Newspaper Page Text
t THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY JANUARY 22, 1914. 5 BRIEF CITY NEWS Kara Boot Print It Now Beacon Pras. life Xn.t T. Vtnn MutnaL Oouia, Blsotrlo BnppUta Ourgess-Qranden Co. rifltlltT Storage and Van Co. D. 1516. Burn's Celsbratlon, January 23, Swed ish hall, Sixteenth and Chicago streets, Stat Bank of Omasa 4 per cent palA on tlmo deposits; 3 per cent oald on sav ings accounts. All deposits In this bank are protected by tho depositors' guaran tee fund of tho state of Nebraska. ffna Patera Trait company confine Itself solely to trustee and Investment business and Is therefore not affected by the ups and downs of finance. It Is ad vantageous to estates of whatsoover size to havo It named as executor or trustee. AA Club Hsets Thursday "Can You Trace Actual Business from Advertising Specialties" will be the topic of discus sion at Uie meeting of tho Omaha Ad club this evening. The dinner, which will start at 6:30 o'clock, will be given at the Loyal hotel. Judge Baker's Nephew Here Carl Rid dle, nephew of Judge Ben S. Baker, vis iting hers on his return from tho east, la a rancher at Carstalrs, Alta., Can. Ho declared Canadian cattle, fed on grasses in the winter, are fattened and sold as readily aa the grain fattened cattle of the middle west. , Omaha Sot Represented Omaha for once will not bo represented ut the annual convention of the Western Asso ciation of Electrical Inspectors which meets in Cincinnati tho latter part of this month. Although City Electrician M. J. Curran has received an urgent Invi tation to attend ho will not do so, be cause ho feels he cannot stand the ex pense of the trip. Inspector F. P. Mc Gough was to havo rend a paper before the association on "Window Displays," but he also will not attend. LEE'BRIDQJES STARTS SUIT : AGAINST BUILDING OWNER Zee Bridges, recently appointed city building Inspector, has sworn to his first complaint In polloo court In con nection with his now duties. In the complaint William Weber, J01B Chicago street, is charged with refusing to tear down an old building which has been condemned as unsafe by the inspector. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Al King, manager of the grocery de partment at Hayden Bros., has gono to Excelsior Springs on a short trip. M. C. Hoffman, A. D. Simmons and R. "V, Smith, business men of Murray, la., are in Omaha visiting tho Jobbing houses arid discussing conditions with Omaha merchants. Take Salts to Flush Kidneys i -- Eat less meat if yon f eol Back achy or have Bladder trouble. Meat forma urlo acid which oxcltoa and overworks the kidneys in their efforts to filter it from th system. Regular eaters ofr meat must flush the kidneys occa sionally. Tou must relieve tham Ilka you relieve your bowels; removing .all the acids, waste and poison, else you feel a dull misery in the kidney1 region, sharp pains in tho back or sick headache, dizzi ness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine Is cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get irritated, obliging you to get up,' two or three times during the night. To neutralize these Irritating acida and flush off" the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in & glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine and bladder disorders disappear. This famous salts Is mado from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kldneya end stop bladder irritation. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; harmless and makea a de lightful effervescent Uthla-water drink which millions of men and women take Pow and then, thus avoiding serious kid feey and bladder diseases. Advertisement. RELIEF FROM INDIGESTION Just As Soon As You Take a Samuel's ''3-P" Capsule Tako a capsule ' right now If your stomach Is sour, bloated, full of gas, un comfortable and you'll feel blessed re lief In a few minutes. That's the Joyful expcrlenco of thou sands who use these pleasant and harm less "THREE-P" capsules after heavy meals, or when they feel that the stom ach Is not up-to-tlic notch In taking care of Its dally hard grind- It's Just the best "stomach doctor." Made after the prescription of a famous French specialist and contains ingredients which are absolutely necessary to an out-of-order stomach; perfectly harmless; un like sickening pills and tablets com pounded In easy-to-take little capsules. AUa now, aon't let your iO w stomach continue to give you trouble. Get Samuel's THREE-P capsules to day at any llvo drucxlst. 