration.
Postal facilities, railway connections and
many other wonderful resources give
Omaha a position that cannot be Ignored.
It is true that Kansas City Is tho won
der city ot the great west, but Nebraska
lihould be loyal to home cities and home
Institutions. Newspapers which con'
tlnually ask their readers to listen to the
"home pride" argument are not prac
ticing their own texts when they beconjo
sarcastic because Omaha shows enter'
prise tn the matter of the regional bank
distribution. By all means, help tho
metropote to get the bank If we can do it.
and the
Postmaster General
Your copy of the February METRO
POLITAN will be a few days late. The
Postmaster of New York held up our early
mail, explaining that in his judgment, the
reproduction in this number of sculptures
by Paul Manship, who won the first prize
in the present exhibition of the National
Academy of Design, was,.unrnailable. On
an appeal to "Washington the magazine -was
finally released. We regret tho delay, re,. a
suiting from this preposterous action, and
we sincerely protest against what we be-"'
lieve was an unwarranted and arbitrary
exercise of power on the part of the New
York Postmaster. Bewildered and pained,
we are at a loss to explain how any repre
sentativo of the American people could see
the slightest reason for closing the mails
to our beautiful reproduction by Rotogra
vure of Paul Manship 's creations, to which
tho greatest art authorities in the country
awarded first honors. In our enthusiasm
we believed our reproduction of art sub
jects by the new rotogravure process the
first time in a big magazine was a master
stroke of publishing enterprise, and we
still believe that the American people
tho progressive men and women of tho
country to whom tho METROPOLITAN
appeals will agree with us. The action
of the New York Postmaster seems to us
the more blind and pernicious because he
has singled out for his attack one of the
very few magazines which does not admit
to its pages so-called "sex" fiction and
objectionable advertisements. Wo beg of
our readers that they will carefully ex
amine tho rotogravure section in the Feb
ruary METROPOLITAN and tell us
whether, in their judgment, the action of
the Postmaster is not a serious menace to
tho liberty of the citizen and the freedom
of the press?
IT. J. WHIGHAM, Publisher,
432 Fourth Avenue, N. Y.
January 201914.
Hlar Opening; for Men.
- Chicago Record-Herald.
In one of the provinces of Bulgaria the
recent war caused a reduction of the
male population from U.000 to 4,000. There
ought now to be plenty ot chances for
good mea la that district
IHOfl Far-nan Street 80 Tsarsaama Of fie. Phone Dong. 1780
Extracting SSc Up ltnsA Missing Teeth supplied
Fillings 80c Up fiBHHBgk without Plate or Bridco-
UrKlgetvork ....HMO Up VWS7T15V! vrk. Nerves removed
Crowns ...... .92.50 Up XfTT T f lTL without pain. Work guar
Hate S2.00 Up A. A . A anteed tea years.
IP you're tired of "cut-throat
competition," why not make
yourself independent of it
by advertising? The maker of
a thoroughly Advertised Arti
cle can set his own price and
dictate his own terms.

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