25o and 50c. Guaranteed by Beaton Drug Co. AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA Pupils of Lincoln School All Sub jected k Vaccination. ORDER OF CITY PHYSICIAN Prrnlrtent I,elgh of llonnl of I'.ilurn. lion Ucolnrpn llrnltli nt Schntnr is Placed in Ilntutn of City Ilcnlth Ilepnrtmrnt. Two Clean Papers FOR THE HOME The Youth's Companion AND The Evening Bee INCLUDING SUNDAY Both for 55c a Month Payable Monthly at THE BEE OFFICE Following the discovery of a rmallpox subject among the children of tho Lin coln school, City Physician 12. J. Shana han promptly closed tho school and or dered all tho children vaccinated. Tho school houso was also fumigated and may bo quarantined. City Physician Shanahan and a number of local physi cians whom ho called to his assistance at once went to work upon a program of vaccination and by evening had injected tho antitoxin into 133 pupils of Lincoln, school. The remainder will bo vaccinated today. Superintendent of Schools N. M. Graham was at once notUlcd anJ sent out warnings to all teachers to bo on the lookout for tho contagion. To some of tho pcoplo of tho city tho vaccination program was promptly con demned as tho order of tho Hoard of Education nnd a number remonstrated with President E. R. Leigh over the order. President Leigh said last night: "The vaccination order did not emanate from tho Board of Education cr any of its members. City Physician 11 J. Shanuhan has chargo of tho public hoaltn and If ho orders the children to bo vac- ilnateil tho board has nothing to say In the matter becauso they can bo vac cinated by ho city .physician whether they attend school or tiot If ho deems such treatment necessary to tho mainte nance of tho public health. "President Leigh said tho sctiool au thorities woro on the alert for any slyn of tho contagion and precautious woro being taken against the spread of tho disease. City Physician Shanahan has asked all the doctors of the city to nld in stain ing out tho first sign of tho contagion. Ho has made a fight of many months against sporadic cases of scarlet fovor and diphtheria which for a tlmo threat ened the children of tho city. Ilndliiiulonii Lemon. The following radloptlcon lesson will bo given at Jungmann school, Twentieth and O streets, Wednesday at 1 p. m.: Abraham Lincoln, Fifth grade; Henry W. Longfellow, Seventh grade; Mother Gooso Rhymes. First A; Tho Story of Nlxlo Bunny, Second A; music, Edison machine. Thursday at 1 p. m.: Birds, Third grade; Lumbering, Sixth grade; Story of Peter Rabbit, First B; Hia watha, Second B; Paul Revero'o Ride. Fourth grade. The public Is Invited to Attend. Mercell Cniuildntr. Deputy City clork John Mcrcell has unnounccd his candidacy for deputy United States marshal. Mere! is a leader among tho democrats of the city, and has tho united backing of all fac tions for tho place. Besides the names of democrats who aro signing the pe titions of the deputy clerk there are many republicans, who regardless of party lines, aro supporting Mercell on general principles. Mercell Is looked upon both here and in Omaha as tho coming leader among tho local demo crats with whom he has always Btood high. His petitions aro being circulated by a number of leading democrats. Ho has received endorsements on all sides, and It Is said that City Cleric Flynn of Omaha has let it bo understood that ho looks with favor upon tho candidacy of Mercell for deputy. Flynn Is expected to win the marshal's baton. Aanuclntlou Elects. Tho annual meeting of tho Polish Homo association was held on January 6, 1914, by the Phllathea class of the First Bap tist church. A short program will be given. One number of special Interest will be a solo by Mrs. Young. Omaha Spends Over Million for New Sidewalks in 1913 Omaha property owners spent $1,338,- 310.63 for new sidewalks during tho year 1913, according to tho report of City En gineer Watson Townscnd, filed with Commissioner Thomas Mcdovrrn of the department of publla Improvements. This Is a record-breaking achievement in side walk building. "City commissioners did not order all theso sidewalks built,'' said Mr. Town send. "Property owners constructed a largo porcentago of them without orders from the council. Altogether, 13.61 miles of new sidewalks were laid." Of tho 13.61 miles of walks built 11.41 miles were constructed by tho property owners themselves ,tho city building only 2.17 miles. Tho cost of all tho sldowalks Is charged to abutting property. Most of tho sidewalks laid wcro four feet wide, although tho width ranged from four feet In tho rcsldenco section to twenty feet In the business part of tho city. The four-foot sidewalks cover 43,0)0 square feet of space. Malicious Mischief Charge Against Girl Hazel Bnzwell, a strikingly pretty 20-year-old girl living at S16 South Six teenth street, was arrested last night upon a chargo of malicious mischief lodged by A. L. Havens, 2133 South Thirty-third street, W. H. Smells. 2133 South Thirty-third street, and Georgo Brown, a taxi chauffeur. Tho girl is alleged to have called tho i taxi man several times over tho phono and told him that ho was wanted at tho Havens home. Sho is also said to have sent physicians, undertakers, groceries, etc, to the place by tctcphono order and t was detected when Havens had "central" watch his calls. Tho young woman denied the charge, but was turned over to Probation Officer Mdgy Bernstein to bo sont homo to her relatives In Iowa, after a trial In police court. Ten Irate persons who had been sent to tho Havens homo by (ho fake 'phono orders testified In court. BUNGLES0ME BURGLAR CAUGHT AFTER COMBAT The superiority of a policeman's night stick over a sabre as a weapon cf of fenso was effectively demonstrated Inst night by Officer W. R. Wilson In over coming a bunglesomo burglar caught In tho homo of Mrs. Nellie Toggi, 1019 South Tenth street Wilson took one swipe at tho Intruder with his hickory and landed on his opponent's arm. Tho sword clut tered to the floor and a ndo to head quarters in the patrol foil wed. Mrs. Toggs heard a nolso last night and investigating saw a man In his bare feet ransacking tho place. She called the po- j lice and Officer Wilson responded. As the woman was opening the door, the burglar sprang upon her and tried to keep her from her purpose. Wilson, how ever, did not wait on the front porch, but executed a flank movement and caught him from the rear. Tho Intruder said he was Emit Lecht wark of Chicago, but had been living at the Volunteers' lodging house since com ing to Omaha. Police Judge Foster bound him over to the district court un der 11,000 bond on tho chargo of burglary. JOHN A. SWANSON, President. WM. L. HOLZiMAN, Treasurer. Manufacturers Sacrifice Their Stocks of FINE SUITS AND OVERCOATS Enabling Us to Offer Brand New Goods AT HALF1 PRICE The open winter in tho enst lins loft fino clothing makers in a position whero they must sacrifice their merchandise. Our Mr. Swanson received urgent messages to como to Rochester and Now York, and ono of tho telegrams received from him and published here with shows that ho hns placed us in n position to offer you another groat stock of highest grado clothing at HALF PRICE Our enormous trado has mado such deep inroads in our stock that it was possiblo for us to go into tho markets and securo theso marvelous bargains, en abling us again to offer you tho largest showing of strictly high grado clothing over placed on sale in this vicinity at one-half price. WESTE TEL UNION AM THEO N VAIL. PRESIDENT RECEIVED AT 1321 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. ASKS. - E 210 CH 70 COLLECT NEW YORK. , JAN. 16, 1914. MR. VM. HOLZMAN, CARE NEBRASKA CLOTHING CO., OMAHA, NEBR. Closed out Hiokey-Froeman , L. Adler, Rochester, N. Y. Brandegee, Kincaid & Co., Utioa, N. Y. Three -hundred forty Chesterfield overooats, blaoks and oxfords, English viounas, guaranteed silk linings, worth forty to fifty dollars, sell thera at twenty and twenty-five. Closed out here and expressed today five hundred fifty shawl oollar overooats, mostly blue and gray ohinohillas, forty-six and fifty inches long, values twenty to thirty dollars, Sell them at ten to fifteen. JOHN A. SWANSON. Thursday, this tremendous sale offers greatest values of the year A MV MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S FALL AND WINTER ill M. STJIT QR OVERCOAT IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT ALL $15.00 SUITS and OVERCOATS at ALL $30.00 SUITS and OVERCOATS at 1,1 $y5Q $I5 ALL $20.00 SUITS and OVERCOATS at ALL $35.00 SUITS and OVERCOATS at wl I $I0 SI75D if ALL $25.00 SUITS and OVERCOATS at wl ALL $40.00 SUITS and OVEROOATS ALL $45.00 OVERCOATS AT HALF PRICE, NOW $22 50 ALL $50.00 OVEROOATS AT HALF PRICE, NOW 4 s i n.Rn JL SV MSB I W SQEOO ' PRICE YOUNG MESSENGER ATTEMPTS SUICIDE at which tlmo election of now officials!, Despondent becauso he was out of work and half sick, James Lcary, a 17-year-old A. D. T. messenger boy known to many business men as "Larry," at tempted to tako his life In the Western Union office Tuesday by shooting him self with a rovolvcr. Harvey Wolf, the night manager, saw tho boy pull tho weapon and struck It Just as tho latter prosscd the trigger. The bullet grazed his head and flattened on a wall. Wolf brought tho boy to police head quarters and after police surgeons hod given him a tonlo for his Jangled nerves he was placed In a cell where he could not harm himself. Young Leary, before making the at tempt to end his life, addressed a note to Miss Mary Scott, 2116 California street, bidding her farewell. took pluce. Tlioso elected were: John Herdzlna, president: Andrew Paprocki, secretary; Joseph AVoznlak, treasurer; Thomas Kozlol, Joseph Vzcndoweskl and josepn jsiaacr, directors, snares were sold at 10 per shure. Tho selling of stock In the Polish Home association was brisk, and tho officials bellevo that building operations will possibly begin this summer. Meycrs-De Ltinhtiiutt. At tho homo of tho bride last night Miss Esther Do Lashmutt of Burwell. was wedded to Arthur Meyers, a prom inent stockman of that place. The bride was attended by her Immediate relatives. Following a supper at tho home of the bride's parents the couple left for a wedding trip. They will arrive In South Omaha today and will spend some tlmo at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Chlzek, who aro relatives of the bride. Manic City GonsIii. Thn Ladles of tho Lefler Memorial church will servo hot dinner Thursday at tho church, Miss Anna Smith entertained the Kmanon club last night at her home, 2311 A street Tho Keno Klub will give a dancing party Thursday evening at nuslung o hall, Twenty-fourth and J streets. Office space for rent in Bco office, 2318 N street. Torms reasonable. Well known location. Tel. South 27. Dr. and Mrs. II. W. Putlltz. on tho ttott Crook boulevard, entertained a party of friends at cards Monday evening. Maglo City tent No. SO, Maccabees of the World, will hold a r.ioulng at tho Cassldy hall, 40 K street, to elect offi cers for tho coming year, xnursuay, January 22. Tho first debating team of Lincoln and the second debating team of South Omaha will debate Thursday afternoon at the South Omaha high school audi torium. A Heinz luncheon will bo given Thurs day afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. A. L. Bergiiulst, Twenty-fifth and 13 streets. (Gold Bond Truo Blue Sorgo Suits Included.) (Fur Overcoats and Full Dress Suits Excepted.) This lucky purchaso spoils groat opportunity for overy man and youn g man who haa not attontlod our half-price Bala up-to-dato, and tho Importanco of oarly attendance- must bo evident to all think of such an opportunity to buy bost clothes mado at such prices. Doors Open at 7:30 A. M. for the Benefit of Men Who go to Work Early. SEE OUR GREAT HALF-PRICE WINDOW DISPLAY. DURING THIS SALE NO GOODS WILL BE CHARGED. JOHN A SWANSON.i-rss. WML MOLZMAN.Tftntjjftl CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN. A SMALL ' . CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS DURING THIS SALE. La.Grippe and Colds InLaOrippe and Colds, Antl-kamnla(A-K) Tablets are unexcelled, as they stop the pains, soothe the nerves, and bring the rest so greatly needed by nature to .restore the yitem to health. Physicians bave used these tablets lor over twenty years, In the treatment of colds, fevers and la grippe, and have found no other remedy more useful In these conditions. Antl-kamnla Tablets are so inexpensive, so pleasant to take, so sat isfactory In their results, and so useful in all conditions where there is pain, that A-K Tablets should always be kept In the bouse for the time of need. Many of our ablest physicians obtain perfect results In la grippe and colds, by cleansing the system with Ep som salts or "Actolds", a very good cathar tic, putting the patient on a limited diet, and administering one A-K tablet every two or three hours. This .treatment will usually break up the worst case in a day or two, while In milder cases, ease and comfort fol low almost Immediately. These tablets are also unexcelled for Neuralgia. Rheumatic Pains, The Pains of Women, Indigestion and insomnia. All druggists nave mem. Ctnulnm A-K Tabltlt btar tht K mark. P. S.A-K Salot for Sort: Women ond Wet Feet. Cold and wet teet -are a dangerous combination especially to women, who era more prone to kidney diseases than men. Congested kidneys come from a cold, and backache, rheumatism urinary Irregularities and rheumatic forms are not unsual results. Foley Kidney Pills restore the regular and normal action of the kidneys and bladder, and so remove the cause of the trouble. It is an honest and curative medicine .that always gives results. For sale by all dealers every where. Advertisement PAXT0N & VIERLING CO. ELECTS ITS OFFICERS The Paxton & VIerlIng Iron works held Its twenty-eighth annual meeting Tuesday and elected a board of directors and officers as follows: Directors, C. J. VIer lIng, Louis VIerlIng, A. J. VIerlIng. B. J. Scannell and F. It. VIerlIng. President. C, J. VIerlIng; vice president and man ager, A. J. VIerlIng; secretary and treas urer, Louis VIerlIng; assistant manager, F. It. VIerlIng. The Cause of nheamntlsem Is stomach trouble, lazy liver and de ranged kidneys. Try Electric Bitters. regulates liver and helps kidneys to work. GOc and $1.00. For sale by all drug gists. Advertisement. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. POLICE ARE BREATHING EASIER WITH NEW AUTO A patrol wagon that runs smoothly, quietly and offers reasonable assurance that It will bo ablo to return on Its own power Js now In service In the pollco de partment, nnd headquarters officers are now feeling easier In this behalf than they have for several years. The car Is brand new except for tho body, which was taken from the old chassis. Tho machinery Is all new and complete. No longer will the police de partment machines bo the only ones In tho city to vlolato the muffler ordinance or causo shame to tho city by eccentric behavior. The old machines were good once upon a time, but hod been rebuilt over and over again, until they woro ready to fall to pieces when taken out of service. The now patrol goes Into service today, and Immediately another patrol body will be fitted to another new chnssls and motor, so that within It month or so Omaha will havo two patrol wagons In service, and In first-class order. Stork and Cupid Cunning Plotters Mas a New Home will Hava m little Sunbeam to Brighten it. 5toP . OROWN C CeughsD XKToc'heO AUar threat Irritation and hatklnr csozh. SSc. Me and l.00. Baocarrt. JOIULHOnSASO,BMtM,ataah Culls from the Wire Charles F. Murphy of Tammany hall may be a witness In District Attorney Charles S. Whitman's John Doe inquiry Into allegations of state highway and canal contract graft lie said he was willing to testify at any time. Unusual precaution In the selection of jurors Is belngtakon by counsel for both sides In the second trial at Now York of Hans Schmidt, the German ex-prlest, ac. cused of tho murder of Anna Aurnuller. The Jury had not been completed last night at the closo of tho second day, al though 300 talesnvm nad been examined. Six Jurors wcro chosen, making ten In nil. Wilson E. Davis, a civil war veteran, was arrested In I.os Angeles yesterday on a murder charge, tho outcome of the death of William G, Wheelor. another veteran, whose body was found Janu ary 1 In the burned ruins of a house the two had occupied near the National Sol diers' Home at Sawtell, Cal. Tho arrest was made while he was trying to collect Insurance on the furnishings of the houses There Is usually a certain degree of dread tn crery woman's mind as to the probablo pain, distress and danger of child-birth. But. t banks to a most remarkable remedy known as Mother's Friend, all fear Is ban- isatd and the period is one of unbounded, Joyful anticipation. Mother's Friend Is used externally, It Is a most penetrating application, makes the muscles of tbe stomach and abdomea pliant so they expand easily and naturally without pain, without distress and with none of that peculiar nausea, norvousness and other symptoms that tend to weaken the prospective mother. Thus Cupid and the stork are held up to veneration: tbey are rated as cunning plotters to herald the coming of a little sunbeam to gladden tbe hearts and brighten the homes of a host ot happy families. There jita thtuannria 'f vnmn nhn h.. I used Mother's Friend, and thus know from experience tbat it Is one of our greatest contributions to healthy, happy mother hood. It Is sold by all druggists at 11.00 per bottle, and Is especially recommended as a preventive of caking breasts and all ctner such distresses. Write to Bradfleld Regulator Co., 131' Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, (it., for their very valuable book to expectant mothers. Get a bottle oi iiotaer s i nrna to-aay. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. M. WlMILOW'S SOOTIIINO STUDF tlBS b0 tued for over 8IXTV YJJAKBby MILLIONS of uuiiiuus lor inetr cuilukkn wjulu BOOTHKB the CHILD. SOFTSNB the OUU8, ALLAYS all PAIN CUKES WIND COLIC, and Is the beat remedy for MARRIICgA. It Is ab solutely hsrmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlni low's Soothing Syrup." and take bo elbtx A T California's hotels you meet the best people from every corner of the globe. . They have learned that no where else may one spend such a comfort able Winter as on the Pacific Coast. Think of it out-door Summer sports all Winter long. And the trip to this Summerland is an interesting one. Your vacation starts the minute your train starts, if you have selected the route of the Union Pacific STANDARD ROAD OF THE WEST Protected by automatic electric block safety signals. Five splendidly equipped trains to Calif ornia every day: . " - i For'California literature and information about train service, reservations, etc, apply to . lL- ' ' L. DEINDORFF, City Passenger and Ticket Aeat 1324 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. , , . Phone Douglas 354